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From Founders desk,

The joint entrance exam (JEE) to India’s premier engineering institutions (IITs, IIITs,
NITs, ISM, IISERs and other private engineering colleges) and prestigious bachelor`s degree
in mathematics in Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI) , Institute of mathematical
sciences (IMSC) , Indian statistical institute (ISI) aims to serve as a common national-level
entrance test.
Aspirants applying for various entrance examinations cannot bank solely on
conventional shortcut method to crack these exams. Conventional techniques alone, are not
enough as most of the questions asked in the exams are based on concepts rather than just
formula. Hence, it is necessary for the students appearing for entrance exams to not only
gain thorough knowledge and understanding of the subject, but it is mandatory to develop
problem-solving skills to be able to relate their understanding of subject to real-life
At first bench, we have designed a series of stack books (1-7) and
Packets to help students to get an all-around grasp of the subject, to be able to make it
useful applications in all its contexts. Further, it uses the right mix of fundamental concepts.
The solved examples which highlight the application of these concepts, and exercises for
practice. The Packets feature Graded levels of assignments containing problems of varying
are given on each topic to test the comprehension & analytical ability
of the Students. The level 1 and 2 are MCQs, level 3 contains more than one correct,
assertion, reason, matching column, comprehensive and integer type questions. These
problem levels have skilfully been set to help students develop a sound problem-solving
methodology. Our archive section includes all previous year entrance examination
questions to understand the trends.
It is imperative to note that stack books would be as profound and useful as you
want it to be. Therefore, in order to get maximum benefit, First bench recommends the
following study plan for each chapter.
• Go through the entire opening discussion about the fundamentals and concepts.
• After understanding theory/concepts, solve the problems in the packets.
We wish you to accomplish success in your career!
-Salai Arjun
Founder (First bench)

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