Protein: Biochemistry

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Protein is a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. It is commonly
found in animal products, through is also present in other sources, such as nuts and
legumes. Chemical , protein is composed of amino acids, which are organic compounds
made of carbon,hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen or sulfur.


1) HORMONAL PROTEIN – Hormones are protein – based chemicals secreted by

the cells of the endocrine glands. Usually transported through the blood,
hormones act as chemical messengers that transmit signals from one cell to
2) ENZYMATIC PROTEIN – Enzymatic proteins accelerate metabolic processes in
your cells, including liver functions, stomach digestion, blood clotting and
converting glycogen to glucose. An example is digestive enzymes thar break
down food into simpler forms that your body can easily absorb.
3) STRUCTURAL PROTEIN – Also known as fibrous proteins, structural proteins
are necessary components of your body. They include collagen , keratin and
4) DEFESIVE PROTEIN – Antibodies or immunoglobulin, are a core part of your
immune system, keeping diseases at bay. Antibodies are formed in the white
blood cells and attack bacteria, viruses and harmful microorganisms rendering
them inactive.
5) STORAGE PROTIEN – mainly store mineral ion such as potassium in your body,
iron, for example, as an ion required for the formation of hemoglobin, the main
structural component of red blood cells.
6) TRANSPORT PROTEIN – Transport proteins carry vital materials to the cells.
Serum albumin carries fats in your bloodstream, while myglobin absorbs oxygen
from hemoglobin and the releases it to the muscles.
7) RECEPTOR PROTEIN – Located on the outer part of the cell, receptors proteins
control the substances the enter and leave the cells, including water and
8) CONTRACTILE PROTEIN – Also known as motor proteins, contractile proteins
regulate the strength and speed of heart and muscle contractions. These
proteins are actin and myosin.

- The Biuret for the pressence of proteins :

Biuret reagent, made of sodium hydroxide and copper (ll) sulfate, is used for
determining the presence of protein in a sample. The test relies on the
reaction between copper ions and peptide bonds in an alkaline solution. A
violet color indicates the presence of protein.


- Is the three- dimensional arrangement of atoms in an amino acid – chain

molecule. PROTEIN are POLYMERS – specifically polypeptides – formed
from sequences of amino acids, the monomers of the polymer. Very large
aggregates can be formed from protein sub units.


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