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3B/33, Drug Employees CHS, Pokhran Road No.

1, Oppposite J K Gram, Near

Cadbury Junction, Thane (W) 400 604
Mobile: 9920461282, 9892831668
Email: Web:
This rating system having following criteria mainly

1) Sustainable sites
2) Water and energy efficiency
3) Material resources
4) Indoor environmental quality
5) Transportation and land use planning.
6) Infrastructure resource management
7) Innovation and design.

Best Practices : Certified rating. : 50 – 59 Points

Outstanding Performance : Silver rating. : 60 – 69 Points
National Excellence : Gold rating. : 70 – 79 Points
Global Leadership : Platinum rating. : 80 – 100 Points
1) Online Registration of the project.

2) Submission of design stage documents.

3) Evaluation & review report sent to client by IGBC within 30 working days

4) Resubmission of the documents to IGBC

5) Issue of precertificate.

6) Submission of final stage documents to IGBC

7) Evaluation & issue of final certificate

Site Selection & Planning
SSP mandatory criteria 1 Local Building Regulations Required

SSP mandatory criteria 2 Soil Erosion control Required

SSP Credit 1 Basic house hold amenities 2

SSP Credit 2 Natural topography or vegetation : 15 %, 25 % 4

SSP Credit 3 Heat island effect, Non roof : 50 %, 75 % 2

SSP Credit 4 Heat Island effect , Roof : 50 %, 75 % 4

SSP Credit 5 Parking facilities for visitors : 10 % 1

SSP Credit 6 Electric charging facility for vehicles : 5 % 1

SSP Credit 7 Design for differently abled 2

SSP Credit 8 Basic facilities for construction workforce 2

SSP Credit 9 Green Home guidelines , Design & post occupancy 1 ( Total 19 )
Water Efficiency
WE Mandatory criteria 1 Rain water harvesting roof & non roof : 25 % Required

WE Mandatory criteria 2 Water Efficient plumbing fixtures Required

WE Credit 1 Landscape design : 20 % 40 % 4

WE Credit 2 Management of Irrigation systems 1

WE Credit 3 Rain water harvesting roof & non roof : 50 % , 75 % 4

WE Credit 4 Water Efficient plumbing fixtures : 25 %, 35 % 4

WE Credit 5 Waste water treatment & Reuse : 100 % & 50 % , 95 % 4

WE Credit 6 Water Metering 1 ( Total 18 )

Energy Efficiency
EE Mandatory criteria 1 CFC Free Equipment Required

EE Mandatory criteria 2 Minimum Energy Performance Required

EE Credit 1 Enhanced Energy Performance : 3-20 % 10

EE Credit 2 On site renewable energy : 2.5 %, 5 %, 7.5 % 6

EE Credit 3 Solar water heating system 4

EE Credit 4 Energy saving measures in other appliances & equipment 2

EE Credit 5 Distributed power generation 2

EE Credit 6 Energy Metering 1 ( Total 25 )

Materials & Resources
MR Mandatory criteria 1 Separation of house hold waste Required

MR Credit 1 Organic waste management, Post Occupancy : 4

MR Credit 2 Handling of construction waste materials : 50 %, 95 % 2

MR Credit 3 Reuse of salvaged materials : 4

MR Credit 4 Materials with recycled content : 10 % ,20 % 2

MR Credit 5 Local materials : 25 %, 50 % 2

MR Credit 6 Rapidly renewable building materials & certified wood : 50 , 75 % 4 ( Total 16 )

Indoor Environmental Quality

IEQ Mandatory criteria 1 Tobacco smoke control Required

IEQ Mandatory criteria 2 Minimum Day lighting : 50 % Required

IEQ Mandatory criteria 3 Fresh air ventilation Required

IEQ Credit 1 Enhanced Day lighting : 75 %, 95 % 4

IEQ Credit 2 Enhanced Fresh air ventilation 2

IEQ Credit 3 Exhaust system 2

IEQ Credit 4 Low VOC paints & Adhesives 2

IEQ Credit 5 Building Flush out 1

IEQ Credit 6 Cross Ventilation 4 ( Total 15 )

Innovation & Design process
ID credit 1 Innovation & design Process 4

ID credit 2 IGBC Accredited Professional 1 ( Total 5)

Total 100 Points

Points highlighted in red colour are the extra requirements, apart from EC requirements

IGBC Extra Requirements Approximate Costing (200 flats)

1) Provision of electric charging facility for 5 % parking capacity - 5000
2) Provision of 3 no of water meters 2500 x 3 = 7500
3) Provision of 3 no of Energy meters 2500 x 3 = 7500
4) Provision of Exhaust fan in each toilet & kitchen 2,00,000
5) Provision of 2.5 % ( of total connected load) renewable energy by using solar PV cells -

Total costing - 39,20,000

If we provides, Point no 1,2, & 3 requirements, we can achieve Silver rated IGBC certificate.

If we provides, Point no 1,2,3 & 4 we can achieve Gold rated IGBC certificate.

For Platinum rated Certificate we have to provide all the requirements.

Benefits of IGBC Certification

a) To Developer –
• Saving of time, money, by using efficient construction technologies ex, ready
mix, precast etc.
• Increases the product value in market.
• Reduction in construction material waste, reuse of material.
• Reduction in construction water use.

b) To Residents -
• Concession in property tax.
• Water and energy saving.
• Improves indoor air quality.
• Proper ventilation and sufficient day lighting.
• Climate suitable designing, roof insulation for heat resistance.

c) To Workers
• Facilities like accommodation, drinking water, sanitary facilities etc.
• Health care facilities, health check ups, mobile crèche facility.
• Get all the required health safety equipments.

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