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Introduction of Digital Watermarking

1.1 Introduction
The popularity of World Wide Web demonstrated the commercial potential of offering
multimedia resources through the digital networks. Since commercial interests seek to use
the digital network to offer digital media for profit, they have a strong interest in protecting
their ownership rights. The digital data can be processed, accessed, and it can be
transmitted very quickly using networks. There are numerous technical, legal, and
organisational problems which arise when there is wide scale use of digital documents.

Digital information can be copied any number of times from one medium to another; they
can be transmitted through networks, etc., all without compromising the quality of the data.
There is no way to distinguish between an original electronic documents and its copy. It is
easy to change any part of an un protected electronic document. One possibility here is to
replace original signatures with cryptographic methods .Digital signature is data items
formed by the signatory and created from the document that is to be signed.

It relates the documents to the signatory in a secure and reliable way. The signature of one
document cannot be used to sign another, even if the two documents in question differ by
just a single character. Digital watermarking has been proposed as one way to accomplish

Also advanced Internet services enabled the users to create copy and distribute multimedia
products such as audio, video, and still images with much ease and less effort, minimum or
no cost, and in less time.

Though it encouraged trading on the Internet, but on the other hand it has created the
problem of illegal copying or copyright infringement. E-commerce has become a
significant business with well-established online shopping services, and online delivery of
digital media such as audio and video. Thus, protection of digit alrights assumed a primary
importance in the digital age.

1.2 History of Watermarking

Although paper was invented in China over a thousand years ago, the Europeans only
began to manufacture it in the 11th and 12th centuries, after Muslims had established the
first paper mills in Spain. Soon after its invention, Chinese merchants and missionaries
transmitted paper, and knowledge of papermaking, to neighboring lands such as Japan,
Korea, and Central Asia. It was there that Muslims first encountered it in the 8th century.
Islamic civilization spread knowledge of paper and papermaking to Iraq, Syria, Egypt,
North Africa and

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finally, Spain .Most accounts of the history of paper focus either on its Origins in China or
its development in Europe, and simply disregard the centuries when knowledge of paper
and papermaking spread throughout the Islamic lands. Some of this neglect is due to the
difficulty of studying Islamic paper, since Islamic papers, unlike later European papers, do
not have watermarks and are consequently very difficult to localize and date .This explains
why the oldest watermarked paper found in archives dates back to 1292, in Fabriano, Italy.
The marks were made by adding thin wire patterns to the paper molds. The paper would be
slightly thinner where the wire was and hence more transparent. At the end of 13th century
about 40 paper mills were sharing the paper market in Fabriano and producing paper with
different format, quality and price. Competition was very high and it was difficult for any
party to keep track of paper provenance and thus format and quality identification. The
introduction of watermarks was the best method to eliminate any possibility of confusion.
The digitization of today’s world has expanded the watermarking concept to include digital
approaches for use in authenticating
ownership claims and protecting proprietary interests .

1.3 Overview of Digital Watermarking

Information hiding (or data hiding) is a general term encircling a wide range of problems
beyond the embedding messages in content. The term hiding can refer to either for
information imperceptibility (watermarking) or information secrecy (steganography).
Watermarking and steganography are two important sub disciplines of information hiding
that are closely related to each other and may be coincide but with different underlying
properties, requirements and designs, thus result in different technical solutions
.Steganography is a term derived from the Greek words steganos, which means “covered,”
and graphia, which means “writing.” It is the art of concealed communication. The
existence of a message is secret.

Examples include invisible ink which would glow over a flame used by both the British and
Americans to communicate secretly during the American Revolution and hidden text using
invisible ink to print small dots above or below letters and by changing the heights of letter-
strokes in texts used by German spies in World Wars. Watermarking which a term used
back from paper watermarking, on the other hand has the additional concept of resilience
against attempts to remove the hidden data. This is because the information hidden by
watermarking systems is
always associated to the digital object to be protected or its owner while stenographic
systems just hide any information. Robustness criteria are also different since
steganography mainly concerns with detection of hidden message while watermarking
concerns potential removal by a pirate. Besides, steganography typically relates to covert
point-to-point communication while watermarking is usually one-to-many

1.4 Definition of Digital Watermarking

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Digital watermarking can be defined as the process of embedding embedding a certain
piece of information (technically known as watermark) into multimedia content including
text documents, images, audio or video streams, such that the watermark can be detected or
extracted later to make an assertion about the data. A generalized watermark model consists
of watermark encoding and detection processes as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 .The inputs to
the embedding process are the watermark, the cover object and a secret key. The key is
used to enforce security and to protect the watermark. The output of the watermarking
scheme is the watermarked data. The channel for the watermarked data could be a lossy,
noisy, unreliable channel. Thus the received data may be different from the original
watermarked data. The inputs for extraction are the received watermarked data and the key
corresponding to the embedding key. The output of the watermark recovery process is the
recovered watermark

Fig. 1. Watermark embedding.

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Fig. 2. Watermark detection

Water mark embedding process:

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2. Purpose of Digital Watermarking
Watermarks added to digital content serve a variety of purposes. The following list details
six purposes of digital watermarking.

Fig 7: Pupose of digital watermarking

 Identify a misappropriating person.

 Trace the marked document’s dissemination through the network.
 to avoid unauthorized duplication and distribution of publicly available multimedia
 added to limit the number of copies created whereas the watermarks are modified
by the hardware and at some point would not create any more copies
 content stamped with a visible watermark that is very difficult to remove so that it
can be publicly and freely distributed
 Prove ownership.

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2.1 Examples of watermarking

Reporting or recording certain information about how the watermarked media is

being transmitted, accessed, or used.

EXAMPLE: Broadcast monitoring equipment in use today detects watermarks in

broadcasts and uses them to generate automatic reports about when, where, and how often
specific content is being aired.

EXAMPLE: Web crawlers or media player devices could look for watermarks in content
they crawl or play, and then record information about where and when specific marked
files are found or played

Providing information to the individual user

EXAMPLE: A media player device, upon reading a watermark in a file the user is
accessing, could display additional information that might interest the user, such as
metadata (information about the content), a special commercial offer, or confirmation that
the content is genuine and has not been altered. Enabling or disabling access to particular
capabilities or content.

EXAMPLE: An online service, upon reading a watermark in content a user is trying to

access, could provide the user with an updated or authorized version of the content.
Triggering an investigation, complaint, or even legal measures concerning a particular user
or distributor of watermarked content.

EXAMPLE: Watermarks embedded in infringing copies of copyrighted media content

could enable copyright holders to trace the copies back to particular users or distributors,
and potentially to launch legal action.

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3. Requirements of watermarks
To be effective in the protection of the ownership of intellectual property, the invisibly
watermarked image should satisfy several criteria:

1. The watermark must be difficult or impossible to remove, at least without visibly

degrading the original image,
2. The watermark must survive image modifications that are common to typical
image-processing applications (e.g. scaling, dithering, cropping, compression),
3. An invisible watermark should be imperceptible so as not to affect the experience of
viewing the image, and
4. For some invisible watermarking applications, watermarks should be readily detectable
the proper authorities, even if imperceptible to the average observer. Such decidability
without requiring the original, un-watermarked image would be necessary for efficient
recovery of property and subsequent prosecution.

One can understand the challenge of researchers in this field since the above requirements
compete, each with the others. The litmus test of a watermarking method would be that it is
accepted and used on a large, commercial scale, and that it stands up in a court of law.
None of the digital techniques have yet to meet these tests.

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4. Properties of digital watermarking techniques

The most important properties of digital watermarking techniques are transparency,

robustness, security, capacity, invertibility (reversibility) and complexity and possibility of
verification. Based on these parameters the algorithms can be evaluated if a specific
algorithm has adequate properties and can be used for a certain application area.

From we define the parameter as follows:

Transparency - Relates to the properties of the human sensory. A transparent

watermark causes no artifacts or quality loss.

Robustness - Describes whether the watermark can be reliably detected after media
operations. It is important to note that robustness does not include attacks on the
embedding scheme that are based on the knowledge of the embedding algorithm or
on the availability of the detector function. Robustness means resistance to “blind”,
non-targeted modifications, or common media operations. For example the Stirmark
or 2Mosaik tools attack the robustness of watermarking algorithms with geometrical
distortions. For manipulation recognition the watermark has to be fragile to detect
altered media.

Security - Describes whether the embedded watermarking information cannot be

removed beyond reliable detection by targeted attacks based on a full knowledge of
the embedding algorithm and the detector, except the key, and the knowledge of at
least one watermarked data. The concept of security includes procedural attacks,
such as the IBM attack, or attacks based on a partial knowledge of the carrier
modifications due to message embedding or embedding of templates. The security
aspect also includes the false positive detection rates.

Capacity - Describes how many information bits can be embedded. It addresses

also the possibility of embedding multiple watermarks in one document in parallel.

Invertibility - Describes the possibility to produce the original data during the
watermark retrieval.

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Complexity - Describes the effort and time we need to embed and retrieve a
watermark. This parameter is essential if we have real time applications. Another
aspect addresses whether the original data in the retrieval process or not. We need to
distinguish between non-blind and blind watermarking schemes.

5. Types of Digital Watermarks

Watermarks and watermarking techniques can be divided into various categories in
various ways. The watermarks can be applied in spatial domain. An alternative to
spatial domain watermarking is frequency domain watermarking. It has been pointed out
that the frequency domain methods are more robust than the spatial domain techniques.
Different types of watermarks are shown in the Figure .

Fig 8: Typology of digital watermarking

Watermarking techniques can be divided into two categories according to the type of
working domain:-

5.1 Spatial domain

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Spatial watermarking can also be applied using color separation. In this way, the watermark
appears in only one of the color bands. This renders the watermark visibly subtle such that
it is difficult to detect under regular viewing. However, the mark appears immediately
when the colors are separated for printing. This renders the document useless for the printer
unless the watermark can be removed from the color band. This approach is used
commercially for journalists to inspect digital pictures from a photo-stock house before
buying unmarked versions.

5.2 Frequency domain

Frequency domain (and other transform domains) by first applying a transform like the
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). In a similar manner to spatial domain watermarking, the
values of chosen frequencies can be altered from the original. Since high frequencies will
be lost by compression or scaling, the watermark signal is applied to lower frequencies, or
better yet, applied adaptively to frequencies that contain important information of the
original picture. Since watermarks applied to the frequency domain will be dispersed over
the entirety of the spatial image upon inverse transformation, this method is not as
susceptible to defeat by cropping as the spatial technique. However, there is more a tradeoff
here between invisibility and decodability, since the watermark is in effect applied
indiscriminately across the spatial image

 Watermarking techniques can be divided into four categories according to the type
of document to be watermarked as follows:

5.3 Text Watermarking

The process of embedding/hiding data in text document can be termed as “text
watermarking”. This can be use to protect electronic documents paper documents are easy
to copy and distribute electronically.

5.4 Image Watermarking

The process of embedding/hiding data in image document can be termed as “image
watermarking”. This process is done by visible water marking and invisible watermarking.

5.5 Audio Watermarking

The process of embedding information into audio can be termed as audio watermarking.
Can be achieved by inserting information about the distributor and the buyer.. A watermark
embedded within an audio stream to identify its origination.

5.6 Video Watermarking

Video watermarking involves embedding cryptographic information derived from frames
of digital video into the video itself. Because the watermark is part of the video, rather than
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part of the file format, this technology works independently of the video file format or

 According to the human perception, the digital watermarks can be divided into three
different types as follows:
5.7 Visible watermark

Visible watermarks are especially useful for conveying an immediate claim of ownership.
The main advantage is that they virtually eliminate the commercial value of the document
to a would-be thief without lessening the document's utility for legitimate, authorized
purposes. A familiar example is in the video domain where a logo is placed in a corner of
the screen image.

5.8 Invisible-Robust watermark

The invisible-robust watermark is embedded in such a way that alternations made

to the pixel value are perceptually not noticed and it can be recovered only with appropriate
decoding mechanism.

5.9 Invisible-Fragile watermark

The invisible-fragile watermark is embedded in such a way that any manipulation or
modification of the image would alter or destroy the watermark.

5.10 Dual watermark

Dual watermark is a combination of a visible and an invisible watermark .In this type of
water mark an invisible watermark is used as a backup for the visible watermark as clear
from the following diagram.

Figure : Schematic representation of dual watermarking

 From application point of view digital watermark could be as below:

5.11 source based

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Source-based watermark are desirable for ownership identification or authentication where
a unique watermark identifying the owner is introduced to all the copies of a particular
image being distributed. A source-based watermark could be used for authentication and to
determine whether a received image or other electronic data has been tampered with.

5.12 destination based.

The watermark could also be destination based where each distributed copy gets a unique
watermark identifying the particular buyer. The destination based watermark could be used
to trace the buyer in the case of illegal reselling

6. Digital Watermarking Techniques

6.1 Text-based Watermarking

6.2 Image Watermarking
6.3 Audio Watermarking
6.4 Video Watermarking

6.1Text-Based Watermarking Techniques

A. The text watermarking based on the fine-tuning of document structure:

This is a technique which makes the text as a binary image, it obtains watermark through
fine-tuning the display style, and it is imperceptibly by human visual. The most classic
algorithm is proposed by Brassil and Maxemchuk , it gives many different ways to insert
watermark in the PostScript document as follows:

a) Line-shift encoding: for the line space of a text file is uniform, the coding method
embeds a watermark by vertical shifting an entire line. when the movement away from no
more than 1 / 300 inches ,the human eye cannot easily perceive, by analyzing the line
spacing can determine whether it contains text watermark, the process does not require the
participation of the original text.

b) word-shift encoding: this coding method embeds watermark by level shifting some
special words in a line. When a word is shifted to right or left, it’s adjacent words are not
moving, not moving words are as references location for the process of decoding.
Experience found that the human eye cannot identify the 1 / 150 inches below the level of
displacement. As the document is not a fixed word spacing, so to determine whether it
contains watermark needs the text of the original documents.

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c) Characteristics coding: the coding method inserts a marker by changing the particular
characteristics of a letter, such as changing the height of a individual letter, fonts, etc. The
above-mentioned three kinds of coding methods are to use the spatial characteristics of text
to embed the watermark. These algorithm entirely depend on the text format (line-shift,
word-shift, characteristics coding, etc.), there are many shortcomings, such as not enough
antiaggressive, less robust, not well hidden.

Fig 9: Text water marking

B. The text watermark based on the "not important content":

For a text, when some of the expressions of the text occur Some minor changes, there is no
impact for understanding the document, for this point, the text watermark can be embedded.
Typical methods include inserting punctuation in sentences, or inserting space at the end of
a line. For example, we can store binary information by setting or not setting the comma in
the two side-by-side words with "and" or "or" to connect.

Specifically, if the "guns, butter and flowers" expresses the logic 1, then the "guns, butter,
and flower" is logic0.Weakness of such method, that is, the watermark information may be
missing in the transmission process of application. In addition, the source text can not be
arbitrary. This method is not currently the main method of text watermarking.

C. The text watermark based on “replace the content of text”:

The method is derived from information hiding technology. It looks source text as the
significance sequence instead of text images, embedded in the course of the text is
converted to vector with the same or similar meaning of the text of the secret process. So
watermark can be embedded by converting the source text into the same or similar meaning
of hidden text.

Usually in the English text many words have synonyms, such as "big" and "1arge", "smart"
and "clever" and so on, so we can elect these specific words of the text constitute a
synonym replacement tables. The word needs to be replaced, said logic "0", the words that
do not need to replace the logic "1."So the secret data can be hidden in the text, the number
of hidden data relates to the synonym appear frequency in the text, the method also applies
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to Chinese text. The method of synonym replacement hide information by modifying the
contents of the text, it not only has better robustness, but also do not need to rely on a
specific document format. However, this approach requires source text cannot be arbitrary,
that is, should contain a certain number of synonyms have been defined, and in the process
of extracting information needs the synonyms replace table.

D. The text watermark Based on natural language processing technology:

Natural language processing is to in some specific applications, automatically handling the

text written in natural language, such as machine translation, information retrieval,
information extraction, data mining and intelligent search engines and so on. after many
years of development of the Natural language processing technology, much experience and
techniques have been accumulated, such as word segmentation, syntax analysis,
restatement, eliminate the ambiguity of words and so on. These are the foundation of The
text watermark Based on natural language processing technology, and compared to
previous methods, through the use of natural language processing technology embedded
watermark informationmore secure, reliable.


 Marking copies uniquely

 Making necessary for a recipient to provide personal information
 Using encryption


 Protect electronic documents

 Paper documents are easy to copy and distribute electronically

6.2 Image Watermarking Techniques

In image watermarking technique different type of technique is used as Digital Image –
artificial resemblance of original object stored in form of binary numbers. Image
Watermarking – putting in some information that ensures your authentication of the
document in the image itself. Spatial domain algorithms- Two robust spatial-domain
watermarking algorithms for image copyright protection are described as:

The first one is robust against compression, filtering and cropping. Like all published crop-
proof algorithms, the one proposed here requires the original image for mark recovery.
Robustness against compression and filtering is obtained by using the JPEG algorithm to

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decide on mark location and magnitude; robustness against cropping is achieved through a
repetition code.

The second watermarking algorithm uses visual components and is robust against
compression, filtering, scaling and moderate rotations.

The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT):

The discrete cosine transform (DCT) helps separate the image into parts (or spectral sub-
bands) of differing importance (with respect to the image's visual quality). The DCT is
similar to the discrete Fourier transform: it transforms a signal or image from the spatial
domain to the frequency domain

Fig 10: DCT process diagram.

The discrete cosine transform (DCT) is a technique for converting a signal into elementary
frequency components. It is widely used in image compression.

Image Histogram:

An image histogram is a type of histogram which acts as a graphical representation of

the tonal distribution in a digital image. It plots the number of pixels for each tonal value.
By looking at the histogram for a specific image a viewer will be able to judge the entire
tonal distribution at a glance.
6.3 Audio Watermarking Techniques:
In audio watermarking technique different type of technique is used as:

 LSB watermarking - Least Significant Bit algorithm that embedding watermark into
the least important part of the primary image, and the watermark can be extracted
from the primary image.
The idea behind this watermarking technique is the following: if you see you image as a
matrix NxM (where N and M are the dimension of the image) you can represent the value
of the pixel in the position (i,j) as a binary number; this binary can be then divided in all of
its bit, so that you will have a most significant bit (the one that contains quite a lot of
information, and a least significant bit that contains few information).

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 Quantisation watermarking -A new method for watermarking based on vector
quantisation is proposed. It is efficient for implementation with conventional
techniques, and simulation results show its robustness under a variety of attacks. It
also represents superiority over existing algorithms

 Wavelet transform domain algorithms - The wavelet transform-domain least-mean

square (WTDLMS) algorithm is known to have, in general, a faster convergence
rate than the time-domain LMS algorithm, and can find many applications in signal
processing and communications areas. However, the computational complexity of
the wavelet filter bank is relatively high. In this work, we show how to exploit the
redundancy which exists in the computation of the wavelet coefficients between
successive iterations so as to significantly reduce the computational load of the

7. Applications of Digital Watermarking

There is a wide variety of applications for watermarking. The requirements of
watermarking systems are always based on the application as for obvious reasons there is
no “universal” watermarking method. Although it has to be robust in general, different
level of required robustness can be identified besides the specific characteristics of the
problem which make the watermarking a suitable solution. Several applications are listed

 Owner identification – similar to copyright protection, to establish ownership of

the content.
 Copy protection – also known as copy control, to prevent people from making
illegal copies of copyrighted content.
 Content authentication – to detect modifications of the content, as a sign of invalid
 Fingerprinting – sometimes referred as transaction tracking or traitor tracking, to
trace back illegal duplication and distribution of the content.
 Broadcast monitoring – specifically for advertisements and in entertainment
industries, to monitor content being broadcasted as contracted and by the authorized
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 Medical applications – known as invertible watermarking, to provide both
authentication and confidentiality in a reversible manner without affecting the
medical image in any way.

8. Limitations of digital watermarking

In January 1997, a counterfeiting scheme has been demonstrated for a class of invertible,
feature-based, frequency domain, invisible watermarking algorithms. This counterfeiting
scheme could be used to subvert ownership claims because the recovery of the digital
signature from a watermarked image requires a comparison with an original. The
counterfeiting scheme works by first creating a counterfeit watermarked copy from the
genuine watermarked copy by effectively inverting the genuine watermark. This inversion
creates a counterfeit of the original image. A comparison of the decoded versions of both
yield the owner's (authorized) and the forged (inverted) signature. This, the technique of
establishing legitimate ownership recovering the signature watermark by comparing a
watermarked image with the original image breaks down. It can be shown that both the
legitimate signature and counterfeiter's signature inhere in both the watermarked and
counterfeit watermarked copies. Thus, while it may be demonstrated that at least one
recipient has a counterfeit watermarked copy, it cannot be determined which it is.

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9. Proposed Work
In traditional symmetric watermarking schemes, the key used for watermark embedding
must be available at the watermark detector. This leads to a security problem if the
detectors are implemented in consumer devices that are spread all over the world. So
asymmetric watermarking schemes, also named public key digital watermarking schemes
attract more and more attentions. In such a public key watermarking system, the private key
is used for watermarking embedding and the public key is used only for watermarking
detection. The private key is kept for secret, and the watermarks cannot easily be removed
with public key.

We are actually concentrating on studying public key watermarking techniques to evaluate

and compare their performance in comparison to private key water marking techniques.

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10.1 Study on Watermarking Algorithm

Digital watermarking technology processing contains two cores: watermark embedding

algorithm and detection algorithm. Robustness, imperceptibility, invisibility and security of
digital watermarking is generally the focus of the requirements.

10.2 Study on Watermarking Theory

Although there are many published articles on watermarking, the current watermarking
technology can’t yet fill the actual requirements of most users. The lack of standards,
interoperability problems, as well as a suit of accurate and realistic requirements to
watermarking system, is still hinder the development of digital watermarking technology.

There are still many problems to be resolved. In order to be more widely used, digital
watermarking should establish a series of standards or agreements, such as the standards of

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watermark embedding, detection and certification. Different watermarking algorithm has
different compatibility, and that is obviously not conducive to promoting the application of
digital watermarking.

10.3 Study on Watermark Attack

The relationship between watermark attack and watermarking algorithm is the same as
spear and shield, they restrict each other and promote each other as well; To develop the
technologies combined with cryptography, authentication and digital signature is probably
the direction of resistance development to various attacks.

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Fig 11: attacks on digital water marking

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10.4 Study on Evaluation System of Watermarking Technology

Most of the watermarking system evaluation are empirical, so it is necessary to improve the
theoretical evaluation system of watermarking technology, establish the watermark testing
and evaluation standards, and design an evaluation system for fair comparison and
evaluation of various watermarking algorithms.

Digital watermarking technology, closely related to information security, information

hiding, cryptography and authentication technologies s, is a cutting edge research area of
the international academic research in recent years.

In nowadays, the rapid development of network of information and e-commerce make

digital watermarking technology very important for all forms of digital products protection,
and its application is becoming increasingly widespread. All these set higher demands for
people to design a better watermarking algorithm. It must be recognized that digital
watermarking technology needs to be combined with these disciplines and technologies so
as to resist all kinds of attacks and form integrated solutions for digital products’ copyright

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11. Conclusion

Digital watermarking have been used in last few year to protect the ownership of digital
data. Various technique develop make use of human audio visual system. Information
security and copyright protection are more important today than before. Digital
watermarking is one of the widely used techniques used in the world in the area of
information security.

Digital watermarking is an exciting new field: It is exciting for researchers because it is a

new field and there is an opportunity to do pioneering work. It is exciting for entertainment
companies, museums and libraries because it offers the promise of better protecting their
multimedia content from piracy. It is exciting for consumers because better multimedia
protection could lead to cheaper, better, and more freely available entertainment and
educational materials.

However, the excitement about the promise of watermarking should not mask the state of
its ful fillment. In spite of the exaggerated claims often made about digital watermarking, it
is a new field. Many applications have been proposed for watermarking; most of them
remain unproven. Few careful examinations of the technical requirements of the proposed
applications have been undertaken. A common application requirement is that the
watermark resist attacks that would remove it (or insert a false watermark).

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12. References:

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