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Design Information

• report_design provides a summary on operating conditions, derating factors,

wire load models, and design rules like maximum capacitance, transition and

• report_clock provides a summary of all clocks in the design including generated

clocks with their sources and their attributes (propagated or ideal clocks).

• report_disable_timing provides a summary of all the timing arcs that are

disabled in the design.

• report_case_analysis reports all the nets or pins that are constrained to

appropriate values for proper propagation.

Constraint Checking
• check_timing -verbose is a powerful construct in Primetime and is recommended
to run on all designs to check the constraints. Primetime can report unconstrained
clocks in the design, combinational timing loops, inputs or outputs that are not
constrained, multiple clocks clocking the same flop or flops that do not have a
clock defined on them. This aids the designer to identify incorrect or undefined
constraints earlier in the cycle.

• report_constraint generates a summary of all the constraint violations including

setup/hold and the amount by which the design violates the constraint. Usage and
offers available in this construct are

report_constraint -all_violators -verbose

By default, report_constraint generates all the violations in the design and the reports
can be segregated by using appropriate switches. For example, to report only max fanout
violations, a -max_fanout switch can be added.

report_constraint -all_violators -verbose -max_fanout

report_constraint -all_violators -verbose -max_delay
report_constraint -all_violators -verbose -min_delay
report_constraint -all_violators -verbose -max_capacitance
report_constraint -all_violators -verbose -recovery
report_constraint -all_violators -verbose -removal

Timing Reports
• report_timing reports design timing information for each path group (or clock
group) and offers several switches to segregate the timing results based on max
delay, min delay, recovery, removal etc. The level of detail that can be viewed in
the reports can also be customized. Simple syntax for this construct is

# To report timing from one clock group to another (max_delay, setup)

report_timing -from [get_clocks clk1] -to [get_clocks clk2] -delay max

# To report flop to flop timing (min_delay timing, hold)

report_timing -from [get_pins my_count_lden_reg/clk] -to [get_pins
count_0_reg/lden] -delay min

# Detailed timing report that traces clocks at both launch and capture flops with all nets,
input pins and a maximum of 1000 paths.
report_timing -from [get_clocks clk] -to [get_clocks clk] -path full_clock_expanded
-nets \
-input_pins -capacitance -transition -max_paths 1000 -nworst 100 -delay max

Switches that are often used in report_timing include

report_timing # Report timing paths

[-from from_list] (From pins, ports, nets, or clocks)
[-rise_from rise_from_list] (Rising from pins, ports, nets, or clocks)
[-fall_from fall_from_list] (Falling from pins, ports, nets, or clocks)
[-through through_list] (Through pins, ports, or nets)
[-to to_list] (To pins, ports, nets, or clocks)
[-rise_to rise_to_list] (Rising to pins, ports, nets, or clocks)
[-fall_to fall_to_list] (Falling to pins, ports, nets, or clocks)
[-delay_type delay_type] (Type of path delay:
Values: max, min, min_max, max_rise, max_fall, min_rise, min_fall)
[-nworst paths_per_endpoint] (List N worst paths to endpoint:Value >= 1)
[-max_paths count] (Maximum number of paths per path group to output: Value >= 1)
[-path_type format] (Format for path report:Values: full, full_clock, short, end,
summary, full_clock_expanded)
[-input_pins] (Show input pins in path)
[-nets] (List net names)
[-transition_time] (Display transition time for each pin)
[-capacitance] (Display total capacitance for each net)
[-slack_lesser_than slack_limit] (Display paths with slack less than this)
[-slack_greater_than slack_limit] (Display paths with slack greater than this)



=== TEST_SCLK ===

Period: 4.545 ns

Slack: 0.524 ns

Target: 220 MHz

Actual: 249 MHz


Report : timing

-path_type full_clock_expanded

-delay_type max



-nworst 10

-max_paths 10000


-group **clock_gating_default**



Design : drmdma_t

Version: D-2009.12-SP2

Date : Thu Aug 12 13:31:32 2010



zless rpts/PtTimFuncTT0p85vtyprc110ctt0p85v110cRouteSiStp/tie_fanout.rpt.gz

Total number of violations: 0


Information: Activating steady state resistance estimation mode for library

forceUnits_tsmc28hp_tt0p85v110c. (NOISE-001)

Report : timing

-path_type full

-delay_type max



-nworst 10

-max_paths 10000





Design : drmdma_t

Version: D-2009.12-SP2

Date : Wed Aug 11 12:11:09 2010

zless rpts/PtTimFuncTT0p85vtyprc110ctt0p85v110cRouteSiStp/si_qor.rpt.gz


Report : qor

Design : drmdma_t

Version: D-2009.12-SP2

Date : Wed Aug 11 12:13:23 2010

Timing Path Group 'async_default' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 15

Critical Path Length: 8.99793

Critical Path Slack: -0.50182

Total Negative Slack: -23.37672

No. of Violating Paths: 68


Timing Path Group 'clock_gating_default' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 11

Critical Path Length: 45.21947

Critical Path Slack: -0.65381

Total Negative Slack: -1.25667

No. of Violating Paths: 15


Timing Path Group 'JTAG_TCLK' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 14

Critical Path Length: 3.20883

Critical Path Slack: 5.23249

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0


Timing Path Group 'SCLK' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 34

Critical Path Length: 1.52422

Critical Path Slack: -0.16275

Total Negative Slack: -295.89784

No. of Violating Paths: 6397



Timing Path Group 'TEMP_PCIE_REFCLK' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 9

Critical Path Length: 0.56201

Critical Path Slack: 7.76119

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0



Timing Path Group 'flop_to_io' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 20

Critical Path Length: 1.00056

Critical Path Slack: -0.22456

Total Negative Slack: -11.80751

No. of Violating Paths: 197



Timing Path Group 'io_to_flop' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 4

Critical Path Length: 8.78495

Critical Path Slack: -0.34654

Total Negative Slack: -10.26075

No. of Violating Paths: 319



Timing Path Group 'io_to_io' (max_delay/setup)


Levels of Logic: 4

Critical Path Length: 33.55542

Critical Path Slack: 0.03358

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0




Timing Path Group 'async_default' (min_delay/hold)


Levels of Logic: 3
Critical Path Length: 0.51743

Critical Path Slack: 0.07972

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0



Timing Path Group 'clock_gating_default' (min_delay/hold)


Levels of Logic: 1

Critical Path Length: 0.48892

Critical Path Slack: 0.08293

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0



Timing Path Group 'JTAG_TCLK' (min_delay/hold)


Levels of Logic: 2

Critical Path Length: 0.46976

Critical Path Slack: 0.05226

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0



Timing Path Group 'SCLK' (min_delay/hold)

Levels of Logic: 3

Critical Path Length: 0.62047

Critical Path Slack: 0.01707

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0



Timing Path Group 'TEMP_PCIE_REFCLK' (min_delay/hold)


Levels of Logic: 2

Critical Path Length: 0.06282

Critical Path Slack: 0.05309

Total Negative Slack: 0.00000

No. of Violating Paths: 0




Cell Count


Hierarchical Cell Count: 3893

Hierarchical Port Count: 208384

Leaf Cell Count: 351585





Design Area: 550031.250000




Design Rule Violations


Total No. of Pins in Design: 1371192

clock_gating_setup Count: 15

max_capacitance Count: 17

min_capacitance Count: 85

max_transition Count: 8724

max_fanout Count: 23

clock_gating_setup Cost: -1.25667

max_capacitance Cost: -0.03828

min_capacitance Cost: -0.01212

max_transition Cost: -281.95796

max_fanout Cost: -23.00000

Total DRC Cost: -306.26503


set_option route_with_si_driven true

set_option route_with_si_post_route_fix true

set_attribute -net {BOUNDBUF_N_1491} -si_post_route_fix true

hey CRPR is Clock Re-convergence Pessimism removal, its computing delay

adjustments on the clk network ,as the name says its the removal of
pessimism for the clock path .

when you set the timing analysis for BC- WC mode , the same clock path is
subjected to both fast op-cond and the slow op-cond,which introduces
pessimism .

A setup check at a flip-flop in a circuit ensures that the latest arriving signal at
the data pin arrives before the earliest arriving signal on the clock pin.
Similarly, a hold check ensures that the earliest arriving data signal arrives
after the latest arriving clock signal. The earliest or latest arriving signal on the
data pin of a flip-flop is usually triggered by another flip-flop.

If both the clock and the data signals share a portion of the clock network ,
then for common clock network , a pessimism ( maximum delay - minimum
delay ) will be introduced , we need to remove the same ,also if clk source
insertion delays are defined they do count.

On chip variation and CRPR

Posted in Static Timing Analysis by Nigam on the September 27th, 2007

Static timing analysis in a chip is largely dependent on Process, Temperature and Voltage
variations (PVT), the cell delays and interconnect delays vary largely with these factors.
Hence it is necessary to run timing analysis in both worst and best case operating
conditions and ensure we meet setup/hold requirements for the chip.

For worst case corners, we specify the chip running at high temperature, low voltage and
a slow process (high cap). For best case corner, the voltage is high, temperature is low
and a fast process (low cap). Setup is more problematic in slow corner because of larger
cell/interconnect delays and hold is more problematic in the fast corner.

Another factor that needs to be considered during timing analysis is on-chip variation
(OCV). On a single chip, there can be variations for two exactly similar gates due to other
variables during manufacturing process. This variation can be anywhere between 8-12%
and needs to be included in timing analysis for a more accurate and foolproof picture.

To add OCV analysis in Synopsys Primetime, we use timing derate factor for min/max
cases (8-12%) as shown below. This specifies that the min paths can be faster than the
max paths by 40% !

set_timing_derate –min 0.8 –max 1.2

Next, we use the “on_chip_variation” switch as shown below to enable OCV

set_operating_conditions -analysis_type on_chip_variation

However, if you look at the reports carefully, you will notice that Primetime is overtly
pessimistic i.e. if there is a common branch of clock tree between launch and capture
flops, Primetime varies this clock tree delay depending on OCV (for example, for setup
analysis, it will slow down the common clock tree branch delay for launch flop and will
fasten the same branch to capture flop!)
To counter this, Clock Reconvergence Pessimism Removal (CRPR) feature is added in
Primetime. CRPR is enabled by using the command below

set timing_remove_clock_reconvergence_pessimism true

By enabling this feature, Primetime looks at the common logic in clock and data path,
removes the difference between their max and min delays thus projecting a more realistic

For more details on OCV and CRPR, please refer to the paper at the link below.

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