Terms Conditions For Harrow Councils No Excuses Grant - To Help Residents Improve The Energy Efficiency of Their Home

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No Excuses Grant Terms

and Conditions

1.0 Eligibility

1.1 In normal circumstances the applicant must satisfy each of the criteria outlined in
clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 below. In exceptional circumstances a grant application
may be approved where the eligibility criteria in 1.2 and/or 1.3 are not met. Such
approval is at the discretion of Harrow Council ('the Council').

1.2 The applicant must be either

i) an owner-occupier, or
ii) a private renting tenant with a repairing obligation and a written tenancy
agreement which exceeds 12 months, and
1.3 The applicant must be either
i) receiving one or more of the following benefits: Income Support,
Housing benefit, council tax benefit, disability living allowance,
attendance allowance, guaranteed pension credit, income-based
jobseekers allowance, or
ii) over 70 years of age, and

1.4 The property in respect of which the grant application is made must be located in
the London Borough Of Harrow.

2.0 Approval of grant

2.1 Two written estimates for any proposed works must be submitted with the
application form. The Council is under no obligation to accept the estimates or
approve the application.

2.2 An application in respect of one or more items must specify the make, model,
proposed purchase outlet and price of the item(s).

2.3 The Council may turn down the application on the grounds that it reasonably
believes the work and/or items specified in the application is/are inappropriate,
unnecessary or excessive.

2.4 Where estimates are obtained for work involving electricity or gas, the applicant
must ensure that the contractors comply with the relevant statutory requirements.
In particular, any works related to the repair, renewal or fitting of a gas-fired
appliance must be carried out by a CORGI registered installer.

2.5 Grant approval will not be given in respect of any works already carried out or
products already purchased at the time of the application.

2.6 The applicant must not proceed with any works or purchase any product before
written approval of the application is received.

2.7 If works are to be carried out by

i) the applicant or a member of his or her family, or
ii) a company of which the applicant or a member of his or her family is a director

grant will only be approved in respect of the cost of materials.

2.6 The Council reserves the right to inspect the property in respect of which the
application is made prior to making its decision.

2.7 The maximum grant that can be approved is £400 including VAT.

3.0 Payment of grant

3.1 The grant, once approved, is only payable in respect of the type of the item(s)
and/or to a contractor identified in the application form and written approval.

3.2 Should the cost of the proposed works and/or item(s) to be purchased exceed the
amount of grant approved, the applicant must fund the excess. It is the applicant's
responsibility to ensure that the original cost estimate is reasonable and is not
exceeded. The Council will not be responsible for more than the grant approved
in any circumstances.

3.3 For the avoidance of doubt, any contract of work is between the grant applicant
and the contractor. The Council will not be a party to any such contract.

3.4 Invoices should be made out to 'Harrow Council' and sent to the address as
notified on the written approval of the grant application.

3.5 Where an invoice is not appropriate the Council will arrange for payment by an
appropriate method.

3.6 No payment will be made to individuals except in exceptional circumstances at the

discretion of the Council.

3.7 Where a CORGI certificate is required, grant monies will not be paid until the
Council has inspected the CORGI certificate.

3.8 Where an individual has received a grant under this scheme, a further application
may not be made within five years of the payment of the grant, except in
exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Council.

3.9 Grant may not be paid where the applicant fails to comply with any of these terms
and condtions.

4.0 Discretion

4.1 The Council has absolute discretion in deciding whether to approve a particular
application for grant. Discretion will be exercised in a reasonable and timely
manner in accordance with the published grant criteria.

5.0 Repayment of grant

5.1 Where false information has been given in order to obtain grant, the applicant will
be required to repay monies received.

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