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Pirate’s Treasure

One very rarely finds a game that has only one characteristic. Usually games are training two different
aspects of movement at the same time. The only one I know which only has one purpose is when
partners cross arms and swing each other around - this is a vertigo game.

Once we have trained actors in quick, light and direct movements, we can then go on to sustained,
light and direct, which is the movement quality for Pirate's Treasure. In this game the person who is
'it' sits on a chair blindfolded and the other participants, usually six at a time, creep up silently up on
him or her, steal the treasure and get back to base without the pirate pointing at them. I stand behind
the 'pirate' and it is my judgement whether he or she is accurately pointing to another player. The
training of the sustainment is important. The reason people give themselves away is because they
don't sustain their movement but move in blocks, stopping and starting. It is when they start again
that they will creak the floorboards, or their knees crack. This is not an easy movement unless you
happen to be that way by nature. Once again, this movement quality features in the plays of

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