December Webinar

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Ispionage: “Brain Games” is the clear winner. The next four are close, but I’d pick as the 2nd place position
because of the #2 Average Ad Position ( could possibly be #2 so we’ll examine both).
Desperate Problem Unique Promise Overwhelming Proof Irresistible Reason to
Offer Act Now
Lumosity In “Get Started Now” test…. Cutting edge - Science team has “Get Started None given
http://www.lumosit neuroscience 40+ years of Now” (which isn’t
Memory personalized for you experience. uncommon Attention - Pictures of team No mention of for Adwords).
s/692 Speed - Personal Trainer (when you click you pricing
Flexibility - 40+ scientific games start the test) whatsoever! They’re not
Problem Solving - Any device - Photo world map asking for any
- Access Performance - 9 studies money
- Compare to Others -36 university though to get
- 60 million members started.
Workout for Your Brain - Human Cognition
Main Concept Project
Memorado Start Now Test… Strong Brain -Testimonials “Start Now None given Strong Life - Over 90% of For Free” (which isn’t
Memory Memorado users uncommon
Concentration 20+ Brain Games increase their brain No mention of for Adwords).
Speed Designed By Science performance within pricing
Reaction Personalized Workout 4 weeks. whatsoever. They’re not
Logic - Scientific asking for any
Our brain can be trained Background money
to grow stronger like a - Facts: 1 million though to get
muscle. users, 76% increase, started.
39 countries
Your gym for the brain. - Data protection
Easter Seals Brain health is about more Take the Challenge! -BrainHQ partnered Free Sign-up Asking for than just prevention, diagnosis with Easter Seals donations
m/our-programs/brain- or treatment of brain-related Improve your memory - List of Doctors No mention of but giving
health/ issues. It’s about empowering and accuracy Involved pricing this as a
children, adults, caregivers - Nearly 70 published whatsoever. charity
and communities to discover Enhance your problem- studies have shown connection.
their abilities and reach their solving skills that BrainHQ
potential. exercises improve
Increase your attention memory by 10+
Note: Lots of distractions are a span years, speed up
mistake. May survive this processing by 130%+
because they’re a charity. Speed up your thinking

BrainHQ – Partner
Personal Brain Gym
National Geographic Video: What you call reality is We will reveal the Ten Amazing Things Free TV Show
http://braingames.nationa your brain’s best guess unreality behind your You Didn’t Know on National clouded by prejudices, reality. About Your Brain Geographic
0/ misconceptions, etc. (content)
Advertising a TV show.
Example illustrations
Unlock the science – brain teasers
behind the mysteries of
why we say, eat, feel
and act as we do, with
episodes devoted to
risk, language,
addiction, food and

"tremendous fun" that

"makes science
Top Ads
Brain Training Games -
Challenge memory and attention with scientific brain games.
Free Brain Games For You
Test your brain now! Scientifically developed exercises

Mind training games -

Free online exercises that can improve brain function.

Brain Games
Think You're Good at Telling Fact From Fiction? Challenge Your Brain!

- Challenge, test, or exercise used in every single ad.

- Brain Games used in 3 ads with Mind games in 1
- Free used 2 out of 4 times
- Scientific used 2 out of 4 times
- Exercises used 2 out of 4 times
Amazon Best Sellers
Logic and Brain Teasers

399 Games, Puzzles & Trivia Challenges Specially Designed to Keep Your Brain Young

Brain Games #1: Lower Your Brain Age in Minutes a Day

Brain Games for Kids #1

The Total Brain Workout: 450 Puzzles to Sharpen Your Mind, Improve Your Memory & Keep Your Brain Fit

Of Course!: The Greatest Collection of Riddles & Brain Teasers For Expanding Your Mind


ALEXA NOTE: Both Memorado and Lumosity show much higher percentage of woman than average Internet.
Website Address:

New website. Goal is to rely more on affiliates than anything else.

Dog lovers.

From kids to grandparents.

Lumosity press release said 80% of their customers are below age 40.


Others are small players:

Desperate Problem:
Want better mentally in hope that it helps
kids to get better grades in school
older folks with reduced memory lapsesand better focus, etc.
working people: better decisions, work
Desire for better mental performace.

Unique Promise:
Scientific brain training games for dog lovers.
Because these are for dog lovers, they are more enjoyable and kids love to play even without parents' reminders

Overwhelming Proof:
Lists of researchers.
Comparison with others in the industry.
But, no testimonials.
Also missing is a spokesperson with dog photo

Irresistible Offer:
Some sort of time limit (still need to experiment with what works for us)
Those coming from affiliates save.
When affiliates mail to list there is extra savings with last date.

Immediate Action:
Two reasons:
1. Get benefits sooner
2. Save
Golden Glove For
Desperate Problem Unique Promise Overwhelming Irresistible Offer Reason to Act Now
memory, focus & Scientific Brain Training for Example Game $11 Monthly or $67 you are guaranteed this low price
attention, speed, Dog Lovers Yearly (the competitors for life, although others will be
flexibility, problem Based On Scientific all show price monthly) paying more soon.
solving, math, more Benefits the whole family. Research (who are
They help everybody in the these experts) 30 Day Money Back
family to be mentally sharp Guarantee
in an entertaining and
enjoyable way.
The competitors who Dog Lovers is the big The design of the I would definitely show Special offers for email promotions
did the form fillout advantage. site itself could give the price in monthly already mentioned.
actually pushed the more of a scientific terms. And even showing
desperate problems But we need more emphasis look. a longer membership Seems like the scientific studies could
more. on the science. We should try even if people don’t buy it. be used to talk about negatives of not
to match the other areas and We need to quote working out your brain for a few
Other ways you could use dog lovers as our unique more of the studies. Doing some type of free minutes per day?
do this include doing a hook. sign-up may greatly
checklist on the page Who are these improve the results. If I
of what improvements We need to change out the experts? was in this market, one of
they would like to comparison. Is there any my goals would probably
make. science that shows that you be to get a buyout offer
do better if you’re interested in eventually. Free would
Perhaps some studies the subject? give more exposure and
on loss of brain greater chance of this.
function if not Do the competitors allow you
exercised. to upload your own photos?

Can we make any specific unique promises about what the end benefits are? Nobody is actually making any specific
promise in the field? It would have to be backed by scientific research. It would be great if it was attached to a time frame
also (30 days…15 minutes a day…etc.).
No, we cannot make specific promise of results because results vary. After sometime, based on user feedback and game
playing results what we should be able to state is that a certain percentage (say 93%) at 20% improvement on low end to
a smaller percentage (say 20%) get 20% improvement on game results.

The only other claim (backed by science / university research) is that “dual n-back” game improves IQ by 10 points or
higher if played for 20 minutes a day for 20 sessions over 20 to 25 days. I have a website ( that offers
this training, but the game is hard and not suitable for mass appeal.

How can we put together a better design of the desperate problem to call out all the problems (the 2 big competitors do
this across multiple pages in their free sign-up)?

1. Yes, we are creating survey / questions just like Lumosity / Memorado.

2. Other than that, we can create a table on home page where people click the improvements they want (or issues they
are facing) similary to what Glenn Livingston has on some of his webpages, Or, let the reader use drag-and-drop to
indicate how the 5 or 6 areas are in importance for them.

Is there a way to test both the free sign-up & the straight sale against each other?

1. Yes, we’ll do it. It is very easy to set up (with affiliates system still tracking sales)

2. Also, depending on your advice, I can go with either Google Adwords or Facebook Ads for testing. I think for our
purpose Facebook is better because we can identify and target “Dog Lovers” easily in facebook ads.

Who are these experts?

These are people from universities in Europe and China and they did the fundamental research published in 2007 which
for the firs time in human history gave a method (called “Dual N-Back”) that improves “fluid intelligence” and “working
memory” and can be measure by traditional IQ tests to show increase of 10 IQ points. If you advice, we can list their
university affiliation and paper’s summary on the home page itself.

What proof elements can we add?

The info about experts serves this purpose partly

We need to change out the comparison. Is there any science that shows that you do better if you’re interested in the

I don’t know, but there should be and I can find out.

Do the competitors allow you to upload your own photos?

No competitors allow now, but could in future.

Perhaps some studies on loss of brain function if not exercised.

Yes, it should be there and I’ll find out.

Where is the link to age of Lumosity’s users

Exact text: While about 75 percent of Lumosity’s users are under the age of 40, he said, “We focused on making the
product very appealing so that anyone, starting with a 10-year-old up to my dad [who’s] 72, can use it and feel like it’s
relevant to them.”
Desperate Problem:

• Focus on the problem more at the very top of the page. We need identify WHY they need brain training…and
just how effective it can be.

• If we don’t exercise our brain, it becomes weak like our body. Workout for Your Brain

o Tie in workouts have to be fun.

• Children: do better in school, “get better grades”

• Older: lose memory, concentration, and focus as you age. Avoid the decline.

• Jobs: better decision making, career business profits

• Potential Negative: People may be confused and think you’re giving them games to play with their products
(brain training for your dog products sold at some pet stores)

Unique Promise:


• Dog Lovers

• Upload your own photo

• Better Grades (backed up by proof) along more enjoyment for your children

o Targeting parents with children who like TV shows like Brain Games, dog websites, Sudoku

• Target adults with children focusing on brain games for the whole family (family plan)

Overwhelming Proof:
• More scientific information (specifically reports, quotes, and other scientific basis for the results)

o At least one study involving children (and think about all age groups as possibilities

o Popup could be used to show even more studies and scientific

Irresistible Offer: (test two approaches)

• Straight Sales: Add one additional higher priced option

o List the higher options by the monthly rate with small yearly rate listed underneath

o Restate the benefit in your guarantee

• Free Sign-up

o Personalized type sign-up

o Swipe from the two big competitors

o Follow-up (lumosity was daily) email

Reason to Act Now:

• Big affiliate – discount limited time for a specific affiliate

• Email sign-up – limited time offer like Lumosity did

• Personalized quiz results

Target for This Ad: Adults/Parents (who love dogs) Who want to improve their memory, career, & brain skills
Escape that awful "out of control" feeling which saps your energy…

Unleash Your Brain’s Full Potential And Experience the Relief and
Joy That Goes Along With a Healthier Brain
Brain games combined with scientific research and the warmth of dogs create an incredible experience that
Sharpens Your Mind, Improves Your Memory & Keeps Your Brain Fit

Other Ideas

Unleash Your Brain’s Full Potential And Experience the Relief and Joy That Goes Along With a Healthier Brain

Unleash the FULL Potential of a Healthier Brain and experience

the relief and joy that goes along with it

Feel relief and joy with a healthier brain that lets you perform at the top of your game at work and at home

Unleash the true potential of a healthier Brain

Discover how to have a healthier brain and experience the relief and joy that
goes along with it
Your dog can make you smarter

Are you experiencing overwhelm, find yourself unable to concentrate, forget important events, or feel you simply can't
stay focused?

Sharpen Your Mind, Improve Your Memory & Keep Your Brain Fit In Just 20 Minutes a Day

Forget about mental these fun GAMES proven to improve memory, concentration, and attention

Gain Lasting Confidence in your ability to control your brain

The market is primarily 45-65 women who are getting brain fog, losing energy, and are afraid of having their brain
slow down and losing their mind and ability to function at work and at home.

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