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Biasbas, Cyber Gem N.

2019-03627 Hope of the Birds

Hope of the Birds

Birds of prey showed a saddening reality in the Philippines, not only are humans destroying
each other but they are also destroying the lives of our rare Philippine Eagles. The precious
Philippine Eagle’s population are estimated to be 100 to 800 during the filming of the
documentary. In these dark times, a hope for the precious Philippine Eagles have risen. People
who loves nature and loves these eagles are banding together to save is left of the eagle population.
They do these by captive breeding, rehabilitation, radio-tracking, and education.

A pair of mature eagle will only produce a single egg every year, this contributes to why
their population is dwindling every year. One of the researched way of combatting this is by
captive breeding where scientists and researchers inseminates female eagles. An eagle named Pag-
Asa is one of the male eagles that in captivity for breeding, he is located at a research facility in
Davao. His semen is being collected by his human partner to be used for insemination. However,
this way is not as productive as it seems because not all eggs laid by the eagles are fertile. Fertile
eggs will eventually be laid and eaglets who survives will be fed and raised by the staff of the

On the other hand, eagles who were not raised in captivity are also receiving help from the
organization. Juvenile eagles are often injured because of their recklessness with human
interactions, so they often get shot down and injured. The organization helps them by temporarily
removing them in their natural environment and taken to the research facility. There they will be
nurtured and rehabilitated until they are well enough to be released. One of the staff says that he
dislikes bringing the eagles to the facility because it means that he’ll be away from his natural
environment and put it on a small cage for his health recovery. Once the eagle is healthy and strong
enough, they will be released.

Before the eagles are released, the staff puts a radio-tracking device on the eagle’s body.
This will be used to monitor the eagle’s movement to be analyzed and studied. If the eagle is also
showing weird movements, they can use the tracker to locate the eagle and see what’s wrong. This
is very useful for keeping the birds in a watchful eye, so that if the bird is injured again, he’ll be
sent right away to the facility for rehabilitation.

All of the ways mentioned above are all effective, but the most efficient and most effective
way to ensure the survival of the eagles is educating the youth. The organization educates and
shapes young minds so that they will leave harmoniously with the eagles. They’re hoping that
teaching the children will lead to a harmonious life with the environment and with the eagles.

Today is a dark time for the Philippine Eagles, they are not even aware of it but we as
humans who are aware of it must act. Their dwindling must be a call to an action for us humans
who affects their lives greatly. Our humanly greed to control nature and gain money is affecting
the lives of hundreds of eagles. Let us thank these organizations who spearheads the saving of our
Philippine Eagles.

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