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What is a Drone?
It may not be necessary to explain what a drone is at this point, never better. However, we will
make a brief explanation to start from scratch on this trip.
When we talk about drones, we mean unmanned aerial vehicles , very useful tools to control
activities such as agriculture, construction, traffic, forest fires, etc. These are very economical
instruments when it comes to operating, and they offer great advantages due to their flexibility.
Can drones do the work of humans? The answer is yes. Let's see how they get it.

12 ( Twelve) Real benefits of the drone over its farms

Telling them the advantages they can get over their plots thanks to the use of the drone is
synonymous with telling them how they can help them improve their productivity .
Surely many of you live with this constant dream in mind, but who said it could not come
true? The drone, as part of the technological environment, is here to stay. Therefore, we are
willing to tell you 12 (twelve) real benefits of its use:
1. Its high topographic precision of 1cm allows to obtain data from large areas with a high
definition, completely georeferenced.
2. Its thermal and multispectral cameras allow obtaining accurate data and characteristics of
3. They allow carrying different measurement sensors (thermographic, multispectral, LiDAR
and optical).
4. Thanks to the data obtained through the drone, it is possible to obtain data from large areas
from the air , and contrast them with different sensors and analyze the real situations that the
crops suffer.
5. The information provided by drones allows accurate diagnoses of their holdings. To know,
in short, if the crops are working well from the photosynthetic point of view, if they have a
lack of a certain nutrient, or if the plants are in situations of water stress.
6. They allow to increase the quality of the crops , since they discover pests and diseases early.
7. Thanks to the data collected , the final crop production can be established or foreseen .
8. It is a fast and flexible solution, remote sensing on demand, at the service of the farmer.
9. It allows to determine productivity, optimize the production and use of inputs , and
observe the performance analysis.
10. They are able to detect harvest problems, and thus be able to act, taking corrective measures
where the problems have been detected.
11. They convert the images into maps for fertilizer application and identify the appropriate
characteristics of the land. The important thing is the prescription of inputs, and its easy
integration with different agricultural equipment and machinery.
12. They facilitate aerial inspection, the counting of plants or trees, control erosion and
topography. In short, all those factors that affect crops .
Agricultural professionals work every day to achieve better results. Although some years ago it
was unimaginable to have remote sensing tools at your disposal , such as the drone or satellite,
they are currently giving great results.
Are they aware of the impact that their decisions can cause? Do you want to get proactive
What is an agricultural GPS used for?
In the market you can acquire different types of agricultural GPS:

Manual guidance: The farmer must handle the vehicle following the instructions of the tools
Self-guided: System much more complete. It controls the vehicle indicating where it should go,
and the farmer can focus on other tasks.
Advantages autoguided versus manual guided GPS
1. The accuracy that a self-guided GPS navigator will provide will always be greater.

2. When working for many hours, the tractor driver gets tired and this translates into failures in
driving precision. Self-guided improves the experience and limits this fatigue.

Both GPS and self-guided GPS can be used in different tasks in our field.

Phytosanitary treatments : So that production is not diminished because of diseases or pests

that plague crops throughout the year. It is advisable to periodically carry out treatments with
phytosanitary products and it is good to do it with an agricultural GPS: They will tell us which
are the treated areas and which we should treat in the coming days.
Subscribers: Having the fertilized land is extremely important so that everything we raise
grows correctly, with the right substrates and not in an impoverished land. For this, the GPS will
tell you which lands need more fertilizer than others.
Harvest: When harvesting greatly facilitates the work. If what we have is a self-guided GPS, it
will be able to pick up the entire harvest automatically, guiding the harvester through the areas
where the work should be done.

Sowing : it is a benefit to the farmer because it reduces the number of workers and time savings

Field work : Many farms before receiving the planting must be tilled. Removing the soil so that
the fertilizer sits better making a land much richer in minerals.

GPS vs foam benefits

When you buy a GPS you have the ease of using it not only during the day. You can also use it
at night, Being able to perform different jobs or accelerate the different processes that you are
going to do.
These help to optimize the quality and quantity of an agricultural product, minimizing the cost
through the use of more efficient technologies to reduce the variability of a specific process, in an
environmentally clean way. This is how agricultural work is optimized, such as planting,
harvesting of fertilizers, agrochemicals, land fertilization.
Within these tools we have GPS, phmetro, hygrometer, drones

The soil phmeter has been developed in order to directly determine the pH value of the soil. With
this it is possible to quickly and accurately measure the pH value of the soil or a test taken from
the soil.
3. To do this, the electrode must penetrate the previously wet soil and read the pH value on the
4. Hygrometer. With this device, the degree of humidity of the air or atmosphere is measured.
Which helps us to make decisions in planting crops and avoid fungal diseases.


5. The use of these in agriculture, provides farmers with an information service on the water
status, level of development and health of crops, obtained practically in record time, to be able
to do sanitary treatments, irrigation or fertilizers directed to areas where these needs are
detected at the precise moment of applying them. Reducing expenses.

Some of the applications of drones in agriculture are:

1. Early detection of pests and diseases

2. Water stress detection lack of irrigation in crops allowing more efficient use of water.

3. Detection of nutritional stress in crops efficient use of fertilizers in areas what is necessary
its application

4. Effective crop spraying

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