Ask A Question. Often, The Most Challenging Part of An SIP Is Figuring Out What You Want To Investigate

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Report (BPO 2)

Science Investigatory Project

Ask a question. Often, the most challenging part of an SIP is figuring out what you want to investigate.
Take your time in choosing, because all of the subsequent steps will be based on the idea you select.
 Think about something that interests, surprises, or confuses you, and consider whether it is something
you can reasonably investigate for a project. Formulate a single question that sums up you would like to
 For instance (in a running example that will carry throughout this section), say you've heard that you can
make a simple solar oven out of a pizza box.[2] You may, however, be skeptical as to whether this can be
done, or done consistently at least. Therefore, your question might be: "Can a simple solar oven be
made that works consistently in various conditions?"
 Make sure the topic you select is manageable within your time frame, budget, and skill level, and that it
doesn't break any rules for the assignment / fair / competition (for example, no animal testing). You can
search for ideas online if you need help, but don't just copy a project you find there; this will also be
against the rules and is unethical.

Research your topic. You can do this by reading reference and science books, searching online, or
discussing it with knowledgeable people. Knowing your topic in more depth will help you construct your
 Be aware of the requirements for your project. Many science fairs require that you have at least three
solid, reputable, useful sources to use as references.[4]
 Your sources will need to be unbiased (not tied to a product for sale, for instance), timely (not an
encyclopedia from 1965), and credible (not some anonymous comment on a blog post). Web sources
that are supported by a scientific organization or journal are a good bet. Ask your teacher or project
director for guidance if you need it.
 For instance, the search query "how to make a solar oven out of a pizza box" will produce a bounty of
sources, some more scientifically-grounded (and thus reliable) than others. The hit on an on-topic article
in a recognized, reputable periodical should be considered a valid source.[5]
 On the other hand, blog posts, anonymous articles, and crowd-sourced materials probably won't make
the cut. As valuable a resource as wikiHow is (and there are articles on pizza box solar ovens here), it
may not be considered a valid source for your SIP. Choosing well-developed articles with numerous
footnotes (that link to solid sources themselves) will improve the odds of acceptance, but discuss the
issue with your instructor, fair organizer, etc.

Form a hypothesis. The hypothesis is your working theory or prediction, based on the question you've
asked and your subsequent research. It needs to be accurate and clear, but it doesn't need to be proven
correct in order for your SIP to be successful (failed experiments are just as important as successful ones
in science).[6]
 It is often helpful to turn your question into a hypothesis by thinking in "if / then" terms. You may want
to frame your hypothesis (at least initially) as "If [I do this], then [this will happen]."
 For our example, the hypothesis might be: "A solar oven made from a pizza box can consistently heat
foods any time there is abundant sunshine."

Design your experiment. After you have formulated your hypothesis, it is time to test whether it is valid
or not. The experiment you design should focus exclusively on either confirming or refuting your
hypothesis. Remember, it's not important if you're right, it's important how you conduct the process.[7]
 Consideration of variables is key in setting up your experiment. Scientific experiments have three types
of variables: independent (those changed by you); dependent (those that change in response to the
independent variable); and controlled (those that remain the same).[8]
 When planning your experiment, consider the materials that you will need. Make sure they are readily
available and affordable, or even better, use materials that are already in your house.
 For our pizza box solar oven, the materials are easy to acquire and assemble. The oven, item cooked
(s'mores, for instance), and full sunshine will be controlled variables. Other environmental conditions
(time or day or time of year, for instance) could be the independent variable; and "done-ness" of the
item the dependent variable.

Conduct your experiment. Once your preparation and planning is complete, the time will finally arrive
when you can test the validity of your hypothesis.[9]
 Closely follow the steps that you have planned to test your experiment. However, if your test can not be
conducted as planned, reconfigure your steps or try different materials. (If you really want to win the
science fair, this will be a big step for you!)
 It is common practice for science fairs that you will need to conduct your test at least three times to
ensure a scientifically-valid result.[10]
 For our pizza box oven, then, let's say you decide to test your solar oven by placing it in direct sun on
three similar, 90-degree Fahrenheit days in July, at three times each day (10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm).
Record and analyze your results. Even the most interesting and enlightening test will be useless to your
SIP if you do not accurately record and analyze the results.
 Sometimes your data may be best recorded as a graph, chart, or just a journal entry. However you
record the data, make sure it is easy to review and analyze. Keep accurate records of all your results,
even if they don't turn out the way you hoped or planned. This is also part of science![11]
 As per the solar oven tests at 10 am, 2 pm, and 6 pm on three sunny days, you will need to utilize your
results. By recording the done-ness of your s'mores (by how melted the chocolate and marshmallow is,
for instance), you may find that only the 2 pm placement was consistently successful.[12]

Make your conclusion. Now that you have conducted your experiment and either confirmed or refuted
your hypothesis, it is time to clearly and accurately state your findings. In essence, you are now
answering the question you originally asked.[13]
 If you started out with a simple, clear, straightforward question, and a similar hypothesis, it should be
easier to craft your conclusion.
 Remember, concluding that your hypothesis was completely wrong does not make your SIP a failure. If
you make clear, scientifically-grounded findings, and present them well, it can and will be a success.
 In the pizza box solar oven example, our hypothesis was "A solar oven made from a pizza box can
consistently heat foods any time there is abundant sunshine." Our conclusion, however, might be: "A
solar oven made from a pizza box can only be consistently successful in heating foods in mid-day sun on
a hot day."

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