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I 1980 ECC was entrusted with 4 chalonging assignment of Converting a vison into concrete realty. Architect Farbure ‘Sahba had creamed up a design of Baha’ House of Worship in Deh for the National Saritual Assembly ofthe Bahai in nia Or Flint Noi & Partners of UK. provide the sinvetural design fortis very Ccompleated canstructon ~ simar to the Syney Opera House twas 0 ‘be constricted in reinforced concrete Jn the form of lotus. There was not a ‘Single siraignt ine inthe bung {design — everyning was n doubly ‘curved shel, making every ‘measurement a complcated procedtre, ECC faced the challenge head on The project provided ECC-tes the technology, formwork design, ually ‘contol and methods of constuction {to suit the itoate shape of thin Shells involved. Precast concrete for the talistrades and natural stone Used wer of highest professional ‘Standards. Fixing ofthe white marble ‘over sianless sie! lugs using local camentersto highest acuracy ‘and seal the joins wit sitcone has boon a vary satistying experience. All these factors heed ECC to onimatty ‘succeed in Constructing @ word oss mionumen which ‘acting asa ‘magnet fo those interestodin aesthetics constriction, ‘and spintual seekers. nthe decade (gone by since ts opening, the Bahai ‘House of Worship, popula called ‘Lotus Temple, nods the viewers in ‘wo. I has boon called th Te Mahal ofthe 200 century ECC Concord, the quarter journal of he Construction Group ofa, hha brought out a special iste of he foumal, focusing onthe Lotus Temple. The issue has bean out of print whereas many of our business ‘ontacts have been requesting frit We are happy to reprint te issue with ‘marginal changes, especialy of Pholgraphs ofthe beaut lawns fand Bronging people wich were not there when the tomple was inaugurate. 1am pleased to otter his revised Issue of ECC Concord tothe Aiscoming reader. take his ‘pportunity to congratulate and thank Al those who made this monument ossbie — the clon, tho architec, the consultants and scores of ECC staff and workmen. We are proud of this manumental achievement daly constuction premacristere A, Ramakrishna, Vice Presidant (Operations) Mode of Baha’ House of Wersh Deihi’s Baha'i House of Worship ranks among contemporary struc- tures of the world and would be recalled in the company of Sydney Opera House and the Taj Mahal. T: unusual structure which has central al. ince the lotus o2en a taken shape onthe hil at ‘he top, @ glass and stool oo! a the Kakailin New Delhi's tho —_lovel of racial beams provides Baha Houso of Worship. The Bahall__ protection rom ran and facitates faiths sald embecy mise the etry of natural ight int the nine major faiths ofthe world and in. audtorum. Below the erizance ‘order to symbole tis, each ieaves and outer leaves nae ire Component of the tome Is ropeated massive archos in a ring through nine times. The temple gves an each one of whichis a row of steps Impression of@ ha pen its flower, leading nto the maln hal afloat, surrounded by ts leaves. The inner leaves enciose the inrior “The tomple complex consists of the dome, @ canopy made of criss | tain House of Worship, the ancilary cfossng bs and shells of iate Block which houses the ravepfon ” pattem. Wen viewed frm nse, eno, the brary an the Sach layer of shots and bs, a thoy ‘sominisvatve bung. The temple ise, lsappears behind the nex Inner proper comprises a basementto ‘layer. Some ofthe rs corwerg> ‘ecommedste the electneal and fadaly and meet at a central. jumbing seniees and aotus shaped The radial beams emanating fem the opens rnb ier leaves, dascrbed earor, most atthe coi ofthe busing anc rest Walkways with beaut, curved on this hub. A neoprene pad is balisades,odges and stairs which provided between the radial beams Sumound the nine pects representing nd the top ofthe Inter dome to the floating leaves ofthe lotus. Apart lw lator movernentcausod by the from serving an obvious aestnetic fect of the emperature changes funtion, the pools also help nthe and win. vention process ofthe Buling, ‘The lotus, as seen from autsice, nas Geometry treo oa inves or petals all Tho boat concept of he ous had which are made otal in eonrete ote coveted io cana shel. The overmost set of nine geometrical shapes ike spheres, Peials,caled the entrance leaves, _Eylndes, torlds and cones, The pen outwards and form tho nino’ 89, shape, thickness and ater tentrances al around he out Getais ofthe structure were deined fannuarnal. he next set olrine by equations of he above Pelals, called the outer leaves, point gaometrical suraces and those inwards. The entance and ouier _squatons had tobe tally comerted leaves tags cover the outer hal, into a set of dimensions in tes of ‘The third set of rine petal, called the length, breadth, height and hceness Inner loaves, appear tobe partly easly understood bya te engnoor Closed. Onl the tps open out, fra carpentry foreman, Ths cuty Somewhat ike party open bud This Potion, which rises above he est, forms the main structure housing the every 40 degree Segment ofthe tomple which was worked out with the halp af a computer. The problem was {urhersimpifed by working out levels and distances which a ‘carpenter ora reinforcement fer oud Formwork. The design erection and dismanting othe formwork for to petals posed the most challenging task. Not only ‘Was te formar aicul align, 20 2s o produce accuratly the Complex, doubly curved faces and {hor inereectone but algo the. Closeness of petals, one fold behind {he nex. caused serous problems of Workspace for xing formar, Feinforeement ana coneretng. The fxposod sutaces woro to have farchtecral pattems formed based Gn certain goometical parameters which wore exromoly diiut Feproduve a st. To resolve tis, method siatomonts wore prepared in Palnstaking detal for ach ofthe Sporatons and many of them were Seveloped on ful size mockups and ‘models For every shel he nner formwork was fly fixed rom bottom o top and aligned accurately. (Once this wae done andthe Feinforcement placed in positon, ‘he outer formwork was fxed and faighed progressively as and when the evel of eoverete fose during concreting. Aloo, 10 veld marks of 0d joins onthe exposed concrete Surace, the casting of petals was. Cari cut in contnuous pour, ‘sometimes fra height of 22m and lasting more than 48 nour. To facitae such placamont of Concrete an simuttaneous com pacton the outar formwork had fo be placed one row of panak a8 the lovel of conc ‘oe, the next row of panels were fied. These panels were therefore to be xed in positon and aligned accurately n the shortest possible ‘ime. ‘Support System ‘The suppor system forthe outer formwork nad not only 0 cater to such a provision but aso had to bo Sufclonty gat resist the Dressure of concrete, and to cary {he platforms for tne workmen and ‘ther constructional lds Exposed Surface In conventonalbuilings, a fina layer ‘of surface fingh Ev the form of plastor, palning a cher typ of reat ment is normal providedto give a uniform land smeoth surface, Th ishing layer ides of makes up all ‘onstruction Jonts, unevenness, siete projections ane oor Blomishes waich appoar on the ‘concrete suri when the forms ae femoved. Here no such covering layer was permitted and tho exposed Sirface ofall coneree has an tnblemishd surtace with only the Sesigned textures and arcntectral Patterns, Fr the wale, columns and Efi of labs he basement, the (ey coveretesurace shows an auto pattom of ors of planks land te grains of wood. Above the basement the inne surfaces of write onerete of al te shes have 2 Uniform buch hammared suraco with farohitoctural pattems. For the inner Ieaves, hese pattems ae formod out ot radial and vertical planes Intersecting the surface of he taurus. For the outer and entrance leaves, as ‘also the interior dome, the patterns fre formed out of longitudes and iathodes of spheres, Reinforcement ‘The renforoement used inthe white Concrete shells as wel asthe bing wes were entirely galvanised so as to prevent he long term eect of rT rt Sameer rusting of enforcement on th white ‘ou of concrete See gaherised Tenoreement fox concrete lon teed fs county, sovera ets Were calc out 0 ensure tat the tmechancal properties of Tervorooment dd Nt get edrely aitcted due to gavariaing Sand tating was cao’ ott reuse Fycrgen anbrtioment. The botom forme for one sh or each Ieaves was lt rected and signed "Tosedge ins andthe srtaceso ine tonne wera han used as 8 ‘mockup desde the eng an Shape of each borin to sal To Sod te mpresson of ener backs nine exposed sac of cht tho ‘ter layer of eevorcoment na held ipositon by special sto! spacers ‘Supported fom te ota omavork Concrete ‘Alte lbs and shells up to etal beam lval aren white conerat, To ‘avoid crazing and shvinkage eacks, ‘he mic of whe concrete wae ‘designed considering that the coment ‘content should be Below 400 kg Sha the quanty of water, recuod to minimum. From th tosis caied futon Incan cement, was bund that the srength and other properties vaied considerably and the colour {ad nok moet the architectural requirement. Algo, o actievethe required strength, greater quantity of ‘oment was neadod. The ene ‘Te Baha’ temple — showing arto ho assembly hal ‘quantity of white cement was therefore imported rom Korea. Specialy graded doloate ‘aggregates were procure from the ‘Alvar Mines noar De and white ‘ea sand rom Jaipur. The ‘maximum tombporatro of coneret, At the time of placing was imtod 1 ‘5 deg. C.Duting he summer {ure was as high as 45 dog. Che temperature of conerete was contoled by ading measured ‘ant af and By precooting of agregstesn arcocted aggrogate ‘Storage bine, To avo eo fonts ‘duet stoppage of work during heavy rane and provent rain water from entering the forms, the entre concreting ates was covered by tarpaulins Marble Cladding “The outer surface ofthe shale as also the inner suraco of te arcnes fre cladéed n white marble panels fired tothe concrete suriace with Specialy designed sania stool Brackels and anchors. 10,000 a.m. ct marble was quar rom the ‘Mount Pentlekon mines of Greece tnd threaten sent oily where tach panel was cut To the required Sze and shape to sult the geometry land architectural pattem boro. transporting them fo the sein De, may be interesting to rote thatthe tentre marble work wae caro’ ut by carpenters wo learned tho kl ‘of marbe fang within afew woexs land could complete the werk, othe Fequies accuracy, two months lange of the echedled completion Project Management ‘The complexity of the structure and tho vary high standards of workmanship expected tobe ‘Sieved demanded @ dmamic onstruction management wih a Figh degree of nnovabveness, team Span qualty conscousness in ‘he sal ané workmen, =. Naharoy, JOM, L&T — EGC Construction (Group. Mr. Naharoy was in charge of ‘he Bana temple project execution. renee ng tna tat erate ya cca Te New Deh tpl eset Peasant euae oy Sontag tater cere te tee, | ra ceke tater some tee eee ieee nee incon a ssn te The Baha tomple In How Dei wil probeby be recogned in Scary earl stig wn years to come as one of the building masterpieces of the 2oth <2rectoaretne COC Cone. Century. Thore is not a single straight lino In the bald: {inc everything is in curvature, making every measurement a complicated procedure. The story of the Baha'i temple is told ‘Concept here by Mr. John D’Allen, Editor-in-chief, Construction News, Te acne on London, who visited the sito ln Febmary 1986, set ieee ae Bensicty te ache fics on Pat tn mart clnttngho oman cogs Fasteners ESE ne ee teat fet teetelescrig’™” SaoleectS ue Rov antares’ Swstel et Ente [Souienre sic’ om Severin sateen, uu eet hb ie ‘ofthe Bana Temple in Now Delis" Likes 17th conti predecessor he now active as chants representative beginning fo emerge ints full gory. Banal Temple wll be marble cud: forthe Nalonal Spal Asem of Not witout ustfeation the eranem the stone inthis case comes fom tha Baha of Inca, Aight vow of te temole ‘On ita intensive research has been ‘Semanded on the pat ofthe indian ‘onatucton managorent team to evs the formwork and erection Sequences required to make the ‘orginal concept manifest in concrete form, Now that these tasks are behind thom, here te growing raion on ‘he and among the deignors that they have created a masterpiece of ‘contemporary construction technology. When the temples ‘dodested ate end ofthis year Wil probably be recognised as one of this contury’s most outstanding ‘bulcinge, There are plans 10 pias ooetight te topo at night; Huminated, Wil present a ‘owing spectacle nthe capial y's ight ie envionment wit i Bound to tract a sweling numberof wvetore. From the commencement ofthe teommiasion nthe fate 1970s fo the femarging tumoh of the 19805 has, FRoweverbeen along and had 3d for Dr. Anthony Flt and nis ‘alleagues Infact th main contract waft eto Engineering CConstracion Corporation n 1980 afer excavatons had been ‘completed by Ahluwalia Corsruction © ‘A view ofthe inner leaves wth interior dome ribs and assembly area ‘The form ofthe lotus chosen by the architect gives anine-sided structure Inplan, based on ang of rine lrches each covering 40 degrees. From each of these spring tree shale erating the 27 polls, “Tse tse toa height of $3.6 m and Belored ately atom of ‘asa boas plant oom. etnies be compases 4 ibe wih shelsin between, also Fang rom tho arches. ‘Spatial forms forthe shale were ‘eveloped wih tho ad of minh ‘Somputer capable of generating ‘awe of the stuctre fom a basic set ‘teoordnates, Tho Ina Teavos are formed from toriel surfaces wih arch softs fying on parabolic ona. “The annular hal formed around the Inner area ofthe tempo is enciosed by outer leaves having spherical traces of hloknesces varying from 435 mm 0.250 mm. From these he ‘nirance shells project outwar the nine entrances. Challenging According toa report produced bythe Indian contractors, ECC. tho most challenging jb was design, erection and eismanting ofthe forma ‘Special attention was pai o the patie mparted by the formwork fonts on to exposed concrete Surtace, These were to fallow the ‘ongitdes and iattudos of the ‘spheres and trois, No othr ints ‘or marc were 6 be seen on the onorete surface. Tomeet this demanding requicement full geale mock-ups nad tobe but 0 ‘tugy the problems involved in ‘erecting the formwork. ‘Aggregates “The petals or shells of he ltus are fermed of white concrete using ‘poctaly graded dolomite aggregates ‘fom the Alwar mines nar Bei and white silea sand tem Jaipur, “Thioe ner leaves of uniform £200 mm ticknoss were conerotod at ‘timo, al inervals of 120 degrees, ‘genorally in wo is from ther bases {othe lave ofthe rail boas In hot weather precautions were taken to cool the concrete and shade the stooipies, mixers, forms and Fevnoreement ee-melt water nas Used in the mix By these means 2 Cconorele temperature of 30°C was fchieved when the ambient temperature was excess of AU. Hosein canopies were erected rom the staging to provide shading ofthe hel beg conereted and. horizontal Sprinkle syelems were employed tha curng process, “The major nshing operation now proceeding on sts elading he Conerete shale and arches in wite mabe panels. These have been preformed nly tothe sutace Dros, mensions being computed by relerence to tho programme vised athe seting out stage. ‘The panels are affixed by means of Stainless stl brackets So0uTed 10 the concrete by bats. The flooring inside to temple wt also bo in white marble; walways and star inthe Suter poskum wl be Tshed nfo Sandstone, “The geomatical complexity ofthe stroture combined with dersands for high elandards of workmanship have Placed exceptional demangs 00 onstruction managment Recontly the project has boen making exceptionally good progress. When fished, the New Delhi temple ‘wil comprise the ceniropiees fr so ‘Stuetues bull on sila prnsps found the word. There willbe no fale of ceremonies the temple ‘The prnespal acy wit be readings ‘rom the septres ofthe major rolgous fats, eid tobe nine In umber, hence the ninefold ‘Composition of his unusual bulking ‘The basic conception is that of a lotus flower ostng unpolited nthe ‘mudsod watore otis material worl ‘The. trashed work now emerging a8 tne scafolang and false work are removed showe how brant the Ina epiration has been translated Inv canerete orm ( Excorpted rom Construction News ‘win permission) iase.up of he inner potion of one ofthe entrance leaves (ght, sie view of ‘nother entrance lea (le) and balusrades at let ofthe Banal tompio In New Dot constructed by ECC: Construction Group of Larsen & Touro Lites. Two cuter leaves are also partaly vst. Desi struction The House of Worship for the Baha‘i Faith in New Delhi is ‘constructed of reinforced concrete in the form of a lotus flower. Twenty-seven shells and an intricate interior latticed dome cover ‘a nonagonal podium surrounded by pools. pea lal ct oben ebeelpe soca ean cetagaee ene Se a eee cee deccamnene rem Beh ea pdstce Frtcegemieiemeisigae™,, Scbeansmenching sas a flower (the sacred flower of the east) pt Y roots f 27 petals containing 2) pwards and supports the hub othe Inteor waceried dome, allspringing radiaibeamsbetwoonthe inetleaves. rains oon pools ‘Tha datum points an primary andconstetion ofthese ordinates forte sting ov were Ceematicuresconaneya’ _ Sefvedby sulon ofthe geanetsc Fumberof unusual complenies _equallons to say defined tien are desctbedin tis paper. constrains othe form anders of resulting programnes were used to Design i cate wd raha, Soled caving an aang General Arrangement Sr Fara aca Nestaetd ntateenecn severe) scan ovsrey Desemertinsupparedon 82/0 ake eis ol tenatve hie shells spring ram the pec land forma ring of nine arches, nance and auter leaves are Interconnected Inner leaves spring from the arches 0 4 height of 38.6 m, beng nod at Figh level bya sysiom of radial ‘beams supporting a plant om. The interior dome s comprised of My our fe with shells between also ring frome arches. Geometry Spatial forms forthe shel, otowing the concept and constructable, were veloped with he aid ofa min ‘computer capable of providing ‘diagrams of any views and al ‘ecassary goomoti formation, possible methods of construction of {he shale and dome fo othe Concusion that the most slagant and Chespest was in-si evorces onerele tvoughout Fibbed procast ‘onstretion weuld have presented problems of joing and would have Fequted applied frishes. Guniting ‘was considered ore hin interior “Sppearance could nol be achieved in mock-ups Inner leaves were constructed of Unto thickness of 200 mm, Outer leaves aro 135 mm thick tom thir ‘cusps fo the ine of hei glazing beyond which thoy thicken to 280 mm to ennance ther taby. Siar The fentance leaves vary in thickness. fram 180/r¥m to 300 mm a thei t23ge3, Tha shal within the nttor ‘dome are 60 mn tick “The junctions between entrance and outer leaves act as arches transmyting the shel load 1 the nner and outer columns. Tubular See! glazing frames wore designed forthe oulor and ertance leaves. Basis For Design ‘Structural design was general n ‘sccordance wih Indlan Standarcs inolodng that for ssiemie load Design ind speeds were taken as ‘hose having a 00 year rotun Pevod,projectod rom data corded By the Beth meteorological ace. Wind pressure distributions on the Sucre and glaaing were derived in tosts undertaken ina wind tunnel in the Aeronauiteal Engineering Department at Imperial College, London, A modal fo a scale of 125 was subjected te wir low with Yaleiyprole and turbulence ‘Simulating those appropriate to the Site, Prostures wore recorded by Pitot ube and manometer with various pian idence anges. The ‘modo was aloo Used to inleata hatural vantlaon characterises Using smoke plumes. Stress Analysis Finte element analysgs ofa varity of Structural Woalsations were Undertaken for slf weight and super- Imposed loads, seismic response, ‘ind loads and overall and ferential {emporature. For tho shells equivalent Gtlage models were used win the {Computer programme LEAP and plate mont models were used wih he puter programme PLATE. Models of he outer and entrance leaves were constructed to slate ‘onetructonsiages when ony & Single outer leat was depropped anc forthe comploted roofs. The grids of the pate models folowed tines of Tengtude and laitud of tho spherical ‘hols and gret and mal celos on the tres fo mimic lack of Panarly ofthe quadrilateral ‘ements. Detaled nor-tnear argo Seflocton analyis ofthe stability of the outer leaves was carod out ‘Ther eo edges wore idealised as ‘beam slements in programme [NODLE with te oad fects decved from fnte plato element analysis of tha onto shel. The offects of factoring the dead and appl loads ‘were examined, wth allowance for possible ees of creep ana racking by appropriately modiying shel Sitinesses, Load factors against buckling were derived by use of Southwel pots af calculated efectons The interior dome was analysed by programme PLATE, Walled as @ combination of plate and beam Sablised by shal Provision For Movements “Tho inherently integral nature ofthe arch ing promt te provision of ‘overant nis inthe fing or the fdjacet podium slab. The outor Supports othe podum conta, neoprene pad bearings to ‘Beconmedate thermal and shrirkage ‘movements. The foundations 0 primary columns beneath the foundations of entrance and euar leaves were also mounted on aber pads. A rubber pad was proved lowe the iter dome hub Supporting he racial oo! beams. ‘Anaysis of th effects of wamperture ‘Showed the shell stesses to be ‘elatvely Insensitive andin ‘consequence no movement ors are provided between or witun then Foundations ‘The sites underlain by heavily fissured quartate. A sari of Val borings indeated the presence of fandom lenses of mica, Uncertainties Inthe postions and exient ol the large soft pockets precluded tho use of piles anal column foundations ‘Were desaned as mass conc Drreinorced concrete pads. Cons ‘eration was given othe feast of mounting hose supporting the primary arches on neoprene pads 0 Feduoe earthquake forces and View of interior ome with criss-crossing ribs showing enty of ight through the folds of tho dome shells Derren ca reer ren crresr reser tery areeeeretereeereanea rea reae rea reanea eee reaper eee era eee eee tee eee ae ‘aocommodats thermal movemenls, were concreted at atime gonerally in But in vow ofthe Intended ongevity only wo its rom ther basesto te ofthe bulting and uncertain #610 level ofthe sar beams above ecurabirotthe nero" Simro avd ojos each fcunatone wee pacoddrely on, onan and autre was client: Haveckanddesged'ortiedamic Sonceisdiaconinvou opecton [MOMS os yay foes ard movers Gro ata tre cangierencane’ | Nabonal pial Assory Chior ster panes foracone lor | SNS, Construction concrete ana ivaters, onceting, | few Del 11000, INDIA TBeotoagneeing conaructon — 1°POUS Architect-cum-Project Comporton Limted ECO) Manager: rzequrt he rigamatin ot —AntnonyR in, | Me San & Associate EC wit Larson & Tus Limios a | 28 Suekngnem Peace AO {Lat Bonboy heunterea price Facreon | Swnvoss ‘natmensnal ongoing — Bruce ntyson, | [Shea | Company, re omer wae desnated Projet Engen | SRBC baramcon Group afLaT — pavdi.Cooper, | Consultant: sont Ergheot Fist hal_| Fina Nell Penersnp Conereting Panna, London tng. | Gharea od Exess Novereavieimues,tomven _iergsoma paver presenedat_| Parana Huge eB Congest te nhon Oath | Seep tong frites coning poceures and ete ew Deb! | sig Pace: Vito ‘inishing processes wore used 16 manufacture sample panos of ‘rponedconeete Nas ected to Contractors: Sse white concrete nthe hols and Larson & Touro Lined dome, composed of white camer ECC Constnction Group Site sand and dolomte aogregatan [Swhenwemada hefivatmagetot | | Manassa aprpotons tsa Soy eqn” | ane"Sesloratterepe preset |_| Mectas 600 089, NDIA wera pastels anda watercament | 1 Gesi9n wt ree er ‘atgof 043. This mixachioveda” | Gaining toalisation that the | | Construction Manager: 70-100 mm sump, was candy ‘sential element ofthat Seaign | | Mes. Ganguly Wworkabi win the thin eectons and | face ut came trom me, Wah, Provided a bush hammered fnishto | gratitude and -humuity 1 then | | Date of Commencement: Esty the aretet ts strength Ae eedemn| | fxcooded that spocilod of 0MPA at | paaiinaeau"unayeareg. pay | | APA 1900 28 days Al concrete was drum ane sana prmiere Date of Completion: —Feribure Saha “Three inser leaves, at 120° spacing, er Contract Value of ECC Group: Fs. 59 ition (approxmately) Major Items of Work. Conecote Grey 12555. Wie sera Formwork (tor Ordinary Coneete) 21084? For Shels 96197 eeforcoment (Ungavarises) Mr (Ganvanises) 316 MT Marble Cladting 8685. mt Glazing Steel 20 MT ‘Structural Stee! Staging (for Formwork) 1200 MT “The deep respect for the fotus that spontaneously evoked from Indian hearts everywhere, the excitement in their eyes and their loving attachment to this sacred flower kept me from considering ‘other ideas for the design." trie to stay, with detachment, th tampa fina so that | might imbibe tre maximum om tho eh Inglan cute. During this journey ‘which took me across the length and breadth of Inca ad lator Set Lan, Vaited mary etles and vilages and {he hol places of diferent religions. | spoke wit many Indians ana ‘reued tom those | met about hele ‘sion and ideal rage of te temple. ‘Tis joumey proiged me with fresh insights nia fo boundass horizons ‘ot incian culture and came to realiee ‘hat! should consider th respect ‘and humty, more than ever, hs ule. ao realised what 8 very ‘foul tak was faced with for hag to design a House of Worship ‘ition would on the one hand reveal the simply, say and freshness of the Bah Revelation in dtinction to the beeis and man-made concepts ‘ofthe many avided aects and on he ‘ther, which would show respect for ‘he basle beets o al ne religions of the past and act asa constant reminder to be followers of each Fal that al evelaton i rom God, Dittring bets and opposing views hag tobe reconaled nthe design. ‘The Idea Of Lotus as tia smal ty who for ho fs te spoke tome about he lotus flower as an oa forthe temple. Next, n the ‘ana and Eiora caves the Impression of tus flowers onthe Stace ofthe walls Sepsing the “tone of avatars’ drew my attoton tothe Rower In Sout nc, anor Baha gentleman showed so much enthusiasm that he tok grt pains {elocate a pond covered wih tne beaut fowor, and brimming ore: ‘wih exstemen, took me fo ew the ‘magnificent blooms. His earnest ‘dosrioon and expanatione of ‘whatever he kev about the tus Impressed upon me the deep-osted Significance ofthis lower n Ind Late, stusied the ar, culture and roligns of inca om books had colected, The deep respect for ne lotus tet spontaneously evoked trom Indian nears everywhere, the ‘excitoment in tho eyes and tee loving stachment vo ris sacred flower kept me fom considering other ideas forthe design, My atenion was now focused upon this concen However the eical question had yet to be answered as fo how a fowsr ‘oul be ransated into a bulsng However symoote and sensational t may bo, such a design could alo be regarded a tte and formalise and consequent vulgar and beret of any ‘rchtectural value ‘The lotus rprosets he ‘mansion ef God ance also the Symbol of puty and tendermess Is ‘mie and haart tran In ho pi poem ote Mahala, the Creator Sranma, se deserted a2 Faving sprang irom te lots that (ew aut of Lard Vitus navel when that doy fay absorboain meditation There ie ® deep and (Svea overance fo the te which is egarded as sacred lowe, boing associated wih worship throughout many conte. In dct odors tne Sochatve ‘Avaloitoswara is opresonted a tom toma tus ana usualy Gopited as standing or sting on @ fotos pedestal and holding a fos boom in is hand. Buca lonty fimin th payor: “Om Mant Padme Hum -0 Yea! Jenene tou Water And Light ‘The temple supersructure is $0 designed ast function a a shyigh ‘The intoroe come i spherical and pattem after the innemost portion Otho lotus ower. Light enters the hal inthe same way as f passes Through te inner folds of re ftus petals The Interior dome terete is Ikea bud consisting of 36 peta, and light fters trough hese ner folds, tad is used throughout he hal {Ihe central bus is ringed by tree set of nine potas as they appear in ‘natural ower the ust-opening petals, the som-opon peas and the ‘Completely open petals. The just: ‘pening of nner petals constitute the fxtemal dome, tne sem-open or tute uneton as igh seg the ‘completly open or entrance petals forma canopy over each of the nine fntrances “The extemal umintion is arangod as 1 create the impression thatthe lotus troture Is aoa on water and not anchored tots foundation, by having lights focused bight onthe upper edges ofthe petals Regarding the use of water, tho nine Boal around the bung frm the Pencipal landscaping, Atte same fime, they represent ho grcn leaves ‘ofthe lotus plant, ths completing t Picture o lous afloat on wate. Moreover the poo wth fountains in them help to cool he al that passes ‘ver them Ino the hal, Tho Suporseuctr poole are designe tole and the parts cannot be Separated. Environment ‘ino the ciate in Dali's very hot forsevaral month nthe year ana the ogre of humiy varios eftectvely, iteeems thatthe only salsion for tho ‘entiation problem is at-condiloning, Howaver tise vory expensive to instal and o maintain anc thorotore nal foasible fora empl of such ‘mensions. On the bass ofthe ‘methods of vention usod in ancient Dulkings, a eflerent though ‘complleaieg souton tothe vontaton problem of ho temple has been feviaed. Ths, In away, could be ‘allod ‘Natural Ventilation’ and is based upon te resus of ‘experiment known as "smoke ost” ine imperial Colege of london, on ‘the made of tho tmp. The resis ddomanstrated that with openings In ‘the basement and atthe top, the balding would act ke chy, ‘rawing in coal fresh a rom the basement and expeing warm ait ftom within th hal rough the Top of the dome earoniicate” et aet ancy cele eet nel cars| a Samiahencetedie” fanaa tien comment. 4 Someetupoenaige Siegateloneasena "eeu tgaancr ft of fans funnel a fom the publications, conferences and fuchtonum info the cold basement, seminars. The Science Museum, ao a ed ieweoyeed London, aninstton ofthe Pee ceeuttorim, Aifough highest repute, as asked us to Peesfetom and ts mainianancstssendthem a model of he temple for Cheaper by far calculations forecast ssplay in is bulcing materials plessant and agreeable tomroratures Section. Inside te torple al year rund. Size, Capacity And Structural Complexity Dimensions From the suctural and echnical The height ofthe bling rom the point of view the design Is very main entrance levels 40.80 metres. Compleated ands constucion is The helght ofthe interior dome fom Very dic inthe preparation of the auditorium is 28 metres. From the the workng dawings and the dum lave the hight athe ‘allan, we have taken Sntraneo, outer ana inner petals ecaureo fo the best computer fespecvey, sre 7.80 metres, 225 factites availabe in Langan tmettes and 33.6 mates. (One of the most highly repos “The diameter of he contal dome is. firms, Flint & Nest Paresh, 24metee and the seating eapacty in London, has colborated win us asthe cerval nals 1,200. Ths eapacty tursiuctral conautams inthis can be nereased to more than 2,000, Precast concrete balustrade with handral, showing architecturapattrns. by using he entrance comers or gales. mewwarecooae |Wisitors Praise across the entrance petals 670 ious poosie ometess Exce l 1 ence | Feasibility Of Design Jn February 1980 te Fever “rhe yefxisiswenkti te bere was making the concept ease. t | M(Fipy France, hichisonso the and common weal His soentie took almost r® months to ansisie | most distinguished international ings mastoryestomandmattal ths concept into structural designs, | engineering organizations, elé fs as well as simphly and clay, and woiking drawings. The frsttask | ph itemational Gngress in Naw Beauty and boldness characterize was io evolve a georaty onthe | Dal the foal at of eonstveion, that Bass of which he layout ould be i coal aot corer ea brepared and sucural dmension | agrequestedapresonatontabe _finse'unoh neleatte basi: Sven tote bung. This was made nfs Congtess ont design achieved with he cose colaboraton | gfineBahaiHouseoWorship,New Archtctural clic ofthe magazine, of oursrvcuralconsutants, We | Del. Tissidepresentatonduieg “Dah: Scan, whois wal known uiablined anctice nLondon and | tne Congress was consired a8 athtcthameanthe Bugs! 1036 had long and dotaies consultations to ‘enable the cortractors to understand the structure completely and bula ‘accordingly. The specications not nly confor to international ‘Standards but ais take ito ‘nel the bes! presentations arait eave ofthis magazine writes: “This Generated a lot of mires!, The stucure fs perhaps Delhi's. most | Organisers fequestes for low of beautiful postindependence Site Abou 2000 engireer _buling. Conceived as sn opening Daricipans rom all over the word (otue and. magnificent nits Consideration local construction sled the ste and hig prased proportions the Baha! House of {ectmigues and nateraisavatabe in | Heproject Commenissuchas'The Worship eauld well be Del's ony india Aaherance tote stingent | tostbeautful bung ever made". canddateforanitemationalawars Spectators wih ste concvams, | Matvel of Architecture, “Eighth The constuction over the pasts asineeca diicut ask outhaprily | Wonder of Werls” ae common years has been labour of love Iwas achieved wih the cose remarks writen by them in the Fantastcaly accurate and comp: cooperation oa Temple Vistors Book cated marble work and feinery on th facade should bo a txt Book ‘The process of he appointment ot | Inthe pretace ofa book presented |ceson in perfection to ai those contactors took amant ight moins. | 19 FIP Congtess, Mr Wily Wik, behing constusting. Suigiage in investigations wore carted utand | Decor, Teahncal Research and Bey nly et ofthe most hy reputed | Advisory Insile f the. Swiss Contractor inthe county ware CComentindusty, wrole:"Revieing Or. Karan Singh, former Union Single ou, to whom the tender forms | tha eonstuctons Minster for Education & Cut, were issued. These were fms with | parsularthat of he Ssaysi"This Bahal House of Worship Thohighoat experts and equpment. | Pew Gutte ebowine werigetsafzury anaes wore Trough a process of elimination he | tate Mr. Mirko Ros, one-tme wond arellecure, Tho concept of contact was eventualy awardedio | professor al the Swiss Federal theLols thedine smbolin many Engneerng Constucion Coperaton | insite of Tecnology, Zunch on of the gat religins Incuaing Limied asbedian oftavon | te ggaa’s ceaive wok ae Hldct proves he aso ie Taube Lied wnch nas since, | catego min, “Tho engnourqves unique struct. | ook forward fo merged wih tne noting company | new ie to apparent inaninale. seeng t when ts completed and Consttucton Group of LET) This ie | Materials, returns them wih

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