GMEA and Janfest

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9/5/2019 GMEA and Janfest - Google Docs


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope that everyone has had a great start to the new year. The band has been hard at work reviewing
and moving into new music. There are wonderful opportunities for your child as band student. Students
may participate in the Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) District 7 Honor Band, All-State
Honor Band, and/or the University of Georgia Middle School Honor Band. All events have an audition
process and are a lot of fun for participating students on many levels.
The GMEA District 7 Honor Band is an audition only ensemble that has students from all around
the Northwest portion of Georgia. The audition includes performing a prepared piece of music and 5
scales. There is also a sight-reading portion as part of the audition. There is a non-refundable $6 audition
fee and auditions are held on December 14th at East Paulding High School in Dallas, Ga (You will need to
provide transportation to and from the audition for your child.). If the student passes the audition process,
then the honor band will be held at Heritage High School in Ringgold on February 13 - 15. This is a
tremendous opportunity for your student and a big honor to be accepted. It is the District competition just
like other activities like sports and we have amazing students who proudly make it every year.
The GMEA All-State Honor Band is the next step above District. If the student scores high
enough in the first audition(District), they will move to the second round of auditions on January 11th at
Houston County High School, GA. There is a non-refundable $25 audition fee. (This does not include the
$6 for District.) All-State Honor Band is then held in Athens, Ga on March 5 - 7 for those selected.
A completely separate event, but a wonderful opportunity is The University of Georgia JanFest
Honor Band held January 16 - 19. Students are selected based on a raffle system and audition only for
placement in one of the bands upon arrival. Over 800 students from nearly every neighboring state
attend. Once selected, the students will audition for seating placements on Thursday and will rehearse for
a final concert to be presented on Sunday. The registration fee for the honor band is $85. Students who
travel with family only owe the registration fee and the family covers the cost of their room. Students who
room with other students pay a total of $150 which covers the cost of registration and their shared student
The form below must be returned by Friday, September 20th if your child wishes to participate in any of
the above events. Audition fees for District Honor Band and All-State Band are due with the form. Money
for the UGA Honor Band is not due until December 12th if your child is chosen.
Thank you,

Chris Chance Heather Chance

Director of Bands Assistant Director

Form due by September 20th if your child wishes to participate in District, All-State, or UGA Janfest.

Student Name: _________________________________ Instrument: __________________________

Please check the events that your child wishes to participate in:

________GMEA District Honor Band(Enclose $6 audition fee) ________ GMEA All-State Band(Enclose
$25 audition fee)

________ UGA JanFest Honor Band (DO NOT enclose money! If your student is selected, a letter will
come home in December.) 1/1

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