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J Pediatr Rev. 2014;2(1):29-38 DOI: 10.


Journal of Pediatrics Review
Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences

Update on Infantile Haemangioma

Zohreh Hajheydari1*
Soheila Shahmohammadi2
Rezvan Talaee3
Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Journal of Pediatrics Review Office, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran


Article type: Infantile Haemangiomas (IH) are the most common vascular tumors
Review Article occurring in early childhood, with a prevalence of approximately 5-
10% of infants. These vascular tumors are divided into two main
Article history: groups including; infantile haemangioma and vascular malformations.
Received: 31 August 2013 Although, haemangioma of infancy are common, benign and self-
Revised: 24 September 2013 limited tumors, a significant percent of these lesions are associated with
Accepted: 2 November 2013 substantial morbidity in infancy and childhood.
All currently used treatments have significant risks. Dramatic
Keywords: improvement of complicated haemangioma of infancy to propranolol
Beta-Blockers, Propranolol, was recently reported.
Infantile, Haemangiomas Here in, we review infantile haemangioma as a whole with focus on the
therapeutic efficacy of systemic and topical propranolol as a beta- blockers for the management of infantile haemangioma.

Infantile haemangioma (IH) is the most female infants. Female Infants are suffering
common vascular tumor that develops from IH three to four folds more than male
following proliferation of endothelial cells with infants. Premature and low birth weight infants
different names such as Haemgioblastoma, are more at risk of Haemangiomas. IH is
capillary Haemangioma, Strawberry Navi, developed in premature neonates 30% versus 5-
Hypertrophic Haemangioma, and Benign 10% of all infants.3-6
Haemangioendotheliomas.1,2 IH occurs with an Proposed treatment modalities in medical
incidence of 5-10% in the infancy. About 1 in textbooks and literature review are various.
20 children bear one type of haemangiomas. IH Propranolol, a well- known antihypertensive
are more common among twins, Caucasians and drug has been serendipitously noted to control
*Corresponding Author: Zohreh Hajheydari MD., Associate Professor of Dermatology
Mailing Address: Department of Dermatology, Bouali Sina Hospital, Pasdaran boulevard, Sari, Mazandaran
Province/IR Iran
Tel: +98 151 2233011-15
Fax: +98 151 2234506
Update on Infantile Haemangioma

the growth of haemangiomas. Beta-blockers are and then differentiates into endothelial cells and
a class of drugs used for various indications, pericytes. Involution initiates at the end of
mainly for the management of cardiac proliferative phase, usually around one year and
arrhythmia, hypertension, migraines headaches continue for several years. Differentiation and
and tremors. The therapeutic activity of beta- apoptosis of endothelial cells is pursued by
blockers is attributed to the blockade of β1- lobar deposition of fibrofatty tissue and the
adrenergic receptors (β1 –ARS) that are vessels remain more dilated in this phase. In the
principally expressed in cardiac tissue. β2- AR involuted phase, haemangioma converted to
is expressed in the bronchial smooth muscle of fibrofatty tissue and vessels are sparse.10
the lung and other tissues and resembles β1-AR
in its molecular and pharmalogical effects. The Clinical manifestations and prognosis of the
β-ARS a family of G-protein-coupled receptors disease
that are activated by β-adrenergic agonists can Most of haemangiomas were not visible at birth
initiate a series of signaling cascades, thus and they become obvious as superficial and red
leading to multiple, cell specific responses. color pallor skin lesions during the first days or
Β-adrenergic signaling plays a role in basic within the first weeks of life. The lesions may
developmental processes including the control involve each part of the skin, but the most
of cell proliferation, differentiation and common site of lesions are presented on head
migration. According to this connection, and neck 60%, trunk 25% and extremities 15%
emerging evidence suggests that β-blockers respectively.11 Haemangiomas lesions are
significantly reduce the proliferation either in classified into three categories:
vitro or in vivo, angiogenesis and metastasis of 1. Superficial lesions can be identified as
the most common human cancers, including bright red nodule or papule that make
adenocarcinoma of the breast, lung, pancreases, white with pressure.
prostate, colon, stomach and IH.7 2. Deep lesions in which the color changes
are dependent to the depth of the lesions
Pathogenesis that may be change to blue, purple or no
Although the pathogenesis of haemangiomas is color with pressure.
not clear, genetic factors have been suggested. 3. Combination of the two superficial and
Both angiogenesis and vasculogenesis have deep haemangiomas lesions
play a role in the pathogenesis of the IH.8 IH is About 77% of haemangiomas are localized,
originated from endothelial stem cell and 18% segmental and 5% multifocal.12, 13
subsequently proliferate during vasculogenesis Although each lesion has its specific growth
and migration of endothelial precursor cell to pattern, most of them have six clinical stages
the area of new vessel formation following including:
maturation of the cells.9 1. Nascent
Haemangiomas develop during three phases: 2. Early proliferative
Proliferation, involution and involuted. The 3. Late proliferative
proliferative phase begins from shortly after 4. Plateau
birth and lasts to one year. It is usually shorter 5. Involution
but seldom longer. During this phase, rapid 6. Abortive12, 14,15
proliferation of new blood vessels occurs One of the obvious sign of haemangiomas is
arising in form of clonal primitive stem cells their rapid growth within early weeks of life in

30 J Pediatr Rev. 2014;2(1)

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infant that parents may become concerned abnormalities). These lesions may resist to
about it. The most rapid growth of IH occurs on topical therapy and need multidisciplinary
average at 5.5 to 7.5 weeks and 80% of consultation and referring the patients to a
haemangiomas obtain their maximum growth in related specialist. 18
five months of life.11 Deeper haemangiomas LUMBAR syndrome presents with segmental
tend to grow for longer time, while the haemangiomas on the lower extremities and
superficial lesions involute earlier. Segmental associated with these complications: lower
haemangiomas grow more rapidly than focal extremities haemangiomas and other cutaneous
type under 6 months. Eighty- five to 90% of IH defects, urogenital anomalies, ulceration,
are self-limited and have no side effects in most myelopathy, bone deformities, anorectal
cases. Lesions which lead to remarkable malformations, arterial anomalies and renal
deformity and malformation need earlier and anomalies.19
faster treatment. These lesions are usually Reticular haemangiomas defined as arrested
located on forehead, glabella, or central growth haemangiomas on lower extremities are
face>0.5cm in diameter, Nasal tip (Cyrano also associated with LUMBAR syndrome.
deformity), pinna, eyebrow and eyelid, any Reticular haemangiomas typically in female
superficial thick haemangiomas of an area that infants are differentiated with ulcerative
is not easily covered by clothing, lip and haemangiomas mainly localized on the lower
perioral (may ulcerate and scar), and neck fold extremities, buttocks or perineal area. The
(may ulcerate and scar).10 ulcerative lesions heal following scar
Lesions with pain and threatening the function formation.20
of vital organs or associated with more serious Infantile hepatic haemangiomas are
anomaly are also require to be treated. This histologically benign, clinically are usually
classification can be helpful in decision making silent and vascular proliferations occur in the
for the treatment of haemangioma before setting of cutaneous hemangiomatosis.
developing complications and serious sequel.10 Although in most cases are asymptomatic, they
Amblyopia is the most common ophthalmic may be recognized accidentally on prenatal or
side effect of IH in periocular area that occur in postnatal imaging studies. A few of hepatic
40-60% of IH Patients.16,17 Most frequent haemangiomas are able to produce high output
complication of haemangiomas is ulceration heart failure, hepatic failure, abdominal
that more commonly developed in ano-genital, compartment syndrome or consumptive
lower lip and neck areas that may lead to hypothyroidism secondary to production of
significant blood loss, pain and tendency to type III iodothyronine deiodinase. These kinds
secondary infection. of haemangiomas can be divided into three
Other systematic complications associated with forms: focal, multifocal or diffuse. Multifocal
multifocal haemangiomas (more than five are the most common form and often associated
cutaneous lesions) are included: visceral with multiple cutaneous IH.21 However, most of
involvement such as liver haemangioma, hepatic haemangiomas have no need to be
haemangiomas which lead to high- output heart treated.
failure and large segmental facial
haemangiomas that is as a part of the PHACE Diagnosis
syndrome (Posterior fossa malformations, Most of the lesions are superficial and can be
Haemangioma, arterial abnormalities, cardiac easily recognized clinically. There are several
defect/ aortic coarctiation and Eye diagnostic methods for the lesions with unusual

J Pediatr Rev. 2014;2(1) 31

Update on Infantile Haemangioma

appearance and abnormal growth pattern. Some and especially the stage of healing of the
of these diagnostic methods include: Magnetic lesions.
Resonance Imaging (MRI), computer Full recovery gets in 50% of cases during 5
Tomography (CT), Sonography, angiography years and in 90% within 9 years of the first of
and measurement of serum Vascular life. Almost in 10% of cases, medical
Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and urinary interventions are needed that included: 4, 27
Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (BFGF) Rapid growth of facial haemangiomas with
markers of IH. malformation, ano-genital haemangiomas,
Biopsy from the lesions is necessary in cases of ophthalmic haemangiomas, oropharynx and
abnormal appearance or orbital lesions. 22-25 larynx, ulceration of the lesions associated with
secondary infection or not, Kasabach- Meritte
Differential diagnosis Syndrome, diffused haemangiomas, heart
There are various vascular tumors that mimic failure and acute bleeding due to trauma.
the appearance of IH. Vascular malformations Based on the guidelines of Care for
have to be differentiated from IH. The lesions Haemangiomas of Infancy published in the
are non-proliferative and usually persist without Journal of American academy of Dermatology,
regression which may enlarge with the patient's the main goals of management are as follows:
growth. The most common vascular prevention or reversal of life threatening side
malformation on head and neck is the capillary effects or functional- threaten complications,
malformation that is also included: navus prevention of permanent malformations
flammeus or port-wine stain. This lesion could reducing of psychological stress for the patients
be associated with sturge- weber syndrome. and their family, avoidance of aggressive
Their clinical appearance is similar to IH, but interventions in lesions with high-quality
don’t be light with pressure. prognosis without treatment prevention or
The other differential diagnoses include: treatment of ulceration to reduce scarring,
kaposiform haemangioendotheliomas as rare infection and pain.28
invasive vascular tumor with rapid growth. The medical interventions of IH depend on the
Tufted angiomas are benign cutaneous and sub- size and location of the lesions, age of the
cutaneous tumors with slow and progressive patients, age of the lesion indicating the stage of
growth.8 Both of these haemangiomas may be IH and potential risk for sequelae of the lesions.
associated with Kasabach- Merritt Syndrome.26 All of these factors should be considered before
final appropriate decision for treatment.8
Management Although, there is no gold standard treatment
Given that the prognosis of haemangiomas are for IH, systemic steroid is the most common
usually benign and are resolved spontaneously, treatment that is associated with various
the patients can be followed-up without toxicities in children such as failure to thrive,
therapeutic intervention and parents should be hypertension and hypertrophic obstructive
alert that non-intervention can lead to achieve cardiomyopathy. Current therapeutic
the best results. implications include: Systemic steroid,29
Regular referring for measurement of the Intralesional steroids,30, 31 Topical steroids,32
lesions and performing photography can be Interferon- alpha,33 Vincristine,8
helpful to identify the prognosis of the disease cyclophosphamide,8 Laser therapy,8, 30, 34 and

32 J Pediatr Rev. 2014;2(1)

Hajheydari z. et al

Cryotherapy,35 Surgery,36 and Beta Topical steroids with high therapeutic efficacy
blockers.4,27,35-44 such as Clobetasol Propionate 0.05% once to
twice per day or Halobetasol Propionate 0.05%
A. Systemic steroid and/or Betamethasone Di-Propionate are used
Corticosteroids are the first line of treatment for for periocular lesions. Although topical steroids
life-threatening IH and functional- threaten of have no serious side effects of systemic
an organ. The aim of treatment with systematic steroids, they are associated with other
corticosteroids was to prevent the growth of complications such as atrophy,
haemangiomas and decreasing their hypopigmentation, hypertrichosis, glaucoma
progression. So, the rapid phase of IH growth is and cataract.32
the best time for treatment. The standard
treatment is oral prednisolone given at a dose of D. Interferon- alpha
2-4 mg/kg up to 6 months, and 1-2 mg/kg of Life-threatening cases of IH that are
body weight (maximum of 60 mg) at monthly unresponsiveness to systemic steroid therapy
intervals. The dose depended on the age of the can be treated by subcutaneous interferon-
patient and size of the lesion. Clinical response alpha. Severe side effects of treatment with
can usually be observed within 2-4 weeks. After interferon- alpha are neutropenia and spastic
that, treatment should be continued with diplegia.33
previous dose for 1 to 2 months and then
gradually ceased within 4 to 6 weeks. Rapid E. Vincristine
termination of the treatment may lead to Vincristine is an alkaloid agent that is used in
exacerbation of the lesions.29 chemotherapy and causes apoptosis of the cells.
In spite of the high therapeutic response rate, It is used as a steroid- sparing for the treatment
the following side effects are developed in 35% of IH. The side effects of vincristine composed
of cases: failure to thrive, cushingoid of: peripheral neuropathy, constipation, jaw
appearance, irritability and behavioral changes. pain and haematologic toxicity.8
A mixture of betamethasone 6mg/ml and
triamcinolone 40 mg/ml in a 1:1 ratio is injected F. Laser therapy
international, with a volume of 1-2 ml, Laser therapy is one of the non-medical
depending on the size of the lesion. Local modalities of treatment used in IH. Different
complications include risk of ophthalmic artery kinds of laser including argon laser, Nd-YAG
embolization, fat atrophy, calcification, laser, CO2 laser, fractional photothermolysis
cutaneous hypopigmentation and full thickness and pulsed dye laser (PDL) were employed.
eyelid necrosis. Among these lasers, PDL with wavelength
585/nm was used for the treatment of
B. Intralesional steroids superficial haemangiomas and telangectasia
Intralesional injection of triamsinolone following the improvement of lesions
asetionide 3-5 mg/kg for 4-6 weeks into the successfully. Treatment is made up to 8
lesions localized at vital area such as around the sessions or more every 1-2 months.8, 34
eyes can lead to the decrease of the lesions. In a study by Hohenleutner et al., PDL arrested
Combination of triamsinolone and IH progression of 97% of cases, completely
30, 31
betametazone can be more effective. recovered 14% and partially regression
occurred in 15%.30
C. Topical steroids

J Pediatr Rev. 2014;2(1) 33

Update on Infantile Haemangioma

It is proven that Nd-YAG laser is effective for epinephrine mediated vasodilatation and this
deeper lesions with a significant scarring. leads to vasoconstriction of endothelial cells.49
Angiogenesis is vital for tumor growth and
G. Surgery progression.7 Basic fibroblast factor and
Surgery may be the best or the sole treatment in vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) are
cases with risk of Kasabach- Merritt Syndrome two major proangiogenic factors that increase
or hepatic haemangiomas that had no response during the growth phase of haemangiomas and
to medical treatment. Surgical approach may be current studies have shown VEGF is decreased
selective for the treatment of localized by β-blockers like propranolol that leads to the
haemangiomas of the upper eyelid or nose tip.36 inhibition of angiogenesis.50 Cell proliferation
control of tumors may be an effective treatment
H. Beta blockers strategies. The Epinephrine and nore-
In 2008, following the treatment of obstructive epinephrine neurotransmitters can induce cell
hypertrophic cardiomayopathy with oral proliferation in different cancer types. These
propranolol 3mg/kg/day in a child with co- effects are mediated primarily via beta-2
existing nasal infantile haemangiomas, there adrenergic receptor activation in cyclic
was a concurrent improvement of adenosine monophosphatase– protein kinase
haemangiomas. Over the last few years, (CAMP-PKA) signaling pathway in tumor
propranolol, as a non- selective β-blockers that cells. Propranolol can inhibits proliferation of
has equal affinity for both β1 and β2 receptors tumors.51,52
by acting on multiple tissues has become Apoptosis is a type of cell death with features
increasingly a widespread successful during that are different from those of necrosis.53, 54 It
medication and choice with fewer side effects has been hypothesized that β-1 adrenoreceptor
than other current treatment for IH.4 Several is one of the probable receptors involved in
other case reports and studies have been done apoptosis and propranolol blocking the β-1
with similar results. 4, 27, 37- 46 adrenoreceptor induces apoptosis at an
Based on recent studies, β2 adrenergic receptors increased rate.55
have been found in capillary endothelial cells of A precise history and physical examination to
haemangiomas.47 The mechanism of action of exclude reactive airway or cardiac disease and
propranolol in the treatment of haemangiomas blood pressure are necessary to initiate of
is thought to be by the three following different treatment with beta-blockers. Initial dosing of
molecular mechanisms: vasoconstriction, propranolol starts at 0.5 mg/kg/ per/day divided
inhibition of angiogenesis and induction of three times daily. Increasing the dose of
apoptosis.48 vasoconstriction leads to immediate propranolol to a maximum of 1-3 mg/kg/day for
changes in the IH due to decrease blood flow 3-12 months has been successfully used for the
from the capillaries feedings the IH and can be treatment of IH. Some clinicians continue the
observed as color, lightening and softening treatment up to beginning regression of the
within the first three days of initiating of lesions or their complete repair.46
treatment. Epinephrine as an autonomic nervous Several case reports and series including
system mediator plays a key role in the control periocular cases have demonstrated positive
of both vasoconstriction and vasodilatation by results from moderate regression to 100% arrest
activating both the α-1 receptors and β2 of progression of the IH lesions.4, 56, 57
receptors. β-blockers like propranolol inhibit

34 J Pediatr Rev. 2014;2(1)

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The probable complications of propranolol is and transient headache, symptomatic

composed of: somnolence, gastro- esophageal bradycardia and the dermatologic side effects of
reflux, allergic reaction, respiratory syncytial Timolol include alopecia, psoriasis form rash,
virus (RSV), exacerbation, insomnia, agitation, urticaria and contact allergy and angioedema.60-
nightmares, profused sweats, asthma onset,
cold hands, hypotension, gastrointestinal upset, Intralesional injection of β-blockers has been
intermittent fatigue, spitting, shaking episodes performed by Awadein et al. in 2011 to evaluate
following missing dose, hypoglycemia, the effectiveness of propranolol for the
diarrhea, sleep change and bradycardia.58 treatment of periocular capillary
Hypoglycemia is the most serious reported side haemangiomas. In this prospective,
effect of propranolol following its use for uncontrolled non-randomized study, they
infantile haemangiomas.59 No significant compared the effect of intralesional
cardiovascular morbidity has been revealed in a triamcinolone 40mg/ml with intralesional
study performed on paediatric β-blocker propranolol 1mg/ml (up to 1 ml). In this study,
toxicity.60 they have found similar results with no side
Topical beta-blockers have been also effects and suggested further investigation to
investigated in an effort to reduce the systemic explore the safety and efficacy of intralesional
side effects of oral propranolol. Topical Timolol in addition to intravascular beta-blocker
Maleate ophthalmic drop is a non-selective beta therapy.67
adrenergic receptor antagonist that has been
used for treatment of glaucoma in children and Conclusions
adults 30 years ago. Currently, topical Timolol There are clear evidences about therapeutic
has been reported in use for the treatment of effects of propranolol in IH. Alternatively,
cutaneous haemangiomas. The available systemic and local steroids, alpha-interferon,
formulation of Timolol in Us is ophthalmic Jel- vincristine, cyclophosfomide, surgical excision
forming solution 0.25% and 0.5%. Applying and laser are the other therapeutic managements
topical timolol 0.5% twice daily for treatment with their own side effects.
of IH causing significant astigmatism was Propranolol is the first line of treatment of IH in
associated with significant improvement in the many therapeutic centers because of its lower
size, thickness and color of the IH with any side complications and response rate.
effects.61, 62 Other beta-blockers such as nadalol, acebutolol,
In a retrospective study performed in five atenolol, and topical timolol have been showed
academic centers on 73 patients with to be effective; however the majority of reports
haemangiomas, the results revealed that are related to propranolol.35 The early,
prolonged administration of Timolol 0.5% had intermediate and long-term effects of
been effective for treatment of superficial propranolol on IH can be attributed to three
haemangiomas. The mean duration of treatment different pharmacological targets. Early effects
was 4.5 months and only one newborn had no are attributable to vasoconstriction due to
response to the therapy. decreased release of nitric oxide. Intermediate
The age of the patients did not have influence effects are due to the blocking of proangiogenic
on therapeutic response and no rebound signals (vascular endothelial growth factor,
occurred after cessation of the treatment. basic fibroblast growth factor, matrix
Systemic complications following prolonged metalloproteinase) and result in growth arrest.
use of eye drops include apnea, asthma, mild

J Pediatr Rev. 2014;2(1) 35

Update on Infantile Haemangioma

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