Factor Matrix After Varimax Rotation: Appendix B, Factor Analysis

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1 Appendix B, Factor Analysis

1.1 Homophily

Table 1.1Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation

Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
Factors Commonality
I trust online reviews of people who are of
Homophily my same age, gender, education and .265 .415
social status.
I trust online reviews of people who are
.233 .321
very similar to me.
I trust online reviews of people who think
.285 .479
like me.
I trust online reviews of people who
.296 .518
behave like me.
I trust online reviews of people who have
.269 .427
the same interest like me.
I don’t rely on the reviews of people who
.214 .272
are different to me
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= 0.767, Chi- square =449.754

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=15, p= 0.000


Table 1.2Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation

Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
factors Commonality
I trust online reviews of person who is
Expertness .181 .308
expert of the field.
I trust online reviews of person who has
.234 .513
I trust online reviews of person who has
.220 .456
I trust online reviews of person who has
.198 .369
the ability of judgment about the product.
I trust online reviews of person who is
.230 .497
I trust online review of person who is
.220 .454
I trust online reviews of person who is
.686 .471
competent of the field.
Variance explained
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= 0.833, Chi- square =790.530

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=21, p= 0.000


Table 1.3Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation

Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
factors Commonality
I trust on the reviews posted on
Trustworthiness .255 .534
Facebook by a person who is honest.
I trust on the reviews posted on
.258 .545
Facebook by a person who is reliable.
I trust on the reviews posted on
.279 .639
Facebook by a person who is sincere.
I trust on the reviews posted on
Facebook by a person who is .208 .356
I trust on the reviews posted on
Facebook by a person who is .217 .386
I trust on the reviews posted on
.222 .404
Facebook by a person who is accurate.
Variance explained
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= 0.825, Chi- square =712.238

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=15, p= 0.000

Informational influence

Table 1.4Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation

Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
factors Commonality
Informational If I have little experience with a product, I
.196 .338
influence often ask my friends about the product
I often consult other people to help choose
the best alternative available from a .300 .794
product class.
I frequently gather information from
friends or family about a product before I .245 .528
buy a product.
Information from the reviewer contributes
.158 .220
in my knowledge about the product.
I feel more comfortable choosing products
when I have gotten my contacts’ opinions .189 .315
on them on the SNSs.
I take interest in fashion products through
.296 .772
(eingen values)
explained %
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= 0.741, Chi- square =1267

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=15, p= 0.000

High fashion involvement

Table 1.5Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation

Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
factors Commonality
High Fashion Facebook is an important source of
.240 .526
Involvement information about fashion products.
Seeking information about fashion
.221 .446
products through Facebook is fun.
Facebook helps in getting information
.250 .573
how to dress in style.
Facebook helps in getting latest fashion
.249 .568
I always search for fashion product on
.243 .542
Reviews on Facebook make the desire
.202 .372
to purchase the product.
Variance explained
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= 0.793, Chi- square =894.867

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=15, p= 0.000

Purchase intention

Table 1.6Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation

Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
factors Commonality
I seek Facebook reviews to before
Purchase intention .234 .519
making purchase decision.
In future I intent to purchase the
.288 .784
products discussed on Facebook.
I expect to purchase the product
.272 .698
discussed on Facebook.
I will consider purchasing the product
.299 .845
discussed on Facebook.
I will definitely purchase the product
.155 .228
discussed on Facebook.
Variance explained
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= 0.747, Chi- square =1553.806

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=15, p= 0.000

eWOM involvement

Table 1.7Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation

Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
factors Commonality
eWOM I read about fashion products details
.240 .477
Involvement on Facebook.
I post reviews on Facebook about
.262 .569
fashion products.
I read reviews on Facebook about
.287 .681
fashion products.
I am interested in online reviews about
.287 .682
fashion products.
I like to get information about fashion
.238 .469
products through Facebook.
Variance explained
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= .819, Chi- square =809.862

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=15, p= 0.000

Table 1.8Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Factor Matrix after Varimax Rotation
Denomination of Degree of
Component Factor
factors Commonality
Facebook usage I have been using Facebook for more
.324 .806
intensity than one year.
I have more than 100 Facebook
.228 .402
I frequently read reviews/comments in
.325 .814
I frequently participate in
.249 .479
reviews/comments in Facebook.
I spend some of my time on Facebook
.188 .273
Variance explained
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin= .688, Chi- square =1511.683

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: df=15, p= 0.000

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