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ARRO (Paul, C2020) claims and the cadastral court confirmed the title of the lots and
Feb. 16, ’50 | Padilla, J. | Compelling Trustee via Specific Performance registered them in the name of Jose Yulo.
PETITIONER: Dolores Pacheco, guardian of minors Concepcion, Alicia, 5. Eventually, the street names were indeed changed by the
Herminia Yulo (Successors-in-interest of deceased Jose Yulo) Municipality, and Jose Yulo donated some of the lands but not all.
RESPONDENTS (DEFENDANT-CLAIMANTS): Santiago Arro, et. al, 6. The defendants claimants now are the ones whose lands have not
Demetria Firmeza yet been ceded, and when they went to Jose, they found out he
was dead, and his now Attorney Rodriguez, said that Jose did not
SUMMARY: In the civil case in the cadastral court in the CFI of want to sign the deeds because he claims that the defendants
Occidental Negros, respondents herein were claiming their lots as their were ungrateful to him for not supporting him in the last
property, and were already presenting evidence to support their claims. elections.
Dr. Mariano Yulo, who then represented Jose Yulo, promised that after 7. Petitioners now are trying to argue that first, the agreement
the change of names of the Zamora and Quennon Streets in Isabela, to made by Mariano Yulo on behalf of Jose Yulo has prescribed.
the names of Jose Yulo's parents - T. Yulo and G. Regalado streets - he Second, Jose Yulo was a mere trustee. Therefore, he does not have
will convey and assign the lots to the defendants. Because of this, the title of the subject property because the title is actually with
defendant-claimants withdrew their claims in court and the court the cestui que trust. This means that Jose cannot be compelled in
confirmed the title to Jose Yulo. The names of the streets were indeed an action for specific performance to convey or assign the said lots
changed and Jose Yulo then started to convey some of the lots by deed of because the said action can only compel the owner or the one who
donation to some of the claimants. Petitioners (successors-in-interest of has the title of the property.
Jose Yulo because he died before the case was resolved), were then saying 8. The CA ruled in favor of the defendant-claimants and ordered
that since they were mere trustees, they do not have the titles to it, and Jose Yulo to convey the disputed lots to them.
an action for specific performance can only compel the true owner of the
land. The SC held that this argument cannot stand because a trust is a ISSUES:
fiduciary relationship that cannot be confused with specific performance 1. W/N Petitioners can be compelled by Specific
because the mere assertions of the title - the final decree of the cadastral Performance? - YES
court holding Jose Yulo to be the owner of the land - cannot prevail over 2. W/N the Statute of Frauds can apply to this case? NO
the promises made which resulted in the trust.
RULING: The judgment under review is affirmed, with costs against the
DOCTRINE: The judicial concept of a trust involves, arises from, or is petitioner
the result of a fiduciary relationship between the trustee and the
cestui que trust as regards certain property - real, personal, funds, money, RATIO:
or actions. This must not be confused with the action of specific 1. The judicial concept of a trust involves, arises from, or is the
performance. result of a fiduciary relationship between the trustee and the
cestui que trust as regards certain property - real, personal,
funds, money, or actions.
2. This must not be confused with the action of specific
1. Defendants herein, claimed ownership of several plots of land, in
a cadastral case in the CFI of Occidental Negros.
3. When the defendant-claimants withdrew their claims in the
2. In the case before the CFI, the defendants were already
cadastral case because of the promise made by Dr. Mariano Yulo
presenting evidence to support their claims.
in behalf of Jose Yulo, a trust or fiduciary relation between
3. Dr. Mariano Yulo then, representing Jose Yulo, promised in open
the parties was created.
court that after the names of Zamora and Quennon Streets in
4. The trustee now cannot invoke the Statute of Limitations
Isabela were changed to the names of Jose’s parents - T. Yolo and
(prescription) to bar the action and defeat the rights of the cestui
G. Regalado Streets - Jose would convey and assign the lots to the
que trust.
5. If the SC would uphold the arguments of the petitioners, it would
4. Relying on this promise, defendant-claimants withdrew their
mean that the mere final decree of the cadastral court which
declared Jose Yulo to be the owner would prevail over the
promises made by Mariano Yulo which caused the defendant-
claimants to withdraw their claims anyway.
6. This would mean that actions to compel a party to assign or
convey the undivided shares in a parcel of land registered in his
name to his co-owner/heir can no longer be brought and no longer
succeed and propser.

Minor issues on admissibility of the transcript of the lower court

(their promises therein)
7. Moreover, the promises made in the lower court was put in the
original transcript and was part of the record, and thus, part of
the basis used by the cadastral court in rendering its decision.
8. No objection was also made before and it cannot be questioned
now before the SC.
9. To add, Jose Yulo has partially complied by executing deeds of
donations or assignments to some of the claimants and is
therefore a strong proof of corroboration.

Personal analysis (6 out of the 7 pages of the case are in Spanish - what
happened in the CA and only the super detailed version of the 1 page in
English at the end, and because google translate was also vague haha): I
guess just remember the essence of what a trust is. Basically, what the
SC is saying is that if they uphold what the petitioners are trying to
argue, then the concept of trust is useless because in trust, the trustee
holds the title for the trustor. Therefore, if they simply disregard the
promises made in the cadastral court and just merely look at the names
in the title as decreed by the lower court, then the there would be great
injustice because a trust was created when Mariano promised the lands
to defendant-claimants, and caused the latter to withdraw their claims in
the first place.
58 Phil. 700 (1933) 1. While in the contract in question the Philippine Trust Company
was usually referred to as trustee, nowhere in the deed of trust
Petitioners: TAN SENGUAN & CO., INC
between Mindoro Sugar Co and PhilTrust was PhilTrust given
any authority to enter into a contract such as is here presented.
The Philippine Trust Company held the legal title to the
DOCTRINE: When the transaction at hand could have been entered into
properties of the Mindoro Sugar Company to protect the bond
by a trustee either as such or in his individual capacity, then it must be
holders. So far as the Philippine Trust Company was concerned, it
clearly indicated that the liabilities arising therefrom shall be chargeable
was not authorized to manage the affairs of the Mindoro Sugar
to the trust estate, otherwise, they are due from the trustee in his
Company or to enter into contracts in its behalf.
personal capacity.
2. Even if the contract had been authorized by the trust indenture,
the Philippine Trust Company in its individual capacity would
FACTS still be responsible for the contract as there was no express
1. In a deed of trust, Mindoro Sugar Company and PhilTrust stipulation that the true estate and not the true trustee should be
entered into a trust agreement where PhilTrust (trustee) will hold held liable on the contract in question.
in trust the real estate, franchises, and personal property of 3. Not only is there no express stipulation that the trustee should
Mindoro Sugar Company(trustor). The trust was created to not be held responsible but in the "Wherefore" clause of the
protect protect certain bonds to be issued by the Mindoro Sugar contract, the judgment was expressly assigned in favor of the
Company and to be purchased by the Philippine Trust Company. Philippine Trust Company, not the Philippine Trust Company,
2. Later, TanSenguan & Co. secured a judgment against the trustee. TanSenguan can go after PhilTrust on its contract and
Mindoro Sugar Company; and sold, transferred, and assigned has no claim against either the Mindoro Sugar Company or the
that judgment to PhilTrust. trust estate.
3. In the contract between TanSenguan and PhilTrust, PhilTrust
was referred to as 'trustee' (of Mindoro Sugar Company). One of RULING: The judgment of the Court of First Instance is therefore
the stipulations in the contract states: "xxx 2. The Philippine reversed, and a judgment will be entered in favor of plaintiff- appellant
Trust Company, Trustee, agrees that should the Mindoro Sugar and against defendant-appellee in the sum of P10,000, with legal interest
Co., be sold, assigned or its ownership transferred in any manner from the 8th of October, 1931, until paid, and with costs in both instances
whatsoever to any person or entity including the Philippine Trust against defendant-appellee. So ordered
Company, Trustee, itself, it shall pay to Tan Sen Guan & Co., an
additional sum of ten thousand (10,000) pesos, said amount to be
paid immediately upon the perfection of said sale or transfer and
irrespective to the amount which might be paid for it."
4. The properties of Mindoro Sugar Co. were sold at an auction to
the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila so TanSenguan is
claiming its Php10K, which was stated in their agreement.
PhilTrust refused to pay. TanSenguan sued PhilTrust to collect
the Php10K.
5. CFI ruled in favor of PhilTrust and absolved it from paying the
Php10. CFI said that in the contract PhilTrust was bound only as
a trustee and not as an individual. TanSenguan appealed the CFI
decision, hence the case at bar.

ISSUE: Is PhilTrust personally liable for the Php10K?-- YES

RIZAL SURETY & INSURANCE v. CA (Tsang, D2021) balance kept in bank in trust for future settlement via court or
261 SCRA 69 (1996) compromise.
9. CB authorized Transocean & Repacom to transfer insurance
Petitioner: Rizal Surety & Insurance Company (Rizal Insurance)
balance ($718,078.2) into interest-bearing dollar account with
Respondent: CA & Transocean Transport Corporation (Transocean)
local bank.
a. Repacom & Transocean requested Rizal to remit balance
Doctrine: Express trusts are created by direct and positive acts of the
to PNB
parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words either expressly or
10. Rizal would effect request if both unconditionally & absolutely
impliedly evincing an intention to create a trust.
release it from all liabilities by executing Loss & Subrogation
Receipt (LSR).
Facts: 11. Parties submitted revised LSR to OSG, who demanded Rizal as
1. 1961 - Reparations Commission (Repacom) sold to Transocean funds trustee, with obligation to deposit to an interest bearing
vessel “M/V Transocean Shipper” for 20 annual installments. acct., to pay interest on dollar balance, as authorized by CB in a
2. 1974, vessel was insured with Rizal insurance for $3.5M (P23M) letter.
under 2 Marine Hule Policies. Repacom was named as insured. 12. Rizal rejected OSG’s demand asserting:
a. Rizal insurance RE-insured vessel with foreign insurance 13. No trust relationship, express/implied, involved in the
firm. transaction;
3. 1975, vessel lost in Mediterranean sea, Repacom filed claims. 14. No obligation to transfer dollar deposit into interest bearing
a. Partial compromise agreement (PCA1) entered between account because CB authorization given to repacom & not them
Repacom and Transocean for the insurance proceeds a. Transocean & Repacom sent Rizal duly executed LSR.
4. Anticipating insurance proceeds, Transocean requested Central 15. Final Compromise agreement entered by Transocean & Repacom,
Bank (CB) to allow it to retain dollar insurance proceeds for who transferred to Transocean all its proceeds rights in
3mos., to enable it to complete its study & decide how to utilize consideration of P1M. Dollar balance remitted to PNB to
such. Transocean’s acct.
a. CB granted with condition: Proceeds deposited with local 16. Transocean sent demand letter for interest on dollar balance to
bank in special dollar account until 6/31/1975 Rizal & Prudential, which neither replied nor complied with.
5. Transocean & Repacom requested Rizal Insurance to pay a. Transocean filed RTC for collection of unearned interest.
proceeds in their joint names, despite problems with amount of 17. RTC: Trust relationship existed between Rizal (trustee) &
each claim. Transocean + Repacom (beneficiaries). Rizal to pay interest at 6%.
a. CB authorized Rizal to receive foreign currency proceeds a. Both appealed CA affirmed.
from English reinsurance firm & deposit it with local 18. Rizal Insurance appealed to SC: LSR unconditionally &
bank in a non -interest bearing acct. jointly in Transocean absolutely released it from all its liabilities under marine hull
& repacom’s name. policies.
6. CB authorized Rizal to receive & deposit $ proceeds in a non-
interest bearing acct. in Rizal Insurance’s name for insured’s joint Issues: WON Rizal insurance was a trustee? - YES
7. 1976, Rizal informed Transocean & Repacom entire insurance: Held: Petition Denied
a. P2,614,150.00 from local insurance companies
b. $3,083,850.00 from Rizal Insurance’s London insurance Ratio: Parties intended entire dollar insurance proceeds be held
broker, deposited in non-interest bearing account as in trust by RIZAL for the benefit of Transocean & Repacom.
authorized by CB 1. Facts sufficiently manifest intention between Transocean &
i. Both deposited with Prudential Bank Manila. Repacom on one hand and Rizal, on the other, to create a trust.
8. Transocean & Repacom entered into a PCA2 to distribute 2. Trust relationship existed. Intention to create trust relation
proceeds Repacom $434,618., & Transocean $1,931,153, leaving can be inferred from surrounding factual circumstances.
3. A trust is right, enforceable solely in equity, to beneficial c. Rizal didn’t manifest objection, but proceeded to accept
enjoyment of property, legal title to which is vested in another. It role & responsibility as trustee by implementing PCA;
is a fiduciary relationship concerning property which obliges a never committed any act amounting to trustee’s
person holding it (trustee) to deal with property for another’s unequivocal repudiation.
benefit (beneficiary).
LSR didn’t preclude joint insured from claiming accrued interest.
Art. 1441. Trusts are either express or implied. Express trusts are 10. Rizal gives undue importance to LSR signed by Transocean &
created by the intention of the trustor or of the parties. x x x. Repacom in an effort to absolve itself from liability.
Art. 1444. No particular words are required for the creation of an express 11. Transocean & Repacom released Rizal only from liabilities arising
trust, it being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended. Express trusts from insurance policies issued, (principal amount) but not to the
are created by parties’ direct & positive acts, by some writing/deed/will, or accrued interest which stemmed from its refusal to deposit
words (expressly/impliedly) evincing intention to create a trust. disputed dollar portion in violation of its duty as a trustee to
deposit the same under the terms most advantageous to
4. Evidence is clear that Rizal held on to dollar balance because Transocean & Repacom.
a. Transocean & Repacom requested it to do so as they had 12. Rizal was subrogated to rights from insurance contract but not to
not yet agreed on amount of their respective claims, and those which arise from trust relationship.
b. they hadn’t, prior to 1/31/1977, signed LSR in favor of 13. At most, LSR’s signing was a valid pre-condition before Rizal
petitioner. could be compelled to turn over whole insurance proceeds to two
5. As Rizal continued holding on to deposit for Transocean & insured.
Repacom’s benefit, Rizal obviously recognized its fiduciary 14. Thus, Rizal reiterated offer to pay balance provided Transocean
relationship with said parties. This is the essence of the trust signs LSR. But this was done only on 10/10/1977.
flowing from the actions & communications of Rizal.
a. Requirements before an express trust will be recognized. Rizal Liable for interests on dollar balance
i. a competent trustor and trustee 15. Rizal only agreed to receive & deposit proceeds under its name to
ii. an ascertainable trust res, and Transocean & Repacom’s account in a non-interest bearing
iii. sufficiently certain beneficiaries. account.
6. There must be a present & complete disposition of trust property, a. As trustee Rizal could’ve easily discharged obligation by
notwithstanding that enjoyment in beneficiary will be in the simply transferring & paying dollar balance to
future. It is essential that purpose be an active one to prevent Transocean & Repacom & by so doing, would have
trust from being executed into a legal estate/interest, & one that dissolved the trust.
isn’t in contravention of some prohibition of statute or rule of 16. When trustors instructed Rizal as trustee to deposit funds in an
public policy. interest-bearing account, Rizal ought, as ordinary common sense
7. There must be some power of administration other than a mere and common decency, to have at least informed the insured that it
duty to perform a contract although contract is for a third-party couldn’t, for whatever reason, carry out said instructions.
beneficiary. 17. This is the very least it could have done if indeed it wanted to
b. Declaration of terms is essential, and these must be repudiate its role as trustee or be relieved of its obligations as
stated with reasonable certainty in order that trustee such. Instead of doing thus, petitioner chose to remain silent.
may administer, and that the court, if called upon so to 18. After receipt of Transocean & Repacom’s letter requesting to
do, may enforce, the trust. remit dollar balance to an interest-bearing acct., Rizal merely
8. All the elements of trust are present. tendered payment of said dollar balance in exchange for signed
9. Upon being furnished a copy of PCA, Rizal undoubtedly became LSR.
aware that Transocean & Repacom to said agreement considered b. This falls short of requirement to inform trustor-
it as their trustee in respect of said dollar balance beneficiaries of Rizal’s refusal/inability to comply with
said request/instruction.
c. Such silence & inaction in the face of specific written
instructions from trustors-beneficiaries couldn’t but have
misled latter into thinking that trustee was amenable to
and was carrying out their instructions, there being no
reason for them to think otherwise.
d. This prevented trustors-beneficiaries from early on taking
action to discharge unwilling trustee & appointing a new
one, or effect transfer of deposit into an interest-bearing
e. The result was that the trustors-beneficiaries, Transocean
& Repacom, suffered loss of interest income on the dollar
i. Such could have been prevented had Rizal acted
promptly & in good faith by communicating real
intentions to trustors.
19. Leaving enormous Dollar amount (insurance balance) in a non-
interest bearing bank account for an extended period (1yr. 9mos)
would undoubtedly prejudice owners of funds, & would have
resulted to immense benefit of Prudential Bank (Rizal’s sister
company), which beyond shadow of a doubt must have earned
income thereon by utilizing & relending it without paying any
f. Grossly unfair for anyone to earn income on another’s
money & still refuse to share part of that income with the
g. Whether Rizal benefitted directly/indirectly by enabling
its sister company to earn income on the dollar balance, is
h. Rizal’s violation of its duty as trustee was at Transocean’s
expense & for the ultimate benefit of Rizal or its
GOVERNMENT v. ABADILLA (Dannah, C2020) October 1885.
10 December 1924 | Ostrand, J. | Testementary Trust 4. On July 1987, the CFI of Tayabas ordered the protocolization of
PETITIONER: The Government of the Philippine Islands the will over the opposition of Leopoldo and Policarpio Palad,
RESPONDENTS: Anastaasia Abadilla et al., Municipality of Tayabas et collateral heirs of Luis and of whom the collateral heirs are
al., Maria Palad et al. descendants.
5. The will contained a clause in Tagalog, which reads:
SUMMARY: Luis Palad, a landowner executed a will in Spanish and a. That the coconut land… which I put under cultivation, be
Tagalog. He died after 4 years, and was succeeded by no other heirs used by my wife after my death during her life or until
except his wife, Dorotea. In the will it contained conditions that Dorotea she marries.. But from this coconut land shall be taken
may use the lot left until she marries, and that he donates the land to what is to be lent to the persons who are to plant said
the province of Tayabas. Said land should be delivered by his wife to the trees, that which is to be paid to them as their share of
Ayuntamiento of the town, or the civil governor. the crop if any should remain.. And that she try to earn
with the product of these trees, and if the times
Dorotea remarried after a few years which prompted Luis’ collateral heirs aforementioned should arrive, I prepare and donate it to
to file an action against Dorotea for the partition of the land in question secondary college to be erected in the capital of Tayabas..
on the ground that she, by her second marriage, lost the right to her This will be delivered by my wife and the executors to the
exclusive use and possession. In the same action the municipality of Ayuntamiento of this town, should there be, and if not, to
Tayabas intervened. The 3 parties (collateral heirs, Dorotea and the civil governor of this province in order to cause the
municipality) entered into a compromise agreement. However, the heirs manager thereof to comply with my wishes for the good of
instituted another action. many and the welfare of the town
6. After Luis’ death, his widow Dorotea remained in possession of
The issue in this case is WoN the Government of Tayabas may act as the the land. She married on Calixto Dolendo in 1900.
trustee in the case at hand. The Court ruled that it may, because an 7. On April 1903, the collateral heirs of Luis brought an action
ayuntamiento or a municipal corporation, and although there is no more against Dorotea for the partition of the land in question on the
Gobernador Civil, the present day governors are predecessors of the civil ground that she, by her second marriage, lost the right to her
governors. Moreover, the Court ruled that in regard to private trust it is exclusive use and possession.
not always necessary that the cestui que trust should be named, or even 8. In the same action the municipality of Tayabas intervened
be in esse at the time the trust is created in his favor. claiming the land under the clause of Luis (FACT 5).
9. An agreement was arrived at by the parties under which the land
DOCTRINE: As trusts has been much more frequently applied in which constitutes Lots 1 & 2 were turned over to the municipality
England and in the United States than in Spain, we may draw freely as its share of the inheritance of the will, and the remaining
upon American precedents in determining the effect of the testamentary portion of the land which forms Lot 3 was left in Dorotea’s
trust under consideration, especially so as the trusts known to American possession.
and English equity jurisprudence are derived from the fidei-commissa of 10. The action was dismissed upon motion by the municipality and
Roman law and are based entirely upon Civil Law principles concurred in by all the parties, reserving to the collateral heirs
the right to bring another action.
11. In regards lots 1 & 2 claimed by the parties, the case presents
several problems no covered by Spanish or local precedents.
1. The lands in question were originally owned by Luis Palad, a
Hence the Court resorts to underlying principles of law on the
teacher, who obtained title to the land by compsicion gratuita in
2. On January 1892, Luis executed a holographic will partly in
Spanish and Tagalog.
1. WoN the Governor of Tayabas may act as a trustee in the case at
3. He died on December 1896, without descendants, but leaving a
hand – YES
widow, appellant Dorotea Lopez. They have been married since
obligation of periodically investing specified sums in
RULING: Judgment appealed from is affirmed with regard to Lots 1 & 2 charitable works, such as dowries for poor maidens or
and reversed as to Lot 3. It is ordered that Lot 3 be registered in scholarships for students, or in favor of the poor, or any
Dorotea’s name. charitable public educational institution, shall be valid
under the following conditions:
RATIO: b. If the charge is imposed on real property and is temporary,
1. It is a well-known rule that testamentary dispositions must be the heir or heirs may dispose of the encumbered estate,
liberally construed so as to give effect to the intention of the but the lien shall continue until the record thereof is
testator as revealed by the will itself. canceled.
2. Applying this rule of construction it seems evident that by the c. If the charge is perpetual, the heir may capitalize it and
clause in question the testator proposed to create a trust for the invest the capital at interest, fully secured by first
benefit of a secondary school to be established in the town of mortgage.
Tayabas, naming as trustee the ayuntamiento of the town or if d. The capitalization and investment of the principal shall
there be no ayuntamiento, then the civil governor of the Province be made with the intervention of the civil governor of the
of Tayabas. province after hearing the opinion of the prosecuting
3. In order that a trust may become effective there must, of course, officer.
be a trustee and a cestui que trust, and counsel for the appellants e. In any case, if the testator should not have laid down any
Palad argues that we here have neither; that there is no rules for the management and application of the
ayuntamiento, no Gobernador Civil of the province, and no charitable legacy, it shall be done by the executive
secondary school in the town of Tayabas. authorities upon whom this duty devolves by law.
4. An ayuntamiento corresponds to what in English is termed a 10. Minor distinctions may be drawn between the case at hand and
municipal corporation and it may be conceded that the ordinary the provision quoted, but the general principle is the same in both
municipal government in these Island falls short of being such a cases.
corporation. But we have provincial governors who like their 11. Here the trustee, who holds the legal title, as distinguished from
predecessors, the civil governors, are the chief executives of their the beneficial title resting in the cestui que trust, must be
respective provinces. considered the heirs.
5. It might be contended that when under the present regime the 12. The devise under consideration does not in terms require
title of the chief executive of the Philippine was changed from periodical investments of specified sums, but it is difficult to see
Civil Governor to that of Governor-General, the latter was not the how this can affect the general principle involved, and unless the
legal successor of the former. devise contravenes some other provision of the Code it must be
6. There can therefore be but very little doubt that the governor of upheld.c
the Province of Tayabas, as the successor of the civil governor of 13. There is no violation of any rule against perpetuities: the devise
the province under the Spanish regime, may acts as trustee in the does not prohibit the alienation of the land devised. It does not
present case. violate article 670 of the Code: the making of the will and the
7. In regard to private trust it is not always necessary that the continuance or quantity of the estate of the heir are not left in the
cestui que trust should be named, or even be in esse at the time discretion of the third party.
the trust is created in his favor. 14. The counsel argues that assuming all this to be true the collateral
8. Thus a devise to a father in trust for accumulation for his children heirs of the deceased would nevertheless be entitled to the income
lawfully begotten at the time of his death has been held to be good of the land until the cestui que trust is actually in esse.
although the father had no children at the time of the vesting of 15. The Court does not agree. If the trustee holds the legal title and
the funds in him as trustees. In charitable trust such as the one the devise is valid, the natural heirs of the deceased have no
here under discussion, the rule is still further relaxed. remaining interest in the land except their right to the reversion
9. Art. 788 of the Old Civil Code states: in the event the devise for some reason should fail, an event
a. Any disposition which imposes upon an heirs the which has not as yet taken place.
16. From a reading of the testamentary clause under discussion it
seems quite evident that the intention of the testator was to have
income of the property accumulate for the benefit of the proposed
school until the same should be established.
17. From what has been said it follows that judgment appealed from
must be affirmed in regard to Lots 1 & 2.
18. As to Lot 3, it may be noted that though the Statute of Limitation
does not run as between trustee and cestui que trust as long as
the trust relations subsist, it may run as between the trust and
third persons.
19. Contending that the land was community property of Dorotea’s
marriage with Luis and that Lot 1 represented her share, Dorotea
has held in possession the lot since 1904 and has now acquired
title by prescription.
DBP v. COA (Cyria, C2020) 3. DBP established a Special Loan Program availed thru the
February 11, 2004 | Carpio J. | The Corpus, Res, or Trust Estate facilities of the DBP Provident Fund and funded by placements
PETITIONER: Development Bank of the Philippines from the Gratuity Plan Fund. This Special Loan Program was
RESPONDENTS: Commission on Audit adopted as part of the benefit program of the Bank to provide
financial assistance to qualified members to enhance and protect
SUMMARY: DBP Board of Governors adopted Resolution No. 794 the value of their gratuity. (didn’t include all facts about this
creating DBP Gratuity Plan for the benefits due to DBP retiring officials since the issue related to agency is the Gratuity Plan Fund only)
and employees under CA 186. The control and administration of the 4. Pursuant to the investment scheme, DBP-TSD paid to the
Gratuity Plan Fund was vested to the Board of Trustees. DBP then investor-members a total of P11,626,414.25.The payments were
established Special Loan Progam and paid investor-members. But these disallowed by the Auditor under Audit Observation Memorandum
payments were disallowed by COA. COA ordered that DBP record in its No. 93-2.
books as miscellaneous income the income of the Fund. DBP counters 5. Apart from requiring the recipients of the P11,626,414.25 to
that the Fund is the subject of a trust and the income does not accrue to refund their dividends, the Auditor recommended that the DBP
DBP so such income sbould not be recorded in DBPs books of account. record in its books as miscellaneous income the income of the
The issue is WoN the income of the Fund is income of DBP – NO. Gratuity Plan Fund (Fund). The Fund is still owned by the
Resolution No. 794 shows that DBP intended to establish a trust fund to Bank, the Board of Trustees is a mere administrator of the
cover the retirement benefits of certain employees under RA 1616. The Fund in the same way that the Trust Services Department
principal and income of the Fund would be separate and distinct from the where the fund was invested was a mere investor and
funds of DBP. The income of the Fund does not form part of the revenues neither can the employees, who have still an inchoate
or profits of DBP, and DBP may not use such income for its own interest [i]n the Fund be considered as rightful owner of
benefit. The principal and income of the Fund together constitute the Fund.
the res or subject matter of the trust. The Agreement established the 6. The COA alleges that DBP is the actual owner of the Fund and its
Fund precisely so that it would eventually be sufficient to pay for the income, on the following grounds: (1) DBP made the contributions
retirement benefits of DBP employees under RA 1616 without additional to the Fund; (2) the trustees of the Fund are merely
outlay from DBP. administrators; and (3) DBP employees only have an inchoate
right to the Fund.
DOCTRINE: Where DBP establishes a pension trust for its officers and 7. The DBP counters that the Fund is the subject of a trust, and that
employees and appoints trustees for the fund whereby the trust the Agreement transferred legal title over the Fund to the
agreement transferred legal title over the income and properties of the trustees. The income of the Fund does not accrue to DBP. Thus,
fund, the principal and income of the fund constitute the res or subject such income should not be recorded in DBPs books of account.
matter of the trust.
ISSUE: WoN the income of the Fund is income of DBP – NO
RULING: WHEREFORE, COA Decision No. 98-403 dated 6 October
1. The Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) Board of
1998 and COA Resolution No. 2000-212 dated 1 August 2000 are
Governors adopted Resolution No. 794 creating the DBP Gratuity
AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION. The income of the Gratuity Plan
Plan and authorizing the setting up of aretirement fund to cover
Fund, held in trust for the benefit of DBP employees eligible to retire
the benefits due to DBP retiring officials and employees under
under RA 1616, should not be recorded in the books of account of DBP as
Commonwealth Act No. 186, as amended.
the income of the latter.
2. A Trust Indenture was entered into by and between the DBP and
the Board of Trustees of the Gratuity Plan Fund, vesting in the
latter the control and administration of the Fund. The trustee,
1. A trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to property which
subsequently, appointed the DBP Trust Services Department
involves the existence of equitable duties imposed upon the holder
(DBP-TSD) as the investment manager thru an Investment
of the title to the property to deal with it for the benefit of
Management Agreement.
another. A trust is either express or implied. Express trusts are 6. Clearly, the trustees received and collected any income and profit
those which the direct and positive acts of the parties create, by derived from the Fund, and they maintained separate books of
some writing or deed, or will, or by words evincing an intention to account for this purpose. The principal and income of the Fund
create a trust. will not revert to DBP even if the trust is subsequently modified
2. In the present case, the DBP Board of Governors (now Board of or terminated.
Directors) Resolution No. 794 and the Agreement executed by 7. The resumption of the SLP did not eliminate the trust or
former DBP Chairman Rafael Sison and the trustees of the Plan terminate the transfer of legal title to the Funds trustees. The
created an express trust, specifically, an employees trust. An records show that the Funds Board of Trustees approved the SLP
employees trust is a trust maintained by an employer to upon the request of the DBP Career Officials Association. The
provide retirement, pension or other benefits to its DBP Board of Directors only confirmed the approval of the SLP by
employees. the Funds trustees.
3. Resolution No. 794 1 shows that DBP intended to establish 8. The beneficiaries or cestui que trust of the Fund are the DBP
a trust fund to cover the retirement benefits of certain officials and employees who will retire under Commonwealth Act
employees under Republic Act No. 1616 (RA 1616). The No. 186 (CA 186), as amended by RA 1616. RA 1616 requires the
principal and income of the Fund would be separate and employer agency or government instrumentality to pay for the
distinct from the funds of DBP. retirement gratuity of its employees who rendered service for the
4. In a trust, one person has an equitable ownership in the property required number of years. The Government Service Insurance
while another person owns the legal title to such property, the System Act of 1997 still allows retirement under RA 1616 for
equitable ownership of the former entitling him to the certain employees.
performance of certain duties and the exercise of certain powers 9. As COA correctly observed, the right of the employees to claim
by the latter. their gratuities from the Fund is still inchoate. RA 1616 does not
5. In the present case, DBP, as the trustor, vested in the allow employees to receive their gratuities until they
trustees of the Fund legal title over the Fund as well as retire. However, this does not invalidate the trust created by DBP
control over the investment of the money and assets of the or the concomitant transfer of legal title to the trustees.
Fund. The powers and duties granted to the trustees of the Fund 10. Government v. Abadilla: it is not always necessary that the cestui
under the Agreement were plainly more than just administrative. que trust should be named, or even be in esse at the time the trust
is created in his favor. It is enough that the beneficiaries are
sufficiently certain or identifiable.
12. Trust Agreement designed for in-house trustees of three (3) to be appointed by 11. In this case, the GSIS Act of 1997 extended the option to retire
the Board of Governors and vested with control and administration of the funds under RA 1616 only to employees who had entered government
appropriated annually by the Board to be invested in selective investments so
service before 1 June 1977. The DBP employees who were in the
that the income and principal of said contributions would be sufficient to
meet the required payments of benefits as officials and employees of the service before this date are easily identifiable. As of the time DBP
Bank retire under the Gratuity Plan; xxx filed the instant petition, DBP estimated that 530 of its employees
could still retire under RA 1616. At least 60 DBP employees had
The proposed funding of the gratuity plan has decided advantages on the part of already received their gratuities under the Fund.
the Bank over the present procedure, where the Bank provides payment only 12. The Agreement indisputably transferred legal title over the
when an employee retires or on pay as you go basis: income and properties of the Fund to the Funds trustees. Thus,
COAs directive to record the income of the Fund in DBPs books of
1. It is a definite written program, permanent and continuing whereby the Bank account as the miscellaneous income of DBP constitutes grave
provides contributions to a separate trust fund, which shall be
abuse of discretion. The income of the Fund does not form
exclusively used to meet its liabilities to retiring officials and employees;
and part of the revenues or profits of DBP, and DBP may not
use such income for its own benefit. The principal and
2. Since the gratuity plan will be tax qualified under the National Internal income of the Fund together constitute the res or subject
Revenue Code and RA 4917, the Banks periodic contributions thereto shall be matter of the trust. The Agreement established the Fund
deductible for tax purposes and the earnings therefrom tax free.
precisely so that it would eventually be sufficient to pay
for the retirement benefits of DBP employees under RA
1616 without additional outlay from DBP. COA itself
acknowledged the authority of DBP to set up the Fund. However,
COAs subsequent directive would divest the Fund of income, and
defeat the purpose for the Funds creation.
MINDANAO DEV’T AUTHORITY v. CA, FRANCISCO ANG by laches. Petition denied.
BANSING (Bianca Kit, FEU 2021)
April 5, 1982 || Concepcion, Jr., J. || G.R. No. L-49087 DOCTRINE:
PETITIONER: MINDANAO DEV’T AUTHORITY It is fundamental in the law of trusts that certain requirements must
RESPONDENTS: CA, FRANCISCO ANG BANSING exist before an express trust will be recognized. Basically, these elements
include a competent trustor and trustee, an ascertainable trust res. and
SUMMARY: sufficiently certain beneficiaries. Stilted formalities are unnecessary, but
On February 25, 1939, Ang Bansing, owner of a large tract of land in nevertheless each of the above elements is required to be established,
Davao City, sold portion thereof to Cruz. Their contract stipulated that and, if anyone of them is missing, it is fatal to the trusts. Furthermore,
Ang Bansing would work for the titling of the entire area of his land at there must be a present and complete disposition of the trust property,
hit expense, while the vendee would spend for the titling of the portion notwithstanding that the enjoyment in the beneficiary will take place in
sold to him. After the cadastral survey, where the portion sold to Cruz the future. It is essential, too, that the purpose be an active one to
was designated as Lot 1846-C and the portion remaining with Ang prevent trust from being executed into a legal estate or interest, and one
Bansing was designated as Lots 1846-A, 1846-B, 1846-D, and 1846-E, that is not in contravention of some prohibition of statute or rule of public
Cruz sold Lot 1846-C to the Commonwealth of the Philippines. policy. There must also be some power of administration other than a
Thereafter, pursuant to a decree of registration, Original Certificate of mere duty to perform a contract although the contract is for a third-party
Title No. 26, covering the entire area, including the lot sold to Cruz, was beneficiary. A declaration of terms is essential, and these must be stated
issued on March 7, 1941 in the names of the original claimants in the with reasonable certainty in order that the trustee may administer, and
cadastral proceedings. This OCT was however canceled on March 31, that the court, if called upon to do so, may enforce, the trust.
1941 per Deed of Adjudication in favor of Ang Bansing for which he was
issued a transfer certificate of title. Later, on various dates, Ang Bansing An implied trust may have been impressed upon the title of Ang Bansing
also sold Lot 1846-A, portions of Lot 1846-B, and Lot 1846-D to Cruz and over Lot 1846-C of the Davao Cadastre since the land in question was
the Transfer Certificate of Title corresponding to the said lots in the registered in his name although the land belonged to another. In implied
name of Ang Bansing were canceled and new ones issued in the name of trust, there is neither promise nor fiduciary relations, the so- called
Cruz. Transfer Certificate of Title No. 2601 was issued in the name of trustee does not recognize any trust and has no intent to hold the
Ang Bansing for the remaining lots, including Lot 1846-C. On February property for the beneficiary. It does not arise by agreement or intention,
25, 1965, pursuant to Presidential Proclamation 459, government but by operation of law. Thus, if property is acquired through mistake or
ownership of certain parcels of land in Davao City were transferred to the fraud, the person obtaining it is, by force of law, considered a trustee of
Mindanao Development Authority (MDA), among which was Lot 1846-C. an implied trust for the benefit of the person from whom the property
MDA accordingly requested Ang Bansing to surrender his owner's comes.
duplicate of TCT 2601 for registration of the government's ownership over
Lot 1846-C, but he refused. MDA thus filed a suit for reconveyance on Facts:
April 11, 1969, claiming that Ang Bansing acted as trustee for Cruz when • Francisco Ang Bansing – land 300K sqm. Barrio Panacan, Davao
he worked for the titling of the entire tract of land as per their contract. a. a. Sold 5 hectares to Juan Cruz Yap Chuy, with the
The trial court found the existence of an express trust and ordered the contract stating that “I agree to work for the titling of the
reconveyance of the subject lot to MDA. On appeal, however, the Court of entire area of my land under my own expenses and the
Appeals found no express trust and dismissed the complaint. expenses for titling of the portion sold to me shall be
under the expenses of Juan Cruz”
On petition for review, the Supreme Court held that failure on the part of • Land of Ang Bansing was surveyed as Lot 664-B, and further
Ang Bansing to definitely describe the subject-matter of the supposed divided into 5 lots 

trust or the beneficiaries or object thereof is strong evidence that he • Portion sold to Juan Cruz was Lot 664B-3, with an area of 61,107
intended no trust; and that only an implied trust or constructive trust sqm 

may have been impressed upon the title of Ang Bansing over Lot 1846-C • Lot 664B-3 was designated as Lot 1846-C of the Davao Cadastre
but such constructive trust has already prescribed and has been barred during a cadastral survey, which Juan Cruz sold to the
of the PH for P6,347 this ruling, that no express trust had been created
a. On that same day, Juan Cruz executed a surety bond in
of the vendee to guarantee the vendor’s absolute Issue/s:
title over the 
land sold 
 W/N a trust relationship was established in favor of Juan Cruz and his
b. Tax Declarations over lot was in the name of successors-in-interest – NO

c. Ang Bansing never paid taxes for such 
• Cadastral survey was approved and an OCT was issued in the Petition DISMISSED. CA ruling AFFIRMED.
names of the Ang Bansing’s as claimants of the land
a. Later on a Deed of Adjudication had a TCT issued in the Ratio:
name of Francisco Ang Bansing 
 • The stipulation is but a condition that Ang Bansing shall pay the
b. He sold Lot 1846-A to Juan Cruz and TCT was issued in expenses for the registration of his land and for Juan Cruz to
the name of Juan Cruz 
 shoulder the expenses for the registration of the land sold to him,
c. 1946: After several sales and transfers Lots 1846-C to E does not categorically create an obligation on the part of Ang
were still in the name of Ang Bansing 
 Bansing to hold the property in trust for Juan Cruz.
d. He sold Lot 1846-D to Vedasto Corcuera 
 • Hence, there is no express trust. It is essential to the creation of
• Feb. 1965: Proclamation No. 459 transferred ownership of some an express trust that the settlor presently and unequivocally

parcels of land in Davao City to Mindanao Dev’t Authority, make a disposition of property and make himself the trustee of
included therein was Lot 1846-C 
a. Counsel for MDA wrote Ang the property for the benefit of another.
Bansing requesting him to surrender the owner’s duplicate copy • In case of a declaration of trust, the declaration must be
of that lot so that it could be formally transferred 
 clear and unequivocal that the owner holds property in
• MDA filed a complaint for reconveyance in the CFI of Davao trust for the purposes named.

MDA’s Contentions: 
 • Affidavit executed by Ang Bansing cannot be construed as having
• That in the deed of sale, it was stipulated that Ang Bansing established an express trust. The only purpose of the Affidavit
would work 
to secure title over his entire tract of land, defraying was to clarify that the area of the land sold by Ang Bansing to
the expenses for the same and the expense for the title of the Juan Cruz is not only 5 hectares but 61,107 sqm. or a little over
portion sold to Juan Cruz shall be borne by Juan Cruz 
 six (6) hectares."
• Ang Bansing as vendor and the one who worked to secure title for • That no express trust had been agreed upon is evident
his land acted in the capacity of trustee for any and all parties from the fact that Juan Cruz, the supposed beneficiary of
who become successor in interest to Juan Cruz, and that he was the trust, never made any attempt to enforce the alleged
bound and 
obligated to give, deliver and convey to Juan Cruz trust and require the trustee to transfer the title over Lot
and his successors-in-interest the title pertaining to the portion of 1846-C in his name.
land sold to Juan Cruz • Despite these numerous transfers of portions of the original 30-
hectare parcel of land of Ang Bansing to Juan Cruz and the
Ang Bansing’s Contentions: issuance of certificates of title in the name of Juan Cruz, the
In the process of securing his title neither Juan Cruz nor latter never sought the transfer of the title to Lot 1846-C in his
Commonwealth of the PH assert any right of ownership over the name.
property, which was almost 30 years ago and MDA is barred by laches • • For sure, if the parties had agreed that Ang Bansing shall hold
He was not merely a trustee for Juan Cruz, because never has Juan Cruz the property in trust for Juan Cruz until after the former shall
made any demand to have the title of the property in the last 26 years have obtained a certificate of title to the land, the latter would
until his death because he knew all the time the alleged sale in his favor have asked for the reconveyance of the title to him in view of the
was null and void and he knew that no sale was ever consummated surety bond executed by him in favor of the Commonwealth
CFI: ruled in favor of MDA, that an express trust has been established Government wherein he warrants his title over the property. The
and ordered reconveyance of title of Lot 1846-C to MDA
CA: reversed conduct of Juan Cruz is inconsistent with a trust and may well
have probative effect against a trust. of Juan Cruz and his successors-in-interest or assignees and that
• Even granting, arguendo, that an express trust had been “no particular words are required for the creation of an express
established, it would appear that the trustee had repudiated the trust, it being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended” (Art.
trust and MDA, the alleged beneficiary to the trust, did not take 1444, CC)
any action therein until after the lapse of 23 years. For sure, the • Right of reversion or reconveyance to the State of lands
period for enforcing the rights of the alleged beneficiary over the fraudulently registered does not prescribe
Gov’t officials
land in question after the repudiation of the trust by the trustee, concerned were negligent in not intervening in the land
had already prescribed. registration proceeding or in not asking Ang Bansing to reconvey
• Only an implied trust may have been impressed upon the title of the lot to Commonwealth, and negligence of public officers does
Ang Bansing over Lot 1846-C since the land in question was not work as estoppel against the State
registered in his name although the land belonged to another. a. Issuance of OCT over Lot 664-B-3/1846-C to Ang Bansing
• Here, the 10-year prescriptive period began on March 31, was result of negligence of gov’t official who did not
1941, upon the issuance of OCT No. 26 in the names of intervene and have it registered in the name of
Victoriana Ang Bansing Orfelina Ang Bansing and Commonwealth
Francisco Ang Banging. From that date up to April 11,
1969, when the complaint for reconveyance was filed, more
than 28 years had passed. Clearly, the action for
reconveyance had prescribed. 

• Besides, the enforcement of the constructive trust that may have
been impressed upon the title of Ang Bansing over Lot 1846-C of
the Davao Cadastre is barred by laches. It appears that the deed
of sale in favor of the Commonwealth Government was
executed by Juan Cruz on December 23, 1939, during the
cadastral proceedings, and even before the cadastral survey plan
was approved by the Director of Lands on July 10, 1940. But, the
vendee therein did not file an answer, much less an opposition to
the answer of Ang Bansing in the said Cadastral proceedings.
The judgment rendered in the said cadastral proceeding,
awarding the lot in question to Ang Bansing is already
final. After an inexcusable delay of more than 28 years and
acquiescence to existing conditions, it is now too late for
MDA to complain. 

Aquino, J. (Dissent):
 Ang Bansing is a trustee in an express trust, which is evidenced
by his aforementioned affidavit which he executed 23 days after
TCT No. 1783 was issued to him for that lot.
a. Swore that he intended to cede and transfer that lot to
Juan Cruz after the survey 

b. Should be considered with stipulation in deed of sale that
Ang Bansing would undertake the titling of the whole lot
and that registration expenses would be borne by Juan

• Said statements created an express trust for Lot 1846-C in favor
JULIO V. DALANDAN (Mayumi, C2020) which is called a trust. Here, that trust is effective as against defendants
October 30, 1967 | Sanchez, J. | How to Prove Express Trust and in favor of the beneficiary thereof, plaintiff Victoria Julio, who
PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT: Victoria Julio accepted it in the document itself.
DEFENDANTS-APPELLEES: Emiliano Dalandan and Maria
Dalandan FACTS:
1. Celemente Dalandan subscribed and swore on an affidavit on
SUMMARY: September 1950. By the terms of this writing, Clemente
There was a 4-hectre Riceland in Las Piñas belonging to Victoriana Dalandan (deceased father of defendants) acknowledged that a 4-
Dalandan. She posted the lot as security for an obligation that Clemente hectre piece of riceland in Las Piñas, Rizal belonging to
assumed. However, the land was foreclosed because the obligation was Victoriana Dalandan was posted as security for an obligation
not fulfilled. Clemente stated this in a document. He also held himself which Clemente assumed, but failed to fulfill. Thus, Victoriana’s
liable to the heir of Victoriana (Victoria) for the foreclosure of the land land was foreclosed.
and that he would replace the land with another farm of more than 4 2. Victoriana’a sole heir is the plaintiff in this case.
hectares. He also stated that his children may not be forced to give up the 3. In the statement it said:
harvest of the mentioned farm, and that Julio may not immediately a. That this riceland owned by VICTORIANA DALANDAN
demand the substitute for the forfeited land. This document was attested whose sole heir is VICTORIA JULIO was posted as
by Julio. When Clemente died, his heirs had possession of the said land security for an obligation assumed by me even before the
stated in the document. Julio now seeks to have the title of the land as outbreak of the last war and because I failed to fulfill the
well as the possession transferred and delivered to her, but the heirs obligation secured by her said farm the same was
refused. Moreover, Julio also demanded that they fix a period in which foreclosed
the heirs must deliver the parcel of land, but this was also refused. Thus, b. That because of this, and as agreed upon between us, I
Julio filed a case in court. The lower court ruled against Julio stating that accordingly held myself liable to Victoria Julio for the
the prescription period of 10 years has already lapsed. foreclosure of her said land, and I promised her that I
would replace her aforesaid land which was foreclosed
The SC ruled that Clemente’s document shows that he transferred naked because of my obligation with another farm of more than
ownership to Julio, while the fruits and possession stayed with his heirs. four (4) hectares, that is, one planted to four cavanes of
This is clearly an usufructary. For so long as a period in which the heirs seedlings, more or less;
must deliver the fruits and possession to Julio has not been fixed and has c. That my children (EMILIANO AND MARIA
not elapsed, they hold the property. The heirs may enjoy the fruits of the DALANDAN) may not be forced to give up the harvest of
land and to hold the same as trustees of Julio. This express trust appears the farm herein above mentioned
in the document itself even though no words such as “trust” or “trustee” d. That neither may the land, which was exchanged for the
were used because such are not essential to constitute a trust. Moreover, farm with four cavanes of seedlings, be demanded
that the prescription period for this action is 30 years not 10 because it immediately
involves an action over an immovable. 4. Victoria Julio joined Clemente in the execution of, and also swore
DOCTRINE: to, the document that she attests to the truth of, and accepts all
Technical or particular forms of words or phrases are not that was stated in the document.
essential to create or establish a trust; nor would the use of some 5. When Julio filed a complaint against the heirs of Clemente, she
such words as “trust” or “trustee” essential to the constitution of a trust; avered:
and conversely, the fact that such terms were employed would not a. The land set forth in the document referred to 6 small
necessarily prove an intention to create a trust. What is important is parcels with a total area of barely 2 hectares except for 50
whether trustor manifested an intention to create the kind of relationship saltbeds which were conveyed to Julio’s mother by means
which in law is known as a trust. It is important that the trustor should of a pacto de retro sale and a title was vested to the
know that the relationship “which intents to create is called a trust, and mother.
whether or not he knows the precise characteristics of the relationship b. After the death of Clemente, Julio requests that the heirs
of Celemente deliver the possession of the parcels of land transmitted by Clemente to his heirs? Paragraph's 6 and 7 of the
to her, but to no avail. The heirs of Clement are saying document supply the answer. They are usufructuaries for an
that according to the agreement, neither delivery of the undetermined length of time. For so long as that period has not
land nor the fruits thereof could immediately be been fixed and has not elapsed, they hold the property. Theirs is
demanded. to enjoy the fruits of the land and to hold the same as
c. When demands to fix a period within which the heirs of trustees of Victoria Julio.
Celemente would deliver to Julio the parcels of land, it 5. By the deed, Clemente Dalandan divested himself of the
was refused by the heirs. ownership, qualified solely by withholding enjoyment of the fruits
d. Thus Julio filed this complaint praying that and physical possession.
i. The court adjudge her as the owner of the land in 6. Thus, Clemente cannot transmit to his heirs, the
question defendants, such ownership.
ii. That the court fix a time within which the heirs 7. The document is a declaration by Clemente Dalandan, now
should deliver the said land to her as well as the deceased, against his own proprietary interests. Such document is
fruits binding upon his heirs

iii. That upon the expiration of the said time, the 8. Defendants aver that recognition of the trust may not be proved
heirs would convey and deliver to Julio the parcels by evidence aliunde. They argue that by the express terms of
of land and the fruits. Article 1443 of the Civil Code, "no express trusts concerning an
6. The lower court ruled that Julio’s suit for specific performance or immovable or any interest therein may be proved by parol
fixing a term had already prescribed. The prescription period of evidence.”
10 years has already lapsed. 9. This argument overlooks the fact that no oral evidence is
7. Hence, this appeal. necessary.
10. The express trust imposed upon defendants by their predecessor
ISSUES: appears in the document itself. For, while it is true that said deed
1. WoN a trust was created between Julio and the heirs of Clemente did not in definitive words institute defendants as-trustees, a
–YES duty is therein imposed upon them, when the proper time comes,
to turn over both the fruits and the possession of the property to
RULING: Order reversed. Victoria Julio.
RATIO: 11. Article 1444 of the Civil Code states that: "No particular words
1. In paragraph 4 of the document made by Clemente, he promised are required for the creation of an express trust, it being sufficient
to Julio a farm for about 4 hectares to replace the land of her that a trust is clearly intended."
mother. In paragraph 5 it was stated that Clemente’s children 12. For, "technical or particular forms of words or phrases are not
may not be forced to give up the harvest of the farm mentioned in essential to the manifestation of intention to create a trust or to
the deed. In paragraph 6 it states that Julio may not immediately the establishment thereof." Nor would the use of some such words
demand the substitute for the forfeited land. as "trust" or "trustee" essential to the constitution of a trust.
2. The last 2 statements in the deed express the dominant purpose 13. Conversely, the mere fact that the word "trust" or "trustee" was
of the instrument. They convey the idea that the naked employed would not necessarily prove an intention to create a
ownership of the land in substitution was, indeed, trust.
transferred to Victoria Julio. 14. What is important is whether the trustor manifested an intention
3. Or else there would have been no sense in adding the paragraph to create the kind of relationship which in law is known as a
which states that the fruits and physical possession of the land trust. It is unimportant that the trustor should know that the
could not immediately be demanded by Julio from Clemente’s relationship "which he intends to create is called a trust, and
children. The right to demand fruits and physical possession of whether or not he knows the precise characteristics of the
property has been known to be attributes of ownership. relationship which is called a trust.
4. With this document in mind, the question lies, what rights were 15. Here, that trust is effective as against defendants and in favor of
the beneficiary thereof, plaintiff Victoria Julio, who accepted it in
the document itself.

16. Plaintiff is not to be handicapped by a lack of a clear statement as
to the actual description of the land referred to in the trust deed.
17. It imperfectly speaks of a "farm of more than four (4) hectares."
But averment in the complaint is not lacking to clear the
uncertainty as to the identity of the land mentioned in that
18. In so far as the identity of land involved in a trust is concerned, it
has also been held that the writings, in being considered for the
purpose of satisfying the statute of frauds, are to be considered in
their setting, and that parol evidence is admissible to make clear
the terms of a trust the existence of which is established by a

19. There is sufficient showing in the complaint that there is an
acknowledgment on the part of defendants that they hold the
property not as their own, but in trust.
20. It may not be said that plaintiff's suit is barred by the statute of
limitations. She is protected by Article 1141 of the Civil Code,
which reads: "Real actions over immovables prescribe after thirty
years." We take this view for the obvious reason that defendants'
motion to dismiss on this score is directed at the prescription of
plaintiff's action not on acquisitive prescription.
CAÑEZO v. ROJAS (Valle, C2020) reduced in writing. After buying the parcel of land, she
23 November 2007 | Nachura, J | Express, Implied, Resulting, immediately took possession of the property.
Constructive Trusts 2. She and her husband left for Mindanao in 1948 and entrusted the
PETITIONER: Soledad Cañezo substituted by William Cañezo and property to her father Crispulo Rojas. Crispulo took possession of
Victoriano Cañezo the land, cultivated it and introduced improvement.
RESPONDENT: Concepcion Rojas 3. In 1980, Soledad found out that her stepmother, Concepcion
Rojas, was in possession of the property and was cultivating the
SUMMARY: same. She also discovered that the tax declarations over the
This is a dispute over a parcel of land between Soledad Cañezo and her property were already in her father’s name.
stepmother, Concepcion Rojas. Soledad claims that she bought the land 4. On the other hand, Concepcion claims that the property was
from a certain Limpiado but the transaction was not reduced in writing. bought by her husband from Limpiado which is why the tax
She immediately took possession of the property but when she had to declarations were in Crispulo’s name. Crispulo cultivated and
leave for Mindanao in 1948, she entrusted the property to her father, possessed the land until his death. Upon his death, the property
Crispulo Rojas. Soledad later on found out that her stepmother was in was included in his estate. Concepcion says that as heir, Soledad
possession of the property and discovered that the tax declarations of the even received her share in the produce of the estate. Concepcion
property were already in her father’s name. Concepcion, on the other ads that since Soledad filed the complaint in 1997, Soledad had
hand, said that the land was bought by Crispulo from Limpiado. Upon already abandoned her right over the property.
Crispulo’s death, Concepcion said, that the property was included in his 5. The RTC held that the action had not prescribed since Soledad
estate. As heir, Soledad even received her share over the produce of the merely entrusted the property to her father. The ten-year
estate. prescriptive period for the recovery of a property held in
trust will commence to run only from time the trustee
The RTC held that the action has not prescribed because Soledad merely repudiates the trust. RTC found no evidence that Rojas had
entrusted the property to her father. Prescription does not run until the ousted Soledad from the property.
time the trustee repudiates the trust. Soledad argues that there is an 6. Rojas filed a motion to reconsider. RTC denied this.
express trust between her and her father and since there is a trust, 7. Rojas filed a petition for review to the CA. The CA reversed. CA
acquisition of the property does not prescrive. If there is no express trust, held that assuming that there was an implied trust between
Soledad claims that there is a resulting trust which also does not Soledad and her father over the property, her right of action to
prescribe unless repudiated by trustee. recover the same would still be barred by prescription. 49 years
had already lapsed since Crispulo adversely possessed the
The issues are whether or not there is an express trust or whatever kind property.
of trust between Soledad and her father. And if so, has the action 8. Soledad’s argument: Prescription and laches are unavailing
prescribed. The SC said that there is no trust between Soledad and her because there is an express trust relationship between her and
father. There is no express, implied or constructive or resulting trust her father. Express trusts do not prescribe. Even if there is no
between her father and Soledad. Soledad was unable to prove the express express trust, there was a resulting trust which generally does
trust because there is no evidence apart from her testimony. not prescribe unless there is repudiation by the trustee.

DOCTRINE: What distinguishes a trust from other relations is the ISSUE: W/N a trust relationship exists between Soledad and her father –
separation of the legal title and equitable ownership of the None.
property. In a trust relation, legal title is vested in the fiduciary W/N Soledad is barred from prescription - YES
while equitable ownership is bested in a cestui que trust.
RULING: WHEREFORE premises considered, the petition is DENIED.
1. Soledad alleges that she bought the parcel of land in dispute in RATIO:
1939 from Crisogno Limpiado. But the transaction was not
1. If no trust relationship existed, the possession of the property by writing or deed. In this case, the only evidence to support the
Rojas through her predecessor which dates back in 1948 would claim that an express trust existed between Soledad and her
already give rise to acquisitive prescription. father was the self-serving testimony of Soledad. Bare allegations
2. A trust is a legal relationship between one person having do not constitute evidence adequate to support a conclusion.
equitable ownership of property and another person owning the 7. Although no particular words are required ofr the creation of an
legal title to such property, the equitable ownership of the former express tryst, a clear intention to create a trust must be shown;
entitling him to the performance of certain duties and the and the proof of fiduciary relationship must be clear and
exercise of certain powers by the latter. convincing. In this case, an intention to create a trust cannot be
3. Trusts are either express or implied. inferred from Soledad’s testimony and the attendant facts and
a. Express trusts are those which are created by the direct circumstances. Soledad testified only to the effect that her
and positive acts of the parties, by some writing or deed, agreement with her father was that she will be given a share in
or will, or by words evincing an intention to create a trust. the produce of the property. This allegation, standing alone as it
b. Implied trusts are those which, without being expressed, does here, is inadequate to establish the existence of a trust
are deducible from the nature of the transaction as because profit-sharing per se does not necessarily translate to a
matters of intent or, independently of the particular trust relation. It can also be present in other relations such as
intention of the parties as being super induced on the deposit.
transaction by operation of law basically by reason of 8. What distinguishes a trust from other relations is the
equity. An implied trust may be resulting trust or separation of the legal title and equitable ownership of the
constructive trust. property. In a trust relation, legal title is vested in the fiduciary
4. It is true that in express trusts and resulting trusts, a trustee while equitable ownership is bested in a cestui que trust.
cannot acquire by prescription the ownership of property 9. Such is not true in this case. Soledad alleged in her complaint
entrusted to him, or that an action to compel a trustee to convey that the tax declaration of the land was transferred to her father’s
property registered in his name in trust for the benefit of the name without consent. Had it been her intention to create a trust
cestui que trust does not prescribe, or that the defense of and make her father the trustee, she wouldn’t have made an issue
prescription cannot be set up in an action to recover property held out of this because in a trust agreement, legal title is vested in
by a person in trust for the benefit of another, or that property the trustee. The trustee would necessarily have the right to
held in trust can be recovered by the beneficiary regardless of the transfer the tax declaration in his name and pay the taxes on the
lapse of time. The basis of this rule is that the possession of a property. These acts would be treated as beneficial to the cestui
trustee is not adverse. Not being adverse, he doesn’t acquire by que trust and would not amount to adverse possession.
prescription the property held in trust 10. The case is also not a resulting trust. A resulting trust is a
5. As a rule, however, the burden proving the existence of a trust is species of an implied trust that is presumed always to have been
on the party asserting its existence, and such proof must be clear contemplated by the parties, the intention as to which can be
and satisfactorily show the existence of the trust and its found in the nature of their transaction although not expressed in
elements. The presence of the following elements must be proved: a deed or instrument of conveyance. A resulting trust is based on
a. trustor or settlor who executes the instrument creating the equitable doctrine that it is the more valuable consideration
the trust than the legal title that determines the equitable interest in
b. a trustee who is the person expressly designated to carry property.
out the trust 11. The oral evidence to prove the implied trusts must be trustworthy
c. the trust res, consisting of duly identified and definite real and received by the courts with extreme caution, and shouldn’t be
properties; and made to rest on loose, equivocal or indefinite declarations. The
d. the cestui que trust or beneficiaries whose identity must proof should be as fully convincing as if the acts giving rise to the
be clear trust obligation are proven by an authentic document. In the
6. The existence of express trusts concerning real property may not present case, there was no evidence of any transaction between
be established by parol evidence. It must be proven by some
the petitioner and her father from which it can be inferred that a complaint filed by Soledad sought to recover ownership, not just
resulting trust was intended. possession of the property; thus, the suit is in the nature of an
12. In the absence of a trust relation, the court says that Crispulo’s action for reconveyance. It is axiomatic that owners of property
uninterrupted possession of the property for 49 years, coupled are indispensable parties.
with the performance of acts of ownership, such as payment for
real estate taxes, ripened into ownership. The statutory period of
prescription commences when a person who has neither title nor
good faith secure a tax declaration in his name and may,
therefore, be said to have adversely claimed ownership.
13. But! Assuming that such a relation existed, it terminated upon
Crispulo’s death in 1978. A trust terminates upon the death
of the trustee where the trust is personal to the trustee in
the sense that the trustor intended no other person to
administer it. If Crispulo was indeed appointed as trustee of the
property, it cannot be said that such appointment was intended to
be conveyed to Concepcion or any other of Crispulo’s heirs. Hence,
after Crispulo’s death, Concepcon had no right to retain
possession of the property. At such point, a constructive trust
would be created over the property by operation of law. Where
one mistakenly retains property which rightfully belongs
to another, a constructive trust is the proper remedial
device to correct the situation.
14. A constructive trust is one created not by any word or phrase,
either expressly or impliedly, evincing a direct intention to create
a trust but one which arises in order to satisfy the demands of
justice. It does not come about by agreement or intention but in
the main by operation of law, construed against one who, by
fraud, duress or abuse of confidence, obtains or holds the legal
right to property which he ought not, in equity and good
conscience, to hold.
15. However, in constructive implied trusts, prescription may
supervene even if the trustee does not repudiate the relationship.
Necessarily, repudiation of the said trust is not a condition
precedent to the running of the prescriptive period. A constructive
trust does not emanate from or generate a fiduciary relation. The
relation of trustee and cestui que trust does not in fact exist, and
the holding of a constructive trust is for the trustee himself and at
all times adverse.
16. Soledad is estopped from asserting ownership of the land by her
failure to protest its inclusion in the estate of Crispulo. She is also
barred by laches. It was only in 1997 that she filed the action to
recover the property.
17. But the court ought to have dismissed the complaint for failure to
implead the other heirs who are indispensable parties. The
PEÑALBER v. RAMOS (Ram, C2020) Mother Lina testified on their alleged verbal agreement regarding the
Jan. 20, 2009 | Chico-Nazario, J. | Express Trust – Statute of Frauds – purchase of the Bonifacio property. They were deemed to have waived
Timely Objection such objections. The CA reversed the RTC decision and sided with the
PETITIONER: Lina Peñalber Spouses Ramos.
RESPONDENTS: Quirino Ramos, Leticia Peñalber and Bartex Inc.
The issues in this case are WoN existence of a trust agreement between
SUMMARY: Petitioner Lina Peñalber (Mother Lina) is the mother of Mother Lina and spouses Ramos was clearly established and WoN such
respondent Leticia and mother-in-law of respondent Quirino, husband of trust agreement was valid and enforceable.
Leticia (Spouses Ramos). Prior to 1984, Mother Lina operated a hardware
store. She owned the building where the hardware store was, but only The SC held that first and foremost the trust agreement between Mother
rented the commercial lot (Bonifacio property) from Maria Mendoza Lina and Spouses Ramos was never proven by preponderance of evidence.
(Mendoza). In addition, according to Art. 1443 an express trust concerning an
immovable or an interest should be in writing. But, this is merely for
MOTHER LINA’S SIDE OF THE STORY: purposes of proof and not for the validity of the trust agreement - making
Mother Lina allowed Spouses Ramos to manage the hardware store. an express trust in the nature of Stature of Frauds. Oral evidence of the
When it was put up for sale, Mother Lina allegedly entered into a Verbal contract will be excluded upon timely objection, except if waived by the
Trust Agreement with Spouses Ramos. The verbal trust agreement is in parties. Spouses Ramos did indeed fail to interpose their
the nature of an express trust as Mother Lina explicitly agreed to allow objections regarding the admissibility of the testimonies when the same
the spouses Ramos to acquire title to the Bonifacio property in their were offered to prove the alleged verbal trust agreement between them
names, but to hold the same property for her benefit. When Spouses and Mother Lina. However, even if the testimonies were admissible,
Ramos returned management of the hardware store to Mother Lina, the the Court is still responsible to weigh such testimonies. SC holds
inventory had a difference of Php 116, 946.17. She claims that the that the testimonies did not prove the alleged verbal trust agreement
Php116k was used to buy the Bonifacio Property. Mother Lina demanded between Mother Lina and Spouses Ramos. The fact that respondent
that Spouses Ramos convey the title of the Bonifacio property back to her, spouses Ramos never denied the P116,946.15 difference, or that they
but Spouses Ramos refused. Mother Lina contends that Spouses Ramos failed to present proof that they indeed used the said amount to pay the
are MERE TRUSTEES OF THE BONIFACIO PROPERTY and it is other obligations and liabilities of petitioner is not sufficient to
their moral and legal obligation to reconvey title over the said property discharge Mother Lina’s burden to prove the existence of the
alleged express trust agreement.
Spouses Ramos contended that they were given not only the DOCTRINE:
management, but also the full ownership of the hardware store, on the Art. 1443 – No express trusts concerning an immovable or any interest
condition that the stocks and merchandise of the store will be therein may be proved by parol evidence.
inventoried. Moreover, out of the proceeds of the sales, spouses Ramos
shall pay Mother Lina’s outstanding obligations and liabilities. After In accordance with Art. 1443, when an express trust concerns an
settling and paying the obligations and liabilities of Mother Lina, spouses immovable or any interest therein, the same may not be proved by parol
Ramos bought the Bonifacio property from Mendoza out of their own or oral evidence. However, when the oppositor failed to timely object
funds. Spouses Ramos contends that the 116k difference in inventory when the petitioner tried to prove by parol evidence the existence of an
was used to pay the obligations of Mother Lina to her suppliers, but this express trust over the immovable is deemed to be a waiver, since Art.
was never proven. 1443 is in the nature of a statute of frauds.

RTC ruled in favor of Mother Lina. Spouses Ramos filed for an MR However, although testimonies were admissible, the Court is still
stating that the alleged express trust could not be proven by parol responsible to weigh such testimonies.
evidence pursuat to Art. 1443. However, the RTC denied the MR stating
that Spouses Ramos failed to interpose timely objections, when FACTS:
1. Petitioner Lina Peñalber (Mother Lina) is the mother of ii. When Mother Lina got back the management of
respondent Leticia and mother-in-law of respondent Quirino, the store two years after, inventory was only Php
husband of Leticia (Spouses Ramos). Respondent Bartex, Inc. 110, 005.88
(Bartex) is a domestic corporation who bought from spouses iii. There is a difference of Php 116, 946.17
Ramos one of the two properties involved in this case. iv. Mother Lina claims that the Php116k was used to
2. The two properties in this case are the Ugac properties and the buy the Bonifacio Property
Bonifacio properties. v. Mother Lina contends that the Spouses Ramos
3. BONIFACIO PROPERTY (INVOLVES THE ISSUE ON have the burden of proving where this amount
TRUST) had gone, if indeed they did not use the same to
a. *Important to keep in mind that these facts are being buy the Bonifacio property.
stated in the perspective of Mother Lina* j. Evidenced by receipts and disbursements, Mother Lina
b. Prior to 1984 – Mother Lina operated a hardware store in asserted that Bonifacio property was fully paid using the
a building she owned along Bonifacio St., Tuguegarao, funds of the store and if ever Spouses Ramos shelled out
Cagayan. any amount, this was already reimbursed from the funds
c. Mother Lina only rented the commercial lot (Bonifacio of the store.
property) upon which the building stood on. The lot is k. Mother Lina demanded that Spouses Ramos convey the
owned by and registered in the name of Maria Mendoza title of the Bonifacio property back to her.
(Mendoza). l. Spouses Ramos refused.
d. March 22, 1982 – Mother Lina allowed Spouses Ramos to m. Mother Lina contends that Spouses Ramos are MERE
manage the hardware store. TRUSTEES OF THE BONIFACIO PROPERTY and it
e. 1984 – Mendoza put the Bonifacio property up for sale. is their moral and legal obligation to reconvey title over
f. Mother Lina did not have available cash, so she allegedly the said property to her due to their VERBAL
entered into a VERBAL AGREEMENT with Spouses AGREEMENT.
Ramos: i. Mother Lina is the trustor and Spouses Ramos
i. The lot would be bought Spouses Ramos for and in were the trustees
behalf of Mother Lina ii. A trust agreement was clearly intended by the
ii. The consideration of P80,000.00 for said lot would parties when Mother Lina left the management of
be paid by Spouses Ramos from the accumulated the hardware store to respondent spouses Ramos,
earnings of the store; with the agreement that the proceeds from the
iii. Since Spouses Ramos have the better credit sales from said store be used to buy the lot upon
standing, they would be made to appear in the which the store stands.
Deed of Sale as the vendees so that the title to be iii. Spouses Ramos’ assumption of the management of
issued in their names could be used by them to the hardware store and their eventual purchase of
secure a loan with which to build a bigger building the Bonifacio property indubitably shows that
and expand the business of Mother Lina. spouses Ramos honored their obligation under the
g. September 20, 1984 – Spouses Ramos returned verbal agreement.
management of the hardware store to Mother Lina. iv. The verbal trust agreement is in the nature of an
h. October 24, 1984 – Spouses Ramos and Mendoza entered express trust as Mother Lina explicitly agreed to
into a Contract of Sale and TCT No. T-62769 was issued allow the spouses Ramos to acquire title to the
in the names of Spouses Ramos Bonifacio property in their names, but to hold the
i. Inventory issue: same property for petitioner’s benefit.
i. When Spouses Ramos took over the hardware n. Mother Lina therefore prayed:
store, the inventory then was Php 226, 951.05. i. She be declared the owner of the Bonifacio
ii. TCT No. T-62769, in the name of respondent c.
Mother Lina’s evidence clearly established her ownership
spouses, be declared null and void; of the Bonifacio Property
iii. The Register of Deeds for the Province of Cagayan 7. CA DECISION: Sided with Spouses Ramos
be directed to issue another title in her name. a. Mother Lina failed to prove her claim with the required
4. Spouses Ramos side of the story: BONIFACIO PROPERTY quantum of evidence
a. Spouses Ramos contended that they were given not only b. Difference of Php116,946.15 inventory is not conclusive
the management, but also the full ownership of the proof to show that the said amount was used to pay the
hardware store by Mother Lina. purchase price of the subject lot.
b. On the condition that the stocks and merchandise of the c. Johnson who made the computations testified that it is
store will be inventoried. not known if the goods representing the difference were
c. Out of the proceeds of the sales, spouses Ramos shall pay actually sold or not.
Mother Lina’s outstanding obligations and liabilities. d. Verbal trust agreement vs. Deed of Absolute Sale – Deed
d. After settling and paying the obligations and liabilities of must prevail
Mother Lina, spouses Ramos bought the Bonifacio e. Mother Lina failed to establish with reasonable certainty
property from Mendoza out of their own funds. her claim that the purchase of the subject lot was
e. Failure to arrive at an amicable settlement pursuant to a verbal trust agreement with Spouses
i. Spouses Ramos faulted petitioner for failing to Ramos.
exert efforts to arrive at an amicable settlement of
their dispute. ISSUES:
ii. Spouses Ramos sought, by way of a counterclaim 1. WoN existence of a trust agreement between Mother Lina and
against petitioner, moral and exemplary damages spouses Ramos was clearly established
and attorney’s fees, for allegedly filing a false, 2. WoN such trust agreement was valid and enforceable.
flimsy and frivolous complaint.
f. Inventory issue: RULING: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition for
i. Spouses Ramos contends that it was used to pay Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court is hereby
the obligations of Mother Lina to her suppliers, DENIED. The assailed Decision of CA is hereby AFFIRMED.
but was never proven.
a. BONIFACIO PROPERTY – Sided with Mother Lina Existence of Trust Agreement
i. Mother Lina is the owner of the Bonifacio 21. Trust defined:
property a. Technical legal sense – the right enforceable solely in
ii. Spouses Ramos should reconvey the property to equity, to the beneficial enjoyment of property, the legal
Mother Lina. title to which is vested in another
6. Spouses Ramos filed an MR for the Bonifacio Property with the b. Common application – the word “trust” is frequently
RTC – DENIED employed to indicate duties, relations, and responsibilities
a. On the ground that the alleged express trust created which are not strictly technical trusts.30
between them and petitioner involving the Bonifacio c. A person who establishes a trust is called the trustor; one
property could not be proven by parol evidence. Spouses in whom confidence is reposed is known as the trustee;
Ramos failed to interpose timely objections when and the person for whose benefit the trust has been
Mother Lina testified on their alleged verbal agreement created is referred to as the beneficiary.
regarding the purchase of the Bonifacio property. d. There is a fiduciary relation between the trustee and the
b. Spouses Ramos were deemed to have waived such beneficiary
objections, which cannot be raised anymore in their 22. Manner how trust is created:
Motion for Reconsideration. a. Trusts are either express or implied.
b. Express trusts – created by the intention of the trustor binding upon the parties as if it had been reduced to
or of the parties. They are those which are created by the writing.
direct and positive acts of the parties, by some writing or 5. Spouses Ramos did indeed fail to interpose their
deed, or will, or by words either expressly or impliedly objections regarding the admissibility of the testimonies when
evincing an intention to create a trust. No particular the same were offered to prove the alleged verbal trust agreement
words are required for the creation of an express trust, it between them and Mother Line. Hence, these testimonies were
being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended. rendered admissible in evidence.
c. Implied trusts – come into being by operation of law. 6. Nevertheless, while admissibility of evidence is an affair of logic
23. Mother Lina contends that there was a trust agreement between and law, determined as it is by its relevance and competence, the
her and Spouses Ramos, but was never proven by preponderance weight to be given to such evidence, once admitted, still depends
of evidence. on judicial evaluation.
a. Mother Lina has the burden of proving her cause of action 7. In other words, although the testimonies were admissible,
in the case and not just rely on the weakness of the the Court is still responsible to weigh such testimonies.
defense of Spouses Ramos. 8. SC holds that the testimonies did not prove the alleged verbal
b. Preponderance of evidence – “greater weight of the trust agreement between Mother Lina and Spouses Ramos.
evidence” or “greater weight of the credible evidence”. 9. The fact that respondent spouses Ramos never denied the
i. One who asserts the affirmative of the issue has P116,946.15 difference, or that they failed to present proof that
the burden of proof. they indeed used the said amount to pay the other obligations and
ii. For the plaintiff, the burden of proof never parts. liabilities of petitioner is not sufficient to discharge Mother
iii. For the defendant, an affirmative defense is one Lina’s burden to prove the existence of the alleged express
which is not a denial of an essential ingredient in trust agreement.
the plaintiff’s cause of action, but one which, if
established, will be a good defense ADDITIONAL: REGARDING UGAC PROPERTIES (FIRST
Express Trust Agreement – Immovable – Statute of Frauds – Art. 1443 BUT JUST IN CASE)
1. Art. 1443 – No express trusts concerning an immovable or any
interest therein may be proved by parol evidence. 1. UGAC PROPERTIES
2. However, the requirement in Art. 1443 that an express trust a. *Important to keep in mind that these facts are being
concerning an immovable or an interest therein be in writing is stated in the perspective of Mother Lina*
merely for purposes of proof, not for the validity of the trust b. Mother Lina alleged in her Complaint that she was the
agreement. Hence, in the nature of Stature of Frauds. owner of a parcel of land situated in Ugac Norte,
3. In accordance with Art. 1443, when an express trust concerns an Tuguegarao, Cagayan, with an area of 1,457 sq.m. with
immovable or any interest therein, the same may not be proved Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-43373
by parol or oral evidence. registered under her name.
4. However, when the oppositor failed to timely object when the c. A residential house and a warehouse were constructed on
petitioner tried to prove by parol evidence the existence of an the said parcel of land, which Mother Lina also claimed
express trust over the immovable is deemed to be a waiver, since to own.
Art. 1443 is in the nature of a statute of frauds. d. May 13, 1983 - TCT No. T-43373 was cancelled and TCT
a. Oral evidence of the contract will be excluded upon timely No. T-58043 was issued in the name of respondent
objection. spouses Ramos.
b. But if the parties to the action, during the trial, make no e. April 27, 1983 – Cancellation of TCT was done through a
objection to the admissibility of the oral evidence to Deed of Donation of the Ugac properties in favor of
support the contract covered by the statute, and thereby Spouses Ramos
permit such contract to be proved orally, it will be just as f. Mother Lina claims that her signature was forged and did
not donate the properties to Spouses Ramos. (Please also note that I don’t get why the date of the Deed
g. Mother Lina confronted Spouses Ramos about the false of Donation was done prior to the date of the supposed
donation and they said they would just pay for the Ugac mortgage debt…but yun talaga yung nasa case )
properties for Php 1 million. e. After accepting the donation and having the Deed of
h. Mother Lina agreed. Donation registered, TCT No. T- 58043 was issued to
i. January 10, 1987 – Mother Lina found out that Spouses Spouses Ramos and they then took actual and physical
Ramos were selling the Ugac properties to Bartex, Inc. possession of the Ugac properties.
j. Mother Lina sent her son, Johnson Paredes (Johnson) to f. Spouses Ramos asserted that Mother Lina had always
warn Bartex that Spouses Ramos were not the lawful been aware of their intention to sell the Ugac properties
owners. as they posted placards thereon stating that the said
k. Mother Lina also told Spouses Ramos not to sell the Ugac properties were for sale.
properties or she will file a case against them. g. Mother Lina also knew that they finally sold the Ugac
l. Spouses Ramos assured her. properties to respondent Bartex, Inc. for P150,000.00.
m. January 12, 1987 - However, Spouses Ramos still sold the h. Spouses Ramos maintained that Mother Lina is not
properties to Bartex for Php 150,000. entitled to any reimbursement for the Ugac properties.
n. January 19. 1987 - Mother Lina without knowledge that 3. Bartex Inc. side of the story: UGAC PROPERTIES
the sale pushed through still executed an Affidavit of a. April 27, 1987 – Bartex filed its own Answer to Mother
Adverse Claim and annotated such over the Ugac Lina’s Complaint
properties b. Bartex claims that he was a buyer in good faith because
o. January 20, 1987 - New TCT No. T-68825 was issued in he was never aware of any imperfection in the title of
the name of Bartex. respondent spouses Ramos over the Ugac properties.
p. Mother Lina contends that c. When a representative of Bartex inquired about the Ugac
i. Deed of Absolute Sale did not convey a valid title properties, Spouses Ramos presented their owner’s
to Bartex duplicate copy of TCT No. T-58043, together with the tax
ii. Bartex is a buyer in bad faith declarations covering the parcel of land and the buildings
iii. Spouses Ramos are not the real owners of the thereon.
Ugac properties d. Bartex even verified the title and tax declarations
iv. Hence, the Deed of Donation, TCT in the name of covering the Ugac properties with the Register of Deeds
Spouses Ramos, Deed of Absolute Sale, and TCT and the Office of the Municipal Assessor as to any cloud,
in the name of Bartex should all be declared null encumbrance or lien on the properties, but none were
and void. found
2. Spouses Ramos side of the story: UGAC PROPERTIES e. Spouses Ramos were then actually occupying the Ugac
a. August 19, 1990 - Mother Lina with Johnson and his wife, properties and they only vacated the same after the
Maria Teresa Paredes, mortgaged the Ugac properties to consummation of the sale to Bartex.
the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) for the f. Bartex, Inc. claimed that the sale of the Ugac properties
amount of P150,000.00. by respondent spouses Ramos to the corporation was
b. Mother Lina failed to pay the mortgage debt and asked already consummated on January 12, 1987 when Mother
Spouses Ramos to redeem the mortgaged property or pay Lina caused the annotation of an adverse claim at the
her mortgage debt with DBP back of TCT No. T-58043 on January 19, 1987.
c. In return, Mother Lina promised to cede, convey and 4. RTC DECISION:
transfer full ownership of the Ugac properties to them. a. UGAC PROPERTIES – Sided with Spouses Ramos
d. April 27, 1983 - Spouses Ramos paid the mortgage debt i. Court finds the testimony of Mother Lina denying
and Mother Lina voluntarily transferred the Ugac her execution of the deed of donation over the
properties to the former by way of a Deed of Donation.
Ugac property in favor of Spouses Ramos
ii. Mother Lina claims that she did not execute the
deed of donation over the Ugac property in favor
of Spouses Ramos. Such denial, by itself, is not
sufficient to overcome the presumption of
regularity of the notarial deed of donation
and its entitlement to full faith and credit.
iii. Mother Lina never had her signature on the deed
of donation examined by qualified handwriting
experts to prove that she did not execute them.
iv. Dismissed the case due to lack of insufficient
evidence from Mother Lina
GO v. ESTATE OF BUENAVENTURA (Mark, C2020) 5. When Felisa died on February 19, 1994, a disputed last will and
July 22, 2015 | Perlas-Bernabe, J. | Implied and Express trust testament, showed that half of the subject property is given to
PETITIONER: Wilson Go and Peter Go Bihis and her daughters
RESPONDENTS: Estate of the late Felisa Tamio De Buenaventura, 6. On April 19, 1994, the Bihis Family caused the annotation of an
Represented by Resurreccion A. Bihis adverse claim on TCT No. RT-74910 (49869). Felisa's purported
will likewise declared Bella as the administrator of the subject
SUMMARY: Buenaventura had a land in Quezon City which had a property
building. She sold the land to Bella et. al. Bihis lived in the building. 7. On January 22, 1997, the adverse claim of the Bihis Family was
When Buenaventura died, she wrote in her will that half of the property cancelled. The following day Felimon Buenaventura, Jr. (Felimon,
goes to Bihis. Bella sold the property to petitioners Wilson and Peter Go. Jr.) and Teresita Robles, a.k.a. Rosalina Buenaventura Mariano
Bihis claims that Bella is not the owner of the property and that she was (Teresita), apparently the heirs of Felimon, Sr. (Heirs of Felimon,
only holding it in trust so she can secure a loan from GSIS. Bihis showed Sr.), executed a purported Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate
a letter made by Buenaventura reminding Bella that she is only a of Felimon Buenaventura, Sr.. TCT No. N-170416 was issued in
trustee. The issue is WoN Bella was a trustee. RTC held that there was the names of the Heirs of Felimon, Sr., Bella, and her co-
an implied trust between Buenaventura and Bella et al. but since Gos are petitioners in G.R. No. 212045, Delfin A. Guerrero, Jr. (Delfin, Jr.)
buyers in good faith, property cannot go back to estate of Buenaventura. and Lester Alvin A. Guerrero (Lester) (collectively, Bella, et al.).
CA held that there was an implied trust and that Gos were buyers in bad 8. On January 23, 1997, through a Deed of Sale of even date, the
faith. SC held that there was an express trust and that Gos were in bad subject property was sold to Wilson and Peter by Bella, et al. for
faith. the amount of ₱4,500,000.00, a transaction completely unknown
to Felisa's other heirs, the Bihis Family. Thus, TCT No. N-170416
DOCTRINE: Express trusts are created by direct and positive acts of the was cancelled and, in lieu thereof, TCT No. 170475 was issued in
parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words either expressly or the names of Wilson and Peter. Thereafter, Wilson and Peter filed
impliedly evincing an intention to create a trust. ejectment cases against the occupants and/or lessees of the
subject property.
FACTS: 9. The probate court revoked the appointment of Bella as
1. On March 17, 1959, the late Felisa Tamio de Buenaventura administratrix of the Estate of Felisa and eventually, granted
(Felisa) purchased a parcel of land with an area of 533sqm letters of administration to Bihis.
situated in Quezon City (subject property) and, thus, TCT No. 10. The Bihis Family filed a complaint for reconveyance and damages
45951/T-233 was issued in her name. before the RTC against Bella, et al., Wilson, Peter, and the
2. She constructed a three-storey building thereon, called D'Lourds Register of Deeds of Quezon City,
Building, where she resided until her death on February 19, 1994. 11. Bihis alleged that Felisa, during her lifetime, merely entrusted
3. On February 10, 1960, Felisa supposedly sold the subject property the subject property to Felimon, Sr., Bella, and Delfin, Sr. for the
to one of her daughters, Bella Guerrero (Bella), the latter's purpose of assisting Bella and Delfin, Sr. to obtain a loan and
husband, Delfin Guerrero, Sr. (Delfin, Sr.), and Felimon mortgage from the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS).
Buenaventura, Sr. (Felimon, Sr.), Felisa's common-law husband. 12. To facilitate the transaction, Felisa agreed to have the title over
Bella, co-petitioner in G.R. No. 212045, and Delfin, Sr. paid the subject property transferred to Bella and Felimon, Sr.
₱15,000.00 as consideration therefor. Thus, TCT No. 45951/T-233 However, Felisa never divested herself of her ownership over the
in the name of Felisa was cancelled and TCT No. 49869 was subject property, as evidenced by her continuous residence
issued in the names of Felimon, Sr. and Bella, married to Delfin, thereon, as well as her act of leasing several units to various
Sr. tenants.
4. Sometime in 1968, Resurrecion A. Bihis (Bihis), the other 13. In fact, in a letter dated September 21, 1970 addressed to Delfin,
daughter of Felisa, sister of Bella, began to occupy the second Sr., Felisa reminded Bella, Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr. that the
floor of the D'Lourds Building and stayed therein until her death subject property was merely entrusted to them for Bella and
in 2007. Delfin, Sr. to procure a loan from the GSIS. At the bottom of
the letter, Bella's and Delfin, Sr.' s signatures appear beside their 21. CA modified the RTC Decision, and thereby ordered: (a) the
names. nullification of the Deed of Sale in favor of Wilson and Peter; ( b)
14. Respondents alleged that Wilson and Peter were buyers in bad the reconveyance of the disputed property to the Estate of Felisa;
faith, because they knew that the building was occupied by and (c) issuance of a new title in the name of the Estate of Felisa
individuals other than the sellers, as in fact, the Bihis Family was by the Register of Deeds
residing therein 22. Moreover, the CA ruled that the issuance of TCT in the names of
15. In their defense, Bella and Felimon, Jr. claimed that the subject Bella, Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr. did not operate to vest
property was owned by Bella and (the late) Felimon, Sr., as ownership of the subject property upon them, as a certificate of
evidenced by TCT No. RT-74910 (49869), which title was issued to title is not equivalent to title. Hence, the presentation of TCT No.
them as early as February 10, 1960. Such title has therefore 49869 does not conclusively prove their claim of ownership over
subsisted for almost thirty seven (37) years without having been the subject property
voided or nullified by a court decree. Moreover, they have
exercised acts of ownership over the subject property, such as ISSUES:
mortgaging the same and leasing the building to third parties. 1. WoN there was an implied trust created between Felisa, on one
16. For his part, Wilson claimed that when he and his brother, Peter, hand, and Bella, Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr., on the other – No,
purchased the subject property from Bella, et al. he was not there is EXPRESS trust.
aware of the judicial settlement of the Estate of Felisa. He 2. WoN the action for reconveyance had prescribed - NO
testified that before they acquired the subject property, he 3. WoN Wilson and Peter are purchasers in good faith- NO
verified the validity of the title covering the same with the
Registry of Deeds, and that a period of two (2) months had lapsed RULING:
before the sale was consummated because his lawyer advised him WHEREFORE, the petitions are DENIED. The Decision of the Court of
to request Bella to cancel the encumbrance annotated on the title Appeals is hereby AFFIRMED.
over the subject property. RATIO:
17. He asserted that his lawyer merely advised him to ask for the
cancellation of the annotation but he was not aware of the details Issue on trust
surrounding the same. Eventually, the annotation was cancelled 1. Trust is the right to the beneficial enjoyment of property, the
and that he only knew that the subject property was included in legal title to which is vested in another. It is a fiduciary
the Estate of Felisa when herein respondents' complaint before relationship that obliges the trustee to deal with the property for
the RTC was filed. As such, he maintained that he and Peter were the benefit of the beneficiary.1âwphi1 Trust relations between
purchasers in good faith. parties may either be express or implied. An express trust is
18. The RTC found that there was an implied trust between Felisa, created by the intention of the trustor or of the parties, while an
on the one hand, and Bella and Felimon, Sr., on the other, created implied trust comes into being by operation of law.
by operation of law. The RTC concluded that it was the intention 2. Express trusts are created by direct and positive acts of
of the late Felisa to merely entrust to Bella and Felimon, Sr. the the parties, by some writing or deed, or will, or by words
subject property for the sole purpose of using the same as either expressly or impliedly evincing an intention to
collateral to secure a loan with the GSIS. As such, while it is true create a trust. Under Article 1444 of the Civil Code, "[n]o
that a title was issued in the names of Bella, Delfin, Sr., and particular words are required for the creation of an express trust,
Felimon, Sr. by virtue of the sale of the subject property to them, it being sufficient that a trust is clearly intended." It is possible to
it was clear that Felisa never intended to relinquish her create a trust without using the word "trust" or "trustee."
ownership over the subject property. Conversely, the mere fact that these words are used does not
19. The RTC held that reconveyance can no longer be effected since necessarily indicate an intention to create a trust. The question in
the subject property had already been transferred to Wilson and each case is whether the trustor manifested an intention to create
Peter, whom it found to be purchasers in good faith. the kind of relationship which to lawyers is known as trust. It is
20. Bihis appelaed to the CA immaterial whether or not he knows that the relationship which
he intends to create is called a trust, and whether or not he knows 11. In his testimony before the RTC, Wilson claimed to have verified
the precise characteristics of the relationship which is called a the validity of the title covering the subject property before the
trust. Registry of Deeds. However, he also admitted that two (2) months
3. Further, in the case of Tamayo v. Callejo the Court recognized had lapsed before the sale could be consummated because his
that a trust may have a constructive or implied nature in the lawyer advised him to request Bella, one of the sellers, to cancel
beginning, but the registered owner's subsequent express the encumbrance annotated on the title of the subject property.
acknowledgement in a public document of a previous sale of the He also claimed that he had no knowledge about the details of
property to another party effectively converted the same into an such annotation, and that he was aware that individuals other
express trust than the sellers were in possession of the subject property.
4. In the present case, both the RTC and the CA found that an 12. Such knowledge of the existence of an annotation on the title
implied trust was established, heavily giving credence, among covering the subject property and of the occupation thereof by
others, to the September 21, 1970 letter executed by Felisa during individuals other than the sellers negates any presumption of
her lifetime good faith on the part of Wilson and Peter when they purchased
5. The words of Felisa in the letter unequivocally and absolutely the subject property. A person who deliberately ignores a
declared her intention of transferring the title over the subject significant fact which would create suspicion in an otherwise
property to Bella, Delfin, Sr., and Felimon, Sr. in order to merely reasonable man is not an innocent purchaser for value.
accommodate them in securing a loan from the GSIS. She
likewise stated clearly that she was retaining her Copy of the letter:
ownership over the subject property and articulated her Dear Delfin,
wish to have her heirs share equally therein.
6. As correctly ruled by the CA, citing Lee Tek Sheng v. CA, the Ipinaaabot ko sa iyo ang sulat kong ito upang malaman mo ang aking
"mere issuance of the certificate of title in the name of any person nagiging damdamin. Hinihiling ko sa iyo at ipinakikiusap sa iyo tungkol
does not foreclose the possibility that the real property may be doon sa late at building ng D 'lourds.
under co-ownership with persons not named in the certificate or
that the registrant may only be a trustee or that other parties Hindi naman kaila sa ivo kung papaano ko ito naisalin sa inyong
may have acquired interest subsequent to the issuance of the pangalan nina Filemon C. Buenaventura Sr., Bella Alvarez Guerrero at
certificate of title," as in this case. Registration does not vest title; Delfin Guerrero Sr. Ang dahilan nito ay dahil sa pag-utang sa GSIS.
it is merely the evidence of such title.
Kaya gusto kong malaman mo na ito ay nagpapatotoo na ito ay sarili
Issue of prescription kong pag-aari at walang sinumang nagbigay o tumulong sa akin sa
7. The Court finds that the action for reconveyance instituted by lupang ito. At maski si Ka Fe ling mo ay walang naibigay na pera dito.
respondents has not yet prescribed, following the jurisprudential
rule that express trusts prescribe in ten (10) years from the time Kaya hinihiling ko ang gusto kong mangyari sa ngayon ay maging
the trust is repudiated kaparehong-kapareho ang paghahati ng bawat isa sa anumang aking
8. In this case, there was a repudiation of the express trust when kabuhayan.
Bella, as the remaining trustee, sold the subject property to
Wilson and Peter on January 23, 1997. Kaya hinihiling ko sa iyo Delfin na kung maaari lamang ay ang lahat ng
9. The complaint for reconveyance and damages was filed by nakatala dito ay pirmahan ninyo.
respondents on October 17, 1997 or only a few months after the
sale it cannot be said that the same has prescribed.

Issue on good faith

10. The Court concurs with the CA' s finding that petitioners are not
in good faith.

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