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Dear university student, 

Welcome back! Whether this is your first year or your fifth year, university is like no other place
around. Here you are thrust into another world. A world of big ideas, fascinating research, new
friends, and, of course, adulthood. At university you will likely begin to form a worldview - a
way of seeing the world - that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

One of the difficult parts of university is holding all of these new experiences and ideas
together. As Christians, it can be particularly hard to learn to value the study and research that
we are undertaking alongside the Truth and Beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We find
ourselves struggling to answer the question, “What’s God got to do with this?”

Saint Thomas Mission exists to help you to behold and uphold Jesus Christ in all things. We
open our eyes to see what Christianity has to do with all of life, and then to learn to live out that
vision in the world.

Would you consider joining us this year? Make The Burrow (1650 Western Parkway) your
home-away-from-home and come over every Tuesday at 6pm for a home cooked meal and
earnest conversation. Join us for our BRIDGES talks, when visiting speakers will lead us in a
conversation that integrates Christianity with the rest of life. Come together for film nights,
games nights, and study parties. Make an effort to join a local church on Sundays, University
Chapel (10am) or Sojourn Church (5pm). 

If I could give you one piece of advice for your university years it would be this: if you wait to
do something important until you have the time, you’ll never get around to doing it at all.
Instead, decide to make time for what really maWers now. Trust me, it will only make your life

Below you will find my contact information, including my email and phone number. I’ve also
included the address for The Burrow above. Don’t be a stranger. Send me an email, give me a
call, or drop by The Burrow and let’s learn to behold and uphold Jesus Christ together. 

I look forward to geWing to know you more! 

In Christ, 

Paul Robinson

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