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Duration: 60 minutes
Total: 40 points

Circle the correct answer.

1. The syllable contains:

A zero onset B onset and coda
C onset and rhyme D peak and coda [2 points]

2. Which of these is the correct syllabification of the word examination?

A  B 
C  D 

[2 points]

3. The study of the possible phoneme combinations of a language is called ____________________.

The division into syllables partially overlaps with the division into ___________________________.
[2 points]
4. Primary and secondary accents always entail a:
A strong pitch B weak stress
C strong stress D weak pitch [2 points]

5. Compounds which contain metaphors and other comparisons according to similarity have:

A late accent B front accent

C early accent D primary accent [2 points]

6. Which of these are stress-neutral suffixes?

A -eer, -elle, -enne B -ese, -ian, -ic
C -atory -ee, -ful D -er, -ist, -ly [2 points]

7. In the English language the intervals between _____________ syllables tend to be of approximately
equal duration. This characteristic is known as _________________.
A stressed/isochrony B stressed/rhythm
C unstressed/rhythm D unstressed/isochrony [2 points]

8. Tertiary accented syllables may be found in the _____________________.

A head and prehead only B tail only
C prehead, head and tail D prehead only
[2 points]

9. Words which have a narrower meaning than a previously used word or phrase are ______________
because they are considered to be______________:
A deaccented/old B accented/given
C accented/new D deaccented/new [2 points]

10. Rising direction of the nucleus indicates:

A new information B completeness
C speaker’s negative attitude D incompleteness
[2 points]

11. The primary accent in an English utterance is typically placed on the:

A first content word B first function word
C last content word D last function word [2 points]

12. What is the difference between open and closed lists?


[2 points]

13. The term climbing head is a synonym for the:

A complex high level head B complex low rising head
B simple high head D simple low head

[2 points]

14. Mark the accents in the following words (no phonemic transcription necessary):

clockwise aristocracy volunteer preferable

[4 points]

15. Mark the accents in the following compounds (no phonemic transcription necessary):

drinking water best man greenhouse pork pie

[4 points]

16. Describe the intonation pattern of utterance B, dividing it into parts (with cuts) and analyzing it.
Please underline the nucleus. (Sentence A is only given to clarify the context.)

A: I must \write to him.

B: It would be better to ºgo and ˅see him.
[4 points]

Provide at least one adjective or phrase which best describes the attitude of the speaker in the utterance
given above.
[2 points]

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