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To, Date: 28/08/2019



Letter of Appointment


We are in the business of Manpower Supply services and render these services at the site of the customer. Such service would
last during the period of each contract and subject to termination as provided in such contract. For each of our customers, we
have to engage persons on a fixed term contract which will be co-terminus with our contract / agreement entered into with our
customer for whom the person is engaged to carry out the Manpower Supply service entrusted to the Company.

With reference to the discussions we had and based in the above premises, we are pleased to appoint you on Fixed Term
Contract in our Company as Semi-Skilled with effect from 30/08/2019 and you will be posted at our site office which is located
at our customer’s site.

The following are the terms and conditions of your employment for this purpose:-

1. Your monthly wages will be as per current applicable minimum wages (Category & Zone applicable as per the law). It
may be changed time to time as per Labour Office Notifications.

Your salary will be credited to a bank account to be opened by you in any Nationalized or a Scheduled Bank, which you
should open in your name and operate as per the Company rules.

Additionally, your employment will be governed by the Rules & Regulations of the Company framed from time to time
(a copy of which will be made available to you against your request in respect of the matters not covered in this letter
of employment.

2. You will adhere to the working hours and rules and instructions given to you from time to time by your superiors in the
Company or if intimated by you by the officers, where you are posted for time to time. You will observe duty hours,
holidays and weekly offs as notified to you by the Company from time to time.

3. You may be required to work on weekly offs and holidays, whenever the premises of the customers at which you are
located are available for Semi-Skilled services.

4. You will be covered under the provisions of the PF, ESIC, MLWF, PT Act and other statutory provisions applicable to
the Company.

5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this letter of appointment, you have been engaged specifically for a fixed term
of eight (8) months from the date of this letter. Your engagement is co-terminus i.e. restricted to and limited to the
period of eight (8) months. Your engagement is limited to the said period. Consequently, your engagement comes to
end by efflux of time gets terminated for whatever reason as provided in the said service contract, your employment
will come to an end automatically without any specific intimation for that purpose. Such termination is not to be
treated as termination of your employment since it has been forced upon the company pursuant to a stipulation in

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that behalf contained in the said service contract with the customer and will be covered under the provisions of
section 2(oo) (bb) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Independently, either of the parties may terminate this contract
by giving one (1) month’s notice or notice pay in lieu thereof.

6. You will ensure that all information related to the business or trade secrets coming to your knowledge will shall be
fully protected by you and you will not divulge this to any person unless you have been authorized to do so by the
company in writing. You will also not offer to work with the customers directly or engage in any of their activities
without the knowledge or prior permission of the company.

7. Your services are liable to be terminated without any notice if you engage in any acts of insubordination, misconducts.
Your services will also be liable to be terminated without any notice if you are found drunk, or involved in consuming
drugs/intoxicants or engaged in any action, which brings disrepute to the name and/or reputation of the company or
the customer. Your services can be also discharged for committing breach of trust and confidence reposed in you by
the Management of the Company on grounds of loss of confidence if by your action or conduct you have forfeited the
confidence or trust of the company or the customer where you are deputed to work.

8. You will endeavor to also ensure that your personal habits, grooming and hygiene are as per the organizational
requirements and you will consistently maintain this during your employment tenure.

9. Your services are also subject to your retaining medical fitness to the satisfaction of the Company, during the tenure of
the this contract failing which the company will be entitled to terminate your services after giving you 30 days of
notice or pay in lieu of such notice or until the Company makes alternative arrangements and your services can be
discharged without notice or notice pay in lieu of notice. However, the company, at its discretion and based on
examination by a doctor appointed by the company may consider reappointing you under the clause once you are
found medically fit after your services were terminated.

10. You will at all times be diligent and disciplined in your work by adhering to the rules and regulations framed by the
company for this requirement from time to time and for the specific job to be performed by the Company for the

11. You will not engage in any trade or business without prior permission in writing from the company.

12. This letter of appointment will be governed by the laws of India and only the Courts at Aurangabad will have the
exclusive jurisdiction for any matters arising under this contract of employment. Any dispute in respect of any issues
arising out of this contract will be taken up only with the judicial or quasi-judicial authorities within the territorial
jurisdiction of the State you are deployed in.

The cost to company on your employment will be as per current applicable minimum wages (Category & Zone
applicable as per the law), it may be changed time to time as per Labour Office Notifications.

13. Job Responsibilities: You will be required to observe the rules and Instructions communicated from time to time and
ensure confidentiality of all Company information. You are expected to engage yourself fully in the company’s
business and not engage yourself in any other employment or business including full or part time basis.

You are requested to sign and return the duplicate copy of this letter in token of your acceptance of the terms of your
employment as stated above.

Yours faithfully,
For ___________________________________

(Name ____________________________)
Designation: _____________________

I have read and understood the letter and

as acceptance, I am signing hereunder

Sign. _______________________________

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