EE330A: Power Systems

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EE330A: Power Systems

Module VII
Power Flow Analysis
Previous Modules
 Power system structure and components
 Three phase circuits
 Synchronous generators
 Three phase transformers
 Transmission line parameters
 Transmission line models

19 June 2019 EE330A 2

Circuit Analysis: Node
 Unknown node voltages are obtained from solution of
linear equations via KCL at each node (and sometimes KVL
through nodes) 4Ω

2Ω vb 5V vc 1Ω
va vd

10V 8Ω 6Ω

 Aim is to evaluate node voltages va, vb, vc, vd and ve

19 June 2019 EE330A 3

Circuit Analysis: Node contd.

 Let node ‘e’ be reference node i.e. ve=0V

 At node ‘a’, va=10V
 By KVL across supernode (nodes ‘b’ and ‘c’ combined)

vb = vc + 5 (1)
 By KCL at nodes ‘b’ and ‘c’
va − vb vb vc − vd va 2Ω vb 5V vc 1Ω
= + vd
2 8 1
⇒ 13vc − 8vd = 15 (2) 10V 8Ω 6Ω
 KCL at node ‘d’ leads to ve=0
va − vd vc − vd vd
+ = ⇒ 17vd − 12vc = 30 (3)
4 1 6
19 June 2019 EE330A 4
Circuit Analysis: Node contd.

 Solving linear eqns. (1) - (3) gives

vc = 3.96V , vd = 4.56V , vb = 8.96V
 The current through the various elements are


va 2Ω vb 5V vc 1Ω
0.52A 0.60A

10V 8Ω 1.12A 6Ω 0.76A


19 June 2019 EE330A 5

Circuit Analysis: Mesh
 Unknown mesh currents are obtained as solution of linear
equations via KVL around each mesh (and sometimes KCL
at nodes)

10Ω 4Ω j2Ω
(2+j8)Ω 2io


+ 4io 2Ω

 Aim is to evaluate current in each of the 4 meshes

19 June 2019 EE330A 6

Circuit Analysis: Mesh contd.
 In mesh 2, i2 = 6<0 A
 Through branch a-b, i0 = i2 - i3 = 6<0 - i3

10Ω i2 4Ω i3 j2Ω
(2+j8)Ω 2io


+ 4io 2Ω
i1 - i4

19 June 2019 EE330A 7

Circuit Analysis: Mesh contd.
 KCL at node ‘b’ yields
(i1 − i2 ) + (i4 − i1 ) + io + 2io = 0 ⇒ 3i3 − i4 = 12 (4)
 Meshes 3 and 4 form a supermesh, KVL in supermesh
4io + 4io + j 2i3 − j 2i3 − 2i4 = 0 ⇒ 4i3 + i4 = 24 (5)
 Solving linear eqns. (4) and (5) i3 = 5.1429∠0 A, i4 = 3.4286∠0 A
6<0A -j2Ω

10Ω i2 4Ω i3 j2Ω
(2+j8)Ω 2io
b 2Ω

+ 4io 2Ω
i1 - i4

19 June 2019 EE330A 8

Circuit Analysis: Mesh contd.
 KVL in mesh 1
24 = (2 + j8)(i1 − i2 ) + 4io ⇒ (2 + j8)i1 − 4i3 = 12 + j 48 (6)
 From i3 value and (6) i1 = 7.0345∠ − 20.124° A
6<0A -j2Ω

10Ω i2 4Ω i3 j2Ω
(2+j8)Ω 2io
b 2Ω

+ 4io 2Ω
i1 - i4

19 June 2019 EE330A 9

Power Flow (PF)
 Given a circuit with known parameters, voltage and/or
current sources, unknown voltages and currents can be
obtained from solution of linear equations
 Similar circuit analysis is also true for interconnected power
system analysis
 Difference: Sources are specified in terms of real and
reactive powers, not as current and voltage sources
 Resulting relationships are nonlinear equations
 Process of solving these equations to obtain steady state
system states i.e. node/ bus voltage magnitudes and node
voltage phases with respect to a reference for known bus
injections and system parameters is ‘POWER FLOW’ analysis

19 June 2019 EE330A 10

Basis/ assumptions in PF
 System is in steady state, balanced and can be represented
through per phase one line diagram
 Lines are transposed, balanced and are represented
through nominal π model with series impedance and half
line charging admittance at ends of line
 Loads and generators connected to buses are specified in
terms of rated real and reactive powers and sometimes
rated nominal terminal voltage
 Load injections/ currents are negative while generator
injections/ currents are positive
 Transformer ratings, shunt devices, etc. are known
 All above specifications are stated in per unit on a common
system base MVA and relevant base kV
19 June 2019 EE330A 11
PF data and utility
 Load injections are known from historical data and load
 Generator injections (especially real power) are known
from economics perspective i.e. Unit Commitment,
Economic Dispatch, Optimal Power Flow
 Rated nominal voltages at generator nodes are known
from reactive power optimization or active power loss
 System topology and line parameters are known from
State Estimation
 PF forms the basis for security/ contingency analysis in the
system, very useful for security assessment of the system

19 June 2019 EE330A 12

Source Transformation
 One line diagram of a voltage source/ generator (Zs is the
internal source impedance) is

19 June 2019 EE330A 13

Source Transformation
 One line diagram of a voltage source/ generator (Zs is the
internal source impedance) is

Vs Vab
Vs = IZ s + Vab ⇒ = Is = I +
Zs Zs

19 June 2019 EE330A 13

Source Transformation
 One line diagram of a voltage source/ generator (Zs is the
internal source impedance) is


Vs Vab
Vs = IZ s + Vab ⇒ = Is = I +
Zs Zs

19 June 2019 EE330A 13

Source Transformation
 One line diagram of a voltage source/ generator (Zs is the
internal source impedance) is


Vs Vab
Vs = IZ s + Vab ⇒ = Is = I +
Zs Zs
 Each source can be transformed into another with same
internal resistance but different placement

19 June 2019 EE330A 13

Bus Admittance Matrix
 Forms the basis for power flow analysis
 Node/ bus current phasors are expressed in terms of
node/ bus voltage phasors through bus admittance matrix
V1 I = Ybus V
 I1   Y11 Y12  Y1N   V1 
I2   
 I   Y Y  Y2 N  V2 
= 21 22

        
3     
V3  I N  YN 1 YN 2  YNN  VN 

19 June 2019 EE330A 14

Bus Admittance Matrix contd.
 Consider two voltage sources connected through a line
represented by its nominal π model

zs1 z12 zs2

1 2
Vs1 0.5ys12 0.5ys12 Vs2

 Node ‘0’ is the reference node 0

 On converting voltage sources into current sources

Is1 I1 z12 I2 Is2

1 2
ys1=1/zs1 0.5ys12 0.5ys12 ys2=1/zs2

19 June 2019 EE330A 15
Bus Admittance Matrix contd.
Is1 V1 V2 Is2
1 2
ys1 ys2
0.5ys12 0.5ys12

 By KCL at nodes ‘1’ and ‘2’
I s1 = V1 y s1 + V1 0.5 y s12 + (V1 − V2 ) y12
I s 2 = V2 y s 2 + V2 0.5 y s12 + (V2 − V1 ) y12
 I s1   y s1 + 0.5 y s12 + y12 − y12  V1 
⇒ =
I s2   − y12 y s 2 + 0.5 y s12 + y12  V2 
 The above relationship is for source currents with respect to
the bus voltages
19 June 2019 EE330A 16
Bus Admittance Matrix contd.
Is1 I1 V1 V2 I2 Is2
1 2
ys1 ys2
0.5ys12 0.5ys12

 In terms of node injection currents
I1 = I s1 − V1 ys1 = V1 0.5 ys12 + (V1 − V2 ) y12
I 2 = I s 2 − V2 ys 2 = V2 0.5 ys12 + (V2 − V1 ) y12
 I1  0.5 ys12 + y12 − y12  V1 
⇒ =
 I 2   − y12 0.5 ys12 + y12  V2 
 The above relationship is for node currents with respect to
the bus voltages
19 June 2019 EE330A 17
Bus Admittance Matrix contd.
0.5 y s12 + y12 − y12 
0.5 y s12 + y12 
 − y12
 Bus admittance matrix is independent of sources’ voltage,
current and impedances
 It depends only on the line parameters in the network
 Ybus is symmetric and invertible for the given network
 Inverse of Ybus is the bus impedance matrix Zbus
 With zero line charging admittance i.e. ys12=0, Ybus is
singular. Thus, for known current injections, node voltages
are undefined
 Physical implication - buses are not directly connected to
reference and are floating because of which voltages
cannot be measured or defined
19 June 2019 EE330A 18
Bus Admittance Matrix contd.
Steps to formulate Ybus for a given power system network are
 The (i,i) ‘diagonal term’/ ‘self admittance’/ ‘driving point
admittance’ is
Yii = ∑y
ij + ∑ 0.5 y
sij + y shi

yij − series line admittance between nodes i and j

0.5 y sij − half line charging admittance
y shi − shunt capacitor between nodes i and 0
 The (i,j) ‘off diagonal term’/ ‘mutual admittance’/ ‘transfer
admittance’ is
Yij = − yij ⇒ Yij = Y ji
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