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Practice Questions

Module: II Topic: Vector Space

Classes: A1+A2+C2

1. If possible, express the following vectors in the linear combinations of the vectors: = (1,0, 2),
= (0,0,1).
i. (6,0,5)
ii. (4,7, −3)
iii. (−1,0, −1)
2. Decide the dependence or independence of:
i. The vectors (1,3,2), (2,1,3), and (3,2,1).
ii. The vectors (1, −3,2), (2,1, −3), and (−3,2,1).
3. If , , are independent vectors, show that the differences = − , = − , and
= − are dependent. Find a combination of the ’ that gives zero.
4. Find the largest possible number of independence vectors among:
= (1, −1,0,0), = (1,0, −1,0),
= (1,0,0, −1), = (0,1, −1,0),
= (0,1,0, −1), = (0,0,1, −1).
5. Decide whether b is in the subspace spanned by , , , where
= (1,1,0), = (2,2,1), = (0,0,2), = (3,4,5).
6. Find the basis for each of these subspaces of 3 by 3 matrices:
i. All diagonal matrices
ii. All symmetric matrices ( = )
iii. All skew-symmetric matrices ( = − ).
7. True and false (think a good reason)?
i. If the columns of a matrix are dependent, so are the rows.
ii. The column space of a 2 by 2 matrix has the same dimension as its row space.
iii. The column space of a 2 by 2 matrix has the same dimension as its row space.
iv. The columns of a matrix are a basis for the column space.
8. Find the dimensions of these vector spaces:
i. The space of all vectors in whose components add to zero.
ii. The space of all 4 by 4 matrices.
9. Find the basis for the space of polynomial ( ) of degree ≤ 3. Find a basis for the subspace with
(1) = 0.
10. Which of the following are bases for ? Justify it.
i. (1,2,0) and (0,1, −1).
ii. (1,1, −1), (2,3,4, (4,1, −1), (0,1, −1).
iii. (1,2,2), (−1,2,1), (0,8,0).
iv. (1,2,2), (−1,2,1), (0,8,6).

Prepared by: Dr. Amit Sharma; Department of Mathematics [SAS]; VIT Vellore;; Mob: 9988005696

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