Subiecte Si Bareme Clasa A Va Preolimpiada 2019

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18 MAI 2019
TIME: 120min
I. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense:
1. Tina sometimes........................ (miss) the bus to school.
2. Richard always.................(get up) before 8 am.
3. Hurry up! The bus............................. (wait) for us!
4. Please be quiet! I .......................(read) a very interesting book.
5. Where ............................... (we/go)? This is the wrong way!
6. Someone .................................(wait)for you outside. Who is it?
7. ..................... (like/ Susan) horror films?
8. This bike………………….(cost) a lot of money.
9. Please wait a moment, Jane! I …………………(talk) to Joe.
10. We……………….(have) a great time at the moment!

II. Complete each sentence with much or many: 10p (1px10)

1. I can’t come to the cinema! I’ve got too …………. homework.

2. We can’t all have baths. There isn’t ……….. hot water.
3. Some students don’t have ……………..opportunities to speak in English.
4. We can’t stop for a meal now! We haven’t got …………. time.
5. Paul feels lonely! He doesn’t have……………. friends.
6. Not everyone can sit down. There are too…………. people.
7. I can’t sleep! There is too…………noise in the street.
8. How …………….does this cost?
9. Jane has got too …………..luggage.
10. Are there ……………cinemas in this town?

III. Turn the sentences interrogative and negative: 10p.(2px5)

a. My parents can give you a lift.
b. Tom may borrow my bicycle.
c. Jim and Helen often go to the theatre.
d. Helen’s hair is very long.
e. Jo goes to school by bus.

IV. Match the sentences in column A with those in column B: 10 p.(1px10)

1. I can’t play tennis now. a. No, I won’t! It’s mine!.
2. I feel a bit sick. b. Bye, see you later!.
3. I can’t concentrate. c. I’ve eaten too much chocolate.
4. Is Ann driving fast? d. I’ll bring it tomorrow! I promise!
5. Do you know the answer? e. I’ve got too much homework.
6. Are you reading this? f. Yes, she is.
7. Give me that piece of cake! g. They’re £10.
8. Bye for now! h. No, I don’t.

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Str. Al.Marghiloman nr. 30, 120031, Buzău
Tel: +40 (0)238 721655, Fax: +40 (0)238 414655,

9. Where’s your homework? i. Yes, I am.

10. How much are these trousers? j. There’s too much noise.

V. Choose the correct word in each sentence: 10 p.(1px10)

1. Is there/ their/ they’re any milk left?

2. Oh no! It’s / Its raining!
3. Rick and John have lost there/ their/ they’re tickets.
4. We’re nearly at the cinema. It’s/ Its not far!
5. There/ Their/ They’re are lots of people here today.
6. This isn’t your bag. I think it’s / its Tom’s.
7. He’s/ His name is Richard Newton.
8. Is this her/hers house?
9. Whose / Who’s bag is this?
10. Their/ Theirs notebooks are on the desk.

VI. Fill in the sentences with the correct preposition or article (the, a, an): 20p.(2px10)

1. There was a big red bus…………front of us.

2. …………..students must not leave their bags here.
3. What’s ………..matter? Are you all right?
4. Can you play ………..guitar?
5. David is ……. doctor at the local hospital.
6. Mary plays ……violin every day.
7. Do you usually walk …….school?
8. Are there any apples ………..the fridge?
9. The library is not ……….this side of the street.
10. Mark’s flat is ………. the fifth floor.

VII. Use the correct question words to complete the questions in this conversation:
10p (1px10)
Tamara: So, Amanda, ……… (1) are you doing these days?
Amanda: Well, I'm still at college, but I'm working at the hairdressers at the weekend, and that's a lot of
Tamara: And ……… (2) are the other girls there like?
Amanda: They're really friendly. We laugh and chat a lot.
Tamara: And ……… (3) 's life?
Amanda: It's OK, but I'm not getting on well with my boyfriend, Mike, at the moment.
Tamara: ………'s (4) the problem? ……… (5) are you two having problems?
Amanda: Well, it's because he likes football and astrophysics, and I like music and shopping. Mike hates
Tamara: ……… (6) 's astrophysics?
Amanda: I don't know really - it's something to do with the stars.
Tamara: ……… (7) does Mike hate shopping?
Amanda: He says it's boring and he's not interested in clothes.
Tamara: Then, ……… (8) don’t you find something in common?
Amanda: I think that is something we can do.
Tamara: But ……… (9)?
Amanda: Well, maybe you need to talk to Mike about that.
Tamara: Maybe. But, anyway, ……… (10) are things in your life?

BONUS: 10 p TOTAL SCORE: 100 p

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Str. Al.Marghiloman nr. 30, 120031, Buzău
Tel: +40 (0)238 721655, Fax: +40 (0)238 414655,


18 mai 2019


I. 1. misses; 2. gets up; 3. is waiting; 4. am reading; 5. are we going; 6. is waiting ; 7. Does Susan
like; 8. costs; 9. am talking; 10. are having

II. 1. much; 2. much; 3. many; 4. much; 5. many; 6. many; 7. much; 8. much; 9. much; 10. many.
10p (1px10)

III. a. Can my parents give you a lift?/ My parents can’t give you a lift.
b. May Tom borrow my bicycle?/ Tom may not borrow my bicycle.
c. Do Jim and Helen often go to the theatre?/ Jim and Helen don’t go to the theatre.
d. Is Helen’ hair very long?/ Helen’s hair isn’t very long.
e. Does Jo go to school by bus?/ Jo doesn’t go to school by bus.
10p (1px10)

IV. 1. e; 2. c; 3. j; 4. f; 5. h; 6. i; 7. a; 8. b; 9. d; 10. g.
10p (1px10)

V. 1. There, 2.It's , 3.their, 4. It's , 5. There , 6. it's , 7. His, 8. her, 9.Whose, 10. Their
10p (1px10)

VI. 1. in; 2. the; 3. the; 4. the; 5. a; 6. the; 7. to; 8. in; 9. in; 10. on.

VII. 1. what; 2. what; 3. how; 4. what; 5. why; 6. what; 7. why; 8. why; 9. what; 10. how.
10p (1px10)

10 p bonus

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Str. Al.Marghiloman nr. 30, 120031, Buzău
Tel: +40 (0)238 721655, Fax: +40 (0)238 414655,

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