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Meaning and Relevance of History

As Hirst (2019) said that History is the study of the human past as it is described in the written
documents left by human beings. The past with all its decision complet+ed, its participants dead and
its history told is what the general public perceives as the unchangeable basis on which historian and
archeologist stand. But as a purveyors of the past, we recognized that the bedrock is really
quicksand, that bits of the story are yet untold, and that hat has been told comes tainted by the
conditions of what we are today. And According to eNotes Editorial (2009) the relevance of studying
history id to understand our past. which in turn allows us to understand our present. If we want to
know why and how our world is the way it is today, we have to look to history for answer. Studying
history can provide us with insight into our cultures with which we might be less familiar by
increasing cross-cultural awareness and understanding.

2. Difference between Primary and Secondary Sources

According to Guides Library USC Education, the primary source are the contemporary accounts
of an event, written by someone who experienced or witnessed the event in question. This
documents are often diaries, letters, memoirs, journals, speeches, manuscript, interviews and others
such unpublished works. The newspaper and magazine can also be included as primary source. The
other one secondary source, the function of this is to interpret or to simplify the primary source and
so can be described it in short explanation to summarize the whole story. The secondary source are
usually in the form of published works such as journal articles or books, but may include radio and
television documentaries or conference proceeding.

3. External and Internal Criticism

As said, that External Criticism refers to the legality or certifiable of the document
that the researcher/s uses in the historical study. The purpose of this is to identify or to distinguish
the genuineness of a document and it includes autho9rship and textual circumstances like time, place
and purpose. The other one Internal Criticism, it refers to the accuracy of the contents within
document after the source was authenticated or certify, it asks if the source is accurate, was it the
writer or creator competent, honest and unbiased? How long after the event happened until it was
reported? and does the witness agree with the other witness? these are the question that possible
asked in the internal criticism.

4. Repositories of Primary Source

According to Course Hero, there are some repositories or storage of primary source here in the
Philippines. The first one is The National Archives of the Philippines, it has 60 million documents from
the centuries of Spanish rule in the Philippines, The American and Japanese occupations as well as
the year of the Republic and it is the last and final repository for the considerable notarized
documents of the century. The second one is, The National Library of the Philippines, is the official
library of the Philippines. Verge culturally significant buildings such as the Museum of Philippine
Political History and the National Historical Commission. There are lots of Repositories of Primary
Sources here including The National Historical Commission of the Philippines, the govern agency of
the Philippines. The National Museum of the Philippines, serves as an educational scientific and
cultural institution in preserving the various and previous collection.

5. Kinds of Primary Sources

As UCI Libraries, state the examples or kinds of Primary Sources. It includes archives and
manuscript, photograph, audio recordings, video recordings, films, journals, letters and diaries,
speeches, scrapbooks, published books, newspaper and magazine clippings published at the time. It
also includes the government publications, oral histories, records of organizations, autobiographies,
and memoirs. Printed ephemera, artifacts e.g. clothing, costumes, furniture, research data e.g.
public opinion and polls. There are lots of kinds of primary sources aside from listed above.
Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved from

CourseHero. (n.d.). Retrieved from

eNotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Oklahoma State University. (n.d.). Retrieved from

UC Irvine Libraries. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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