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GENETICS LABORATORY  Physical expression of

EXERCISE 1-7 the trait or

Exercise 1
Phenotypic Variation in  Genotype
Organisms  Alleles: different
 Variation variations of a gene
 Basic quality of living and assemble in a loci
things or gene
 What proves the  Alleles determine the
identity of the genotype of the
individual species species
(different from other
types of organisms) Exercise 2
 Maintains the Physical Basis of Heredity
characteristics that Cell
relate it with others of  The basic structural and
its own kind (same physiological unit of the body
species) of an organism
 Variation can come in  Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
different types of forms cells carry genetic information
1. Physiological variation in their chromosomes
a. Albinism: Inability to  Cells undergo cell division:
produce melanin Chromosomes replicate and
b. Diabetes: Deficiency of produce daughter cells
insulin  Cell cycle: Chromosomes
2. Morphological variation grow and reproduce –
Different shapes (round or metabolic activities are
oval), texture (smooth or regular and repetitive
wrinkled), color patterns
(plain to bent lines or
mosaics), eye (red eye or
white eye)
3. Behavioral variation
Migration or nesting habits
of birds
- There is also variations
attributed to distinguish

 Phenotype
 Expressed traits of the
genotype reflected on
the organism
Cell Cycle MPF
Interphase CdK and cyclins which triggers
progression throughout the cell
Partakes in apopstosis
Functions to block cell cycle

Cell Division
- New cells are generate
- Produces Diploid organisms
(same as the parent cells)

 Chromosomes condense and
become visible
 Centrioles form and move
towards opposite poles
 Nuclear membrane dissolves
 The cell cycle is 16 hours  Mitotic spindle forms
 Mitosis happens for 1 hour  Spindle fibers attach to each
 Interphase is a non-mitotic sister chromatid at the
portion of the cell cycle kinetochore
 Gap 0  spindle fibers are
 Gap 1 microtubules made up of
 Synthesis tubulin
DNA replication occurs
 Gap 2 Metaphase
 Mitosis  Centrioles have fully migrated
Chromosomes start to to opposite poles
separate  Chromosomes line up at the
Cytokinesis starts to occur “metaphase plate” “equatorial
(division of the cytoplasm) plate”
- The cell cycle has 3
checkpoints for regulation Anaphase
(G1, G2 and M)  Spindles attached to
- Non-dividing cells go to the kinetochores are shorten
G0 phase (pulled)
 Sister chromatids are pulled
CDK apart and chromatids are at
Cylin dependent kinase the opposite poles
Major control switches of the cell
which causes the movement from Telophase
G1 to S to G2 to M  Chromosomes decondense
 Nuclear envelop is formed
 Cytokinesis (division of the Meiosis
cytoplasm) is completed - Formation of gametes,
 Formation of 2 daughter cells generated for reproduction
- plants do not have cytokinesis (production of haploid cells)
because It has a cell wall - Chromosome number in
daughter cells is reduced to
Important events:
1. Crossing over between
homologous chromosomes at
prophase I
2. Independent assortment of
homologous pairs at
metaphase I

Meiosis I
Prophase I
 Chromosomes condense and
become visible
 Centrioles move to opposite
 Nuclear membrane starts to
 Formation of Tetrad (4
chromatids): Homologs pair
up and begins to dissolve
 Crossing over: Homologous
chromosomes swap genetic

Metaphase I
 Microtubules grow from the
centrioles and attach to the
 Tetrads are lined up along the
metaphase plate or the cell

Anaphase I
 Centromeres break and
homologous chromosomes
separate (sister chromatids
are still attached)
 Cytokinesis begins
Telophase I 1. Allium Cepa
 Cytokinesis is complete Chromosome number 2n: 16
producing two haploid
daughter cells 2. Whitefish Blastula
- Used to study MITOSIS
Meiosis II - Chromosomes are actively
Prophase II dividing
 Centrioles form and move Chromosome number 2n: 80
towards opposite poles
 Nuclear membrane dissolves 2. Grasshopper Testis
Chromosome number 2n: 24
Metaphase II Prophase I
 Microtubules grow from the Leptotene
centrioles and attach to the  Chromosomes are finely
centromeres beaded filaments
 Sister chromatids line up  Chromatin is filamentous
along the cell equator  Chromosomes are uncoiled
Anaphase II  Thicker chromosomes
 Sister chromatids separate  Synapsis occurs at the
 Cytokinesis begins synaptonemal complex
(Division of the cytoplasm)  Bouquet formation

Telophase II Pachytene
 Chromosomes decondense  Chromosomes shorten and
 Formation of four haploid become thicker
daughter cells  Complete pairing and
exchange of chromosomal
 Haploid condition

 Chromosomes are partly split
 Chiasma

 Coiling of chromosomes
 Chromosomes are at its
shortes and thickets
 Terminalization of one or
more chiasmata
Exercise 3 Haplodiplobiontic, diploid-haploid
Reproductive Cycles (H. d-h)
Haplobiontic diploid (H,d)

Involves two types of parents – one

Involves one type of parent – a stage is diploid (diploid sporophyte
diploid or 2N individual which stage), producing spores through
produces gametes through gametic meiosis. The haploid spores
meiosis germinate into a gametophyte (N)
that produces gametes through
Haplobiontic, haploid (H,h)
Life cycle
1. Agaricuss (Mushroom)

Involves one type of parent – a

haploid which produces gametes
through mitosis
Exercise 4
2. Zea Mays (Corn) Karyotyping
 Method that is used in
determining the number,
shapes, and sizes of
chromosome set of
 Somatic cells undergoing
metaphase of mitosis best
exhibit chromosomes for
this purpose

 Compact and composed of
two identical threads
 Double nature of
chromosomes extends along
its length except at the region
of the centromere which may
be at the middle, off- center,
close to one end or at the
terminal end
3. Drosophila Melanogaster
(Fruit fly) Human karyotype
Correct number of human
chromosomes: 46 (23 pairs)
White blood cells were used to
Method used for karyotyping human
1. Subject the cultured human
blood cells to a mitotic
2. White blood cells under
mitosis and then trapped in
metaphase by colchicine
3. Cells swell and nuclear
membranes rapture and
chromosomes scatter

 Y chromosome is shorter
than X chromosome
1. Trisonomy Syndrome
2. Klinefelter’s Syndrome
Exercise 5 Exercise 7
Care and Culture of Drosophila Drosophila Melanogaster:
Melanogaster Polytene Chromosome

Why is a fruit fly used?

1. Short life cycle
2. Produces a fairly large
number of offspring
3. Easy to grow and maintain in
the laboratory using a variety
of simple culture media
4. Convenient to handle and
store due to small size
5. Possess only 4 pairs of
chromosomes making
analysis of crosses easy
6. Great variability of inherited
7. Availability of literatures
 Fruit fly has 8 chromosomes
(4 pairs)
 Make use of banana peels or
any dry fruit
 Banana peels or any dry fruit
is used as a bait for the fruit

 Mashed banana (Food
medium for the drosophila)
 Propionic acid or yeast

 This is done when there are
many flies in one culture
 CONGESTION may be a  Unregulated gene
factor which can cause the action may result
deaths of the flies unusually to unusual
gene behavior
 Repeated replication
ovvurs while in
synopsis of homologue
which produces
polytene or poly-
stranded giant
 Polytene
chromosomes aare
viewed as enlarged
chromatin puffs which
are long looped
structures of DNA
Histochemical techniques
 Use third instar larva
 Acetocarmine/Acetoorcinol
- This dye is used to stain
the DNA (DNA specific

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