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Vol. XIX No.

4 July - August 2001 ISSN 0115-9097

What's Inside
Confronting the garbage problem
with economic solutions
6 Rice is very expensive
in the Philippines...
and hunger is deepening
9 Some little known facts
about rice
10 The government Ma. Eugenia C. Bennagen*
and its poverty reduction
program: Knowing who
the poor are

12 It starts with numbers he current garbage crisis in Metro Manila is a multifaceted problem.
13 The Asian financial crisis It covers economic, social, technological, scientific, environmental,
and El Niño: The impact
institutional, cultural, and—last but equally important—political is-
on the poor
18 RP government urged sues. It therefore calls for solutions that cut across disciplines or per-
to draft a workable spectives. Recognizing this fact early in the decisionmaking process allows society
competition policy
20 Dollarization in RP: to address the problem more rationally than what is currently being done. This
Is it relevant? article attempts to look at the garbage problem from an economic perspective. It
treats the garbage crisis as an economic problem with economic solutions. How-
ever, as earlier pointed out, it is a multifaceted problem, and therefore, economic
Editor's Notes solutions are not, by themselves, sufficient.

Some facts and figures on solid wastes

One pressing issue today is garbage: we
Solid waste generation is an inevitable consequence of production and
have so much of it and none would want to
consumption activities in any economy. Generally, it is positively related to the
have it. At least not in their backyard. level of income and urbanization. That is, higher income countries have higher
waste generation rates compared to low income economies (Table 1).
Waste disposal has been a problem for so
many years and most of the solutions put for- In the Philippines, the National Capital Region or Metropolitan Manila
ward by our officials have been to look for a generates about 5,800 tons of solid wastes per day, with households accounting
wide "acceptable" area somewhere to dump for about 75 percent of total wastes generated (Figure 1a).
everybody's garbage. Never mind that the
populace in the dumping area may be ex- Almost half of a Filipino household’s wastes are kitchen/food wastes while
posed to health hazards. the other half consists of paper and paper-based wastes (16%), plastics
(15%), glass (9%), and the rest is made up of yard wastes, textiles, rubber +2
In this issue, Ms. Eugenia Bennagen at-
tempts to present the economic side of the *
The author is with the Resources, Environment and Economic Center for Studies, Inc. (REECS) and has
garbage problem. More importantly, recently completed a study on “Household Waste Segregation and Resource Recovery in Selected Communi-
she presents an economic solution +20 ties in Metro Manila” funded by the Environment and Economy Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA). Que-
ries may be forwarded to or

the current garbage

Garbage...from page 1 crisis was inevitable.1 Figure 1a. Sources of Solid Wastes, Metro Manila, 1992

and leather, among others (Figure 1b). Economic dimen-

Household waste segregation is not sions of the Commercial
widely practiced and waste recovery is garbage problem 18%
minimal—only an estimated 4 percent Some aspects Institutions
is recycled at source, 1 percent during of the economics of 1%
hauling, and 1 percent at disposal site. solid waste manage- Markets
ment need to be dis- 6%
Although collection efficiency of cussed so as to pro-
government garbage trucks is esti- vide insights into po-
mated at 73 percent, a relatively large tential economic so-
25 percent of the daily wastes dis- lutions to the prob- Household
carded—or 1,450 tons—are still ille- lem. The discussion 74%
gally dumped in open spaces, streets is by no means ex-
and rivers throughout the city. Table 2 haustive and is in- Source: MMDA/JICA
provides a snapshot of the garbage cri- tended to inform
sis in Metro Manila. With the closure noneconomists of
of three disposal sites, which account some basic economics of the garbage lating further discussions on the eco-
for 95 percent of Metro Manila wastes, problem while at the same time, stimu- nomics of solid waste management
among economists.

Table 1: Urban Municipal Solid Waste (MWS) Generation Is solid waste management
in Selected Asian Countries. service (SWS) a public
Country GNP Per Capita Current Urban It is useful to start off the discus-
(1995 US $) MSW Generation sion on the economic dimensions of the
(kg/capita/day) garbage problem by examining the pub-
lic good nature of solid waste manage-
Low Income 490 0.64 ment services (SWS). A public good, as
Nepal 200 0.50 defined in economics textbooks, is a
Bangladesh 240 0.49 good that exhibits both consumption
Myanmar 240 0.45 indivisibilities and nonexcludability.
Vietnam 240 0.55
Consumption is indivisible when a
Mongolia 310 0.60
person’s consumption of a good does
India 340 0.46
Lao PDR 350 0.69
not diminish the amount available for
China 620 0.79 others. Examples of such goods are clean
Sri Lanka 700 0.89 air, natural landscapes and biological
diversity among others.
Middle Income 1,410 0.73
Indonesia 980 0.76 On the other hand, nonex-
Philippines 1,050 0.52 cludability refers to a circumstance
Thailand 2,740 1.10 where, once the good or service is pro-
Malaysia 3,890 0.81 vided, even those who fail to pay for it
cannot be excluded from enjoying its
High Income 30,990 1.64
benefits. Examples are public safety and
Korea, Republic of 9,700 1.59
Hong Kong* 22,990 5.07
Singapore 26,730 1.10
Japan 39,640 1.47 1
This crisis situation was foreseen to occur in year
2000 during the formulation of the Metropolitan
Source: World Bank (1999) Manila Solid Waste Master Plan in 1997 (JICA/
* Includes construction/demolition debris. MMDA 1998).

in the United States is and it is not known where the collected

Figure 1b. Composition of Household Wastes, Metro a large industry that garbage is disposed.
provides services to
both the private and A recent World Bank technical as-
public sectors. sistance to the Philippines on SWS re-
gards these services as a quasi public
This thus lends good, defining quasi public goods as
support to the argu- goods and services that can be con-
Glass and Wood
Food/Kitchen ment that SWS do not sumed individually and whose derived
wastes exhibit public good benefits can be measured in terms of
45% qualities of indivisibil- payments made by the users through,
ity and nonexclu- for example, user charges. It suggests
dability. that local governments should change
their perception of SWS as a public
In urban areas in good in order to pave the way for the
Paper many developing coun- implementation and collection of user
tries, including the Phil- charges for SWS provided to businesses
Source: MMDA/JICA ippines, most of these and households.
activities take place in
informal markets at the Does waste collection
defense, traffic control and street light- community level. Organized communi- and disposal generate
ing. Simply stated, public goods are best ties contract the collection and disposal externalities?
provided by the government in order to of their garbage to private truck owners Externalities, or those unintended
prevent market inefficiencies. for a fee. In some cases, door-to-door effects of an individual's action on oth-
collection service of household garbage ers for which he does not bear the con-
In the Philippines and in many is provided by young boys with rolling sequences, are another cause of market
other countries, solid waste manage- carts for a daily or weekly fee. The prob- failure and inefficiency. For example, a
ment has traditionally been considered lem with these informal markets, paper plant that dumps its wastes
a (local) government responsibility, both though, is that they are not monitored into the river exacts an external +4
by local governments and the general
public. This long-held view explains why
SWS are financed through taxes.
Table 2: Comparison of Pre-Crisis and Current Crisis Garbage Situation
in Metro Manila.
But do such services fit the defi-
nition of a public good as defined
Pre–Crisis1 Current Crisis
above? Perhaps not. For one, those who
(1997) (2000)
generate waste can certainly be ex-
cluded from enjoying the benefits of
collection and disposal services if they Total wastes generated (t/d) 5,345 5,841a
Collection efficiency (%) 73 na
fail to pay for it. Moreover, these ser-
Illegally dumped wastes (t/d) 1,308 na
vices can be consumed individually and
Number of open dump sites
may therefore diminish the amount in operation (Payatas and Catmon) 2 1b
available for others. Number of “landfills” in operation
(San Mateo and Carmona) 2 0c
Indeed, it has been noted that mar-
kets for these services do exist and are
working in many parts of the world. What na = information not available
are these markets? Principally, these a
Based on a per capita waste generation of 0.56 kg/day.
markets consist of individuals or firms b
The Payatas open dumpsite, closed in August 2000 right after the Payatas tragedy, handled 30% of
that are willing to supply garbage collec- daily Metro Manila wastes, while Catmon, which served only Malabon City before the crisis but is now
serving nearby cities, accounted for only 2%.
tion and disposal services at prices that c
The San Mateo landfill, closed in December 2000, handled 32% of total Metro Manila waste while the
consumers are willing to pay for. In fact, Carmona landfill, closed in 1998, handled 35%.
the market for solid waste management 1
Source: JICA/ MMDA (1999).

tal resources at the expense of environ- discard a quantity of waste products at

Garbage...from page 3 mental degradation and loss of social point Qz, which is greater than the effi-
welfare. cient or optimal quantity of waste dis-
cost on a resort hotel downstream, yet carded.
the paper plant does not consider that Marginal cost pricing
cost in its decisionmaking. This cost may of SWS Now, consider the introduction of
come in the form of reduced business Figure 2 shows a downward slop- a marginal or incremental pricing
for the resort hotel arising from the pol- ing demand curve for solid waste col- scheme for SWS where households will
lution of the river that is used for recre- lection services where the quantity de- be charged a price per unit of SWS, say,
ation by tourists. manded of SWS (represented in the at P *. With a higher price or fee
horizontal axis and measured in terms charged, households will now be more
Without any intervention to com- of quantity of waste discarded) in- careful or prudent in discarding gar-
pel the plant to bear or internalize the creases as price of SWS (represented bage. Thus, the quantity demanded of
external cost caused by its action, the in the vertical axis) decreases. SWS now shifts to the left and is now at
paper plant will continue to dump its Q*. The quantity of household waste
waste into the river and the hotel will In recent years, it is a general prac- discarded by households therefore de-
continue to bear the cost of the pollu- tice, even among developed countries, clines with a price increase in SWS.
tion. As a result, too much pollution is for households to pay a flat fee for SWS.
produced and society as a whole suffers. Under this scheme, there is practically a Divergence between
zero marginal or incremental cost of private and social costs
The garbage issue can be viewed SWS. Thus, it does not encourage an The existence of externalities in
in the same manner. As indicated ear- efficient discard of waste products since SWS as discussed indicates that a diver-
lier, solid waste generation and disposal households continue to pay the same fee gence between the private costs of pro-
generate externalities. The garbage even as they throw more garbage. viding the services and the cost to soci-
that half of the public generates and ety exists. It is important, therefore,
throws away in open dumpsites, rivers, This is clearly shown in Figure 2 that for the quantity of SWS demanded
streets, vacant lots and neighborhood where households paying a flat fee may to be efficient or optimal, the price
corners—the disposal of which is not
charged to them individually—exacts
costs on the other half of the public.
Figure 2: The Demand Curve for Residential SWS
Some of these local costs include
health risks from exposure to patho-
gens that transmit diseases; polluted
groundwater from leachate; flooding Price
caused by clogging of waterways; foul of
odor emitted by rotting garbage; and
lower real estate values. People do not
take these costs into account when they
make decisions on where and how to
dispose of their garbage. Welfare loss

What do these two situations of P** a b

Marginal Social
the paper plant and garbage disposal Cost
have in common with respect to the en- P*
Marginal Private
vironment? Cost
The answer is that there is no pay-
ment or price paid for the use of the 0 Q** Q* Qz
environment as a waste sink or recep- Quantity of SWS =
tacle. This lack of proper pricing of Quantity of Waste Discarded
the environment will result in the inef-
ficient use of natural and environmen- Source: Jenkins, R. B. (1993), with modifications.

on the demand for SWS by households

show that this demand is influenced by
economic variables such as the price
of solid waste services and of other
goods consumed by a household; pay-
ment received by the household for
recyclables; socioeconomic character-
istics of the household such as income,
household size, education, and size of
living quarters; and demographic vari-
ables such as population density and
age distribution, among others.

EEPSEA: 1993-1998
Empirical studies show the in-
verse relationship between the price for
SWS and quantity demanded based on
the demand theory. In these studies,
the price for SWS is the user fee that is
charged to households per unit of SWS,
Studies show that the larger the household, the greater the waste discarded. while the quantity demanded of SWS
is measured by the quantity of waste dis-

should incorporate not only the private tivities of the household that wastes are On the other hand, a positive re-
cost of SWS but also the external cost. produced and have to be disposed. lationship exists between income and
aggregate or total household waste.
In Figure 2, when the marginal On a day-to-day basis, households That is, the higher the income, the
external cost of SWS is reflected in the make decisions on how much waste to greater is the quantity demanded of
pricing at P**, the quantity demanded generate, how much to reuse, recycle or SWS. Meanwhile, the relationship be-
shifts further to the left at Q**, result- compost, and how much to throw away. tween income and quantity demanded
ing in a further decline of quantity of What are therefore the factors that in- of SWS per type of waste discarded is
wastes discarded. Thus, for efficiency fluence the household’s decisions re- not always positive. For instance, the
or optimality, the price per unit garding waste generation and disposal? quantity discarded of yard waste and
charged to households should reflect newspapers increase with income while
the social cost of SWS which includes The demand for a good or ser- that of packaging and textiles decrease
both the private and the external cost. vice is affected by its price, price of sub- with income.
stitutes, and by nonprice factors like in-
At Q z , the quantity of waste dis- come, population and preferences, Moreover, studies show
carded is beyond the optimal level. among others. The empirical literature that the demand for SWS with +16
Thus, the cost to society of disposing
that quantity of waste is greater than
the benefit to households for having it
discarded. The triangle abc represents The household is a crucial entity in the issue of
the welfare loss to society under a flat
fee or zero marginal pricing regime.
the garbage crisis since it generates about 70
percent of the garbage in Metro Manila. It
Factors influencing house-
hold demand for SWS is in its nature of consumption and production
The household is a crucial entity
in the issue of the garbage crisis since it
activities that dictates which wastes are pro-
generates about 70 percent of the gar- duced and have to be disposed.
bage in Metro Manila. It is in the nature
of the consumption and production ac-

Rice is very expensive in the Philippines...

and hunger is deepening
ilipino consumers suffer from
high prices of rice, which are
double to triple those borne by V. Bruce J. Tolentino and Elcee Noveno*
Thai or Vietnamese households.

Similarly, Filipino rice farmers, on

the average, incur costs of production ity of rice, Vietnamese households pay very poor can hardly come up with the
double to triple that of Thai or Viet- only P6.062 per kilo while Thai house- P14.00 in cash to purchase rice a kilo
namese farmers. holds pay P7.643 per kilo. at a time.

It has been this way since the mid- The cheapest rice in the Philip- Recent survey data show that on
1980s. The gap in consumer price and pine market is regular-milled rice sold the average, it costs Filipino farmers
producer cost between the Philippines at P14.00 per kilo by the National Food P7.454 to produce a kilo of paddy
on the high side, and Thailand and Authority (NFA) in its relatively few (unhusked rice). In comparison, as of
Vietnam on the low side has been grow- “rolling stores”. Yet in the most de- the mid-1990s, Filipino farmers spent
ing since then. pressed areas, the NFA’s stocks are not P5.71 to produce a kilo of paddy while
fully sold, indicating that even P14.00 Vietnamese farmers spent only P2.33 per
And it looks like Filipino house- is expensive to the very poor! kilo and Thai farmers P4.30 per kilo.
holds and farmers will continue to be
disadvantaged in prices and costs into The NFA has now resorted to sell- Trends in rice prices
the foreseeable future. This is especially ing rice in half-kilo bags because the In terms of rice prices and costs
true given the current policies of production, the gap between
and programs in the Philippine BusinessWorld Top 1000 Corporations in the Philippines, Vol. 14, 2000 the Philippines, on the one hand,
rice sector and the current and and Vietnam and Thailand, on
anticipated levels of agricultural the other, has been growing
productivity due to the inherent worse over time.
cycles of agricultural production.
Prior to the mid-1980s, the
Current rice prices gap was minimal and stable. Since
As of the first week of Au- then, the gap has gradually but
gust 2001, the retail price of regu- continually widened (Figure 1).
lar-milled rice in major Manila
wet markets was P16.731 per kilo. Rice prices and rice smug-
In peso terms, for the same qual- gling
Since the price of rice in the
Philippines is high, the incentive
* Dr. Tolentino is currently a consultant at to bring rice into the Philippine
the Department of Agriculture (DA), where market is very powerful. By law,
he was also a former Undersecretary for only the NFA may import rice or
Policy and Planning. Ms. Noveno, meanwhile,
is a Research Associate at the DA.
license such imports into the
As of 03 August 2001, ordinary rice, Metro country. Yet by anecdotal evi-
Manila, Bureau of Agricultural Statistics dence and media accounts, the
(BAS). smuggling of rice is rampant.
Average wholesale for 1999, UN Food and
Agricultural Organization (FAO).
This may be particularly true
Extrapolated for February 2001, base data given spotty enforcement of im-
sourced from UN FAO. port restrictions by enforcement
All types (irrigated and rainfed) 2001, BAS.

mally have enough storage space to

Figure 1. Domestic Wholesale Rice Prices of Rice: Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, store rice for their consumption for the
In Pesos, 1992 to February 2001. rest of the year.
Recent surveys of the Social
Weather Stations (SWS) indicate that
85 percent of Filipinos and 78 percent
14 Thai
of rural households source their house-
hold rice from the open market. This
indicates that the proportion of house-
holds benefiting from rice sold at sub-
sidized (relative to domestic) prices by
the NFA is only a small portion of the
total population.

Rice prices and rice

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 consumption
An anecdote, often considered a
Source: 1992–1999, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). gospel truth, about the dietary prefer-
ences of Filipinos, especially of the so-
called “masses,” is that a common Fili-
institutions and the archipelagic out- up about a quarter of household food pino meal consists of a mountain of
line of the land. budgets. Therefore, any increase in the rice, flavored by a little serving of soup
price of rice is tantamount to a de- or viand. This observation leads to the
Price differentials are the root crease in household income and wages. conclusion that Filipinos eat too much
cause of smuggling since the price of rice. A further conclusion is that: If only
local rice is higher than those from ex- Furthermore, since food prices Filipinos ate less rice, then we won’t have to
porting countries like Viet Nam and are an important component of the ad- worry about imports!
Thailand. It is particularly profitable to ministrative wage-setting process in the
smuggle rice into the country despite Philippines, the upward trends in rice Yet cross-country evidence shows
the risks of being caught and penalized. prices have exacerbated labor unrest that on the contrary, Filipinos eat too
and continuing pressure for legislated little rice. Comparative data on a num-
There is little scope for improv- wage increases. ber of Asian countries show that Filipi-
ing enforcement, given the weakness nos consume 95 kilos of rice per capita
of enforcement mechanisms and insti- Rice farmers and their families per year. This amounts to about three
tutions and the fact that authorities are also disadvantaged from high rice cups of milled rice per day or a cup of
have other concerns to worry about. prices. Rice farmers sell most of their milled rice per meal. In sharp contrast,
rice produce at harvest time. They gen- the Vietnamese consume up to
In fact, the recent re-imposition erally need the cash and do not nor- 165 kilos of rice per capita per +8
of the requirement of NFA permits for
domestic and interisland shipping
merely resurrected more opportunities
for rent-seeking and corruption, with Eighty percent of Filipino households allocate
highly doubtful positive effects on
smuggling, since the root cause has not at least half of their expenses to food.
been addressed.
Rice...takes up about a quarter of household
Rice prices and labor/farmer budgets. Therefore, any increase in the price of
Eighty percent of Filipino house- rice is tantamount to a decrease in household
holds allocate at least half of their ex-
penses to food. Rice is the staple food income and wages.
item of most households, which takes

surveys indicate that the incidence of economic policies and invested heavily
Rice...from page 7 child malnutrition in the Philippines in their agriculture and rural sectors.
has been quite high and even worsened
year, and the citizens of Myanmar eat between 1993 and 1998. If Filipino households had access
as much as 213 kilos of rice per capita to rice at the same prices as do Vietnam-
per year. In 1993, some 8.4 percent of all ese or Thai households, the Filipinos'
children aged 0-6 years were under- well-being would improve significantly.
For sure, many Filipinos will find weight, 5.6 percent had stunted growth,
the statistics on rice consumption as and 6.2 percent were wasted. However, For illustrative purposes, a Fili-
shown in Table 1 difficult to accept. It the 1998 NNS found that 9.3 percent of pino household of six (two adults and
seems that the anecdote on the rice- all children aged 0-5 years are under- four children) consumes 570 kilos of
gorging Filipino is an enduring story. weight and 7.2 percent are
wasted5 (Table 2).
Yet the statistics are clear. These Table 2. Child Malnutrition, Philippines, 1993
statistics were gathered from official A principal cause of and 1998 (In percent).
government sources. The methods in malnutrition is low calorie
gathering the data and estimating rice intake. Even as early as 1993 1998
consumption are consistent with tech- 1993, it was already deter- (0-6 Years) (0-5 Years)
niques introduced across Asia by the mined that in general, Fili-
Food and Agricultural Organization pinos had access to only 88 Underweight 8.4 9.3
(FAO) and the Statistical Center for percent of their recom- Stunted 5.6 na
Asia and the Pacific. mended daily allowance Wasted 6.2 7.2

(RDA) in caloric intake.

Deepening hunger
and malnutrition The basic source of Source: National Nutrition Surveys
Even more telling than data on calories in the Filipino diet
consumption are recent findings from is rice. Thus, low calorie intake is asso- rice per year. At the prevailing Philip-
nutrition surveys. ciated with low rice consumption. In pine prices, this translates into a rice
the last 10 years, domestic rice retail expenditure budget for the Filipino
The nutritional status of children prices have relatively increased rapidly, family of about P10,000 per year. How-
is tracked by the National Nutrition undoubtedly leading to reduced con- ever, at Vietnamese prices, the budget
Surveys (NNS) of the Food and Nutri- sumption, especially among the less required is only P3,100, implying a sav-
tion Research Institute (FNRI). These able family members. ings of P6,900 per year. Such savings
can be allocated to more rice or more
Certainly, the high prices of rice food in general.
Table 1. Per Capita Consumption of have contributed to low levels of con-
Rice, Selected Asian Countries, sumption of rice and to the consequent
Kilos per year worsening of nutritional status, espe- Strong governance
cially among the very young. to end hunger
Country Rice Consumption Expensive rice, farmers who have
Kilos/head/year Welfare losses remained poor, suffering consumers,
due to high rice prices more malnourished kids—these are the
Bangladesh 150 A distinguishing feature of con- long-term results of continuing neglect
Cambodia 169 temporary Thai and Vietnamese cost of of the agricultural and rural sector. Such
Indonesia 149 living is very cheap food relative to the neglect started in the early 1980s. While
Laos 172 Philippines. This has become increas- efforts have been exerted to remedy the
Malaysia 92 ingly evident since the 1980s as Vietnam sector’s ills since then, most programs
Myanmar 213
and Thailand adopted market-oriented fell short due to inadequate funding or
Philippines 95 political discontinuity.
Thailand 109
Vietnam 165
The present administration of
Alex N. Herrin and Ernesto M. Pernia. 2000. Popu-
lation Growth, Human Resources and Employment President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is
Source: RiceFactsIndex ( in the Philippines. on the right track as it mandates the

Some litle known facts about

j New, private irrigation systems are estimated to cost around
P35,000 per hectare.

j When the National Food Authority (NFA) imports rice, it makes
a profit. When the NFA procures paddy from Filipino farm-
ers, it loses money.

j In recent years, the Philippines has been the largest single

j In the 1990s, Philippine population grew at a relatively rapid
importer of rice from Viet Nam.
rate of over 2.3 percent per year while rice production grew
at only 1.9 percent per year. j Under the National Customs and Tariff Code, a tariff of 50
percent is levied on rice imports. When the NFA imports rice,
j In the next 25 years in the Philippines, the demand for rice is
the tariff is waived or (permanently) deferred.
expected to increase by at least 65 percent.
j From 1995 to 2000, foregone tariff revenues on NFA imports
j Between 1982 and 2000, average world prices of rice have
totaled almost P24 billion or an average of P4 billion per year.
been falling by 0.58 percent yearly. In contrast, Philippine
This is about 60 percent of the Deaprtment of Agriculture's
wholesale prices have been rising by 10.6 percent yearly.
budget for 1999 on rice and corn or about 38 percent of the
total budget on agriculture and fishery.
j Compared to Thailand and Viet Nam, the Philippines is less
dependent on rice.
j Confiscated smuggled rice is later sold by the government in
the domestic market. This adds to the total domestic rice
j Rice production in the Philippines has been growing at an
average rate of 1.9 percent per year over the last decade com-
pared to 3.0 percent and 5.4 percent for Thailand and Viet
j There are about 2.1 million rice farmers in the Philippines.
Nam, respectively.
j According to the 1991 Census of Agriculture and Fisheries,
j According to the Philippine Rice Research Institute, the Phil-
there are 2.37 million rice farms in the Philippines.
ippines has exploited only about a quarter of its full potential
capacity in rice yields. Actual yields amount to an average of j An average rice farmer owns and tills about 1.5 hectares of
only 3 tons per hectare while potential is 12 tons per hectare. irrigated rice land.

j Compared to Thailand and Viet Nam, Philippine rice produc- j Seventy five percent of the country’s rice fields are exclusively
tivity (in terms of paddy produced per hectare) has been rela- devoted to rice farming.
tively stagnant, increasing by an average of only 0.43 percent
yearly over the last decade. j Economists estimated that from 1996 to 1998, the total cost
to Philippine society of the policy of rice price interventions
j On the other hand, Thailand’s rice productivity increased by implemented by the NFA averaged about P26 billion per year.
1.24 percent and Viet Nam’s by 3 percent yearly over the last
10 years.
Compiled by V. Bruce J. Tolentino, Beulah de la Pena, Elcee Noveno, Benedicto
j Only about 29 percent (or 1.34 million hectares) of all poten- Rayco and Irene Villapando. All are consultants to the Department of Agricul-
tially irrigable land in the Philippines (total 4.66 million hect- ture. Specific citations on data sources and analysis may be obtained from
ares) is irrigated. the authors, and comments directed to

focus on the revitalization of the DA Undoubtedly, the government’s

and the other rural and agricultural sec- policies on rice prices, productivity and Rice is a concern not only of
tor agencies in resolving poverty and trade have major implications on pov-
revitalizing economic growth. The erty. Rice is a concern not only of farm- farmers...but also of consum-
President’s call for “murang bigas” (in- ers, the Department of Agriculture and ers, labor, employers and the
expensive rice) in her first State-of-the- the National Food Authority but also of
Nation-Address on 23 July 2001 was consumers, labor, employers and the so- society as a whole.
even right on target. ciety as a whole. DRN

The government and its poverty reduction program In coming up with a poverty in-
come threshold, it may be necessary to
make adjustments for some economies
of scale and adult equivalence in con-
sumption. Some expenditure items, for

Knowing who the poor are

example, are in the nature of “public
goods” within the household, in the
sense that consumption by one house-
hold member does not diminish the
amount available for other members.
Dante G. Canlas* Lighting fixtures come to mind. As for
scale economies, in the case of, say,
food, two can sometimes live as cheaply

t is generally agreed that govern- 1998. Once we start thinking about the as one.
ments have an important role to misery of these people who subsist on
play in poverty reduction. There US$ 1.00 a day and are unable to meet Once the proportion of families
are, however, still some questions about even their basic food needs, we realize below the poverty line has been deter-
what the specific interventions should the urgency of eliminating poverty. mined, policymakers then normally ask
be. And once a particular intervention about the poverty gap. That is, how
is made, questions of sustainability typi- The starting point in addressing much would it cost to bring the poor
cally emerge. the poverty problem is to know who the people above the poverty income
poor are. To separate the poor from the threshold? Several strategies can be
Policymakers tend to be more nonpoor, the conventional approach is devised like income transfers and food
comfortable with proposed answers if to estimate a poverty income threshold aid. If the available financial resources
they know that they emanate from ana- or line. This income threshold is one are limited, then the various strategies
lytical models that are intellectually that can support both a food basket that need to be prioritized in terms of their
convincing. They prefer quantitative meets some minimum nutritional stan- impacts on poverty.
models that help advance their knowl- dards and a nonfood basket that satis-
edge about some observed events. fies other basic needs like education, Household expenditures and in-
These models must be tractable, and if health, shelter, transport, and utilities. come data permit computation of both
possible, empirically implementable. All families with incomes falling below the poverty income threshold and the
the poverty line are considered poor. poverty gap. Policymaking, however,
In this follow-up workshop on
"Strengthening Poverty Data Collec-
tion and Analysis" jointly organized by
the World Bank Institute and the Phil-
ippine Institute for Development Stud-
ies (PIDS), the methodologies and
findings, I believe, will enrich our ana-
lytical knowledge and can go far in as-
sisting governments eliminate poverty.

In East Asia, the World Bank esti-

mates about 300 million poor people in

* Dr. Canlas is the current National Economic and

Development Authority (NEDA) Director-General and
Socioeconomic Planning Secretary. His keynote mes-
sage was delivered on his behalf by Dr. Gilberto Llanto,
NEDA deputy director-general, during the joint World
Bank Institute-PIDS Workshop on “Strengthening
Poverty Data Collection and Analysis” held at Dusit
Hotel Nikko, Makati City on 30 April to 2 May 2001.

does not stop with knowing only the gram. They must graduate after some high-wage and high-skill jobs. Hence,
poverty line and the poverty gap. It is time. This indicates the need for panel market reliance bears great potentials for
also important to have a profile of the or longitudinal data. Such a data set poverty reduction.
poor. should permit researchers to analyze
whether or not some households are Some words of caution, though,
Normally, the poor are classified able to escape poverty temporarily or are in order. Markets are hardly con-
in terms of age, sex, occupation, edu- permanently. Armed with this informa- cerned with distributive justice and
cation, and location of residence. tion, policymakers can then decide poverty alleviation. Instead, they tend
Household type, that is, whether or not which programs should be sustained or to replicate the distribution of initial
the family is headed by a female or male scrapped. endowments of people. In view of this,
is also an important piece of informa- to succeed in reducing poverty, it is es-
tion. In any case, we know that a multi- The beginning of the 2lst century sential that inequities in the initial dis-
purpose survey of household yields so- offers great opportunities to make a pro- tribution of endowments be corrected.
cioeconomic characteristics of house- found dent on global poverty. Many de- This is the preferred approach in de-
holds and these can be used to con- veloping countries have undertaken fun- ciding on the form of government in-
struct a profile of the poor. damental economic policy changes in tervention, rather than interfering with

One finding that has emerged

from several studies is the importance
of human capital investments in deter-
mining the income status of individu-
als and households. Many researchers
have thus endeavored to look at the de-
terminants of schooling and occupa-
tional choices. Policymakers are grate-
ful for these studies to the extent that
some of the factors that matter for the
socioeconomic status of households
can be influenced by some government

More recently, the definition of

poverty has gone beyond the income
deprivation measure. Consistent with Dr. Gilberto Llanto, vice-president of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)
studies based on a human capital ap- and deputy director-general of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA),
proach, the aspects of poverty that are delivers the speech of NEDA Director-General Dr. Canlas. Listening are PIDS President Dr.
highlighted pertain to poor access to Mario Lamberte and World Bank Lead Specialist Ms. Tamar Atinc.
quality education, health care, and safe
and sanitary living conditions, to name
a few. It has thus been argued that poli- the last three decades of the past cen- the workings of the markets. For ex-
cies that directly address the failure of tury. They have shifted reliance on the ample, it is advisable to expand and
some households to access these ser- coordinative ability of markets guided by equalize access to education and train-
vices are crucial. In consequence, a a decentralized price system and have ing. In this regard, land reform may
comprehensive policy package is voluntarily opened their economies to have to be undertaken as a first step.
deemed necessary to address poverty. world trade. Private enterprise has be-
come the driving force, bringing in its In addition, we must note that
How can we find out if specific wake competition and innovation. These market-oriented economies are all sub-
interventions designed to reduce pov- forces can be trusted to bring about tech- ject to some business fluctuations. These
erty are delivering on their expected nological progress and productivity fluctuations tend to be more pro-
results? For a government program to gains, both of which are guaranteed to nounced in an open rather than closed
be considered a success, beneficiaries be sources of long-run economic growth. economy. Most developing
should not stay permanently in the pro- This kind of growth generally leads to countries are now integrated +12

half of 1997. Their currencies collapsed consequences of the crisis. From the
Government...from page 11 in relation to the US dollar , igniting standpoint of policy for poverty reduc-
an upsurge in interest rates, a decline tion, questions about appropriate
with the world economy, and many have in national output, and a rise in unem- safety nets have been raised.
experienced undesirable fluctuations in ployment rates. As a result, many
income and employment in recent years. households saw their incomes fall; not Many lessons have been learned
a few fell below the poverty line. in recent years. One of them is that
Several of the East Asian econo- macroeconomic stability is necessary
mies represented in today’s workshop, The Asian financial crisis has .This means that governments must pay
for example, fell victim to the financial opened up several analytical issues. attention to economic fundamentals
crisis that was triggered in the second Among these are the determinants and like public sector deficits, savings and
investment gaps, and financial market

It starts with numbers* As for social safety nets, much work

still needs to be done in the area. There
Mario B. Lamberte** is, for instance, a problem of design.The
incentive structure must be such that no
beneficiaries are encouraged to be
Many of us share the belief that and researchers/analysts—are fed into what- heavily dependent on the program. In
while the face of poverty in every country ever plan of action this workshop will come addition, the financial mechanism in
has its specific and distinct characteristics, up with. place must allow sustainability.
there are nonetheless common issues and
concerns affecting various countries that On the part of PIDS, we are es- The neglect of economic funda-
are basic in addressing poverty. pecially privileged and honored to be given mentals is not, however, the only reason
this opportunity to help coordinate this ca- behind the recent financial crisis in Asia.
And it starts with numbers: the way pacity-building program of the World Bank Governance played a part as well.
numbers are measured and the accuracy for East Asia. As a research institution, we
and sensitivity by which they are analyzed. have recently launched a strategy which Consider this: when government
And by comparing notes—as we hope to hopes to make research more relevant to authorities investigated the banks that
do in this workshop—we shall be able to users and stakeholders, especially the failed, it was shown that many of the
reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of policymakers. non-performing loans were crony
each country in terms of resources and ca- loans. In other words, the banks failed
pabilities in addressing these concerns. We call our strategy Building the In-
to assess properly the default probabili-
Hopefully, from there, we would be able frastructure for Research and Networking
ties of their borrowers who had patrons
to come up with a concrete plan for more wherein providing and maintaining timely
in high government places.
initiatives that will help each of our respec- and accurate databases for policy decisions
tive governments to be better equipped to is one of the strategy’s instruments.
The recent financial crisis was a
develop antipoverty or poverty alleviation
setback to the fight against poverty. To
programs. Being asked to be the regional coor-
recover from its ill consequences, both
dinator for East Asia for the World Bank’s
The presence of key policymakers Poverty Analysis and Data Initiatives (PADI)
market policy and governance reforms
from the various countries represented here program therefore greatly enhances our
are therefore needed. And governance
today will ensure that inputs from a tripar- strategy in this field.
is indicated not only in the public but
tite perspective—policymakers, statisticians, DRN also in the private sector.

As far as governance in the pub-

lic sector is concerned, the government
Excerpt from the speech delivered during the opening of the World Bank Institute - Philippine
must forge new partnerships with lo-
Institute for Development Studies (WBI-PIDS) Workshop on “Strengthening Poverty Data Col-
lection and Analysis” held on April 30-May 3, 2001 at the Dusit Hotel Nikko, Makati City, Philip- cal governments, with business, and
pines. with civil society. In the implementa-
tion of poverty programs, local
PIDS President.
governments have better knowl- +19

The Asian financial crisis

cally, there was no change in domestic
liquidity trends and labor force partici-
pation rate despite significant shocks
in the foreign exchange rate, slumps

and El Niño:
in the Gross National Product (GNP)
and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
and upticks in the unemployment rate.

However, such an assessment is de-

The impact on the poor*

limiting since seasonally adjusted values
of the macroeconomic indicators men-
tioned are understated by aggregation
at the national level. If GDP is disaggre-
by Jose Ramon Albert** gated by major sectoral origin, we readily
observe that the industrial sector was hit
rather hard during the twin crises period.
Moreover, a short-term perspective
shows the downward effects of the cri-

T wo misfortunes struck the ers consider the combined effects of ses on the agriculture sector.
Philippines in the late 90s: the two phenomena as having greatly
the Asian financial crisis in influenced the economy. In addition, there is some evi-
1997 and the El Niño weather phenom- . dence suggesting that the impact of the
enon in 1998. Although both crises af- financial crisis and the El Niño lingered
fected the Philippine economy, econo- Still another group regarded the even beyond 1998.
mists were divided in their views as to effect of the crisis to be more far-reach-
what affected the country more. ing than what was initially thought to View from the household
be. According to them, what may be While the impact of the twin cri-
One school of thought believes seen as negligible effects at the macro ses on macroeconomic indicators at the
that the Asian financial crisis did not level may be masking the deep effects national level appears to be rather neg-
adversely affect the country as much as on the country’s poverty situation. ligible, the picture of the effects on the
it did other East Asian countries. Oth- working class may not be the same and
The macro view the impact across sectors for various
A number of quarterly macroeco- people may have been different. Some
nomic indicators such as national ac- individuals may have effective coping
* Based on the study entitled “Assessing the Impact counts, labor and monetary statistics, mechanisms, others may have none
of the Asian Financial Crisis and the El Niño on Pov-
erty in the Philippines” presented as one of the coun-
reveal that the effects of the crisis and and still others may have seen an op-
try papers during the 30 April-2 May 2001 joint work- the El Niño on the Philippines may portunity in the face of the crises. A
shop on Strengthening Poverty Data Collection and have been rather minimal in compari- more thorough look at the
Analysis sponsored by the World Bank Institute and
the Philippine Institute for Development Studies. The
son with other Asian countries. Specifi- grassroots reveal the true story. +14
2001 workshop is a follow-up to the one held last 29
May to 9 June 2000 wherein participants were taught
the basic concepts on and measures of poverty, public
policy, modeling, and monitoring; and hands-on
analysis of cross-section and panel data using the
...Households headed by men were more af-
STATA software to examine the (a) construction of
household consumption aggregates and poverty lines, fected by the crises. And their households ap-
measures and incidence curves; (b) basic inputs in a
poverty profile; (c) management of panel data for pear to be poorer. The reason is that female
poverty analysis; and (d) analysis of poverty transi-
tions (Development Research News, July-August 2000 household heads are able to empower themselves
and outperform their male counterparts.
** Chief, Research Division, Statistical Research
and Training Center.

Asian crisis...from page 13 Table 1. Poverty Indicators for Urban and Rural Areas

Indicators say… Household Poverty Poverty Headcount Poverty Gap

How did the twin calamities affect Incidence
the ordinary Filipino household?
1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998

An analysis of some households

Urban 17.3 24.1 21.0 28.4 5.8 9.1
surveyed for both the 1997 Family In-
Rural 46.6 51.6 52.4 57.2 18.5 22.7
come and Expenditure Survey and the
1998 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey
(conducted by the National Statistics
Office) was performed. Table 1 reveals better off than Central Luzon in terms and regional levels are significant. On
that poverty, both during 1997 and of poverty gap, which suggests that a con- the other hand, there is no evidence that
1998, was more of a rural phenomenon siderable proportion of the poor in poverty incidence and poverty
than urban. In fact, roughly three out ARMM are at the poverty threshold. headcount in Cagayan, Bicol, Eastern
of every four poor households included Visayas, Central Mindanao regions and
in a panel study were in rural areas. Similar to developing countries ARMM worsened from 1997 to 1998.
like Thailand and Viet Nam, households However, poverty gap in these regions,
Moreover, poverty worsened in headed by men were more affected by except for Central Mindanao, substan-
these areas from 1997 to 1998. Al- the crises (Table 4). And these house- tially widened.
though there was an increase in rural holds appear to be poorer. It is possible
per capita income in this single year that female household heads are able Does family size matter?
period, this increase did not actually to empower themselves and outperform A disaggregation of the panel
help much in alleviating rural poverty. their male counterparts. Alternatively, households according to their national
current operational definition of house- per capita income quintile status in 1997
The ill effects of the crises on the hold headship may be problematic yield- and 1998 was done to evaluate their in-
poverty situation were not limited to ing an underestimate of households come movements within the period.
rural areas. The shock even cut across headed by women.
major spatial locations. Figures reveal Statistics showed that ownership
that Mindanao bore the brunt of the Testing statistics of a refrigerator is an important indi-
effects more than the major islands of Indicators tell a story but are these cator and appeared to be a proxy vari-
Luzon and Visayas (Table 2). convincingly real? A further test was thus able for household income. This sur-
made to verify if the poverty statistics ob- prise variable also interacts with a num-
On the regional level, poverty in- tained from the panel data can be scien- ber of 1997 and 1998 variables repre-
cidence and gap appeared to have wors- tifically attributed to the crises. senting family size and occupation of
ened in all 15 regions. However, five household head.
regions (Bicol, Northern Mindanao, The statistical tests indicate that
Central Mindanao, Western Visayas and changes in the poverty situation brought Large households with four or
the Autonomous Region of Muslim about by the crises in both the national more members below the age of 15 that
Mindanao or ARMM) suffered more
than the other regions (Table 3). Pov-
erty incidence is still lowest in the Na- Table 2. Poverty Indicators Across Island Groups
tional Capital Region or NCR (9.2 in
1997 to 14.7 in 1998). Household Poverty Poverty Headcount Poverty Gap
A cross-sectional analysis of re-
1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998
gional estimates also shows that the
ARMM, Central Mindanao and Bicol
have the highest household and indi- Luzon 25.3 31.5 29.2 36.0 9.1 12.5
vidual poverty incidence, which reveals Visayas 38.8 45.0 44.3 50.2 15.1 19.2
that these regions have high regional dis- Mindanao 45.0 49.7 50.7 54.9 17.8 22.3
parities. On the other hand, ARMM is

than the others. Furthermore, its de-

Table 3. Poverty Indicators Across Region bilitating effects were felt beyond 1998.

Household Poverty Poverty Poverty The impact also appears to be

Incidence Headcount Gap largely related to family size and the
occupations of the household heads.
1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998
Some households were able to endure
the effects of the crisis by implement-
Ilocos 36.7 45.3 42.4 52.2 14.2 20.6 ing coping mechanisms such as chang-
Cagayan 30.0 31.7 33.9 35.9 9.2 11.8 ing their eating patterns, pulling their
Central Luzon 19.0 27.2 21.0 30.9 5.7 9.5 children out of school so as to work,
Southern Luzon 23.1 30.7 26.8 34.7 8.3 11.8 and increasing their working hours,
Bicol 52.1 55.5 59.2 62.0 21.7 24.3 among other things.
Western Visayas 41.3 50.3 47.5 56.5 16.7 21.5
Central Visayas 35.7 41.8 39.0 45.2 13.0 17.3 Evidence from the panel data also
Eastern Visayas 39.5 41.3 47.4 47.7 15.9 18.3 show that the government did not make
Western Mindanao 38.2 47.7 42.6 49.5 14.7 21.1 any significant assistance to households
Northern Mindanao 44.4 49.6 49.9 55.2 17.4 22.9 in coping with the twin crises.
Southern Mindanao 41.4 46.1 46.9 51.9 16.3 20.2
Central Mindanao 55.5 58.4 62.6 65.9 25.8 27.1 Lessons to be learned
NCR* 9.2 14.7 12.2 18.1 2.7 4.8 In the face of the crisis and the
CAR** 48.0 48.6 55.3 54.7 21.7 23.1 eager fangs of poverty, thegovernment
ARMM*** 53.9 54.1 58.5 58.5 15.9 22.7 has the task of keeping the country and
its citizens above water. The following
* National Capital Region lessons ought to serve the policymakers
** Cordillera Autonomous Region well to facilitate government’s efforts
*** Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao in addressing poverty:

owned a refrigerator in 1997 is likely poor households that moved out of * The government must con-
to have moved into poverty. Likewise, property, which is only a little bit more tinue to concentrate poverty alle-
half of the total households that had than 12 percent. The nonpoor’s move- viation policies in the rural areas
no family members younger than 25, ment into poverty shows the intensity of through infrastructure and agri-
no refrigerators in 1997 and whose the impact of crisis on poverty. cultural modernization alongside
heads did not engage in agriculture, the needed structural reforms.
fisheries, forestry, mining and quarry- Summary
ing, moved into poverty. The Asian financial crisis and the * There is a need to adopt dif-
El Niño weather phenomenon aggra- ferent poverty reduction strate-
On the other hand, most house- vated household poverty in the Philip- gies that will effectively target the
holds without refrigerators in 1997 pines, which was already at a high level victims of the crises as well as help
whose heads engaged in agriculture, in 1997. The impact has been uneven, those who actually need
fisheries, forestry, mining and quarry- with some households suffering more help most. +18
ing are likely to have moved out of pov-
erty rather than into poverty.
Table 4. Poverty Indicators Across Sex
Moving into
or out of poverty Household Poverty Poverty Headcount Poverty Gap
A cross-classification of panel data Incidence
according to the poverty status of house-
holds in 1997 and 1998 showed that a 1997 1998 1997 1998 1997 1998
considerable number (almost 20 per-
cent) of nonpoor households in 1997 Male 35.0 41.3 39.6 45.9 13.3 17.3
moved into poverty in 1998. In fact, the Female 22.6 25.5 25.7 28.3 7.9 9.4
number is bigger than the number of

amount of waste disposed, with other curbside recycling program induces a

Garbage...from page 5 things constant, a household's re- larger reduction in garbage disposed
sponse will be to reduce the amount by households compared to a unit pric-
respect to price and income is inelas- of waste generated. ing policy implemented alone. On the
tic. Finally, quantity of waste discarded other hand, recycling programs not ac-
is positively related to average house- Empirical studies of garbage pric- companied by a unit pricing system do
hold size. Thus, the larger the house- ing schemes in the US such as pay-per- not always produce the intended result
hold, the greater the total waste dis- as-you-throw show significant reductions in garbage reduction.
carded. However, waste discarded per in discarded household wastes. The
capita decreases as average household other change in household behavior, A third response to a user fee on
size increases, which indicates that which the marginal pricing of garbage garbage is a negative one and is very ap-
there are economies of scale in waste services promotes, is an increase in plicable to the garbage situation in de-
generation within the household. household segregation and recycling. veloping countries where only 50-70 per-
cent of garbage is collected while the rest
Economic policies for solid waste Studies show that with user fees, is illegally dumped. When faced with a
management a household is induced to segregate user fee on garbage, a household has
Economic instruments (EIs) as and recycle part of its waste materials the option to litter and illegally dump
policy tools in resource management are in order to reduce discarded wastes, its garbage just to avoid the fee. Empiri-
intended to induce a polluter to change thereby reducing its garbage bill. The cal studies on the impact of user fees
behavior and internalize the external extent to which a household will recycle show that part of the reduction in the
costs of his externality-generating activi- is influenced by factors including—but wastes brought to landfills may be actu-
ties. As distinct from command-and-con- not limited to—the ease of recycling, ally attributed to illegal dumping.
trol instruments which make mandatory which is dependent on the availability
specific forms of behavior or technologi- of convenient recycling programs in A critical issue on the user fee
cal choices, EIs provide more flexibility the community, adequate storage space policy is how, and at what level, it
to polluters as to how government-im- at home, and time resources of house- should be set. In principle, as earlier
posed environmental goals can be hold members, among others. discussed, the fee should be equated
achieved using cost-effective measures. to the value of the marginal or incre-
Studies also show that a user fee mental social cost (conventional or pri-
Potential EIs for solid waste man- policy accompanied by the implemen- vate cost plus external cost from waste
agement can be classified into two tation of a government-subsidized collection and disposal) for optimality
groups. The first group includes
measures that aim to reduce litter-
ing and improper disposal of waste Rivers become unwilling receptacles of wastes because of improper waste disposal management.
such as a deposit-refund system.
The second group includes mea-
sures that aim to reduce the vol-
ume of waste discarded. The latter
is the focus of the subsequent dis-

User fees for solid waste

There are countries where
households are charged a unit
price for waste collection services
in the form of user fees, sometimes
referred to as disposal charge.
EEPSEA: 1993-1998

Economic modeling of household

behavior with respect to its waste
management decisions calculates
that when faced with a user or dis-
posal fee that is proportional to the

or efficiency. Setting the user fee to

account for conventional costs may be
a fairly straightforward action and
There are available how-to manuals on financial cost
should thus be addressed immediately. accounting for solid waste managers that could as-
There are available how-to manu- sist local governments in calculating the cost per ton
als on financial cost accounting for solid
waste managers that could assist local
of garbage collected and disposed.
governments in calculating the cost per
ton of garbage collected and disposed.
The process of estimating the optimal expected to have the same effects. ing their solid waste management
fee, however, is more complicated and Households may also be given recycling activities through the institution of
requires data and information not nor- subsidies to induce recycling. A con- some form of a user fee scheme
mally available and costly to generate. sumption tax, on the other hand, is that would induce a change in be-
an advanced disposal fee imposed on havior of waste generators.
However, it is expected that the consumer goods that are potentially
benefit from generating these data to problematic to dispose of in terms of Such a scheme can initially aim
support policy formulation in the area packaging or by its hazardous nature. at cost recovery and, perhaps, later,
of solid waste management would out- Moreover, command and control poli- at full cost pricing that would in-
weigh the cost of data generation in the cies such as recycled content standards corporate the social costs of SWS.
long run. and mandatory recycling are also en- DRN

forced in some states in the US. How-

Other policy instruments for ever, these policies are generally not References
SW management prescribed by economists as they are Jenkins, R.B. 1993. The Economics of Solid
In addition to user fees, there are difficult to implement and administer. Waste Reduction: The Impact of User
other policy instruments which directly Fees. USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
target producers. For instance, a tax on Conclusions Bennagen, Ma. Eugenia C., G. Nepomuceno
virgin materials could increase demand The economic analysis of the and R. Covar. Forthcoming. Household
for recyclables by producers, induce in- solid waste problem cited in this article Waste Segregation and Resource Recov-
creased recycling by households, and has provided the following insights and ery in Selected Communities in Metro
develop the market for recyclables future directions: Manila. Environment and Economy Pro-
while at the same time discourage the gram for Southeast Asia Research Se-
use of virgin materials. * The public good qualities of ries. Singapore: EEPSEA.
SWS traditionally held by local gov- Kinnaman, T.C. and D. Fullerton. 2000. The
Likewise, a subsidy on the use of ernments as well as the general Economics of Residential Solid Waste
recycled materials by producers may be public appear to be unfounded. Management. In The International Year-
The definition of a public good book of Environmental and Resource
does not support the consider- Economics 2000/2001, A Survey of Cur-
ation of SWS as one. rent Issues. USA: Edward Elgar Publish-
ing Ltd.
The newly enacted * There are substantial externali- Metropolitan Manila Development Authority/
ties from improper waste manage- Japan International Cooperation
law...provides a window of ment in the Metro Manila setting Agency. 1998. Study on Solid Waste
opportunity for local govern- especially during the present cri-
sis. On efficiency grounds, the ex-
Management for Metro Manila, Master
Plan Report.
ments to consider financing ternal costs of SWS should be in- Tietenberg, T. 1996. Environmental and
corporated in its price. Natural Resource Economics. USA:
their solid waste manage- HarperCollins College Publishers.
ment activities through...a * The newly enacted law on inte-
grated solid waste management
World Bank. 1999. Solid Waste Management
in Asia. Washington, D.C.
user fee scheme... (Republic Act 9003) provides a World Bank. 1998. Solid Waste Ecological
window of opportunity for local Enhancement Project (SWEEP): Sector
governments to consider financ- Assessment Report.

Asian crisis..from page 15

* The government must em-

power households to plan the fam-
RP government urged to draft
ily size they desire to serve as a
safety net against future crises. To
alleviate poverty, population
a workable competition policy
growth must not exceed the
growth of the country’s resources. Globalization is irreversible and is here to stay. It challenges the economy to im-
prove further its competitiveness so that it can deepen and expand its economic integra-
* The government must cooper- tion.
ate with the private sector in pro-
viding gainful occupations to the Dr. Myrna S. Austria, a senior research fellow at the Philippine Institute for Devel-
public. It must invest in formal opment Studies (PIDS) and program director of the Philippine APEC Study Center Net-
and nonformal education that ac- work (PASCN), emphasized that it is to the best interest of the country to complement its
tually reflects market demand in liberalization efforts with appropriate competition policy so as to further improve the
the long term. It should ensure country’s global competitiveness and allow it to reap the full gains of economic integra-
that the poor have improved ac-
cess to quality basic and higher
Austria explained in her paper entitled "Liberalization and Regional Integration:
education that will enable them
The Philippines’ Strategy to Global Competitiveness" that liberal trade and investment
to shift occupations when neces-
policies are key elements of competition policy as they eliminate barriers to trade and
sary. This will ensure that the pub-
investment. However, she advised that business practices and behavior of firms should
lic will be able to cope with fu-
be monitored closely, more so with the current mergers and acquisition of multinational
ture shocks in the economy and companies as a result of globalization.
improve their productivity, com-
petitiveness and general state of She also pointed out that there are government policies and regulations that limit
well-being. competition and, hence, efficiency. This is particularly true in the services sector like
civil aviation, shipping, power, telecommunications and energy. Austria particularly cited
* The administration should re- the long-delayed implementing rules for Executive Order No. 219 which will pave the
alize that fiscal constraint should way for the progressive liberalization of the country’s international air transport industry.
not hamper the development She warned that the inefficiency of the services sector, being inputs to production of
and/or implementation of long- industries, could weaken the competitiveness of industries in the country and prove costly
term solutions to the country’s to the economy as a whole. On the other hand, Austria lauded the initial efforts made by
problems. the government to liberalize the services sector.

* Lastly, it is important to recog- “Recent liberalization and deregulation of the country’s civil aviation have un-
nize that the central issue in policy doubtedly brought genuine competition in the domestic air transport industry resulting
formulation is information. in lower airfare, improvement in the quality of service and efficiency in the industry in
general. Likewise, the deregulation of the telecommunications industry created an envi-
The challenge is to have fund- ronment conducive to growth and investments. This resulted in the entry of new players
ing available for statistical offices and the availability of new technologies and services,” Austria noted.
to develop quality management
systems and for research institu- She also stated that competition in the banking sector has been enhanced by de-
tions to do data analysis and pro- controlling interest rates, allowing a limited number of foreign banks and domestic li-
cessing based on data from their cense, lifting the moratorium on the opening of new commercial banks and substantially
existing databases. This will en- relaxing the regulations on bank branching.
able statistical and research of-
Nevertheless, Austria concluded that although deregulation and liberalization had
fices to transform data into mean-
been introduced gradually in these sectors, a competition policy has yet to be defined
ingful information for concrete
that would govern the behavior of industry players to ensure that they do not behave
policy actions, particularly in mat-
collusively and exploit their market power.GRG
ters related to poverty alleviation.


The full texts of recent Development Research News (DRN)
issues and other PIDS publications (Discussion Paper Series, through
Policy Notes and Economic Issue of the Day)
may be accessed at: policy research
Government...from page 12 Development Research News
Vol. XIX No. 4
July - August 2001
ISSN 0115-9097
edge about the needs of the poor. They
can react more quickly than the na- Editorial Board: Dr. Mario B. Lamberte, President; Dr. Gilberto M. Llanto, Vice-President; Mr.
tional government since they are more Mario C. Feranil, Director for Project Services and Development; Ms. Jennifer P.T. Liguton,
familiar with the diverse needs of their Director for Research Information; Ms. Andrea S. Agcaoili, Director for Operations and Finance;
constituents. Atty. Roque A. Sorioso, Legal Consultant.

The national government, how- Staff: Jennifer P.T. Liguton, Editor-in-Chief; Genna J. Estrabon, Issue Editor; Sheila V. Siar, Jane
C. Alcantara, Liza P. Sonico, Edwin S. Martin and Gizelle R. Gutierrez, Contributing Editors;
ever, should set standards in service
Valentina V. Tolentino and Rossana P. Cleofas, Exchange; Delia S. Romero, Galicano A. Godes,
delivery and in monitoring the extent Necita Z. Aquino and Federico D. Ulzame, Circulation and Subscription; Genna J. Estrabon,
of poverty. Local politicians may some- Layout and Design.
times have the incentive to dilute the
quality of public goods and services to
be able to report that specific poverty DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH NEWS is a bimonthly publication of the PHILIPPINE
alleviation programs have served a INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (PIDS). It highlights the findings and
large number of target beneficiaries. recommendations of PIDS research projects and important policy issues discussed during PIDS
Of course, once the program inputs are seminars.
PIDS is a nonstock, nonprofit government research institution engaged in long-term,
diluted, one can expect the outputs to
policy-oriented research. This publication is part of the Institute's program to disseminate
be likewise diluted. Good monitoring information to promote the use of research findings.
at the national level, therefore,together The views and opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily
with the help of civil society, can mini- reflect those of the Institute. Inquiries regarding any of the studies contained in this publication,
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subscription rates are: P200.00 for local subscribers; and US$20.00 for foreign subscribers. All
resource development, which is what this
rates are inclusive of mailing and handling costs. Prices may change without prior notice.
workshop is all about. DRN

Dollarization in RP:
seigniorage, or the revenue derived by the
government through the monetary au-
thority from issuing currency. He noted
that some estimates show that for an av-
erage country, costs related to the loss

Is it relevant?
of seigniorage could be as much as 4-5 per-
cent of the gross domestic product.

Likewise, he noted that the gov-

ernment would lose its flexibility in
monetary and exchange rate policy

s it wise for the Philippines to use crease investment spending and spur once it decides to dollarize since a fully
the United States (U.S.) dollar as economic growth," Yap said. dollarized economy has no choice but
its official currency? to adopt the monetary policy of the is-
He also noted that dollarization suing country.
Debates on whether the Philip- will lower transaction costs in interna-
pines should shift to the U.S. dollar as tional trade. This stems partly from the "Dollarizing the Philippine
its official unit of account and medium difference between the buying and the economy would also disable the Bangko
of exchange have been escalating in selling rates for converting domestic Sentral ng Pilipinas to act as lender of
the face of the lingering economic cri- currency to foreign currency. last resort. This is because the Interna-
sis and the continuous devaluation of tional Monetary Stability Act explicitly
the peso against the U.S. dollar. However, despite these perceived states that the U.S. would not be obli-
benefits from dollarization, Yap sug- gated to act as a lender of last resort.
Dr. Josef T. Yap, a senior research gested that the use of the U.S. dollar as This implies that there will be no entity
fellow at the Philippine Institute for De- the official currency in the Philippines that could bail out a domestic bank in
velopment Studies (PIDS), tried to look is not an optimal strategy mainly because case it experiences a run," Yap said.
deeper into this issue by analyzing the the country has a large volume of trade
costs and benefits of dollarization in a with Japan. He argued that the volatil- He pointed out the one-time cost
paper titled “The Dollarization Debate: ity of the yen-dollar exchange rate of converting prices, computer pro-
Concepts and Issues.”1 should be reason enough for countries grams, cash registers and vending ma-
of East Asia—which are considered to chines from domestic currency to for-
Yap emphasized that dollarization be part of a yen bloc—to be cautious eign currency. Finally, he noted that
will eliminate currency mismatch since about moves toward dollarization. countries may be reluctant to abandon
assets and liabilities will be denomi- their own currencies because the do-
nated in a single currency. Moreover, Another disadvantage of mestic currency also acts as a national
he stated that speculative attacks on the dollarization cited by Yap is the loss of symbol. DRN
country's currency to destabilize it will
be eliminated since there will be no ex-
change to speak of. Thus, monetary
authority will not have to be concerned Editor's Notes ...From page 1
about credibility problems with its ex-
to the problem. Charge the users—with appropriate fees, of course. It is a novel idea to pursue a
change rate policy.
pricing scheme for "the use of the environment as a waste sink."
"By adopting the monetary policy
of the United States (U.S.), dollarized However, there are always two sides to a coin. On the positive side, everyone who has
economies will experience lower inter- garbage to dispose of will be aware that he will have to pay a price for generating waste. The
est rates and inflation. This will in- more garbage he has, the more he has to pay. On the other hand, indifferent individuals may
try to find a way to avoid payment. Illegal dumping then comes into the picture and the govern-
ment has another problem to confront.
The paper came out as PIDS Policy Notes 2001-
02, which was based on the PIDS Discussion Pa-
per 2001-03 entitled "Dollarization: Concepts and At any rate, Bennagen's proposal has the potential to mitigate the stinking smell of the garbage
Implications for Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy problem. DRN
in the Philippines."

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