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Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 313–317

Test Method
PVT testing of polymers under industrial processing
Sekhar Chakravorty
The Materials Centre, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW, UK

Received 25 June 2001; accepted 8 August 2001


The development of a PVT (Pressure–Volume–Temperature) equipment for measuring polymer properties at indus-
trial processing conditions is described. Results of rapid cooling (200°C/min) and high pressure (20–160 MPa) isobaric
temperature scan tests in HDPE and PP are presented. The development of a new test cell that allows PVT measurements
on thin samples (苲2 mm thick) has been reported with typical results from a commercial grade PP material. A new
generation of industrially relevant fast cooling PVT data on 10 widely used polymers have been collated on CD that
are aimed to benefit designers and engineers in the polymer processing sector. The database may also aid further
development of the commercial plastics processing software packages.  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction components. Fig. 1 shows a typical 3-D mesh display of

a hubcap, on which volume shrinkage predictions were
Shrinkage, warpage and sink marks are important made at slow and fast cooling rates (at 10°C/min and at
problems of plastic injection moulded products. Ther- 260°C/min). At slow cooling rate, the predicted shrink-
mally induced volume shrinkage of the part during coo- age was 苲1.2% in the central region as compared to
ling and thermal stresses produced during filling and 苲1.8% in the outer region, whereas at the fast cooling
packing has been related to these defects [1]. For an rate, the predicted shrinkage at the centre was 苲5% as
injection moulder to take on premium work requiring compared to 苲3% in the outer region. A difference of
tight tolerances with increased confidence and reduced up to 400% in shrinkage distribution prediction value in
scrap rates, an improved understanding of the shrinkage this component is obtained due to the cooling rate effect.
and warpage behaviour in plastic components may be Accurate prediction is, therefore, only possible when
required. The ability to predict behaviour accurately can good quality credible data relevant to industrial pro-
be expected to provide the moulder with the benefits of cessing conditions are made available to the software
reduced cycle times, reduced time to market and reduced companies. This is also particularly true for a moulder
scrap rates with consequent commercial benefits. launching new products to ensure mould design is right
Commercial software packages, such as Moldflow/C- first time. In addition, it is also important to be able to
Mold, are available which have the capability of pre- optimise processing conditions and to modify the choice
dicting the shrinkage and warpage behaviour in plastic of polymer with ease each time requirements change.
Plastics processing, such as injection moulding, is a
rapid, high pressure process where both cooling rate and
pressure play critical roles for the final component
dimensions. The degree of crystallinity in semi-crystal-
line polymers depends on the rate of cooling, molecular
* Tel.: +44-(0)20-8943-6919; fax: +44-(0)20-8943-6046. structure, shear and pressure history, presence of nucleat-
E-mail address: sekhar.chakravorty@npl.co.uk (S. ing agents etc. Properties of semi-crystalline polymers
Chakravorty). are particularly sensitive to the rate of cooling. Under

0142-9418/02/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 9 4 1 8 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 8 9 - 7
314 S. Chakravorty / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 313–317

a need to introduce fast cooling rate effects into both

PVT measurements and modelling software.

2. Results and discussion

The demand for accurate and relevant data by the

designers, process engineers and software manufacturers
who evaluate the relationships between PVT behaviour
of polymers at high pressures and at high cooling rates
is increasing. Until recently most of the experimental
PVT data in the literature were reported either in equilib-
rium state [5] or at slow (maximum 10°C/min) cooling
rates ([4,6]) that are far from being the actual conditions
experienced during polymer processing. In addition, the
sample size has also not been given proper consideration
in the reported PVT results, hence, the data published
cannot be related directly to the actual component part
In response to these measurement problems, the
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the UK has
Fig. 1. 3-D mesh display of a hubcap from Moldflow
developed a rapid cooling PVT equipment (jointly with
(diameter 410 mm, thickness 4–5 mm).
SWO/Haake GmbH) by incorporating a number of novel
technical features. The measurement of critical PVT
parameters is now possible, for the first time, at fast coo-
fast cooling rates, the transition to the crystalline phase ling rates (up to 300°C/min), at high pressures (up to
occurs at lower temperatures [a downward shift of 250 MPa) and at high melt temperatures (up to 420°C)
苲100°C in transition temperature due to fast cooling in with the measurement capability down to sub-zero tem-
a polyamide has been reported [2]]. The degree of peratures (to ⫺100°C) on samples of thickness down to
change from slow cooling rates to fast cooling rates 2 mm in iso-baric and iso-thermal conditions, bringing
depends on the molecular structure, the degree to which the NPL PVT testing close to industrial polymer pro-
the material shrinks, and also due to the change in cessing conditions [7,8].
material density. Changes induced by crystallisation, in An example of the fast cooling PVT plots from a high
particular, have been found to significantly influence density polyethylene (HDPE) is shown in Fig. 2 under
shrinkage and warpage values. Several other factors such a range of pressures between 20–160 MPa and at a coo-
as visco-elastic behaviour of polymers, variable mould ling rate of 200°C/min (the temperature, in this case, was
temperature profile due to non-uniform cooling, and mol- measured in the metal barrel, 苲1 mm away from the melt
ecular and fibre orientations, also contribute directly to surface in a 7.8 mm diameter test cell). The isobaric coo-
actual shrinkage and warpage values in moulded parts ling plots show the typical “S” shape at all given press-
[1]. ures indicating phase transition regions. These regions
Pressure is known to induce molecular order and shift (and hence, the shape), however, become sharper in slow
polymer melting points (Tm), crystallisation temperatures cooling tests where the crystallisation rate is relatively
(Tcrys) or glass transition temperatures (Tg) to higher tem- slow (Fig. 3). Likewise, semi-crystalline polymers would
peratures. It is, therefore, important to understand the show phase transition regions more clearly than amorph-
pressure dependence of Tm, Tcrys and Tg from both practi- ous materials since the density would increase with crys-
cal (i.e. machine settings) and theoretical (i.e. free vol- tallisation. In general, the onset of crystallisation greatly
ume, compressibility effects) viewpoints [3]. varies between about 250°C to 120°C in most polymers
Cooling rate plays a critical role in polymer processing (150°C to 120°C in HDPE) due to differences in material
because materials experience rapid cooling when trans- types as well as applied pressures and moderately depen-
ferring from the melt to the solid state [4]. Like pressure, dent on the cooling rates. Increasing pressure increases
cooling rates also influence the parameters (Tcrys and Tg) the onset temperature of crystallisation. The end of crys-
but in this case, their positions are shifted to lower tem- tallisation in most polymers takes place between the tem-
peratures. Since most Pressure–Volume–Temperature peratures 50°C and 100°C (50°C–70°C in HDPE). The
(PVT) data on polymeric materials are only available shrinkage due to melt compressibility is generally found
under slow cooling rates (maximum 10°C/min) which to be 10–20% in polymers (苲10% in HDPE) with the
rarely occur in commercial injection moulding, there is highest values obtained in TPE, PS, ABS and PVC. The
S. Chakravorty / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 313–317 315

Fig. 2. Fast controlled cooling PVT test results to sub-zero temperature: HDPE, cooling rate 200°C/min, sample thickness 3.9 mm,
isobaric temperature scan runs.

Fig. 3. Slow cooling PVT test results in HDPE. Cooling rate 5°C/min, sample thickness 3.9 mm, isobaric runs.

overall shrinkage in the test samples is found to vary improvement is also expected to indicate the extent of any
between 20–25% in all polymers including a change of temperature gradient present in the rapidly cooled test
10–15% in value due to crystallisation. samples, thus benefiting the PVT measurement from better
In order to assess the correct shrinkage values in the understanding of the morphology and related shrinkage
specimen, it was necessary to ensure that the entire sample behaviour in polymeric materials [9,10].
becomes solid in rapid cooling tests before the test is over. A new design of the test cell based on piston/cylinder
This led to further development of the NPL equipment, type geometry (Fig. 4) has been developed at NPL which
which enabled it to operate under sub-zero temperatures enables PVT measurements to be carried out on thin annu-
(i.e. down to ⫺100°C) from the melt temperature (see Fig. lar samples (苲2 mm thick). The PVT data thus generated
2) at a constant cooling rate of up to 300°C/min and at would be closer to typical component part thickness. It is
pressures between 30 and 250 MPa. This particular also expected that any temperature gradient present in the
316 S. Chakravorty / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 313–317

conditions. This facility is expected to help the plastics

industry to optimise processing parameters. A new gener-
ation of industrially relevant fast cooling PVT data on 10
widely used polymers is now available on CD, which
could benefit further development of the computer simul-
ation software packages such as Moldflow. Engineers and
designers in the polymer processing sector may gain better
understanding of the shrinkage and warpage behaviour in
their products from these new industrial PVT data.

Fig. 4. Test cell sealants for 2 mm thick annular sample (in Acknowledgements
the centre).
The author would like to thank the members of the
IAG on “Measurement Methods Relating to the Pro-
thicker test samples would be drastically reduced in this
cessing of Plastics” for their kind support and advice and
case. Results of PVT tests on 2 mm thick samples of poly-
to the following staff members of NPL for their help and
propylene (PP) at 400 bar pressure are shown in Fig. 5
useful discussions: C.S. Brown, P. Alder, L. Sharma and
at various cooling rates using the newly developed test
C. Hobbs. The work reported here was carried out under
cell. The typical “S” shape of the isobaric cooling plots
the EID “Measurements for Processability of Materials
indicate the onset and the end of crystallisation regions in
(MPM) Programme” financed by the United Kingdom
this material and show a maximum difference of 苲5% in
Department of Trade and Industry.
shrinkage value (specific volume) compared to the data
obtained from similar PVT tests on 3.9 mm thick samples
in a 7.8 mm diameter test cell (Fig. 5).

[1] R.Y. Chang, B.D. Tsaur, Polym. Eng. Sci. 35 (15)

3. Conclusions (1995) 1222.
[2] M. Mahishi, C-Mold News 10 (4) (1998) 4.
The NPL PVT equipment is the only one of its kind in [3] S. Yang, M. Ke, ANTEC’93, 1993, p. 2182.
the world that had been modified to make measurements [4] R.Y. Chang, C.H. Chen, K.S. Su, Polym. Eng. Sci. 36 (13)
of critical PVT parameters close to injection moulding (1996) 1789.

Fig. 5. PVT test results in 2 mm annular and 7.8 mm diameter cells, polypropylene, 400 bar pressure, isobaric runs.
S. Chakravorty / Polymer Testing 21 (2002) 313–317 317

[5] P. Zoller, D. Walsh, Standard PVT Data for Polymers, [8] S. Chakravorty, NPL report CMMT (A)244, December
Technomic Co, 1995. 1999.
[6] S. Chakravorty, C.S. Brown, NPL report DMM (D)262, [9] S. Chakravorty, Plastics and Adhesives News newsletter,
June 1995. issue 6, NPL, 2000.
[7] C.B. Hobbs, C.S. Brown, NPL report CMMT (A)163, [10] S. Chakravorty, Plastics and Adhesives News newsletter,
February 1999. issue 7, NPL, 2001.

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