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G.R. No.

163209 October 30, 2009 Procedural Posture:

Spouses Prudencio and Filomena Lim On January 31, 1996, the trial court rendered
V judgment ordering Edward and petitioners to
Ma. Cheryl S. Lim, for herself and on behalf of "jointly" provide P40,000 monthly support to
her minor children Lester Edward S. Lim, respondents, with Edward
Candice Grace S. Lim, and Mariano S. Lim, III shouldering P6,000.00 and petitioners the
balance of P34,000.00 subject to Chua Giak's
subsidiary liability. Defendants sought
For review is the Decision of the Court of recognition, questioning their liability. The
Appeals, dated 28 April 2003, ordering trial court denied their motion and clarified
petitioners Prudencio and Filomena Lim that they are liable since Edward cannot
(petitioners) to provide legal support to provide sufficient support.
respondents Cheryl, Lester Edward, Candice
Grace and Mariano III, all surnamed Lim The petitioners appealed to the Court of
(respondents). Appeals assailing their liability to support
respondents. Petitioners argued that
Facts: Edward’s income is insufficient to support
respondents and should be based on Article
In 1979, respondent Cheryl S. Lim married 194 of the FC wherein the legal support
Edward Lim, son of petitioners. They had should be “in keeping with the financial
three children, Lester, Candice and Mariano, capacity of the family”.
all are respondents. The spouses and
children reside at the house of petitioners in April 28, 2003 the CA affirmed trial court
Forbes Park, Makati City. They lived together decision. Based on Article 195 of the FC,
with Edward’s ailing grandmother, Chua Giak wherein parents and their legitimate children
and her husband Mariano Lim. Edward’s are obliged to mutually support one another
family business provided him P6,000.00 to and this extends down to the legitimate
shoulder family expenses. Cheryl had no grandchildren and great grandchildren. In
steady income. connection with this provision, Article 200
paragraph (3) of the Family Code clearly
On October 14, 1990, Cheryl together with provides that should the person obliged to
her children abandoned the Forbes Park give support does not have sufficient means
residence after a violent confrontation with to satisfy all claims, the other persons
Edward whom she caught with the in-house enumerated in Article 199 in its order shall
midwife of Chua Giak. provide the necessary support.

Cheryl, for herself and her children, sued Petitioners sought reconsideration but the
petitioners, Edwards, Chua Giak and Mariano Court of Appeals denied their motion in the
in RTC of Makati, for support. Pendente lite, Resolution dated 12 April 2004.
the trial court ordered Edward to provide
P6,000.00 monthly support.
Issue: (petitioners) and maternal lines, following
the ordering in Article 199. Although,
Whether or not the petitioners are Professor Pineda states that grandchildren
concurrently liable with Edward to provide cannot demand support directly from their
support to respondents. grandparents if they have parents
(ascendants of nearest degree) who are
Decision: capable of supporting them. This is so
because we have to follow the order of
Wherefore, we deny the petition. support under Art. 199.
We affirm the Decision of the Court of
Appeals, dated 28 April 2003, and its As an alternative proposition, petitioners
Resolution dated 12 April 2004 with wish to avail of the option in Article 204 of
the modification that petitioners Prudencio the Civil Code, as amended, and pray that
and Filomena Lim are liable to provide they be allowed to fulfill their obligation by
support only to respondents Lester Edward, maintaining respondents at petitioners'
Candice Grace and Mariano III, all surnamed Makati residence. The option is unavailable
Lim. We remand the case to the Regional to petitioners.
Trial Court of Makati City, Branch 140, for
further proceedings consistent with this The application of Article 204 which provides
ruling. that -

SO ORDERED. The person obliged to give support shall have

the option to fulfill the obligation either by
paying the allowance fixed, or by receiving
and maintaining in the family dwelling the
person who has a right to receive
SC rule in the affirmative, but they modify the
support. The latter alternative cannot be
appealed judgment by limiting petitioner’s
availed of in case there is a moral or legal
liability to the amount of monthly support
obstacle thereto.
needed by petitioner’s grandchildren only.
Cheryl's right to receive support from the Lim
Here, the persons entitled to receive support
family extends only to her husband Edward,
are petitioners' grandchildren and daughter-
arising from their marital bond.
in-law. The option in Article 204 will secure to
Unfortunately, Cheryl's share from the
the grandchildren a well-provided future;
amount of monthly support the trial court
however, it will also force Cheryl to return to
awarded cannot be determined from the
the house which, for her, is the scene of her
records. Thus, SC are constrained to remand
husband's infidelity.
the case to the trial court for this limited
Cheryl's case against Edward for concubinage
did not prosper for insufficient evidence, her
The inability of Edward and Cheryl to steadfast insistence on its occurrence
sufficiently provide for their children shifts a amounts to a moral impediment bringing the
portion of their obligation to the ascendants case within the ambit of the exception clause
in the nearest degree, both in the paternal of Article 204, precluding its application.

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