Development of Interactive Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Basic Electronics

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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department

Electronics Engineering of College of Engineering

Bulacan State University


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering




June 2019


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Bachelor of Science major

in Electronics Engineering, this thesis entitled DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE


ELECTRONICS has been prepared and submitted by KRIZIA R. BLANCO, AERON


were hereby examined and approved.


Thesis Instructor Thesis Adviser

The Oral Examination Panel is unanimous in its decision that the candidate

obtained a grade of PASSED on June 2019.




Member Member



Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Science major in Electronics Engineering.


ECE Department Head Dean, College of Engineering

June 2019


First and most important of all, the researchers give all the glory and thanks to the

Lord Jesus Christ for filling them with wisdom, strength, determination, and guidance to

accomplish this thesis.

To their family for their unwavering love and unending support to the researchers

in doing this research.

To their thesis instructor, Engr. Donald Lapiguera and to their thesis adviser, Engr.

Dennis Dela Cruz for guiding and helping the group whenever needed.

Blanco, Krizia R.
Dino, Aeron Chester A.
Giga, Ryan Christopher T.
Izon, Joezer M.


This humble work is dedicated to our families,

advisers, colleagues, friends and

future researchers.

And above all,

to our ever loving, awesome and Almighty God!


Learning materials like printed handouts, for years of existence, have played a vital

role in every Electronics Engineering (ECE) student’s educational journey, but given its

perks, they are seen to be very much restricted in terms of graphical representations of

electronics and electrical properties and processes. This research aims to provide ease to

the students and bridge the gap between printed learning materials and the imaginary

representations of afore mentioned quantities and processes through the use of Interactive

Augmented Reality. Such technology was developed and superimposed to the handouts

through the use of programming and can be seen and manipulated through a mobile phone

application. The researchers tested the application by teaching two sample groups both

consisted of randomly picked ECE freshmen where in one group used the device and the

other did not. The post-test results showed that the students who used the application had

a higher mean score than those who did not. Also, a survey was conducted to the students

of the ECE Department of Bulacan State University to know the system and application’s

efficiency, and it was found to be reliable, efficient, functional and portable. The

researchers have concluded that the students could learn easier and with efficiency through

the use of augmented reality in a basic electronics course. Also, they have found out that

the application can be of benign use not only for Electronics Engineering students, but also

for students in other fields of science.


TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................. i

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ iii

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................... xiii



Introduction ........................................................................................ 1

Statement of the Problem ................................................................... 5

Significance of the Study ................................................................... 5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study ................................................. 6


Relevant Theories ........................................................................... 8

Related Literature ............................................................................ 13

Related Studies ................................................................................ 18

Hypothesis of the Study .................................................................. 29

Conceptual Framework ................................................................... 30

Definition of Variables .................................................................... 31


Methods and Techniques of the Study .............................................. 33

Project Description ........................................................................... 34

Project Design ................................................................................... 35

Locale of the Study ........................................................................... 36

Population and Sample of the Study ................................................. 37

Research Instrument ......................................................................... 39

Data Gathering Procedure ................................................................ 40

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment ....................................... 41


Topic of Focus of the Study ............................................................. 45

Software Development Model .......................................................... 46

Interface and Operation of the Application ...................................... 48

Software, Hardware and Development Tools ................................... 52

Testing Procedure ............................................................................. 56

User Experience Survey .................................................................... 60


Summary ........................................................................................... 70

Conclusion ........................................................................................ 71

Recommendation .............................................................................. 72

APPENDICES........................................................................................................... 74

BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………… 102


Table Page

1 Distribution of Respondents for the Initial Survey .................................. 37

2 Distribution of Respondents for the User Experience Survey ................. 37

3 Distribution of Respondents for the Learning Assessment ...................... 38

4 The Likert Scale ....................................................................................... 42

5 PC Minimum Specifications ................................................................... 54

6 Minimum Android Phone Specifications ............................................... 55

7 Learning Assessment .............................................................................. 58

8 Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive

Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of

Functionality ........................................................................................... 60

9 Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive

Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of

Reliability ................................................................................................ 61

10 Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive

Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of

Usability .................................................................................................. 62

11 Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive

Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of

Maintainability ........................................................................................ 63

12 Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive

Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of

Portability ................................................................................................ 64

13 Quantification used in the Questionnaire ................................................ 65

14 Summary of Mean Distribution Evaluation by All Respondents per

Criterion ................................................................................................... 66

15 Summary of Average Mean Distribution per Group of Respondents ...... 66

16 Summary of Mean Distribution Evaluation by All Respondents per

Criterion ................................................................................................... 68


Figure Page

1 Conceptual Framework of the Study ..................................................... 30

2 Project Design of the Study ................................................................... 35

3 Locale of Bulacan State University, Malolos, Bulacan ......................... 36

4 Results of the Initial Survey................................................................... 45

5 Modified Waterfall Model ..................................................................... 46

6 Opening Interface and LeARn ECE Logo ............................................. 48

7 Home Interface ....................................................................................... 48

8 How to Use the App Interface ............................................................... 49

9 About the App Interface ......................................................................... 49

10 LeARn ECE Application Flowchart ...................................................... 50

11 Half-Wave Rectifier Augmentation Flowchart ...................................... 51

12 Biasing Augmentation Flowchart .......................................................... 51

13 Blender 2.79 ........................................................................................... 52

14 Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 ................................................................ 52

15 Adobe Photoshop CC 19.0 ..................................................................... 53

16 Personal Computer ................................................................................. 53

17 Android Phone ....................................................................................... 54

18 Vuforia ................................................................................................... 55

19 Unity 2018.2.17f1 .................................................................................. 55

20 Classroom Discussion (ECE-1C) ........................................................... 56

21 Using LeARn ECE ................................................................................. 57

22 Classroom Discussion (ECE-1-A) ......................................................... 57

23 Learning Assessment Results ................................................................ 59

24 Graph of the Summary of Average Mean Distribution Evaluation per

Group of Respondents ............................................................................ 67

25 Summary of Mean Distribution Evaluation by all Respondents per

Criterion ................................................................................................. 68


Appendix Page

A 3D Models …………………………................................................... 74

B Image Markers ................................................................................... 80

C Flowcharts ……………………………………………....................... 82

D Application Icon with Brief Description ............................................ 86

E Letter of Consent for Learning Assessment ....................................... 88

F Post-Test for Learning Assessment .................................................... 90

G User Experience Survey Form ............................................................ 92

H Initial Survey Form ............................................................................ 95

I Researchers’ Profile ........................................................................... 97




Education has always been and will always be vital for the existence of all human

beings. It has played a huge part for the development of the people and therefore has also

a direct contribution for the advancement of the things around them. As education

continues to nurture the minds of the people, it has also been subject to many advancements

and developments. Various strategies were made and implemented to improve human

learning and to build venues for students’ growth and progress. One of these strategies is

to maximize technology in teaching because the unification of technology and learning is

said to be the future of education (Bernard, 2017).

The scope of education branches out into different fields; one of them is Electronics

Engineering. The course offers different intelligences and disciplines mostly talking about

the designs and concepts of electronics devices and the transmission of different

information. A lot of processes and mathematical concepts are being taught to the students

of the mentioned course. This shows how diverse Electronics Engineering is for it

encompasses concepts from the tiniest electronic parts processes to the transmission of the

biggest signals from one point to another.

Having been mentioned that the course deals with different electronics concepts

and information transmission, it can be said that most of the concepts being pitched in this

course are abstract and cannot be physically seen — this is what the problem is. Being

engaged on a topic that cannot be fully envisioned in mere prints and oral discussion, one

is most likely to use his/her imagination and intuition to create images and visualize such.

But a student cannot say that he/she actually learned the lesson just because he heard or

read it once, or just because his intuition says so. Also, a person cannot just trust his own

intuition when learning something (Cleary, 2018). This proves that imagining a certain

scenario, process, and concept can never make one fully understand and visualize it; not

ignoring the benefit it provides, but leaning too much on it can therefore be questionable

and doubtful. Looking on the other side of things, plain oral teaching is also used as

alternative. Given its effectiveness, it also has shortcomings in terms of students’ learning

retention and understanding. To support these claims and assumptions, a research shows

that only 15% of the students are auditory learners which can comprehend and understand

the lesson easily just by listening compared to the 85% of the visual and kinesthetic learners

which need an interaction and visual representations to fully understand the lesson being

presented to them (Monnes, 2013).

The researchers took the initiative to conduct a survey inside Bulacan State

University to verify if the problem really exists inside the institution. They used stratified

sampling method and implemented the survey to the students of the Electronics

Engineering Department in all year levels. Out of 48 respondents 91% find it hard to

imagine or visualize electronic processes and some components’ internal operation. Also,

80% of the mentioned sample size thinks that reading their textbooks alone would not make

them fully understand these concepts. It also shows that 68% of the sampled students think

that printed illustrations on books are enough aid for them to understand the mentioned

topics. Not only were the students were asked about these things, the researchers also

interviewed some Electronics Engineering professors to thoroughly

confirm these matters. The researchers have found out that 4 out of 5 instructors also find

it hard to visualize electronic processes; on the other hand, all five of them think that there

are insufficient visual representations of electronic processes for the students. Lastly, 5 out

of 5 of the surveyed instructors also think that printed handouts are not enough aid for the

students’ visualization of such processes. These figures provide assurance to the

researchers that the struggle for learners and instructors in this area of learning really exists.

The statistics that the researchers have presented showed that the situation of

deficient graphical and visual aids for abstract concepts was present not only in their

institution but also in the whole country, Philippines. As a matter of fact, most of the

Filipino students do not prefer plain auditory and verbal discussion and think that they are

better off seeing materials and visual aids. Hence, the effective approach in teaching them

is through the use of symbols, signs or anything which is visible (Tudy & Randy, 2014).

Given these information, the researchers’ area of the study encompassed their

pursuit to come up with an aid for the students to learn abstract electronics engineering

concepts and for the instructors to pitch these ideas to their students easier. Also, the study’s

beneficiaries were Electronics Engineering Students. The researchers’ intention was not

change the conventional ways of teaching electronics but to find a way to help improve

these methods. Also for a specific view of the area of this study, part of the researchers’

survey was to ask the students what subject needed improvement in terms of graphical

representations of its concepts and 35% of the population, which was the most, chose

Electronics Devices and Circuits. The researchers then focused on this subject and solved

relevant problems in terms of deficient graphical representations for such.

As a result, the technology which the researchers focused on as a solution was

Augmented Reality. Augmented reality is the result of using technology to superimpose

information — sounds, images and text — on the world people see (Emspak, 2018).

Augmented Reality is capable of showing different types of images including 3D models

and animations helped suffice the mentioned needs and deficiencies. The researchers came

up with an Augmented Reality embedded learning material that discusses about the basic

electronics concepts and showed three-dimensional models and animations of such


The proposed solution was expected to be beneficial because of several reasons.

First, AR has accessible learning materials for it only needs a phone and a personal

computer to be fully functional. Also, AR provides higher students interest and improved

collaboration capabilities because it opens venues where all students can be involved in

interactive lessons which help improve teamwork skills (Aleksandrova, 2018). Another

significance of the proposed solution is that it provided the students a venue in which the

students can visualize abstract concepts which they cannot see by the naked eye and

envision processes that are bounded by their mere imaginations and intuitions. Lastly, the

proposed solution was believed to help instructors engage their students even more for

three-dimensional models are believed to be of huge help in capturing students’ interest

and attention (Tromp, 2015). The researchers believed that this proposed solution would

be of great help both for Electronics Engineering students and their instructors.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: How to develop interactive augmented reality

embedded learning materials for better visualization of electronic concepts and processes?

Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the ECE subject that will be the topic of focus of the application?

2. What model will be used for the development of the application?

3. How to create and layout the interface and operation of the application?

4. What are the required software, hardware and development tools to create the


5. What are the testing procedures that should be implemented on the application to ensure

its effectiveness and efficiency in visualizing electronic concepts and processes?

6. What are the indicators that the application, has met the desired system outcomes in

terms of its functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability

based on ISO/IEC 9126-1 Standards?

Significance of the Study

Embedding 3D visuals through Augmented Reality technology on learning

materials is beneficial to the following:

ECE Students. As what resulted in the survey, majority of ECE students have difficulty in

understanding textbooks by just reading them alone. This application intends to bridge the

gap between the students and the learning materials’ deficient graphical representations.

The researchers’ aim is to provide an additional learning aid to the students. They did not

have any intention of replacing the conventional way of teaching.

Faculty. The researchers mentioned that they also asked the opinion of their instructors

about the deficiency in visual representation among the students. Majority provided

affirmative answers. The application will help them to convey easily such electronics

concepts and processes to the students and it will make their students more engaged on

what they are teaching.

Future Researchers. The development of this kind of technology in education may become

a benchmark on other fields or courses. This may open up new research area not just in

Electronics Engineering but also in other courses as well.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

In this proposed research, the scopes of the study are as follows:

 The study intended to benefit the ECE students.

 The study focused on the learning enhancement of the students.

 The study focused on developing an Augmented Reality mobile application for

educational aid.

 The study focused on topics about basic electronics.

 The study focused on developing an interactive interface of the 3D models.

For the delimitations of the study:

 The study only covered ECE students of Bulacan State University.

 The study was applied on learning materials specifically printed hand-outs for the

learning enhancement of the students.

 The study was intended for Android platform only.

 The study only covered certain topics in basic electronics like: atomic structure of

conductors, semiconductors, and insulators; diode construction and its operations

which are forward biasing, reversed biasing and half-wave rectification.

 The study only covered the 3D models of atoms, diode construction and operations

with additional virtual buttons and onscreen events for interactivity.


This chapter presents the relevant theories, related literature and studies that were

used by the researchers in the study.

Relevant Theories

John Dewey’s Educational Theory. According to this theory, curriculum is a major issue

on traditional way of learning because it separates the child from the real life and school

becomes “place for listening" wherein knowledge becomes formal, static and dead

(Leshkovska & Spaseva, 2016). It pays attention to the relationship between the child and

curriculum, strives to unify the two opposing educational systems: subject centered and

child centered system. Even though, the theory tackles that the final point of learning

process must be from textbook and curriculum. However, human experience presented in

books and textbooks are great important for students to grow more that’s why learning

based on experiences and actual journey are the methods that the theory is referring which

can stabilize the children's knowledge. The theory shows the key method in the process of

learning is problem solving. Problem situations must be solved by each child, in earliest

age children can work on projects individually or in groups, and enable them to develop

their intelligence and manipulative skill in doing their experiments in school laboratories.

The researchers found out that Dewey’s theory is beneficial to the proposed study,

wherein children need to experience what the teachers are teaching them to be able to

acquire more knowledge. It is helpful to go on activities to learn more about a certain topic.

The proposed study is about interactive Augmented Reality which was used for education.

As per what Dewey’s theory tackled, a student can learn better when he is experiencing

and applying the learning he/she got. The study was helpful in this case because it allowed

the student to interact with the topic and manipulate some factors of it to see what will

happen. The theory proves that interactive Augmented Reality will be a useful learning

material in the future.

Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory. This theory disapproves the traditional

way of teaching and learning. It shows that it is really hard for the students to absorb and

understand what the school attempt to cover and teach them. Society must value specific

capacities of each student and their knowledge encoded in variety of form. The theory of

multiple intelligences states that multiple intelligences are linguistic, logical-mathematical,

spatial, musical, bodily kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal and naturalist (Leshkovska

& Spaseva, 2016). According to this theory, these intelligences must be considered by the

teachers because students have their own ways on how to absorb the learning and

knowledge. It claims that every topic can be approached in several ways: telling of a story,

an artistic exploration, experiment or simulation and hands on activities or group work.

This theory proves that with the benefits of this pluralistic approach, more learners will be

able to understand well in a way that is comfortable to everyone.

The said theory was relevant for the research. Most of the students may learn something

new based on the different approaches of learning. With the use of this Augmented Reality

application, students can most likely learn things through seeing the applications of theories

being discussed to them. Learners which prefer to have visual and interactive

representations of the topics may also relate and acquire more knowledge. It is also

applicable to those students who easily cope in a topic through hands on. Gardner's theory

is helpful for this research because it supports new learning techniques of this era.

Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. The theory states that simply adding words to

pictures is not an effective way to achieve multimedia learning. Instructional aids must

have a goal in line on how human mind works to create successful learning materials. The

principle under this theory is known as the "multimedia principle" which states that "people

learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone"(Sorden, 2012). It tells

that text is important on a person’s learning process but using multimedia in line on how

human mind works will help more to understand easier a certain topic.

Mayer's cognitive theory has three main assumptions when it comes to learning in

multimedia: 1.) The two separate channels for processing information which are auditory

and visual 2.) Limited capacity for each channel 3.) Learning is an active process of

selecting, organizing and integrating (Sorden, 2012). Human can only process a finite

amount of information so this is how it goes, there is a role of memory stores, the first one

is the sensory which receives a stimuli and stores it for the mean time like when a person

reads a text it goes here and stay for a short time. Then, working memory where the

received stimuli actively process to create representation like what a person reads his mind

will create a pattern of what it’s all about. Lastly, the long term memory which is the

repository of all things learned will be integrated here to be able for him to remember what

he had read. However, the theory presents that the brain does not interpret a multimedia

presentation of words, pictures and auditory information simultaneously. Perhaps these

elements are selected and organized logically before it will integrate in a particular

memory. It showed here how important for the brain to have visual representations or

patterns to process information and retain it to the long term memory.

The theory proved that the proposed research was useful for students because it used

interactive visualizations which the brain can easily processed the information. The

research was in line on enhancing learning process of students based on how the human

mind works so that it guaranteed as a trusted teaching aid on the future.

Theory on Marker-based Augmented Reality. Augmented reality actually deals on the

current situation of the real world. AR system should know where the user is and what the

user is looking for. In other words, orientation and location of the system is a vital factor

for it to render virtual objects in correct place. One major challenge that an AR system is

facing, is its time consuming way of collecting data to deduce the pose when an

environment is unknown. According to Siltanen, the system selects the orientation of the

coordinate axes at random in an unknown environment. That is not convenient for the user.

In order to solve this problem, a predefined marker which can be detected by the system is

added to the environment. Through image processing, pattern recognition and computer

vision techniques the marker will be able to detect by the computer system.

In marker detection process it is important first to determine the outlines of potential

markers and with their corners in the image the system will be able to interpret their

location. Siltanen listed down the steps of basic marker detection. First is the pre-

processing wherein the system will scan for an intensity image or a greyscale image. If the

image is something else like an RGB image, it will be converted to an intensity image. The

boundaries of the potential marker will be determined through either markers from binary

image or edges from a greyscale image. Another part of preprocessing method is the line

fitting. The system checks whether the markers have exactly four straight lines and four

corners. Next step is the fast acceptance or rejection tests for potential markers. Siltanen

(2012) stated that areas with only few pixels can be rejected by the AR system. Another

step is the identification and decoding of markers. This includes the template matching

wherein the detected marker is unwarped using the calculated camera pose, scaled to the

same size as marker templates and compared in four different positions to all marker

templates (Siltanen, 2012). The template with the smallest dissimilarity value determines

the correct marker. Last step is the calculation of the marker pose (location and orientation).

This includes the estimation of marker pose and repetitive calculation for accurate pose.

Some users prefer invisible pattern for markers in an AR system. Instead of just

using more presentable markers, they prefer markers and detecting device operating on

wavelengths other than visible light. Those are invisible markers, miniature markers and

image markers. Invisible markers utilize infrared light as marker and an IR camera is a

must. Miniature markers are so tiny that they are unnoticeable to the human eye. Image

markers use natural images as marker which we will be using in our study. Image markers

do not necessarily need frames or landmarks for easy detection.

This is the advantage that the researchers used with this marker; it can operate in

an existing environment without altering the environment itself. Same procedures and

principle were applied with the said markers. The theory served as the guiding principle

for the researchers in doing the Augmented Reality application.

Related Literature

Visual Representation versus Intuitive Learning

Visual representations are a big factor in the learning of the students. The human

brain tends to easily remember concrete things like visuals; therefore, using these kinds of

representations is more effective compared to learning through words which are complex

and difficult to remember (Kouyoumdjian, 2012). Different studies and researches have

also concluded that visual representations are more effective than words as it helps to retain

the lessons easily, decrease the learning time and enhance comprehension. Kouyoumdjian

also used visuals in his teaching and writing - having proper visuals with clear content can

help the students to understand different concepts than words alone. One article discusses

the occipital lobe, which is located at the back of the head, is the one who facilitates the

visual processing of the human brain. Human brain likes visual representation and to

stimulate the occipital lobe of the brain, it must be filled with visual diagrams, pictures or

anything that helps the visualization and it is one of the effective ways to help the lesson

easily understand by the students (Taibi, 2012). Research shows that only 15% of the

students are auditory learners which can comprehend and understand the lesson easily just

by listening compared to the 85% of the visual and kinaesthetic learners which needed an

interaction and visual representations to fully understand the lesson being presented to

them(Monnes, 2013).

A student cannot say that he actually learned the lesson just because he heard or

read it once, or just because his intuition says so. And a person cannot just trust his own

intuition when learning something (Cleary, 2018). Research studies show that people

usually base their own understanding of the lesson during the learning process. For

example, the students think that they fully understand the lesson just by looking at their

notes, but getting poor grades afterwards. It is because the notes are in front of the student

while studying and it gives the confidence to the student that he fully understands the lesson

and is ready to take the exam. There are dangers of following your own intuition just

because they "feel right" (Hogan, 2012). Hogan (2012) also cited some literature in his

article and one of them is the book of Chabris and Simons entitled "The Invisible Gorilla

and Other Ways that Our Intuition Deceives Us" where there are six everyday illusions and

one of these illusions is the illusion of confidence. Confidence that the person thinks he

really understands a lesson or topic but in reality he did not. Research shows that

confidence is not an appropriate measurement of your own ability, so you cannot judge

your own understanding with just your intuition.

These stated data and literatures show that the need of visual representation in

learning is a must to help the students understand clearly the lessons that are being

presented to them. These literatures show that intuitive learning is not an appropriate

measure of how much a person learned the lesson: a person should not just depend his

learning on his own intuition.

Learning and Teaching using Three-Dimensional Models

According to a book written by Monnes (2013), three-dimensional-education,

being tagged as the future of learning, has been proven to be effective in teaching students

about various intelligences and disciplines. Several reasons are provided as on how and

why this method of teaching was said to be effective. First is that 3D representations can

be used and maximized in different areas and fields like science, mathematics, history, and

more. Second is it helps instructors engage their students to learn as 3D captures the

attention and interest of most reluctant students. Third, these models can make it possible

for students to view different structures and objects and even show them its tiniest parts as

these models are capable of having themselves zoomed. Another reason is that these three

dimensional models increase students’ understanding of abstract concepts as it provides

better visualization than textbooks.

In the talk of capturing the students’ attention and interest, it was already proven

that using 3D models is very much efficient. In fact, pupils’ attention and engagement span

were increased from 50% to 90%. Also, students who use 3D models remember more and

in great detail than those who use 2D models. Aside from these, 3D causes enhanced

classroom interaction and a clearer comprehension of the concepts being taught (Tromp,

2015). Three-dimensional learning shifts the focus of the science classroom to

environments that help the students use and learn concepts to explore, examine, and explain

how and why phenomena occur and to draw solutions to such problems (Krajcik, 2018).

The facts stated were important for the researchers for several reasons. First was

because 3D can be effectively imposed in mathematics and sciences. Second, because the

concepts they tried to impose using 3-dimensional models were those of basic electronics

which are mostly abstract and cannot be seen by the naked eye. And lastly, because three-

dimensional learning and teaching are proven to be of great help for both students and

teachers. To sum up, these literatures proved that 3D models were effectively used by the

researchers in their study.

Applications of Augmented Reality

In a book written by Schmalstieg & Höllerer (2016), Augmented Reality, being a

part of the improving world of technology, is seen to be effective in various applications

and utilization. In fact, the connotation that AR can only be used in gaming is continually

being destroyed as innovators come up with different areas of applications for such. As of

today, AR is used in disciplines like construction, medical, navigation, television, training,

advertising and commerce, and many others. One can also envision AR turning into a more

general interface paradigm, redefining the overall browsing experience for computing in

the physical world. It then shows that AR can still be maximized in other fields of sciences

– even on education.

As stated by Marr (2018) in his article, augmented reality can really be applied in

different areas; it can be then thoroughly proven through enumeration of actual applications

of such in different projects. AR was already used in an award-winning airport app where

in AR maps can be utilized by the passengers to roam around the vicinity of the airport.

Also, this technology was also used in a healthcare app where the app provides real-time

information to the treatment area to support diagnosis, surgery and treatment plans. AR is

also being used in interior designing. The app projects the possible position of furniture in

accordance to its size so that when an owner decides to buy a new piece of furniture, the

person can be sure that it would fit in a specific space inside the house. Continuous

developments are still being done to maximize the use of AR.

In the field of education, using and inculcating augmented reality provide a lot of

benefits and advantages both to the students and the instructors. To mention some, AR has

accessible learning materials for it only needs a phone and a personal computer to be fully

functional. Also, AR provides higher students interest and improved collaboration

capabilities because it opens venues where all students can be involved in interactive

lessons which help improve teamwork skills. This technology is not only applicable for

games, but can also give practical learning and efficient workplace training for it can be

used in a wide range of varieties and fields of applications (Aleksandrova, 2018).

These stated data and information from different literatures explain that Augmented

Reality is a diverse technology that can be maximized in different areas, intelligences, and

disciplines. Also, through these literatures, the researchers have seen that AR can be used

for educational purposes for it provides different advantageous effects both in learning and

teaching. It can serve as aid for both students and teachers in order to build a more efficient

learning process and environment. Lastly, AR is capable of producing interactive lessons

for students which is a fact that is very much needed by the researchers.

Software Prerequisites of the System

To be able to come up with a working augmented reality application, several

software requirements were met. These are:

Unity. An application that is capable of creating two-dimensional and three-

dimensional simulations for different platforms. It is basically the app builder and compiler

of the models to be made and the detection of image markers (Unity Technologies, 2018).

Vuforia. An application development kit that functions to recognize objects or

images where in the graphic to be augmented will appear. This was of great help for the

researchers to make the study effective and working (Unity User Manual, 2018).

Blender. An application that supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline-modelling,

rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, even video

editing and game creation(Blender Foundation, 2018). It was used by the researchers to

come up with animated models.

These literatures were significant to this study because the researchers will not be

able to make the system work without these. All of the mentioned software were needed to

build the system and finished the study and these literatures proved that these were

beneficial for the researchers.

Programming Language

C# is a general–purpose object-oriented (OOP) language developed by Bjarne

Stroustrup. C# is considered to be an intermediate-level language, as it encapsulates both

high- and low-level language features (Technopedia, 2018). This language was said to be

well suited with augmented reality (Herrera, 2017).

These literatures are beneficial to the researchers because they have known that C#

is the language that is well suited for augmented reality. Therefore, the researchers utilized

this language in coming up with their proposed augmented reality application.

Related Studies

Learning with visuals has a huge impact in understanding a certain topic. Image,

animations, and videos speak a thousand of words and they aid learners for quick

adaptation of what was needed to understand. With those visuals, our complex thoughts

were easy to be simplified (Rajasekaran & Arulchelvan, 2017). Not just for quick

adaptation in learning, visuals help learners to enrich their minds through retention

(Rajasekaran, Arulchelvan, & Davadas, 2016). There are different kinds of visuals that

educators are utilizing today. They may be categorized as either static and dynamic visuals

or 2D and 3D visuals. There are various studies exist about which visual and teaching

method is more effective in helping learners for understanding certain topics.

In the study conducted by Dan and Reiner (2017), they created a technology called

social virtual learning environment in which there exist a virtual interaction between the

learner and the instructor. They made a real-time 3D digital avatar that looks like a real

instructor as seen by the learners. The researchers examined which of the two visuals, 2D

or stereoscopic 3D displays, provides more cognitive load associated with a simple and

complex task. In order to calculate the cognitive load index (CLI) of the students, they used

electroencephalogram (EEG) during their testing to record EEG signals. The result of their

study shows a higher CLI when the students provided 2D visuals during the session as

compared when 3D visuals were given. In other words, students exert more effort when

using 2D visuals and it implies that 3D visuals lessen the complexity of instructions or

explanations in a certain task or topic (Dan & Reiner, 2017).

The study proved to the researchers that 3D visuals may simplify the complexity of

what was written and explained in most learning materials about Basic Electronics course.

Another study that may support the result of the previously stated study is from the

group of Rajasekaran, et. al (2016). They said that, to reduce the complexity of the

understanding level of the learners, static visual and animated visuals were used. They used

visuals from science subject particularly about respiratory system and digestion system as

the content of their analysis. They divided the students into two: the control group which

will be provided static visuals like pictures, illustrations, line drawing, 2D graphics and

photograph and the experimental group which uses animated visual representation like 3D

graphics, video and animation. Different observations were made by the researchers

comparing the learning experience of the two groups. The control group said that 2D

visuals are boring to watch, need to be explaining more and they are not interactive in terms

of content delivery. On the other hand, the experimental group said that 3D visuals made

the process easy to understand, they are effective and informative, interactive in terms of

content delivery, and entertaining. The group also added that 3D visuals were easy to

register in their minds and they are self-explanatory. 87.6% of learners benefited the

effective use of 3D visuals in learning. The complexities of the content or the topics being

discussed were simplified through 3D visuals and knowledge is increased among the

students (Rajasekaran, Arulchelvan, & Davadas, 2016).

Utilizing 3D visuals inside a classroom will engage the learners to participate and

interact in the discussion. Hence, learning becomes easy and entertaining.

3D visuals also create interactivity among the students and the teachers. The study

of Islam, et. al. (2014), proved the effectiveness of blended learning. Blended learning

defines as the combination of traditional learning with media and tools. In other words, it

is a form of teaching with technology. Just like what the group of Rajasekaran, et. al. (2016)

did in their study, they also conducted a discussion among the students. The difference is

their methodology. Their subjects are children and they use solar system as the content of

their analysis. They divided the children into three in accordance of what method of

teaching they will be experiencing. Those are traditional learning where a teacher is in front

of the class explaining solar system, visual learning where only a visual was shown to the

children and last is the blended learning wherein the students visualized the materials along

with the teacher’s instruction.

The result of their study showed that blended learning system provides a huge

impact in improving the learning skill and the adaptation of the students. The researchers

have no intention of replacing the traditional way of teaching; instead they just want to

introduce a new method of teaching wherein the teachers’ will be utilizing interactive

learning materials (Islam, Ahmed, Islam, & Shamsuddin, 2014). Same as this study, the

researchers will only put a touch of technology which is Augmented Reality in learning

and they have no intention of replacing traditional teaching.

The studies presented above showed how 3D visuals bridge the gap between the

learners and the teachers or learning materials. In addition, 3D visuals can also be used in

the field of medicine. The group of Lam, et. al. (2018), created a 3D simulation of human

anatomy to promote patients’ education on their medical condition. The idea came out

when they observed that patients easily forget the information and instructions provided to

them by their physicians. Patients tend to be confused when using the materials that care

providers give so the researchers made a 3D model of the patient’s liver to demonstrate the

different diseases associated with it. To test their project, they conducted a survey to the

patients. The majority of the respondents said that the tool they created is both beneficial

to the patient and physician.

The project bridged the communication gap between the patient and physician in

healthcare setting (Lam, Lockett, Reina, & Rafay, 2018). This just proves the flexibility of

Augmented Reality in different fields. AR has many applications in real life.

In a study conducted by Alhumaidan and Lo (2015), they aimed to enhance the

collaborative learning of primary school students by introducing AR book based on

primary school textbooks which can access through tablets. In developing the AR books,

it employs co-design methods to involve educators, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI),

experts and most specially a kid. The method of co-design is important because it helps the

developers to understand the children's perspectives and offers them a better understanding

of how they learn. Different research methods for designing an AR for this age of users are

shown: Low-tech Prototyping, Usability Evaluation with Affinity Diagramming, VAS

Questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (Alhumaidan & Lo, 2015). After implementing

these methods, the developers clearly understand the problems concerning in designing an

AR book for primary students. However, revealing these challenges help the researchers

to reflect, modify new methods and adjustments or approach to be used in enhancing AR

books for children.

As what the study stated in designing an Augmented Reality for a particular user,

it needs to follow collaborative research methods on designing an AR application. Like, in

designing an AR for children, a kid must be a part of the developers team to help them

know how a child learn better on his own way. This method must be used as a guide of the

researchers so that they can develop an AR which will enhance the learning process of the

students and be more efficient.

Researchers think that AR improves people’s perceptions, knowledge, and

interaction with the real-world and it leads to improved productivity in real-world tasks

(Kose, Koca, & Yucesoy, 2013). The study conducted by Kose, et. al. (2013) showed how

AR improved a student’s knowledge about a certain course. This study aimed to improve

educational processes when it comes to abstract or technical courses by employing tool-

mobile software system which is the Augmented Reality. This tool tends to provide a

supportive e-learning material for students. By using it, students can view 3D animations

and special made videos for them to have additional ideas and knowledge regarding to their

topics or courses. In this research, tool-mobile software system has been employed for

Computer Science courses which enable them to gain necessary knowledge and easily cope

on the theoretical and applied studies on foundations of information and computation. The

authors show that the software tool ensures its effectiveness in learning experience by

employing advantages of mobile devices and forming interactive sessions between virtual

and real environment. The study proves its efficiency by doing an evaluation works and

figure out that the software system has been effective and successful performance on

improving student's learning experiences.

The study showed how the Augmented Reality ensures effectiveness when it

comes to abstract and technical courses. Using AR the students of Computer Science

courses easily cope in their topics because of the visuals, additional videos etc. Ideas

tackled on the study can be inculcated on the ongoing research, the researchers are

developing an interactive AR which will help to improve the learning process of

Electronics Engineering students like what on the said study did.

The research by Yen, et. al. (2013) showed that integrating the advantages of

technology in education can resolve problems caused by the following circumstances;

concepts of some subjects are excessively abstract; some topics require dangerous

experiments; there are courses require long periods of time for recording and observation;

the surroundings for observation are not easily constructed or meet the necessary

requirements due to cost and technological limits or remote locations (Yen, Tsai, & Wu,

2013). These problems are the reason why e-learning systems like interactive 2D, 3D and

Augmented Reality are introduced as a teaching aids nowadays. However, this study

explained the different effects on learning using 2-Dimensional, 3-Dimensional and

Augmented Reality. These methods are applied in a certain topic which is moon’s phases.

According to the results of test, 2D designed through Flash Technology has the least

influence in motivating a student to learn more, 3D simulation system through Google

Earth improved learners' immediate learning effects on the concepts of moon phases, as

well as the motions of sun, earth and moon while Augmented Reality developed using

virtual reality technology based on the Total Immersion D'Fusion AR software package

proved that it has significant improvement on the learning effects of concepts such as

phenomena, causes and periods of the moon phases. In short the study showed that

Augmented Reality is the most effective way to learn the concepts of moons phases but its

advantages require further exploration.

It is proven on this study that integrating advantages of technology in education

really helps in improving the learning process. This new e-learning system which is the

Augmented Reality influences students to know more about the topic because of the

features it is offering wherein it makes them excited. This made the researchers think that

their AR could be a successful teaching aids too because it offered new features that

encouraged each students to know more about their topic and as a result of widening their


One existing pedagogical application of Augmented Reality is the study conducted

by Ivanova, et. al. (2014). They stated that most learners today are digital learners which

mean that they prefer e-learning books rather than the tradition hard copy books because

for them hard copy books are not that attractive. They also enlisted other relevant

application of AR in different fields like vehicle technology, fashion, astronomy, surgical

procedures, and interior design. They emphasized the application of AR in education and

they said that it may be integrated on textbooks in different ways like creating 3D models,

video, audio and animated texts. With this technology, the bridge between the learners and

the book narrows. The researchers integrated AR apps in a bachelor’s degree course in the

department of “Machine Tools and Manufacturing” in the University of Ruse named

“Cutting Tools”. 3D models of the cutting tools are created to enrich the training with

interactive realistic 3D visualizations and simulations of equipment installed in a real

cutting tools laboratory (Ivanova, Aliev, & Ivanov, 2014).

Nowadays, most of the students are digital learners and preferring e-learning

books than the traditional one because they find it attractive. The study showed the

application of AR in one of the certain course about cutting tools that helps the student to

know more about their equipment. As what stated on the study, the researchers found it

relevant for their study. Wherein, they developed an AR which helped Electronics

Engineering students to learn more the diode construction and its operations.

The study conducted by Coimbra, et. al. (2015) explained AR applications as

having characteristics of integration and interaction between the real and virtual. AR

technologies are closely linked to the ability to calculate and to the computational

calculations and, thus, its evolution is related to the development of personal computers

(Coimbra, Cardoso, & Mateus, 2015). So, that research showed that Augmented Reality is

useful when it comes to study and in some learning areas specifically when it needs

practical and experimental interaction. Their application was test in a class with a specific

topic regarding Mathematics and figured out that students recognized Augmented Reality

as a way to understand easier the mathematical concepts because it caters a better

visualization and interaction. The authors concluded that teaching and learning of

mathematics in higher education are enhanced by the used of three dimensional

technologies such as Augmented Reality.

The researchers’ found out on this study that AR is proven useful to higher

education when it comes to practical and experimental interaction. Also it recognized that

AR is an easier way to understand mathematical concepts because it brings better

visualization and interaction. The researchers thought that these ideas were helpful for their

research which is the interactive AR, where the Electronics Engineering students who used

it were able to understand easier the topics about diodes.

Kaji, et. al. (2018), proved in their study the various uses of AR technology

particularly in smart cities. They reviewed articles existing from 2013 to 2017. With the

continuous growth of technology, the human perception of the real world comes along

(Kaji, Kolivand, Madani, Salehinia, & Shafaie, 2018). They studied which area in a smart

city benefited the most when utilizing AR technology. They concluded that tourism and

maintenance improved when AR technology was used based on the articles they’ve


They proved that Augmented Reality may also improve our living and it may

enhance different aspects of various disciplines.

A mobile application created by Piraveena, et al. (2017) featuring AR and VR can

aid users in interior designing. In this project, the user can virtually place pieces of furniture

or even design the space they want to. Their AR application was designed for mobile

devices or tablets working on android platform and it were developed in Unity Software.

Features of their application are: customizing single object, managing multiple objects,

virtual voice assistant and application features, and accompaniment of Virtual Reality.

Main use of the application is it retains the design of the external structure while being able

to manipulate it by augmenting computer generated images (Piraveena, Senanayake,

Charithapyiya, & Mayura, 2017).

Their study shows how Augmented Reality interacts with its users. The researchers

also made their Augmented Reality application as interactive as this for the students to

adapt quickly to the learning materials provided.

Brandas, et. al. (2017), also developed an augmented reality application using Unity

3D software just like what Piraveena, et al. (2017) used. Their app also worked in an

android platform. They used the Vuforia software which is an augmented reality software

development kit and is also for developing AR app. The researchers created the project for

mobile e-commerce. The application was said to allow better user interaction, customer

satisfaction, shopping value, quality and purchasing decision (Brandas, Didraga, & Huma,

2017). They emphasized that their app offers the best customer support which means that

they can virtually use a certain product before buying it.

What the researchers got from this study is the software used by the authors. They

also utilized application developer which is the Unity 3D and a plugin for creating

Augmented Reality which is the Vuforia.

In this chapter, the related theories, literatures and studies being tackled gave

substantial contributions in the development of the interactive Augmented Reality. The

relevant theories that were being discussed are John Dewey’s Educational Theory,

Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, Theory on Marker-based Augmented Reality

and Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Theory provided concrete foundation in

developing the study. It helped the researchers to prove that interactive visual

representations of a topic being discussed could be more helpful for the students as a new

teaching aid of this generation according to the theories said earlier. Apart from these stated

related theories, related literatures about the advantages of visual representations,

disadvantages of intuitive learning, learning via 3D models and applications of augmented

reality provided the purpose to the researchers to develop an Augmented Reality mobile

application as an aid for the learning of the ECE students. And in developing this mobile

application, the related literatures about the programming language that were used, which

is the C++, and the software prerequisites for the mobile app, namely; Unity and Vuforia

provided the knowledge and information needed by the researchers to create the mobile


Last of all, the related studies have discussed the ideas and assessments results of

the other researchers that are the same as the concept of the researchers. Specifically, the

way how the other researchers implemented the Augmented Reality was significant for the

recent researchers, because it shows them a lot of ideas on how the study could be even

more efficient and effective. Collected information helped the researchers in making

considerations and to improve more the developing interactive Augmented Reality than the

AR existed before.

Hypothesis of the Study

Null Hypothesis:

 The researchers were not able to develop an interactive Augmented Reality

application for learning materials in Basic Electronics courses.

 The application did not contribute to the learning enhancement of the ECE


Alternative Hypothesis:

 The researchers were able to develop an interactive Augmented Reality

application for learning materials in Basic Electronics course.

 The application contributed to the learning enhancement of the ECE


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study is composed of three main frames, the

Input, Process, and Output, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The Input frame of this conceptual framework is composed of all the necessary data

requirements the researchers need to gather and learn in order to make the study possible.

It is divided into three main parts, the knowledge, software, and hardware requirements.

All are inter-related and are beneficial for each other and for the totality of the study.

As stated in the Process frame, the researchers chose the appropriate model used

for the development of the application, planned the layout, interface, and operations of the

proposed application, identified the correct hardware, software, and developmental tool

requirements, established the most suitable testing procedure to be implemented on the said

application, and determined the indicators that dictate if the proposed application met the

desired outcomes to in terms of its functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency,

maintainability and portability.

All the involved and mentioned processes will lead to the finished output which is

the Development of Interactive Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Basic

Electronics for ECE Students.

Definition of Variables

For clarity and better understanding, the following variables are defined in the

context of how they were used in the study.

3D Models - mathematical representations of an object in three dimensions and can be

created using Blender Software.

Augmented Reality (AR) - the reality-based display environment that the researchers used

in creating the app which computer generated objects are being augmented to the real world

environment for the users to interact with.

Blended Learning – the application of modern technology to the traditional way of


E-learning - it refers to the use of technologies and various kinds of electronic media to

enhance the learning which Augmented Reality is one of its example.

Image Marker - a two dimensional symbol which the Augmented Reality needed to

determine the position and rotation relative to a surface with the use of camera.

Virtual Reality (VR) - it refers to the simulated environment created by computer

technology which users will be interacting and it is being compared to the technology that

the researchers used which is the Augmented Reality (AR).

User Interface -any system that allows the user to connect to any software or physical

device and it is shown in Augmented Reality in mobile phones as a mobile app.



This chapter covers the research methods and techniques used in the study. It also

includes the project description and design, locale of the study, population and sample of

the study, research instrument, as well as data gathering procedures and the data processing

and statistical treatment.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

In developing the proposed study, it is essential for the researchers to make use of

a suitable and effective research method that will serve as a tactic in conducting a research.

That’s why, the researchers adopted the applied research in creating a guide for the study.

Applied research refers to a scientific study which aims to solve a specific, practical

problem of an individual or group. This research is used in different aspects of people’s

lives like in business, medicine and education wherein it is a big help in finding solutions

that may cure diseases, solve scientific problems or develop innovative technology.

The researchers utilized applied research in solving a specific problem in education.

This was helpful in resolving one of the major problems of engineering students of Bulacan

State University. Most of the Electronics Engineering students find it hard when it comes

in imagining the operations of electronics components while being discussed by the

instructor. This difficulty has a big impact in the learning process of the students. Most of

them don’t get the topics well because they have difficulty in imagining those. This

research solved an Electronics Engineering students’ problem about envisioning the diodes

construction and its operations. This can be solved by developing an innovative technology

that is an interactive Augmented Reality. It can be used by the ECE students to learn more

and imagine better the diode construction and operations which help them to acquire more

knowledge about the topic. This innovation can be a new effective teaching aid of this

generation that will help students a lot.

Project Description

This is how the researchers expected the system to work; first, the Android phone

camera will detect image markers on the learning material. And when proper image marker

was detected, a 3D model equivalent of that image will be augmented on the learning

material itself. The users may adjust some parameters of the 3D models by doing simple

gestures on the screen of the cell phone.

Project Design

Figure 2. Project Design of the Study

Locale of the Study

The locale of the study was in Bulacan State University at Malolos, Bulacan,

specifically at College of Engineering. The researchers conducted a survey and testing of

their application to the sampled population of ECE students.

Figure 3. Locale of Bulacan State University, Malolos, Bulacan

Population and Sample of the Study

The researchers used purposive sampling method to determine the respondents of

the study. The researchers predetermined the total number of respondents and the division

of samples was determined according to the appropriate ratio of the sampled groups. Since

the researchers used different research instruments, the sample size also determined in

diverse ways as well.

In the initial survey which was earlier conducted, a total of forty eight respondents

were asked to take the survey. Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents for the Initial Survey

Respondents Actual Population Percentage Frequency

Fourth Year Students 240 50 24
Fifth Year Students 240 50 24
Total 480 100 48

The respondents of the initial survey was composed of twenty four fourth year

students, and twenty four fifth year students, with a total of forty eight respondents. They

were all fourth and fifth year ECE students for they already have taken up various ECE


For the user experience survey, the researchers used a total of fifty respondents as

a sample size. Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents for the survey conducted.

Table 2

Distribution of Respondents for the User Experience Survey

Respondents Actual Population Percentage Frequency

First Year ECE Students 135 21.26 10
Fourth Year ECE Students 240 37.80 19
Fifth Year ECE Students 240 37.80 19
ECE Faculty 20 3.15 2
Total 635 100 50

The respondents of the survey for study were composed of ten first year ECE

students, nineteen fourth year ECE students, nineteen fifth year ECE students, and two (2)

members from the ECE faculty, with a total of fifty respondents. The fourth and fifth year

ECE students have already finished the basic electronics subject while the freshmen are the

ones to be taught about it after several years. On the other hand, the ECE faculty members

are well knowledgeable in this subject matter for they are the people who teach it. The

selected respondents are the students and faculty members who are mainly involved with

electronics subjects and the people who can fully comprehend the study and its output.

For the learning assessment, the researchers had a total of forty respondents: twenty

for the controlled group and twenty for the experimental group. Table 3 shows the

distribution of respondents for the learning assessment.

Table 3
Distribution of Respondents for the Learning Assessment

Respondents Percentage Frequency

ECE-1A Students 12.5 5
ECE-1C Students 37.5 15
Controlled Group 50 20
ECE-1A Students 12.5 5
ECE-1C Students 37.5 15
Experimental Group 50 20
Total 100 40

The controlled group was composed of five (5) ECE-1A students and fifteen ECE-

1C students. On the other hand, the experimental group was composed of five (5) ECE-1A

students and fifteen ECE-1C students. The total of all the respondents for the learning

assessment was forty. These first year students were the only remaining ECE students who

still not have been taught about the basic electronics subject. These selected freshmen were

the main beneficiary of the output of the study.

Research Instrument

To obtain the necessary data, the researchers conducted a survey using evaluation

forms and a learning assessment as the research instruments of the study.

The researchers provided survey forms to be filled up by the respondents which

evaluated the proposed application based on the given criteria. The proposed application’s

functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability will be

established through the said method. Another research instrument that the researchers used

was the learning assessment of the sampled population. The sampled population was

divided into two; controlled and experimental group. The researchers compared the

performance of each group in order to see if the application enhanced the learning

experience of the students.

The researchers chose an instrument that has the characteristics and standards that

can help in the proposed software. ISO 9126 Quality Model for Test Specifications was

the basis of the criteria in this instrument because of its international standard for software

or program evaluation. The researchers used an analytical rubric that gave an insight on the

users’ point of view on several factors significant in the study. The rubric includes the

following criteria: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and

portability. Functionality deals with the responsiveness of the application; reliability tells

how dependable the application is; usability describes how accessible the software is;

efficiency measures the ability of the system to produce the desired output; maintainability

deals with how easy to troubleshoot the application whenever an error occurs for a short

period of time and; portability describes how the application responds depending on

different conditions it faces. The stated criteria were the basis of the respondents in

evaluating the researchers’ proposed application.

In order to visualize more the procedures of the entire system, the researchers used

flowcharts based on the guide provided in ISO 5807. With this standard, system and

program flowcharts were formed to fully depict the information needed in following the

process of the proposed system. This must be carefully followed in order to avoid

misconception on how the whole application will flow. The use of system flowchart in the

study is important for it represents the control of operations and the data flow of the system.

Each symbols and conventions found in the system flowchart has given signification

maintained by the International Organization for Standardization.

Data Gathering Procedure

To accumulate significant data for the study, the researchers conducted a survey

and a learning assessment to a sampled population of ECE students.

The survey acted as the collective opinions of the respondents about the application.

The researchers had a demonstration of the application and they gave the respondents the

evaluation form that they need to answer. The respondents rated the application in a scale

of one (1) to five (5), indicating their level of agreement for each statement based on the

given criteria. The survey helped the researchers to be able to establish the proposal’s

functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability.

For the learning assessment, the sampled population was grouped into two:

controlled and experimental group. Both group had a traditional discussion about a topic

on basic electronics. Also, both group have been provided printed hand-outs regarding the

topic to be discussed. The printed hand-outs contain 2D illustrations and plain text

explaining what was illustrated. Their main difference was, the experimental group used

the researchers’ Augmented Reality application enabling them to see 3D visualization of

the printed hand-outs provided.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

Three (3) mechanisms were involved in data processing which was the input,

process and output mechanisms. The input mechanism that was considered is the gathered

data from the respondents. While the statistical procedures and techniques were included

on the process mechanism. And finally the results of the study had been taken into account

for the output mechanism. There were also three (3) basic steps in data processing. The

first step in data processing is the data categorization which pertains to the grouping of

subjects in accordance to the objectives of the study. The next step is the transforming the

gathered information from the evaluation forms into values to facilitate its tabulation and

this is called data encoding. And the last step consist of the tabulation of the data that is

done by counting and tallying the raw data to arrive at a frequency distribution and organize

them in a table.

The statements in the evaluation forms were structured using the Likert format. It

is a five-point scale used to allow the respondents to express their level of agreement with

a particular statement. The Likert scale is the most widely used approach to rate and

describe the responses in a survey research.

In the evaluation form, five ratings were provided for every statement under each

criterion. The choices represent the degree of acceptability of the respondent for each

statement. In addition, this type of research instrument can effectively collect sufficient

quantitative data for evaluation. The Likert scale will be used to measure and interpret the

evaluation results of the study, as shown in Table 4.

Table 4

The Likert Scale

Range of

Rating Scale Weighted Description


The respondent

really believes that

5 Highly Acceptable 4.51-5.0 the system has


excellently in that



The respondent is

satisfied in the

4 Acceptable 3.51-4.5 performance of the

system with regards

to that criterion.

The respondent is

slightly convinced

3 Somewhat 2.51-3.5 in the performance

Acceptable of the system in that

criterion and

believes that some

improvements must

be made for the

system to be


The respondent is

not convinced in the

2 Unacceptable 1.51-2.5 performance of the

system in that

particular criterion.

The respondent

Highly believes that the

1 Unacceptable 1.0-1.50 system has failed in

that citerion.

Moreover, the learning assessment consists of the groups which the researchers

considered and how they treated the data gathered. The groups were the controlled group,

the students that used the traditional way of learning, and the experimental group who used

the traditional way and the Augmented Reality mobile application. The researchers

evaluated the scores of the examination that was taken by the students after the discussion

by getting the mean scores of the controlled group and the experimental group. And upon

getting the mean score of each group, the researchers compared and evaluated which

learning system applied to the students got the higher score.


This chapter covers the presentation of the steps involved in the development of

Interactive Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in Basic Electronics. This

contains the answers to the specific questions relative to the proposed project, the result of

the evaluation process, and the analysis of the results after the presentation of data.

Topic of Focus of the Application

Figure 4 shows the results of the initial survey that was conducted by the

researchers to find out what subject needs graphical representation aid the most.

What subject needs graphical representation aid

the most?
18 17
14 13
8 6
Electronics 1 Electronics 2 Pulse and Switching Principles of

Figure 4. Initial Survey Results

It can be seen in the graph that there were seventeen students who voted for

Electronics 1, twelve students for Electronics 2, thirteen students for Pulse and Switching,

and six (6) students for Principles of Communication. It was then found out by the

researchers that the topic of focus of the application was Electronics 1 or Electronics

Devices and Circuits for it garnered the most number of votes from the respondents.

Software Development Model

The model that was used for the development of the application is the Modified

Waterfall Model.

Figure 5. Modified Waterfall Model


The requirements needed to create this augmented reality application are the

computer software and development tools such as Blender for creating the 3D models and

animations, Unity that served as an app builder and compiler of the 3D models created, and

Vuforia which is an online platform that was used to register the image markers of the 3D

models and to recognized those images and objects.


The mobile application was designed to aid the Electronics Engineering students to

improve their learning and be more engaged in the topics that are being discussed. It was

also designed to have a user friendly UI (User Interface) that is capable of producing

accurate 3D models and animations of some of the basic concepts and operations in

Electronics. The application’s user interface, sequence and interactive virtual buttons were

programmed by using the C# programming language, an object-oriented programming



The inputs from the system design and the software requirements were used to

create the components of the mobile application such as the 3D models, user interface, and

image markers and to build the application itself.


The mobile application underwent testing for correction of errors. The 3D models

were tested and previewed in the Unity software if they were created accurately and if the

animations were working before building the application.


The maintenance was provided to fix the defects that appeared during the use of the

mobile application. It involves correction in scaling of the 3D models, their color and their

appearance time.

Interface and Operation of the Application

The researchers were able to come up with the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of

the application through three basic steps. First, the researchers created the façade or the

main look of every page of the application through the use of Adobe Photoshop. They

basically made those pages as plain images.

Figure 6. Opening Interface and LeARn ECE Logo

Figure 7. Home Interface

Figure 8. How to Use the App Interface

Figure 9. About the App Interface

The next step was to superimpose the buttons that were present in the application.

The researchers have done it through maximizing the application, Unity. The researchers

just traced out the buttons that were in the images and made them clickable. The last step

was to assign and imply the logical functions of the application. It was done through the

use of C# Programming Language and was also made in the Unity application where it is

its built-in programming language

On the other hand, the operation of the application is shown in Figures 10-12:

Figure 10. LeARn ECE Application Flowchart

Figure 11. Half-Wave Rectifier Figure 12. Biasing Augmentation
Augmentation Flowchart Flowchart

The flowcharts show how the application operates. It shows all the functions and

the things that happen for each choice that the user makes while using the application. Also,

the chart includes how the application detects image markers and what corresponding

models or animations pop up for each. The figures given above are just segments of the

totality of LeARn ECE’s flowchart. The remaining segments are on the Appendix C.

Software, Hardware and Development Tools

The researchers utilized the following requirements in order to create the

application. Most of them are available online for free.


Figure 13. Blender 2.79

Blender 2.79 - The researchers only used the 3D modeling and animation facets of this

software. This version is available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. There is no

operating system issue with the group since most of them use Windows operated


Figure 14. Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 - This is where the programming takes place. Visual Studio

supports all types of programming languages including C#. The developers write their

scripts here for non-virtual and virtual buttons which were used for changing scenes in the


Figure 15. Adobe Photoshop CC 19.0

Adobe Photoshop CC 19.0 – This is where the researchers created the layout and interface

of the whole application.


Figure 16. Personal Computer

Personal Computer (Windows OS) – It is the primary device for the creation of the whole

application. Herrera (2017) in his blog, listed down the minimum PC specifications for

AR/VR projects. However, the group was able to use lower requirements for CPU and


Table 5

PC Minimum Specifications

CPU Intel Core i3-2310M Processor 2.10 GHz or higher

Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 480

RAM 4 GB or higher

Operating System Windows 7 or superior

Figure 17. Android Phone

Android Phones – The application created is only for Android devices only. The file to be

installed is in APK format which is for the said devices only. The internal memory and

Android version was personally set by the researchers during the final build-up of the

application. For the CPU and RAM, higher specifications are recommended for the

application to run faster.

Table 6

Minimum Android Phone Specifications

CPU Quad Core 1.2 GHz or higher

RAM 2 GHz or higher

Internal Memory 16 GB or higher

Android Version 4.x or superior

Development Tools

Figure 18. Vuforia

Vuforia - This is an augmented reality software development kit (Unity User Manual,

2018). It is the main tool responsible for an AR to be developed. Vuforia is an online

platform where developers must register their image markers. Those markers will be

downloaded and installed inside the Unity software.

Figure 19. Unity 2018.2.17f1

Unity 2018.2.17f1 - This is where all the 3D models were placed according to their

respective image marker. Unity enables clients to create games and intuitive encounters in

both 2D and 3D, and the engine offers an essential scripting API in C# (Unity

Technologies, 2018). This version must have an additional plugin that supports Vuforia

which is another tool used by the researchers. This is also where virtual buttons are created.

Testing Procedure

Learning assessment was the testing procedure implemented by the

researchers. They conducted a short discussion about basic electronics; they divided the

class into two, one of which experienced conventional learning and the other used the

application during discussion. After that, they have given an examination about what was

discussed. Table 6 shows the individual scores of each student and the mean scores of each


The photos of the testing procedure are shown by the following figures:

Figure 20. Classroom Discussion (ECE 1-C)

Figure 21. Using LeARn ECE

Figure 22. Classroom Discussion (ECE-1A)

Table 7

Learning Assessment

Conventional Scores Enhanced Learning (using Scores

Learning the application)

Student 1 9 Student 21 8

Student 2 3 Student 22 10

Student 3 10 Student 23 8

Student 4 12 Student 24 7

Student 5 10 Student 25 11

Student 6 6 Student 26 12

Student 7 9 Student 27 11

Student 8 5 Student 28 9

Student 9 9 Student 29 10

Student 10 14 Student 30 14

Student 11 10 Student 31 12

Student 12 7 Student 32 11

Student 13 10 Student 33 9

Student 14 7 Student 34 8

Student 15 7 Student 35 10

Student 16 9 Student 36 10

Student 17 11 Student 37 12

Student 18 13 Student 38 13

Student 19 12 Student 39 11

Student 20 5 Student 40 10

Mean Score 8.9 Mean Score 10.3

It can be seen on the bar graph (Figure 23) that, the group that used the Augmented

Reality application had a mean score of 10.3 while the group that did not use the application

got 8.9. The average score of the students who used AR are higher than students who did

not use it. The results of the test proved that the students who maximized Augmented

Reality in learning had a greater percentage of retaining the knowledge and information

they were given than the students who only used the handouts.

Learning Assessment


Mean Scores



Conventional Learning Enhanced Learning

Figure 23. Learning Assessment Results

User Experience Survey

The tables below show the results of the conducted user experience survey by the

researchers. First of which is Table 8 which shows the affirmative response of the

respondents to the functionality of the application.

Table 8

Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive Augmented Reality

Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of Functionality

Frequency Verbal

Items 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation

1 The mobile application runs

smoothly and swiftly.

31 19 0 0 0 4.62 Strongly Agree

The mobile application is

accurate in giving the right

3D model for the specific

2 36 14 0 0 0 4.72 Strongly Agree

The virtual buttons are

3 interactive in manipulating 35 15 0 0 0 4.7 Strongly Agree

some of the 3D models.

Average Mean 4.68

Table 9 shows that the respondents strongly agreed to the reliability of the mobile

application to provide the accurate information for the given 3D models and to its

performance when it comes to accuracy and consistency.

Table 9

Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive Augmented Reality

Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of Reliability

Frequency Verbal

Items 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation

1 The mobile application

provided the accurate

information for the given 3D


38 12 0 0 0 4.76 Strongly Agree

The mobile application

performs with accuracy and

2 32 18 0 0 0 4.64 Strongly Agree

Average Mean 4.7

Table 10 shows that the respondents strongly agreed that the mobile application is

usable since its user interface is simple and straightforward and also that the operation can

be easily learned by the users.

Table 10

Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive Augmented Reality

Embedded Learning Materials in Terms in Terms of Usability

Frequency Verbal

Items 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation

1 The user interface of the mobile

application is simple and


45 5 0 0 0 4.9 Strongly Agree

The operation of the mobile

application can be easily

2 46 4 0 0 0 4.92 Strongly Agree
learned by the users.

Average Mean 4.91

Table 11 shows that the respondents agreed to the maintainability of the mobile

application because it was stable even for a long period of time and the 3D models were

able to maintain their position even the phone was moving.

Table 11

Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive Augmented Reality

Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of Maintainability

Frequency Verbal

Items 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation

1 The mobile application is

stable even for a long period of


27 22 1 0 0 4.22 Agree

The mobile application’s 3D

models are able to maintain

2 33 16 1 0 0 4.64 Strongly Agree
their position even the phone is


Average Mean 4.43

Table 12 shows that the respondents strongly agreed that the application was

portable and can be easily transferred and installed.

Table 12

Descriptive Measures of the Level of Acceptability of Interactive Augmented Reality

Embedded Learning Materials in Terms of Portability

Frequency Verbal

Items 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation

1 The mobile application is

transferable to other phones.

39 11 0 0 0 4.78 Strongly Agree

The mobile application is easy

2 to install. 39 11 0 0 0 4.78 Strongly Agree

Average Mean 4.78

Table 13 shows the meaning of each range used in getting the mean. It displays

that the ranges 4.51-5 means strongly agree, 3.51-4.5 means agree, 2.51-3.5 means

neither agree nor disagree, 1.51-2.5 means disagree and lastly, 1-1.5 means strongly


Table 13

Quantifications used in the Questionnaires

Scale Ranges Criteria

The respondent

5-Strongly Agree 4.51 - 5 strongly agrees with

the statement.

The respondent

4-Agree 3.51 - 4.5 agrees with the


The respondent is

3-Neither Agree nor Disagree 2.51 - 3.5 neutral about the


The respondent

2-Disagree 1.51 - 2.5 disagrees with the


The respondent

1-Strongly Disagree 1 - 1.5 strongly disagrees

with the statement.

Table 14 shows that all the respondents strongly agreed on all the criteria on the

user experience survey except for one which is the maintainability factor where the

majority had only voted for agree. The four criteria in which they had strongly agreed were

functionality, reliability, usability and portability.

Table 14

Summary of Mean Distribution Evaluation by All Respondents per Criterion

Criteria Mean Verbal


Functionality 4.68 Strongly Agree

Reliability 4.7 Strongly Agree

Usability 4.91 Strongly Agree

Maintainability 4.43 Agree

Portability 4.78 Strongly Agree

OVERALL MEAN 4.7 Strongly Agree

Table 15 shows that all criteria including functionality, reliability, usability,

maintainability, and portability had different results for each group of respondents.

Table 15

Summary of Average Mean Distribution per Group of Respondents

Criteria 5th Year 4th Year 1st Year Instructors Mean

Students Students Students
Functionality 4.84 4.66 4.37 4.83 4.68

Reliability 4.79 4.74 4.4 5 4.73

Usability 4.92 4.89 4.9 5 4.93

Maintainability 4.69 4.45 4.6 4.75 4.62

Portability 4.89 4.74 4.6 5 4.81

It can be seen on the bar graph, which is shown on Figure 24, the comparison on

the mean scores for each group of respondents for the given criteria. It displays the

differences between these mean and shows which group of respondents got the highest or

lowest mean.

Functionality Reliability Usability Maintainability Portability

5th Year Students 4th Year Students 1st Year Students Instructors

Figure 24. Graph of the Summary of Average Mean Distribution Evaluation per

Group of Respondents

Table 15 shows that all criteria including functionality, reliability, usability,

maintainability, and portability had different results for each group of respondents but all

of them can be observed to fall on an EXCELLENT remark.

Table 16

Summary of Mean Distribution Evaluation by All Respondents per Criterion

Criteria Mean Remark/s

Functionality 4.68 Excellent

Reliability 4.73 Excellent

Usability 4.93 Excellent

Maintainability 4.62 Excellent

Portability 4.81 Excellent

Overall Mean 4.75 Excellent

4.85 4.81

4.65 4.62

Functionality Reliability Usability Maintainability Portability

Figure 25. Summary of Mean Distribution Evaluation by all Respondents per


Figure 25 shows the mean distribution evaluation from fifty (50) respondents. The

survey results show that among the five (5) criteria, usability got the highest rating of 4.93

which corresponds to an excellent remark and followed by portability that had a rating of

4.81, reliability with a rate of 4.73, functionality with 4.68 and lastly maintainability with

a rating of 4.62. A general weighted mean of 4.75 which is equivalent to an EXCELLENT

rating was computed. The respondents were therefore very satisfied and believed that the

LeARn ECE is highly recommended for use.



This chapter contains the summary of the answers in the statement of the problem

and conclusion based on the overall result of testing and survey conducted by the

researchers. This also contains the recommendations that they deem to be essential to the

beneficiaries of the study.


1. The ECE subject which became the topic of focus of the application was Electronics

Devices and Circuits for most of the respondents of the survey voted for it. The

subject was broken down in to smaller and different subtopics.

2. Modified Waterfall Model was used for the development of the mobile application.

It was used to have a good flow of the development of the application because if

there was an error or modification to be made in the application, the researchers can

go back to the previous step/s in developing the application wherein the correction

of error or the modification must be done.

3. The researchers came up with the operation of the application through the use of a

flowchart and the user interface was developed by following the flowchart and by

utilizing the different software applications.

4. Different software, hardware, and development tools were required to develop the

mobile application. And each of them has different functions to create the whole


5. As a testing procedure, the researchers did a learning assessment of the students by

conducting an exam after the discussion of the topics listed in the handouts given

to the students. The students were divided into two groups, one group that used of

the hand outs and the application and one group that used the handouts only. After

tallying the scores of the exam, the group of students that used the mobile

application has a higher mean score compared to the group of students that used the

handouts only.

6. The researchers conducted a survey that utilizes ISO/IEC 9126-1 Standards to test

if the application met the desired system outcomes in terms of functionality,

reliability, usability, maintainability, and portability. And the results strongly agree

to each of the criterion provided by the researchers except maintainability which is

only agree to it.


For this study, the researchers developed a mobile application that utilizes the

augmented reality technology which they applied in learning. They made an interactive

augmented reality embedded learning material that tackle topics about basic electronics.

Since their study was all about application development, they have observed that Modified

Waterfall Model was an efficient guide to do such. The software development model

helped them have the right series of steps in creating the application. Also, constructing a

flowchart gives a straightforward guide for the creation of the interface and the overall

operation of the application. To put those into reality, different hardware, software and

development tools were used by the researchers. Each hardware and software has its own

functions and contributions in the totality of the mobile application.

The researchers tested their application through learning assessment and user

experience survey among ECE students in Bulacan State University. After conducting a

learning assessment, they noticed that there was a positive impact among the students who

used it during discussion. Students who used the application got a higher mean score that

those who did not. This implies that those students quickly adapt on the learning materials

with the help of the app. It also means that the technology introduced was efficient in terms

of delivering knowledge among the learners. The user experience survey shows that most

of the respondents strongly agreed that the application is accurate in giving the right 3D

model for a specific marker, the information provided is correct, the user interface is

straightforward and the application is easy to install to their mobile devices. Furthermore,

most of the respondents agreed that the application is stable when in used. Their method

shows the enhancement of learning capability and adaptation of the students when utilizing

augmented reality technology, although they did not have the intention to replace the

traditional way of learning.


Based on the foregoing findings and conclusion, the following recommendations

are presented:

1. Future developers can create a version of this application for other platforms like

iOS since this version was develop just for Android platforms only.

2. The file size of the whole application consumes up to 90 Mb of the smartphone’s

local memory which is too big for a single app. The researchers suggest that future

developers might find a way to compress the whole app into a much smaller file


3. As per the evaluation of the respondents, sometimes 3D models took time before

they appear. The researchers recommend to future developers to find a way to make

a 3D model appear in the quickest possible time. The improvement might be on the

3D model itself or it may be on the quality of the image marker.

4. The researchers only used two virtual buttons for the interactivity of the app. They

recommend to add more virtual buttons with different functions. Future researchers

might also use another form of interactivity like drag and drop, virtual touch and

onscreen events.

5. Future developers might add features to the application. It may be audio, onscreen

information/trivia and in-app examination.

6. The topic that were discussed is only about Basic Electronics. It is recommended

to widen the scope of the topic up to higher electronic topics.

7. Furthermore, the researchers also suggest to create other versions for other fields

or disciplines not just for Electronics.

8. As for the learning assessment conducted by the group, they only compare the mean

scores of each group. Future researchers should seek assistance to the College of

Education on how to evaluate a student’s learning not just depending on his/her


3D Models

Insulator (Sulfur) Atom Conductor (Copper) Atom


Semiconductor (Silicon) Atom

Conductor Band Gap

Insulator Band Gap

Semiconductor Band Gap

N-Type Semiconductor

P-Type Semiconductor

Forward Bias Circuit

Reverse Bias Circuit

Diode 3D Model

Half-wave Rectifier Circuit

Image Markers

Atom Insulator Conductor Semiconductor

Conductor Band Gap Insulator Band Gap Semiconductor Band Gap

N-Type Semiconductor P-Type Semiconductor

Forward/Reverse Bias

Diode Half-wave Rectifier

Flow Charts

Atom Augmentation
Sulfur Atom Augmentation

Copper Atom Augmentation Silicon Atom Augmentation

Insulator Band Gap Augmentation Conductor Band Gap Augmentation

Semiconductor Band Gap Augmentation N-Type Semiconductor Augmentation

P-Type Semiconductor Augmentation Actual Diode Augmentation

Application Icon with Brief Explanation

LeARn ECE Icon

The technology used by the researchers in this study was Augmented Reality (AR)

which is the superimposing of virtual pictures or models into the real world. They used this

with the purpose of enhancing the learning among their co-ECE students. The topics that

they focused on were all about basic electronics, starting from atomic structures up to diode

operations. Hence, as seen on their application icon, they highlighted the words “learn”,

“AR” and “ECE”.

Letter of Consent for Learning Assessment

Post-Test for Learning Assessment

User Experience Survey Form

Survey Form
Bulacan State University
College of Engineering
Electronics Engineering Department

Development of Interactive Augmented Reality Embedded Learning Materials in

Basic Electronics

Name: _____________________ Date: _________________________________

Position: ____________________ Location: ______________________________
Rate the following based on:

(5) VERY SATISFIED - The respondent (2) DISSATISFIED - The respondent

fully agrees with the criterion stated doubtfully agrees with the criterion stated.
(4) SATISFIED - The respondent mostly (1) VERY DISSATISFIED - The
agrees with the criterion stated. respondent does not believe that the
application satisfied the criterion stated.
(3) UNSURE - The respondent agrees
with the criterion stated.

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
1. The mobile application runs smoothly and swiftly.
2. The mobile application is accurate in giving the right 3D model for
a specific marker.
3. The virtual buttons are interactive in manipulating some of the 3D
1. The mobile application provided the accurate information for the
given 3D models.
2. The mobile application performs with accuracy and consistency.
1. The user interface of the mobile application is simple and
2. The operation of the mobile application can be easily learned by
the users.

1. The mobile application is stable even for a long period of time.
2. The mobile application's 3D models are able to maintain their
position even the phone is moving.
1. The mobile application is transferable to other phones.
2. The mobile application is easy to install.


Initial Survey Form

Researchers’ Profile


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