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]Rev 0 NICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS. RECOVERY SYSTEM. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR FGRS PACKAGE (PR No-3600000670) FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM PROJECT aT MANGALORE REFINERY & PETROCHEMICALS LIMITED, (A subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited) Mangalore 23 — ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM Rev 0 NAME OF THE WORK: FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM BIDDING DOCUMENT NO: PR-FGRS-01-BS ‘SLNo Title PageNo_| 1 [introduction 3 2 | Background 3 3__ | Vendor Scope of Supply and Delivery Schedule 3-4 4 | Specification & scope of Work 48 5 | Functional Specification/Design Philosophy mechanical BAT equipment 6 __| Bleetrical Design Requirement 11-16 7__ | Design Requirement for Instrumentation 16-47 8__| Special Requirement 4B 9 | Quality Assurance and Control 9-51 10 | Documentation: information requirements SI II | Guarantee & Penalties Criteria 52 12 [Annexures 53-599 SLNo Details of Annexure Ne 1 | Lay Out Drawing 53-54 2 | Checklist seope of suppl 35-59 3___| Scope of work/supply instrumentation 60-65 4 | Data Sheet 66-75 5__| Standard Specification Electrical 76-146 ‘6 | Engineering Design Basis, 147-574 7 | TPI Agency 575 8 [Inspection test plan 316-578 9 | Final Documentation Procedure 579-586 10 [Information required 587-588 TILIA | Price Bid Format 589-594 12 | BQC compliance criteria to be filled by the bidder 595-596 13 _ | Deviation Statement 597 14 | Bidders Quer 598 15 | P&ID-Utilities and Process Interconnection for FGRS 599 eA Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited - Mangalore (MRPL), a subsidiary of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation LTD (ONGC), is having total crude processing capacity of ISMMTPA. To avoid release of vapours directly to atmosphere and to safely burn excess hydrocarbon gases there are three flares in the refinery. Apart from release of flammable gases from Pressure safety valves from the plant, flare also receives constant purge of hydrocarbon to keep it pressurised and to avoid air ingress. To recover this normal flaring gas and utilise as fuel gas in phase 3 refinery complex, it has been proposed to install a Flare Gas Recovery System (FGRS) for Flare-3 system. 2.0 BACKGROUND, Flare Gas Recovery system (FGRS) is proposed to be located near Flare-3 as shown in the location plan which is enclosed Annexure 1. ‘The proposed flare gas recovery system takes suction from hydrocarbon flare line, downstream of Knock out Drum (KOD) and upstream of Water Seal Drum (WSD). The FGRS will be having two number of liquid ring compressors in parallel with one working and one standby. ‘Thus compressed gas is routed to refinery fuel gas system near the flare KOD, Separated hydrocarbon liquid and water will be routed to Slop and Sour water system respectively. Raw water is used as liquid media in the system. The circulating raw water is cooled with refinery cooling water through a dedicated cooling water exchanger, The system will be compact and skid mounted and will be sized for operation of both the compressors, 3.0 VENDORS SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND DELIVERY SCHEDULE, Flare Gas Recovery system shall comprise of following major items a) Liquid Ring compressors (Two Numbers ) b) Electric Driver Motors (2 No’s.), push button station(s); Auxiliary Motors (as required) & their push button station ©) Seal water separator vessel (One Number) 4) Seal Cooler (One Number) ©) Spillback Control valve (One per compressor) £) Common Inlet Filtration system (One working + One standby) 2) Mechanical Seal Flush System with Pumps etc as required h) All interconnecting piping in the skid ’) Pressure relief valves J) All instrumentation as required for package operation, monitoring and safeguarding including PLC, control valves, safety valves, emergency valves, PTs, TG’s, solenoid valves, temperature elements & transmitters, PG’s, FT’s, LT’s, LG's, ete and compressor seal monitoring. k) All interconnecting wiring within skid (tubing and cables trays with supports & clamps) 25 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS | RECOVERY SYSTEM 1) All auxiliary piping (sealing, lubrication, etc.) - shop fabricated and shop installed 1m) All Purchaser's connections (inlet, outlet, utility, vent, relief and drain, ete.) — flanged, valved and terminated at skid edge nn) Steel skid (common) for compressor, driver and all auxiliary equipment 0) Equipment earthling through extemnally accessible earthing studs p) First fill Lube Oi q) Bolting and gaskets for all flanges inside skid 1) Lifting lugs, Anchor bolts/nuts/washers ete. as requirement 8) Special tools and special test equipment (if necessary) 1) Mandatory spares as listed u) Any equipment/system that is necessary for the overall performance of the system, but not mentioned alone shall be in the scope of the bidder. The equipment shall be mentioned in the bid package. ¥) Foundation drawing and design details w) Documentation Annexure-9) Delivery Schedule: Please quote your shortest possible delivery period, however, it should not be later than 48 weeks from the date of PO. 4.0 SPE CIFICATIONS & SCOPE OF WORK 4.1 Process data sheet for the compressor is given as Annexure-4. Flow specified in the datasheets for single compressor. Package shall consist of two liquid sing compressors along with one separator vessel, one cooling water exchanger and other acct 4.2. Operating and design conditions of above utility at battery limit are given in Engineering Design Basis enclosed. 4.3 Flare Gas Recovery package shall be located downstream of flare knockout drum and upstream of water seal drum. The distance between flare tap off point to flare ga recovery package is ~150-200m, 4.4 Liquid ring compressor shall be selected in such a way that it should be able to operate within the flare gas composition as given in the Annexure 4, 4.5 Each liquid ring compressor shall be able to operate on varying load of flare gas from minimum 500 Nm3/hr to maximum 1500Nm3/hr. If any recycle is required the same shall be provided within the skid. 4.6 Vendor shall ensure that the compressor start-up logic inhibits starting of compressor until water seal system has established water seal minimum flow and appropriate level in the compressor. 4.7 Raw water, power, cooling water, nitrogen and instrument air will be made available at FGRS battery limit. Vendor to provide Double block, blind and bleed type isolation valves for both process and utility streams at the battery limit. FGRS package vendor to indicate any other utility required if any for safe operation. Vendor to specify quantities required in the offer. 26 ~ Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 48 49 4.10 4.1 4.12 413 4.14 4.15 4.16 417 4.18 419) Following tie in points (to the MRPL piping) up to the skid limit is envisaged. a) 12” Gas Inlet (Available tapping is 6-inch at around 200m from proposed facility) b) 6” Gas outlet ©) 4” Cooling water inlet 4) 4” Cooling water outlet €) 2” Water drain to Sour water stripper £) 2” Hydrocarbon drain to slop g) 2” LP Steam utility h) 1” Nitrogen utitity i) 1" Instrument Air Utility i) 2 Service water The skid connecting flanges shall be located at the common battery limit of the skid, ‘Vendor shall provide approach to all the valves and instruments inside the skid. Noise levels shall be limited to 854BA at any position not less than one meter from the equipment surface. Liquid ring compressors are to be piped and designed for both individual and parallel operation in case of requirement. Vendor shall provide necessary guarantee parameters for both individual and parallel operation of compressor, compressor discharge condition (flow, pressure and temperature) Vendor shall develop the compressor start-up logic, shutdown logic, interlocks, permissiveness, sequences and alarms for safe operation of the system and provide the same so as to incorporate these into MRPLs DCS. Vendor shall advise, in his bid, suction and discharge protection pressure for the compressor, ‘The suction design conditions as given in the datasheet and vendor shall ensure safe operation of the system by providing suitable interlocks in case the design conditions of FGRS are different. All communications including process parameters, indications, process alarms and trip alarms to be made available in raw water treatment plant DCS, which is around ~100m from the skid. FGRS skid will be designed to operate in open area without any shelter. The layout of compressor skid shall afford complete and unconstrained access to all equipment for ‘operation, maintenance and removal, The skids shall be designed as per the available site dimensions, The dimensions of site are 18 meters x 15 meters (FGRS Layout drawing attached for reference-Annexure-1) Vendor to develop P & I diagrams which indicate pipeline and instrumentation details Design, Manufacture and Testing of the equipment shall be done on the basis of the Data-sheets, Job Specification, Engineering Design Bases and Applicable Codes and Standards, as specified at various locations in the tender. In the event of conflicting requirements, the order of precedence will be as below: e, material of construction er aoa D ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM Rev 0 Process Datasheet and P&ID Mechanical Data Sheets Engineering Design Bases Job Specifications if provided Standard Specifications if provided Other Specifications if provided International Standards/Codes/recommended practices as applicable 4.20 The most recent versions of the relevant codes are to be used as detailed in the Engineering Design Bases. In the event the codes & standards to be used have not been specified, then the code being adopted shall be mentioned in the bi 4.21 The equipments will be allocated tag numbers as per MRPL standards given in the Engineering Design Basis, Vendor to indicate these numbers on all design documents. 4.22 Vendor shall provide line list, and provide line numbers as per MRPL philosophy. Line List Table indicating the following details of each line of frozen P&I diagrams : . Line number © Medium . Piping material class and rating * Operating and maximum allowable conditions * Insulation requirements (including tracing) + Piping material class and rating ‘The line numbering philosophy is detailed in Engineering Design Basis attached. 4.23 Preparation of P&I Diagram in Autocad and editable PDF format, to be provided by FGRS vendor before detailed Engineering, P&I Diagram will show the following: + All items of equipment numbered according to the Equipment List. + Instrumentation and control system + Insulation requirements (including steam tracing) + Analysers and sampling points. + Relief and flare lines + Line size + Piping service classification + Line number + Fluid designation + Operating vents and drains + Temporary devices and lines for startup and shut-down, 4.24 Vendor shall carry out Hazop with participation from MPRL / MRPL appointed consultants in India for the facility and share the report with recommendations. Revisions/corrections in P & I diagrams arising out of this study shall be incorporated by vendor at no extra cost to MRPL. 28 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 4.25 Vendor to provide utility requirement table inside FGRS battery limit comprising of raw water, cooling water, instrument air, plant air, nitrogen, power, steam etc., 4.26Specifications for each equipment item as per equipment list to be provided by vendor. The specifications comprise data sheets indicating material and thickness of major components and if necessary, sketches and vessels internals. The lists below show the content of specifications for the individual groups of equipment + Type + Process mediums + Diameter and height or length + Number, size and elevation of nozzles + Operating and design temperatures and pressures. + Recommended construction materials and corrosion allowances. + Applicable codes and standards + High and low liquid level as required, + Insulation requirements + Details of special internals such as distributors, mist eliminators, ete + Number, type and spacing of trays for columns. + Standard tray loading summary columns, + Special requirements. + Recommended minimum thickness for major components. + Sketch showing main dimensions, location of nozzles, support, internals, etc. + Preliminary weights and foundation load data. Details of above are given in the Engineering Design Basis attached. 4.27 Specifications for Heat Exchangers (Shell & Tube Type) comprise of following: + Heat duty + Type + Flow rates and physical properties of materials needed for rating, if required. + Operating and design conditions. + Fouling factors + Max. allowable pressure drop + Recommended materials of construction + Corrosion allowance + Recommended tube size, tube pitch + Recommended nozzle size + Noise limitation + Special requirements + Recommended minimum thickness for major components for "TEMA" exchangers. + Sketch giving main dimensions location of nozzles, supports, baffles, tube layout for TEMA exchangers. 29 Rev 0 ] ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS | RECOVERY SYSTEM + Preliminary weights and foundation data, The philosophy is detailed in Engineering Design Basis attached, 4.28 Vendor to provide list of pressure Relief Valves with the following details for every relief valve: + Item number and quantity + Capacity and set pressure + Material of construction + Sizing of non-IBR pressure relief valves The philosophy is detailed in Engineering Design Basis attached. 4.29 Following documents from the vendor will be reviewed after placement of orders © Pél diagram Equipment layouts Equipment drawings (only in special cases) Interlocking diagram Mechanical Seal Drawings Complete Compressor Data Sheets eo o00000 Quality Assurance Plan 4.30 Vendor to provide following information in relation to instrumentation © Updating of Index of instruments for each measuring and control loops comprising all instrument in a loop, P&I number, equipment no. and where they are located service and type © Process Data Updating of maximum, normal and minimum operating process parameters for each measuring point « Instrumentation specifications containing types, range, connection size, material of construction, operating conditions. 5.0 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS/ DESIGN PHILOSOPHY MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT, 5.1 General Requirements 3.1.1 The equipment supports shall be generously designed in order to withstand all induced stresses caused by transportation, wind loading, operating conditions and pressure testing, 5.1.2 Equipment shall be insulated for personnel protection wherever temperature exceed 70 deg C. Rev 0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS. RECOVERY SYSTEM 52 53 54 58 5.1.3. All removable internals shall be designed to provide easy withdrawal from vessel and shall pass through vessel Man way. Man way to be of 24 inched NB preferably, Davits for manhole covers shall be provided. 5.1.4 Individual isolation valves to be provided on sealing liquid to compressor before flow transmitter Liquid Ring Compressor: 5.2.1 Suitable material of construction me selected for compressor internals, 5.2.2 Raw Water will be available for liquid ring make up and mechanical seal flushing at a pressure of 7-10kg/cm2 at FGRS battery limit. Vendor to check the adequacy of the pressure and provide for additional pumping facility (1 Running + 1 stand by) within the skid, if this pressure is inadequate. 5.2.3 Gear box, if considered in the offer, shall conform to API-677 Cooler ing the process gas specification shall be 5.3.1 Shell and tubes heat exchanger, sized for two compressors, according TEMA. R, removable bundle type, Shell side MOC carbon steel, tube side MOC CS Separator 5.4.1 The vessel shell to be provided with demister internals suitable to remove any carry over and level control to suit operation. Three-phase gas / liquid separator (sized for two compressors working) as per ASME Sect VIII div.1 Provide 24” NB Man-way. Required instruments shall be provided as per API 681 as a minimum, 5.4.2 PSV outlet to be routed to compressor inlet. Mechanical Seal: 5.5.1 Seal shall be of double seal design and for the compressor and the ring liquid pump (if applicable) shall be as per API 682, The seals shall be of cartridge design, Vendor: JOHN CRANE /EAGLE BURGMANN /FLOWSERVE. 5.5.2 Seal drawing shall be submitted to MRPL for approval prior to manufacture and comments if any shall be incorporated. 5.5.3. API flush plan 54 shall be provided with a suitable leak detection system, 5.5.4 All the “O” rings of the mechanical seal shall be of Kalrez only, 5.5.5 For plan 54 Raw water to be used as bufler liquid. Vendor may propose alternate Hush plan. All auxiliary systems required for this shall be ineluded in the scope of the supply. 5.5.6 All seal auxiliary system piping shall be of of $8316 metallurgy. 3I Rev 0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS. RECOVERY SYSTEM 5.6 87 5.5.7 It is proposed that vendor shall provide following minimum signals from sealing system, + Failure /excessive leakage for individual seals + Seal fluid supply pressure indication, ‘© Compressor shutdown or altemative action will be initiated accordingly. + All scal auxiliary system piping shall be of of SS316 metallurgy. © Seal drawing shall be submitted to MRPL for approval prior to ‘manufacture and comments if any shall be incorporated. Piping Requirement 5.6.1 The skid connecting flanges shall be located at the edge of the skid. Vendor shall supply matching flanges of all tie-in points, 5.6.2 All the package piping shall be designed in accordance with ASME B 31.3. All piping layout shall be designed to provide access to all equipment. The piping to be designed not to exert greater loads than those allowed for vessel nozzles or those permitted by original manufacturer 5.6.3 Piping supports at tie in locations shall be suitable to withstand loads per the values given by vendor. 5.6.4 Vendor shall furnish their standard allowable loads at tie-in points to be considered by MRPL for interconnecting piping outside vendor scope of supply 5.6.5 Equipment and package piping interface connections shall be flanged to ASME BI6.5 for nozzles up to 24”, and ASME B16.47 Series B or MSS-SP- 44 for nozzles above 24”. Required ratings and face finish will be detailed on the PIPING SPECIFICATION (will be made available during detailed engineering). Interfaces for utility/auxiliary services shall be minimized by the use of manifold piping, where necessary, within the Vendor’s package, and shall be located at the package skid edge. 5.6.6 The minimum allowable forces and moments shall be as follows: Liquid ring compressor & pump * Compressors and pumps with easing constructed of steel and with nozzles smaller than 16 inch shall be in accordance with NEMA code as per API 681. Allowable loads on compressor shall be as per API 681 (NEMA SM-23). + For flanges larger than 16” vendor shall design the nozzles with generous strength and the values shall be sent to MRPL for information, Vessels & Exchanger * External Loads for Nozzle of Vessel & Exchanger to be in accordance to ASME VIII div 1 requirements. Skid 5.7.1 Skid shall be of welded construction. Equipment shall be mounted on adequate supports either mounted directly or attached through structural member on the 10 * =O Rev 0 ECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS | RECOVERY SYSTEM - | 5.8 6.0 ELECTRICAL DES! 6.1 62 5.7.2 5.73 5.74 5.7.5 5.8.1 5.8.2 skid. Floor grating shall not be used as a mounting surface for equipment or supports All structural welds on the skids shall be 100% Inspected and all the fillet welds shall be continuous, Unless otherwise mentioned, equipment shall be attached to skid by bolting, Al stainless steel/ carbon steel interfaces shall have insulation gasket sets. The skid (8) to be designed with a Perimeter beam of one size extending all the way around the skid to allow the deck plate or grating to be attached to the skid beam. Vendor to provide 3 mm steel plate drip pan(s) to cover compressors only. The same shall be sloped towards a flanged low point drain with tie in flange. Necessary platform and ladders for separator vessel shall be provided Foundation Design & construction of the skid found: the foundation dimension, anchor bolts location, static & dynamic loads, GA Drawing ete, of the skid which is to be provided by the bidder. Bidder shall submit foundation plan with information relevant to foundation dimensions, anchor bolts location, static and dynamic loads to allow M/s MRPL to carry out foundation design. GN REQUIREMENTS Distribution and Utilization Voltage (Frequency variation = 50 Hy 4/- 3%) ‘¢ HV motor voltage = (all motors rated for 160 kW & above) 6.6 KV, 3-phase, 50 Hz, Control Voltage: 110 V DC 4 MY motor voltage = (all motors rated above 0.18 kW up to 160 kW) 415 V, 3-phase, 50 Hz, Control Voltage: 240 V AC # MV motor voltage = (all motors rated below 0.18 kW) 240 V, Single Phase, 50 Hz, Control Voltage: 240 V AC For General Lighting /Power — 415 V distribution, individual light-fixtures of 240 V AC, Sockets/Receptacles of 240 V AC Single Phase & 415 V for 3 phase. + For UPS Supply from Control Room ~ 110 V AC Single-Phase, 50 Hz, for small control apparatus only. Enclosures and Degree of Protection: ‘@ The Liquid Ring Compressor Package will be installed in hazardous area IEC Zone 1, Group IIC & Temp. Class T3. All electtical field panels / motors / equipment / junction boxes / light-fixtures / MOVs equipment shall be in accordance with certification requirements as specified in the Codes and Standards ~ refer the following tabular column: 33 u ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS Rev 0 RECOVERY SYSTEM [Equipment Zone-1 Zone-2 GaSe"? | Gas Group | Gas Group | Gas Group uc HA/IB Ic IB MY Motors Ex-d Ex-d Ex-e Ex-e HY motors Ex: Ex Exe Exe Push _ button Ex-d Ex-d Ex-d Ex-d Motor Ex-d Ex-d Ex-d Ex Plug _& | Ex Exd Exod Exd Welding Exd Exd Bxd Exd Lighting Exed Exd Exd Exd Lighting ee ear | EX! Exd Exd Bx Box Junction Box Ex-d Ex-d Ex-d Ex-d lHand Lamps ILight fitting |Transformer Ex-d Exd Ex-d Ex-d |Unit. Plug & Socket Break Glass Unit (Fire Ex Ex-d Ex-d Ex-d ee Exd Bud Bxd Bred panel *Ex-p motors shall be used only where Ex-d range not available, 63 System Earthing: ¢ The FGR Skid / Unit earthing is to be done in accordance with the the requirements stipulated in the Indian Electricity Rules and IS:3043, # Entire Flare Gas Recovery Skid is to be given lightning & equipment protection with Gl earth strip & electrode earthing as per prevalent MRPL standards. GI Electrode earth-pits with charcoal & salt to be cast for equipment earthing (a minimum of 8 nos.) with 50 mm X 6 mm GI Earth strips running all around the skid for earthing grid Gl earth strips to be buried at a minimum of 600 mm depth along the skid periphery and below paved conerete along with reinforcements within the skid area ¢ For equipment earthing, near motors / JBs / Field Panels GL Earth Plates are to fixed to earth-strips & individual equipment 2 B4 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM to be earthed with adequately sized PVC insulated Copper Flexible cables & copper lugs. All Electrical equipment / Junction Boxes / Lighting-Fixtures / Panels / Push-Button Stations are to be earthed at minimum two points & as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. The skid earthing grid needs to be connected with the nearest sub-station (Raw Water Treatment Plant Sub-Station S/S-44) with GI earth strip running all along the buried HV/MV cable route. ‘The typical earthing layout for the skid needs to be submitted by the contractor for approval by the owner before commencement of construction activities. ‘The typical equipment earthing & GT earth plate details are attached herewith for reference and the same need to be incorporated in the general earthing scheme. 6.4 — Cables & Cabling Philosophy: + The scope of work here includes design, supply, laying & commissioning of HV / MV / Control cables based on load requirements & distance from the nearest power source / sub- station, All cables supplied shall be of Fire Retardant type and in accordance with MRPL specifications. For HV Cables (6.6 kV grade), all cables & accessories (jointing kits / termination kits) are to be of unearthed type. The cable shall be G.S. Flat Strip Armoured XLPE Insulated, with a short circuit rating of 600 A for 1 second, outer sheath PVC FR as per IS 5831/84 standards. The conductor can be of Aluminium or Copper based on design requirements — with both conductor & insulation sereening. For MV Cables for Lighting & Power, all cables are to be of 1.1 KV rated, Extruded PVC insulated type & flat-strip armoured with the outer sheath of PVC FR conforming to relevant IS Standards. All MV Power Cables up to 25 sq, mm, Conductor cross-sections are to be necessarily with Copper Conductors. For higher sized MV Power Cables, conductor material can be of Aluminium or Copper based on design requirements. For Control AC/DC Cables, all cables are to be of Twisted Pair & Screened Cables rated for 660 Volts with copper conductors & Extruded PVC Insulated type with the outer sheath of PVC FR conforming to relevant IS Standards Control cables for Digital Input & Digital Output signals are to be kept separate for DCS - Electrical Switchboard Interfacing for Remote DCS operation & Indication of skid equipment. The tentative distance of the proposed FGR Skid from the nearest sub-station will be around 350 to 400 Meters. Cable sizing for Power & Control Cables need to be done considering the permissible voltage drops, Cable Route Lengths and the 35 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM Loads. All Cable Sizing Calculations after finalizing the load- list are to be submitted for Owner's approval before cable procurement, Cables are to be laid in concrete-brick trenches below finished ground level of adequate size ~ considering multiple layers of cables with HV Cables at bottommost layer, with MV Power Cables above & Control Cables on the topmost layer. Between each layer of cables, a layer of sand is to be spread for adequate separation. After completely filling the brick-trench with sand, a layer of lean PCC is to be done for covering the trench after fixing of cable-route markers, Construction of brick-trenches will be in the scope of the contractor. * Wherever cables are required to be laid below existing roads, Electrical Road Crossings with PVC Pipes & Concrete reinforcements need to be cast after the road cutting. At least 20% of spare PVC Pipes ate to be provided at each ERC and subsequently the roads are to be repaired by soling & bitumen coarse aggregate layering. Within the skid, RCC Cable trenches are to be made from the skid battery-limit to each major equipment / panel with removable RCC slabs as trench covers. From the RCC Cable trench to all equipment embedded pipe sleeves of adequate sizes ate to be put in place for pulling the cable, For lighting / power sockets cabling, FRP perforated cable trays to be installed from Lighting Panel to individual lighting fixture / JB / Control gear boxes. All control cabling are also to be laid in FRP perforated cable trays within the skid battery-limit, 4 Inside the sub-station, additional trays may be provided based on availability of space in existing trays & all structural support works with cable tray extensions (GI Ladder / perforated type cable trays) need to be provided in the sub-station cable cellar by the contractor. # Adequate precautions need to be taken while excavating along existing cable routes, repair costs for any damages to existing cables are to be borne by the contractor. 65 Lighting Works & Auxiliary Service Power: + Entire skid lighting to be done with LED type flame-proof light fixtures to provide adequate illumination — with & minimum Lux Level of 150, The skid lighting / power layout is to be submitted for approval by the owner before procurement & installation. #25 % of light-fixtures ate to be put under Emergency Lighting Cirouit and separate incoming lighting circuit cable along with normal lighting circuit cable to be laid from the sub-station to the skid. Two separate Lighting Panel / Main Junction Boxes — for Normal & Emergency Lighting - of Flame-proof type to be 36 ~ Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM provided inside the skid for lighting distribution. Two separate feeders (3 P +N) at the sub-station end of 63 A rating will be provided for this purpose. All lighting circuit cabling will be done with 3 C X 2.5 sq. mm. armoured cables from the main Lighting panel / JB to individual light fixtures end cable termination with Double ‘Compression FLP cable glands. Additionally 2 nos, 3-Phase Welding Receptacles & 2 nos. Single-Phase Receptacles with Plug-Tops to be provided inside the skid area for providing miscellaneous power. All receptacles with plug-tops are to be of flame-proof type. Power to these receptacles is to be distributed through a Main Power IB of flameproof type installed inside the skid battery-limit The incoming power cable to this Main Power JB to be laid from the sub-station for which a 63 A (3 P +N) feeder will be allocated in the existing switchboard. 6.6 Equipment for FGR Skid: ° Switchboards: All feeders for HV / MV Power & Lighting, 110 Volt AC & 110 V DC Supply for Control — will be provided by the owner based on the final load-list. The final load-list is to be submitted for reference & approval by the Owner before commencement of cabling. The nearest sub-station (RWTP-IIL S/S-44) & Control Room (SRR-35) will be approximately 350 to 400 Meters from the proposed skid. Switchboards: Any modifications required in the feeders provided by the Owner are to be done by the contractor — such as CT modification, control wiring modification, provision of additional protective relays & installation of the same by making adequate panel cut-outs. All provisions for the termination of HV / MV / Control cables in the Sub-Station feeders are to be done as per the directions of the Owner's engineer —in-charge, The basic Motor Protection Relays as prevalent in MRPL have been provided with each feeder, however the programming / setting of these relay logics to be done by the contractor. Local Control Panels: Any local control panels / power distribution boards required for skid equipment are to be supplied & installed by the contractor & all such enclosures must conform to the prescribed degree of protection. All such panels must have adequate indications for Voltage / Current / ‘ON-OFF on the panel extermals including any Selector switches / ON-OFF Push-buttons. VEDs if any are to be preferably placed within the Sub-Station premises (approximately 350 ‘meters from the proposed skid) and all distance limitations for finetioning of any such VFDs are to be taken care of beforehand. All VFDs must have a display unit & provision for making set-point changes on the front facia, ot 15 ok Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. ¢ Motors: All motors shall be rated for continuous (S,) Duty Cycle and conform to all relevant Indian Electricity Rules, It is preferable to have ditect-on-line starting for all motors, which must be totally enclosed, fan-cooled and designed for continuous outdoor use. For heavy duty drives such as reciprocating compressors, high starting torque motors shall be provided and the starting time shall be limited to ensure adequate protection by motor protection relays. HV & MV Motor detailed specifications as prevalent in MRPL will be provided during detailed engineering. ¢ Local Control Stations (Push-Buitons): All field motors are to bbe provided with Local Control with Push-Butions & provision for remote-local selection - mandatorily. In the Remote mode, motors will be controlled from the DCS, whereas in the Local mode the motors will be conttolled from the skid through Push- Button. Push Button stations for all motors rated above 5.5 kW are to be mandatorily provided with ammeters, however based ‘on process requirements even smaller rated motors below 5.5 KW ratings can also be provided with the ammeter facility. Control cable sizing for the LCS for determining number of cores are to be done considering the above requirements and an additional 2 pairs in each control cable to be maintained for future use. # Miscellaneous Equipment: Motor Operated Valves (MOVs) if any, are to be provided with integral starters and provision of setting provided on the front facia with LED backlit display on the MOV Actuator. All MOVs are to be provided with the facility of remote set-point changing & remote operation from the DCS / Control Room, 7.0. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTRUMENTATION 7.1 General This document details the basic design criteria for the control and instrumentation for Flare Gas Recovery System of Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, TAA Seope a. This specification along with Instrumentation Design Basis & it's annexures covers the minimum requirements for the engineering, design and supply and installation of instrumentation including package units. b. This specification provides only the qualitative specifications of commonly used instruments. Instruments/Instrumentation not covered in this specification shall be submitted by the bidder for approval. c. In the event of any conflict between these specifications, data sheets, related standards, codes etc., MRPL shall be consulted for clarification before proceeding with manufacturing/ execution. 38 : Rev 0 RECOVERY SYSTEM ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS 4. Packing and Preservation shall be suitable for sea transport worthy and movement over rugged terrain, Also it shall be suitable for storage at site for up to 10 months in an uncovered/hot/humid location. e. Vendor shall be fully responsible for design, material selection, sizing and selection of the proper instruments for their system. Bidder is responsible to ensure that the selected material is consistent with temperature, pressure, corrosion conditions and other process requirements, The compliance to this specification does not absolve the vendor of the responsibility towards contractual obligations with regards to completeness, proper selection, satisfactory operation (both under turn down & full loads) and easy maintenance of the unit, f. Vendor shall ensure and supply all erection hardware required for the installation of complete instrumentation. wihich form a pat of the package unit, ycludes items like cables, cable glands, junction boxes, instrument and — manifolds, — mounting accessories, impulse piping/tubing, pipe/tube fittings, pneumatic signal tubes, air line pipes and fittings, filter regulators, steam/electrical tracing, insulation materials, pre-fabricated cable duct and trays, conduits, identification tags, structural material required for instrument supports and trays etc. g Above broadly covers the items required for any typical plant, however the vendor shall supply all necessary items to make the installation and commissioning work complete in all respects, irrespective of whether these have been explicitly included in their scope or not, fh, All equipments supplied shall be of field proven quality both with respect to design and materials. Prototype instruments or instruments of an experimental nature shall not be offered or supplied. All instruments and control systems (Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), system oriented items like machine monitoring system, Speed governor control, Antisurge / Performance control system, Analyser system ete, offered by vendor shall have a well proven performance record of operating satisfactorily in similar unit or in an hydro catbon processing, industry for a minimum of one year period. No instrument requiring special maintenance or operating facilities shall be offered or supplied. Vendor shall clearly define the operational philosophy proposed by them, which shall be in line with requirements specified in this specifications. Vendor shall also clearly indicate the provision of control panels and control. systems required for their package along with their offer. j. All instruments shall be part of vendor's scope of supply, including pre- commissioning, tuning of controllers & the final commissioning, k, Bidder shall provide the following information along with their offer: 7 33 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. a. Complete scope of work shall be as per attached Annexure-4 Utility requirements including Power consumption and Instrument air supply consumption. The offer shall indicate the power requirement for Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS), Non-UPS or any other power clearly indicating the locations for each. c. Estimated heat load for the equipment located in control room & SRR. Compliance to specifications and List of deviations, if any, from purchaser's specifications clause number wise with reasons thereof, wherever applicable. 1, Bidder shall enclose catalogues giving detailed technical specifications and_ other information for Control system and other special instruments. m.Bidder’s offer, catalogues, drawings, instrument manuals ete, shall be in English. 1 In addition to mandatory spares and consumable spares indicated elsewhere in this specification, bidder shall also provide a separate quote for two years operational spares for the complete instrument and control system package offered. 6, Instrument Index lists out all instruments appearing on the P&ID without any exception, It is a basic instrument document which is necessary for the smooth execution of a job and is also a reference document after the completion of job. It must contain all information as a minimum, p. Sub Vendor List (for Instruments, Sub systems and Accessories) shall list out all instrument items and accessories including control system along with the name of the sub-vendors from whom Bidder is likely to procure these items, ‘Sub-vendors suggested shall be manufacturer of repute and shall be subject to approval... q. Instrument sizing calculations provide information regarding sizing (as per standards specified else-where in this/other document), type, selection and other related information, Following sizing calculations shall be applicable, in general, duly approved by the authority indicated in Vendor's Standard Quality Plan & shall be submitted for MRPL’s review; * Control valve & Actuator including noise and velocity. © Safety valvesipressure relief valves/pilot operated pressure relief valvesirupture disc. + Flow element including orifice plates, averaging pitot tubes, venturi, flow nozzle, special flowmeter, ete. * Utility consumption calculation including power supply (UPS/Non UPS), Instrument air, steam for tracing ete. ‘© Cable sizing calculations for Power cables. Nozzle elevation for level Instruments represent the nozzle elevation, nozzle sizes and rating, requirement of stand-pipes, type of level instrument etc. for all the vessels, columns, exchangers and tanks. Ao — Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM t . The Vendor shall provide his standard format Inspection and Test Plan (ITP), relating to the scope of work, for review & approval. The Plan shall include detail descriptions of all tests and inspections and categorize each test and inspection as below: Category R_ — tested by the Vendor. Reports to be reviewed by TPI and Purchaser Category W — observed by Purchaser / TPI Category H_ — witnessed by Purchaser / TPI For Category W, the Purchaser/TPIA (third party inspection agency) will altend the test at the mutually agreed test date as notified by the Vendor. If Purchaser or his nominee(s) fail to attend the test by any reason, the Vendor is entitled to carry out the test as scheduled and Purchaser will accept the test results, (These are no ‘Hold’ points.) For Category H, the Purchaser / TPIA will agree the test date with the Vendor. If TPl/Purchaser fails to attend the test by any reason, the Vendor shall hold the test until Purchaser / TPIA attend the test at a new test date agreed by the parties. (These are ‘Hold’ points.) The Purchaser shall also have free access to the Vendor and Sub-Vendor’s premises during all stages of manufacturing and testing, All Test Dates shall be intimated sufficiently well in advance to both the Purchaser & TPIA. Purchase Requisition shall contain following information as a minimum but updated in line with the finally accepted offer of the successful bidder including:- a) Instrument specifications including detailed instrument date sheet, make and model of instruments and special requirements, if any. b) Testing and Inspection requirements ©) Vendor data requirements, mandatory spares list. 4) Other related documents like Standard Specifications, Quality Assurance requirements, technical catalogues ete. Functional Schematics details out the functionality of all the loops shown on the PAID including their co-relation. The schematic shows all the hardware necessary to configure a loop including their physical location, their interconnection and important software blocks as applicable to make @ loop complete. Similar loops may be combined under the same functional schematic, Logic diagram is a logic representation of process interlock and shutdown system and details out the functionality, ina schematic form, as either process cause and effect table shown on the P&ID or in a separate write-up. The schematic shall be prepared based on ISA $5.2 — A Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations and shall show — the physical location. of Input/Output deviees, their interconnection with funetional blocks, bench status of all electrical devices etc. The schematic shall also Al ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. Rev 0 aa, bb. dd. ee. be supplemented with operational requirements like startup and process bypasses, reset and shut down push buttons, selector switches, status lamp ete Each loop shall have a separate Instrument Loop drawing which shall show each component from field device to final receiver including physical location; initiating device, its terminal number; junction box with its terminal number; cable number with pair number/polarity; receiver instrument terminals/cabinet terminals; system functional blocks of loop in simplified manner (without configuration details). Panel Front Arrangement shall show the arrangement of Panel mounted instruments like indicating instruments, alarm annunicator, indicating lamps, push buttons/switches etc, including theit approximate sizes and their ‘mounting locations. : Configuration Diagram is a graphical representation of all major hardwares required in a configurable control system which are necessary to meet all the expected functional requirements (valid only for system oriented items considered in package vendor's scope). Dynamic Graphic Display Drawings provide a graphic representation of P&ID's arranged in a sequence which when displayed on the VDU (Video Display Unit), shall provide easy and logical operational views, Input/Output Assignment indicates the physical assignment of various VO modules and their respective channels to various physical inputs and outputs (valid only for system oriented items considered in package vendor's scope). Instrument dueVtray drawing shows the routing of main instrument duct/tray trench in the unit/plant, The drawing shall be prepared on plot-plan and shall show the size, cross- section at vatious locations, general notes, symbols, reference drawings and the control room entry. Instrument Location Plans shall show the location of instruments, location of, tapping points, location of local panels, junetion boxes, main cable trenches, instrument air distribution scheme etc, These drawings are prepared on equipment layout drawings preferably in 1:50 scale, The instrument cable schedule shall show all instrument and power cables required for complete instrumentation. The document shall show tag number, cable number, type, length and size of cables, type of junction box, identity of local panel, control room paneV/eabinet location ete. The cable schedule document shall include all single & multi pair cables indicating terminations of instruments, field junction boxes and respective termination in satellite rack room cabinets. All welding shall be carried out as per the relevant codes with proper electrodes. Any testing (non destructive) like D.P. test and radiography on root weld and final weld shall be carried out as applicable. All consumables AR ‘TRCHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM Rev shall be part of vendor's scope of supply. Any pre/post weld treatment as requited by the relevant codes shall be carried out, ff, Instrumentation Document submission shall be as per below table. A3 For approval of owner (after or sl placement ofPO. | Documentation No,_ | Document Type (in English) and before supply Hard | Soft | Hard | Soft Copy | Copy | Copy | Copy Purchase Order (Main Order inel all Change 1 | Orders & all other Bought-Out orders/sub 2 2 3 2 orders) Purchase Requisition (incl Specifications, 4, | Comment Resolution Sheets & Datasheets) for A : : Main Order & all other Bought-Out orders/sub orders 3 | Eoeistic Cerificate - Tor Main Order & all > ; 5 > other Bought-Out orders/sub orders 4 _ | Sizing Calculations - for Main Order & all > > ; a other Bought-Out orders/sub orders 3 _ | Catalogues & Model Decoding Details 2 2 3 2 6 | QAIQC Documents - for Main Order & all other Bought-Out orders/sub orders 6.1_| Inspection & Test Procedure 2 2 3 2 62__| Cenificate of Compliance 3 z 63 _| Packing & Storing Procedure 3 2 64. | TestCalibration/Inspeotion Certificate for all 5 A Items 65_| Statutory Body Certificates 3 2 6.6_| Material Test Certificates 3 2 6.7, | CeRificates for enclosure Protection, Ingress . 5 "| Protection, EMVRFI protection 6.8 _| Inspection Release Note 3 2 7 | Approved Drawings - for Main Order & all other Bought-Out otders/sub orders 7.1_| General Arrangement Drawings 2 2 2 7.2_| Pneumatic and Impulse Hook-up Drawings and | _2 2 2 a ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS Rev 0 Ab RECOVERY SYSTEM Level Sketches 73. | Witing Drawings, 70 Assignment & Loop 5 A ; . Drawings 74, | Cable Schedule, Instrument Location & other . A ; . Installation Drawings. 7.5__| Instrument Index 2 2 3 2 Point Database (seperately for 7.6 | Control/Monitoring & Interlock) listing all 2 2 3 2 Ranges, Alarm & Trip settings Funetional Schematics, Complex Loop 7.7 | Schematics, Control Scheme Write-up, Panel a 2 ; a arrangement Drawings & System Configuration Drawings (as applicable) 7.8 _| Logic Drawings & Logic Write-up's 2 2 3 2 3g _| Manuals (or each Tem - inel Bought out items) 8.1_[ Installation Manual 2 8.2_| Operation Manual 2 83 _| Maintenance Manual 2 ‘Spare Parts List (indicating Tag Number, | Make, Model, Part No & Exact Detaled Description) & Special Tools List - for each Item ~ incl Bought out items 9.1_| Commissioning Spares 2 2 3 2 9.2_| Mandatory Spares 2 2 3 a 9.3. | 2 Yee" O&M Spares (recommended by 5 . 5 > Vendor) 9.3_| List of Special Tools (provided by Vendor) 2 2 3 2 10 _| Shipping Documents 10.1 | Packing List 3 2 10.2 _| Shipment Volume Dimensions & Weight 3 2 As-built Documentation (Shall not be seanned 11 | £opies) shall be in MS Word/ MS Excel / pdf (printed from native file to pdf) - for Main Order & all other Bought-Out orders/sub orders 11,1 | Summary of lems listing Make, Model, Type 5 2 5 a [incl Bought Out items) 2 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 11.2 | Data Sheets 2 2 3 2 113 | Sizing Calculations 2 2 3 2 General Arrangement Drawings, Panel 114. | Mangement Drawings & System ‘i A Configuration Drawings (for items covered in package vendor's scope) 11.5 | Pneumatic and Impulse Hook-up Drawings and ; a > | Level Sketches 116 | Witing Drawings & Terminal List, 7O 3 > Assignment & Loop Drawings 11,7 _| Paris List & Parts identification Drawing 3 2 11,8, | Installation Drawings, Weights & Dimensions 2 2 3 2 11.9 | Name Plate details. - 3 2 Cable Schedule, Instrument Location & other 11.10 A 3 2 Installation Drawings. 11.11 | Instrument Index 3 2 Point Database (seperately for 11.12 | Control/Monitoring & Interlock) listing all 3 2 Ranges, Alarm & Trip settings 11.13 | Funetional Schematics, Complex Loop 3 > ; 3 Schematics, Control Scheme Write-up 11.14 | Logie Drawings & Logic Write-up’s 2 2 3 2 Bidder shall furnish all documents in A4 Size (210mm x 297 mm) paper or folded in A4 size unless otherwise specified. All drawings and sketches shall be in multiples of A4 size like A3 (297 mm x 420 mm) or A2 (420 mm x 594 mm) etc., but folded to 'Ad! size, This list indicates the minimum drawings and document requirements. However vendor shall submit a complete list of document and drawing schedule listing all drawings and documents to be submitted by them during the course of execution of the job (Vendor to provide the list of documents in the form of DCI (Document Control Index) for review by client, DCI shall be reviewed by the client for adding/modifying the documents which are required for the Project). The schedule shall list all drawings and documents along with their number and expected date of submission, 7.2 Design Philosophy 7.2.1 Instrumentation Design Basis & its Annexutes covers the minimum requirements which shall be complied. 7.2.2 Instrumentation shall be complete in every respect and liberal to the extent of providing data on all operations and variables sufficient for the safe, efficient 23 AD Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 123 124 725 726 . Field instruments and easy operation start up and shut down of the plant (including tum down cases). ‘The design and installation of instruments shall be generally in accordance with ISA/API recommended practices and other applicable standards like BIS, IBR ete, Material specifications and practices shall, in general, conform to appropriate ASTM or equivalent standards. All standards and code of practices referred to herein shall be of the latest edition prior to the date of purchaser's enquiry. All instruments and equipments shall be suitable for use in a hot, humid and tropical industrial climate in which corrosive gases and/or chemicals may be present. As _a minimum, all instruments and enclosures in field shall be metallic construction, dust proof and weatherproof to IP-65 as per IBC-60529/1S-13947 and secure against the ingress of fumes, dampness, insects and vermin, All external surfaces shall be suitably treated to provide protection against corrosive plant atmosphere. All the outdoor items shall be tropicalized and epoxy painted. All bolting shall be of SS material. The design of electronic instruments shall be in compliance with the electromagnetic compatibility requirements. as per“ IEC 801 "Electromagnetic compatibility for Industrial Process measurement and Control equipment. Instrument Requirements for classified area: |. All electronic/electrical instruments and equipments shall be suitable for area classification as per IEC codes and shall be tested by any recognised authority like BASEEFA, FM, PTB, CMRI etc. and shall also be cettified by Petroleum And Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO)! Chief Controller of Explosives (CCE), Nagpur or Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS) in India, . Certified Intrinsically Safe (IS) equipment as per IEC-60079-11 shall be used, in general, in hazardous area, for conventional loops. fieldbus loops shall be designed and FISCO certified with FISCO marking as per IEC 60079-27 for hazardous area application. Wherever FISCO certified field instruments is not available, intrinsically safe entity based field instruments shall be used with suitable accessories to permit IS device in FISCO installations as per AGI81. |. In case intrinsically safe equipment is not available, flameproof enclosures as per IEC-60079.01 may be considered. Junction boxes and accessories required for flameproof instruments shall also be certified flameproof, All non flameproof panels and cabinets installed in classified area shall be purged as per requirements specified in NFPA-496, as a minimum. Other type of protection as specified in IEC-60079 shall not be used. Ab Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 7.27 128 729 7.2.10 72M 7212 . All instruments, panels & electronics located in field shall be certified for use in the area as per hazardous area classification, If not specified, the same shall be rated for Zone-I Gr. IIC Temp. class T4. Statutory Approvals |. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all statutory approvals, as applicable for all instruments and control systems, . In addition, equipments/instruments/systems located in the hazardous area shall be certified by the local statutory authorities for their use in the area of their installation, In general following certification shall be given: For all intrinsically safe’ FISCO/FINICO/ explosion _proof/flameproof equipments/ instruments/systems or equipments with any other type of protection allowable as per this package which are manufactured abroad and certified by any statutory authority like BASEEFA, FM, UL, PTB, LCIE etc. should also have the approval of Petroleum And Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) Chief Controller of Explosives (CCE), Nagpur. For all flame proof equipments manufactured locally (indigenously), the testing shall be cartied out by any of the approved test house like CMRI/ERTL etc. The equipment shall in addition bear the valid approval from Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO)/ Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur and a valid BIS license. For all intrinsically safe equipment manufactured locally (indigenously), the testing shall be carried out by any ofthe approved test house like CMRV/ERTL ete. The equipment shall in addition bear the valid approval from Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO) Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur. Approvals other than above shall neither be offered nor will these be acceptable. Units of measurement shall be as specified in the Instrument Design Basis document. Local control loops shall be avoided. Ranges for instruments shall be selected in general, such that in normal process operation the indication is between 40% to 60% of span for linear and $0% to 70% of span for square root inputs, Ranges for tvipfinterlock instruments shall be selected, in general, such that the set point falls preferably in the middle 30% of full adjustable range i.e, the set point shall fall between 35% and 65% of adjustable range. All controllers shall have facility for bumpless auto-manual and manual- auto transfer and set point adjustment. Flow, pressure and level controller shall be provided with proportional plus integral action, while temperature controller with proportional plus integral plus derivative action. 25 At Rev 0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS, RECOVERY SYSTEM 7213 T2A4 7215 7.2.16 7247 7.218 Field mounted direct actuated Flow /Pressure / Level and Temperature switches shall not be used. Instead Transmitters shall be used, Intrinsically Safe System Requirements. Following points must be considered while designing an intr system a) All intrinsic safety barriers shall be active type isolating barriers only, with three port isolation, b) Barriers must be selected based on entity concept. Cable parameters shall also be considered while matching entity parameters. ©) Bach instrument in the hazardous area and the intrinsic barrier shall be certified for intrinsic safety by any statutory authority. 4) Each input and output in a loop shall have separate barrier. No barrier shall be shared between two loops or input/outputs. ©) Any device required to be connected to any intrinsically safe loop in the hazardous side permanently or temporarily shall also be certified intrinsically safe 1) Configuration tools whenever required for any intrinsically safe item, which forms part of the intrinsically safe item, shall also be certified intrinsically safe, Alarm Philosophy. a) Adequate alarms shall be provided to give audible and visual warning of any process and machine malfunction in the package. ') All trips shall have a pre-trip warning alarm in addition to alarm at the trip condition, ©) All package alarms including pre-trip warming alarms and tip alarms (shutdown alarms) shall be snnunciated on the local panel 4) All rotating equipments shall have the status indication provided on the local panel. ©) Common pre-warning alarm and common trip alarm contacts for the package shall be provided for remote annunciation, Additional alarm contacts shall be provided when specified. 1) ‘Fail-safe’ type with normally closed alarm contacts shall be used. ically safe Field transmitters for flow, pressure, differential pressure and level applications shall be yoke mounted type unless specified otherwise. HART Transmitters:These transmitters shall be 2 wire system having 4 - 20 mA DC output with superimposed digital signal having simultaneous analog and digital communication with HART communication protocol, unless otherwise specified. The transmitter shall be microprocessor based and it shall incorporate a non-volatile memory which shall store complete configuration data of 48 ~ - Rev 0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 7.219 7.2.20 72.21 7.2.22 7.2.23 12.24 transmitter and sensor characterization, All necessary signal conversions, including conversion to produce output with the required protocol shall be uried out in the transmitter electronics. The configurationally data of the instruments shall be stored in @ non-volatile memory such that this remains unchanged because of power fluctuations or power off condition, Transmitter shall also run complete diagnostic subroutines and shall provide diagnostic alarm messages for sensor as well as transmitter healthiness. In the event of detection failure, the output shall be driven to a predefined value, which shall be field configurable. All signals fiom package/ skid to control room/SRR/MCC shall be terminated in the junctions boxes located at the battery limit. Intrinsically safe Junction Boxes shall have outside colour as Blue (Epoxy shade) & Non-Intrinsically safe/Power Junction Boxes shall be Gray (Epoxy shade). Each junction box shall have SS Tag Plate at the center of cover plate, Separate junction boxes shall be used for the following type of signals Intrinsically Safe Analog Inputs/Outputs (4-20mA) Non -intrinsically Safe Analog Inputs/Outputs (4-20 mA) Gas Detector Inputs intrinsically Safe Thermocouple Inputs Intrinsically Safe RTD Inputs Intrinsically Safe contact Inputs Non Intrinsically Safe contact Inputs Non Intrinsically Safe contact Outputs. Intrinsically safe contact Outputs Contro/Monitoring/Indication and Interlock/Trip signals shall be further segregated. Signals shall be terminated on separate terminal strips in the local control panel & PLC Cabinet. The terminal strips shall be segregated as per Para 12.2.20 above. Location of process connections shall be fiom the side or from the top of the process equipment but not from the bottom. This requirement is applicable to both pipes and vessels. The location of lower side connection when necessary shall be pre-approved & shall be high enough to prevent plugging due to dirt or other suspended solids. In addition, the connections shall be short, vertical or horizontal and without any pockets. Bidder is responsible to ensure that the selected material is consistent with temperature, pressure, corrosion conditions and other process requirements. In case where suitable material of construction is not feasible / possible, diaphragm scal shall be considered. All wetted parts of all instruments, which is mounted on hydrogen service as per piping material specification, shall be suitable for hydrogen service and testing vvv vyvv vv 27 49 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. 72.25 1.2.26 shall be done accordingly. Wherever, NACE requirement is specified in PMS, the respective instruments shall be NACE compatible as per NACE MR 0103, The field transmitters used for control and monitoring application shall be Fieldbus type. For trip/interlock applications Smart type (4-20 mA with HART protocol) shall be specified. However if all the control/monitoring/trip and interlock functioned are configured in PLC based package control system, then Smart type (4-20 mA with HART protocol) transmitters shall be used for all applications Guided wave radar with rigid single probe shall be used for level ‘measurement in separator vessel 71.3. Spares Philosophy 734 73.2 133 134 135 Mandatory spares shall be wate-house spares and shall be supplied as loose items. Please refer to Annexure of MRPL Instrument Design Basis Document for details, Instrumentation Mandatory spares shall be quoted and included in Base lump sum price. Bidder shall be responsible to supply all start-up & commissioning spares which are found necessary to replace while performing pre-commissioning, and commissioning activities and this includes system oriented items (Hardware / software). For Control system installed (wired) Engineering spares shall be min 20% including inpuvoutput modules (along with termination cards, relays, barriers, power supplies & cables, as applicable). For Local control panel, a) A minimum of 20% spare status lamps / switches / pushbuttons / terminals or one no of each type, whichever is higher, shall be provided b) A minimum of 20% spare windows with alarm modules shall be provided in alarm annunciator. ©) For pneumatic panels, 10% spare instrument air header branch lines and 15% spare bulkheads and tapping points shall be provided in each panel. 4) The design of control panel shall incorporate provision for expansion by installing adequate spare capacity. Each panel shall be designed to accommodate the following additional equipment, as @ minimum i, 20% of panel front/inside mounted instruments including Jamps, push buttons, switches, relays etc. ii, 20% additional power feeders each provided assembly. fii, 20% additional spare windows in alarm annunciators, iv. 20% spare cable entry points. Vendor to include in his supply any special tool/ tackles and test equipment tc as required for the maintenance of the supplied instruments. switch fuse Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 7.3.6 Vendor shall supply a list of spare parts for each instrument and system required for 2 years of continuous normal operation, These spares shall bbe quoted separately. 74 Specifications of Instruments 7.4.1 Instrumentation shall be electronic type SMART with final control elements as pneumatic, 7.4.2. All electronic instruments requiring separate power supply shall generally operate on 110 V $0 Hz. 743 Electronic transmitters shall generally be two-wire type (with HART), These shall have transmission/output signal of 4-20 mA de and shall be capable of delivering rated current into external load of at least 600 ohms when powered with 24 V de nominal voltage. 7.4.4 Instruments mounted on jacketed lines and jacketed equipments shall be jacketed only. 74,5 For Contiol Valves, 0% shall mean that Valve is fully Closed & 100% shall imply that the valve is fully Open, Same shall be accordingly configured intespective of Valve Failure Condition. 7.4.6 Positioners used shall only be of Fisher/Metso/Masoneilan & shall be of the SMART type. All Positioners shall provide in-built position feedback sensor for monitoring valve position feedback which shall be wired to the PLC. 7.4.7 Alarm Annunciator, shall be microprocessor based programmable type with plug in modules, in @ cabinet with window display with cluster LED type integral power supply. For cluster type LED display, the number of LED's in the cluster matrix windows shall be sufficient to provide illumination level of a least 150 lumens. The circuit shall be designed in such a way that removal/failure of one lamp or LED from a window/ cluster shall not hamper functioning of that particular window/display. ‘The annunciator lamps shall be replaceable from the front of the enclosure panel. In general, dedicated alarm logic module shall be used for each alarm input, However, for micto processor based alarm Annunciator, failure of one microprocessor shall not affect more than four alarm windows. Intrinsically safe annunciator circuit, when used, shall have power supply unit in a safe area, ‘The design of the alarm annunciator system shall be such that transient alarms of less than 330 milliseconds duration shall be automatically rejected. 7.4.8 All control panels shall be supplied in pre-tubed/pre-wired condition and shall _be completely tested at manufacturer's works prior to dispatch. 7.4.9 The panels shall normally be floor mounted on channel base. Channel base and suitable bolts shall be included in the scope of panel supply. Control panels shall be freestanding type and fabricated preferably from 3 mm thick cold rolled steel sheet. If the same is not available, 4 mm thick hot 29 5t a0 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 7.4.10 74 AL 7412 7413 744 14S rolled stecl sheet shall be used. Angle iron framework shall use a minimum section of 50 x 50 x 4 mm angle. The finish shall include sand blasting, grinding, chemical cleaning, and surface finishing by suitable filler and two coats of high-grade lacquer with wet sanding between coats. Two coats of paint in panel colour shall be given for non-glossy high stain finish. Panel outer colour shall be RAL7035 Non glossy high satin finish & inside shall be of Pale Cream (IS 352) colour while channel base shall be black, All hinges, screws & other non-painted parts (except related to earthing) shall be of Stainless steel. Control panel shall be open back type with each section of typically 2100 mm high, 1200 mm wide and 800 mm deep, when mounted inside the control room on 100 mm channel base covering wall to wall, else these shall be totally enclosed cubicle type. The panel width may be increased if necessary. Enclosed cubicle panels shall have removable hinged doors, generally at the side or back for easy maintenance and accessibility of the instruments. Doors shall be double leaved type with handle and shall be provided with lock and key. Adequate illumination using LED lamps shall be provided inside the panel, All light fittings shall be suitable for 230 V, 50 Hz AC. No process fluid of any kind, except instrument air shall enter the control panel. Also power supply greater than 230 V shall not enter the local panel. All cable entties to the local panel shall be from panel bottom only using cable glands of adequate size. Cable gland plate thickness shall be a minimum of 3 mm cold rolled cold annealed (CRCA) as a minimum, All unused cable entries must be plugged. Space heater shall be provided where condensation is expected. The space heater provided shall be with space heater with temperature cut off and manual control. Panel layout shall be designed considering ease of operation, No push button. ‘or hand switch shall be located below 600 mm. Instrument Mounting heights, in general, shall be as follows: a) Miniature and subminiature Bottom row 1100 mm instruments (3 rows) Middle row 1350 mm ‘Top row 1600 mm b) Annunciators - 1950 mm ©) Electric push buttons : 700 mm Switches, lamps etc. ‘The internal panel layout shall be designed considering proper approach for instruments, terminals and other accessories for maintenance, easy removal and online calibration. No instrument, terminals, power distribution box ete shall be mounted on the panel side plates inside the 52 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM Rev 0 7416 TANT TAAS 74.19 7.4.20 7421 panel. Following design philosophy shall be followed while deciding the intemal layout of panels, as a minimum; a) Distance between terminal strip and + 100mm (min.)+ trough side of the panel width b) Distance between two adjacent terminal strip: 100mm. (min,+trough width ©) Distance between gland plate and + 300mm (min.) bottom of the strip, 4) Distance of terminal strip 100mm (min.) from instrument/trough/panel_ top All lamps, status as well as alarm, shall be provided with lamp test facility. One single lamp test push button shall be used for each panel. Colour Scheme a) Status Lamps On/OpenPermissive Green OftClose/Emergency Red b) Alarms Normal/Pre-trip alarms 2 White Shutdown alarms : Red ©) Push/Pull buttons On/Open 2 Green Off/Close : Red Emergency shut-down (ESD): Red (Mushroom type Push-button with Protective cover to prevent mal-operation) Compensating cables/wites shall be used for all thermocouple inputs. These wires shall be routed in separate troughs/wire-ways, Wires carrying measurement —signals_— associated with thermocouples, resistance thermometers, pH instruments and other low. level signals shall be routed in separate troughs/wire ways and not alongwith power cables. Power wiring and control wiring shall be separated by not less than 150 mm. The crossing, if unavoidable, shall be at right angles. All intrinsically safe wires shall be routed in separate wire ways from non- intrinsically safe and power wiring. Intrinsically safe wiring and terminals shall be light blue in colour and shall be separated from non-intrinsically safe terminals atleast by 50 mm. All incoming power feeders shall be terminated on separate terminals suitable for the incoming feeder size. ‘These shall be located at the bottom of the panel and shall be suitably covered for protection against accidental shorting and for human safety. 53 3-0 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 74.23 7.4.24 74.25 14.26 7427 74.28 A minimum of 1 mm2 multi-stranded PVC insulated copper conductor shall bbe used in general (subjected to cale sizing limitations). All wiring shall be laid in the PVC troughs. No trough shall be more than 70% full. ‘Terminal types shall be as per Instrumentation Design Basis. Panel Piping and Tubing a) The instrument air header shall be adequately sized with 1/2" $$ branches, with $8316 packless isolation valves and shall be complete with suitable dual filter-cum-air reducing station. Facility shall be available to isolate & remove any one of the filters on-line. b) Panel tubing from the bulk head to the panel instruments and instrument air supply to the panel instruments shall be of 6 mm x 0.038” SS 316L tubing. ©} The tubing shall be laid in plastic slotted duets, Panel air header and tube fittings shall be of $8316, suitably protected against corrosion 4) Shut off valves shall be installed in all branch lines taking off the transmission and output signal. Bach tube shall be identified at both the terminating ends. Local control panel for the package units shall be installed within the battery limit of the package considering operational and maintenance requirements and accessibility. In case of skid mounted packages, panel shall be located away from the skid, In case local control panel is housed outdoor i.e. not in @ local control room, it shall be designed to meet IP- 65 requirements, In addition, panel must be provided with a rain cum sun shade canopy/shed with min 100mm overhang area all around. Local control panel/panels shall be totally enclosed cubicles. Panel sizing shall be carried out based on equipment being installed keeping in view ‘the maintenance clearances and easiness. Although the panel dimensions shall be guided by the actual requirements, typical dimensions of 2100 mm operational (height) x 1200 mm (width) x 1000 mm (depth) shall be kept in mind while finalizing the panel size. In any case, vendor shall not proceed with panel manufacturing before getting prior approval from the purchaser. Local control panels located in the hazardous area shall either be purged type or flame proof Ex’d’, In case pressurized panels are specified the same shall be purged and pressurized as pr NEPA 496 requirements to render space within the panel non hazardous. An alarm along with pneumatic hooting shall be provided on local panel and purge fail alarm in main control room, whenever the panel pressurization falls below 2.5 mm of H20. A protective device to protect the panel from over pressure must also be provided. Panel pressurisation with start-up panel purging scheme shall be fully automatic however it shall be started manually from a push button, 2 3: = (6) = 5h Rev 0 va ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM Solenoid valves and differential pressure Transmitter required for panel purging shall be flameproof, however other items like relays, switches/pushbuttons, etc. shall be located in a flameproof housing. Other items like valves, restriction orifice plates, dual filter regulators, pressure gauges, rotameters, etc required for pressurization shall also be located in the non-pressurized section of the panel. 7.4.29 It shall be possible to switch off incoming power to panel from panel front. All such power on/off switches shall be flameproof type & shall be provided with protective cover to prevent mal-operation. In addition, all those devices and terminals, which can't be powered off from on/off switches shall also be located inside flameproof enclosures. 7.4.30 All other requirements as specified above in this specification shall also be applicable for local control panels. 7.431 Instruments shall have integral nameplate on the panel front. Markers for wires, tubes, terminals, connectors, switches, circuit breakers, cards, Terminal Blocks, Termination Boards, Racks, panel numbers ete. shall be permanently affixed on then 7.4.32 Direet - Cross ferruling philosophy to be followed for wiring. Black letters on white sleeve to be followed for ferruling, 7.4.33 Local Gauge Board : Local gauge board shall be used to install mounted instruments like pressure gauges, temperature gauges and ‘transmitters. Local gauge boards, when provided shall have easy access at the rear and front for all instruments and accessories for maintenance and operation. Gauge board shall be constructed from 3 mm cold rolled cold annealed steel sheet with other necessary steel supporting structure and shall be painted as per Mfr. Standard, Local gauge board shall be supplied with all instruments installed and completely in tubed/wired condition before shipment. Identification tags shall be securely fastened for easy identification both at the front and rear. 7.4.34 For Instruments in hydrogen service, special attention shall be given to possible hydrogen permeation e.g. bellows or diaphragms high nickel alloys to be avoided (Gold plating shall be used for Field Instruments). Special attention shall also be given in wet H2S service to avoid hydrogen induced cracking (Hastelloy C or better shall be used for Field Instruments). Certification to NACE MR-0103 shall be specified for sour service. 7.4.35 _ In general intrinsic safe instruments philosophy shall be applicable ie. EEx- ia IC T4 for Instrumentation items, Ex D for junction boxes, .Ex-p for Local panel etc. If intrinsic safe certification is not available, then flameproof instruments (EExd IIC T4) shall be used and same shall be brought to the notice of PMC / MRPL. Area Classification drawing shall be referred for further clarity. 33 =D 55 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 14.36 7.437 7.4.38 7.439 7.4.40 744 74a2 14.43 7.4.44 Each instrument shall have a stainless steel nameplate, permanently attached from the vendor's factory containing the following data. Manufacturer's name, Instrument type and size, Model and serial numbers, Operating condition, e.g, voltage, pressure, Instrument range & the specified instrument identification numbers or Tag number. Wherever SIL (Safety integrity level) are identified, all Instruments (Field Instruments, Barriers, System, Relays, Final Element, SOV, AOV, Quick Exhaust Valve, Volume Booster, ete) that form a part of the loop shall be carefully selected to meet the calculations of the complete SIL loop. The transmitter diagnostics shall be able to detect both an input sensor failure and transmitter electronics failure, The sensor &/or electronics failure shall be transmitted to the host system (e.g, PLC). The stability shall be better than +/- 0.5% of upper range limit for | year ‘Transmitters in vacuum service shell be capable of withstanding full vacuum regardless of range, without damage or calibration shift, All stop/emergency push buttons shall be guarded type (with protective cover to prevent mal-operation) & shall be of the Mushroom Head Type. For Anti-surge loops, all transmitters & sensors used shall have faster response & high accuracy requirements, Remote Loop Power indicator (in Field/Local Panel) shall be provided (with separate PLC repeated output), to meet P&ID requirement. Alternately, All close & open loops signals required at Field/LCP shall be terminated to PLC first. & the repeated output from PLC (using 1 in 2 out mA output convertors) shall be wited to Field/LCP for local indication / information to the operator. Two No’s. Pressure Transmitters shall be used in place of Differential Pressure Transmitter where long impulse piping / tubing is involved. The DP calculation shall be done at PLC for PT1-PT2. All instruments supplied shall be supplied pre-calibrated & shall be complete with configuration sheets, as applicable. Indigenous make Coriolis Mass Flow Meters shall be calibrated at NABL Acoredited Lab like FCRI, Palakkad in India and the calibration of Mass Flow Meters shall be certified by Third Party Agencies (refer elsewhere) or by Purchaser. However imported make Coriolis Mass Flow Meters shall be calibrated at the respective foreign vendor's works, duly accredited by the respective country’s well known Accreditation Authority like PTB, SGS ete and the same shall be certified by well-known third party agencies like SGS, LRIS, DNV etc. 7.5 PLCIControl System (Package Vendor supplied ~ Refer Instrumentation Scope of Supply/Work) 56 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. a) The programmable logic controller shall be micro processor based system, The system shall in addition be of modular in construction and expandable in future by adding additional modu ) On-line replacement of any module shall be possible in such a way that the removal and addition of any module shall be possible without de- energizing the system, Further there shall not be any interruption in the system while replacing a faulty module, c) Programmable logic controller shall be able to operate satisfactorily from 15°C to 35C and 20% to 80% non-condensing humity. The system shall be installed in environmentally controlled control room unless specifically indicated otherwise. 4) The system shall have extensive set of self diagnostics hardware and software for easy and fast maintenance, Diagnostics shall be required at local as well as a console level. The system shall also have the capability of detecting open sensors. ©) Separate power supply unit shall be provided for individual VO rack and processor unless otherwise specified. Suitable battery back-up shall be provided for volatile memory protection. 1) Operation of PLC shall be completely unaffected by a momentary power loss of the order of 20 milli seconds. 2) The system shall be programmed in general as per the logie diagram. 1h) No single mode failure shall affect the system (redundancy shall be ensured in every aspect). i) System shall be able to implement required strategies like signal conditioning, linearisation, compensation, square root extraction, summation, subtraction, logic functions , high-low selection, PID Control, Cascade Control, etc, as a minimum, Other algorithms shall also be possible to be executed if required for the package unit control, j) The operator HMI shall be comprehensively interfaced to all it’s subsystems. All data related to the complete package including it's subsystems (like Anti Surge Controller, Vibration & Temperature Monitoring System, Speed Governor, as applicable) shall be accessible from the common HMVs related to monitoring, control & tip. ) All serial links from/to the system (Package System/s) & all it’s subsystems shall be dual redundant on hot-standby. This is in addition to the redundant hot-standby connectivity required for the system (Package System/s) & all it’s sub-systems with the Client DCS, Client DCS being the master in communication, St 0 35 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM }) Wireless systems if employed shall have suitable reliability by means of redundant communication paths /mesh network & shall support the max possible Tag licenses. ‘m)System offered/supplied shall not be on the concept of Tag based license, as far as possible. Incase system offered is based on Tag based licensed philosophy, the system so offered/supplied shall be licensed for the maximum possible Tags that the system can support (for configuration, control, trending, archiving, alarms, etc). n) Looping of wites shall not be done in Termination Boards/Terminal Blocks/Cards (ie., each side of a Terminal shall not have more than one wire terminated to it) ©) Interlock/Trip related Terminal Blocks shall be separate from ControlMonitoring/Indication only related Terminal Blocks (at all Panel Levels ~ including Local Panel), p) DIDO Safely Relay Selection & Barrier/Isolator selection shall be based on loop requirements. Standardisation of components for the project is expected to the best possible extend. 7.5.2 System Configuration, Vendor shall offer system configuration as per the respective specifications However, each sub-system offered shall meet the minimum requirements specified in the following paragraph. Input/output Sub System a) The maximum number of InpuvOutput per /O module shall not exceed the following: 1. Single V/O system 8 2, Dual YO. 16, 3. Triple Redundant System32 b) Each VO shall be electrically isolated from external control cireuit by suitable means, The minimum isolation level between I/O and logie circuit shall be 1000 V de. ©) Bach 1/0 shall be protected against the reversal of polarity of the power supply voltage to 1/0. 4) Each module shall heve a LED for each VO per channel to indicate the status of each Input/Output. €) The output contro! rating shall be as follows: S| Application Voltage No Ratin 1. | All output cards for driving solenoid | 24 V de [2._| All output cards for alarm 24 V de 53 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. AILLT motors/pumps/compressors. | 240 V ac output cards unless otherwise specified All HT motors/pumps/compressor 110 V de (6.6 KV and above) unless otherwise specified. 75.23 }) Each output shall be short circuit proof and protected by using fuse. Visual indication of fuse blown must be provided for exch output. Processor Sub-System a) The processor shall have capability to implement all the control functions required to execute the logic schemes. The size of the memory shall be sufficient for the storage of the programme instructions required by the logic schemes. b) Memory shall be non-volatile. In case volatile memory is provided, battery backup shall be provided for a minimum of three months to keep the storage intact. A battery drain indication shall be provided at least one week before the battery gets drained. ©) Whenever dual processor is specified, redundancy shall be provided such that in case of failure of main processor the standby processor shall take over automatically without any bumps. Redundancy shall be provided for complete processor sub-system including CPU, communication, memory and power supply. In case of failure of complete processor system, output shall take failsafe state automatically. 4) In case of triple redundant system, all the three processors shall execute the same instruction / programme and check their results and majority vote to correct any faulty result. ¢) First out alarm output shall be provided by the Dedicated Cause & Effect graphics. 1) Provision for Logical Maintenance Bypass (to facilitate calibration/maintenance activities) & also for Removal of Bypass, of Instruments involved in Interlock/Trip logic shall be available with Engineering access (using common over-ride switch, password &instrument selection). The same shall then be indicated in the Dynamic Graphic Displays accordingly. 2) The system shall be serially connected to purchasers DCS system (Refer Instrumentation Design Basis for type of connection), All Process & Diagnostic Data (including system status) shall be communicated to Customer DCS. Necessary interfacing & hardware shall be considered in Package vendor's scope. 59 7 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM PLC Console a) The PLC engineering console shall be used for programming, programme storage, fault diagnostics and alarm monitoring. Additional Console/s (with all hardware & softwares) shall be provided for plant operation & monitoring (at SRR35-near to existing consoles).Hardwired Annunciators & Pushbuttons are not available at SRR35. In-case of vendor specific requirements, the same shall be considered in Package Vendor’s scope (along with mounting arrangements to match with the existing operator consoles). b) It shall consist of colour 2i" size TFT LED/LCD screen, one programming keyboard and operating keyboard, (accordingly). ©) The keyboard shall preferably be touch sensitive sealed type, easy to operate with each key clearly identified. It shall be provided with a lock and key to prevent any unintentional programme modification. Keyboard shall be spill proof and shall have a key lock to restrict engineering functions, Functions like data base configuration, alarm settings, graphic compilation, real time clock setting, alarm inhibiting etc shall be restricted through key lock 4) It shall be possible to modify, add or delete the application programme online without affecting the output. e) Whenever PLC TFT's is used for plant operation, it shall be 21" colour TFT and shall be able to display process dynamic graphics, overview and group displays. f) It shall be possible to printout the logic diagram on the PLC printer, In addition printer shall also print the diagnostic messages and reports, shut down report, /O map, process alarms etc, g) PC based console when offered must be of current release and state-of. the art & be of the Industrial Grade, hh) Operator interface sub-system shall provide the centralized information to the package unit operator/engineer in the following fields: - Indication of all analog and digital process variables, 7 Manipulation of control loops. e Alarm displays and annunciation (by both visual & adjustable audio means), - Graphic displays. : Logging and trending. Self diagnostic messages. B System configuration and display building 5 Process Cause & Effect Graphics with First out, {) TFT data display update rate shall not be more than two seconds Pa 60 —=- O Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 1525 153 j) A minimum of 8 digits (max of 12 digits) shall be required for tag number and 24 digits for process description. k) Process Displays: System shall be able to display adequate number of hierarchical views like overview, group and loop display easily accessible through keyboard. It shall also be possible to display and control process package through dynamic graphics. System shall have enough capacity to display complete package through dynamic graphics 1) Real time (Isec or lesser) trend and Historical trends shall be possible. Facility shall be available in the system for archival of historical data. 1m) Alarms shall be displayed as and when they appear irrespective of type of display distinguished by flashing and colour change. Alarm summary and ‘alarm history shall also be possible in the system. n) System alarms shall also be annunciated as reported by self-diagnostic routines. ©) Data archival and retrieval facilities shall be available in the system. p) All Cables used shall be of the armoured type. Else, shall be run along it's entire length in Anaconda (or equivalent type) conduit having durable, flame retardant & low smoke PVC integral jacketing inside cable trays. The same shall be glanded at both ends using appropriate special gland fittings. 4) For further details, refer Instrumentation Design Basis. System Power Supplies a) Programmable logic controller shall operate on uninterrupted power supply with following specifications: Voltage 110V "10% Frequency 50 Hz "3 He. Switchover time 5 millisecond ) Each /O rack shall be provided with a separate redundant power supply. ©) Each processor unit shall be provided with separate redundant power supply. Self Diagnostics a) The system shall have extensive set of self-diagnostic sub-routines which shall be able to identity the system failure at least up to module level. At local level, failure of a module shall be identified by an individual LED. b) Each module shall have a LED for each WO per channel to indicate the status of each Input/Output channel. 6 39 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 16 76.1 7.62 163 1.64 1.65 166 161 168 169 7.6.10 ©) Whenever auto-testing of /O modules is provided, the testing software must be capable of detecting faults in case of normally open as well as normally close system, Installation & Commissioning All welding shall be carried out as per the relevant codes with proper electrodes. Any testing (non destructive) like D.P. test and radiography on root weld and final weld shall be carried out as applicable. All consumables shall bbe part of vendor's scope of supply. Any pre/post weld treatment as required by the relevant codes shall be carried out All instruments should have approach for maintenance. All instrument locations should be accessible & approachable. In general JB's should not be installed on vibrating body. The location must not have nearby very hot lines, condensate draining arrangement etc. JBs are to be installed in location having approach for maintenance, All the glands are 10 be double compression type with necessary shrouds. It is preferable to use only socket weld (SW) type fittings for impulse piping. Wherever itis difficult (like 1S04RF flange ete.), next higher size SW fittings are to be used. The impulse should be sch 80 seamless piping as a minimum. Instrument stands, stanchions and other structural steel material required for supporting the cable trays, impulse lines and instruments shall be considered, Structural angles used for cable dropping to Junction Box or to field device shall be preferably galvanized. Stanchions shall be made out of A106 Gr. B 2” size pipe as a minimum. In case application calls for higher grade material, the same shall be supplied by contractor” Alll the structural steel & stanchion shall be epoxy painted. All conduits, armored cables and supports shall be designed and installed so that it can be easily removed without damage and shall be located so that it does not hamper removal of bearings, seals, or equipment intemals. 2 out of 3 voting shall be provided for critical process parameters. 3 No’s, Sensors and/or transmitters need to be considered wherever 2003 logic is used, Vendor to provide machine monitoring & protection system as per APIG81/API670 standards, Monitoring for Vibration, Bearing Temperature and Axial Displacement shall be through suitable Machine Monitoring system to be located as per Instrumentation Design Basis with redundant serial communication to DCS on MODBUS RS485 protocol (MMS being the Slave), Necessary Cables & responsibility for interface with Client DCS shall be by the Bidder/Package Supplier. Machine Monitoring Voting shall not be performed in the MMS/VMS Syster Individual points that could trip the machine shall be hardwired to PLC individually, Logic shall be executed in PLC only. 62 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 7.6.11 7.6.12 7.6.13 7.6.14 1615 1.6.16 7.6.17 7.618 7.6.19 7.6.20 The sensing probe/s for Machine Monitoring shall be accessible for adjustment, repair and replacement without dismantling the machine, Sensing elements shall be flexible 304 SS armored with outer PTFE coating / jacketing Key phasor system (complete from probe to Module & interconnected) shall be provided by vendor for performing analysis of vibration signals to determine machine malfunctions (same shall be wired up to Machine Monitoring System), Vendor shall provide necessary reference on the shaft to determine one-per-tum occurrence, ‘An alarm & shutdown system (conforming to API681) shall be provided which will initiate an alarm if any of the specified process parameters reaches alarm point and will initiate shutdown of the equipment if any of the specified parameter reaches the shutdown point. Instrument drain/vent connections shall be piped to safe area like oily water sewer or above pipe racks to avoid accumulation of hazardous fluid in the plant atmosphere, Vendor shall be completely responsible for installation of all instruments within their battery limit, in line with the requirements furnished. Separate routing or physical separation shall be maintained between signal cables, shut down and power cables. Alll cables shall be laid in single layer in case of Trays and all cables shall be identified/marked with etched SS-316 tag plates with $S-316 wires, Only 316 SS Bolts/Nuts for Instrument Mounting, Cable Trays and Canopies shall be used. Steam tracing wherever required shall be carried out by 8 mm OD copper tubes and condensate traps shall be provided to collect all the condensate and shall be piped to the nearest pipe drain funnels. Painting of cable trays/ducts, mild steel cable trays, angle trays, instrument supports and all structural supports shall be painted as under: ‘The surface to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned with brush sand paper to remove all scales. After cleaning, one coat of red oxide zine chromate primer shall be given conforming to IS-2074 and allowed to dry. One coat of final paint shall then be applied. Second and final coats of paint of final colour shall be given before handing over the plant/ commissioning, Grounding a) Each cabinet, console and other equipment supplied as a part of system shall have earthling lugs which shall be secured to the 'Body/Panel mains earthing bus’ b) All circuit grounds, shields and drain wires shall be connected to the ‘system ground’ bus which shall be isolated from 'Body/Panel n carthing bus’, This bus shall typically be 25 mm wide and 6 mm of copper. 63 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. 7.6.21 7.6.22 7623 7.6.24 7.6.25 7.6.26 76.21 7.6.28 7.6.29 7.6.30 7631 1.6.32 7.6.33 The total resistance of system ground shall be less than 10 ohms unless otherwise recommended by system manufacturer. All the impulse fit ups are generally documented with the traceability of individual fittings / hardware, All the welding joints are subjected to the NDT as per the code/standard as well as hydro tested (Impulse Lines). All impulse lines shall be tested hydrostatically at 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure, Ensure that instrument and vessel/piping is isolated during this test. In case of special instruments/items where hydrotesting is not permitted due to service conditions, the impulse lines testing shall be carried out by using air or nitrogen. After pressure testing, all these impulse lines shall be drained and died with dry air to remove any traces of moisture, oil and dust. Instrument air lines shall be duly tested for any leak after pressurising and isolating the main root valve by soap solution, All instrument cables shall be tested for continuity and insulation, While meggeting the cables for insulation testing, ensure that all instruments and barriers are isolated at both ends. All instruments supplied by the vendor shall be calibrated using proper test equipment. All instruments shall be calibrated for 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and vice versa. All temperature gauges shall be calibrated using temperature baths. All transmitters shall be calibrated as per instrument ranges. All control valves, prior to stroke checking, shall be externally cleaned thoroughly. The full stroke of valve shall be checked for opening and closing. Any adjustment required for obtaining full stroke and reducing hysteresis shall be carried out. The hystetisis shall not be more than 1% URV (upper range value) with positioners, Solenoid valve shall be checked functionally for its operation. All special instruments like analyzer shall be checked and calibrated as per manufacturer's instructions. Prior to testing, all analyzer sample lines shall be thoroughly cleaned by carbon tetra chloride or any other cleaning liquid. After cleaning, these lines shall be thoroughly purged with dry nitrogen. After performing the calibration of all instruments, the entire loop shall be checked for proper operation, The entire shutdown scheme shall be simulated from the process trip Instruments andthe scheme shall be tested for its proper operation prior to start up of the unit, The same shall be carried out for all Control Loops as well. Alll the control system functions (wherever system supply is in package vendor's scope) shall be checked thoroughly for proper functioning. These shall include but not limited to the following tests: a. Visual and mechanical. b. Complete system configuration loading. ¢. Demonstration of all system functions. 64 Rev 0 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS. RECOVERY SYSTEM | Checking of all systems displays. Checking of correct functioning of all keyboards. Demonstration of all system diagnostics Checking of proper functioning of all printers, hardcopy unit, and printing of all reports h. Checking of all dise drives. i. Complete checking of logic system, loading of user’s program and checkout of results J. Checking of correct changeover of the back-up/redundant units in case of failure of main units. 7.6.34 Loop checking shall be carried out by vendor, which shall include proper functioning and interconnection of all items in the loop. 7.6.35 All input signals shall be generated in the field and corresponding reading shall be checked at all corresponding displays. 7.6.36 All the outputs shall be checked in the field, by physical verification of valve stroke or operation of solenoid valve/pick-up of electrical contactor. After loop checking is completed vendor shall connect back any terminals and connections removed during loop checking. 7.6.37 Any field side /system side modifications required shall be carried out by bidder/vendor 7.6.38 During the plant start up all the instruments calibration, controller alignment & tuning, trip point settings shall be trimmed so as to meet the operation requirements. 7.6.39 Prior to guarantee run of any package unit, the vital instruments as required by vendor may have to be recalibrated and the results recorded. 7.6.40. Calibration Gases /.other Gases / Consumables required for 6 months post commissioning operation shall also be considered by vendor/bidder 7.7 Specific Job requirements for Flare Gas Recovery System 7.1.1. Control System Philosophy: The control system for the FGRS Package shall be implemented in the owner DCS / PLC system located in SRR#35, The DCS/PLC shall be provided by the purchaser, All VED Controls shall be possible from DCS/PLC. Bidder to provide the control philosophy and interlocks/shutdown logics for implementation in owner DCS/PLC. 7.7.2 All transmitters (HART type), the complete Shutdown/On/Off valves (with all accessories) used for machine protection interlocks or trip logics shall be SIL3 certified. Necessary certificates, FMEDA reports & PFD values shall be furnished. Transmitters for Control shall be separate from Transmitters used for Interlock/Trip/Machine Protection. 7.7.3. Antisurge control system if required (as envisaged by bidder) shall be supplied by the compressor vendor. 65 43 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 14S 116 144 Ue) 119 7.7.10 TIM TIA2 7713 174 Machine monitoring system (make & model subject to Client approval) if required shall be supplied by compressor vendor. Machine monitoring system if supplied by vendor shall be located inside SRR#35. All electrical interface (MCC Signals) for interlock / shutdown and monitoring to DCS or programmable logic controller shall be hardwired through potential free contact. Interposing relays shall be provided for all electrical contact signals to PLC. Start / Stop, Auto / Manual, Local / Remote commands for all electrical drives from Local Control Station in field (A/M switch shall be in the DCS/PLC) shall be directly wired to MCC. Status signals of drives from MCC shall be wired to marshalling cabinet in Satellite Rack Room from MCC and shall be repeated to desired destinations ‘The control, monitoring, interlock and shutdown shall be implemented at purchaser DCS/PLC as per the document provided by bidder. The completeness and correctness of the document is bidder’s responsibility Bidder shall provide the VO count for complete package (inc! all sub- packages) separately for the signals connected to the purchaser’s DCS/PLC system including field bus segments. ‘The different type of signals like Digital Inputs & Outputs, Analog Inputs & Outputs, field bus signals etc Displacer type level transmitter shall not be used, instead GWR ot Radar type level instrument shall be used.. For all level gauges, body/ chamber and cover material shall be $8316, All level gauges shall be provided with $$ scale. Process switches shall not be provided for any application including seal oil system for flow, pressure, temperature and level. This shall override any requirement mentioned in the specification elsewhere. Only transmitters shall be provided The Hardware / Software of Load sharing system of compressor (as required) shall be provided by bidder for implementation. (All controls shall be available from DCS). Detailed P&IDs of the packagesisub packages shall be submitted by the contractor to owner/EPCM consultant, showing the complete scope and connectivity to the control systems (DCS/PL.C). Contractor shall also show in the P&ID’s all instruments and control systems necessary for safe and efficient operation of the complete packages! sub packages, which are not specifically listed in this document but are required as per contractor’s/manufacturer’s experience/ recommendation, All such instruments and their accessories shall also be supplied by the contractor Contractor shall provide /O count for DCS/ PLC including segment quantities for FF system along with the offer. This input shall be utilised to finalise DCS/ PLC hardware requirements. The inputs shall be comprehensive and shall include I/O including segment requirements of all sub-packages 66 “a Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM TAS TI16 aa within the Package also. Contractor should not take any exception or deviation oF should not add any qualification while providing these inputs Contractor shall be fully responsible for 1/O counts given by them in offer. Contractor shall verify the /O count given during detailed engineering and provide the final I/O count shall be provided within three months from the date of award of contract. If any /O count gets added later on during pre commissioning/commissioning stage, contractor shall be held responsible for these changes and cost towards these changes shall be back charged to contractor. Contractor is totally responsible for system engineering, testing and field integration of DCS/ PLC system pertaining to this Package . Changes to control scheme, tripfinterlock logics at late stage, ie during pre commissioning/commissioning stage shall be strictly avoided. These includes participation in kick-off meetings, generation of all DCS engineering documents, review of DCS/ PLC vendor generated dwgs. and documents, coordination with DCS vendor directly or through EPCM consultant! MRPL, participation in FAT at DCS/ PLC vendor's shop, participation in field testing and any other activity needed for successfial commissioning & PGTR of package with field and control systems fully integrated. Drawings’ documents which are required for engineering of DCS/ PLC and other systems pertaining to Package t shall be developed by Contractor. The completeness and correctness of control system engincering documents for Package shall be Contractor's responsibility. These shall include, but not limited to following. i, Functional schematics and /O count including segment quantities duly segregated with respect to its origination (field MCC/ Local panel), type (intrinsically safe/ non- incendive), functionality (monitoring/ control jerlock/ shutdown), location of functionality, . Functional schematics for complex loops with write up i. Overview! group view assignment y. Trending requirements and assignment v. Dynamic graphic display vi, Logging and report requirements with formats and tag no vii, Instrument details (database) including those of sub-package units viii. Operator guide messages ix, Alarm assignments X, Package units! free issue item inputs related to equipments installation xi. Logic diagram in FBD format. xii, Cause and Bffect diagram xiii, PLC display requirements xiv. Any other requirements/ inputs as found necessary 45 6F 1718 17.19 7.7.20 7721 77.22 77.23 1724 17.25 1.7.26 17.27 77.28 11.29 1.7.30 TIBI "TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS IECOVERY SYST The package vendor shall submit all instrument specifications and data sheets as per ISA format ‘The package vendor shall thoroughly review and approve vendor drawings for all instruments and accessories before forwarding to Consultant/Owner Only the approved drawings duly stamped and signed by a competent engineer of the package vendor shall be sent to Consultant/Owner review. struments and system oriented items shall undergo factory testing and inspection by Contractor's authorized representatives, Owner and consultant, unless specified otherwise. The inspection and testing shall be carried out as per related specifications, international codes and practices) standards, approved documents and/ or any other document attached elsewhere in this document No system or system oriented item shall be dispatched without integrated factory testing. The testing procedures shall be detailed out by Contractor based on testing requirements indicated in individual system specifications and shall be approved by owner. Contractor must certify that the system is, actually ready before calling the Owner / consultant for FAT. Also all the necessary approved documents and literature are to be submitted before calling for FAT. Factory Acceptance Testing of MMS, Analyzer systems and any other critical System shall be witnessed by Client/ consultant at their discretion, All sub packages shall be tested with the control system (in contractor's, scope), Local control panel and gauge board etc IBR Certifications shall be provided by Contractor in the appropriate format duly signed by IBR authority or their authorized agency All instruments, valves, junction boxes, pneumatic tubing, gauges, cables coming within the skid etc shall be supplied and pre installed in the skid with necessary cabling, wiring and tubing. ‘Two or more instruments shall not share the same tapping point, isolation valves & impulse piping/tubing. Further each instrument shall have independent tapping, isolation valves & impulse piping/tubing. The same shall be ensured for vessels also to avoid re-puncturing of the same. Level Transmitters shall be of the GWR type whenever variations are expected in the process density (subject to meeting Transmitter dielectric limitations). These shall have independent tappings & isolation facilities, Compressor Seal Plan Level measurements shall be using GWR type Level Transmitters Level Instruments shall not take tapping from bottom of vessel/piping. Rotameter type Flow transmitters shall be avoided, All causes that could lead to Machine trips shall be based on 2003 Logic, except for bearing vibration/bearing temperature/axial displacement related trips. 68 1738 1.7.36 7737 7138 7.1.39 1.1.40 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS Solenoids supplied as part of any Shutdown/Control Valve shall not be provided with Integral Reset Button/Lever. Reset shall be from a separate pushbutton located in field (near to the valve) or shall be through Soft Button provided in PLC Console (as deemed appropriate — considering the criticality of the service), All Temperature Elements shall be duplex type & the connected transmitters shall be configured & provided with hot-backup facility All Control Valves (incl Surge Valves) shall be provided with continuous position feedback (shall be integral to the positioner). Positioner shall be only of Fisher/Metso/Masoneilan make. Wherever variations are expected in density or Molecular Weight (feed/product/intermediates), coriolis type mass flowmeters shall be provided for flow measurement (with isolation & bypass facility). Product gas flow measurement shall use Coriolis Mass FM which shall be pressure & temperature compensated for improved accuracy. Density signal from Coriolis Mass FM shall also be wired to the DCS/PLC, Skid vendor shall ensure protection from vibration for all instruments, TEs, ‘gauge panels, LCPs and JBs etc installed within skid. Necessary arrangements shall be made to ensure that no vibration issues are experienced during the compressor run/start-up. Cables, capillaries from sensors installed on the compressors shall be routed through rigid flexible conduits (Anaconda or similar type) laid inside cable trays & properly supported within the skid structure. Cables from the skids may be routed with covered trays/ducts firmly installed along with skid base. It shall be installed such that there is no damage possible due to stepping up on the trays at site by the workmen. In case separate Machine Monitoring System is not required/envisaged by Compressor Vendor, he shall supply all instruments complete with Transmitters installed & wired (in the skid). Only 4 to 20mA HART Transmitter signal shall be wired to Customer DCS/PLC in this case. No sensor (RTD/Thermocouple/Vibration Probe) shall be directly wired from field to SRR. The same shall be applicable for all analog signals (ie., all Analog Signals shall be of 24VDC, 2 wire 4 to 20mA). All Shutdown Valves shall be leak checked at Vendor works (100%) which shall be witnessed by ClienV/EPCM Consultant, If compressor is installed inside acoustic enclosure, then any indication required outside the enclosure need to be considered by mounting the transmitter /gauge outside of the acoustic enclosure (without affecting the installation standards & with proper approaches) / remote indicators. 63 Rev 0 @ ] TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS. t RECOVERY SYSTEM 8.0 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT 8.1 Paint And Corrosion Protection 8.1.1 The Vendor must ensure that all equipment provided is adequately protected from the prevailing hot and humid atmosphere at this location, by means of correct material selection, painting or coating and/or suitable insulation to prevent galvanic corrosion, The Vendor shall propose and use his standard long life painting/coating system and other protective measures for approval with provision that final finish colour be agreed with MRPL. 8.1.2 Pre-assembled skids and components shall be supplied with finish paint coat. ‘The Vendor shall provide necessary paint for field touch-up by the MRPL. 8.2 Equipment Tagging, Labelling And Name 8.2.1 All major items shall be allocated tag numbers. The Vendor must indicate these numbers on all design documents also. 8.2.2 All tagged items shall have corrosion resistant nameplates or labels permanently attached which shall include Vendor’s standard identification and together with MRPL’s tag number (if made available). 8.2.3 All other control and indication devices that operators will need to access and maintain shall have identification/duty labels permanently attached. 8.3 Packing And Preservation 8.3.1 Packing and Preservation shall be suitable for sea transport worhty and movement over rugged terrain, Also it shall be suitable for storage at site for up to 6 months in an uncovered and heated location. The Vendor shall provide information for storage at site prior to installation and for extended periods post installation prior to start-up, 8.4 Special Tools and Special Test Equipment 8.4.1 Vendor to include in his supply any special tool/ tackles and test equipment ete as required for the maintenance of the equipment. Vendor to mention the same in the offer. 8.5 Monthly Reporting 8.5.1 The Vendor shall, for the duration of the PO execution, provide monthly reporting covering project management, engineering, procurement, fabrication and testing activities giving full details of third party inspection activities done. The Vendor shall develop the form of the reports. The cut-off date shall be 25th day of each month, Vendor shall send the report through dispatch and also through e-mails. 8.5.2. The reports shall contain details on all aspects of the Vendor and his Sub- Vendor's performance over the reporting period and give an up-to-date and clear picture of the project progress and the overall status of the PO. Jo = _() Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE & CONTROL 9.1 Quality Management System 91d 913 9.2 Testin 9.2.1 ‘The Vendor shall provide his standard format Inspection and Test Plan (ITP), relating to the scope of work, for review with the bid submission. However the same shall be in line with the ITP guideline as enclosed with this indent requisition as annexure-8, as a minimum, After award of work, vendor shall submit detail inspection and test plan for approval by purchaser (MRPL) and ‘TPI (Third Party Inspection Agency). The Plan shall include detail descriptions of all tests and inspections and categorize each test and inspection as below. Category R-tested by the Vendor. Reports to be reviewed by TPI or Purchaser Category W — observed by Purchaser ot TPL Category H ~ witnessed by Purchaser or TPL For Category W, the TPIA (third party inspection agency) will attend the test at the test date notified by the Vendor. If Purchaser or his nominee(s) fail to attend the test by any reason, the Vendor is entitled to carry out the test as scheduled and Purchaser will accept the test results. (These are no “Hold? points.) For Category H, the Purchaser / TPIA will agree the test date with the Vendor. If TPI fails to attend the test by any reason, the Vendor shall hold. the test until Purchaser / TPIA attend the test at a new test date agreed by the parties, (These are ‘Hold’ points.) The Purchaser shall also have free access to the Vendor and Sub-Vendor’s premises during all stages of manufacturing and testing. Regular visits by the Purchaser for the purpose of surveillance and documentation review will not be carried out as a matter of course. However, should it become apparent that the Vendor's or Sub-Vendors’ agreed Manufacturing Quality Control Plan is either inadequate or not being implemented, the Purchaser reserves the right to increase the level or frequency of his Quality Control activities or request the Vendor to revise his working practices, as necessary. Testing shall be performed in logical sequence. The vendor's testing procedure shall be structured in following manner : Level 1: Factory testing of individual components by the Vendor or his subvendor Level 2: Package factory testing of the completely assembled sub systems at the vendor’s works al Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM. 9.3 Factory Tests 9.3.1 The Vendor shall be responsible for the factory testing for all the equipment covered by this Requisition, as per the data sheets, codes and standards listed, 9.3.2 The Vendor shall submit guarantee along with sound pressure and sound power level spectra details, in the Noise Level Data Sheet 9.4 Kinal Acceptance Test 9.4.1 — Final acceptance of factory tests will be made by Purchaser/TPIA after the complete test sequence has been performed, but shall not constitute a waiver of the Vendor obligation to provide the equipment which meets all specified operating conditions. 9.4.2 The complete unit shall also be subjected to field trail run to test guaranteed parameters. 9.8 — Third Party Inspection Authority / Agency 9.5.1 A third party authority (TPI) shall inspect at all stages including the final test on behalf of MRPL. Vendor may select any third party agency from the list of purchaser’s (MRPL) approved third party inspection agencies. For agencies other than purchaser's list vendor shall submit their details for purchaser’s (MRPL) approval prior to finalising the agency. The TPI charges shall be included in the vendors quoted price. 9.5.2 The Vendor shall submit in a timely manner to the TPI, all applicable Vendors’ documentation for approval. And the Vendor shall arrange for workshop inspections and tests witnessing by TPI. Such inspection shall not release the Vendor from performing its own inspection and quality control programs. 9.5.3 Scope of Inspection of Third Party agency Scope of third party inspection agency (TPIA) shall include witness of various tests including final performance tests, as per QAP.TPIA shall also certify the power consumption of compressor (refer penalty clause in the specs) during the final performance test. The scope of TPIA also includes review of procedures/activities, review of tests documents’ inspection test methods/reports/ material identification/ traceability/ QC reports ete required to ensure striet conformance of material, procedures and testing with specifications, data sheets, and vendor data requirements etc. as enclosed to the purchase specifications as set out in enquiry / order, in totality, TPIA shall also endorse the monthly progress report to be prepared by vendor. ® 6 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM Rev 0 9.6 QA Records 9.6.1 Inspection and Certification Records The Vendor shall ensure that all inspection and certification records for equipment and materials is available on request for a petiod of 10 years, from delivery. The Vendor shall make such records immediately available to the Purchaser up to completion of his scope of supply and thereafter within ton days of the Purchaser's request. 9.6.2 QA Record Documentation QA record documentation consisting of collection of original and type test certification, inspection and test records and final release documentation generated during the approval, manufacture and testing of the equipment /material shall form part of final documentation to be submitted to MRPL. All final drawings and manuals including as built documentation must be supplied prior to the “Release Note”, 10.0 DOCUMENTATION : INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Vendor shall submit documentation in accordance with the “List of drawings’ Documents” (Vendor Data Requirements: Annexure-10). In order to reduce the amount of document transmittals, two types of submission categories will be used; Category A: Issued to the Purchaser or review/approval. ‘These documents will be returned to the Vendor with the appropriate action shown on the return label. Category I: Issued to the Purchaser for information purposes. These documents will only be returned for subsequent re-submission, if unsatisfactory or incorrect. The Vendor shall assume a period of twenty (20) working days from receipt for the Purchaser to review and dispatch documents back to the Vendor. When required, re-submissions are to be made no later than ten (10) working days All final drawings and manuals including as built documentation must be supplied as per documentation procedure (Annexure-9) NOTES:- Approval of Drawings by MRPL shall not relieve vendor from fulfilling his obligation under this contract and is, in essence, only an acknowledgment of satisfaction with the general arrangements and general design. MRPL's approval shall in no event make MRPL. responsible for errors or omission in vendor's work. Should Purchaser fail to comment, or only partially comment, upon any Vendor or Sub-Vendor document, this shall not be construed as an acceptance of the content of such document. Prior to being submitted to Purchaser, documents shall be developed to the maximum extent. 13 Rev 0 ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR FLARE GAS RECOVERY SYSTEM 11.0 GUARANTEE AND PENALTIES CRITERIA: ‘Vendor shall guarantee the product from defects, for a period of 18 months from date of commissioning or 24 months from date of supply whichever is earlier, Vendor shall undertake to replace damaged parts fiee of cost and also provide service assistance for troubleshooting and repairs during this period, free of cost. Vendor shall also guarantee operating conditions as per the order/ specification. Vendor shall undertake to carry out all corrections required to ensure performance of the ‘machine, in case of non-achievement of the operating conditions. Power consumption (kWh) at operating point shall also be guaranteed. If total power consumption during the performance test run after commissioning execeds the limits mentioned in the bid, bidder shall identify and rectify the causes of the high power consumption. Bidder shall be obliged to carry out and continue the rectification measures until the bidder achieves the guaranteed figures, subject to a maximum permissible tolerance of 5% in excess of guaranteed power consumption figute, within a period of 6 months. If even after such steps are taken, the power consumption exceeds 5% of guaranteed figure, then in addition and without prejudice to any other reduction, discount or price adjustment which MRPL is entitled to, MRPL shall be entitled to recover the amount as follows: The differential power consumption, (over and above 5%) between the actual and guaranteed value for 5 years of continuous operation with 8000 running hours per year shall be considered for recovery. Cost of power shall Rs. 11.28 per kWh. The overall total liability will be restricted to 10% of order cost. This shall be recovered from the Performance Bank Guarantee submitted by the bidder. h

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