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Developing Students’ Writing Skill in Analytical Exposition

Text through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

A Paper

Submitted to the English Education Program of IPI Garut as a Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


English Education Program

Faculty of Social Science, Language, and Literature Education
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

1.1 The Background to the Topic (main idea= Writing is comples activity
In globalization era, writing skill becomes one of the most important skills
in learning language since writing is a skill which makes students be more creative
and productive. According to (Hussein, 2015) “Writing is a productive skill in
which learners need to use all the means they have such as syntactic, lexical,
rhetorical and discoursal knowledge to perform certain writing tasks”. With
mastered this skill, it can help students in the future, such as if students want to
looking for a job, they should write an application letter first to get a job. On the
other side, the importance of writing skill is supported by many opportunities to
study abroad through scholarship channel. To get schoolarship, students must write
an interesting application essay about their personal statement. Insist in (Madjid,
Emzir, & Akhadiah, 2017) The ability to write a scientific work (academic) is a
competence that must be owned by students as candidates scholars.
Emilia (2005) found that most students considered writing a difficult
subject. It is because in writing students must take so much time to master
competently. Students have to think about ideas that will be developed in writing.
consequently, sometime it tends to be a boring lesson. In line with several experts
including Nunan (1995), Brown (2001) and Harmer (2007) as cited in (Togatorop,
2015) “Writing is a very complex activity for its complicated components such as
the development of ideas, syntax, grammar, organization, vocabulary, content,
communication skills, use of punctuation.”
According to the matters above, the teachers have to apply suitable
approach to teach writing especially analytical exposition text. In line with this,
(Wilkins, 1983) said that the students’ learning depends on the effectiveness of the
teachers’ technique. Therefore, use of various approaches are necessary for
motivating students in learning English especially writing, as well as for adjusting
the material and avoiding the students’ boredom. By mastering a good approach in
teaching learning process, the teacher will be able to perform well in the teaching
learning process and simultaneously will be able to achieve the target.
In this research, the researcher using Contextual Teaching and Learning
(CTL) approach to be one of approaches that can be used to increase students’ skill
in writing analytical exposition text of second year Vocational High School. In line
with ( Berns & Patricia, 2001) “Contextual teaching and learning helps students
connect the content they are learning to the life contexts in which that content could
be used". This approach will make students more understand and enjoy in writing,
since they link the academic materials with the real life or their personal
experiences which makes them easier in expressing their opinions in making the
text. Then, In CTL students are taught how to think critically also required to
express the ideas argumentatively. It will facilitate students' writing skill.
Research of Contextual Teaching and learning has been conducted by
several researchers, the first is by (Nawas, 2018) in “International Journal of
Management and Applied Science” entitled Contexual Teaching and Learning
(CTL) Approach Through REACT Strategies On Improving The Students’ Critical
Thinking in Writing, conclude that the using of CTL approach through REACT
strategies on developing the students’ writing skill which implemented to the third-
grade students of Islamic Senior High School in Indonesia has positive impact to
the students achievement in writing. It is shown by the result of the difference data
from control and experimental group because a quasi experimental design was
employed in his research. His research result showed that there was a statistically
significant difference between the achievement of the experimental group and
control group on post-test. Thus the using of Contextual Teaching and Learning
(CTL) approach is effective in improving students’ critical thinking in writing. The
second is conducted by (Hasani, 2016) in “Academic Journals” entitled Enhancing
Argumentative Writing Skill through Contextual Teaching and Learning. This
research was conducted in one of universities in Indonesia. A quasi-experimental
design was employed in this research. The result between experimental and control
group were different. This research showed that the students from group Contextual
Teaching and Learning (experimental group) was better than students from group
non Contextual Teaching ad Learning (control group).
However, if in the previous research on CTL above, the participants were
Islamic Senior High School students and students college, then their focus on
critical thinking in writing and argumentative writing. So, in this research, the
researcher is more interested in using Contextual Teaching and Learning at
Vocational Students in developing writing Analytical Exposition Text. Thus the
title of this paper is “Developing Students’ Writing Skill in Analytical Exposition
Text through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)”.
1.2 The Reason for Choosing the Topic
The researcher chooses the topic for several reasons:
1. Writing is a difficult and boring skill in language learning, but it is very
important to be mastered by students. (ceuk saha?)
2. Analytical exposition text is one of the genres which there in materials of second
grade students of Vocational School. On the other side, the researcher thinks that
analytical exposition text is one of the difficult texts in second grade of
Vocational School.
3. By using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach in teaching
analytical exposition text, students are expected to be able to express their idea
to make analytical exposition text creatively. In addition students will be more
enjoy in learning it.
1.3 The Research Problem
This study project is mainly aimed at verifying the significances effect of
using CTL approach in developing students’ writing skill in analytical exposition
text that is actually related to language abilities.
To this end, the following question is posed:
“Is there significant effect of using CTL approach in developing students’
writing skill in analytical exposition text?”
1.4 The Objectives of Research
Based on the problems above, the objectives of this research is to find out
whether there is significant difference of students’ writing skill in analytical
exposition text after being taught by using Contextual Teaching and Learning
(CTL) approach.
1.5 Hypothesis of the Research
From the discussions above, there are two hypotheses that have been
1) Hypothesis Null (H0): there is no significant effect of using CTL approach in
developing students’ writing skill in analytical exposition text.
2) Hypothesis Alternative (H1): there is significant effect of using CTL approach in
developing students’ writing skill in analytical exposition text.
1.6 The Significances of Research
1. Theoretically, the result of this research will enrich the theory of teaching and
learning writing especially in writing analytical exposition text through
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), and the result of this research can
be used as the references for those who want to conduct a research in the
same field in the diffrent focus.
2. Practically, this research will give understanding dealing with the
implementation, its influence, and the effectiveness of teaching analytical
exposition text through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). In
addition, it will become a reflection to the teachers in the process of teaching
and learning activities, for the researcher, it will give a direct experience and
understanding of the using of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the
teaching analytical exposition.
3. Professionally, this study is expected to, as other studies of the same field
have been intended to, provide information that can be utilized to prepare
syllabus and instructional materials.
1.5 The Scope of the Research
The research is focused to figure out the effect of using Contextual
Teaching and Learning (CTL) approch on developing students’ writing skill in
analytical exposition text. Furthermore,this research is carried out to the second
year students in Vocational School.
1.6 The Definition of Key Term
In this research there are some terms clarified to avoid misunderstanding as
1. Writing is one of productive skills which involves communicating a message
by making signs, forming letters and words, and joining them into a series of
sentences that link together to communicate that message (Pulverness , Spratt,
& Williams, M., 2005).
2. An analytical exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to
persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case (Anderson &
Anderson, 1997).
3. Contextual Teaching and Learning is an educational process that aims to help
students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting
academic subjects with the context of their daily lives, that is, with context of
their personal, social, and cultural circumstance. (Johnson, 2002)
Anderson, M., & Anderson, K. (1997). Text Types in English. South Yarra: Macmillan Education
Australia PTY Ltd.

Berns, R. G., & Patricia, M. E. (2001). Contextual Teaching and Learning: Preparing Students for
the New Economy. The Highlight Zone Research @Work.

Emilia, E. (2005). A Critical Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Academic Writing in A Tertiary

EFL Context in Indonesia.

Hasani, A. (2016). Enhancing Argumentative Writing Skill through Contextual Teaching and
Learning . Academic Journals.

Hussein, H. E.-g. (2015). The Effect of A Proposed Strategy-Based Writing Model on EFL
Learners' Writing Skills. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 99.

Johnson, E. B. (2002). Contextual Teaching and Learning: What it is and Why it is Here to Stay.
California, United State of America: Corwin Press Inc.

Madjid, S., Emzir, & Akhadiah, S. (2017). Improving Academic Writing Skills through Contextual
Teaching Learning for Students of Bosowa University Makassar. Journal of Education,
Teaching and Learning, 268.

Nawas, A. (2018). Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Approach Through React Strategies
On Improving The Students’ Critical Thinking In Writing. International Journal of
Management and Applied Science, 47.

Pulverness , A., Spratt, M., & Williams, M. (2005). The TKT (teaching knowledge test) Course.
Cambridge: Cambridge Press.

Togatorop, E. (2015). Teaching Writing with a Web Based Collaborative Learning. International
Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 247.

Wilkins, D. A. (1983). Second Language Learning And Teaching. London: Edward.

Yi, J.-Y. (2009). Defining Writing Ability for Classroom Writing Assessment in. Pan-Pacific
Association of Applied Linguistics, 53.
5. References of Chapter 1
Anderson, M. and Anderson, K. (1997). Text Types in English. South Yarra: Macmillan
Education Australia PTY Ltd.
Berns, R. G. and Erickson, P. M. (2001). Contextual Teaching and Learning: Preparing
Students for the New Economy. The Highlight Zone: Research @Work,5.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. (2013). Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum:
Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Madrasah Aliyah. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
Emilia, E. (2005). A Critical Genre-Based Approach to Teaching Academic Writing in
A Tertiary EFL Context in Indonesia. Vol.1. Melbourne: The University of
Hudson, C.C., & Whisler, V.R. Contextual Teaching and Learning for Practitioners.
Adult and Career Education Valdosta State University, 6 (4), p. 54.
Hussein, E.M.H. (2015). The effect of a proposed strategy-based writing model on efl
learners' writing skills. International Journal of English Language Teaching, 3 (4),
pp. 98-224.
Hyland, K. (2009). Teaching and Researching Writing. Second edition. London:
pearson Education Limited.
Johnson, E.B. (2002). Contextual Teaching and Learning: What it is and Why it is Here
to Stay, United State of America: Corwin Press, Inc.
Katrini, Y.E. & Farikah. (2015). Analysis of Theme of the Analytical Exposition Texts
Written by the Third Semester Students of English Department of Tidar
University. International Journal of English and Education, 4 (3).
Muijs, D. (2003). Doing Quantitative Research in Quantitative with SPSS. London:
Sage Publication.
Pulverness, A., Spratt, M., and Williams, M. (2005). The TKT (teaching knowledge test)
Course. Cambridge: Cambridge Press.
Rafida, T. (2016). Observing Contextual Teaching And Learning On Students’
Achievement In Writing Recount Text. International journal of English
Language Teaching, 4 (9), pp. 57-68.
Septiani, R. (2016). Improving Students’ Analytical Exposition Text Writing Ability
Through Collaborative Writing Strategy in Second Year of SMA DCC Global
Bandar Lampung. (a script). University of Lampung. Indonesia.
Togatorop, E. (2015). Teaching Writing with a Web Based Collaborative Learning.
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5, p. 247-256.
Wicaksono, A. (2016). Improving Student’s Ability in Writing Recount Text through
Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach at The Second Grade Student of XI
Exact 1of SMAN 2 Palopo. (Thesis). UIN Alaudddin Makassar. Indonesia.
Pentingnya keterampilan menulis tumbuh seiring dengan meningkatnya
interaksi / transaksi dan peluang untuk belajar di luar negeri. Tren saat ini untuk
tes standar seperti TOEFL untuk mencakup keterampilan ini di bagian tes wajib,
dan penekanan pada keterampilan menulis di Korea, adalah bukti dari
meningkatnya perhatian
dibayar untuk keterampilan ini. Studi tertentu (mis. Lee, 2007) telah menemukan
bahwa banyak guru dari
Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah Korea menggunakan penilaian tulisan
dalam kursus bahasa Inggris mereka sebagai a
cara mengevaluasi kinerja, bahkan dalam kursus lain selain kursus menulis
bahasa Inggris.
The importance of writing skills is growing in tandem with increasing international
interactions/transactions and opportunities to study abroad. The current trend for
standardised tests such as TOEFL to cover this skill in compulsory sections of tests,
and the emphasis on writing skills in Korea, are evidence of the increasing attention
paid to this skill. Certain studies (e.g. Lee, 2007) have found that many teachers of
English in Korean high schools use writing assessment in their English courses as a
way of evaluating performance, even in other courses than English writing courses.

Pentingnya keterampilan menulis tumbuh seiring dengan meningkatnya interaksi / transaksi internasional dan
peluang untuk belajar di luar negeri. Tren saat ini untuk tes standar seperti TOEFL untuk mencakup
keterampilan ini di bagian tes wajib, dan penekanan pada keterampilan menulis di Korea, adalah bukti dari
meningkatnya perhatian yang diberikan pada keterampilan ini. Studi tertentu (mis. Lee, 2007) telah
menemukan bahwa banyak guru Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah Korea menggunakan penilaian menulis
dalam kursus bahasa Inggris mereka sebagai cara mengevaluasi kinerja, bahkan dalam kursus lain selain kursus
menulis bahasa Inggris. (Yi, 2009)

(Indra, 2017)
4. Persiapkan aplication essay

Berbagai universitas di Amerika Serikat disebut sebagai universitas bergengsi kelas dunia.
Tidak heran jika jutaan orang dari berbagai penjuru dunia ikut melamar terutama di
universitas yang memegang predikat sebagai Ivy Leauge Collage, seperti Harvard
University, Yale University, Princeton University, dan lain sebagainya.
Maka untuk mengenal pelamar lebih jauh pihak universitas meminta untuk menulis esai
tentang personal statement.
"Esai ini menarik karena harus stand out dari applicant lainnya. Kita harus menunjukka sisi
yang tidak biasa, tapi pilih angle cerita menarik yang bisa menggambarkan diri sendiri dan
pengalaman yang membedakan diri dari orang lain," papar Satrio.

Dalam esai tersebut dianjurkan untuk menjadi diri sendiri dengan sentuhan yang bersifat
personal dan tulus dalam menceritakan ketertarikan terhadap universitas dan jurusan yang

"Buat kalimat pertama dari personal statement stand out. Cari hal yang menarik dalam diri
tuangkan ke personal statement agar lebih menonjol," jelas Ivania Livia Hartanto yang
sedang mengeyam pendidikan di Cornell University.

5. Letter of recommendation

Surat rekomendasi bisa diberikan oleh guru di sekolah. Lebih lanjut Satrio menyarakankan
agar surat rekomendasi dibuat oleh guru yang benar-benar mengenal sosok pelamar agar
dapat menulis surat rekomendasi yang menarik dan tidak bersifat umum untuk menarik
perhatian admission officer. (tab/rah)

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