【for Students】 LA and IR Major Course List 2019 as of 0823

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Liberal Arts and Major Course List for 2019 (For Current IR Major Students)

* For Academic Literacy and Japanese Language courses, please refer to Time Table.
** New courses and/or changes are written in Red.
*** Courses with ※had a change in course title. Refer to "Note". If credits are obtained under previous course title, cannot register for course. updated on
August 23 Sub Course 2019 Pre-requisite
Category Course Title Credits Note
category Level S F Course(s)
Business and Social Impact 4 100 ○
Fundamentals of Mathematics 4 100 ○ ② Pre-registration Course
Principles of Management ※ 4 100 ○ ○ Previously: Introduction to Business Management
Introduction to Social Psychology 4 100 ○
Introduction to Sociology 4 100 ○

General Liberal Statistics I 4 100 ○ ○ Fundamentals of Mathematics Pre-registration Course with a cap
IT Literacy 4 100 ○ ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Education Arts
Sustainable Society 4 100 ○
Introduction to International Relations 4 100 ③ ② Pre-registration Course
Principles of Economics 4 100 ○ ○
Principles of Political Science 4 100 ② ②
Joint Course with Willamette Univ. in 2019. Pre-registration
World Economy 4 100 ○
Course with a cap
Comparative Culture 4 200 ○ ○
Comparative Politics 4 200 ○ ○
Global Sociology ※ 4 200 ○ Previously: Comparative Social Institutions
Human Rights 4 200 ○
International Political Economy 4 200 ○ ○
International Politics 4 200 ○
International Security 4 200 ○
Maritime Safety and Security 4 200 ○ ○ New course
Political Economy of Development 4 200 ○ ○ New course
Political Theory 4 200 ○ ○
Understanding Globalization 4 200 ○ ○ New course
Chinese Politics and Foreign Policy 4 300 ○ New course
Contemporary Japanese Literature 4 300 ○ New course
International Development 4 300 ○
Cross Listing BE/IR
International Environmental Policy ※ 4 300 ○
Previously: International Environment: Issues and Policies
International Integration 4 300 ○
International Relations of Asia-Pacific 4 300 ○
International Relations of Europe 4 300 ○
International Relations of South Asia 4 300 ○ ○ New course
International Relations of the Middle East 4 300 ○
Advanced Japanese Politics in Comparative Perspective 4 300 ○ Cross Listing IR/JS
Major Courses Japanese Popular Culture 4 300 ○ Cross Listing IR/JS
Courses Japanese Society 4 300 ○ Cross Listing IR/JS
Media and Society in Japan 4 300 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Political Economy of East Asia 4 300 ○
Pre-Modern Japanese Literature 4 300 ○ Cross Listing IR/JS New course
Qualitative Research Methods 4 300 ○
Undergraduate Thesis Writing Seminar 4 300 ○ ○ Cross Listing BE/IR, Pre-registration Course
Tourism : Analysis and Planning 4 300 ○ Cross Listing BE/IR
War and Peace in East Asia 4 300 ○
Topics in IR: International Children's Rights 2 300 ○ Intensive Course July 2 to July 24 New Course
Asia's Entrepreneurs 4 400 ○ New course, Pre-registration Course with a cap
Dilemmas of Development 4 400 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Gender in International Relations 4 400 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
International Relations of Japan 4 400 ○ Cross Listing IR/JS, Pre-registration Course with a cap
Issues in Popular Culture 4 400 ○ New course, Pre-registration Course with a cap
Seminars Non-state Actors and Political Violence 4 400 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Political Development of Asia 4 400 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Resource Politics 4 400 ○ New course, Pre-registration Course with a cap
Theories of International Relations 4 400 ○ New course, Pre-registration Course with a cap
Transitional Justice 4 400 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
U.S.-East Asian Relations 4 400 ○ New course, Pre-registration Course with a cap
Independent Undergraduate Thesis Writing
Undergraduate Thesis 4 400
Special Advanced Argumentation & Debate 2 200 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Program Career Experience Practicum 2 - ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Community Development in Japan 4 300 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Introduction to Community in Japan 4 300 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Japanese Religions 4 300 ○ Pre-registration Course with a cap
Contemporary Social Issues in Japan 2 300 ○ ○

List of Courses Not Offered in 2019

Introduction to Anthropology 2 100
Introduction to Art 2 100
General Liberal Introduction to Environmental Studies 2 100
Education Arts Introduction to Exercise Science 2 100
Introduction to Philosophy 2 100
Introduction to Psychology 4 100
Global Environmental Politics 4 200
International Law 4 200
Major Courses
Public Diplomacy and Image Politics 4 200
Advanced International Organization 4 300
Courses U.S. Politics and Foreign Policy 4 300

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