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1.) MOYA VS DEL FIERRO 69 PHIL 199 (1939) number corresponding to precinct No.

1, and this latter

ballot clearly appears admissible for the respondent
G.R. No. L-46863 November 18, 1939 because the name written on the space for mayor is "Primo
del Fierro" or "Pimo de Fierro", the error is technical and
deserves but scanty consideration. (2) Ballot Exhibit F-26 in
IRINEO MOYA, petitioner,
precinct No. 3 was erroneously admitted for the
respondent by the Court of Appeals, the name written on
the space for mayor being "G.T. Krandes." It is true that on
the fourth line for the councilor "Alcalde Pinong del Fierro":
Elpidio Quirino for petitioner. appears; but the intention of the elector is rendered vague
Claro M. Recto for respondent. and incapable of ascertaining and the ballot was improperly
counted for the respondent. As to this ballot, the
LAUREL, J.: contention of the petitioner is sustained (3) Ballot Exhibit F-
77 in precinct No. 2 should also have been rejected by the
This is a petition for review by certiorari of the judgment of Court of Appeals. The ballot bears the distinguishing mark
the Court of Appeals in the above entitled case declaring "O. K." placed after the name "M. Lopis" written on space
the respondent, Agripino Ga. del Fierro, the candidate-elect for vice-mayor. The contention of the petitioner in this
for the office of mayor of the municipality of Paracale, respect is likewise sustained. (4) Ballot Exhibit F-9 in
Province of Camarines Norte, with a majority of three votes precinct No. 2 was properly admitted for respondent. On
over his rival, Irineo Moya. In the general elections held on this ballot the elector wrote within the space for mayor the
December 14, 1937, the parties herein were contending name of Regino Guinto, a candidate for the provincial
candidates for the aforesaid office. After canvass of the board and wrote the respondent's name immediately
returns the municipal council of Paracale, acting as board below the line for mayor but immediately above the name
of canvassers, proclaimed the petitioner as the elected "M. Lopez" voted by him for vice-mayor.
mayor of said municipality with a majority of 102 votes. On
December 27, 1937, the respondent field a motion of The intention of the elector to vote for the respondent for
protest in the Court of First Instance of Camarines Norte, the office of the mayor is clear under the circumstances. (5)
the Court of Appeals, on July 13, 1939 rendered the Ballot F-131 in precinct No. 1 was also properly counted for
judgment hereinbefore mentioned which is sought by the the respondent. On this ballot the elector wrote the
petitioner to be reviewed and reversed upon the errors respondent's name on the space for vice-mayor, but,
alleged to have been committed by the Court of Appeals: apparently realizing his mistake, he placed an arrow
connecting the name of the respondent to the word
1. In admitting and counting in favor of the "Mayor" (Alcalde) printed on the left side of the ballot. The
respondent, 8 ballots either inadvertently or intention of the elector to vote for the respondent for the
contrary to the controlling decisions of this office of mayor is thus evident, in the absence of proof
Honorable Court. showing that the ballot had been tampered with. (6) Ballot
F-7 in precinct No. 5 is admissible for the respondent and
the Court of Appeals committed no error in so adjudicating.
2. In admitting and counting in favor of the Although the name of the respondent is written on the first
respondent, 3 ballots marked "R. del Fierro." space for member of the provincial board, said name is
followed in the next line by "Bice" Culastico Palma, which
3. In admitting and counting in favor of the latter name is followed in the next line by word "consehal"
respondent, 7 ballots marked "Rufino del Firro." and the name of a candidate for this position.

4. In admitting and counting in favor of the The intention of the elector to vote for the respondent for
respondent, 72 ballots marked "P. del Fierro." the office of mayor being manifest, the objection of the
petitioner to the admission of this ballot is overruled. (7)
Taking up seriatim the alleged errors, we come to the first Ballot F-1 in precinct No. 2 is valid for the respondent. On
assignment involving the eight (8) ballots now to be this ballot the Christian name of the respondent was
mentioned. (1) With reference to ballot Exhibit F-175 in written on the second space for member of the provincial
precinct No. 2, alleged to have been inadvertently admitted board, but his surname was written on the proper space for
in favor of the respondent, such inadvertence raises a mayor with no other accompanying name or names. The
question of fact which could have been corrected by the intention of the elector being manifest, the same should be
Court of Appeals and which could we are not in a position given effect in favor of the respondent. (8) Ballot F-44 in
to determine in this proceeding for review bycertiorari. precinct No. 2 wherein "Agripino F. Garcia" appears written
Upon the other hand, if the error attributed to the Court of on the proper space, is valid for the respondent. In his
Appeals consisted in having admitted ballot Exhibit F-175 in certificate of candidacy the respondent gave his name as
precinct No. 2 instead of the ballot bearing the same "Agripino Ga. del Fierro." The conclusion of the trial court,
upheld by the Court of Appeals, that the letter "F" stands representative type of government, necessarily points to
for "Fierro" and "Garcia" for the contraction "Ga." is not the enfranchised citizen as a particle of popular sovereignty
without justification and, by liberal construction, the ballot and as the ultimate source of the established authority. He
in question was properly admitted for the respondent. has a voice in his Government and whenever called upon to
act in justifiable cases, to give it efficacy and not to stifle it.
The second error assigned by the petitioner refers to three This, fundamentally, is the reason for the rule that ballots
ballots, namely, Exhibit F-119 in precinct No. 1 Exhibit F-24 should be read and appreciated, if not with utmost, with
in precinct No. 2, and Exhibit F-6 in precinct No. 4. These reasonable, liberality. Counsel for both parties have called
three ballots appear to be among the 75 ballots found by our attention to the different and divergent rules laid down
the Court of Appeals as acceptable for the respondent on by this Court on the appreciation of ballots. It will serve no
the ground that the initial letter "P" stands for "Pino" in good and useful purpose for us to engage in the task of
"Pino del Fierro" which is a name mentioned in the reconciliation or harmonization of these rules, although
certificate of candidacy of the respondent. The petitioner this may perhaps be undertaken, as no two cases will be
contends that the initial "R" and not "P". Even if we could found to be exactly the same in factual or legal
reverse this finding, we do not feel justified in doing so environment. It is sufficient to observe, however, in this
after examining the photostatic copies of these ballots connection that whatever might have been said in cases
attached to the herein petition for certiorari. The second heretofore decided, no technical rule or rules should be
assignment of error is accordingly overruled. permitted to defeat the intention of the voter, if that
intention is discoverable from the ballot itself, not from
evidence aliunde. This rule of interpretation goes to the
Upon the third assignment of error, the petitioner
very root of the system. Rationally, also, this must be the
questions the correctness of the judgment of the Court of
justification for the suggested liberalization of the rules on
Appeals in adjudicating to the respondent the seven ballots
appreciation of ballots which are now incorporated in
wherein "Rufino del Fierro" was voted for the office of
section 144 of the Election Code (Commonwealth Act No.
mayor. We are of the opinion that the position taken by the
Court of Appeals is correct. There was no other candidate
for the office of mayor with the name of "Rufino" or similar
name and, as the respondent was districtly identified by his It results that, crediting the petitioner with the two ballots
surname on these ballots, the intention of the voters in herein held to have been erroneously admitted by the
preparing the same was undoubtedly to vote for the Court of Appeals for the respondent, the latter still wins by
respondent of the office for which he was a one vote. In view whereof it becomes unnecessary to consider the counter-assignment of errors of the
The fourth assignment of error deals with the 72 ballots
wherein "P. del Fierro" was voted for the office of mayor, With the modification of the decision of the Court of
and it is the contention of the petitioner that said ballots Appeals, the petition for the writ of certiorari is hereby
should not have been counted by the Court of Appeals in dismissed, without pronouncement regarding costs.
favor of the respondent. For the identical reason indicated
under the discussion of petitioner's second assignment of
error, namely, that "P" stands for "Pino" in "Pino del Fierro"
which is a name mentioned in the certificate of candidacy In this petition for review by certiorari of the judgment of
of the respondent, we hold that there was no error in the the CA declaring del Fierro as the candidate-elect mayor of
action of the Court of Appeals in awarding the said ballots Paracale, Camarines Norte with a majority vote over Moya.
to the respondent. He contended that the CA committed errors in admitting
and counting in favor of del Fierro several ballots. The SC
With the exception of ballot marked as Exhibit F-26 in dismissed the petition because in result even if the ballots
precinct No. 3 and ballot marked as Exhibit F-77 in precinct contested are counted in favor of Moya, del Fierro still wins
No. 2, we are inclined to accept the rest of the disputed by one vote. The SC avers that in republicanism, the
ballots for the respondent not only for the specific reasons citizens have the voice in the government and whenever
already given but also and principally for the more called upon to act in justifiable cases to give it efficacy and
fundamental reason now to be stated. As long as popular not to stifle. This is the fundamental reason for the rule
government is an end to be achieved and safeguarded, that ballots should be read and appreciated if not with
suffrage, whatever may be the modality and form devised, utmost, with reasonable liberality.
must continue to be the manes by which the great
reservoir of power must be emptied into the receptacular Moya vs. Del Fierro, 69 Phil. 199, 204 (1939) stated that
agencies wrought by the people through their Constitution suffrage is both a right and privilege. It is a right appearing
in the interest of good government and the common weal. to the citizen as a particle of sovereignty. It is a privilege
Republicanism, in so far as it implies the adoption of a conferred exclusively upon citizens by the sovereign power
in order to serve a general public purpose or individual thereof. For the lower court then, the lack of a cause of
advantage. Suffrage, if exercised with purity and noble action was rather evident.
purpose, is the security of popular government.
Hence the order of dismissal of March 23, 1968, which was
sought to be fortified by the invocation of the doctrines
2.) G.R. No. L-29333 February 27, 1969 that voters should not be deprived of their right to vote
occasioned by the failure of the election officials to comply
MARIANO LL. BADELLES, protestant-appellant, with the formal prerequisites to the exercise of the right of
vs. suffrage and that the rules and regulations for the conduct
CAMILO P. CABILI, protegee-appellee. of elections while mandatory before the voting should be
considered directory thereafter. The validity of such order
-------------------------- of dismissal is now to be inquired into by us in this appeal.

G.R. No. L-29334 February 27, 1969 In the petition of protestant Badelles, dated December 8,
1967, and marked as received the next day by the Clerk of
Court of the Court of First Instance of Lanao del Norte, 15th
BONIFACIO P. LEGASPI and CECILlO T. BARAZON protestants- Judicial District, it was stated that both he and protestee
appellants, Camilo P. Cabili were the duly registered candidates for the
vs. Office of City Mayor of Iligan City, both having filed their
FELIX Z. ACTUB, PROVIDENCIO P. ABRAGAN, MANUEL F. respective certificates of candidacy in accordance with law
CELDRAN, CASIMERO P. CABIGON and BENITO and as such candidates voted for in the November 14, 1967
ONG, protestees-appellees. election. It was then alleged that the Board of Canvassers,
on November 25, 1967, proclaimed as elected protestee
Bonifacio P. Legaspi for and in his own behalf. for having obtained 11,310 votes while protestant was
Camilo P. Cabili. Gerardo B. Padilla and Ignacio Español and credited with 8,966 votes. Protestant would impugn the
Voltaire I. Roviro for protestees-appellees. election of Cabili on the ground that there were "flagrant
violation of mandatory provisions of law relating to or
FERNANDO, J.: governing elections ...." in that more than 200 voters were
registered per precinct contrary to the provision limiting
such number of 200 only and that no publication of the list
Two election protests against the duly proclaimed Mayor
of voters for each precinct was made up to the election day
and Councilors of Iligan City, after the Nov. 14, 1967
itself, enabling persons who under the law could not vote
elections, based on the allegations of flagrant violations of
being allowed to do so. As a result of such alleged "flagrant
certain mandatory provisions of the Election Code, to be
violations of the laws relation to or governing elections"
more specifically set forth hereafter, were dismissed in a
around 8,300 individuals were allowed to vote illegally.
single order by the Court of First Instance of Lanao del
Norte, the Honorable Teodulo C. Tandayag presiding. The
cases are now before us on appeal. It was likewise asserted that not less than 8,000 qualified
voters were unable to exercise their right of suffrage in
view of their failure, without any fault on their part, to have
In one of them, 1 the election of Honorable Camilo P. Cabili
the proper identification cards or the non-listing of their
to the Office of City Mayor of Iligan City, was contested by
names in the list of voters. It was stated further that even
protestant, now appellant, Mariano Badelles. In the
in the case of those individuals provided with identification
other, 2 the protestants are the now appellants, Bonifacio P.
cards with their names included in the list of voters, they
Legaspi and Cecilia T. Barazon who along with the five
could not avail themselves of their right of suffrage as their
protestees 3 were among those who were registered
applications for registration could not be found. Mention
candidates voted for in such election for councilors in the
was also made of the fact that the final lists of voters and
City of Iligan, with the protestees being credited with the
the applications for registration were delivered to their
five highest number of votes, with protestants Legaspi and
respective precincts late on election day itself thus
Barazon obtaining sixth and seventh places, respectively.
preventing them from voting. Moreover, confusion, so it
was alleged, was caused by the excessive number of voters
In such order of dismissal, it was admitted that while being listed and many having been assigned to precincts
irregularities as well as misconduct on the part of election other than the correct ones.
officers were alleged in the election protests filed, there
was however an absence of an allegation that they would
What was thus objected to is the fact that illegal votes
change the result of the election in favor of the protestants
were cast by those not qualified to do so, numbering 8,300
and against the protestees, that such irregularities would
or more and that an approximately equal number, who
destroy the secrecy and integrity of the ballots cast, or that
were duly registered with the Commission on Elections,
the protestees knew of or participated in the commission
Iligan City, were unable to vote due to the above benefit in favor of the protestants to the end that they will
circumstances. The proclamation then could not have be declared the duly elected mayor and councilors,
reflected the true will of the electorate as to who was the respectively, of this City." 6
mayor elected, as the majority of protestee Cabili over the
protestant consisted of only 2,344 votes. It was further stated in such order of dismissal: "There is no
allegation in the petition that the irregularities committed
The prayer was among others for the proclamation of by the election officials have destroyed the secrecy and
protestee as well as other candidates for elective positions integrity of the ballots cast. There is no allegation in the
in the City of Iligan being set aside and declared null and petition that the non-compliance of the election officials of
void, protestant pleading further that he be granted other the provisions of the election laws regarding the
such relief as may be warranted in law and equity. registration of voters were intentional on their part for the
purpose of committing frauds for the benefit of the
The protest of the candidates for councilor Legaspi and protestees. There is no allegation in the petition that
Barazon in the other case against protestees 4 was in because of the alleged irregularities committed by the
substance similarly worded. The prayer was for the setting election officials in not following the provisions of the
aside and declaring null and void the proclamation of election laws regarding the registration of voters and the
protestees with protestants seeking such other relief which distribution of the precincts, that all the votes cast during
should be theirs according to law and to equity. said elections are illegal, nor is there an allegation in the
protests that the irregularities committed by the election
officials would affect the election in favor of the
In the first case, protestee Cabili moved to dismiss the
protestees." 7
petition on the following grounds: "1. That the protest was
filed beyond the reglementary period allowed by the
Revised Election Code; 2. That [the lower court] has no A greater regard for the cause of accuracy ought to have
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the present case, the admonished the lower court from asserting in an
Commission on Elections being the proper body to hear the uncompromising tone the absence of an allegation that the
same; 3. That the complaint states no cause of protestants in both cases failed to allege that if the facts
action." 5 This very same grounds were relied upon in a pleaded by them were proved the result would not have
motion to dismiss by protestees Actub and Cabigon, filed in been different. It is true the complaints could have been
the other suit. more explicitly worded, but as they stood, the absence of
such a claim could not be so confidently asserted.
As above noted, in a single order of March 23, 1968, the
two above election protests were dismissed, the lower To repeat, both protests were dismissed. We do not
court being of the opinion that neither petition alleged a discount a certain degree of plausibility attaching to the
cause of action "to justify [it] to try the same." The first line of reasoning thus pursued by the lower court. We are
ground of the motion to dismiss to the effect that the not unaware of the undeniable fact that both petitions
protests in both cases were filed beyond the reglementary were not distinguished by skill in their drafting or precision
period was rejected. The claim as to lack of jurisdiction was in their terminology. Nonetheless the seriousness and
likewise held to be without merit. The single order of gravity of the imputed failure to have the elections
dismissal in both cases as indicated was based on the lack conducted freely and honestly, with such irregularities
of a cause of action. alleged, give rise to doubts, rational and honest, as to who
were the duly elected officials. Such allegations, it is to be
stressed, would have to be accepted at their face value for
The reasoning followed by the lower court in reaching the
the purpose of determining whether there is a cause of
above conclusion that there was no cause of action,
action, a motion to dismiss amounting to a hypothetical
proceeded along these lines: "Mere irregularities or
admission of facts thus pleaded. We cannot in law and in
misconduct on the part of election officers which do not
conscience then sustain the order of dismissal.
tend to affect the result of the elections are not of
themselves either ground for contest or for proper matters
of inquiry... There is no allegation in the protest that the Without the lower court having so intended, the dismissal
alleged irregularities committed by the election officers would amount to judicial abnegation of a sworn duty to
would tend to change the result of the election in favor of inquire into and pass upon in an appropriate proceeding
the protestants and against the protestees. There is no allegations of misconduct and misdeeds of such character.
allegation in the petition that the 8,000 voters who failed Accordingly, we reverse.
to vote were all voters of protestants and the 8,300 illegal
voters who voted were for the protestees. There is, Abes v. Commission on Elections 8 points the way, but the
therefore, no legal and practical justification for the court lower court was apparently impervious to its teaching. It
to inquire into the irregularities committed by the election may not be controlling, but it furnishes more than a hint. It
officials, as alleged in the petition, for it would not give any
would seem, though, that for the court below, its message pronouncement." After which came the following: "The
did not ring out loud and clear. ratiocination advanced that there was failure of election
due to rampancy of terrorism, frauds, and other
The opinion in the Abes case, penned by Justice Sanchez, irregularities, before and during elections, such that
starts thus: "Petitioner's cry for relief, so their petition allegedly about 51% of the registered voters were not able
avers, is planted upon the constitutional mandate of free, to vote, will not carry the day for petitioners. For, in the
orderly, and honest elections. Specifically, they list a first place, this is grounded upon bare assertions.
number of repressible acts." Among those mentioned were Respondents contest the correctness thereof. And in the
that blank official registration forms were taken from the answer of respondents Amoranto, Mathay and others, they
office of the Quezon City Comelec Register several weeks aver that out of 162,457 registered voters in Quezon City,
before election day, November 14, 1967; that active 100,382 voters actually cast their votes — about 62% of the
campaigning within the polling places by Nacionalista registered voters. But above all, as pointed out in City
leaders or sympathizers of Nacionalista candidates were Board of Canvassers vs. Moscoso, [the] nullity of an election
allowed; that voters were permitted to vote on mere for municipal officials should be determined in a petition
mimeographed notices of certain Nacionalista candidates; contesting the election of municipal officers-elect to be
that voters were compelled to fill their official ballots on filed before the Court of First Instance."
open tables, desks and in many precincts outside the
polling places; that thousands of voters sympathetic to the Why an election protest is more fitly and appropriately the
Nacionalista candidates were allowed to vote beyond the procedure for determining whether irregularities or serious
hours for voting allowed by law; that identification cards violations of the electoral law vitiated the conduct of
were delivered by partisan leaders of respondents elections was clearly and succinctly explained in the
Nacionalista candidates, and those who did not signify their Moscoso decision above cited, the opinion coming from
preference for Nacionalista candidates were not given such Justice Makalintal. 10 Thus: "The question of whether or not
cards; that the precinct books of voters were not sealed there had been terrorism, vote-buying and other
within the deadline fixed by law; and that the resulting irregularities in the 1959 elections in Tacloban City should
effect of irregularities was to prevent full fifty-one per cent be ventilated in a regular election protest, pursuant to
of the registered voters from voting. section 174 of the Election Code, and not in a petition to
enjoin the city board of canvassers from canvassing the
One of the issues raised on the above facts is whether or election returns and proclaiming the winning candidates
not the Commission on Elections could annul the aforesaid for municipal offices."
election in Quezon City on the above allegations of fraud,
terrorism and other illegal practices committed before and It would follow then that if the grievance relied upon is the
during the election. The petition did not prosper; it was widespread irregularities and the flagrant violations of the
dismissed. The remedy, we held, lay not with the election law, the proper remedy is the one availed of here,
Commission on Elections but with the courts of justice in an the protest.
election protest.
That such should be the case should occasion no surprise.
In the language of Justice Sanchez: "The boundaries of the Time and time again, 11 we have stressed the importance of
forbidden area into which Comelec may not tread are also preserving inviolate the right of suffrage. If that right be
marked by jurisprudence. That Comelec is not the proper disregarded or frittered away, then popular sovereignty
forum to seek annulment of an election based on becomes a myth.
terrorism, frauds and other illegal practices, is a principle
emphasized in decisions of this Court." For as announced As Justice Laurel correctly pointed out: "As long as popular
in Nacionalista Party v. Commission on Elections, 9 assuming government is an end to be achieved and safeguarded,
that there be a failure to conduct an election in a free, suffrage, whatever may be the modality and form devised,
orderly and honest manner, "the duty to cure or remedy must continue to be the means by which the great
the resulting evil" did not rest with the Commission on reservoir of power must be emptied into the receptacular
Elections but in "some other agencies of the Government." agencies wrought by the people through their Constitution
More specifically, with reference to provincial and in the interest of good government and the common weal.
municipal officials, election contests "are entrusted to the Republicanism, in so far as it implies the adoption of a
courts." Then came this express affirmation: "The power to representative type of government, necessarily points to
decide election contests necessarily includes the power to the enfranchised citizen as a particle of popular sovereignty
determine the validity or nullity of the votes questioned by and as the ultimate source of the established authority." 12
either of the contestants." .
A republic then to be true to its name requires that the
As so emphatically observed in the Abes opinion, "there government rests on the consent of the people, consent
has been neither deviation nor retreat from the foregoing freely given, intelligently arrived at, honestly recorded, and
thereafter counted. Only thus can they be really looked Wherein, more than the allowed number of voters per
upon as the ultimate sources of established authority. It is precinct voted. However, evident that there was lack of
their undeniable right to have officials of their unfettered cause of action, the protests were dismissed.
choice. The election law has no justification except as a
means for assuring a free, honest and orderly expression of ISSUE:
their views. It is of the essence that corruption and 1. Whether or not CFI has jurisdiction over election
irregularities should not be permitted to taint the electoral protests?
2. Whether or not the protests state no cause of action?
It may not always be thus unfortunately. That should be the
ideal however. If there be a failure to observe the
mandates of the Election Code, the aggrieved parties
should not be left remediless. Under the law as it stands, it 1. Yes. CFI is the proper forum to seek annulment of an
is precisely an election protest that fitly serves that election based on terrorism, frauds and other illegal
purpose.lawphi1.nêt practices. The duty to cure or remedy the resulting evil lies
with the proper courts and not with the COMELEC.
It was sought to be thus utilized in these two cases,
2. Protests before the CFI have causes of action. The cases
perhaps in a rather awkward and far from entirely
were remanded to the lower court to proceed with the trial
satisfactory manner. Than itself is no reason for the courts
to determine whether irregularities or serious violations of
to slam the door against any opportunity for redress. Yet,
the electoral law vitiated the conduct of elections.
that is what would happen if the order of dismissal
complained of were not set aside. 3. ARTURO TOLENTINO AND ARTURO MOJICA VS.
Hence the inevitability of its reversal. The scope of our SENATOR GREGORIO HONASAN
decision must not be misinterpreted however. All that it
directs is that the protetees in both cases be required to G.R. No. 148334. January 21, 2004
answer. Thereafter, if, as is not unlikely, there be a denial
of the serious imputations made as to the alleged
irregularities, the lower court could properly inquire into Facts
what actually transpired. After the facts are thus Following the appointment of Senator Teofisto Guingona as
ascertained in accordance with the accepted procedural Vice-President of the Philippines, the Senate on February 8,
rules, then the appropriate law could be applied. 2001 passed Resolution No. 84, calling on COMELEC to fill
the vacancy through a special election to be held
It must be clearly emphasized that we do not at this stage simultaneously with the regular elections on May 14, 2001.
intimate any view as to the merit, or lack of it, of either Twelve senators, with 6-year term each, were due to be
protest. That would be premature to say the least. All we elected in that election. The resolution further provides
do is to set aside the order of dismissal. that the “Senatorial candidate garnering the 13th highest
number of votes shall serve only for the unexpired term of
former Senator Teofisto Guingona, Jr. which ends on June
WHEREFORE, the order of dismissal of March 23, 1968, is 30, 2004.
reversed and the two cases remanded to the lower court
for proceeding and trial in accordance with this opinion and On June 5, 2001, after canvassing the election results, the
the law. Without costs.
COMELEC proclaimed 13 candidates as the elected
Senators, with the first 12 Senators to serve the unexpired
Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, term of 6 years and the 13th Senator to serve the full term
Sanchez, Castro, Capistra of 3 years of Senator Teofisto Guingona, Jr. Gregorio
Honasan ranked 13th.
Petitioners Arturo Tolentino and Arturo Mojica, as voters
Badelles contested the election of CABILI as Mayor in the and taxpayers, filed the instant petition for prohibition,
City of Iligan. On the other hand, Legaspi and Barazon praying for the nullification of Resolution No. 01-005.
together with other five protestees were the registered
candidates voted for as councilors. These protests lodged Issue
before the CFI were on grounds of flagrant violations of Whether or not the Special Election held on May 14, 2001
certain mandatory provisions of the Election Code such as should be nullified:
irregularities and misconduct. (1) for failure to give notice by the body empowered to and
(2) for not following the procedure of filling up the vacancy
pursuant to R.A. 6645.
(1) Where the law does not fix the time and place for ART. V, Sec. 1, 1987 Constitution: “Suffrage may be
holding a special election but empowers some exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not otherwise
authority to fix the time and place after the disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen years of age,
happening of a condition precedent, the and who shall have resided in the Philippines for at least one
statutory year and in the place wherein they propose to vote for at
provision on the giving of notice is considered least six months immediately preceding the election. No
literacy, property, or other substantive requirement shall be
mandatory, and failure to do so will render the
imposed on the exercise of suffrage.”
election a nullity.

The test in determining the validity of a special Qualifications

election in relation to the failure to give notice of
Puno’s Dissenting Opinion, Tolentino v. COMELEC, G.R. No.
the special election is whether want of notice has
148334, Jan. 21, 2004
resulted in misleading a sufficient number of
voters as would change the result of special
election. If the lack of official notice misled a Citizenship - Suffrage is a political right
substantial number of voters who wrongly appertaining to citizenship; reserved
believed that there was no special election to fill only to Filipinos whose allegiance to the
country are undivided; each individual
vacancy, a choice by small percentage of voters
qualified to vote is a particle of popular
would be void.

(2) There is no basis in the petitioners’ claim that Age (18 years) - Voting is an act of choice
the manner by which the COMELEC conducted and involves prescience; familiarity and
the special Senatorial election on May 14, 2001 is maturity
a nullity because the COMELEC failed to Residence - For the vote to be more
document separately the candidates and to meaningful, more than a passing
canvass separately the votes cast for the special acquaintance with the country’s
election. No such requirement exists in our problems and prospects is required
election laws. What is mandatory under Section 2 “One year residence in the Philippines” - refers to
of R.A. 6645 is that the COMELEC “fix the date of “domicile,” the place to which whenever absent for
election,” if necessary, and state among others, business or for pleasure, one intends to return
the office/s to be voted for.
Significantly, the method adopted by the ELEMENTS OF DOMICILE:
COMELEC in conducting the special election on Physical presence
May 14, 2001 merely implemented the Animus manendi (intent to return permanently)
procedure specified by the Senate in Resolution
“Six months residence in the place where one intends to
No. 84. Initially, the original draft of said
vote” - refers to “temporary domicile”
resolution as introduced by Senator Francisco
Tatad made no mention of the manner by which PURPOSE OF 6-MONTH RESIDENCY:
the seat vacated by former Senator Guingona Determine the place where the voter will register
would be filled. However, upon the suggestion of Determine the place where voter will vote
Senator Raul Roco, the Senate agreed to amend
the resolution by providing as it now appears, CLASSES OF DOMICILE:
that “the senatorial cabdidate garnering the 13th Domicile of Origin - place of birth
highest number of votes shall serve only for the Domicile of Choice - replace the domicile of origin
unexpired term of former Senator Teofisto Domicile by Operation of Law - applies to infants,
Giongona, Jr.” incompetents and other persons under disabilities that
prevent them from acquiring a domicile of choice

Who May Exercise the Right to Vote

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