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Rami Dabare 1781115


1) As discussed above, information complexity, proliferation, diffusion,

velocity, and accuracy are key concerns in contemporary SCM.
Information technologies are evolving to manage these issues, but what
of the users? As discussed in Chapter 11, logistics tasks are increasingly
more information intensive. Hence, how can we ensure that logistics
managers and workers are able to cope with their increasingly complex
information tasks?

In the modern industry, technology is developing in a fast pace. This has contributed to
evolving complexity of Supply chain management. Information complexity, diffusion,
proliferation, accuracy and velocity are few of the key drivers of this increasing
complexity in the modern supply chains. Technology has produced many tools that are
used to reduce the complexity and make process smoother. ERP, MRP WMS are few of
the technology systems that has enabled the supply chain to perform well.

As the technological is fast paced, the users such as managers and other workers should
be trained and given proper instructions, help, to adapt to the tools and to take the full
advantages of them. All the employees in the supply chain should be aware of the
technological databases, real-time logistics movement and so forth. As the
infrastructure become stronger and complex, employees will be able to adapt and
improvise and tackle the complex scenarios and technical difficulties more effortlessly.

2) Discuss the four barriers to information visibility and transparency. If

you were designing a new supply chain, how would you prevent each of
these barriers occurring?

In an effective and accurate supply chain, information visibility is very critical as

managers are able to see and understand clear information across the supply chain. This
difficult as supply chains consist of many components and it is hard to track. When
designing a new supply chain there few barriers to process through.
a. Financial barriers: This a critical barrier to prevent in a supply chain. Cost is key,
and this is the cost of implementing and maintaining the information systems
and tools etc.
Rami Dabare 1781115

b. Cultural barriers: This explains the differences and issues within the trading
partners, information security etc.
c. Technology barriers: Technology barrier is about connectivity, exchange of
information and the difference of these and how to have information visibility.(
Different platforms, databases etc.)
d. Organizational barriers: Differences between the processes of various traders
and firms in the supply chain explains the organization barriers that can disrupt a
new supply chain.

3) A major issue for information technology adoption in SCM is the

financial and resource investments required by all supply chain
partners to implement state-of-the-art applications. For small-scale
suppliers with low-profit margins, this is difficult, if not an
impossibility. How might their larger supplier partners support them?

Entering into the technological aspect to improve the flow of the supply chain is
expensive and requires large work hours. For small supplier, this is not financially viable.
Larger suppliers can offer many ways to the smaller suppliers to implement state of the
art technologies in few ways. Offering financing, offering different tools to them to
adapt are examples. This can help the small suppliers to increase productivity,
manufacturing lead times etc. to help the larger suppliers to meet the demand and keep
a continuous supply.

4) ERP links the operational and logistics functions with others business
functions. CPFR links supply chain partner organizations. The next
logical step is to link consumers with the supply chain Are there any
examples of this already? (such as supermarket loyalty cards) What
would such an application look like?

It Is very important for a company to increase their connectivity and relationship with
the customers to make profit and to increase the customer base. This is widely used by
many companies in the modern business world. Information technology plays an
immense role in the industry and helping the companies to achieve greater goals. Many
supermarket giants and retail market leaders have loyalty programs, reward programs,
credit card financing options to make the customer base strong and loyal to their brand.
Wal-mart, Aldi’s, Amazon are few examples. Use of apps has increased with high
demand in smart phones, operations and logistics of a company’s links the customer
Rami Dabare 1781115

experience and convenience provide more profits and sales. This also helps these
companies to thrive in the competition. An app that allows customers to rate and
review products, and get the products promptly with security are few characteristics
that should include in a new application providing transparency and information

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