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Alistair A. Brown
Pye Unicam Ltd., York Street, Cambridge CB7 2PX, UK
David J. Halls
Trace Metals Unit, Department of Biochemistry, Royal Infirmary, Castle Street, Glasgow G4 OSF, UK
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

Andrew Taylor
Supra-Regional Assay Service Metals Reference Laboratory, Robens Institute of Industrial and
Environmental Health and Safety, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, UK

Summary of Contents

1 Clinical Analysis
1.1, Application of Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Clinical and Biological Analysis
1.2. New Ideas and Developments
1.3. Progress for Individual Elements
1.3.1. Aluminium
1.3.2. Arsenic
1.3.3. Cadmium
1.3.4. Calcium and Magnesium
1.3.5. Chromium
1.3.6. Cobalt
1.3.7. Copper
. . and zinc
1.3.8. Iron
1.3.9. Lead
1.3.10. Manganese
1.3.1 1. Mercury
1.3.1 2. Nickel
1.3.13. Platinum
1.3.14. Rubidium
1.3.15. Selenium
1.3.16. Thallium
1.3.17. Vanadium
1.4. Conclusions
Table 1. Summary of An lyses of Bod! Fluids and Tissues

2 Analysis of Foods and Beverages

2.1. Sample Preparation
2.2. Analytical Techniques
2.3. Reference Materials and Quality Control Programmes
2.4. Topical Applications
2.5. Conclusions
Table 2. Summary of Analyses of Foods and Beverages

This review is the second Atomic Spectrometry Update and describes developments in the analysis of clinical materials,
foods and beverages. It is based upon publications and conference reports, received during the period September 1st
1984 to August 31st 1985. The references cited, prefixed by S/ or, for conference reports, S/C, may be found in the
supplement distributed to subscribersjo JAAS. References prefixed 86/ will appear in Volume 1 of JAAS. The format of
tables is similar to that used in A a d a I Reports on Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy. In the tables, in addition t o the
abbreviations listed elsewhere, Hy is used to show where hydride generation was employed and S, L and G in the
"Analyte form" column signify solid, liquid or gaseous sample introduction, respectively.
At a first glance (see tables) it is apparent that the analysis of clinical materials attracted the majority of research
interest. This may be related to the severe difficulties encountered in the analysis of these samples especially for the
determination of those elements which are present at microgram per litre levels in body fluids and tissues. In contrast,
the analysis of foods and beverages received little attention and this is reflected in the contributions t o this subject. The
authors have tried to present a critical appraisal of the reviewed literature. Readers who wish to comment on the text are
welcome to express their views through the letters section of JAAS. The authors would welcome any comments or
suggestions for improvements to future reviews.
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For the period of this review, two particular areas are mended that to determine just these elements alone, AAS or
prominent. One is the large number of papers on ICP-OES electrochemistry was simpler.
produced as new and experienced users try to justify a role for The technique of ICP-OES seems more at home with the
it in the clinical laboratory. This is reviewed separately. The analysis of materials such as soft tissue (S/172, S/C455, S/613,
second is the large number of papers on Al, which surely S/928), hair (S/506), nails (S/C455, S/C679), teeth (S/592),
qualifies it for the title “Element of the Year.” Interesting new stones (S/981) and bone (S/193, S/C455, S/613). Procedures
developments have occurred in FAAS, ETA-AAS and generally involve wet digestion with acid mixtures (S/193,
ETA-AES for clinical applications. After these developments S/928, S/981); some workers prefer pressure digestion (S/172,
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

are reviewed, progress for individual elements is summarised. S/506, S/592). Chen et al. (S/506) compared dry ashing at
500-600 “C with H N 0 3 digestion under pressure followed by a
further HF - HC104 digestion. Dry ashing at 500 “C gave
1.1. Application of Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Clinical comparable results to acid digestion but losses of A1 and Mg
and Biological Analysis were found on ashing at 600 “C. Good analytical performance
for the analysis of digested material is generally achieved for a
The large number of recent papers shows an increasing wide range of elements. For example, Marquardt et al. (S/193)
interest in the use of inductively coupled plasma optical achieved RSDs of 0.5-1.6% for P; 1-3% for Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe,
emission spectrometry in this field (TableJ). Some of the work Mg, Mn, Sr and Zn; and 4 9 % for K and Na.
is exploratory [e.g., Ca in serum (WOO) and Cd and Pb in Sulphur determination by ICP-OES using a VUV spec-
whole blood (S/176)] and appears to offer little advantage over trometer at 180.7 nm has been investigated by Morita et al.
existing AAS techniques. The true multi-element capability of (S/921). Standard reference materials (serum, hair, liver,
ICP-OES is realised in studies such as that of Smith et al. mussel, Chlorella and orchard leaves) were analysed with
(S/592) on the determination of 12 metallic elements and B in satisfactory accuracy following a high-pressure digestion with
teeth enamel and dentine and that of Wanot et al. (S/981) who HN03. The detection limit was about 10 yg 1-1.
determined Ca, Mg and P in stones. One advantage of the Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has yet to
ICP-OES technique is the ability to determine non-metals make its impact on clinical or biological analysis; only one
such as B, P and S. This, together with the ability to determine p a s x (S/C294) discussed a biological analysis, oyster tissue.
Ba, Bi, Ca, Mg and Sr with better sensitivity than existing
techniques, is cited by Allain and Mauras (S/C417) as reasons 1.2. New Ideas and Developments
for the spread of the technique. For the last five years, they The greater speed and convenience of flame atomic absorption
have routinely used a simultaneous Jobin-Yvon 48 spec- spectrometry compared with ETA-AAS make it the preferred
trometer with 35 lines for the determination of Al, B, Ba, Ca, technique whenever sensitivity and sample size allows. An
Cu, Fe, K, Mn, P, S, Si and Sr in whole blood, plasma, urine, interesting development in this area was the use of a slotted
dialysis fluids and tissue samples. quartz tube in the flame by Brown et al. (S/198,86/193) to give
The advantages of ICP-OES in serum analysis seem greater sensitivity allowing the determination of Cd, Cu and
somewhat limited in that only a few of the important elements Pb in urine and Cd and Pb in blood after deproteinisation with
have high enough concentrations to be determined. Kohl- TCA. Devitrification of the quartz tube by urine samples was
meier and Diehn (S/C530) introduced the technique into their reduced by coating the tube with La203. The technique has
laboratory for the simultaneous determination of Cu, Fe and also been applied to the determination of Cu and Zn in serum
Zn giving a between-batch RSD of less than 5 % for all (S/996) where the greater sensitivity allows greater dilution of
elements. Deijk et al. (MOO) compared different pre- the sample (1 + 20) and a reduction of the sample volume, if
treatment methods for the determination of Ca in a serum necessary, down to 20 yl. For the determination of Cu and Zn
reference material (Precinorm U). Direct dilution gave results in fractionated blood plasma, Bahreyni-Toosi et al. (S/999)
which agreed with high-pressure digestion and low- looked at various ways to increase sensitivity and decrease
temperature ashing. Pre-concentration can be used to extend sample requirement: pulse nebulisation, the slotted quartz
the range of elements. Trace elements in digested samples can tube with pulse nebulisation and atomisation from a Delves
be chelated on a poly(dithi0carbamate) resin which is then cup and from a Mo wire loop. They found only modest
digested with H202and HN03. This procedure was applied by improvements with the slotted quartz tube, preferring direct
Mianshi and Barnes (S/984) to the determination of Cd, Co, pulse nebulisation for their particular determination.
Cu, Fe, Mo, V and Zn in serum; As and Se were determined The range of analyses possible by FAAS can also be
by hydride generation ICP-OES. With all these steps, the extended by pre-concentration. Platzer et al. (S/C514)
possibilities of contamination increase and this was reflected enriched trace metals from 100 ml of sample by using
in unrealistically high values for Mo (20.7 yg 1-1) and V (98.5 dithiocarbamate groups bound to a solid carrier. The dithio-
pg 1-1) in a normal serum. As others have shown [e.g., carbamate chelates were then volatilised directly into the
Kollmeier and Diehn (S/C530)], it is not necessary to burner of an FAAS instrument. Detection limits for Cd, Co,
pre-concentrate for Cu, Fe or Zn. An alternative approach is Cu, Ni and Pb were between 0.02 and 0.2 yg 1-1. Realistic
to use electrothermal atomisation. Matusiewicz and Barnes applications of this technique are awaited.
(S/974) determined A1 and Si by injecting 5 yl of serum, urine Rocks and co-workers have coupled flow injection with
or dialysate fluid on to a Varian-Techtron CRA90 FAAS for the determination of Ca and Mg in serum (S/964)
electrothermal atomiser for atomisation into a Plasma-Therm and have taken the technique one step further with a new
ICP. Detection limits of 1.5 and 500 yg 1-1 were achieved for development called “controlled-dispersion analysis’’ (CDA)
A1 and Si, respectively. (Analyst, 1985, 110, 493). In this, a computer-controlled
To determine Cd and Pb in 5 ml of whole blood, Deijck et al. peristaltic pump takes up a fixed volume of sample. The
(S/176) tried three different approaches: the sample probe then moves to the carrier solution and the pump
matrix-modification procedure of Stoeppler et al. (Analyst, propels the sample slug within the carrier stream to the
1978, 103, 714), low-temperature ashing and dry ashing. The spectrometer. This eliminates sample wastage as in conven-
last two techniques were applied with pre-concentration using tional FI sampling systems. Controlled-dispersion analysis has
8-hydroxyquinoline immobilised on controlled-pore glass. been applied to the determination of Ca, Cu, Li, Mg and Zn in
Final determination was by microsampling of the analyte serum.
essentially free from the matrix. While dry ashing followed If electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry is to cope
by pre-concentration gave reasonable results, it was recom- with increasing workloads in clinical laboratories, it must run
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atomisation ;
Element h/nm Matrix Concentration analyte form Sample treatment Reference
A1 - Dialysis fluids 4-67 pg I-' AA; ETA; L ETA-AAS with L'vov platform Sl118
A1 - Serum 6-220 pg I-' AA; ETA; L ETA-AAS with Zeeman background 9192
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

A1 - Biological samples, - AA; ETA; L ETA-AAS with metal atomiser and Zeeman SIC268
acid rain background correction
A1 - Serum 5-50 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Samples analysed directly or with dilution, s1479
graphitelzr-coated graphite furnace
A1 - Bone - AE; ICP; Lor Comparison of ICP-OES versus FAAS; Sl480
AA; F, both rechniques gave reliable results,
NzO - CzH2; L ICP-OES gave better detection limit
A1 - Serum, blood, 2-77 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Liquid samples diluted with Triton X-100, s1642
urine and tissues tissues wet ashed
A1 - Serum 1-150 pg I-' AA; ETA; L Samplesdiluted 1 + 1with H20,platform Sl858
atomisation, integrated absorbance, matrix
modificationsplus O2ashing
A1 309.3 Haemodialysis - AA; ETA; L Concentrated NO3added as matrix modifier Sl965
A1 - Serum, hair 9-300 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Matrix destroyed by O2ashing in a Sl967
Zr-coated graphite tube at 500 "C
A1 - Body fluids 0-80 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Samples incubated with 2,4-pentanedione, s/973
extracted with 4-methyl-2-pentanedione
A1 308.2 Biological 0-100 pg I-' AE; ICP with None s1974
materials ETA; L
A1 - Serum 0-100 pg I-' AA; ETA; L Comparison of a direct analysis using L'vov Sl985
platform and matrix modification with a
protein precipitation method
A1 - Biological 0.3-300 pg 1-1 AE; ICP; L Matrix modificationwith Cs, Ga used as 86147
samples internal standard
A1 309.3 Dialysis fluids 1-120 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Matrix effects overcome by addition of 2% 86165
HN0, as matrix modifier
A1 - Biological - AA; ETA; Lor Comparison of ETA-AAS versus NAA 86lC160
materials NAA
A1 309.3 Serum - AA; ETA; L Optimisation of gases, tube materials, 861195
wavelengths and matrix modifiers
A1 309.3 Biological - AE; ETA; L Samples digested in HNO, 861197
As - Body fluids, - AA; Hy; L Total As determined after wet ashing with Sl166
foods / HNO, - HC104- H2S04
As - Marine biological - AA; Hy; L Also includes determination of Hg and Se; S/590
tissues samples digested in pressure bomb with
HNO, for Hg; digested further with
HC104 - H2S04for As and Se
As - Dietary - AA; ETA; L Metals separated from the matrix by solvent Sl863
supplements extraction with APDC - IBMK system
As - Biological - AA; Hy; L Wet digestion with HNO, - H2S04- Sl976
samples K2Cr207;both organic and inorganic
As compounds determined
Ca 393.37 Serum - AE; ICP; L High-pressure ashing, low-temperature ashing s1100
and direct dilution of sample investigated;
simple dilution preferred
Ca - Tissue - AA;-;L Content and intracellular distribution of S1647
Ca and Mg studied
Ca - Serum - AA; F, Flow injection coupled with FAAS, Sl964
air - C2H2;L 4 pl of sample injected into a flowing,
non-segmented reagent stream
Ca 315.9 Human stones - AE; ICP; L Samples digested in H N 0 3- HC104 Sl981
Cd 228.8 Urine 0-2 pgl-1 AA; ETA; L Standard-additions procedure; samples s1159
acidified with HN03
Cd 220.35 Blood - AE; ICP; L Comparison of digestion procedures Sl176
Cd 228.8 Biological - AA; ETA; S Solid samplingon to a graphite boat; Sl182
materials Zeeman background correction
Cd - Biological - AA; ETA; L Applications of O2ashing in ETA-AAS SIC553
Cd 228.8 Liver tissue - AA; ETA; L or S Comparison of solid sampling and Zeeman SIC555
ETA-AAS versus a wet-digestion procedure
Cd - Hair - AA; -; L Samples soaked in neutral detergents, Sl589
washed with de-ionised H 2 0 , treated
with 95% ethanol; hair finally digested
with 7 ml H N 0 3 + 3 ml HC104,
evaporated, re-dissolvedin 0.1% Na2S04
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Element hJnm Matrix Concentration analyte form Sample treatment Reference
Cd - Dietary - AA; ETA; L See As, ref. Sl863 Sl863
Cd 228.8 Urine ' - AA; ETA; L Investigationof various matrix modifiers, Sl963
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

HN03was preferred
Cd 228.8 Urine 0.1-164 yg 1-' AA; ETA; L +
Samples diluted 1 1 with HzO, standard- Sl966
additions method and L'vov platform
Cd - Teeth - AA; ETA; L Sampleswet digested, solvent extracted into Sl970
CHC13then injected into graphite furnace
Cd 228.8 or Pancreatic tissue - AA; ETA; S Samples incubated at 37 "C with physiological Sl975
326.1 saline, freeze dried, solid samplingof
1-13 pg sample masses into graphite furnace
Cd 228.8 Urine - AA; ETA; L Comparison of calibration procedures 9998
Cd - Liver, renal cortex - AA; ETA; L Investigationof Cd body burden between 86/60
non- ,medium- and heavy-smokers
co - Plasma 0.15-10 1.18I-' AA; ETA; L Samples digested with HN03- HC104; Sl982
solvent extraction with APDC - IBMK;
direct injection into graphite tube
co - Whole blood, - AA; ETA; L Sampleshomogenised then direct injection Sl994
urine into graphite furnace; results compared
with an electrochemicalprocedure
Cr - Hair - AA;-;L See Cd, ref. Sl589 Sl589
Cr - Plasma, urine 0-3 yg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Standard-additions procedure Sl615
Cr - Serum - AA; ETA; L Samples dry ashed with Mg(N03)z, Sl616
re-dissolved in 0.1 M HC1
Cr - Enteral nutritional - AA; -; L Wet ashing of samples Sl789
Cr 357.9 Faeces - AE; ICP; L Samples digested with H N 0 3- HC104 Sl980
cu 324.7 Plasma protein - AA; ETA; L Comparison of 5 different graphite furnace Sl184
fractions systems
cu - Muscle tissue - AA; F, air - 0.8-12.0 mg of sample extracted with HN03 S1645
CzH2; L
cu 324.7 Liver 0-1000 yg 1-1 AA; F, air - Samples digested with HN03- H2S04for Sl987
C2H2; L 1h at 120 "C, diluted to 500 pl
cu - Liver - AA; -; L Samples digested with concentrated HN03 Sl923
at 60 "C; collaborative study
cu - Serum - AA; ETA; L +
Samples diluted 1 2 1with 1%Triton Sl785
X-100, M HNO, and 30 mM
NH4NO3; platform atomisation plus
peak-area measurement enabled calibration
with acid standards; continuum source
cu 324.7 Serum, urine - AA; F, air - +
Samples diluted 1 20, aspirated into a Sl996
CzH2; L slotted quartz tube; sensitivityimprovement
X 2-3
cu 324.7 Plasma protein - AA; F, air - Comparison of FAAS techniques for the Sl999
fractions C2H2; L determination of Cu and Zn in plasma
protein fractions; techniques included
pulse nebulisation, slotted quartz tube
and Delves cup
Fe - Liver 0-5 yM AA; F; L, or Comparison of 3 analytical methods (FAAS, Sl646
AA; ETA; L ETA-AAS, colorimetric analysis) for the
determination of Fe in liver biopsies
Fe 248.3 Liver 0-1500 yg 1-1 AA; F, air - See Cu, ref. Sl785 Sl785
C2H2; L
Fe - Serum - AA; ETA; L See Cu, ref. Sl987 Sl987
Hg 253.7 Blood, urine 1.7-5 pg 1-1 AA; cold vap. ;L Automated - computerised procedure for Hg Sl2
Hg - Biological - AA; cold vap. ;L Comparison of digestion procedures, semi- 9157
materials closed or closed silica vessels required;
digest with HN03- HC104 at 200 "C,
time required varied from 1.5 to 8 h
depending on sample
Hg - Biological - AA; ETA; S See Cd, ref. Sl182 SO82
- Marine biological - AA; cold vap. ;L See As, ref. Sl590 Sl590
Hg - Blood, fish (Moo pgl-1 AA; cold vap.; L Various digestionprocedures including Sl904
tissue or AE; DCP; L HNO,, HN03- H2S04and
H2SO4 - KMn04
K 404.4 or Biological 1-600 yg ml-1 AA; F, air - Solid samples dry ashed, samples diluted Sl787
766.5 samples C2H2; L 1 + 99 with 1% CsCl
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Technique ;
Element hlnm Matrix Concentration analyte form Sample treatment Reference
Mg - Whole blood, - AF; F; L Whole blood and serum deproteinised with s17
serum, urine 1 M HNO,; urine samples acidified with
0.04 M HCI; 200 PI sample aliquots
aspirated into flame; line and continuum
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

source AFS
Mg - Muscle - AA;-;L See Ca, ref. Sl647 Sl647
Mg - Serum - AA; F; L See Ca, ref. Sl964 s1964
Mg 323.83 Human stones - AE; ICP; L See Ca, ref. Sl983 Sl981
Mn - Whole blood - AA; ETA; L Dilute 1 + 4 with 0.5% Triton X-100, pyrolytic SIC528
graphite tube, platform atomisation
Mn 279.5 Urine - AA; F, air - Coprecipitate Mn with La(OH)3, re-dissolve; s1977
C2H2; L direct aspiration
Mn 403.08 Urine - AE; ETA; L Samples acidified with 10-2 M HN03, 1 1 + 861211
or 1 + 5 dilution, acidified aqueous
standards for calibration
Na 330.2 or Biological samples 1-600 pg ml-1 AA; F, air - See K. ref. Sl787 9787
589.0 C2H2; L
Ni - Rat tissue AE; ICP; L Study of Ni uptake in the rat Sl187
Ni - Serum AA; ETA; L Matrix modification with NH4 oxalate, Sl196
standard additions for calibration
Ni 232.0 Serum, water AA; ETA; L Minimal sample preparation Sl810
Pb - Blood, melted AA; ETA; L Samples introduced into a pre-heated Sl28
snow furnace on a W-wire probe
Pb 283.3 Blood AA; ETA; L Sample added to solution containing 1M Sl158
HN03 plus 0.1% Triton X-100,
centrifuged; 10 or 20 pl of supernatant
injected into graphite furnace
Pb 220.35 Blood AE; ICP; L See Cd, ref. Sl176 Sl176
Pb - Biological AA; ETA; S See Cd and Hg, ref. Sl182 Sl182
Pb - Blood, serum, AA; ETA; L or S Radiotracer study on the usefulness of S/191
urine, tissues various matrix modifiers; platform
atomisation and NH4H2P04recommended
Pb - Tissue AA; ETA; S Slurry atomisation into graphite furnace SIC246
after homogenisation of tissue samples
Pb - Biological AA; ETA; L See Cd, ref. SIC553 SIC553
Pb - Tissue AA; ETA; S See Cd, ref. SIC555 SIC555
Pb - Hair AA; F; L See Cd, ref. S1589 Sl589
Pb - Whole blood AA; ETA; L Use of O2ashing in the graphite furnace SIC69 1
Pb - Urine AA; ETA; L Determination of Et2Pb in urine, chelation Sl811
with glyoxalbis(2-hydroxyanil), extraction
into IBMK
Pb - Dietary AA; ETA; L See As, ref. Sl863 Sl863
Pb - Whole blood AA; ETA; L Review on the use of reference samples Sl895
rather than reference methods
Pb 283.3 Whole blood AF; F, air - +
Samples diluted 1 9 with H20, s1995
C2H2; L fluorescence excitation at 283.3 nm,
measured at 405.8 nm, laser-excited FAFS
Pb - Whole blood AA; ETA; L Studies on the storage of blood samples for Sl1200
Pb determination
Pt - Animal tissue AA; ETA; L Wet digestion of samples, interference from s1979
HN03 removed by addition of NH3 to the
graphite furnace during the ash stage
Pt - Plasma AA; ETA; L Samples reacted with NaDDC, extracted Sl986
ultrafiltrate, into CHC13,direct insertion into graphite
urine furnace
Rb 780.0 Blood, plasma AE; F, air - Blood diluted 1 + 99, plasma 1 + 9, with a Sl497
C2H2; L solution containing 2.5 g 1-1 Cs, standards
matrix matched with inorganic
Rb - Erythrocytes, AA; ETA; L - Sl857
S 180.7 Biological samples - AE; ICP; L High-pressure decomposition with HNO, s1921
Se - Whole blood - AA; ETA; L Study on the use of O2 ashing, Ni matrix SIC27 1
modification and the interference of Fe
on Se
Se 196.0 Body fluids 5-100 pg I-' AA; Hy; L Samples digested in HNO, - HC104 - H2S04 s1494
with a final temperature of 310 "C
Se 196.0 Marine biological - AA; Hy; L See As, ref. Sl590 s1590
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Element hlnm Matrix Concentration analyte form Sample treatment Reference

Se - Liver - AA; Hy; L Samples digested in HNO, - HC104with a SIC680

final temperature of 210 "C
Se - Enteral - AA;-; L See Cr ,ref. Sl789 Sl789
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

Se 196.0 Serum 0.01-0.1 pg ml-l AA; ETA; L Addition of 1YO Ni as matrix modifier Sl968
Si 250.7 Serum, urine, 0-100 pg 1-1 AE ;'ICP ;L See Al, ref. 9974 s1974
T1 276.8 Blood, urine, 0-200 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; Lor Blood and urine samples diluted with 0.1 M Sl160
hair AA; ETA; S HN03, hair analysed directly by solid
Tl 276.8 Urine 0-1.65 yg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Urine pH adjusted to pH 7 , NaDDC added, 9643
extracted into toluene
Zn 213.9 Serum - AA; ETA; L Serum proteins separated by gel-filtration s1103
chromatography and affinity
chromatography, Zn associated with az-
Zn 213.9 Tissue 40-400 pg 1-1 AA; F, air - Samples digested in HNO, s1104
CzHz;L or
Zn 213.9 Red blood cells - AA;-;L Samples diluted 1 + 19 with HzO Sl106
Zn - Plasma protein - AA; ETA; L See Cu, ref. Sl184 Sl184
Zn - Blood cells - AA; F, air - Blood samples separated on a discontinuous 9617
C2H2; L gradient of colloidal Percoll
Zn 213.9 Muscle - AA; F, air - See Cu, ref. Sl645 Sf645
W z ;L
Zn 213.9 Liver 0-1000 pg 1-1 AA; F, air - See Cu and Fe; ref. Sl785 9785
C2H2; L
Zn - Serum - AA; ETA; L See Cu and Fe, ref. Sl987 9987
Zn 213.9 Serum, urine - AA; F, air - See Cu. ref. Sl996 Sl996
CzHz; L
Zn 213.9 Serum, plasma - AA; F, air - Comparative study of FAAS methods for the s1997
CzH2; L determination of Zn in serum and plasma
Zn 213.9 Plasma - AA; F, air - See Cu, ref. Sl999 s1999
CzH2; L
Various - Biological - AE; DCP; L Optimisation of parameters for d.c. arc S18
(7) materials excitation (Ag, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn)
Various - Animal tissue - AE; ICP; L Samples decomposed by dry ashing at 700- Sl108
(6) 800 "C or wet digested with HN03 - HC104
(Ce, La, Nd, Pr, Sm and Y)
Various - Hair - AA; For ETA; L Multi-element analyses of hair samples Sl156
Various - Biological - AE; ICP; L Samples digested with HNO, - HC104 s1172
(18) samples
Various - Biological - AE; ICP; L Samples digested with H N 0 3 - HC104, Co s1193
(11) samples used as internal standards
Various - Serum - AA; ETA; L Simultaneous multi-element determination of s1194
(7) trace elements by SIMAAC, 2-ml serum
sample dry ashed with Mg(N03)2, re-
dissolved with 0.5 ml Of 0.5% HNO,,
platform atomisation (Al, C o , Cr, Mn, Mo,
Ni and V)
Various Human placenta AA; F; L Optimisation of digestion procedures; s1195
(5) H2S04,HNO,, H N 0 3 - HZSO4 all
gave good results (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn)
Various Brain tissue, AE; ICP; L - SIC455
(11) bone, nails
Various Blood, plasma, AE; ICP; L Advantages of ICP-OES in the clinical SIC417
(12) urine laboratory
Various Biological AE; DCP, Hy; G Continuous-flow hydride or cold vapour SIC473
(4) materials generation with d.c. arc determination
(As, Se, Te and Hg)
Various Hair AE; ICP; L Samples digested in HNO, - H F - HC104 Sl506
Various Teeth AE; ICP; L Teeth cleaned with H202,digested in Sl592
(13) pressure bomb with HN03
Various Biological AE; ICP; L Review Sl613
Various Nails AE; ICP; L International comparison of the SIC679
(21) concentration of 21 elements in human nails
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Element hlnm Matrix Concentration analyte form Sample treatment Reference

Various - Biological Multi-element analysis in veterinary SIC709

(20) materials medicine, review
Various - Blood, urine - AE; ICP; L Electrothermal vaporisation for ICP-OES, SIC719
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

Various - Animal tissue - AA; For ETA; L Automated wet digestion of samples 9862
(7) (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, Se and Zn)
Various - Whole blood, - AA; F, air - General review on the advantages of the S/918
(4) serum, urine CZHZ; L slotted quartz tube and FAAS
(Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn)
Various - Hair, urine AA; ETA; L Pressure digestion of samples with HN03 S1969
(5) in PTFE bomb, platform atomisation and
matrix modification recommended (As, Cd,
Cr ,Pb and Se)
Various - Serum AE; ICP; L Samples digested in HNO, - HCIO, in S1984
(9) pressure bomb, pre-concentrated on ion-
exchange resin, resin digested with
H202- HNO, (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe,
Mo, Se ,V and Zn)
Various - Serum, urine - AA; ETA; L Improving analysis time of ETA-AAS Sl993
(4) analytical methods (Al, Cd, Cu and Pb)
Various - Lung tissue - AA;-;L Review of digestion procedures (Al, Ga, SIC1136
(4) Mg and Si)
Various - Platelets - AA; F; L Samples digested in sealed decomposition s11203
(4) bomb, discrete nebulisation (Ca, K, Mg and
Various - Urine - AE; ICP; L Sample introduced into ICP on a wire loop; 86lC157
(6) sample dried near base of ICP for 30 s
(Al, As, Be, Cd, Pb and Se)
Various - Blood, serum, - AA; F, air - Applications of a slotted quartz tube to the 861193
(4) urine C2H2; L analysis of biological materials; serum
diluted 1 + 20, whole blood deproteinised
with TCA, urine acidified with 0.1% HCI
(Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn)

faster. Again in the pursuit of a rapid, sensitive method for the Van Loon (S/28) have described for the determination of Pb in
determination of Cu and Zn in plasma fractions, Bahreyni- blood.
Toosi et al. (S/184) compared five separate laboratory-built Simultaneous multi-element atomic absorption spectrometry
ETA systems. A conventional Massman furnace was the most with continuum source (SIMAAC) and with electrothermal
sensitive, but also the slowest. None of the systems were rapid atomisation has been applied by Lewis et al. to the determina-
enough to meet the stipulated requirement (cycle time < 30 s). tion of Cu, Fe and Zn in serum (S/987) and to Al, Co , Cr ,Mn ,
Halls (S/993), using a commercial Perkin-Elmer furnace with Mo, Ni and V in serum (S/194). In the first paper, serum
uncoated tubes, was able to achieve cycle times of around 60 s samples were diluted 1 + 20 with a diluent containing
for Cd and Pb in blood after deproteinisation, A1 in water and 0.1% WVTriton X-100,O.Ol M HN03 and 0.03 M NH4N03. In
Cu in urine; the short programmes accentuated the slowness the second, a four-fold pre-concentration was achieved by dry
of the autosampler (operation time 29 s). Drying of samples ashing 2 ml of serum with Mg(NO& as an ashing aid - matrix
could be achieved in under 10 s and in some analyses (Pb in modifier; the ash was re-dissolved in 0.5 ml of 5% V/V HN03.
blood and Cu in urine) the ashing stage could be omitted While normal levels of Al, Cr, Mn and Ni could be determined
without affecting the performance of the method. Similar successfully, insufficient sensitivity was available for Co, Mo
ideas were applied to the determination of A1 in dialysate and V determination. Day-to-day precision was of the order of
fluids (86/65), which resulted in a two-step programme 2O-3OYo RSD.
(combined dry - ash and atomise) of cycle time 56 s. Clinical applications of electrothermal atomisation atomic
Development of the stabilised temperature plalform furnace emission spectrometry continue to show that for many
concept (STPF) continues. Voellkopf and Grobenski (9969) analyses, it is at least as sensitive and accurate as ETA-AAS.
have applied it to the determination of As, Cd, Cr, Pb and Se Two recent applications are the determination of Mn in urine
in milk powder, human hair and urine using Zeeman-effect by Frech et al. (86/211) and A1 in blood, cortex and liver by
background correction. Different matrix modifiers were Baxter et al. (86/197).
applied for each element. Stoeppler et al. (S/CSSl) have There have been some interesting developments in solid
described their experience in the use of the STPF concept in sampling for ETA-AAS. Fietkau (S/C246) homogenised
the determination of Al, Cd and Pb in biological and animal tissue in a commercial homogeniser to a median
environmental materials. They concluded that for measure- particle size of about 6 pm, diluted it to 1-10% m/mtotal solids
ment near detection limits, peak height should be used and and pipetted this directly into the graphite furnace. The
direct comparison made with practically identical control problem of smoke causing a high non-specific absorbance was
materials or a matrix-matched standard curve should be used. overcame by using air ashing as part of the furnace pro-
This would seem to indicate that the STPF concept, designed gramme. Lead could be determined down to 60 pg kg-1 in
to eliminate interferences and allow direct analysis, may not liver tissue giving results in good agreement with those
always be successful. Another way of ensuring that the obtained after wet ashing. Rosopulo et al. (S/182) used the
temperature within the furnace is higher than the sample is to graphite-boat technique for sample introduction and a Zee-
introduce the sample on a wire probe, as Edmonstone and man system to overcome the effect of high background.
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Results obtained on the analysis of SRMs (e.g., bovine liver) and whole blood concentrations were not significantly differ-
were within the certified range. The precision of solid ent, although whole blood concentrations for healthy subjects
sampling analysis was found to equal that of conventional (12.1 k 1.5 pg 1-1) were higher than for serum (see above).
ETA-AAS determination after wet digestion. The same Dialysate fluids cause a negative matrix interference in the
approach was applied to the determination of Cd and Pb in determination of A1 in an uncoated graphite tube. Fagioli et al.
liver tissue from animal carcasses for legal inspection purposes (S/118) used a L’vov platform to overcome this and found
(S/C555). In situ ashing with 0 2 in the graphite tube has been good recoveries both with and without the addition of
used by Mohl et al. (S/C553) for the pre-treatment of difficult Mg(N03)2 as a matrix modifier. Total furnace programme
materials, such as cow and human milk, serum and animal time was 97 s. Halls and Fell (86/65) overcame the interference
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

muscle. Liquid samples were injected directly after addition of by acidifying to 2% V/V with H N 0 3 and used a two-stage
Triton X-100, whereas solid samples were inserted directly programme (combined dry - ash and atomise) to achieve a
using the Perkin-Elmer solid sampling accessory. furnace programme time of only 30 s. Nitric acid was also used
by Allain et al. (S/965) as a modifier for the analysis of
haemodialysis concentrates by ETA-AAS.
1.3. Progress for Individual Elements Even faster throughput of samples is undoubtedly possible
1.3.1. Aluminium with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry.
It is a measure of the difficulty of an analysis when a large Mauras and Allain (86/47) have described their automated
number of papers on that determination appear (Table 1) method for A1 in plasma, dialysate fluid and water using Ga as
often with the adjective “improved” in the title. Amidst the an internal standard and Cs as a matrix modifier. Good
claims and counter-claims of the accuracy of analysis based on correlation of results was obtained with ETA-AAS for plasma
simple aqueous standards, it is refreshing to find a paper that and water samples. As this direct approach is possible, the use
looks at some of the fundamental problems of serum A1 of ICP-OES combined with electrothermal atomisation pro-
determination by ETA-AAS and helps to clarify the situation. posed by Matusiewicz and Barnes (S/974) for the determina-
Gardiner et al. (86/195) compared signals from A1 standards tion of A1 in these matrices seems unnecessarily complicated.
and A1 in serum in the presence and absence of various matrix An alternative approach to A1 determination is the use of
modifiers for a standard uncoated tube, a pyrolytically-coated electrothermal atomisation atomic emission spectrometry.
tube and a L‘vov platform in a pyrolytically-coated tube. The Baxter et al. (861197) applied this technique with a constant-
effect of different sheath gases was also examined. Whereas temperature furnace to the analysis of whole blood, cortex and
with uncoated tubes, serum could be analysed directly against liver samples after digestion with HN03. Good agreement was
aqueous standards using 0.1% Triton X-100 in 0.001 M H N 0 3 found with results obtained using a conventional ETA-AAS
as a diluent with or without the addition of Mg(N03)2 as a system and the L’vov platform.
matrix modifier, the use of pyrolytically-coated tubes gave a Other biological samples that have been examined are hair
matrix effect which was not eliminated by the use of (S/967), soft tissues (S/642) and bone (S/480, S/642).
Mg(N03)2. With the platform, Mg(N03)2 did eliminate the Homogeneity of material can be a problem as found by
interference and allowed calibration against standards simil- Kratchovil et al. (86/C160) who examined a reference
arly diluted. Other factors that were considered important in material, TORT-1 (marine biological material), and found
the choice of tube were sensitivity (the platform is the most that when sample aliquot size was decreased from 300 to 30
sensitive), sample load and number of firings possible with mg, the between-aliquot variation increased. This was blamed
each tube. An interesting suggestion was the use of the on inhomogeneity caused by microparticulates of Al.
alternative 396.2-nm line for analysis, which gave greater
linearity with only about 20% loss in sensitivity. 1.3.2. Arsenic
Brown et al. (S/985) found that the method of Leung and
Henderson (Clin. Chem., 1982, 28, 2139) based on a L’vov For the hydride generation AAS analysis of marine biological
platform and Mg(N03)2as a matrix modifier did not allow the tissue, Welz et al. (S/590) applied a digestion with HN03,
use of simple aqueous standards as had been claimed. They H2S04 and HC104 at a final temperature of 310 “C. Good
found mean slopes of 1.35, 3.44, 2.41 and 1.80 X 10-3 agreement was found with results obtained after combustion
absorbance 1 pg-1 for aqueous standards, normal sera, of the sample in a stream of 02.Webb and Carter (S/976)
uraemic sera (<300 yg 1-1) and uraemic sera (>300 pg l-l), preferred a digestion with HN03, H2S04and K2Cr207to give
respectively. By contrast, Bettinelli et al. (S/858), using a very a quantitative breakdown of dimethylarsonic acid. They
similar procedure, but with an O2 ashing step, found good applied their method to the determination of As in water,
agreement between calibration slopes in aqueous solution and urine, faeces and whole blood with recoveries in the range
serum samples. Brown et al. (S/985) recommended the 92-105%.
method of standard additions for calibration or alternatively More important often than a knowledge of total As is to
the pre-treatment of the serum with H N 0 3 to precipitate the know the proportions of the various species. Stoeppler and
proteins and then the analysis of the supernatant against Ape1 (S/166) differentiated between toxic inorganic As and its
simple aqueous standards. Good agreement was obtained metabolites and the more stable and much less toxic arseno-
between the two approaches. betaines (which occur in fish). Wet digestion with HN03,
Whether a platform is necessary for A1 determination is HC104 and H2S04was used followed by hydride generation
debatable. D’Haese et al. (S/642) using an uncoated graphite AAS.
tube, determined A1 in serum against simple aqueous stan-
1.3.3. Cadmium
dards using H 2 0 only as a diluent. Identical results were
obtained with direct and standard-additions calibration and In tissue analysis for Cd, possibilities of solid sampling have
excellent results in the Trace Elements Quality Assurance been explored. Nilsson and Berggren (S/975) freeze-dried
Scheme run by the University of Surrey were obtained. The pancreatic tissue and then analysed 1-13 yg amounts directly
mean serum A1 concentration for ten healthy controls was 2.0 in a Varian CRA90 furnace. For Cd in liver tissue, Rosopulo et
k 0.4 pg 1-1. Zirconium-coated tubes have been used by a al. (S/C553) used direct solid analysis with Zeeman AAS and
number of workers (9479, S/642, S/967). found good agreement with results after wet digestion. More
Whole blood analysis by ETA-AAS using dilution of conventional wet digestion - AAS procedures have been used
samples 1 + 3 with 2 g 1-1 Triton X-100 and direct analysis for Cd in prostate glands (S/920), teeth (S/970) and liver and
against standards also in Triton X-100 was examined by renal cortex (86/60). The last study, an estimate of the Cd
D’Haese et al. (S/642). For patients on haemodialysis, serum body burden of an occupationally non-exposed population in
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Southern Bavaria, again confirmed the great increase in body ~ C tracer.

O A detection limit of 0.05 pg 1-1 and a mean
burden caused by smoking. normal concentration of 0.15 yg 1-1 was obtained. The
Determination of Cd in urine by ETA-AAS continues to be application of the ETA-SIMAAC system to the determination
a problem. Feitsma et al. (S/963) concluded that of the various of Co (S/194) gave a detection limit of 0.57 pg l-l, which was
matrix modifiers they examined , HN03 was preferable. Nitric insufficient to give reliable values for normal levels.
acid was also used by Dungs and Neidhart (S/998) in the Similar problems of insufficient sensitivity were encoun-
determination of Cd in urine on the L'vov platform by a tered by Heinrich and Angerer (S/C525) in the development
standard-additions procedure. A graphics display, giving both of a method for Co in whole blood. To remove matrix
corrected and uncorrected signals, was considered of great interferences in ETA-AAS , samples were diluted eight-fold
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

importance and was shown to be of value when examining a and a multi-stage ashing procedure was used. The method was
reference material (Lanonorm Control Urine). This sample suitable for occupational levels, but not for natural levels.
gave problems with background correction, even with a Urine was analysed after solvent extraction.
Zeeman system, which were not seen with natural urines.
Further modification of the method was needed for this 1.3.7. Copper and zinc
sample. McAughey and Smith (S/966) tried a combination of As with Ca and Mg, developments for Cu and Zn are mainly in
the L'vov platform and (NH4)2HP04, but found that the studies of the cellular components of blood and the distribution
modifier could only be used after time-consuming purification in plasma. Milne et al. (S/617) separated platelets, mono-
to reduce blank levels. Instead they developed a method based nucleated cells, polymorphonucleated cells and erythrocytes
on selective volatilisation of Cd at 800 "C from a L'vov by use of a discontinuous Percoll gradient and measured the
platform. Calibration was by standard additions and a Zn content of the cells by H N 0 3 digestion and FAAS using
detection limit of 0.06 pg 1-1 was achieved. A similar method pulse nebulisation. Because of the high Zn concentration of
based on standard additions but using an uncoated graphite platelets, the values for mononuncleated cells depended
tube was used by De Groot et al. (S/159). greatly on the extent of contamination from platelets. Makino
(S/1203) measured Zn in platelets using separation by
1.3.4. Calcium and magnesium differential centrifugation, digestion in a PTFE bomb and
Although Ca and Mg determinations in serum, urine and analysis by FAAS using pulse nebulisation. Red cells were
tissues are well established, there is still some development in analysed by Chen and Zhao (S/106) for Zn by FAAS after
the measurement of Ca and Mg levels in blood cells, some at dilution 1 + 19 with distilled water. Their conclusion that
very low levels. Gerlach et al. (S/C531) determined low levels erythrocyte Zn was a better index than plasma or serum for
of Ca in erythrocytes (<1 pg g-1) by ETA-AAS. All steps in nutritional and metabolic studies is one that few are likely to
the analysis were verified by the use of a 47Ca tracer. Dust-free agree with. Using gel-filtration chromatography combined
conditions had to be used to reduce contamination. Mono- with affinity chromatography (to separate albumin) and
nuclear cells were separated on a discontinuous Ficoll - ETA-AAS, Foote and Delves (S/103) found that most of the
Hypaque gradient by Elin and Hosseini (S/922). After lysing Zn in the globulin fraction of human serum was bound to
and dilution with La solution, the Mg content was determined a*-macroglobulin; no Zn was associated with transferrin.
by FAAS. Makino (S/1203) separated platelets by differential Although tissue analysis for Cu and Zn seems straight-
centrifugation and digested them in a PTFE bomb. Discrete forward, it is apparent from a collaborative study on the
nebulisation FAAS was used for the measurement of Ca and determination of Cu by Osheim and Ross (S/923) that
Mg* agreement between laboratories could still be improved. In
this study, 11 laboratories analysed four blind duplicate pairs
1.3.5. Chromium of bovine liver samples by digestion with H N 0 3 at 60 "C and
To determine Cr in serum by ETA-AAS, Veillon et al. (S/616) determination by AAS. Within-laboratory variation ranged
used Mg(NO& as an ashing aid and matrix modifier. Samples from 5.6 to 19% RSD and between-laboratory variation was
with Mg(N03)2 added were lyophilised and dry ashed in 7.1-21% RSD. Most methods for tissue analysis use acid
silanised quartz tubes. Chromium was determined after the digestion followed by FAAS determination and similar
ash had been re-dissolved in 0.1 M HC1. A mean normal Cr methods have been applied to Cu and Zn in liver biopsies
concentration of 0.11 k 0.07 pg 1-1 was found for 15 adults. (S/785), Zn in prostate tissue (S/920) and Zn in rat intestine,
Very strict control of contamination was necessary. The kidney and liver (S/104). For determinations of Cu and Zn in
method has been applied to studies of the effect of Cr human placenta, Imaeda et al. (S/195) used acid extraction
supplementation and glucose loading (S/927), from which it with 0.5 M H2SO4 or 1 M HN03. Results compared well with
was concluded that serum Cr concentration does not appear to those obtained after wet digestion in a PTFE bomb.
be a meaningful indicator of Cr status. The same dry-ashing
procedure was used by Lewis et al. (S/194) to give a four-fold 1.3.8. Iron
pre-concentration for determination by ETA-SIMAAC. Kreeftenberg et al. (S/646) have compared the determination
Their mean value for 30 normal subjects was 0.24 1-18 1-1. of Fe in liver biopsies by the three different methods:
Morris and Kemp (S/615) determined Cr in plasma and urine colorimetry using thiocyanate as a complexing agent, FAAS
by ETA-AAS with a W lamp source for background correc- and ETA-AAS. A good correlation was found between all
tion. Samples were diluted 1 + 1 with 0.3% V/VTriton X-100 three methods. Of the three, the FAAS method was quickest,
and analysed by use of standard additions. Mean normal but the ETA-AAS method was more suited to small sample
values of 0.82 k 0.52 yg 1-1 for plasma Cr and <1.0 pg 1-1 for masses.
urine were obtained. Since the value for plasma is higher than Serum Fe has been determined after deproteinisation with
what is now regarded as a realistic value (<0.5 pg 1-I), it can TCA by Zhong et al. (S/105). Triton X-100 and NH4N03were
be concluded that insufficient precautions were taken in used as matrix modifiers in the final determination by
sample collection (e.g., stainless-steel needles were used). ETA-AAS with Zeeman-effect background correction. Li et
al. (S/971) used FAAS with tartaric acid as a matrix modifier
1.3.6. Cobalt to increase the sensitivity and reduce interferences.
The problem of determining the low levels of Co in serum by
ETA-AAS was approached by Anderson and Hoegetveit 1.3.9. Lead
(S/982) through the use of solvent extraction of digested Direct determination of Pb in whole blood by ETA-AAS has
plasma with APDC into IBMK. Recovery was checked with a been frequently described in previous years. Oxygen ashing
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has been used by Shiowatana and Matousek (S/C691) to help Cold-vapour AAS is still the most popular technique for
resolve Pb peaks from the interfering background absorption. measurement of Hg. Welz and Melcher (S/590) combined it
Direct calibration with aqueous standards was possible. with an amalgamation technique to achieve greater sensitivity.
Schmid and Krivan (S/191) investigated the behaviour of Pb in Einarsson et al. (S/2) automated the determination so that the
the graphite furnace during ashing with 203Pb as a radiotracer digested samples (blood, urine or other biological material)
for a number of matrices including blood, serum and urine. were introduced by an automatic sampler into a computer-
Optimum elimination of matrix effects was achieved by controlled cold-vapour AAS system. Comparison of cold-
simultaneous use of a L'vov platform and NH4H2P04 as a vapour AAS with DCP-OES for the determination of Hg in
matrix modifier. Stoeppler et al. (S/158) have described a blood and fish samples has been made by Lajunen et al.
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

modified version of the original Stoeppler , Brandt and Rains (S/904).

method for Pb in blood (Analyst, 1978, 103,714). Samples Mercury -containing drugs have been analysed by Holak
were diluted with 1 M H N 0 3 containing 0.1% Triton X-100. (S/1088) using HPLC with cold-vapour AAS.
After centrifuging off precipitated cells and proteins, the
supernatant was analysed by ETA-AAS. Comparison of 1.3.12. Nickel
results was made with isotope dilution MS and differential Drazniowsky et al. (S/810) determined Ni in serum by
pulse ASV. Blood samples for Pb determination were shown +
ETA-AAS after dilution 1 1 with 0.2% V/VTriton X-100
by Wang and Frank (S/1200) to be stable for at least ten weeks using matrix-matched standards. For 71 normal subjects a
whether stored at 22, 4 or -20 "C using either EDTA or median normal value of 1.0 pg 1-1 was obtained; patients on
heparin as an anticoagulant. haemodialysis had much higher levels (predialysis median
Omenetto et al. (S/995) showed that the determination of Pb value 7.4 pg 1-1). Wei and Qi (9196) in their ETA-AAS
in blood was possible by laser-excited atomic fluorescence method used ammonium oxalate to eliminate interference
spectrometry. Samples diluted ten-fold were nebulised into an from chlorides. Their mean normal value (21.6 pg 1-1) is very
air - C2H2 flame. Excitation at 283.3 nm by a frequency- high and suggests that inadequate care was taken to minimise
doubled pulsed tunable dye laser stimulated fluorescence contamination.
which was measured at 405.8 nm. A detection limit of 4 pg 1-1
was achieved and results were in good agreement with those 1.3.13. Platinum
obtained by ASV and Delves cup AAS. Most determinations are concerned with the use of cis-
Extracted tetramethyllead from whole blood was deter- diamminodichloroplatinum as an anti-tumour agent. In their
mined by combining high-resolution GC with ETA-AAS study of rats, Wagner and Engelmann (S/C522) diluted serum
(S/978). A detection limit of 10 pg 1-1 as tetramethyllead was +
samples 1 1 with 10-4 M H N 0 3 for analysis by ETA-AAS
obtained. Diethyllead in urine can be measured by chelation using matrix-matched standards. Drummer et al. (S/986) used
with glyoxal-bis-(2-hydroxyanil) and extraction into IBMK, as an HPLC assay for human serum ultrafiltrate and compared it
Turlakiewicz et al. have shown (SBll). Determination of Pb with an ETA-AAS method.
in the extract was made by ETA-AAS. The method success- Nitric acid causes an interference in the determination of Pt
fully discriminated against both triethyllead and inorganic in tissues by ETA-AAS. Matsumato et al. (S/979) removed it
lead. by adding NH3 to vaporise it in the ashing stage as NH4N03.
Their method was applied to rat organs.
1.3.10. Manganese
The technique of ETA-AES has been applied to the determi- 1.3.14. Rubidium
nation of Mn in urine by Frech et al. (86/211). Urines diluted Flame atomic emission spectrometry was used by Allain et al.
1 5 with 0.01 M H N 0 3 were analysed at the 403.1-nm line (S/497) to determine Rb in plasma and whole blood after
directly against standards in 0.01 M HN03. The results dilution 10- and 100-fold, respectively, with a 2.5 g 1-1 Cs
correlated well with those obtained using an ETA-AAS solution as an ionisation suppressor. A standard AA spec-
method. Pre-concentration of Mn in urine by co-precipitation trometer was used in the emission mode with an air - C2H2
with La(OH)3 formed the basis of an FAAS method elabor- flame and a red-sensitive photomultiplier. Mean normal
ated by Holler et al. (S/977). values for plasma of 2.29 k 0.29 pmol l-1 for 27 males and 1.96
Bayer (S/C528) proposed that, since over 90% of Mn in k 0.46 pmol 1-1 for 17 females were obtained. Hallis et al.
blood is present in red cells, whole blood Mn determination (S/857) used ETA-AAS for the determination of Rb in plasma
may be more appropriate than serum analysis. Blood (200 pl) and erythrocytes using a 20- and 50-fold dilution, respectively.
was diluted with 500 pl of 0.5% V/VTriton X-100 and the Mn Calibration was by standard additions. Their normal values
determined by standard additions on a L'vov platform in an were 3.1 pmol l-1 for plasma and 61 pmol l-1 for erythrocytes.
ETA-AAS system. The ETA-SIMAAC system of O'Haver
and co-workers (S/194) gave a mean normal Mn concentration 1.3.15. Selenium
of 0.48 pg 1-1 for serum; measurements were close to the
detection limit (0.11 pg 1-1). Successful Se determination in body fluids and tissues by
As a result of hair Mn measurements on newborns and their hydride generation depends greatly on the prior digestion.
mothers, Saner et al. (86/3) concluded that determination of Welz et al. (S/494, S/590) have shown that the use of H N 0 3
Mn in prenatal maternal hair may prove to be a reliable alone gave low recoveries. They recommended a digestion
indicator of the risk of intrauterine malformations. Hair with HN03, H2S04and HC104 at a final temperature of 310
samples were dry ashed, dissolved in HCl and analysed by "C to give complete breakdown of organoselenium com-
ETA-AAS. pounds. This has been applied to serum, whole blood and
urine (S/494), and to marine biological tissue (S/590). In their
method for Se in liver, Kompiang and Coates (S/C680) used
1.3.11. Mercury an H N 0 3 - HC104 digestion. This gave good results with NBS
Since Hg is so volatile, losses can easily occur during the bovine liver.
sample pre-treatment stage. May and Stoeppler (S/157) The now well-established ETA-AAS procedure for serum
avoided losses by digestion with H N 0 3 and HClO4 in partly analysis using Ni as a matrix modifier has been applied to
closed or completely closed silica vessels heating cautiously sheep serum by Prosbova et al. (S/789). This approach has
from 20 to 200 "C over 1&15 min. Welz and Melcher (S/590) been found to fail when tried with whole blood because of
recommended pressure digestion with H N 0 3 in a PTFE bomb spectral interference from Fe. According to Droessler and
for marine biological tissues. Holcombe (S/C271),this interference is due to a molecular
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iron oxide band formed by the combination of Fe with preferred a solvent extraction step with APDC into diiso-
entrained air. propyl ketone and xylol in their ETA-AAS method.

1.3.16. Thallium 1.4. Conclusions

Chandler and Scott (S/643) determined T1 in urine by
extraction with NaDDC at pH 7 into toluene. The toluene With time, some of the less realistic applications of ICP-OES
extracts were analysed by ETA-AAS for concentrations of will disappear and it will find its true place in the clinical
0-1.65 pg 1-1. The method is suitable for determining T1 levels laboratory. The technique can have an important role, as the
in persons not normally exposed to T1. Direct determination pioneering work of Allain and Mauras (S/C417) has shown.
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

by ETA-AAS for both blood and urine after dilution with 0.1 For Al, although ETA-AAS methods continue to be
M HN03 was shown to be possible by Matsuno et al. (S/160).
developed that work in the authors' laboratories, the scene
Good agreement was found with solvent extraction methods. must seem very confusing to a newcomer. The work of
Gardiner et al. (86/195) has helped to clarify the situation, but
Wakid and Cortas (S/992) have compared a spectrophoto-
metric procedure and an FAAS method after solvent extrac- more needs to be done.
tion for the determination of T1 in urine. All developments that produce easier and quicker methods
are welcome and some were featured in section 1.2. The
Hair analysis has been proposed as a suitable marker for
following TI poisoning (S/C529). Matsuno et al. (S/160) amazing accuracy produced by direct solid sampling ETA-
AAS and the use of O2 ashing for in situ pre-treatment of
analysed hair directly by insertion into a graphite cup of an
samples in the graphite tube are of particular interest.
ETA-AAS system.
For elements at low concentrations in clinical samples, it is
apparent that the ideas expressed by Versieck and Cornelis
1.3.17. Vanadium (Anal. Chim. Acfa, 1980, 116, 217) in the comparison of
Mousty et al. (S/988) reported that up to 20% of V is retained normal levels in establishing accuracy are becoming recog-
by the graphite tube after atomisation in ETA-AAS. Despite nised. Unfortunately, there are still papers appearing in which
this, the determination of V in ten urine samples showed good previous literature on sample contamination and handling is
agreement with NAA results. Chen and Angerer (S/989) ignored and which result in normal values that are far too high.


The use of atomic spectrometry for trace element analysis of Separation of HgC12, MeHgCl and EtHgCl by HPLC with
foods and beverages is now well established and few papers on-line formation of Hg vapour and detection by ICP-OES
describing new or novel approaches have been published was described. This method resulted in detection limits of
recently. Owing to this rather static situation more attention 50-75 p.p.b. and was applied to the analysis of fish samples
has been given to analytical accuracy, which is reflected in the (S/C334). Extraction of inorganic As from acid solution
increasing number of papers reporting results from inter- allowed the selective determination of inorganic and organic
laboratory quality control programmes. An important trend, As compounds; further solvent extraction separated the
however, is the use of direct introduction of samples into dimethylarsenic acid from phenylarsonic acid (S/180). Sample
flames, plasmas and graphite furnaces as slurries, suspensions collection and storage was considered in a study of the
or emulsions. As in the majority of application areas, determination of Pb in drinking water (S/832). Acidification
speciation is another topic of interest. A major area of concern was shown to be necessary but that this could be delayed for up
in the food industry is the possible contamination of foods to 14 d after collection without irreversible loss of Pb.
from wrapping or container materials.
2.2. Analytical Techniques
The most commonly employed analytical technique was AAS
2.1. Sample Preparation although a wide range of other procedures were also used.
In most reports, sample preparation was achieved by acid Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry was
digestion but in a comparative study this technique was found adopted for a number of studies (Table 2) including inter-
to give inconsistent results for As, Hg and Se (S/590). Pressure laboratory comparisons (S/482, S/938) and the determination
decomposition in a PTFE bomb led to low results for As and of trace elements in reference materials (S/lO, S/C366, S/482,
Se (3590) although other workers obtained satisfactory 9897, S/937). Unusual or novel techniques included the
results for similar samples with this procedure (S/936). The complexometric determination of Ca in cheese (86/1), dithi-
comparative study obtained best results following combustion zone colorimetry (S/9), the determination of Pb in beer using
in a stream of O2 (S/590). Extraction of trace elements from the slotted quartz tube and FAAS (S/893) and hydride
foods merely by leaching with concentrated acid was found to generation AAS for the determination of As, Sb and Se in a
be as effective as acid digestion or dry ashing but was simpler single-cell protein. This last report referred to the use of a
and faster (YC362). With suitable nebulisers tolerant to high liquid N2 trap to collect and concentrate the hydrides and an
suspended or dissolved solids, slurries and homogenates have air - H2 flame within the quartz atomiser tube to increase
been assayed (S/C298, S/C321). atomisation efficiency (86/C146). Detection limits of 0.1-0.5
Some interest in speciation was evident with the publication ng were obtained with this technique. A procedure to measure
of recommendations from the Trace Element Speciation in the proportion of residual bone within beef products was
Foodstuffs Sub-committee of the Analytical Methods Com- described that involved the preparation of homogenised
mittee of the Royal Society of Chemistry (S/926). This sample, to contain 5% solids, which was immediately aspir-
Sub-Committee proposed that enzyme digestion at body ated into a slurry nebuliser for Ca emission analysis with an air
temperature should be used for fractionation studies. They - C2H2 flame (S/C298).
considered that the work was of sufficient importance to Studies for the certification of reference materials involved
suggest the establishment of a full-time team of scientists. many other techniques (Table 2).
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Element Unm Matrix Concentration analyte form Sample treatment Reference
As Foods AA; Hy; L 5-10 g sample homogenised with 20 ml30% S/180
HC1 and 2 ml2O0/0 ascorbic acid, extracted
into CH2C12for As(II1) determination;
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

organo-As compounds determined after

decompositionof HCl phase with HN03
As 193.7 Marine tissue - AA; Hy; L Comparison of 3 digestion procedures: St590
pressure decomposition with HN03,
decompositionwith HN03- H2S04-
HClO,, decomposition in O2stream.
Pressure decomposition with H N 0 3for Hg,
followed by H2S04 - HClO, treatment
for As and Se recommended
As Single-cell 10-500 pg 1-1 AA; Hy; L Wet digestion of samples; hydride collected in 86lC146
protein liquid N2trap, released by rapid heating;
T-shaped quartz tube with internal air -
H2flame as atomiser
Ca - Foods AA; F, air - Digest in HN03- NaOAc s/110
Ca 422.7 Animal feedstuffs AA; F, air - 1-5 g sample ashed at 550 "C, re-dissolvedin St242
C2H2; L concentrated HC1, evaporated to dryness,
residue dissolved in 6 M HC1 and filtered
Ca 622.5 Beef 50-200 mg 1-1 AE; F, air - Sample treated for 2 min in Polytron, SIC298
C2H2;slurry homogenised, diluted with 2% HN03 to
5% solids range, shaken for 10 s, aspirated
via slurry nebuliser into flame
Ca Fruit juice AA; F, air - Sl1211
C2H2; L
Cd Baby foods AA; ETA; L IBMK solvent extraction procedure St863
Cd Food packaging AA; ETA; L 100-200 mg sample digested with H N 0 3- Sl1207
papers H2S04at 140 "C for 30 min
Cd Breast milk AA; -; L Breast milk from 10 women analysed for Cd 86/59
and Pb; samples examined at regular
intervals over a 3-month period
co Foods AA; F; L Wet digestion of sample, Fe removed by 86/52
liquid - liquid extraction
Cr Beer 0.246 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Samples digested with H N 0 3 St243
Cr Enteral - AA;-; L Sampleswet ashed St789
cu Meats, frozen AA; -; L Nutritional survey of various foods 9111
cu Milk AA; ETA; L Lipids and proteins removed by shaking Sl593
with H2S04- CCl,; no interferences
found; residual C removed from furnace by
O2introduction during tube clean phase
Foods AA; cold vap.; L Accuracy comparison between dithizone s/9
method of Hg determination and cold-
vapour AAS
Shark or swordfish 50-75 pg 1-1 AE; ICP, cold Speciationof HgC12,MeHgCl and EtHgCl SIC334
vap.; L by an HPLC - cold vapour-ICP technique;
separation using C18reversed-phase column
with mobile phase containing
Marine tissue - AA; coldvap.; L See As, ref. Sl590 St590
Vegetation - -; cold vap .; Solid sample (300 mg) mixed with mixture of SIC692
gold film analyser A1203- MgO, heated in O2stream; Hg
collected in acidified permanganate -
dichromate solution
Fish tissue 0.79-2.1Opgg-' AA;coldvap.; L Comparison of two different cold-vapour StC693
AAS instruments; comparison of 8 different
digestion methods
Fish tissue 0-600pg 1-1 AA; cold vap. ;L Comparison of different digestion procedures St904
or AE; d.c. arc; using HN03- H2S04and H2SO4 -
L KMnO, mixtures; comparison of cold-
vapour AAS and DCP-OES
Foodstuffs - AA; F; Lor 5-50 g sample digested in HN03 - H2S04 861201
AE; F; L
Foods - AA; F, air - See Ca, ref. S/110 s/110
C2H2; L
Wine - AA;-;L Studies on Ni content in wine pre- and post St925
storage in stainless-steeltanks and glass
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Element Matrix Concentration analyte form Sample treatment Reference
P Foods - AA; F, air - Phospho - vanado - molybdate amplification s/110
C2H2; L procedure for P determination (see Ca,
ref. S/110)
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

Pb Milk AA; ETA; L SIC94

Pb Baby food AA; ETA; L See Cd, ref. S1863 S1863
Pb Beer AA; F, air - Samplesdegassed by rapid shaking, S/893
C2H2; L acidified with 1%HC1, aspirated directly
into a slotted quartz tube mounted above
a conventional burner
Pb Infant formulas AA; ETA; L Round-robin study for the determination S1940
of Pb in 3 infant formulas
Pb Tin coatings AA; F; L Samplesplaced in solution of CuS04- s/1206
HCl, HNO, added to dissolve precipitated
Cu, solution analysed for Pb by FAAS
Pb Milk - AA; -; L See Cd, ref. 86/59 86/59
Sb Single-cellprotein 10-500 pg 1-1 AA; Hy; L See As, ref. 86lC146 86lC146
Se Beer 0.2-15 pg 1-1 AA; ETA; L Digest with H N 0 3- HC104(see Cr, ref. S1243
Se Marine tissues - AA; Hy; L See As, ref. Sl590 S1590
Se Foods - AA; Hy; L Digest sampleswith HNO, - HClO, - S1786
HC104;results compared with alternative
Se Enteral AA;-;L See Cr, ref. 9789 9789
Se Single-cellprotein 10-500 pg 1-1 AA; Hy; L See As, ref. 86lC146 86lC146
Si Food - AA; -; L Samples dry ashed, fused with Na2B407, 9197
re-dissolved in dilute HNO,
Sn Canned foods 10-450 pg g-' AA; F, N20 - Samplesdigested in HNO, - HC1 S1861
C2H2; L
Zn Meat, frozen AA; -; L See Cu, ref. S/111 Sllll
Zn Fruit juice AA; F, air - Samples digested in concentrated HNO,, Sl648
C2H2; L evaporated to dryness, re-dissolvedin 2 M
HCl, concentrated on anion-exchange resin
eluted with 0.01 M HCl, evaporated to
dryness, re-dissolved in 1% H N 0 3
Various - Skim milk Various Certification of a skim milk powder s/10
(5) powder reference material (Ca, K, Mg, Na and P)
Various - Rhubarb AA; F, air - Samples mineralised with HN03- HC104 S116
(7) C2H2; L (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn)
Various - Canned food AA;-; L Acid - peroxide wet ashing of samples s/49
Various - Breast milk AA; F; L Study of the variation of element Sl50
(5) concentrations in the milk of lactating
women (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg and Zn)
Various - Foods Trace metals AA;-;L Concentration of trace-heavy elements in S/109
(10) foods with chelating resins (Ca, Cd, Co,
Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn)
Various - Maternal diet <25 pg I-' to AE; ICP; L Wet digestion of sampleswith H N 0 3- s/112
(9) solutions >lo0 mg 1-1 HC104- H2S04or HN03- HC104
(Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg ,Mn, Na, P and Zn)
Various - Nutritional AE; d.c. arc; L Dilution of sample (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, SIC321
(9) formulations Na, P and Zn)
Various - Foods Trace elements AA; F; L Acid leach of sample (2-10 g) with 20 ml of SIC362
(11) 1 + 9 concentrated HC1- HN03,heated at
82-93 "C for 30 min, filtered through
Whatman No. 541 paper, aspirated directly
Various - Diet reference Trace elements AA; For ETA; L Certification of trace element content by a SIC366
(17) material variety of analyticaltechniques
Various - Orange and AE; ICP; L Study involvingthe leaching of trace SIC367
(22) grapefruit juice elements from various containers
Various - Skim milk powder Various Certification of trace elements in 3 samples S/482
of skim milk powder by a variety of
analytical techniques (Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg and
Various - Fish tissue AA; ETA; L Zeeman background correction (Cd, Hg, Pb SIC548
(4) and Zn)
Various - Tuna fish AA; For ETA; L Study of toxic and essential trace elements SIC549
(6) pre- and post-canning(Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb
and Zn)
Various - Foods and AE; ICP; L General review on the use of ZCP-OESto SIC727
beverages solve problems related to the food-
processing industry
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Technique ;
Element Unm Matrix Concentration anal@ form Sample treatment Reference

Various - Milk and infant - AA; ETA; L Study of the levels of trace elements in Sf788
(6) formulas human milk, cow milk and infant formulas
(Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo and Ni)
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

Various - Peanuts and - AA;-;L Study of the differences in the concentration Sf814
(7) peanut oil of trace elements in two different varieties
of peanut (Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Pb and Zn)
Various - Skim milk powder - AE; ICP; L Pressure digestion with HN03 (Ca, Mg, Sf897
(4) Na and P)
Various - Food - AA;-;- Report on the work and recommendations of Sf926
the Trace Element Speciation in Foodstuffs
Sub-committee of the Analytical Methods
Committee of the RSC
Various - Food Various A review on the determination of mineral St932
and trace elements in foods
Various - Food Various A review with 90 references st933
Various - Food -.-.-
3 , A review with 29 references on sampling Sf934
methods and data evaluation and handling
in the food industry
Various - Foods Various A review with 91 references on principles Sf935
and instrumentation of atomic spectrometry
with particular reference to the food
Various - Food and biological AE; ICP; Lor A new low-contamination digestion bomb is Sf936
materials AA; F; L described
Various - Foods - -. -. -
7 , Development of a quality assurance Sf937
programme for the determination of 12
elements in raw foodstuffs and crops
Various - Spinach - AE; ICP; L Sample introduction into the ICP by Sf939
a graphite cup direct insertion technique
Various - Foods - AE; ICP; L Wet digestion with HN03 - HC104 Sf1208
(14) recommended

2.3. Reference Materials and Quality Control Programmes recommendations concerning packaging and storage (S/49).
Nikdel and Carter (S/C367) found that orange and grapefruit
Preparation of materials for reference purposes were des- juices showed minimal changes in trace element concen-
cribed for skim milk (S/lO, S/482), vegetables (S/937) and a trations even after prolonged periods of storage in various
freeze-dried “diet” (S/C366). Suggested concentrations were containers. Defective packaging, however, resulted in major
set out for Ca, C1, K, Mg, Na, Ni and P (S/lO) and Cd, Cu, Fe, contamination from the container materials (S/C367). Glass
Hg and Pb (S/482) in milk, for 12 elements in vegetables was shown to adsorb Ni from wines (S/925). Papers used for
(S/937) and for 17 elements in the lyophilised diet (S/C366). wrapping foods, for bags and for kitchen towels contained Cd
Analytical quality assurance was comprehensively reviewed at concentrations too low to be of toxicological importance
(S/934) and an inter-laboratory quality assessment programme (S/1207).
for trace elements in infant formulas (S/938) was described. Improved methods to determine Pb in tin coatings (S/1206)
Between-laboratory coefficients of variation for the nine and Sn in foodstuffs (S/861) were described while, as an
elements in the infant formula study were less than 9% with example of the versatility of ICP-OES, the determination of
two-thirds of the samples. This programme had six partici- trace elements in foods and containers following customer
pants and all used the same analytical procedure (S/938). complaints was cited (SK727).
The concentrations of Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Mo and Ni were
measured in human milk, cow milk and infant formulas. The
2.4. Topical Applications levels in formulas were at least those found in breast milk with
Two areas of particular concern are evident from recent work: much greater concentrations of Fe and Mn noted (S/788).
firstly, the effect of food packaging upon the trace element Samples of human milk and colostrum from Nigerian women
concentrations of their contents; and secondly, the assessment were analysed for Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg and Zn to determine
of likely intakes of trace elements by neonates from milk and changes with lactation age. The concentrations of all of the
infant food formulas. elements studied, but especially Zn, steadily decreased during
The concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb in tuna fish, at least nine months of lactation and intakes were inadequate
analysed before and one year after canning, showed no when compared with recommended dietary intakes (S/50). In
significant change, but the mean Cd and Zn concentrations other studies Cd (S/863, 86/59), Cu (S/593) and Pb (S/C94,
were significantly increased from 0.05 and 16.49 to 0.07 and S/863, 86/59) were also determined in human and cow milk
18.45p.p.m., respectively (S/C549). In a second study, many and in infant foods. Intakes of Cd and Pb by breast-fed infants
metals were measured in a wide range of canned foods, fruit were higher in urban compared with rural areas (86/59). Four
juices and syrups and in the alloy of the container (S/49). The review articles with particular emphasis on the methods of
pH of the contents was an important factor in the dissolution analysis for the determination of inorganic elements in foods
of metal from the can and the authors made various were published (S/932, S/933, S/934, S/935).
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2.5. Conclusions determination of Hg in fish continued to receive much
attention. The proportion of papers reporting multi-element
In addition to methods applied to a general range of food types analysis has increased, reflecting the growth of ICP-OES in
or to reference materials (Table 2) and the measurements in this area.
milk and formulas, the more specific applications during the Results from inter-laboratory quality control programmes
year have included analyses of enteral products, animal feeds indicated that with a selected group of centres, acceptable
(laboratory and farm), oils and fats, fruit juices, wine and analytical performance was possible, but this scheme was too
beer and a novel single-cell protein source, pruteen. The limited for more useful conclusions to be reached.
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.
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Glossary of Abbreviations
Whenever suitable, elements may be referred to by their chemical symbols and compounds by their formulae. The following
abbreviations are used extensively in the Atomic Spectrometry Updates.

a.c. alternating current ICP inductively coupled plasma

AA atomic absorption IR infrared
AAS atomic absorption spectrometry LC liquid chromatography
Published on 01 January 1986. Downloaded by Universidad Industrial de Santander on 7/29/2019 9:10:46 PM.

AE atomic emission LTE local thermal equilibrium

AES atomic emission spectrometry MECA molecular emission cavity analysis
AF atomic fluorescence MIP microwave-induced plasma
AFS atomic fluorescence spectrometry MS mass spectrometry
APDC ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate NAA neutron-activation analysis
(ammonium tetramethylenedithio- NaDDC sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
carbamate) NTA nitrilotriacetic acid
ASV anodic-stripping voltammetry OES optical emission spectrometry
CMP capacitively coupled microwave plasma PMT photomultiplier tube
CRM certified reference material p.p.b. parts per billion
cw continuous wave p.p.m. parts per million
d.c. direct current PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
DCP d.c. plasma r.f. radiofrequency
DMF N,N-dimethylformamide REE rare earth element
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid RM reference material
EDL electrodeless discharge lamp RSD relative standard deviation
EDTA et hy lenediamine t etraacetic acid SBR signal to background ratio
ETA electrothermal atomisation SEM scanning electron microscopy
FAAS flame AAS SNR signal to noise ratio
FAES flame AES SSMS spark-source mass spectrometry
FAFS flame AFS TCA trichloroacetic acid
FI flow injection TLC thin-layer chromatography
GC gas chromatography TOP0 triocty lphosp hine oxide
GDL glow discharge lamp u.h.f. ultra-high-frequency
HCL hollow-cathode lamp uv ultraviolet
h.f. high-frequency VDU visual display unit
HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography vuv vacuum ultraviolet
IBMK is0but yl methyl ketone (4-meth y lpent an- XRF X-ray fluorescence

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