Project Name: Bitcoin Ticker Create A New Folder

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APIs Project

Project Name : Bitcoin Ticker

Create a new folder:

open this folder in terminal or cmd for create files
write the command for create new file:
create a new file index.js

open these files in code editor .

Now npm init for install package.json

Now install the express server using this command
• npm install express -S
Now install body-parser
• npm install body-parser -S

Now install nodemon

• npm install nodemon -S
Now install request
• npm install request -S

Now check the package.json file and check the all

install packages in dependencies.
Write a code in index.js :

Now add html

now write a command in terminal to run server :

see server is running on port 3000 successfully.

Now open the browser and run localhost:3000

Now use the post method and get the crypto , fiat ,
and store is variables. Amount is get from API
Now create option variable and store the all
requirements for API ..

Go this link and open the API documentation

Use price converter API
we use the API before question mark

Now use request method

Refresh the browser and see the terminal server is
running ? And check the output:

Click the check button and price is show in console

print time from API
write() method writes the specified string into a buffer, at the specified


Now refresh the browser and check the terminal server is running?

And check the output.

Enter any number in input and select any currency in given which you
want check

Project End

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