Kolehiyo NG Lungsod NG Lipa: Form 2 For FS 5

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Lipa City, Batangas

Form 2 for FS 5
(Field Study Student and Mentor)
Assessing Student Activities : Product vs. Process
Share your Philosophy and Strategies for the following:

1. How do you score student papers, projects, and written assignments? Are there certain procedures to follow?
Use guidelines or criteria when giving reaction comments to the students in order to avoid bias.
Teacher must be unbiased and objective in judging their students’ performance and works. Avoid preferential
consideration that result to negative response. So as a future educator I score my students papers in different
ways. It depends on what kind of test given. If it is enumeration or multiple choice, I score them with one point
for every correct answer. If it is an essay by giving extra points for those who exert much effort and possess the
best ideas but not giving a zero score but rather gave considerations for those who try to answer even if it is not
the exact answer. I also do the same in problem solving that acquires solutions for the answer. If the solution or
equations are perfectly done, I gave them the perfect score but if the solutions have some errors, I gave those
considerations but not giving them zero as their score.
2. When scoring written assignments or student projects using a holistic rubric, how do you set criteria? What
do you look for? How is it different form traditional scoring of written assignments and student projects?
As a future educator I usually look for the creativity of the students in dong those written assignments
or projects. These should exhibit neatness, originality, correctness and usefulness wherein a corresponding
percentage is allocated. Well it is different from the traditional scoring since the latter is based on the summary
3. How do you assess cooperative learning projects? Should these be assessed?
 It is hard to assess cooperative learning projects because not all the students in the group cooperate
or share their ideas. In this strategy the average students are then carried by the top students. So it is better to
asses them by group as well as by individual for a more reliable grades.
4. How do you assess laboratory work, experimental projects, performances, outcome – based learning, extra
credit or enrichment work?
 In a laboratory work, I check if all the members of the group perform their task, orderliness is
important. They should be open-minded in terms of suggestion and comments. At the end of the experiment,
the students are able to achieve what should be the expected results of the experiment. I check and read their
laboratory reports.
5. How can a variety of assessment strategies co – exist in one classroom? What do students need to know before
a teacher uses various assessment strategies?
 A variety of assessment strategies co-exist in one classroom because in every section we deal with
students with different personalities with different levels of learning abilities. Using a variety of assessment.
Strategies will make the grading system more reliable by giving higher expectations to the answers of the top
students and giving considerations to the answers of the average students. The student should know the
assessment strategies we are going to use so that they will be guided accordingly for the way they answer in our
test or evaluation. In the process there will be no misinterpretation on the part of the students on how we assess

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