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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Cloud Data De-Duplication in Multiuser Environment: DeposM2

Mr. Kaustubh Borate, Prof. Bharti Dhote
Department of Computer Engineering, SIT Lonawala, SPPU, Pune, India

How to cite this paper: Mr. Kaustubh ABSTRACT

Borate | Prof. Bharti Dhote "Cloud Data Nowadays, cloud computing produce a huge amount of sensitive data, such as
De-Duplication in Multiuser Environment: personal Information, financial data, and electronic health records, social
DeposM2" media data. And that causes duplication of data and that suffers to storage and
Published in performance of cloud system. Data De-Duplication has been widely used to
International eliminate redundant storage overhead in cloud storage system to improve IT
Journal of Trend in resources efficiency. However, traditional techniques face a great challenge in
Scientific Research big data De-Duplication to strike a sensible tradeoff between the conflicting
and Development goals of scalable De-Duplication throughput and high duplicate elimination
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD25270 ratio. De-Duplication reduces the space and bandwidth requirements of data
6470, Volume-3 | storage services, and is most effective when applied across multiple users, a
Issue-5, August 2019, pp.402-404, common practice by cloud storage offerings. I study the privacy implications of cross-user De-Duplication. Thus, an interesting challenging problem is how to
deduplicate multimedia data with a multi user environment and propose an
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and efficient system to overcome these types of problems. In this paper, I
International Journal of Trend in Scientific introduce a new primitive called Depos-M2 which gives a partial positive
Research and Development Journal. This answer for these challenging problem. I propose two phases: De-Duplication
is an Open Access article distributed and proof of storage, where the first one allows De-Duplication of data and
under the terms of letter one allows proof of storage that means give permission to respective
the Creative user i.e. owner of that file.
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)
( KEYWORDS: Cloud Computing; De-Duplication; Depos-M2; proof of storage
INTRODUCTION A. Approaches to De-Duplication
Nowadays, cloud computing produce a huge amount of Data De-Duplication strategies can be categorized according
sensitive data, cloud computing is becoming more and more to the basic data units they handle. In this respect there are
attractive to both industry and academic due to the two main data De-Duplication, strategies [1]: (1) File-level
advantages of low cost, high accessibility, and easy sharing. De-Duplication, in which only a single copy of each file is
And that causes duplication of data and that suffers to stored. Two or more files are identified as identical if
storage and performance of cloud system. As one of the theyhave the same hash value. This is a very popular type of
storage outsourcing forms, cloud storage gains wide Service offered in multiple products ;( 2) Block-level De-
attention in recent years. Duplication , which segments files into blocks and stores
only a single copy of each block. The system could either use
Cloud storage refers to scalable and elastic storage fixed-sized blocks or variable-sized chunks. The discussion
capabilities that are delivered as. Many companies, such as in this paper may be applied to both strategies.
Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, provide their own cloud
storage services, where users can upload their files to the LITERATURE SURVEY
servers, access them from various devices, and share them A. DeyPOS: DE duplicable dynamic proof of storage and
with the others. file sharing for multiuser environment
In this paper, we have discussed existing techniques for De-
A service using Internet technologies with elastic Duplication of cloud data for multi user environment. This
provisioning and use-based pricing that does not penalize system gives idea of avoid duplication of data that is going to
users for changing their storage consumption without notice store at cloud. This system compare data of file which is
[1], [2]. The term data De-Duplication refers to techniques store already at cloud storage with newly uploaded file data.
that store only a single copy of redundant data, and provide This system compare data only to avoid duplication.
links to that copy instead of storing other actual copies of
this data.1 with the transition of services from tape to disk, B. ASE-PoW: a Proof of Ownership mechanism for
data De-Duplication has become a key component in the cloud De-Duplication in hierarchical environments:
backup process. By storing and transmitting only a single A Survey
copy of duplicate data, De-Duplication offers savings of both This paper provide Proof-of-Ownership (PoW) can be an
disk space and network bandwidth. For vendors, it offers effective De-Duplication technique to reduce storage
secondary cost savings in power and cooling achieved by requirements, by providing cloud storage servers the
reducing the number of disk spindles. According to recent capability to guarantee that clients only upload and
statistics, De-Duplication is considered to be the most- download files that they are in possession of.
impactful storage technology

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25270 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 402
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
C. Secure data Deduplication scheme for clod storage. B. Algorithms
This paper aims at differentiation of data according to their Let D be the Whole system which consists,
popularity, and to security purpose this system gives idea of D= {I, P, O}
secure a data of file with using encryption technique with
using AES algorithm. Where,
Q- Users Query {q1, q2…, qN}
D. Side channels in cloud services, the case of De- P- Procedure,
Duplication in cloud storage F-Files set of {f1, f2,…,fn}
This paper provide ideas about cross-user De-Duplication I-Input,
And risks due to the high savings Offered by cross-user De- I-{F, Q},
Duplication, cloud storage providers are unlikely to stop O- Output.
using this technology.
E. Dynamic Data De-Duplication in Cloud Storage F = Represents the file,
This paper address the most things like storage of dynamic
data and handling of dynamic data. m1, m2, m3, m4= representing the ith block of the file, e =
encryption key
This system model considers two types of entities: the cloud Phase 1: Pre-process Phase
server and users. For each file, original user is the user who In the pre-processing phase,
uploaded the file to the cloud server, while subsequent user e ← H(F), id ← H(e).
is the user who proved the ownership of the file but did not
actually upload the file to the cloud server. Then, the user announces that it has a certain file via id.

A. Architecture If the file does not exist, the user goes into the upload phase.
There are five phases in a deduplicatable dynamic PoS
system: Pre-processing, Uploading, De-Duplication, Otherwise, the user goes into the De-Duplication phase.
Updating, and Proof of Storage. In the first pre-processing
phase, users intend to upload their local files. The cloud Phase2 The Upload File
server decides whether these files should be uploaded. If the
upload process is granted, go into the upload phase; (C, T ) ← Encoding(e, F)
otherwise, go into the De-Duplication phase. In the upload Let the file F = (m1, . . . ,mn).
phase, the files to be uploaded do not exist in the cloud
server. The original users encodes the local files and upload The user first invokes the encoding according
them to the cloud server. In the duplication phase, the files to
be uploaded already exist in the cloud server. The Phase3. The De-Duplication Data(file) res ∈ {0, 1} ← De-
subsequent users possess the files locally and the cloud Duplication {U(e, F), S(T)}
server stores the authenticated structures of the files.
Subsequent users need to convince the cloud server that If a file announced by a user in the pre-process phase exists
they own the files without uploading them to the cloud in the cloud server, the user goes into the De-Duplication
server. Note that, these three phases (pre- process, upload, phase and runs the De-Duplication protocol
and De-Duplication ) are executed only once in the life cycle
of a file from the perspective of users. That is, these three Phase 4: The Update File
phases appear only when users intend to upload files. If res ∈ {he∗, (C∗, T ∗)i,⊥} ← Updating{U(e, i, m, OP), S(C, T )}
these phases terminate normally, i.e., users finish uploading
in the upload phase, or they pass the verification in the De- In this phase, a user can arbitrarily update the file by
Duplication phase, I say that the users have the ownerships invoking the update protocol
of the files.
Phase 5: The Proof of Storage to Owner res ∈ {0, 1}
Advantages of Proposed System ←Checking{S(C, T), U(e)}
 The duplicated files are mapped with a single copy of the
file data by mapping with the existing file data in the At any time, users can go into the proof of storage phase if
cloud they have the ownerships of the files. The users and the
 The comprehensive requirements in multi-user cloud cloud server run the checking protocol.
storage systems and introduced the model of
deduplicatable dynamic PoS. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS
User can upload, download update on cloud server and
provide data De-Duplication.

Thus I have study about dynamic data De-Duplication and
problems occur due to with cloud system and tries to resolve
these problems with introducing DeposM2 system. That can
positively respond to De-Duplication and Proof of Storage to
original user in multiuser environment

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD25270 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 403
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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