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Different cultural diversity need monitoring and synergies to achieved. The

hospitality industry all welcoming guests around all culture also employees for
different culture. This is one big problems, as the way different culture provided
different leadership ways, motivations and also the way their thinking.

With the world globalism, company all over the world start to expand their
business, and Islamic country start to open their country to new investment. As
Islam is the second largest riligion that fellowed by people around world. With the
growth of muslim people in the world, the hospitality insutry have so many
employees of muslin and with the building of a hotel in all around South east Asia
and the middle east. As middle east, Asia to Africa. Islamic culture is one of the most
complicated culture in the world. Their belives and the way of thinking are different
compere to the western society. As lots of international hotel brands all over the
world are opening in the Islamic country. It found some problems around this area.

Islam have a positive relationship with the work values. Islamic people think that
they not just looking for salary and job satisfaction, but also self respect, personal
growth and their main needs that are spiritual needs. Their culture is to encourages
them to look at jobs in intrinsic aspects, but as complicated as it is they are not
difficult to managed. This will be discuss in the assignment.


To critically evaluate the problems of managing employees from Islamic culture and
find the solutions from the problems.


To review literacture that are related to the problems

To analye the problems and find a solutions for managing Islamic employees

To use both qualitative and quantitatives as a tools for research


The report are based on searching for goal and achieve the goal as this we used
inductive approach. The research are need to be flexible as develop and changeable.
With this inductive approach are suitable for the project as it connected to our aim.


As management have severals problems for managing employees in a varioation of

culture. Their obsticle and also problems involved. International hotel brand that
invest a hotel in a country have to concor those problems. Its not possible for the
company to discriminate employees that have difficult ways of thinking, as its not
ethical. Also international company that build hotels all around the world have to
find solutions. Islam is a different and uniq culture compare to the western culture.
Starting from the way of thinking to rules of the way they live. As the problems arise,
international hjotel company should tried to find the solutions of all of this.

As Islamic culture are more to the masculinity in their country of their regions. The
middle east and half of Asia who have this back ground of masculinity in their work
culture. Woman can be value less in the work place, as a general manager or a CEO
rearlz female have the positions. Moreover woman are responsible for the family as
house wife, as in Hilton in Mekah, its rarely to find a female employees. In the other
hand there are some middle east country that needs woman employees but thez
cound not find anz female that wants to worked in their hotels. Such as an example
in Ritz Carlton Egypt, and also lots of hotels in Dubai. Thez search for female staff. Its
rare for them for female to worked in a hospitalitz industry its consider to be +not a
good thing= so as the hotel gives more flexibility, as example Ritz Carlton in Cairo,
Egypt they make flexibility of female stuff, they give previlages as food, working
hours, also some area higher salary then the male employees. Eventhough nowdaxs
as the globalization are near. Most Islamic country adopt new culture as less
masculinity, as one example in Asia. Nowdays Asia have different prospective in
woman such as Indonesia and Malaysia. They adopt to have woman as Managers,
lots for GM in Indonesia as woman, such as Sekar Nusa, Bali and also few hotels in
Jakarta. One interview that comes from one of general manager in Jakarta hotels,
Mega Anggrek. She said today Indonesia are more seeing the leaders of female as
supervisor, as the employees start to more respect and obey. The board of director
few of them are female. This change the prospective of the Islamic country, as
culture involved they more adapt to have the main goal of every business include
hospitality that is offer a high quality of service and profit maximizing for the share
holders, which some female leaders are capable for.

Motivation for people in Islamic culture is different compare to the western culture,
cause they also consider spiritual needs. As they look for life after death, they belive
in Gods will see what your doing They used to spritial system to helps find solutions
from crisis, failure, frustations. The goal oriented for the employees in Islamic
culture are in form of balance as they focuses on material and spiritual bneeds. As
the western wealth, property and self recognition played quite a big role for
organization to increase development. Eventhough Islam have their spiritual needs
but in Quran (2.148) Islamic culture also teach them to compete as do the best as
they do good deeds this include making money in a good way, have to work the best
that they can be, also takes the higher positions. So with this the way motivation
their employees are the same as other hotel in the west. As inteternational hotel
brand still developed standardize development skills for employees, such as Hilton
hotel, in mekah. Mekah is an important city for muslim. This hotel did have a
different ways to motivate employees. They have the same standards as every
Hilton hotel in the world, they have the goal to do the best

Leading people in the mental of muslim employees are more power distance, people
in the country that are high power distance are usually people that raised to be
loyal, respecfull and also devoted to their family. This is most of Islamic country they
raised to obey and have a big responsible for their family as the opposite of western
culture who are more flexible and their parents gives more their own authority after
they become adult, which in islam, they still have a certain responsibily. For this
leading people from hgh power distance the employees are more depending on their
supervisor, they are not fleyoble for any suprises problem that will cameout. They
need authority and need strong direction for the managers. One of the expatriate in
Grand Hyyyt in Jakarta, Indonesia. He said the hotel have more than 80% muslim
employees, we have to be autoritife on them they sometimes don’t have the
capability to take actions from them self they really need supervisor to asked for.
But as the education getiing high lots of people who worked in hospitality in the
Islamic country search for new knowledge in the western culture as taking their
degree in western country such as Europe and United Steted makes the way of
thinking more developed also learn for the expatriate that comes their country as
general managers or investors, which is make them have the capability of more
adapt to solve their problems without to much ask to the supervisor.

Operation procedures for hospitality in Islamic coutry are much more different then
the western, they have specific rules as employees works, operating hours, food and
also uniform. They have different type of ways as firstly their employees break. The
management have to gives them preying breaks, as Islam preys five times a day,
they have to have 3 times preying in the working hours this called Zhur, Ashar and
Magrib. Male Muslim employees also have Jumu’ah that’s are preyer for Friday that
they have to go to mosque. Its about 1 hour pray, with this as stated in muslin in the
work place it said that their no specific regulations that provide time for preyers but
this is because it’s a important hour for the business and other employee are not
allowed to take time off. So if the hotels have those busy working hour they count to
not gives them premisions to leave, but usually hotel also are adapt to their employees.
As such example there are few muslim employee that worked in big hotel chain in
Singapore, such as St Regis, Singapore. Eventhough its not a muslim country the hotel
gives several flexibility for Friday preyer they moved the working shift for muslim
employee so they could do the Friday prayer. They will have the work the as normal
amount of hours but a diffent time frame.

They also have fasting month that they break their fast when the day turning to
night. In some hotel have a problems with this part, as also lots of muslim
employees worked in international brand hotel in all over the world. This get
problems with the employeer that employ muslims. Usually in Islamic country
employees in a fasting months have lower working hours. Such as Iran they go home
early in Ramadan the fasting months. With this ofcource the western country could
not tolerate because is not fair for the other employee who is not Muslim, In the case
there is no specific regulation for this but as they break ther fasting perid as they
don’t have lunch break the hotel could change the lunch break hours at the time
they break fasting, this happens in lots of hotel in Asia, non Muslim country as they
developed more flexibility for this, but also their also different case in Dubai, one of
the big hotel chain gives the less working hours in Ramadan, this because of the
laws of the country. This case the non muslim workers feel that its not fair for the
non muslim works+

Uniform as strong Muslim woman have to wear Hilbab as their clothing, muslim
woman that worked in the western country have the difficulty such example is
United Stated Disneyland`s Grand Califonian Hotel have been sued from a muslim
employee, Imane Boudal she is maroccon that worked in the stated, she sued Disney
because of the spokes woman for Disney`s workers union told her `` she wanted to work as a
hostess she had to remove her hijab because it did not comply with the 'Disney Look,'" They also saud if she did not remove her hijab, she
will have back of the house positions with this any customers wil not see her or she could just leave her job. This is a big case for Disney
other then being sued, is a big offensive for muslims all over the world said deputy executive director and staff attorney of Council on
American-Islamic Relations Ameena Mirza Qazi. This is big problems that’s why Hotel all over the world need to be more concerned about
the statement and adaption off their employee. As stated laws in the Muslim in the worked place, from The Muslin Concil of Britain they said

4.11 If an organisation has a dress code which disadvantages employees of a particular religion but is
in place for health and safety reasons, this may be lawful. However, organisations should try to be
flexible where they can to allow staff to dress in accordance with their religion or belief and should
ensure that they are pursuing a legitimate aim and acting proportionately when considering the
accommodation of religious needs.^^ but as you can see it is lawful for hotel to do that it is understandable that’s why
before requruting employee we have to have interview and explanations about the uniform, how the company regulate
this not make a confusement of the employee. In Disney case they don’t have specific explanations from the labor
union about this. They should have explained more in the requtment, Other example is St Regis, Bali they provide
explanations and signing a contract of what uniform they used to their employee before they been accepted, they tried
to give mopre flexibility but as it’s a hotel chain that build in an island that have this specific dress code.

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