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Preparation Course

Module 1
Introduction and advice for the test  
Introduction to TKT preparation
These self-access materials will help you to prepare for the test by revising some of the knowledge tested
in TKT: Module 1 and by giving you practice in the types of questions you will answer in the test.
The materials are divided into three parts:
• Part 1: Describing language and language skills
• Part 2: Background to language learning
• Part 3: Background to language teaching.
These materials have been designed for self-study and should take approximately 6 hours in total. We
suggest that you work through the materials a little at a time. This will give you time to think about any
parts of the TKT: Module 1 test you need to do more work on, and time to think about your progress.

In each section of the materials you will complete tasks which will revise some of the content covered in
TKT: Module 1 and you will practise answering some questions. You can use the TKT Glossary to help you,
which can be found here:

Each time you finish a task or practice test questions you can check or compare your answers with those
in the answer keys at the end of each part.
In the test you will have an answer sheet. You can see an example of this in the TKT Handbook, which can
be found here:

2 Cambridge English TKT: Module 1 | Introduction and advice for the test | © UCLES 2016
Introduction to TKT: Module 1 1

Section 1: Introduction to TKT: Module 1

1.1 Getting to know TKT: Module 1

Let’s start by seeing what you know about TKT: Module 1. Use the TKT Handbook to help you.

Task 1
Which of the statements below about TKT: Module 1 are true and which are false? Put a tick (P) in the
appropriate box.

Statement True False

1. You have 1 hour 20 minutes to do the test.

2. There are 100 questions in the test.

3. All questions have the same multiple-choice format.

4. You can use your dictionary in the test.

5. There is 1 mark for each question.

6. It is possible to fail the test.

7. You write words and sentences in your answers.

8. TKT: Module 1 has two parts.

Task 2
Correct the false sentences in Task 1. Write your answers in the table above.
Now check your answers in the key.

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1 Introduction to TKT: Module 1

1.2 Subjects tested in TKT: Module 1

Now let’s look at the teacher knowledge that TKT: Module 1 Parts 1, 2 and 3 test. You will find the syllabus
for Module 1 in the TKT Handbook.

Tick (P) the part of the test where each area of knowledge is tested.
Part 1: Describing language and language skills
Part 2: Background to language learning
Part 3: Background to language teaching

Subjects tested – Teaching knowledge of: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

learner needs
lexis (words)
learner characteristics
presentation techniques and introductory activities
exposure to language and focus on form
the differences between L1 and L2 learning
assessment types and tasks
language skills – reading, listening, speaking and writing
the role of error
types of activities for language and skills development

Now check your answers in the key.

4 Cambridge English TKT: Module 1 | Introduction and advice for the test | © UCLES 2016
Introduction to TKT: Module 1 1

1.3 Types of tasks in TKT: Module 1

We’ve looked at what TKT: Module 1 tests, so now let’s see what the test looks like. All questions are
multiple-choice-type questions but there are different formats. Here are some examples of question types.
The questions are about the test. You will see actual test questions when you move on to Part 1 of the

Sample question type 1

Do the task below. Circle the correct answer. (In the test you will have an answer sheet.)

For questions 1 – 2, look at the parts of the TKT: Module 1 test and the three options listed
A, B and C.
Choose the example which completes each statement.

1 TKT: Module 1 Part 1 tests knowledge of

A the role of error.

B functions.
C presentation techniques.

2 TKT: Module 1 Part 2 tests knowledge of

A language skills.
B introductory activities.
C learner characteristics.

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1 Introduction to TKT: Module 1

Sample question type 2

Do the task below. Write the letter of the correct answer next to the question. (In the test you will have an
answer sheet.)

For questions 1 – 3, match the parts of the test with the subjects listed A – D.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.


A the role of error.

B functions.
C presentation techniques.
D assessment types and tasks.

Parts of the test

1 TKT: Module 1 Part 1

2 TKT: Module 1 Part 2

3 TKT: Module 1 Part 3

6 Cambridge English TKT: Module 1 | Introduction and advice for the test | © UCLES 2016
Introduction to TKT: Module 1 1

Sample question type 3

Do the task below. Circle the correct answer. (In the test you will have an answer sheet.)

For questions 1 – 2, look at the statements about parts of the TKT: Module 1 test and choose
the option (A, B or C) which does NOT complete each statement.
Mark the option (A, B or C) which does NOT complete each statement correctly on your
answer sheet.

1 TKT: Module 1 Part 1 tests knowledge of

A language skills.
B phonology.
C exposure to language and focus on form.

2 TKT: Module 1 Part 3 tests knowledge of

A activities for language and skills development.

B the differences between L1 and L2 learning.
C presentation techniques and introductory activities.

Now check your answers in the key.

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2 Some tips for preparing for and taking the test

Section 2: Some tips for preparing for and

taking the test
2.1 Preparing for the test

Here are some ideas for preparing for the test:

1. Y
 ou can continue your learning in your classroom as you teach. When you do different things in class,
reflect on how these things might be assessed in the test.
2. I t’s a good idea to prepare for the test by keeping a journal or a notebook to write down how your
teaching relates to TKT, or you could compare your teaching and TKT topics with other teachers.
3. R
 emember to use the TKT Glossary, which is included in the online course materials, to revise
and maybe learn some new terms used in TKT: Module 1. You can also use the practice test in the
Handbook to do a complete test.
The Glossary and Handbook can be found here:
 he handbook includes the answer key to the practice test, so when you have finished, you can check
your answers. You could try to do this in exam conditions to prepare for taking TKT: Module 1. Here are
some suggestions for doing the practice test:
a. M
 ake sure you have enough time to complete the practice test in one sitting. This will make it more
like exam conditions.
b. M
 ake sure you won’t be interrupted. Turn off your phone and sit somewhere quiet. Close the door
so you can concentrate.
c. M
 ake sure you have everything you need to do the test. You could print out the OMR (answer
sheet) which you will have in the exam to record your answers to practise what will happen in
the exam.
d. M
 ove all of your coursebooks and notes away – don’t be tempted to look up answers! You can do
this after you have finished the test.
e. B
 efore you start the test, check the time and be strict with yourself to make sure you will be
prepared to complete the test in the time allowed.

8 Cambridge English TKT: Module 1 | Introduction and advice for the test | © UCLES 2016
Some tips for preparing for and taking the test  2

2.2 Taking the test

Here are some tips for taking the test – both the practice test and the real test:
1. I t is often calming to quickly look through the question paper to see which topics are in it. It is always
good to see something you feel confident about. If you see something you don’t feel as confident
about, you may want to make sure you do this at the start while you feel fresh. You can do the sections
in any order that suits you.
2. B
 e sure to read the instructions carefully before you start each task. Be sure of what you are being
asked to do.
3. Read each question carefully.
4. R
 ead all of the answers listed and think carefully about which answer to choose; don’t choose the first
possible one you see.
5. B
 e careful not to word spot; that means choosing an answer because the same word appears in the
question and the answer.
6. M
 ake sure you mark an answer for all of the questions. Don’t leave any answers blank. If you don’t
know an answer, guess. You might be lucky!
7. L eave some time for near the end of the test to go back to any questions you weren’t sure about. But
be careful not to change an answer just for the sake of it.
8. M
 ake sure you mark your answer in the right place on the OMR (answer sheet). Many people leave
this until the end of the test but it is better to do it after each section or page. You won’t be allowed
extra time to transfer your answers in the test, so it’s a good idea to practise doing this.
9. F inally, enjoy showing what you know. If you have prepared well, this is your opportunity to
demonstrate your knowledge!
Good luck in the practice test, and when taking TKT: Module 1!

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Introduction to TKT: Module 1 – Answer key

Answer key
1.1 Getting to know TKT: Module 1

Statement True False

1. You have 1 hour 20 minutes to do the test. P
2. T
 here are 100 questions in the test. P
There are 80 questions in the test.
3. A
 ll questions have the same multiple-choice format. P
No, there are different types of multiple-choice question.
4. Y
 ou can use your dictionary in the test. P
You are not allowed to use any resources during the test.
5. There is 1 mark for each question. P
6. I t is possible to fail the test. P
Everyone gets a score which puts them in one of four bands. Band 4 is the highest.
7. Y
 ou write words and sentences in your answers. P
You choose the correct answer A, B, C, D etc. and fill in an answer sheet.
8. T
 KT: Module 1 has two parts. P
It has three parts:
Part 1: Describing language and language skills
Part 2: Background to language learning
Part 3: Background to language teaching.

1.2 Subjects tested in TKT: Module 1

Subjects tested – Teaching knowledge of: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

learner needs P
lexis (words) P
learner characteristics P
presentation techniques and introductory activities P
exposure to language and focus on form P
grammar P
the differences between L1 and L2 learning P
assessment types and tasks P
functions P
motivation P
language skills – reading, listening, speaking and writing P
the role of error P
types of activities for language and skills development P
phonology P

10 Cambridge English TKT: Module 1 | Introduction and advice for the test | © UCLES 2016
Introduction to TKT: Module 1 – Answer key

1.3 Types of tasks in TKT: Module 1

Sample question type 1
1. B
2. C

Sample question type 2

1. C
2. A
3. D

Sample question type 3

1. C
2. B

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Further information
About Cambridge English, including international language standards

Published research

English Profile, including Cambridge Learner Corpus

Teaching English, including Cambridge English Teaching Qualifications

and Teaching Framework


Cambridge English Language Assessment is part of the University

of Cambridge. We develop and produce the most valuable range of
qualifications for learners and teachers of English in the world. Over
5 million people in 130 countries take our exams every year. Around
the world over 20,000 universities, employers, government ministries
and other organisations rely on our exams and qualifications as proof
of English language ability. Cambridge English exams are backed by the
work of the largest dedicated research team of any English language
test provider.
© UCLES 2016 | CE 4337 | 6Y06

Cambridge English Language Assessment – a not-for-profit organisation.

All details are correct at the time of going to print in June 2016

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