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National  Law  University  (NLU)  -  Odisha  is  responsible  for 

conducting  the  2019  Common  Law  Admission  Test  (CLAT).  The 

expected  date  for  the  examination  is  May  12,  2019,  and  last  week 
the detailed syllabus for the same is also released. 
Here  we  have  compiled  the  details  of  the  syllabus  for  both  CLAT  - 
2019 Undergraduate (LLB) and Post-Graduate (LLM) programmes.  
CLAT - 2019, UG Subject wise mark distribution 
Subject  Questi Marks 
General Knowledge and  50  50 
Current Affairs 
Legal Aptitude  50  50 
English including  40  40 
Logical Reasoning  40  40 
Elementary  20  20 
In  total  there  will  be  200  questions  with  1  mark  each  and  for  every 
wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. 
CLAT - 2019, UG Syllabus 
General Knowledge and Current Affairs - This section of the paper 
will contain questions from fresh happening in the nation. Along 
with the general knowledge questions, the paper will also contain 
questions from current affairs such as political, economic, sports 
etc related issue. 
Legal Aptitude - Questions in this section will be designed to test 
the command of the candidate over the subject of law, 
problem-solving ability and research aptitude. It is possible that 
the paper may contain questions of legal propositions along with a 
few facts from which the given proposition has to be applied. 
Among the given proposition, each might not be “true” in the 
actual sense but candidates will be asked to imagine the “truth” of 
them and accordingly answer. 
English including Comprehension - Candidates will be tested for 
their knowledge of the English language, its grammar, vocabulary 
Logical Reasoning - Questions in this section will test the logical 
ability and skills in solving logical problems of a candidate. 
Problems related to syllogisms, analogies, sequential logic etc may 
come as questions. 
Elementary Mathematics - Questions will come from basic 
mathematics taught up to class 10th.  
CLAT - 2019, PG Subject wise mark distributio​n 
Subject  Questi Mark
ons  s 
Jurisprudence  50  50 
Constitutional Law  50  50 
Other Law related subjects -  50  50 
Torts, Criminal, Family, 
Intellectual property law, 
International law etc 
The  question  paper  will  be  of  150  marks  in  total,  out  of  which 
there’ll  be  two  essay  type  questions  containing  25  marks  each.  And 
for each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted.  
CLAT - 2019, PG Syllabus 
Jurisprudence  -  Theory  based  study  of  the  legal  system,  legal 
institutions, legal reasoning, and their part in society. 
Criminal  Law  -  Laws  that  deal with a crime related matters such as, 
threatening,  harmful,  affecting  the  health,  safety,  property,  and 
moral well being 
International  Law  -  This  section  of  the  law  deals  with  the  relations 
among  the  states  and  among  nations.  The  purpose  here  is  to 
provide a stable framework for international relations.  
Law  of  Trots  -  It  comes  under  the  common  law  jurisdiction.  And  it 
deals  with  the  matter  of  civil  wrong  that  is  causing  the  claimant  to 
suffer  law  harm  or  loss  which  results  in  legal  liability  for  the  guilty 
of that tortious act. 
Law  of  Contracts  -  A  contract  is  a  legal  binding agreement between 
two  or  more  parties  for  various  services,  commitment  etc.  This 
section  of  law  studies  all  those  legalities  associated  with  such 
Family  Law  -  Questions  from  this  section  will  contain  legal 
problems  related  to adoption, child custody, marriage, juvenile law, 
domestic partnership, and paternity. 
Intellectual  Property Law - Legal matters surrounding the rights on 
designs,  inventions,  and  creative  work  forms  the  core  of  this 
Property  Law  -  It  deals  with  the  law  that  governs  the  various  ways 
of tenancy, ownership in personal and real properties. 
For  exams  like  CLAT  LLB  and  LLM,  there  is  no  definite  pattern  to 
study  or  prepare.  If  you  search  the  internet  you’ll  come  across 
hundreds  of  different  books  and  recommendations  and  how  to 
prepare.  Most  of  which  are  easily  naive  and  some  do  make  good 
points. But, how to identify the best ones. 
Here  you  have  to  take  reference  from  a  different  website  and  if 
some books are getting repeated mentions those are the books to go 
But,  reading  books  is  not  enough  especially  for  exams  like  CLAT  as 
most  of  the  students  will  be  doing  the  same.  And  to  stay  ahead  of 
the  others  you  have  to  prepare  hard  and  prepare  smart.  By 
managing  your  time  better,  attempting  mock  tests  for  CLAT  LLB  & 
LLM - 2019, accessing your results you can do that very effectively. 

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