BBA Hons Internship Format

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(Title Page)

(Bold, 18, Times New Roman) University of Education

(Bold, 18, Times New Roman) Lower Mall Campus, Lahore
(Bold, 16, Times New Roman) Department of Economics and Business

Internship Report
<<Name of the Organization>>
(Where you have completed your internship training)

(Bold, 16, Times New Roman)


(Bold, 12, Times New Roman, Justified)

Submitted By:
<<Student Roll No.>>
<<Student Name>>
<< Session>>
<<Submission Date>>
(Bold, 16, Times New Roman)
University of Education (Bold, 16, Times New Roman)
Lower Mall Campus, Lahore (Bold, 16, Times New Roman)
Department of Economics and Business Administration (Bold, 14, Times New

(Bold, 14, Times New Roman)

This internship report was submitted by << Student Name >> S/o/D/o. <<

Father’s Name >> Roll No. << Complete Campus Roll No. >> for the partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

BBA (HONS.) (Bold, 14, Times New Roman)

Session (2015-2019) (Bold, 12, Times New Roman)

with specialization in
(Bold, 12, Times New Roman)

and is hereby accepted by the evaluation committee.

Internship Supervisor ________________________

Principal ________________________
(Bold, 12, Times New Roman)
Department of Economics and Business Administration
Lower Mall Campus, Lahore
Internship Report Format

1. Title Page (copy enclosed)

2. Letter of Undertaking (copy enclosed)
3. Scanned copy of the internship certificate (provided by the organization)
Attach the scanned or Xerox copy of your (original) Internship Completion certificate
provided by the organization.

4. Dedication (Optional)

If you want to dedicate your work to someone, you may write the dedication note under
this section of your internship report.

5. Acknowledgement

In this section you acknowledge the help and support of all the people who helped you in
completion of your internship and internship report e.g. the library staff, course instructor,
family or any other person being supportive with reference to provision of information.

6. Executive Summary (600-800 words)

Executive summary previews every section of the report in a short form. It can be called as
micro image of the report. It helps the reader to get a quick glance at the report before
reading it in detail. Everything important that you have done, discovered and concluded
should be mentioned but briefly and concisely following the 7C’s of business

7. Table of contents

List the important headings and sub headings in the report with page numbers. Also
make a separate list of tables and figures in the table of contents if you have used any.

8. Brief introduction to the industry (400-500 words)

Describe overview of the complete sector in which the organization falls according to the
current scenario.
9. Overview of the Organization (1000-1200 words)

a. Brief history, Mission and Vision of the organization.

b. Introduction of the organization, corporate objective and market standing.
c. Policy of the organization
d. Competitors
e. Business Volume
f. Product Lines

10. Organizational Structure (900- 1000 words)

a. Organizational Hierarchy chart

b. Number of employees
c. Main offices ( Without Addresses )
d. Brief Introduction of all the departments
e. Comments on the organizational structure


In section #7-9, students are expected to collect information from various sources such as
interaction with the organization’s personnel (managers, internship supervisor, colleagues
etc.) and company website, documents, brochures etc. but it is necessary to mention the
sources of information in APA format.

11. Plan of your internship program (300-400 words)

a. A brief introduction of the branch/ area office of the organization where you
did your internship
b. Starting and ending dates of your internship
c. Names of the departments in which you got training and the duration of your

12. Training Program (1000-2000 words)

a. Detailed description of the operations/activities performed by the department(s) you

worked in.

b. Detailed description of the task(s) assigned to you OR detailed description of the

project assigned. (Preferably in Daily Diary Reporting Format)

13. Structure of your concerned specialization department i.e. Finance, Marketing,

HRM etc. (300-350)
a. Department hierarchy
b. Number of employees working under Finance/Marketing/HR department
c. Mention any sub-department if exists under Finance/Marketing/HR
14. Marketing Functions
Briefly discuss about the 4P’s of the organization
 Products/Services offered
 Pricing strategies
 Distribution channels
 Promotion

15. Human Resource Management

Briefly discuss about the HR practices of the organization like:
 Employees recruitment and selection
 Training & development
 Performance management
 Compensation policy

16. Financial Analysis

Do ratio analysis of the organization
17. Critical Analysis

For Marketing Specialization Only

Detailed analysis of Marketing functions/practices at [name of the organization]

 Analysis of micro environment of the organization

 Analysis of the macro environment of the organization
 Industry analysis
 Forecasting demand
 Customer analysis
 Competitor analysis
 Marketing mix strategies

For Human Resource Management Specialization Only:

Detailed analysis of HR functions at [name of the organization]

 HR planning
 Job analysis
 Recruitment
 Selection
 Orientation
 Training & development
 Appraising and managing performance
 Compensation & benefits

For Finance Specialization Only

Relate the theoretical concepts with your practical experience during your internship in
the organization. Execute an overall analysis of the organization including;

a. Financial Analysis (Detailed Ratio Analysis, Horizontal Analysis, Vertical Analysis

of the organization for last 3 years)
b. Competitive Analysis with other organizations of the same industry.
c. Future Prospects of the organization.

18. SWOT Analysis (600-800 words)

Clearly describe all the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization
where you have done internship. Remember that strengths and weaknesses are internal to
the organization and represent its culture while opportunities and threats correspond to the
environment outside the organization.

Strengths are those qualities which distinguish or give an edge to the organization over
other organizations.

Weaknesses are the attributes of an organization that are harmful in achieving the objectives
of an organization.

Opportunities are the external factors that are helpful in achieving the objectives of the

Threats are the external factors which could damage the business performance of the

19. Conclusion (100-200 words)

In this section you are required to describe the organization according to your
evaluation/assessment in the light of critical and SWOT analyses.

20. Recommendation (100- 200 words)

In this section you are required to suggest solutions for all the problems or discrepancies
(you have pointed out in critical/ SWOT analysis) found in the organization.

21. References & Sources

In this section, provide all the references and sources in APA format that you have used for
data collection in your Internship Report.

22. Annexes

At the end of your report, attach all of the supportive material you have used for the
preparation of your report, like Main pages of financial statements, brochures, forms,
newsletters, interviews, questionnaires, news reports, articles, features, columns etc.
Do attach copy of financial statements (Balance sheet, Income statement, changes in equity
and statement of cash flow) except notes to accounts in annexes.

General Instructions

1. It is essential to include all parts as stated in the format of fall internship report. DO
NOT SKIP any part.
2. The report should be written following the 7C’s of business communication. There
should be harmony among the ideas that you describe in the Critical analysis,
SWOT analysis, Conclusions and Recommendations.
3. Internship Report should be submitted within the due date. Submissions made after
due date shall not be considered.
4. Viva Voce shall be conducted in 2nd week of SEPTEMBER.
5. The date above for Viva is tentative, which may be changed and ll be informed
to CR accordingly

Formatting and other Guidelines

 Page size A4
 Hard Binding as recommended by the University
 Writing Font style and Size: Times New Roman; 12
 Main Headings: 16 bold
 Sub Headings: 14 bold
 Justified
 Appropriate header and footer including page numbers
 Do not write organization’s name as header / footer
 Appropriate use of underline, bold, and italics

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