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1. What does the interface say about you and your personality?

Some may say that my timeline or the interface of my social media is boring. It is also very
simple. Because the informations that was shown was limited. All you can see are those tagged
post. But for me, it doesn’t matter. The less information shown, the more privacy you have.

2. How does the interface show your relationship with your friends and followers in the social

The interface show how simple jokes and memes makes me and my friends happy. This simple
memes make us more connected to each other. And that simple gesture let the group convey a
simple but meaningful message to anyone that will take a glimpse of my cover photo.

3. What do your post in your social media account say about you?
I don’t really post often my social media account. Most of the time my friends will just tagged
me with their random post. But these tagged post will show how simple memes can make us
happy. And how those Godly post and messages inspired us.

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