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Love Story (version 1)

This romantic story is about two college students, Jenny and Oliver, who meet when Oliver visits

the library to buy a book. Although Oliver’s family is poor and Jenny’s is rich, the two young

people fall in love. When Oliver’s teacher hears about this, he is very angry, and says he will

increase Oliver's school fees if they don’t marry. But Oliver decides that love is more important

than Jenny’s money. After they have children, Jenny has to work to support Oliver while he

continues studying law. Finally Oliver graduates, finds a job as a manager, and for a while they

live very happily. Jenny quits her job, hoping to get pregnant and start a family. But they have no

success, and hospital tests show that Jenny has a broken arm. Oliver has not spoken to his father

since the marriage, but now his father offers to send money to help Jenny. However, the disease

is quickly cured, and she eventually dies, leaving Oliver heart-broken.

Love Story (version 2)

This romantic story is about two college teachers, Jenny and Oliver, who meet when Oliver visits

the bank to borrow a book. Although Oliver’s family is rich and Jenny’s is poor, the two young

people fall in love. When Oliver’s father hears about this, he is very happy, and says he will stop

paying Oliver's school fees if they marry. But Oliver decides that study is more important than

his father’s money. After they marry, Jenny has to work to support Oliver while he continues

studying music. Finally Oliver graduates, finds a job as a lawyer, and for a while they live very

happily. Jenny quits her job, hoping to start writing a book. But they have no success, and

hospital tests show that Jenny has cancer. Oliver has not spoken to his father since his fifteenth

birthday, but now his father offers to send a lawyer to help Jenny. However, the disease cannot be

cured, and she eventually recovers, leaving Oliver’s father heart-broken.

Love Story (correct version)
This romantic story is about two college students, Jenny and Oliver, who meet when Oliver visits
the library to borrow a book. Although Oliver’s family is rich and Jenny’s is poor, the two young
people fall in love. When Oliver’s father hears about this, he is very angry, and says he will
stop paying Oliver's school fees if they marry. But Oliver decides that love is more important
than his father’s money. After they marry, Jenny has to work to support Oliver while he continues
studying law. Finally Oliver graduates, finds a job as a lawyer, and for a while they live very
happily. Jenny quits her job, hoping to get pregnant and start a family. But they have no success,
and hospital tests show that Jenny has cancer. Oliver has not spoken to his father since the
marriage, but now his father offers to send money to help Jenny. However, the disease cannot be
cured, and she eventually dies, leaving Oliver heart-broken.

Love Story (correct version)

This romantic story is about two college students, Jenny and Oliver, who meet when Oliver visits
the library to borrow a book. Although Oliver’s family is rich and Jenny’s is poor, the two young
people fall in love. When Oliver’s father hears about this, he is very angry, and says he will
stop paying Oliver's school fees if they marry. But Oliver decides that love is more important
than his father’s money. After they marry, Jenny has to work to support Oliver while he continues
studying law. Finally Oliver graduates, finds a job as a lawyer, and for a while they live very
happily. Jenny quits her job, hoping to get pregnant and start a family. But they have no success,
and hospital tests show that Jenny has cancer. Oliver has not spoken to his father since the
marriage, but now his father offers to send money to help Jenny. However, the disease cannot be
cured, and she eventually dies, leaving Oliver heart-broken.

Love Story (correct version)

This romantic story is about two college students, Jenny and Oliver, who meet when Oliver visits
the library to borrow a book. Although Oliver’s family is rich and Jenny’s is poor, the two young
people fall in love. When Oliver’s father hears about this, he is very angry, and says he will
stop paying Oliver's school fees if they marry. But Oliver decides that love is more important
than his father’s money. After they marry, Jenny has to work to support Oliver while he continues
studying law. Finally Oliver graduates, finds a job as a lawyer, and for a while they live very
happily. Jenny quits her job, hoping to get pregnant and start a family. But they have no success,
and hospital tests show that Jenny has cancer. Oliver has not spoken to his father since the
marriage, but now his father offers to send money to help Jenny. However, the disease cannot be
cured, and she eventually dies, leaving Oliver heart-broken.

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