Reflection Paper

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Cuales, Karen Dianne E.

BS Accountancy 1-C
Tangcay, Maria Kristina Amor
Timan, Ysmathayate Y.
Villamor, Lykka

Coming out (CO) is the process by which gay, lesbian and bisexual (LGB) people choose

to reveal their own sexual orientation to other. This study investigated the potential predictors

associated to choice to come out, intended to contribute to the extension of knowledge about CO

among gay, lesbian, and bisexual people. As culture evolve and civilizations reach their peak,

mean and women continuously struggle to gain a name for themselves. Each proving dominance

over or equality with the other. In the case now, bisexual people’s count were prevalently higher

than the past years. Sexual minorities constantly face the effects of societal heterosexism. Many

organization especially the Roman Catholic disapproved about the homosexuality or bisexuality

arising conflict to the community. It has been studied that coming out (CO) to others provides

various benefits as for mental health, higher self-esteem and emotional relief. However, other

scholars reported that CO could also be associated with negative consequences through the

decision to come out is a personal one, such as: discrimination and prejudices.

Based on the research that we read, bisexuals are those people who are confused about their

true identity or sexuality or they could be the person who are afraid to come out due to some

reasons. We agreed on the findings or the result of the research that bisexuals are most likely prone

to stereotype. Upon reading the text, we know that bisexual people are not treated equally, they

experience more negative treatments than lesbian and gay men do. This is one of the potential

barriers why coming out is so hard to bisexual people. Being discriminated by the society usually

leads why these people have lower self-esteem. Another thing that hinders them to come out is the
point of view of their family. They think that ruining their family relationship is a big effect that

they are afraid to risk. Another is lack of support from the LGB community can also be a hindrance

to coming out of the bisexual people. Being in a community without the LGB people who can

motivate them to be themselves can be a lot harder to conquer. Another one is not having a stable

relationship, it can also make them doubtful of their worth, that often drive them to be engaged in

multiple relationships at a time according to some stereotypes in the society. They might think that

people don’t take them seriously. In terms of religion, based on the research, they found out that

religiosity is not related to coming out of bisexuals. They say that Catholic LGB are most likely to

be stress in terms of coming out to their families rather than the non-religious LGB, because they

know that being bisexual is not approved or accepted by the Catholic Church. In terms of health,

bisexuals are most likely to get anxiety or psychological difficulties because they can’t come out,

they can’t express what they feel because of the stereotypes or discrimination of the society to

them. In terms of freedom, we think that bisexuals are free rather than gays and lesbian because

they hide under the shadow of the society, they tend to enjoy their privilege to conceal their

identities, so that’s why it is less pressure to them to come out. Lastly, in terms of education, we

also agree on the result that those who attained high level of education are the ones who are likely

to come out to their family.

According to this article “Coming-Out to Family Members and Internalize Sexual Stigma

in Bisexual Gay, and Lesbian people” by Pistella et al. 2016, it is more complex to Bisexual people

than to Gays and Lesbians to come-out to their families because they are more prone to

discrimination of the people around them. They have this negativity in their minds because of this

beliefs and perception of a group of people that is negative and often unfair to them. This is

associated with the studies of D’Augelli and Grossman 2001; Frost et al. 2013; Herek 2003; Legaty
et al. 2012 which states that coming out may related with negative impact on their social and

personal lives. Specifically because of exposure and rejection from family and friends,

discrimination from others, and harassment that they might probably get at school. That is why

instead of coming out, they keep it to themselves and sometimes just show their true self to those

people who understand them more. With these information, we as a group concludes that we have

to be open about this issue in the society because aside from they also are human, this issue is

rampant nowadays. We have to respect each other and one way to do this is to help them lessen

their worries to come out. By only supporting them we might increase their confidence and self-

esteem –because according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, in order to gain self-esteem we also

need Love and companion. We also can cause them self-relief and they will be more free that

causes work and life satisfaction.

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