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International Conference on Business, Marketing & Information System Management (BMISM'15) Nov.

25-26, 2015 Paris (France)

The Effects of Product Quality, Service Quality,

and Price on User Satisfaction of Honda
Motorcycle in Bandung
Tjahjono Djatmiko 1, Romat Saragih3, and Nabila Rosari Purbaningrum.2

Abstract—The aim of the study is to determine the effect of (ICSA) [4] since 2010 until 2014 Honda motorcycle always
product quality, service quality and price towards customer awarded for customer satisfaction for their products.
satisfaction of Honda motorcycle users in Bandung. PT AHM (Astra Homda Motor) produced also an
The type of research is descriptive-causal, by using linear automatic and a sport besides the original one. In addition to
regression analysis, non-probability sampling technique, one
the product, PT AHM also offered either sales outlets and
hundred respondents
It can be seen from the result that the variable quality of the maintenance outlets as well. PT AHM got an Achievements
products are classified as good, 76.00%, the variable quality of Service Quality Awards in 2013. [5]
services are also good ,73.55%, the variable price is equal to 68.00 PT AHM also got claims from the users for their product
% . The user satisfaction classified as good 76.46%. It can be also quality, service quality and price of the products. The
concluded that the partial satisfaction of users are mainly affected Claims delivered to PT AHM through their website that
by the quality of service. The product quality significantly affects addressed to Honda Home Compaints. [6]. Most of their
by 14.70% while service quality significantly affect by 17.00%. complaints are concerning the quality of products such as
Variable price do not significantly affect with its value is only - broken machine by 24%; noisy engine sound, motor
batteries weakness etc 20%, the difficulties to find the spare
Simultaneously the product quality and service quality affecting
significantly by 52.7% to the user satisfaction. parts 16%.
The quality of service that is claimed by the customer
mostly concerning the service that does not comply by 37%;
Keywords—Price Product Quality, Service Quality, , User
long service and procedures that do not correspond
respectively by 21%; poor technician performance by 17%
I. INTRODUCTION and 4% other complaints.
The user claimed concerning the price that is higher than
1.1 Background the competitors as much as 10% of the respondents on the
I T was stated by BPS (The Central Bureau of Statistics) [1]
that the number of motorcyclists increased year by year .
Until the year 2013 motorcycle users reached 82 million
Competition occurred in the motorcycle industry is
forcing the manufacturers to constantly improve the quality
of both products and services as well as prices in order to
peoples. According to the annual report of PT Astra
prevent customer switching
International [2] the market share of Honda motorcycle
Based on the background that have been explained above,
reached 60.7%, followed by Yamaha motorcycle market
the research with the title of "The Effect of Product Quality,
share 32.2%. At that time the sales of Honda motorcycles
Quality of Service and price towards Customer Satisfaction
increased from 2012 by 4.1 million units to 4.7 million units
of Honda Motorcycle users in Bandung".
in 2013 [3].
To increase the Honda motorcycle users satisfaction , PT 1.2 Problem Formulation
Astra Honda Motor (AHM) strive to provide the best quality The research try to analyze the problem as follows
products for the customers. According to data from the What are the effects of quality of products, quality of
Indonesian Indonesian Costumer Satisfaction Award service and price to the user satisfaction of Honda
motorcycles user in Bandung?
Tjahjono Djatmiko Prodi S3 Ilmu Manajemen, Fakultas Pasca Sarjana,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia1(email : II. THEORY AND METHODOLOGY
Nabila Rosari Purbaningrum Prodi S3 Ilmu Manajemen, Fakultas Pasca
Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (email :
2.1 Quality of Products
Romat Saragih Prodi S1 Manajemen Bisnis Telkomunikasi dan
Informatika, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Telkom According to Sviokla [7] Quality of Products can be
described in eight dimensions and adding by Kianpour and
Asghari [8] becomes nine dimensions as follows:

International Conference on Business, Marketing & Information System Management (BMISM'15) Nov. 25-26, 2015 Paris (France)

1. Performance. Character of core products such as brand

and attributes that can be measured as well as aspects of
2. Features. Additional product of a core product that adds
value to the product.
3. Reliability. The reliability of the product in terms of
4. Conformance. The accuracy and settling time
calculation errors
5. .Durability. Economic age of a product
6. Serviceability. Speed, competence, usefulness and ease
of product to be repaired.
7. Aesthetics. Rating of the appearance of the products
both of the outward appearance, taste and smell.
8. Perceived Quality. Consumers' assessment is based on
the brand image and country of manufacture
9. .Environmental Friendly. The product is not harmful to Fig 1 Research Framework
the environment and have negative effects to a 2.6 Population and Sample
According to Sugiyono [12], the population are objects
2.2 Quality of Service that located at a certain region that have certain qualities
According to Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry [9], the and characteristics In determining the sample size of the
understanding and the dimensions of the quality of service population in Bandung which we do not know the numbers,
are as follows: according to Zikmund [13] by using formula (with 95%
confidence level, Z2e.l 1,96 and E by 10% and pq of 0.5.)
1. Reliability. Perform services in accordance with the
promised and accurately.
2. Responsiveness. Help customers and provide prompt
service. The results are 100 respondents as a required samples
3. Assurance. Knowledge and courtesy of employees and
the ability to be believed. 2.7 Operational Variables
4. Emphaty. Caring, giving individual attention to each Three attributes specified as independent variables ,the
customer. quality of the product(X1); the quality of service (X2) and
5. Tangibles. The appearance of physical facilities, the price (X3).The dependent variable is customer
equipment, personnel and communication materials. satisfaction (Y). The Operation Variable items as mention in
2.3 Prices appendics1
The scale of measurement used is a Likert scale of 5, in
According to Kottler [10] prices are important elements
which the alternative answers are Strongly Disagree (1)
in the marketing mix and the only element that generates
Disagree (2), Neutral (3) Agree (4) and Strongly Agree (5).
revenue. So, price is the cost to be incurred consumers to
buy a product or service.
2.4 Customer Satisfaction 3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
According to Kottler In Lupiyoadi [11] customer The data collected from the one hundred respondents were
satisfaction is a level of feeling that someone express and grouped based on several characteristics as follows:
compare between the perceived products and expected 1. Gender. It is found that the smallest respondents are
product performance female with 42 % or 42 respondents. Then the
2.5 Research Framework predominant number of respondents in this study are male
with 58% or 58 respondents.
The framework of the research by using product quality, 2. Age. It is found that the number of respondents whose age
service quality and price as the attributes is to understand more than 30 years old are 4% or 4 respondents, and in
the effect of those variables to customer satisfaction are as the range of 26-30 years old are 6% or 6 respondents,
follows: below 20 years old are 20% or 20 respondents. The most
dominant respondents are in the range of 20-25 years old
with 70% or 70 respondents.
3. Occupation. It is found that the smallest number of
respondents are who have job as entrepreneurs with 1%
or only one respondent, followed by high school students

International Conference on Business, Marketing & Information System Management (BMISM'15) Nov. 25-26, 2015 Paris (France)

with 3% or 3 respondents, civil servants with 6% or 6

respondents, private employees with 9% or 9 respondents, 3.2.2 Regression Analysis
and university students with 81% or 81 respondents. The result of the analysis can be shown and conclude from
4. Income. It is found that the smallest number of table 3 as follows:
respondents are whose income below Rp. 1.000.000 with COEFFICIENTS
30% or 30 respondents, and in the range income Model
Unstandardized Stand.
Rp.3.000.001-Rp. 5,000,000 with 12% or 12 respondents, Coefficients Coeff. t Sig
B Std Error Beta
income with more than Rp.5.000.000 as much as 2% or 2 (Constant) .087 1.378 .063 .950
people, and the range income of Rp. 1,000,000 - Rp. Product
.147 .043 .386 3.385 .001
3,000,000 wtih 56% or 56 respondents. Quality
5. The type of motorcycle used. It is found that type of Service
.170 .050 .385 3.403 .001
motorcycle that is used by the respondents is the sport type Price -.022 .072 -.022 -.308 .759
with 19%, or 19 respondents, duck type with 23 % or 23 . Dependent Variable: Customer satisfaction
respondents, and the automatic type with 58 % or 58
respondents. Based on the table above, the multiple linear regression
6. Long time in using of motorcycles. It is found that long equation are as follows:
time in using of motorcycle is less than one year with 9% Y = a + b1X1 + b2 X2 + b3X3
or 9 respondents , in the range of 4 - 5 years with 12%, or Y = 0.087 + 0.147 X1 + 0.170 X2 + (-0.02)X3
12 respondents, and more than 5 years with 36% or 36 The equation of multiple linear regression can be explained
respondents, and in the range of 1 - 3 years with 43%, or as follows:
43 respondents. 1. The Constant value of 0.087 means that it indicates if PT
AHM doesn’t make changes to product quality, service
3.2 Analysis the Effect of Product Quality, Service quality and price, the customer satisfaction value will still
Quality and Price towards Customer Satisfaction. increase to 0.087%.
It is necessary to test the validity and reliability of the 2. The variable regression coefficient value of 0.147
questionnaire. According Sugiyono [14] valid means the combined with X1 means that if the product quality has
instrument can be used to measure what should be increased 1 unit then customer satisfaction value will
measured. Reliable according to Arikunto [15] is something increase to 0.147 unit, by assuming that the other
quite reliable instrument to be used as a means of collecting independent variable values are fixed.
data because the instrument is good. 3. The variable regression coefficient value of 0.170
combined with X2 means that if the service quality has
3.2.1 Validity and Reliability Test Results
increased 1 unit then customer satisfaction value will
In this study, the validity and reliability test are done by
increase to 0.170 unit, by assuming that the other
using SPSS ver.20. The reliability and validity of test results
independent variable values are fixed.
can be seen in Table 1 and table 2 below.
4. The variable regression coefficient value of - 0.02
TABLE 1 combined with X3 means that if PT AHM does not fix the
VALIDITY TEST RESULT pricing system then customer satisfaction value will
R Table Remarks decrease to - 0.02%, by assuming that the other
Product Quality > 0.3494 0.3494 Valid independent variable values are fixed.
Service Quality > 0.3494 0.3494 Valid From the equation we may understand that the most
Price > 0.3494 0.3494 Valid influencing variable for the Honda motorcycle users is
Customer Satisfaction > 0.3494 0.3494 Valid
Quality of service
Based on the Table 1, it can be shown that because of all
Pearson correlation values are greater than 0.3494 (> 3.2.3. Coefficient of Determination
0.3494) we may conclude that all of the question variables By using SPSS ver.20 for Windows, the results of R
are valid. It means can be used for gathering the data square is equal to 0.527 as shown in the table 4. The other
meaning is 47.3% is influenced by other independent
TABLE II variables which were not examined in this study
Cornbach Alpha TABLE IV
Variable Remarks
Product Quality 0.947 Very Reliable Adjusted R Std Error of the
Model R R Square
Service Quality 0.933 Very Reliable Square Estimate
Price 0.688 Reliable 1 .726 .527 .512 1.629153
Customer Satisfaction 0.870 Very Reliable a. Predictors: (Constant), Price, Product Quality, Service
Based on the Table 2, it can be shown that the questions
for product quality, service quality and customer satisfaction
variables can be classified as very reliable while the
questions for price variable classified as reliable.

International Conference on Business, Marketing & Information System Management (BMISM'15) Nov. 25-26, 2015 Paris (France)


4.1 Conclusion
1. The quality of the Honda brand motorcycle products has
been in a good position, namely by 76 %.
2. The quality of service has been in a good position in the
amount of 73.50%. the most influential item is
unfavorable technicians provide individual attention to
3. User satisfaction Honda motorcycle has been in a good
position that is equal to 76.46%.
4. The coefficient of determination are 52.7% means that
the 47.3% is influenced by other independent variables
outside this research.
4.2 Suggestions
Based on the results of this research there are several
suggestions for the company and the other researcher as
1. The company (PT AHM) has to know the expectation of
the customer concerning the quality of the product, quality
of service and the price that is expected by the customer.
2. The company(PT AHM) must keep their promises to
repair the motorcycle quickly in order to increase
customer satisfaction by giving better guidance to their
3. The company (PT AHM) must discuss internally for
setting the appropriate price.
4. The quality of products and service quality in this study
only affects customer satisfaction at 52.7% and the rest
influenced by other variables. Researchers suggested to
add other variables such as brand image, brand awareness,
and others.

[1] Badan Pusat Statistik. Jumlah Pengguna Sepeda Motor di Indonesia.
[online]. Available : [24 Januari 2015].
[2] PT Astra Honda Motor. (2013). Annual Report PT Astra Honda Motor
Tahun 2013. Issued by : PT Astra International.
[3] PT Astra Honda Motor. (2013). Annual Report PT Astra Honda Motor
Tahun 2013. Issued by : PT Astra International.
[4] ICSA. Winner List Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award. [online].: [25 Januari 2015].
[5] PT Astra Honda Motor. Prestasi PT Astra Honda Motor.[online].: [25 Januari 2014].
[6] Rumah Pengaduan. Klaim Sepeda Motor Honda Tahun 2014. [online].: [25 Januari 2015].
[7] Lupiyoadi, R. (2013). Manajemen Pemasaran (Vol. III). Jakarta:
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[8] Kianpour, Kamyar., et al. (2014). Environmentally friendly as a new
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[10] Kottler, P., & Keller,K.L.(2009). Manajemen Pemasaran (Edisi 13 Jilid
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[11] Lupiyoadi, R. (2013). Manajemen Pemasaran (Vol. III). Jakarta:
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[12] Sugiyono. (2010). Statistika Untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.
[13] Zikmund, B., & Griffind, C. (2010). Business Research Methods (Vol.
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[14] Sugiyono. (2010). Statistika Untuk Penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.
[15] Taniredja, T., & Mustadifah, H. (2011). Penelitian Kuantitatif (Sebuah
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International Conference on Business, Marketing & Information System Management (BMISM'15) Nov. 25-26, 2015 Paris (France)

The Operational Variable of the research are as follows:
Appendix 1
Operational Variables
Three attributes specified as independent variables ,the quality of the product(X1); the quality of service (X2) and
the price (X3).The dependent variable is customer satisfaction (Y).

Variabel Sub Variabel Indicator Scale Item number

1. Performance Usability of the product Ordinal 1
2. Features Features Quality that complement the product Ordinal 2
3. Conformance Conformity of the products Ordinal 3
4. Durability Product durability Ordinal 4
5. Reliability Product reliability in bad weather Ordinal 5
1) The products are easily repaired
Quality (X1) 6. Serviceability Ordinal 6-7
2) The quick fixes completion time
7. Aesthetic Interesting appearance in product design Ordinal 8
8. Perceived Quality Positive impression of the product Ordinal 9
9. Environmental 1) The products that are less harmful to the environment
Ordinal 10-11
Friendly 2) Economical fuel
1) Modern equipment in the booth
1. Tangibles Ordinal 12-13
2) Good outlets fasilitas
2. Reliability Technicians provide a good problem-solving . Ordinal 14
Service Quality 3. Responsiveness Technician give a quick response service Ordinal 15
(X2) 1) Technicians have a good knowledge
4. Assurance Ordinal 16-17
2) Technicians trustworthiness
1) The operating hours match with the Honda motorcycle users
1. Emphaty Ordinal 18-19
2) Technicians give an individual attention.
1. Product 1) The price match with the quality of products Ordinal 20
Price (X3)
2. Service 2) The price match with the quality of service Ordinal 21
1) Response after riding Honda motorcycle
Customer 2) Comparison between the expected and the perceived
Satisfaction performance Ordinal 22-24
(Y) 3) Feeling while riding the Honda motorcycles

The scale of measurement used is a Likert scale of 5, in which the alternative answers are Strongly Disagree (1) Disagree
(2), Neutral (3) Agree (4) and Strongly Agree (5).


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