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Design Thinking

Mission Statement
• How might we ……….?
– Redesign
– Develop
– Design etc.

Problem fragment clustering
• Break up the problem
• Cluster similar segments/groups

User Segments

• Get to know your users e.g.,

– Mainstream
– Lead
– Extreme users
– Outliers

• Explore
Who are the stakeholders – Identify
• Essential
• Important
• Interesting
Competitors, government, Business owners,

Empathy Brief - Identify User needs
• Purpose: identify the problems leading to the main
design challenge
• Expected outcome : Insight into customer's pain
• Tools, Stationary, camera, recorder, empathy
– Attempt to get close
– No pre-notions
– You are a beginner
– Empathy questionnaire Explore
Empathy map
• Identify pains and gain of user
– Does
– Says Does Thinks
– Thinks Says Feels
Pains Gains
– Feels
• What are the pains
• What are the gains
Empathy map
• User Persona
– Goals
– Needs
– Motivations
– Influencers
– Bio

Design is based on user’s persona

User Journey Map
• Day, Year
– Pre-experience (at home)
– Experience
– Post –experience

– Emotional Journey
– Identify touch points – ecosystem changes
– Pain points, opportunities
• Explore
Problem Statement
• Define/ Redefine

• How might we _________ for ______ to

Generate ideas
10 x thinking
Stepping stones of analogy
What is Name Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea
What if 1 2 3 4 5 6
Where else
What do they do best
How else

Group similar ideas

Selecting Promising Idea
• Desirable – human need
• Viable – Business case
• Feasible – Technical validation
– Characterise your idea

• Visualize your idea Idea Desirable Viable Feasible Remark

Materialize your idea
• Model
• Gamification
• Story telling
• Story board
• Role play
• Layout advt.
• Blueprint
Getting Constructive feedback
• Delights
• Improvements
• Ideas
• Questions
• Identify success parameters
• Identify the way to a successful solution
• Evaluation of change
• Define success
• Dip sticks
• Going forward – build to scale, champion,
time lines
Risk assessment
• Is the market real
 need
 can the customer buy it
 Is the size of the market adequate
 Will the customer buy it
• Is the product real
o Is there a real concept
o Can the product be made
o Will it satisfy the market
Is it winning enough
• Can it be competitive
– Advantage
– Can the advantage be sustained
– How will the competitors tentatively respond?
• Can our firm be competitive
• Do we have superior resources
• Do we have the appropriate management
• Can we understand and respond to the market
Is it worth doing

• Will the product be profitable at an acceptable

– Are forecasted returns greater than costs
– Are the risks acceptable
• Does launching the product make strategic
– Does the product fir the overall growth strategy
– Will the top management support it
Moving forward
• Communities are the propellers
– Like minded people
• Build a network
• Plan check in
• Learn over time

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