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Department of Science and Technology La els) (ea (cee cat) OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Reviewer for the PSHS System National Competitive Examination (NCE) THIS REVIEWER I NOT FOR SALE. FOREWORD, ‘The Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Science High Schoo! (DOST-PSHS) System offers a special secondary program in the sciences and ‘mathematics to its young, Filipino scholars in preparation for future science lor engineering careers, Admission into the DOST-PSHS is through the Nation- ‘al Competitive Examination (NCE), which aims to choose scholars from the gifted graduating elementary pupils. So as to reach more applicants and better prepare them for the NCE, this pa- per version of our reviewer is being made available to interested applicants ‘who have limited or no Internet connection, and thus are not able to access the free online reviewer, With this free paper version, we hope to encourage more NCE-takers especially from unreached, underprivileged areas. We believe that deserving pupils in these barangays should also be given the chance to avail of the six-year scholarship being offered by PSHS. ‘This reviewer provides test-taking strategies and practice drills that will familiarize examinees with what to expect in taking the NCE, We hope that this reviewer will encourage more students to participate in the NCE to enable them the chance to join the country’s critical mass of professionals in science and technology. OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TEST I- QUANTITATIVE ABILITY - My watch is set correctly at 9 A.M. If it loses 2 minutes every hour, what willbe the time on my watch if the correct time is 4 P.M. the next day? A. 258 P.M, 8. 329PM. c 431PM D. 5:02PM ‘A teacher gave a three-item TRUE or FALSE quiz. How many possible combinations of answers can students have? a2 8 6 c 8 D9 by what number should [¥ bemultpied to give the resut 2? 1 a 1 2 ea D4 ‘THs REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE. page 1 4. James answered a 40-item examination. He gets 5 points for every cor- rect answer but he loses 2 points for every wrong answer. What was his total score if he correctly answered 75% of the items? ‘A. 150 points 8. 148 points © 130 points 0. 100 points ‘Thirty-six men can finish building a house in 120 days. Ifa third of the criginal number of men were added, how many days would take the whole group to finish the same house? AR 8. 40 © 99 D. 160 6. What is the next term of the sequence: 2, 5, 11, 23, A 28 B34 ca D. 47 7. On his first birthday, Rico placed one PS coin in a jar. On his second birth- day, he placed two PS coins in the same jar. Every birthday he had there- after, he put in as many PS coins as his age in years. If he now has a total Cf P140 in the jar, how old is he? AT 8.9 cu D. 28 page 2 ‘THIS REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE, 8 What is the missing number in the circle? a2 6 8 2 9. The faces of a big cube were painted. Then it was divided into 27 smaller cubes of the same size. How many small cubes have only one face painted? A 6 8 2 ce 0. 24 10. Eight unit cubes are glued to form a 2 by 2 by 2 cube. Ifone corner unit cube is removed, what is the total surface area of the resulting figure? AB square units 8. 18 square units 21 square units D 24 square units 41, What is the sum of the greatest 3-digit number and the greatest 4-digit number? A 9998 8. 9,999 €. 10,000 D. 10,998 “TIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. paee3 12, I need 15 pieces of similar fruits to make 3 glasses of juice. How many pieces of the same fruit do | need to make a dozen glasses of juice? A 8 « D, 36 45 60 180 13, How many fity-peso bills are equivalent to 30 twenty-peso bills? A. B, « . 600 75 20 2 14. Given the sequence 4, 1, 2, 2, What number could go into the blank? Loa oa m4 A. only 8. thonly © Monty D. 1th and i pages ‘THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE, 15. The perimeter of any given polygon can be solved by getting the sum of allits sides. Ifthe perimeter of the polygon given on the right is 72 inches {in), and the length of the sides A and B are equal, what is the length of side a? A 10in 22in 18 in A 50in 8. 2in © atin D. 55in 416. Two identical regular hexagons (6-sided polygons with equal length of sides) were placed on top of each other as shown on the figure below. if the perimeter (total length ofthe sides) of one hexagon is 30 inches, what is the total perimeter of the resulting figure? 40 inches 4B inches 64 inches one 80 inches “TS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. pages 17. An ant walks around the edges of different shapes. In which shape will the ant walk the SHORTEST distance? A. Atriangle with sides 9 cm, 9 cm and 8 cm B.A square with sides 4 cm C._Atrapezoid with legs 2 em and 2 em, and bases 3 cm and 5 cm D. ‘A regular pentagon with sides 6 cm 118. The figure drawn is rectangle ABCD. What is the value of a? y oc (1,4) (c,3) (3) 3,6) Ay B 19, A rectangle has an area of 100 cm’, The lengths of its sides are doubled to form a new rectangle. How does the area of the new rectangle com: pare with the area of the original rectangle? ‘A. The bigger rectangle Is 2 times the smaller rectangle. B, The bigger rectangle is 4 times the smaller rectangle. CC. The bigger rectangle is 8 times the smaller rectangle. D, ‘The two areas are the same. page 6 ‘TIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. 20. Carol has 2 rectangular sheet of paper measuring 48 cm by 72 cm paper. She wants to cut it into the LEAST number of square pieces without wasting any material. How many squares can she cut from the paper? AB 8B. 6 «2 D. 18 “THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. page? ‘TEST Il- VERBAL APTITUDE « Directions: Read each question carefully. Then choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which vowel sound is pronounced DIFFERENTLY? A 8, « ». foe 2. Which of the following words is spelled INCORRECTLY? marvelous horendous obsequious For items 3-5, choose the word whose meaning is CLOSEST to the underlined word. 3, Letus condense this essay into a paragraph. A 8. c 0. extend extract combine compress 4, Being gregarious, Mary is always the center of attention at parties. A 8, c D. relaxed decisive sociable sophisticated “Tits REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. pages 5. After the volcanic eruption, the whole town was obliterated from the map. A 8. ic . marked fastened eradicated subtracted For items 6-9, choose the word that BEST COMPLETES the meaning of the sentence. ©. When Mother found the month-old milk, she knew immediately what was causing the A 8 c °. acrid sweet aromatic fragrant 7. Apair of old, A 8 c . fragmented collapsed demolished battered & | feel an A. 8 « . page 10 inrasistible irresistible iresistible inrisestible smell in the kitchen. ‘work boots lies on the floor. impulse to sneeze, ‘Ts REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. 9, Not knowing that the camera was recording every word he said, the candidate gave his, opinion of his opponent. A. candid B. ridiculous CC. exaggerated D, wholesome For items 10-13, choose the letter that corresponds to the part of the sen- tence which contains an error. 10. Typhoon Reming devastated the province of Albay, and had left the A 8 poor people homeless and hungry. c D 11. 'msorry, but can come to your home tomorrow. A 8 c D 412. The boy was exhaustive that he fell asleep as soon as his back A B c touched the be D 13. Enjoying the laboratory activities, the student accidentally dropped A B ic the apparratus. D “THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. page 12 14, What is the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expression in the sen- tence? “The present | bought my parents for their wedding anniversary cost me anarm and a leg.” A. a serious accident B. a great deal of effort Calarge sum of money o. 2 loss of something important 15. What message is conveyed by the statement below? Mathematics as a theoretical science is important for improving man’s reasoning power. It helps in training the mind. tis also Useful to us in actual fe. The progress of a civilization is often seen in the progress of its mathematics, One should not let his mind wander. (One can become progressive through mathematics. ‘As one advances in mathematics, his mind is weakened snp Pp ‘As one studies mathematics, his reasoning power improves. For items 16-17, choose the word/pair of words that BEST expresses a rela- tionship similar to that in the original pair. 16. bravery:lion treachery A cat 8. dog ©. snake D. monkey page12 ‘TIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE, 417. barometer : weather 18, 19, A. decibel sound thermometer : heat 8, . odometer: smell D, kilometer : length How should the numbered sentences be sequenced to form an effective sentence? 1. thereis 2. of celebrities 3. to promote 4, anincreasing use 5. products A, 14532 B. 42153 c 34245 D. 14235 How should the numbered sentences be arranged to form a meaningful paragraph? 1 2 Her novels are models of plot construction. ‘The most famous woman novelist of the 18” century who wrote towards the end of the 18" century is Jane Austen, The field of action in her novels is very much limited. Her famous novels are “Sense and Sensibility, ‘Pride and Prejudice’, and ‘Persuasion’ Even her characters are limited in number. A 21354 34-452 24135, 41352 “TIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. page 13 20. In what sequence should the five sentences be arranged to form a coherent paragraph? soe > page 14 1 2 They left by car at about & pm. Covering the last leg of the drive through a hilly terrain, they reached the estate at around ten (On the way to the party, 60 kilometers away, they suffered a flat tire and then another minor breakdown, However, the host was there and welcomed the late-comers. ‘The guests were getting ready to leave. The food had gone rather cold but the smiles were warm. TS REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE, 21. In what correct order should the sentences 2, 3, 4 & 5 be arranged? 1 cope 24. It is wrong to think that city life is altogether unhealthy. Perhaps it was so at one time, but now-a-days with proper roads, pavements and drainage systems, sickness is kept at bay. Cities are planned in such a way as to provide open spaces with parks and playgrounds for the benefit of the dwellers, Even when sickness does strike, there are doctors and hospitals at hand. This is not the case in the countryside where people frequently suffer and sometimes die for want of medical facilities. Life in the countryside is al right as a break from feverish pace of city life, but the city has far more to offer one who wishes to lead a life that is not only exciting but also full and satisfying, 45.23 2354 3.45.2 53 “Tis REVIEWER 15 NOT FOR SALE. pages ‘TEST Ill - SCIENTIFIC ABILITY 1. Which ofthe following sigrams BEST represent 0, molecule? 268 oat | teak be |) wee 78 es agelle”™ : 2. The graph illustrates crude oil production from 1900 to 2000. The dotted line represents crude oll production in the future. it products 1900 1% 2000 20% 2100 Your During what period was the greatest amount of oil produced? A. between years 1930 to 1950 8, between years 1950 to 1970 between years 1970 to 1990 D. between years 1990 to 2000, “TIS REVIEWER 15 NOT FOR SALE. page 17 3. The following graph depicts the population of the Philippines in a span of are = T = is - z” a | i i ; — [ : fe si is —+ : - : Sass eeteetsse teeters os What can you predict about the population of the Philippines in the year 20202 ‘A. The population will increase by about 30 milion. 8. The population will increase by about 10 milion. The population will be about 100 milion. D. The population from 2010 to 2020 will dauble. page 18 “TI REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. 4, The graph below shows the effect of dynamite fishing on coral reef reha- bilitation on fish population. What do you think will happen to the fish population in the year 2020 if coral reef rehabilitation is continued? soe> Fish population 2000 2005 2010 year Fish population will stop increasing Fish population will be wipe-out No prediction can be made Fish population will continue to increase 5. Based on the table below, what is the relationship of the orbital period and the distance from the sun? PLANET ‘ORBITAL PERIOD (in | _ DISTANCE FROM THE SUN Earth days) MERCURY 87.9694 57,910,000 km (0.40 AU) VENUS 24,7000 108,200,000 km (0.72 AU) EARTH 365.2560 149,600,000 km (1.0 AU) MARS 686.9800 227,941,040 km (1.5 AU) cope As the distance from the sun increases the orbital period increases ‘As the distance from the sun decreases the orbital period decreases [As the distance from the sun decreases the orbital period increases {As the distance from the sun increases the orbital period decreases ‘Ts REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE. page19 6 Refer to the figure below Estimated number of indvidua's Secondary carnivores 250 Primary camvores 3000 Hersvores 8.500 Producers (pants) 20,000 Population of species in grassland food chain What conclusion can be drawn from the figure above? A 8. C o. Primary carnivores feed directly on plants Carnivores will survive even without the producers Only the herbivores are dependent on plants ‘A decrease in herbivore population can reduce the number of secondary carnivores 7. Which part of a pair of scissors can cut a piece of paper with less effort? A B. © D. page 20 A a B c D "TS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. 8. Which of the following setup will allow you to obtain the HIGHEST height cof water in a tube? 9. A train moving along a straight tract at 20 m/s slows down at a rate of 4 m/s every second. After 2 seconds its speed will be equal to 20 m/s t=0 Ams Bm/s 12m/s 16 m/s cosy 10. Three lighted candles of the same flame size were placed inside three jars {as shown in the figure below. am In what order will the flame be put out? A Ati 8. Mt,t mum ©. 1a “TMS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. owe 22 11. When water changes from liquid to solid, its particles become compressed as shown in the figures. A 8 c solid Tiquia Bs ‘Which change in the arrangement of particle occurs when an ice is heated until it totally evaporates? A ASBOC 8 A+C>8 © CoBoA DBASE 12. Which of the following represents the particles of water? Given the following representations: © = hydrogen Qzonten feed te |) % 0 ANV| page 22 "THis REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE. 13, 14, 15. ‘The graph below shows the effect of dynamite fishing on fish population. ‘What happens to the fish population when dynamite fishing is practiced? fish population 1980 1985 1990 1995 year Slow decrease of fish population Rapid decrease of fish population 'No relationship between dynamite fishing and fish population eae > Decrease of fish population is only observable from 1990 to 1995 ‘Which ofthe following data can be gathered through direct observation? A. wind direction 8. amount of rain pollutants in air . cloud formation You are asked what would happen to the boiling temperature of a given solution if sugar were added to it. What would be the thing to do? ‘A. Presume that there is no effect and draw your conclusions B._Infer that sugar lowers the boiling temperature of the solution C. Guess that the sugar increases the temperature of the solution and, design an experiment to verify this D. Look for studies related to the problem and accept finding of the researchers ‘THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. page 23 16. In a pond, you observed the population of tadpoles and frogs. After sometime, the number in the population changed. See graph below. Hof individuals What do you think happened to the tadpole population? A. Died 8. Swam away C._ Eaten by frogs D. Became adult frogs 17. The figure shows the positions of a runner at equal time intervals. How will you describe the runner's motion? AEE KR KK o © om w o 90 o distance(m) He is running at A. constant speed. B._ increasing speed. ©. decreasing speed. D._ changing speed. age 24 ‘THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE, 18. In 5.0 minutes, a truck increases its speed from 25 km/h to 30 km/h while ’@ motorcycle is continuously moving at 4 km/h. Which has the greater acceleration? A 8 « D. The truck The motorcycle The accelerations are equal Neither the truck nor the motorcycle is accelerating 19. The table below shows the number of persons with osteoporosis for each age eroup, Non-milk Drinkers Milk Drinkers Ash Male Female Male Female 1-18 [o ° 0 ° as-40 [2 28 6 14 ae [3 67 20 aa Based on the data given, which of the following is/are true? |. Osteoporosis affects more females than males. |, Osteoporosis affects people regardless of gender. Ill, Osteoporosis occurs less as people get older. tonly only Vand it Vand ‘THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE, page 25 20. The same kind of covered container is used to boil different amounts of water as shown below. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE? A (ul B (watt full |. Water will bol at the same temperature, NL Water: Ill, Water will boil first in container B compared to container A. ill bol first in container A compared to container B. A. lonly 8. Honly Vandi D. Land i 21. Mang Lando wanted to know the survival rate of grafted mangoes against marcotted ones. Arrange the statements below to come up with an experimental design. |. Gather 100 one-month old mango plant 1. Perform grafting and marcotting to the assigned plants, IIL. Assign each plant witha designated number and letter (¢-eratted; m-marcotted) IV. Observe for 2 months \V. Place all experimental plants in a nursery 1 vv WAV, 1, 1, 1N, Ht one> V,IN, ih 1 page 26 ‘THiS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. 22. When rain is about to occur, you observe large flying ants swarm around the light bulb in your house, refer to the figures below. Tis <= fcht buts piles > Ee eS bre thine > oy FT = ~ + SPs ee ne SNe ee pail with as A B Mother would geta pail of water and place it directly under only one light bulb, leaving all the other light bulbs turned off. After 2 hours, most of the large flying ants are in the pail of water. What is the best explanation for the behavior of flying ants? A. They need to drink water. 8. They got burned from the light and dropped to the pail of water. C._ They got confused with the reflection of the light in the water. D They were forcibly placed in the water. ‘THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. page 27 TEST IV - ABSTRAC ‘> mid “Yn a nal sm 5) | L= J) 1 | => a (@ h [5] (@ BI THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SA 3 2 T REASONING |, Which figure does NOT follow the pattern? a rare page 30 "THiS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE, Ve THs REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE, urBo> m@uson orox2| zorzn ROMS] (aweo SEO tb A) IAM OS ‘THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. Il, Find the missing figure, F eae t Pa pages ‘THIS REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE. 0}| mo IV. Which figure completes the grid or matrix? laa Le = ‘TIS REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE. pone 35 e ee A 8 c D page 36 ‘THIS REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE. 20. cB] IH ? co] ts ? PR||ML Fe |] vu ar||ma/|rH||vw a 8 © D ‘Tits REVIEWER 1S NOT FOR SALE. page 37 ANSWER KEY TESTI- QUANTITATIVE ABILITY TEST I- VERBAL APTITUDE Loa 1 8 2 ¢ 2 8 a 3 4c 4 5 ¢ 5 ¢ 6 6 oA nA 2 0 8 8 a 8 98 oA wm 10. 8 moo ne 2 2 A re) BD wo 4 BO 5. > 6A 6c moc 7 8 a 8 8D 8 % c 2. 08 2 A uD page 38 ‘Tis REVIEWER IS NOT FOR SALE,

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