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G.R. No. L-11658 February 15, 1918 demanding the release of the property from the levy.

e release of the property from the levy. Thereafter, upon

demand of the sheriff, the plaintiff executed an indemnity bond in
LEUNG YEE, plaintiff-appellant, favor of the sheriff in the sum of P12,000, in reliance upon which the
vs. sheriff sold the property at public auction to the plaintiff, who was the
FRANK L. STRONG MACHINERY COMPANY and J. G. highest bidder at the sheriff's sale.
WILLIAMSON, defendants-appellees.
This action was instituted by the plaintiff to recover possession of the
Booram and Mahoney for appellant. building from the machinery company.
Williams, Ferrier and SyCip for appellees.
The trial judge, relying upon the terms of article 1473 of the Civil
CARSON, J.: Code, gave judgment in favor of the machinery company, on the
ground that the company had its title to the building registered prior
The "Compañia Agricola Filipina" bought a considerable quantity of to the date of registry of the plaintiff's certificate.
rice-cleaning machinery company from the defendant machinery
company, and executed a chattel mortgage thereon to secure Article 1473 of the Civil Code is as follows:
payment of the purchase price. It included in the mortgage deed the
building of strong materials in which the machinery was installed, If the same thing should have been sold to different
without any reference to the land on which it stood. The indebtedness vendees, the ownership shall be transfer to the person who
secured by this instrument not having been paid when it fell due, the may have the first taken possession thereof in good faith,
mortgaged property was sold by the sheriff, in pursuance of the terms if it should be personal property.
of the mortgage instrument, and was bought in by the machinery
company. The mortgage was registered in the chattel mortgage Should it be real property, it shall belong to the person
registry, and the sale of the property to the machinery company in acquiring it who first recorded it in the registry.
satisfaction of the mortgage was annotated in the same registry on
December 29, 1913. Should there be no entry, the property shall belong to the
person who first took possession of it in good faith, and, in
A few weeks thereafter, on or about the 14th of January, 1914, the the absence thereof, to the person who presents the oldest
"Compañia Agricola Filipina" executed a deed of sale of the land upon title, provided there is good faith.
which the building stood to the machinery company, but this deed of
sale, although executed in a public document, was not registered. This The registry her referred to is of course the registry of real property,
deed makes no reference to the building erected on the land and and it must be apparent that the annotation or inscription of a deed
would appear to have been executed for the purpose of curing any of sale of real property in a chattel mortgage registry cannot be given
defects which might be found to exist in the machinery company's the legal effect of an inscription in the registry of real property. By its
title to the building under the sheriff's certificate of sale. The express terms, the Chattel Mortgage Law contemplates and makes
machinery company went into possession of the building at or about provision for mortgages of personal property; and the sole purpose
the time when this sale took place, that is to say, the month of and object of the chattel mortgage registry is to provide for the
December, 1913, and it has continued in possession ever since. registry of "Chattel mortgages," that is to say, mortgages of personal
property executed in the manner and form prescribed in the statute.
At or about the time when the chattel mortgage was executed in favor The building of strong materials in which the rice-cleaning machinery
of the machinery company, the mortgagor, the "Compañia Agricola was installed by the "Compañia Agricola Filipina" was real property,
Filipina" executed another mortgage to the plaintiff upon the building, and the mere fact that the parties seem to have dealt with it separate
separate and apart from the land on which it stood, to secure payment and apart from the land on which it stood in no wise changed its
of the balance of its indebtedness to the plaintiff under a contract for character as real property. It follows that neither the original registry
the construction of the building. Upon the failure of the mortgagor to in the chattel mortgage of the building and the machinery installed
pay the amount of the indebtedness secured by the mortgage, the therein, not the annotation in that registry of the sale of the
plaintiff secured judgment for that amount, levied execution upon the mortgaged property, had any effect whatever so far as the building
building, bought it in at the sheriff's sale on or about the 18th of was concerned.
December, 1914, and had the sheriff's certificate of the sale duly
registered in the land registry of the Province of Cavite. We conclude that the ruling in favor of the machinery company cannot
be sustained on the ground assigned by the trial judge. We are of
At the time when the execution was levied upon the building, the opinion, however, that the judgment must be sustained on the ground
defendant machinery company, which was in possession, filed with that the agreed statement of facts in the court below discloses that
the sheriff a sworn statement setting up its claim of title and neither the purchase of the building by the plaintiff nor his inscription
of the sheriff's certificate of sale in his favor was made in good faith, The agreed statement of facts clearly discloses that the plaintiff, when
and that the machinery company must be held to be the owner of the he bought the building at the sheriff's sale and inscribed his title in
property under the third paragraph of the above cited article of the the land registry, was duly notified that the machinery company had
code, it appearing that the company first took possession of the bought the building from plaintiff's judgment debtor; that it had gone
property; and further, that the building and the land were sold to the into possession long prior to the sheriff's sale; and that it was in
machinery company long prior to the date of the sheriff's sale to the possession at the time when the sheriff executed his levy. The
plaintiff. execution of an indemnity bond by the plaintiff in favor of the sheriff,
after the machinery company had filed its sworn claim of ownership,
It has been suggested that since the provisions of article 1473 of the leaves no room for doubt in this regard. Having bought in the building
Civil Code require "good faith," in express terms, in relation to at the sheriff's sale with full knowledge that at the time of the levy
"possession" and "title," but contain no express requirement as to and sale the building had already been sold to the machinery company
"good faith" in relation to the "inscription" of the property on the by the judgment debtor, the plaintiff cannot be said to have been a
registry, it must be presumed that good faith is not an essential purchaser in good faith; and of course, the subsequent inscription of
requisite of registration in order that it may have the effect the sheriff's certificate of title must be held to have been tainted with
contemplated in this article. We cannot agree with this contention. It the same defect.
could not have been the intention of the legislator to base the
preferential right secured under this article of the code upon an Perhaps we should make it clear that in holding that the inscription of
inscription of title in bad faith. Such an interpretation placed upon the the sheriff's certificate of sale to the plaintiff was not made in good
language of this section would open wide the door to fraud and faith, we should not be understood as questioning, in any way, the
collusion. The public records cannot be converted into instruments of good faith and genuineness of the plaintiff's claim against the
fraud and oppression by one who secures an inscription therein in bad "Compañia Agricola Filipina." The truth is that both the plaintiff and
faith. The force and effect given by law to an inscription in a public the defendant company appear to have had just and righteous claims
record presupposes the good faith of him who enters such inscription; against their common debtor. No criticism can properly be made of
and rights created by statute, which are predicated upon an the exercise of the utmost diligence by the plaintiff in asserting and
inscription in a public registry, do not and cannot accrue under an exercising his right to recover the amount of his claim from the estate
inscription "in bad faith," to the benefit of the person who thus makes of the common debtor. We are strongly inclined to believe that in
the inscription. procuring the levy of execution upon the factory building and in
buying it at the sheriff's sale, he considered that he was doing no
Construing the second paragraph of this article of the code, the more than he had a right to do under all the circumstances, and it is
supreme court of Spain held in its sentencia of the 13th of May, 1908, highly possible and even probable that he thought at that time that
that: he would be able to maintain his position in a contest with the
machinery company. There was no collusion on his part with the
This rule is always to be understood on the basis of the common debtor, and no thought of the perpetration of a fraud upon
good faith mentioned in the first paragraph; therefore, it the rights of another, in the ordinary sense of the word. He may have
having been found that the second purchasers who record hoped, and doubtless he did hope, that the title of the machinery
their purchase had knowledge of the previous sale, the company would not stand the test of an action in a court of law; and
question is to be decided in accordance with the following if later developments had confirmed his unfounded hopes, no one
paragraph. (Note 2, art. 1473, Civ. Code, Medina and could question the legality of the propriety of the course he adopted.
Maranon [1911] edition.)
But it appearing that he had full knowledge of the machinery
Although article 1473, in its second paragraph, provides company's claim of ownership when he executed the indemnity bond
that the title of conveyance of ownership of the real and bought in the property at the sheriff's sale, and it appearing
property that is first recorded in the registry shall have further that the machinery company's claim of ownership was well
preference, this provision must always be understood on founded, he cannot be said to have been an innocent purchaser for
the basis of the good faith mentioned in the first paragraph; value. He took the risk and must stand by the consequences; and it
the legislator could not have wished to strike it out and to is in this sense that we find that he was not a purchaser in good faith.
sanction bad faith, just to comply with a mere formality
which, in given cases, does not obtain even in real disputes One who purchases real estate with knowledge of a defect or lack of
between third persons. (Note 2, art. 1473, Civ. Code, issued title in his vendor cannot claim that he has acquired title thereto in
by the publishers of the La Revista de los Tribunales, 13th good faith as against the true owner of the land or of an interest
edition.) therein; and the same rule must be applied to one who has knowledge
of facts which should have put him upon such inquiry and
investigation as might be necessary to acquaint him with the defects
in the title of his vendor. A purchaser cannot close his eyes to facts
which should put a reasonable man upon his guard, and then claim
that he acted in good faith under the belief that there was no defect
in the title of the vendor. His mere refusal to believe that such defect
exists, or his willful closing of his eyes to the possibility of the
existence of a defect in his vendor's title, will not make him an
innocent purchaser for value, if afterwards develops that the title was
in fact defective, and it appears that he had such notice of the defects
as would have led to its discovery had he acted with that measure of
precaution which may reasonably be acquired of a prudent man in a
like situation. Good faith, or lack of it, is in its analysis a question of
intention; but in ascertaining the intention by which one is actuated
on a given occasion, we are necessarily controlled by the evidence as
to the conduct and outward acts by which alone the inward motive
may, with safety, be determined. So it is that "the honesty of
intention," "the honest lawful intent," which constitutes good faith
implies a "freedom from knowledge and circumstances which ought
to put a person on inquiry," and so it is that proof of such knowledge
overcomes the presumption of good faith in which the courts always
indulge in the absence of proof to the contrary. "Good faith, or the
want of it, is not a visible, tangible fact that can be seen or touched,
but rather a state or condition of mind which can only be judged of
by actual or fancied tokens or signs." (Wilder vs. Gilman, 55 Vt., 504,
505; Cf. Cardenas Lumber Co. vs. Shadel, 52 La. Ann., 2094-2098;
Pinkerton Bros. Co. vs. Bromley, 119 Mich., 8, 10, 17.)

We conclude that upon the grounds herein set forth the disposing part
of the decision and judgment entered in the court below should be
affirmed with costs of this instance against the appellant. So ordered.
G.R. No. L-11658 February 15, 1918 demanding the release of the property from the levy. Thereafter, upon
demand of the sheriff, the plaintiff executed an indemnity bond in
LEUNG YEE, plaintiff-appellant, favor of the sheriff in the sum of P12,000, in reliance upon which the
vs. sheriff sold the property at public auction to the plaintiff, who was the
FRANK L. STRONG MACHINERY COMPANY and J. G. highest bidder at the sheriff's sale.
WILLIAMSON, defendants-appellees.
This action was instituted by the plaintiff to recover possession of the
Booram and Mahoney for appellant. building from the machinery company.
Williams, Ferrier and SyCip for appellees.
The trial judge, relying upon the terms of article 1473 of the Civil
CARSON, J.: Code, gave judgment in favor of the machinery company, on the
ground that the company had its title to the building registered prior
The "Compañia Agricola Filipina" bought a considerable quantity of to the date of registry of the plaintiff's certificate.
rice-cleaning machinery company from the defendant machinery
company, and executed a chattel mortgage thereon to secure Article 1473 of the Civil Code is as follows:
payment of the purchase price. It included in the mortgage deed the
building of strong materials in which the machinery was installed, If the same thing should have been sold to different
without any reference to the land on which it stood. The indebtedness vendees, the ownership shall be transfer to the person who
secured by this instrument not having been paid when it fell due, the may have the first taken possession thereof in good faith,
mortgaged property was sold by the sheriff, in pursuance of the terms if it should be personal property.
of the mortgage instrument, and was bought in by the machinery
company. The mortgage was registered in the chattel mortgage Should it be real property, it shall belong to the person
registry, and the sale of the property to the machinery company in acquiring it who first recorded it in the registry.
satisfaction of the mortgage was annotated in the same registry on
December 29, 1913. Should there be no entry, the property shall belong to the
person who first took possession of it in good faith, and, in
A few weeks thereafter, on or about the 14th of January, 1914, the the absence thereof, to the person who presents the oldest
"Compañia Agricola Filipina" executed a deed of sale of the land upon title, provided there is good faith.
which the building stood to the machinery company, but this deed of
sale, although executed in a public document, was not registered. This The registry her referred to is of course the registry of real property,
deed makes no reference to the building erected on the land and and it must be apparent that the annotation or inscription of a deed
would appear to have been executed for the purpose of curing any of sale of real property in a chattel mortgage registry cannot be given
defects which might be found to exist in the machinery company's the legal effect of an inscription in the registry of real property. By its
title to the building under the sheriff's certificate of sale. The express terms, the Chattel Mortgage Law contemplates and makes
machinery company went into possession of the building at or about provision for mortgages of personal property; and the sole purpose
the time when this sale took place, that is to say, the month of and object of the chattel mortgage registry is to provide for the
December, 1913, and it has continued in possession ever since. registry of "Chattel mortgages," that is to say, mortgages of personal
property executed in the manner and form prescribed in the statute.
At or about the time when the chattel mortgage was executed in favor The building of strong materials in which the rice-cleaning machinery
of the machinery company, the mortgagor, the "Compañia Agricola was installed by the "Compañia Agricola Filipina" was real property,
Filipina" executed another mortgage to the plaintiff upon the building, and the mere fact that the parties seem to have dealt with it separate
separate and apart from the land on which it stood, to secure payment and apart from the land on which it stood in no wise changed its
of the balance of its indebtedness to the plaintiff under a contract for character as real property. It follows that neither the original registry
the construction of the building. Upon the failure of the mortgagor to in the chattel mortgage of the building and the machinery installed
pay the amount of the indebtedness secured by the mortgage, the therein, not the annotation in that registry of the sale of the
plaintiff secured judgment for that amount, levied execution upon the mortgaged property, had any effect whatever so far as the building
building, bought it in at the sheriff's sale on or about the 18th of was concerned.
December, 1914, and had the sheriff's certificate of the sale duly
registered in the land registry of the Province of Cavite. We conclude that the ruling in favor of the machinery company cannot
be sustained on the ground assigned by the trial judge. We are of
At the time when the execution was levied upon the building, the opinion, however, that the judgment must be sustained on the ground
defendant machinery company, which was in possession, filed with that the agreed statement of facts in the court below discloses that
the sheriff a sworn statement setting up its claim of title and neither the purchase of the building by the plaintiff nor his inscription
of the sheriff's certificate of sale in his favor was made in good faith, The agreed statement of facts clearly discloses that the plaintiff, when
and that the machinery company must be held to be the owner of the he bought the building at the sheriff's sale and inscribed his title in
property under the third paragraph of the above cited article of the the land registry, was duly notified that the machinery company had
code, it appearing that the company first took possession of the bought the building from plaintiff's judgment debtor; that it had gone
property; and further, that the building and the land were sold to the into possession long prior to the sheriff's sale; and that it was in
machinery company long prior to the date of the sheriff's sale to the possession at the time when the sheriff executed his levy. The
plaintiff. execution of an indemnity bond by the plaintiff in favor of the sheriff,
after the machinery company had filed its sworn claim of ownership,
It has been suggested that since the provisions of article 1473 of the leaves no room for doubt in this regard. Having bought in the building
Civil Code require "good faith," in express terms, in relation to at the sheriff's sale with full knowledge that at the time of the levy
"possession" and "title," but contain no express requirement as to and sale the building had already been sold to the machinery company
"good faith" in relation to the "inscription" of the property on the by the judgment debtor, the plaintiff cannot be said to have been a
registry, it must be presumed that good faith is not an essential purchaser in good faith; and of course, the subsequent inscription of
requisite of registration in order that it may have the effect the sheriff's certificate of title must be held to have been tainted with
contemplated in this article. We cannot agree with this contention. It the same defect.
could not have been the intention of the legislator to base the
preferential right secured under this article of the code upon an Perhaps we should make it clear that in holding that the inscription of
inscription of title in bad faith. Such an interpretation placed upon the the sheriff's certificate of sale to the plaintiff was not made in good
language of this section would open wide the door to fraud and faith, we should not be understood as questioning, in any way, the
collusion. The public records cannot be converted into instruments of good faith and genuineness of the plaintiff's claim against the
fraud and oppression by one who secures an inscription therein in bad "Compañia Agricola Filipina." The truth is that both the plaintiff and
faith. The force and effect given by law to an inscription in a public the defendant company appear to have had just and righteous claims
record presupposes the good faith of him who enters such inscription; against their common debtor. No criticism can properly be made of
and rights created by statute, which are predicated upon an the exercise of the utmost diligence by the plaintiff in asserting and
inscription in a public registry, do not and cannot accrue under an exercising his right to recover the amount of his claim from the estate
inscription "in bad faith," to the benefit of the person who thus makes of the common debtor. We are strongly inclined to believe that in
the inscription. procuring the levy of execution upon the factory building and in
buying it at the sheriff's sale, he considered that he was doing no
Construing the second paragraph of this article of the code, the more than he had a right to do under all the circumstances, and it is
supreme court of Spain held in its sentencia of the 13th of May, 1908, highly possible and even probable that he thought at that time that
that: he would be able to maintain his position in a contest with the
machinery company. There was no collusion on his part with the
This rule is always to be understood on the basis of the common debtor, and no thought of the perpetration of a fraud upon
good faith mentioned in the first paragraph; therefore, it the rights of another, in the ordinary sense of the word. He may have
having been found that the second purchasers who record hoped, and doubtless he did hope, that the title of the machinery
their purchase had knowledge of the previous sale, the company would not stand the test of an action in a court of law; and
question is to be decided in accordance with the following if later developments had confirmed his unfounded hopes, no one
paragraph. (Note 2, art. 1473, Civ. Code, Medina and could question the legality of the propriety of the course he adopted.
Maranon [1911] edition.)
But it appearing that he had full knowledge of the machinery
Although article 1473, in its second paragraph, provides company's claim of ownership when he executed the indemnity bond
that the title of conveyance of ownership of the real and bought in the property at the sheriff's sale, and it appearing
property that is first recorded in the registry shall have further that the machinery company's claim of ownership was well
preference, this provision must always be understood on founded, he cannot be said to have been an innocent purchaser for
the basis of the good faith mentioned in the first paragraph; value. He took the risk and must stand by the consequences; and it
the legislator could not have wished to strike it out and to is in this sense that we find that he was not a purchaser in good faith.
sanction bad faith, just to comply with a mere formality
which, in given cases, does not obtain even in real disputes One who purchases real estate with knowledge of a defect or lack of
between third persons. (Note 2, art. 1473, Civ. Code, issued title in his vendor cannot claim that he has acquired title thereto in
by the publishers of the La Revista de los Tribunales, 13th good faith as against the true owner of the land or of an interest
edition.) therein; and the same rule must be applied to one who has knowledge
of facts which should have put him upon such inquiry and
investigation as might be necessary to acquaint him with the defects
in the title of his vendor. A purchaser cannot close his eyes to facts
which should put a reasonable man upon his guard, and then claim
that he acted in good faith under the belief that there was no defect
in the title of the vendor. His mere refusal to believe that such defect
exists, or his willful closing of his eyes to the possibility of the
existence of a defect in his vendor's title, will not make him an
innocent purchaser for value, if afterwards develops that the title was
in fact defective, and it appears that he had such notice of the defects
as would have led to its discovery had he acted with that measure of
precaution which may reasonably be acquired of a prudent man in a
like situation. Good faith, or lack of it, is in its analysis a question of
intention; but in ascertaining the intention by which one is actuated
on a given occasion, we are necessarily controlled by the evidence as
to the conduct and outward acts by which alone the inward motive
may, with safety, be determined. So it is that "the honesty of
intention," "the honest lawful intent," which constitutes good faith
implies a "freedom from knowledge and circumstances which ought
to put a person on inquiry," and so it is that proof of such knowledge
overcomes the presumption of good faith in which the courts always
indulge in the absence of proof to the contrary. "Good faith, or the
want of it, is not a visible, tangible fact that can be seen or touched,
but rather a state or condition of mind which can only be judged of
by actual or fancied tokens or signs." (Wilder vs. Gilman, 55 Vt., 504,
505; Cf. Cardenas Lumber Co. vs. Shadel, 52 La. Ann., 2094-2098;
Pinkerton Bros. Co. vs. Bromley, 119 Mich., 8, 10, 17.)

We conclude that upon the grounds herein set forth the disposing part
of the decision and judgment entered in the court below should be
affirmed with costs of this instance against the appellant. So ordered.
G.R. No. L-40411 August 7, 1935 of the sales thereof as is borne out by the record made by the plaintiff
herein. Indeed the bidder, which was the plaintiff in that action, and
DAVAO SAW MILL CO., INC., plaintiff-appellant, the defendant herein having consummated the sale, proceeded to
vs. take possession of the machinery and other properties described in
APRONIANO G. CASTILLO and DAVAO LIGHT & POWER CO., the corresponding certificates of sale executed in its favor by the
INC., defendants-appellees. sheriff of Davao.

Arsenio Suazo and Jose L. Palma Gil and Pablo Lorenzo and Delfin As connecting up with the facts, it should further be explained that
Joven for appellant. the Davao Saw Mill Co., Inc., has on a number of occasions treated
J.W. Ferrier for appellees. the machinery as personal property by executing chattel mortgages
in favor of third persons. One of such persons is the appellee by
MALCOLM, J.: assignment from the original mortgages.

The issue in this case, as announced in the opening sentence of the Article 334, paragraphs 1 and 5, of the Civil Code, is in point.
decision in the trial court and as set forth by counsel for the parties According to the Code, real property consists of —
on appeal, involves the determination of the nature of the properties
described in the complaint. The trial judge found that those properties 1. Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all kinds
were personal in nature, and as a consequence absolved the adhering to the soil;
defendants from the complaint, with costs against the plaintiff.
xxx xxx xxx
The Davao Saw Mill Co., Inc., is the holder of a lumber concession
from the Government of the Philippine Islands. It has operated a 5. Machinery, liquid containers, instruments or implements
sawmill in the sitio of Maa, barrio of Tigatu, municipality of Davao, intended by the owner of any building or land for use in
Province of Davao. However, the land upon which the business was connection with any industry or trade being carried on
conducted belonged to another person. On the land the sawmill therein and which are expressly adapted to meet the
company erected a building which housed the machinery used by it. requirements of such trade of industry.
Some of the implements thus used were clearly personal property, the
conflict concerning machines which were placed and mounted on Appellant emphasizes the first paragraph, and appellees the last
foundations of cement. In the contract of lease between the sawmill mentioned paragraph. We entertain no doubt that the trial judge and
company and the owner of the land there appeared the following appellees are right in their appreciation of the legal doctrines flowing
provision: from the facts.

That on the expiration of the period agreed upon, all the In the first place, it must again be pointed out that the appellant
improvements and buildings introduced and erected by the should have registered its protest before or at the time of the sale of
party of the second part shall pass to the exclusive this property. It must further be pointed out that while not conclusive,
ownership of the party of the first part without any the characterization of the property as chattels by the appellant is
obligation on its part to pay any amount for said indicative of intention and impresses upon the property the character
improvements and buildings; also, in the event the party of determined by the parties. In this connection the decision of this court
the second part should leave or abandon the land leased in the case of Standard Oil Co. of New York vs. Jaramillo ( [1923], 44
before the time herein stipulated, the improvements and Phil., 630), whether obiter dicta or not, furnishes the key to such a
buildings shall likewise pass to the ownership of the party situation.
of the first part as though the time agreed upon had
expired: Provided, however, That the machineries and It is, however not necessary to spend overly must time in the
accessories are not included in the improvements which will resolution of this appeal on side issues. It is machinery which is
pass to the party of the first part on the expiration or involved; moreover, machinery not intended by the owner of any
abandonment of the land leased. building or land for use in connection therewith, but intended by a
lessee for use in a building erected on the land by the latter to be
In another action, wherein the Davao Light & Power Co., Inc., was returned to the lessee on the expiration or abandonment of the lease.
the plaintiff and the Davao, Saw, Mill Co., Inc., was the defendant, a
judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff in that action against A similar question arose in Puerto Rico, and on appeal being taken to
the defendant in that action; a writ of execution issued thereon, and the United States Supreme Court, it was held that machinery which is
the properties now in question were levied upon as personalty by the movable in its nature only becomes immobilized when placed in a
sheriff. No third party claim was filed for such properties at the time plant by the owner of the property or plant, but not when so placed
by a tenant, a usufructuary, or any person having only a temporary charge against the lessor the cost such machinery, and it
right, unless such person acted as the agent of the owner. In the was expressly stipulated that the machinery so put in
opinion written by Chief Justice White, whose knowledge of the Civil should become a part of the plant belonging to the owner
Law is well known, it was in part said: without compensation to the lessee. Under such conditions
the tenant in putting in the machinery was acting but as the
To determine this question involves fixing the nature and agent of the owner in compliance with the obligations
character of the property from the point of view of the resting upon him, and the immobilization of the machinery
rights of Valdes and its nature and character from the point which resulted arose in legal effect from the act of the
of view of Nevers & Callaghan as a judgment creditor of the owner in giving by contract a permanent destination to the
Altagracia Company and the rights derived by them from machinery.
the execution levied on the machinery placed by the
corporation in the plant. Following the Code Napoleon, the xxx xxx xxx
Porto Rican Code treats as immovable (real) property, not
only land and buildings, but also attributes immovability in The machinery levied upon by Nevers & Callaghan, that is,
some cases to property of a movable nature, that is, that which was placed in the plant by the Altagracia
personal property, because of the destination to which it is Company, being, as regards Nevers & Callaghan, movable
applied. "Things," says section 334 of the Porto Rican Code, property, it follows that they had the right to levy on it
"may be immovable either by their own nature or by their under the execution upon the judgment in their favor, and
destination or the object to which they are applicable." the exercise of that right did not in a legal sense conflict
Numerous illustrations are given in the fifth subdivision of with the claim of Valdes, since as to him the property was
section 335, which is as follows: "Machinery, vessels, a part of the realty which, as the result of his obligations
instruments or implements intended by the owner of the under the lease, he could not, for the purpose of collecting
tenements for the industrial or works that they may carry his debt, proceed separately against. (Valdes vs. Central
on in any building or upon any land and which tend directly Altagracia [192], 225 U.S., 58.)
to meet the needs of the said industry or works." (See
also Code Nap., articles 516, 518 et seq. to and inclusive of Finding no reversible error in the record, the judgment appealed from
article 534, recapitulating the things which, though in will be affirmed, the costs of this instance to be paid by the appellant.
themselves movable, may be immobilized.) So far as the
subject-matter with which we are dealing — machinery
placed in the plant — it is plain, both under the provisions
of the Porto Rican Law and of the Code Napoleon, that
machinery which is movable in its nature only becomes
immobilized when placed in a plant by the owner of the
property or plant. Such result would not be accomplished,
therefore, by the placing of machinery in a plant by a tenant
or a usufructuary or any person having only a temporary
right. (Demolombe, Tit. 9, No. 203; Aubry et Rau, Tit. 2, p.
12, Section 164; Laurent, Tit. 5, No. 447; and decisions
quoted in Fuzier-Herman ed. Code Napoleon under articles
522 et seq.) The distinction rests, as pointed out by
Demolombe, upon the fact that one only having a
temporary right to the possession or enjoyment of property
is not presumed by the law to have applied movable
property belonging to him so as to deprive him of it by
causing it by an act of immobilization to become the
property of another. It follows that abstractly speaking the
machinery put by the Altagracia Company in the plant
belonging to Sanchez did not lose its character of movable
property and become immovable by destination. But in the
concrete immobilization took place because of the express
provisions of the lease under which the Altagracia held,
since the lease in substance required the putting in of
improved machinery, deprived the tenant of any right to
G.R. No. L-41643 July 31, 1935 by him to said B.A. Green having been P25,750. Furthermore, B.H.
Berkenkotter had a credit of P22,000 against said corporation for
B.H. BERKENKOTTER, plaintiff-appellant, unpaid salary. With the loan of P25,750 and said credit of P22,000,
vs. the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., purchased the additional machinery
CU UNJIENG E HIJOS, YEK TONG LIN FIRE AND MARINE and equipment now in litigation.
THE PROVINCE SHERIFF OF PAMPANGA, defendants-appellees. On June 10, 1927, B.A. Green, president of the Mabalacat Sugar Co.,
Inc., applied to Cu Unjieng e Hijos for an additional loan of P75,000
Briones and Martinez for appellant. offering as security the additional machinery and equipment acquired
Araneta, Zaragoza and Araneta for appellees Cu Unjieng e Hijos. by said B.A. Green and installed in the sugar central after the
No appearance for the other appellees. execution of the original mortgage deed, on April 27, 1927, together
with whatever additional equipment acquired with said loan. B.A.
VILLA-REAL, J.: Green failed to obtain said loan.

This is an appeal taken by the plaintiff, B.H. Berkenkotter, from the Article 1877 of the Civil Code provides as follows.
judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila, dismissing said
plaintiff's complaint against Cu Unjiengs e Hijos et al., with costs. ART. 1877. A mortgage includes all natural accessions,
improvements, growing fruits, and rents not collected when
In support of his appeal, the appellant assigns six alleged errors as the obligation falls due, and the amount of any indemnities
committed by the trial court in its decision in question which will be paid or due the owner by the insurers of the mortgaged
discussed in the course of this decision. property or by virtue of the exercise of the power of
eminent domain, with the declarations, amplifications, and
The first question to be decided in this appeal, which is raised in the limitations established by law, whether the estate continues
first assignment of alleged error, is whether or not the lower court in the possession of the person who mortgaged it or
erred in declaring that the additional machinery and equipment, as whether it passes into the hands of a third person.
improvement incorporated with the central are subject to the
mortgage deed executed in favor of the defendants Cu Unjieng e In the case of Bischoff vs. Pomar and Compañia General de
Hijos. Tabacos (12 Phil., 690), cited with approval in the case of Cea vs.
Villanueva (18 Phil., 538), this court laid shown the following doctrine:
It is admitted by the parties that on April 26, 1926, the Mabalacat
Sugar Co., Inc., owner of the sugar central situated in Mabalacat, 1. REALTY; MORTGAGE OF REAL ESTATE INCLUDES
Pampanga, obtained from the defendants, Cu Unjieng e Hijos, a loan IMPROVEMENTS AND FIXTURES. — It is a rule, established
secured by a first mortgage constituted on two parcels and land "with by the Civil Code and also by the Mortgage Law, with which
all its buildings, improvements, sugar-cane mill, steel railway, the decisions of the courts of the United States are in
telephone line, apparatus, utensils and whatever forms part or is accord, that in a mortgage of real estate, the improvements
necessary complement of said sugar-cane mill, steel railway, on the same are included; therefore, all objects
telephone line, now existing or that may in the future exist is said permanently attached to a mortgaged building or land,
lots." although they may have been placed there after the
mortgage was constituted, are also included. (Arts. 110 and
On October 5, 1926, shortly after said mortgage had been constituted, 111 of the Mortgage Law, and 1877 of the Civil Code;
the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., decided to increase the capacity of its decision of U.S. Supreme Court in the matter of Royal
sugar central by buying additional machinery and equipment, so that Insurance Co. vs. R. Miller, liquidator, and Amadeo [26 Sup.
instead of milling 150 tons daily, it could produce 250. The estimated Ct. Rep., 46; 199 U.S., 353].)
cost of said additional machinery and equipment was approximately
P100,000. In order to carry out this plan, B.A. Green, president of said 2. ID.; ID.; INCLUSION OR EXCLUSION OF MACHINERY,
corporation, proposed to the plaintiff, B.H. Berkenkotter, to advance ETC. — In order that it may be understood that the
the necessary amount for the purchase of said machinery and machinery and other objects placed upon and used in
equipment, promising to reimburse him as soon as he could obtain an connection with a mortgaged estate are excluded from the
additional loan from the mortgagees, the herein defendants Cu mortgage, when it was stated in the mortgage that the
Unjieng e Hijos. Having agreed to said proposition made in a letter improvements, buildings, and machinery that existed
dated October 5, 1926 (Exhibit E), B.H. Berkenkotter, on October 9th thereon were also comprehended, it is indispensable that
of the same year, delivered the sum of P1,710 to B.A. Green, the exclusion thereof be stipulated between the contracting
president of the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., the total amount supplied parties.
The appellant contends that the installation of the machinery and thereby, subject to the right of the defendants Cu Unjieng e Hijos
equipment claimed by him in the sugar central of the Mabalacat Sugar under the first mortgage.
Company, Inc., was not permanent in character inasmuch as B.A.
Green, in proposing to him to advance the money for the purchase For the foregoing considerations, we are of the opinion and so hold:
thereof, made it appear in the letter, Exhibit E, that in case B.A. Green (1) That the installation of a machinery and equipment in a mortgaged
should fail to obtain an additional loan from the defendants Cu Unjieng sugar central, in lieu of another of less capacity, for the purpose of
e Hijos, said machinery and equipment would become security carrying out the industrial functions of the latter and increasing
therefor, said B.A. Green binding himself not to mortgage nor production, constitutes a permanent improvement on said sugar
encumber them to anybody until said plaintiff be fully reimbursed for central and subjects said machinery and equipment to the mortgage
the corporation's indebtedness to him. constituted thereon (article 1877, Civil Code); (2) that the fact that
the purchaser of the new machinery and equipment has bound
Upon acquiring the machinery and equipment in question with money himself to the person supplying him the purchase money to hold them
obtained as loan from the plaintiff-appellant by B.A. Green, as as security for the payment of the latter's credit, and to refrain from
president of the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., the latter became owner mortgaging or otherwise encumbering them does not alter the
of said machinery and equipment, otherwise B.A. Green, as such permanent character of the incorporation of said machinery and
president, could not have offered them to the plaintiff as security for equipment with the central; and (3) that the sale of the machinery
the payment of his credit. and equipment in question by the purchaser who was supplied the
purchase money, as a loan, to the person who supplied the money,
Article 334, paragraph 5, of the Civil Code gives the character of real after the incorporation thereof with the mortgaged sugar central, does
property to "machinery, liquid containers, instruments or implements not vest the creditor with ownership of said machinery and equipment
intended by the owner of any building or land for use in connection but simply with the right of redemption.
with any industry or trade being carried on therein and which are
expressly adapted to meet the requirements of such trade or industry. Wherefore, finding no error in the appealed judgment, it is affirmed
in all its parts, with costs to the appellant. So ordered.
If the installation of the machinery and equipment in question in the
central of the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., in lieu of the other of less
capacity existing therein, for its sugar industry, converted them into
real property by reason of their purpose, it cannot be said that their
incorporation therewith was not permanent in character because, as
essential and principal elements of a sugar central, without them the
sugar central would be unable to function or carry on the industrial
purpose for which it was established. Inasmuch as the central is
permanent in character, the necessary machinery and equipment
installed for carrying on the sugar industry for which it has been
established must necessarily be permanent.

Furthermore, the fact that B.A. Green bound himself to the plaintiff
B.H. Berkenkotter to hold said machinery and equipment as security
for the payment of the latter's credit and to refrain from mortgaging
or otherwise encumbering them until Berkenkotter has been fully
reimbursed therefor, is not incompatible with the permanent
character of the incorporation of said machinery and equipment with
the sugar central of the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., as nothing could
prevent B.A. Green from giving them as security at least under a
second mortgage.

As to the alleged sale of said machinery and equipment to the plaintiff

and appellant after they had been permanently incorporated with
sugar central of the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., and while the
mortgage constituted on said sugar central to Cu Unjieng e Hijos
remained in force, only the right of redemption of the vendor
Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., in the sugar central with which said
machinery and equipment had been incorporated, was transferred
G.R. No. L-18456 November 30, 1963 to pay their obligation to the plaintiff the truth being the
defendants are hard up these days and pleaded to the
CONRADO P. NAVARRO, plaintiff-appellee, plaintiff to grant them more time within which to pay their
vs. obligation and the plaintiff refused;
appellants. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing it is most respectfully
prayed that this Honorable Court render judgment granting
Deogracias Tañedo, Jr. for plaintiff-appellee. the defendants until January 31, 1961, within which to pay
Renato A. Santos for defendants-appellants. their obligation to the plaintiff.

PAREDES, J.: On September 30, 1960, plaintiff presented a Motion for summary
Judgment, claiming that the Answer failed to tender any genuine and
On December 14, 1959, defendants Rufino G. Pineda and his mother material issue. The motion was set for hearing, but the record is not
Juana Gonzales (married to Gregorio Pineda), borrowed from plaintiff clear what ruling the lower court made on the said motion. On
Conrado P. Navarro, the sum of P2,500.00, payable 6 months after November 11, 1960, however, the parties submitted a Stipulation of
said date or on June 14, 1959. To secure the indebtedness, Rufino Facts, wherein the defendants admitted the indebtedness, the
executed a document captioned "DEED OF REAL ESTATE and authenticity and due execution of the Real Estate and Chattel
CHATTEL MORTGAGES", whereby Juana Gonzales, by way of Real Mortgages; that the indebtedness has been due and unpaid since
Estate Mortgage hypothecated a parcel of land, belonging to her, June 14, 1960; that a liability of 12% per annum as interest was
registered with the Register of Deeds of Tarlac, under Transfer agreed, upon failure to pay the principal when due and P500.00 as
Certificate of Title No. 25776, and Rufino G. Pineda, by way of Chattel liquidated damages; that the instrument had been registered in the
Mortgage, mortgaged his two-story residential house, having a floor Registry of Property and Motor Vehicles Office, both of the province
area of 912 square meters, erected on a lot belonging to Atty. Vicente of Tarlac; that the only issue in the case is whether or not the
Castro, located at Bo. San Roque, Tarlac, Tarlac; and one motor truck, residential house, subject of the mortgage therein, can be considered
registered in his name, under Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate a Chattel and the propriety of the attorney's fees.
No. A-171806. Both mortgages were contained in one instrument,
which was registered in both the Office of the Register of Deeds and On February 24, 1961, the lower court held —
the Motor Vehicles Office of Tarlac.
... WHEREFORE, this Court renders decision in this Case:
When the mortgage debt became due and payable, the defendants,
after demands made on them, failed to pay. They, however, asked (a) Dismissing the complaint with regard to defendant
and were granted extension up to June 30, 1960, within which to pay. Gregorio Pineda;
Came June 30, defendants again failed to pay and, for the second
time, asked for another extension, which was given, up to July 30, (b) Ordering defendants Juana Gonzales and the spouses
1960. In the second extension, defendant Pineda in a document Rufino Pineda and Ramon Reyes, to pay jointly and
entitled "Promise", categorically stated that in the remote event he severally and within ninety (90) days from the receipt of the
should fail to make good the obligation on such date (July 30, 1960), copy of this decision to the plaintiff Conrado P. Navarro the
the defendant would no longer ask for further extension and there principal sum of P2,550.00 with 12% compounded interest
would be no need for any formal demand, and plaintiff could proceed per annum from June 14, 1960, until said principal sum and
to take whatever action he might desire to enforce his rights, under interests are fully paid, plus P500.00 as liquidated damages
the said mortgage contract. In spite of said promise, defendants, and the costs of this suit, with the warning that in default
failed and refused to pay the obligation. of said payment of the properties mentioned in the deed of
real estate mortgage and chattel mortgage (Annex "A" to
On August 10, 1960, plaintiff filed a complaint for foreclosure of the the complaint) be sold to realize said mortgage debt,
mortgage and for damages, which consisted of liquidated damages in interests, liquidated damages and costs, in accordance with
the sum of P500.00 and 12% per annum interest on the principal, the pertinent provisions of Act 3135, as amended by Act
effective on the date of maturity, until fully paid. 4118, and Art. 14 of the Chattel Mortgage Law, Act 1508;
Defendants, answering the complaint, among others, stated —
(c) Ordering the defendants Rufino Pineda and Ramona
Defendants admit that the loan is overdue but deny that Reyes, to deliver immediately to the Provincial Sheriff of
portion of paragraph 4 of the First Cause of Action which Tarlac the personal properties mentioned in said Annex "A",
states that the defendants unreasonably failed and refuse
immediately after the lapse of the ninety (90) days above- et al., G.R. No. L-8133, May 18, 1956; 52 O.G. No. 8, p. 3954.) The
mentioned, in default of such payment. view that parties to a deed of chattel mortgagee may agree to
consider a house as personal property for the purposes of said
The above judgment was directly appealed to this Court, the contract, "is good only insofar as the contracting parties are
defendants therein assigning only a single error, allegedly committed concerned. It is based partly, upon the principles of estoppel ..."
by the lower court, to wit — (Evangelista v. Alto Surety, No. L-11139, Apr. 23, 1958). In a case, a
mortgage house built on a rented land, was held to be a personal
In holding that the deed of real estate and chattel property, not only because the deed of mortgage considered it as
mortgages appended to the complaint is valid, such, but also because it did not form part of the land (Evangelista v.
notwithstanding the fact that the house of the defendant Abad [CA];36 O.G. 2913), for it is now well settled that an object
Rufino G. Pineda was made the subject of the chattel placed on land by one who has only a temporary right to the same,
mortgage, for the reason that it is erected on a land that such as a lessee or usufructuary, does not become immobilized by
belongs to a third person. attachment (Valdez v. Central Altagracia, 222 U.S. 58, cited in Davao
Sawmill Co., Inc. v. Castillo, et al., 61 Phil. 709). Hence, if a house
Appellants contend that article 415 of the New Civil Code, in belonging to a person stands on a rented land belonging to another
classifying a house as immovable property, makes no distinction person, it may be mortgaged as a personal property is so stipulated
whether the owner of the land is or not the owner of the building; the in the document of mortgage. (Evangelista v. Abad, supra.) It should
fact that the land belongs to another is immaterial, it is enough that be noted, however, that the principle is predicated on statements by
the house adheres to the land; that in case of immovables by the owner declaring his house to be a chattel, a conduct that may
incorporation, such as houses, trees, plants, etc; the Code does not conceivably estop him from subsequently claiming otherwise (Ladera,
require that the attachment or incorporation be made by the owner et al.. v. C. N. Hodges, et al., [CA]; 48 O.G. 5374). The doctrine,
of the land, the only criterion being the union or incorporation with therefore, gathered from these cases is that although in some
the soil. In other words, it is claimed that "a building is an immovable instances, a house of mixed materials has been considered as a
property, irrespective of whether or not said structure and the land chattel between them, has been recognized, it has been a constant
on which it is adhered to, belong to the same owner" (Lopez v. Orosa, criterion nevertheless that, with respect to third persons, who are not
G.R. Nos. L-10817-8, Feb. 28, 1958). (See also the case of Leung Yee parties to the contract, and specially in execution proceedings, the
v. Strong Machinery Co., 37 Phil. 644). Appellants argue that since house is considered as an immovable property (Art. 1431, New Civil
only movables can be the subject of a chattel mortgage (sec. 1, Act Code).
No. 3952) then the mortgage in question which is the basis of the
present action, cannot give rise to an action for foreclosure, because In the case at bar, the house in question was treated as personal or
it is nullity. (Citing Associated Ins. Co., et al. v. Isabel Iya v. Adriano movable property, by the parties to the contract themselves. In the
Valino, et al., L-10838, May 30, 1958.) deed of chattel mortgage, appellant Rufino G. Pineda conveyed by
way of "Chattel Mortgage" "my personal properties", a residential
The trial court did not predicate its decision declaring the deed of house and a truck. The mortgagor himself grouped the house with
chattel mortgage valid solely on the ground that the house mortgaged the truck, which is, inherently a movable property. The house which
was erected on the land which belonged to a third person, but also was not even declared for taxation purposes was small and made of
and principally on the doctrine of estoppel, in that "the parties have light construction materials: G.I. sheets roofing, sawali and wooden
so expressly agreed" in the mortgage to consider the house as chattel walls and wooden posts; built on land belonging to another.
"for its smallness and mixed materials of sawali and wood". In
construing arts. 334 and 335 of the Spanish Civil Code (corresponding The cases cited by appellants are not applicable to the present case.
to arts. 415 and 416, N.C.C.), for purposes of the application of the The Iya cases (L-10837-38, supra), refer to a building or a house of
Chattel Mortgage Law, it was held that under certain conditions, "a strong materials, permanently adhered to the land, belonging to the
property may have a character different from that imputed to it in said owner of the house himself. In the case of Lopez v. Orosa, (L-10817-
articles. It is undeniable that the parties to a contract may by 18), the subject building was a theatre, built of materials worth more
agreement, treat as personal property that which by nature would be than P62,000, attached permanently to the soil. In these cases and in
real property" (Standard Oil Co. of N.Y. v. Jaranillo, 44 Phil. 632- the Leung Yee case, supra, third persons assailed the validity of the
633)."There can not be any question that a building of mixed deed of chattel mortgages; in the present case, it was one of the
materials may be the subject of a chattel mortgage, in which case, it parties to the contract of mortgages who assailed its validity.
is considered as between the parties as personal property. ... The
matter depends on the circumstances and the intention of the CONFORMABLY WITH ALL THE FOREGOING, the decision appealed
parties". "Personal property may retain its character as such where it
is so agreed by the parties interested even though annexed to the from, should be, as it is hereby affirmed, with costs against appellants.
realty ...". (42 Am. Jur. 209-210, cited in Manarang, et al. v. Ofilada,
G.R. No. L-32030 July 2, 1930 accounts, and to deliver to his coheirs their proportionate
part of the fruits and products of said lands, with costs
SOFIA LAVARRO, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants, against the cross-complaint defendants. (Emphasis
vs. supplied.)
REGINA LABITORIA, ET AL., defendants-appellants.
Upon trial partition was ordered, and Sofia Lavarro was awarded 520
M. H. de Joya and Enrique Tiangco for plaintiffs-appellants. coconut trees and 43,391 square meters of land. She thereupon
Mariano Escueta for defendants-appellants. appealed to the Supreme Court, and a decision was rendered by that
court on March 24, 1927,1 in which it was held that Sofia Lavarro was
OSTRAND, J.: entitled to 1/28 of the land. In all the respects, the decision of the
Court of First Instances was affirmed. The partition seems to have
Anastacio Labitoria, who died over thirty years ago, was the original been carried out in conformity with the decision of the Supreme Court,
owner of a tract of land divided into three parcels and situated in the and Sofia was awarded 6 hectares, 88 ares, and 77 centiares of land,
barrio of Mangilag, municipality of Candelaria, Province of Tayabas. together with 850 coconut palms instead of 520.
He left four children, Francisco, Liberata, Tirso, and Eustacio Labitoria.
Francisco acquired the shares of Tirso and Eustacio together with the The present action was initiated by Sofia Lavarro and her daughters,
greater part of that of Liberata, and thus became the owner of nearly Apolonia and Isabel Alcantara, on August 15, 1927, against Regina
all of the land. After his death, his children, Macario and Regina Labitoria and Marciano Labitoria, the latter as administrator of the
Labitoria, became the owners of his interest in the land. estate of the deceased Macario Labitoria. In their amended complaint,
the plaintiffs allege that on or about the year 1897, Sofia Lavarro and
Sofia Lavarro is the daughter of Liberata Labitoria, and in or about the her husband, Crispulo Alcantara, planted 2,850 coconut palms on the
year 1897, her first husband, Crispulo Alcantara, borrowed P330 from land above-mentioned, of which 1,970 trees were actually alive and
Francisco Labitoria on the condition that Alcantara should plant 3,300 bearing fruit; that after the death of Crispulo Alcantara in the year
coconut palms on the land to be divided in equal shares between the 1910, Sofia Lavarro, being then a widow, planted 2,200 coconut palms
parties, the loan to be paid back by turning over to the creditor 330 on the same tract of land, 2,000 palms being still in existence and the
coconut palms out of the share of Alcantara and Sofia. Under this greater part of them bearing fruit; that from the year 1897, the
agreement, about 1,700 palms were planted by Alcantara, but later plaintiffs had been in possession of the above-mentioned plantings
on, further plantings were made by his wife, Sofia Lavarro. and had collected the fruits, but that the defendants were now
endeavoring to take possession of said coconut palms; and that each
In July, 1916, the land was registered in the names of Macario coconut palm was worth P12. The plaintiffs therefore prayed that
Labitoria, Regina Labitoria, Bernardo Labitoria, Vidal Labitoria, Ariston unless the defendants paid to the plaintiffs the sum of P47,640, the
Lavarro, Sofia Lavarro, and Isidro Lavaris. Nothing seems to have value of the 3,970 palms planted, it be ordered that said plaintiffs be
been said about the improvements on the land and no special mention allowed to continue in possession of said coconut palms in accordance
of them appears in the certificate of title. Neither were the respective with the law.
shares of the persons to whom the land was adjudicated definitely
determined. In their answer to the complaint, the defendants set up as special
defenses res judicata and prescription.
On October 31, 1916, Macario, Regina, and Bernardo Labitoria and
Ariston Lavarro brought an action against Sofia Lavarro and her then Upon trial, the court below, basing its decision on the case of Bautista
husband, Emeterio Pureza, for the partition of the land with its vs. Jimenez (24 Phil., 111), and article 361 of the Civil Code, ordered
improvements. The action is civil case No. 351 of the Court of First the defendants to pay the plaintiffs the sum of P4,820 for 1,205
Instance of Tayabas. In her answer in that case, Sofia Lavarro set up coconut palms or to require the plaintiffs to purchase the land, the
a cross-complaint alleging, among other things, that she was a plaintiffs to retain the coconut palms until the aforesaid sum was paid.
coowner of the land and was entitled to a large proportion of the From this judgment both the plaintiffs and defendants appealed.
coconut palms thereon. The prayer of the cross-complaint reads as
follows: It is very obvious that the court below erred in rendering judgment in
favor of the plaintiffs. This is an action for compensation for
Wherefore, by this cross-complaint Sofia Lavarro and improvements alleged to have been made by the plaintiffs on the land
Emeterio Pureza, through their undersigned attorney, pray awarded to the defendants and is brought notwithstanding the fact
the court to decree the partition of the three parcels of land that the question of improvements was put in issue in case No. 351
described above, with all the improvements thereon, and that the portion of land due Sofia Lavarro, and the improvements
allotting to Sofia Lavarro and Emeterio Pureza their rightful as well, were determined and adjudicated by the court in that case.
portion, and ordering Macario Labitoria to render the proper
Her rights in regard to the improvements are consequently res

But it is intimated that, while in the earlier case the issues related to
the ownership of the improvements, the issue here is only a question
of money payment and that therefore the causes of action are
different. Assuming, without conceding, that such is the case, the
result would be the same. The issues in both cases arose from the
same source or transactions and should have been determined in the
same case (sec. 97, Code of Civil Procedure). A judgment upon the
merits bars a subsequent suit upon the same cause, though brought
in a different form of action. (White vs. Martin, 1 Port. [Ala.], 215.)
"The principle is firmly established that a party will not be permitted
to split up a single cause of action and make it the basis for several
suits. If several suits be brought for different parts of such a claim,
the pendency of the first may be pleaded in abatement of the others,
and a recovery of any part of the cause of action will be a bar to an
action brought upon the other part. Not only is it a bar to suit, but the
plaintiff in the former action cannot subsequently avail himself of the
residue by way of offset in an action against him by the opposite
party." (15 R. C. L., 965) In passing, it may be noted that a close
examination of the facts in the case of Bautista vs. Jimenez (24 Phil.,
111), will show that it differs materially from the present case; the
case of Berses vs. Villanueva (25 Phil., 473), is more in point.

As to the other plaintiffs, Apolonia and Isabel Alcantara, it is sufficient

to say that if they had any claim to the property or improvements,
such claims should have been presented in the registration
proceedings in 1916; trees and plants annexed to the land are parts
thereof and unless rights or interests in such trees or plants are
claimed in the registration proceedings by others, they become the
property of the persons to whom the land is adjudicated. By timely
proceedings in equity, matters of that character, if fraudulent, may
sometimes be corrected, but in the present case, the plaintiffs
Apolonia and Isabel Alcantara did not prosecute their alleged rights
until eleven years after the registration of the property, and it is
obvious that whatever rights they may have had are now lost by

The judgment of the court below is therefore reversed, and the case
is dismissed with the costs in both instances against the plaintiffs,
jointly and severally. So ordered.
G.R. Nos. L-10817-18 February 28, 1958 alleged "deed of assignment" of his 420 shares of stock of the Plaza
Theater, Inc., at P100 per share or with a total value of P42,000 in
ENRIQUE LOPEZ, petitioner, favor of the creditor, and as the obligation still remained unsettled,
vs. Lopez filed on November 12, 1947, a complaint with the Court of First
VICENTE OROSA, JR., and PLAZA THEATRE, INC., respondents. Instance of Batangas (Civil Case No. 4501 which later became R-57)
against Vicente Orosa, Jr. and Plaza Theater, Inc., praying that
Nicolas Belmonte and Benjamin T. de Peralta for petitioner. defendants be sentenced to pay him jointly and severally the sum of
Tolentino & Garcia and D. R. Cruz for respondent Luzon Surety Co., P41,771.35, with legal interest from the firing of the action; that in
Inc. Jose B. Macatangay for respondent Plaza Theatre, Inc. case defendants fail to pay the same, that the building and the land
covered by OCT No. O-391 owned by the corporation be sold at public
FELIX, J.: auction and the proceeds thereof be applied to said indebtedness; or
that the 420 shares of the capital stock of the Plaza Theatre, Inc.,
Enrique Lopez is a resident of Balayan, Batangas, doing business assigned by Vicente Orosa, Jr., to said plaintiff be sold at public
under the trade name of Lopez-Castelo Sawmill. Sometime in May, auction for the same purpose; and for such other remedies as may be
1946, Vicente Orosa, Jr., also a resident of the same province, warranted by the circumstances. Plaintiff also caused the annotation
dropped at Lopez' house and invited him to make an investment in of a notice of lis pendens on said properties with the Register of
the theatre business. It was intimated that Orosa, his family and close Deeds.
friends were organizing a corporation to be known as Plaza Theatre,
Inc., that would engage in such venture. Although Lopez expressed Defendants Vicente Orosa, Jr. and Plaza Theatre, Inc., filed separate
his unwillingness to invest of the same, he agreed to supply the answers, the first denying that the materials were delivered to him as
lumber necessary for the construction of the proposed theatre, and at a promoter and later treasurer of the corporation, because he had
Orosa's behest and assurance that the latter would be personally purchased and received the same on his personal account; that the
liable for any account that the said construction might incur, Lopez land on which the movie house was constructed was not charged with
further agreed that payment therefor would be on demand and not a lien to secure the payment of the aforementioned unpaid obligation;
cash on delivery basis. Pursuant to said verbal agreement, Lopez and that the 420 shares of stock of the Plaza Theatre, Inc., was not
delivered the lumber which was used for the construction of the Plaza assigned to plaintiff as collaterals but as direct security for the
Theatre on May 17, 1946, up to December 4 of the same year. But of payment of his indebtedness. As special defense, this defendant
the total cost of the materials amounting to P62,255.85, Lopez was contended that as the 420 shares of stock assigned and conveyed by
paid only P20,848.50, thus leaving a balance of P41,771.35. the assignor and accepted by Lopez as direct security for the payment
of the amount of P41,771.35 were personal properties, plaintiff was
We may state at this juncture that the Plaza Theatre was erected on barred from recovering any deficiency if the proceeds of the sale
a piece of land with an area of 679.17 square meters formerly owned thereof at public auction would not be sufficient to cover and satisfy
by Vicente Orosa, Jr., and was acquired by the corporation on the obligation. It was thus prayed that he be declared exempted from
September 25, 1946, for P6,000. As Lopez was pressing Orosa for the payment of any deficiency in case the proceeds from the sale of
payment of the remaining unpaid obligation, the latter and Belarmino said personal properties would not be enough to cover the amount
Rustia, the president of the corporation, promised to obtain a bank sought to be collected.
loan by mortgaging the properties of the Plaza Theatre., out of which
said amount of P41,771.35 would be satisfied, to which assurance Defendant Plaza Theatre, Inc., on the other hand, practically set up
Lopez had to accede. Unknown to him, however, as early as the same line of defense by alleging that the building materials
November, 1946, the corporation already got a loan for P30,000 from delivered to Orosa were on the latter's personal account; and that
the Philippine National Bank with the Luzon Surety Company as there was no understanding that said materials would be paid jointly
surety, and the corporation in turn executed a mortgage on the land and severally by Orosa and the corporation, nor was a lien charged
and building in favor of said company as counter-security. As the land on the properties of the latter to secure payment of the same
at that time was not yet brought under the operation of the Torrens obligation. As special defense, defendant corporation averred that
System, the mortgage on the same was registered on November 16, while it was true that the materials purchased by Orosa were sold by
1946, under Act No. 3344. Subsequently, when the corporation the latter to the corporation, such transactions were in good faith and
applied for the registration of the land under Act 496, such mortgage for valuable consideration thus when plaintiff failed to claim said
was not revealed and thus Original Certificate of Title No. O-391 was materials within 30 days from the time of removal thereof from Orosa,
correspondingly issued on October 25, 1947, without any lumber became a different and distinct specie and plaintiff lost
encumbrance appearing thereon. whatever rights he might have in the same and consequently had no
recourse against the Plaza Theatre, Inc., that the claim could not have
Persistent demand from Lopez for the payment of the amount due been refectionary credit, for such kind of obligation referred to an
him caused Vicente Orosa, Jr. to execute on March 17, 1947, an indebtedness incurred in the repair or reconstruction of something
already existing and this concept did not include an entirely new work; said mortgage was subject to the materialman's lien in favor of
and that the Plaza Theatre, Inc., having been incorporated on October Enrique Lopez.
14, 1946, it could not have contracted any obligation prior to said
date. It was, therefore, prayed that the complaint be dismissed; that Plaintiff tried to secure a modification of the decision in so far as it
said defendant be awarded the sum P 5,000 for damages, and such declared that the obligation of therein defendants was joint instead of
other relief as may be just and proper in the premises. solidary, and that the lien did not extend to the land, but same was
denied by order the court of December 23, 1952. The matter was thus
The surety company, in the meantime, upon discovery that the land appealed to the Court of appeals, which affirmed the lower court's
was already registered under the Torrens System and that there was ruling, and then to this Tribunal. In this instance, plaintiff-appellant
a notice of lis pendens thereon, filed on August 17, 1948, or within raises 2 issues: (1) whether a materialman's lien for the value of the
the 1-year period after the issuance of the certificate of title, a petition materials used in the construction of a building attaches to said
for review of the decree of the land registration court dated October structure alone and does not extend to the land on which the building
18, 1947, which was made the basis of OCT No. O-319, in order to is adhered to; and (2) whether the lower court and the Court of
annotate the rights and interests of the surety company over said Appeals erred in not providing that the material mans liens is superior
properties (Land Registration Case No. 17 GLRO Rec. No. 296). to the mortgage executed in favor surety company not only on the
Opposition thereto was offered by Enrique Lopez, asserting that the building but also on the land.
amount demanded by him constituted a preferred lien over the
properties of the obligors; that the surety company was guilty of It is to be noted in this appeal that Enrique Lopez has not raised any
negligence when it failed to present an opposition to the application question against the part of the decision sentencing defendants Orosa
for registration of the property; and that if any violation of the rights and Plaza Theatre, Inc., to pay jointly the sum of P41,771.35, so We
and interest of said surety would ever be made, same must be subject will not take up or consider anything on that point. Appellant,
to the lien in his favor. however, contends that the lien created in favor of the furnisher of
the materials used for the construction, repair or refection of a
The two cases were heard jointly and in a decision dated October 30, building, is also extended to the land which the construction was
1952, the lower Court, after making an exhaustive and detailed made, and in support thereof he relies on Article 1923 of the Spanish
analysis of the respective stands of the parties and the evidence Civil Code, pertinent law on the matter, which reads as follows:
adduced at the trial, held that defendants Vicente Orosa, Jr., and the
Plaza Theatre, Inc., were jointly liable for the unpaid balance of the ART. 1923. With respect to determinate real property and
cost of lumber used in the construction of the building and the plaintiff real rights of the debtor, the following are preferred:
thus acquired the materialman's lien over the same. In making the
pronouncement that the lien was merely confined to the building and xxx xxx xxx
did not extend to the land on which the construction was made, the
trial judge took into consideration the fact that when plaintiff started 5. Credits for refection, not entered or recorded, with
the delivery of lumber in May, 1946, the land was not yet owned by respect to the estate upon which the refection was made,
the corporation; that the mortgage in favor of Luzon Surety Company and only with respect to other credits different from those
was previously registered under Act No. 3344; that the codal provision mentioned in four preceding paragraphs.
(Art. 1923 of the old Spanish Civil Code) specifying that refection
credits are preferred could refer only to buildings which are also It is argued that in view of the employment of the phrase real estate,

classified as real properties, upon which said refection was made. It or immovable property, and inasmuch as said provision does not

was, however, declared that plaintiff's lien on the building was contain any specification delimiting the lien to the building, said article

superior to the right of the surety company. And finding that the Plaza must be construed as to embrace both the land and the building or

Theatre, Inc., had no objection to the review of the decree issued in structure adhering thereto. We cannot subscribe to this view, for while

its favor by the land registration court and the inclusion in the title of it is true that generally, real estate connotes the land and the building

the encumbrance in favor of the surety company, the court a constructed thereon, it is obvious that the inclusion of the building,

quo granted the petition filed by the latter company. Defendants separate and distinct from the land, in the enumeration of what may

Orosa and the Plaza Theatre, Inc., were thus required to constitute real properties1 could mean only one thing — that a

pay jointly the amount of P41,771.35 with legal interest and costs building is by itself an immovable property, a doctrine already

within 90 days from notice of said decision; that in case of default, pronounced by this Court in the case of Leung Yee vs. Strong

the 420 shares of stock assigned by Orosa to plaintiff be sold at public Machinery Co., 37 Phil., 644. Moreover, and in view of the absence of
auction and the proceeds thereof be applied to the payment of the any specific provision of law to the contrary, a building is an

amount due the plaintiff, plus interest and costs; and that the immovable property, irrespective of whether or not said structure and

encumbrance in favor of the surety company be endorsed at the back the land on which it is adhered to belong to the same owner.

of OCT No. O-391, with notation I that with respect to the building,
A close examination of the provision of the Civil Code invoked by
appellant reveals that the law gives preference to unregistered
refectionary credits only with respect to the real estate upon which
the refection or work was made. This being so, the inevitable
conclusion must be that the lien so created attaches merely to the
immovable property for the construction or repair of which the
obligation was incurred. Evidently, therefore, the lien in favor of
appellant for the unpaid value of the lumber used in the construction
of the building attaches only to said structure and to no other property
of the obligors.

Considering the conclusion thus arrived at, i.e., that the materialman's
lien could be charged only to the building for which the credit was
made or which received the benefit of refection, the lower court was
right in, holding at the interest of the mortgagee over the land is
superior and cannot be made subject to the said materialman's lien.

Wherefore, and on the strength of the foregoing considerations, the

decision appealed from is hereby affirmed, with costs against
appellant. It is so ordered.
G.R. No. L-58469 May 16, 1983 On July 13, 1981, the sheriff enforcing the seizure order, repaired to
the premises of private respondent and removed the main drive motor
MAKATI LEASING and FINANCE CORPORATION, petitioner, of the subject machinery.
WEAREVER TEXTILE MILLS, INC., and HONORABLE COURT The Court of Appeals, in certiorari and prohibition proceedings
OF APPEALS, respondents. subsequently filed by herein private respondent, set aside the Orders
of the lower court and ordered the return of the drive motor seized
Loreto C. Baduan for petitioner. by the sheriff pursuant to said Orders, after ruling that the machinery
in suit cannot be the subject of replevin, much less of a chattel
Ramon D. Bagatsing & Assoc. (collaborating counsel) for petitioner. mortgage, because it is a real property pursuant to Article 415 of the
new Civil Code, the same being attached to the ground by means of
Jose V. Mancella for respondent. bolts and the only way to remove it from respondent's plant would be
to drill out or destroy the concrete floor, the reason why all that the
sheriff could do to enfore the writ was to take the main drive motor
of said machinery. The appellate court rejected petitioner's argument
DE CASTRO, J.: that private respondent is estopped from claiming that the machine is
real property by constituting a chattel mortgage thereon.
Petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals
(now Intermediate Appellate Court) promulgated on August 27, 1981 A motion for reconsideration of this decision of the Court of Appeals
in CA-G.R. No. SP-12731, setting aside certain Orders later specified having been denied, petitioner has brought the case to this Court for
herein, of Judge Ricardo J. Francisco, as Presiding Judge of the Court review by writ of certiorari. It is contended by private respondent,
of First instance of Rizal Branch VI, issued in Civil Case No. 36040, as however, that the instant petition was rendered moot and academic
wen as the resolution dated September 22, 1981 of the said appellate by petitioner's act of returning the subject motor drive of respondent's
court, denying petitioner's motion for reconsideration. machinery after the Court of Appeals' decision was promulgated.

It appears that in order to obtain financial accommodations from The contention of private respondent is without merit. When
herein petitioner Makati Leasing and Finance Corporation, the private petitioner returned the subject motor drive, it made itself
respondent Wearever Textile Mills, Inc., discounted and assigned unequivocably clear that said action was without prejudice to a motion
several receivables with the former under a Receivable Purchase for reconsideration of the Court of Appeals decision, as shown by the
Agreement. To secure the collection of the receivables assigned, receipt duly signed by respondent's representative. 1 Considering that
private respondent executed a Chattel Mortgage over certain raw petitioner has reserved its right to question the propriety of the Court
materials inventory as well as a machinery described as an Artos Aero of Appeals' decision, the contention of private respondent that this
Dryer Stentering Range. petition has been mooted by such return may not be sustained.

Upon private respondent's default, petitioner filed a petition for The next and the more crucial question to be resolved in this Petition
extrajudicial foreclosure of the properties mortgage to it. However, is whether the machinery in suit is real or personal property from the
the Deputy Sheriff assigned to implement the foreclosure failed to point of view of the parties, with petitioner arguing that it is a
gain entry into private respondent's premises and was not able to personality, while the respondent claiming the contrary, and was
effect the seizure of the aforedescribed machinery. Petitioner sustained by the appellate court, which accordingly held that the
thereafter filed a complaint for judicial foreclosure with the Court of chattel mortgage constituted thereon is null and void, as contended
First Instance of Rizal, Branch VI, docketed as Civil Case No. 36040, by said respondent.
the case before the lower court.

A similar, if not Identical issue was raised in Tumalad v. Vicencio, 41

Acting on petitioner's application for replevin, the lower court issued SCRA 143 where this Court, speaking through Justice J.B.L. Reyes,
a writ of seizure, the enforcement of which was however subsequently ruled:
restrained upon private respondent's filing of a motion for
reconsideration. After several incidents, the lower court finally issued Although there is no specific statement referring
on February 11, 1981, an order lifting the restraining order for the to the subject house as personal property, yet by
enforcement of the writ of seizure and an order to break open the ceding, selling or transferring a property by way
premises of private respondent to enforce said writ. The lower court of chattel mortgage defendants-appellants could
reaffirmed its stand upon private respondent's filing of a further only have meant to convey the house as chattel,
motion for reconsideration. or at least, intended to treat the same as such,
so that they should not now be allowed to make
an inconsistent stand by claiming otherwise. mortgage which was in a blank form at the time of signing. This
Moreover, the subject house stood on a rented contention lacks persuasiveness. As aptly pointed out by petitioner
lot to which defendants-appellants merely had a and not denied by the respondent, the status of the subject machinery
temporary right as lessee, and although this can as movable or immovable was never placed in issue before the lower
not in itself alone determine the status of the court and the Court of Appeals except in a supplemental
property, it does so when combined with other memorandum in support of the petition filed in the appellate court.
factors to sustain the interpretation that the Moreover, even granting that the charge is true, such fact alone does
parties, particularly the mortgagors, intended to not render a contract void ab initio, but can only be a ground for
treat the house as personality. Finally, unlike in rendering said contract voidable, or annullable pursuant to Article
the Iya cases, Lopez vs. Orosa, Jr. & Plaza 1390 of the new Civil Code, by a proper action in court. There is
Theatre, Inc. & Leung Yee vs. F.L. Strong nothing on record to show that the mortgage has been annulled.
Machinery & Williamson, wherein third persons Neither is it disclosed that steps were taken to nullify the same. On
assailed the validity of the chattel mortgage, it is the other hand, as pointed out by petitioner and again not refuted by
the defendants-appellants themselves, as respondent, the latter has indubitably benefited from said contract.
debtors-mortgagors, who are attacking the Equity dictates that one should not benefit at the expense of another.
validity of the chattel mortgage in this case. The Private respondent could not now therefore, be allowed to impugn the
doctrine of estoppel therefore applies to the efficacy of the chattel mortgage after it has benefited therefrom,
herein defendants-appellants, having treated the
subject house as personality. From what has been said above, the error of the appellate court in
ruling that the questioned machinery is real, not personal property,
Examining the records of the instant case, We find no logical becomes very apparent. Moreover, the case of Machinery and
justification to exclude the rule out, as the appellate court did, the Engineering Supplies, Inc. v. CA, 96 Phil. 70, heavily relied upon by
present case from the application of the abovequoted said court is not applicable to the case at bar, the nature of the
pronouncement. If a house of strong materials, like what was involved machinery and equipment involved therein as real properties never
in the above Tumalad case, may be considered as personal property having been disputed nor in issue, and they were not the subject of a
for purposes of executing a chattel mortgage thereon as long as the Chattel Mortgage. Undoubtedly, the Tumalad case bears more nearly
parties to the contract so agree and no innocent third party will be perfect parity with the instant case to be the more controlling
prejudiced thereby, there is absolutely no reason why a machinery, jurisprudential authority.
which is movable in its nature and becomes immobilized only by
destination or purpose, may not be likewise treated as such. This is WHEREFORE, the questioned decision and resolution of the Court of
really because one who has so agreed is estopped from denying the Appeals are hereby reversed and set aside, and the Orders of the
existence of the chattel mortgage. lower court are hereby reinstated, with costs against the private
In rejecting petitioner's assertion on the applicability of the Tumalad
doctrine, the Court of Appeals lays stress on the fact that the house SO ORDERED.
involved therein was built on a land that did not belong to the owner
of such house. But the law makes no distinction with respect to the
ownership of the land on which the house is built and We should not
lay down distinctions not contemplated by law.

It must be pointed out that the characterization of the subject

machinery as chattel by the private respondent is indicative of
intention and impresses upon the property the character determined
by the parties. As stated in Standard Oil Co. of New York v. Jaramillo,
44 Phil. 630, it is undeniable that the parties to a contract may by
agreement treat as personal property that which by nature would be
real property, as long as no interest of third parties would be
prejudiced thereby.

Private respondent contends that estoppel cannot apply against it

because it had never represented nor agreed that the machinery in
suit be considered as personal property but was merely required and
dictated on by herein petitioner to sign a printed form of chattel
G.R. No. L-15334 January 31, 1964 abounds with this kind of stone; and the tower carried five
high voltage wires without cover or any insulating materials.
TREASURER OF QUEZON CITY, petitioners, The second tower inspected was located in Kamuning Road,
vs. K-F, Quezon City, on land owned by the petitioner
MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY, respondent. approximate more than one kilometer from the first tower.
As in the first tower, the ground around one of the four legs
Assistant City Attorney Jaime R. Agloro for petitioners. was excavate from seven to eight (8) feet deep and one
Ross, Selph and Carrascoso for respondent. and a half (1-½) meters wide. There being very little water
at the bottom, it was seen that there was no concrete
PAREDES, J.: foundation, but there soft adobe beneath. The leg was
likewise provided with two parallel steel bars bolted to a
From the stipulation of facts and evidence adduced during the square metal frame also bolted to each corner. Like the first
hearing, the following appear: one, the second tower is made up of metal rods joined
together by means of bolts, so that by unscrewing the bolts,
On October 20, 1902, the Philippine Commission enacted Act No. 484 the tower could be dismantled and reassembled.
which authorized the Municipal Board of Manila to grant a franchise
to construct, maintain and operate an electric street railway and The third tower examined is located along Kamias Road,
electric light, heat and power system in the City of Manila and its Quezon City. As in the first two towers given above, the
suburbs to the person or persons making the most favorable bid. ground around the two legs of the third tower was
Charles M. Swift was awarded the said franchise on March 1903, the excavated to a depth about two or three inches beyond the
terms and conditions of which were embodied in Ordinance No. 44 outside level of the steel bar foundation. It was found that
approved on March 24, 1903. Respondent Manila Electric Co. (Meralco there was no concrete foundation. Like the two previous
for short), became the transferee and owner of the franchise. ones, the bottom arrangement of the legs thereof were
found to be resting on soft adobe, which, probably due to
Meralco's electric power is generated by its hydro-electric plant high humidity, looks like mud or clay. It was also found that
located at Botocan Falls, Laguna and is transmitted to the City of the square metal frame supporting the legs were not
Manila by means of electric transmission wires, running from the attached to any material or foundation.
province of Laguna to the said City. These electric transmission wires
which carry high voltage current, are fastened to insulators attached On November 15, 1955, petitioner City Assessor of Quezon City
on steel towers constructed by respondent at intervals, from its hydro- declared the aforesaid steel towers for real property tax under Tax
electric plant in the province of Laguna to the City of Manila. The declaration Nos. 31992 and 15549. After denying respondent's
respondent Meralco has constructed 40 of these steel towers within petition to cancel these declarations, an appeal was taken by
Quezon City, on land belonging to it. A photograph of one of these respondent to the Board of Assessment Appeals of Quezon City, which
steel towers is attached to the petition for review, marked Annex A. required respondent to pay the amount of P11,651.86 as real property
Three steel towers were inspected by the lower court and parties and tax on the said steel towers for the years 1952 to 1956. Respondent
the following were the descriptions given there of by said court: paid the amount under protest, and filed a petition for review in the
Court of Tax Appeals (CTA for short) which rendered a decision on
The first steel tower is located in South Tatalon, España December 29, 1958, ordering the cancellation of the said tax
Extension, Quezon City. The findings were as follows: the declarations and the petitioner City Treasurer of Quezon City to refund
ground around one of the four posts was excavated to a to the respondent the sum of P11,651.86. The motion for
depth of about eight (8) feet, with an opening of about one reconsideration having been denied, on April 22, 1959, the instant
(1) meter in diameter, decreased to about a quarter of a petition for review was filed.
meter as it we deeper until it reached the bottom of the
post; at the bottom of the post were two parallel steel bars In upholding the cause of respondents, the CTA held that: (1) the
attached to the leg means of bolts; the tower proper was steel towers come within the term "poles" which are declared exempt
attached to the leg three bolts; with two cross metals to from taxes under part II paragraph 9 of respondent's franchise; (2)
prevent mobility; there was no concrete foundation but the steel towers are personal properties and are not subject to real
there was adobe stone underneath; as the bottom of the property tax; and (3) the City Treasurer of Quezon City is held
excavation was covered with water about three inches high, responsible for the refund of the amount paid. These are assigned as
it could not be determined with certainty to whether said errors by the petitioner in the brief.
adobe stone was placed purposely or not, as the place
The tax exemption privilege of the petitioner is quoted hereunder:
PAR 9. The grantee shall be liable to pay the same taxes (Stemmons and Dallas Light Co. (Tex) 212 S.W. 222, 224; 32-A Words
upon its real estate, buildings, plant (not including poles, and Phrases, p. 365.)
wires, transformers, and insulators), machinery and
personal property as other persons are or may be hereafter The term "poles" was also used to denominate the steel supports or
required by law to pay ... Said percentage shall be due and towers used by an association used to convey its electric power
payable at the time stated in paragraph nineteen of Part furnished to subscribers and members, constructed for the purpose
One hereof, ... and shall be in lieu of all taxes and of fastening high voltage and dangerous electric wires alongside
assessments of whatsoever nature and by whatsoever public highways. The steel supports or towers were made of iron or
authority upon the privileges, earnings, income, franchise, other metals consisting of two pieces running from the ground up
and poles, wires, transformers, and insulators of the some thirty feet high, being wider at the bottom than at the top, the
grantee from which taxes and assessments the grantee is said two metal pieces being connected with criss-cross iron running
hereby expressly exempted. (Par. 9, Part Two, Act No. 484 from the bottom to the top, constructed like ladders and loaded with
Respondent's Franchise; emphasis supplied.) high voltage electricity. In form and structure, they are like the steel
towers in question. (Salt River Valley Users' Ass'n v. Compton, 8 P.
The word "pole" means "a long, comparatively slender usually 2nd, 249-250.)
cylindrical piece of wood or timber, as typically the stem of a small
tree stripped of its branches; also by extension, a similar typically The term "poles" was used to denote the steel towers of an electric
cylindrical piece or object of metal or the like". The term also refers company engaged in the generation of hydro-electric power
to "an upright standard to the top of which something is affixed or by generated from its plant to the Tower of Oxford and City of
which something is supported; as a dovecote set on a pole; telegraph Waterbury. These steel towers are about 15 feet square at the base
poles; a tent pole; sometimes, specifically a vessel's master and extended to a height of about 35 feet to a point, and are
(Webster's New International Dictionary 2nd Ed., p. 1907.) Along the embedded in the cement foundations sunk in the earth, the top of
streets, in the City of Manila, may be seen cylindrical metal poles, which extends above the surface of the soil in the tower of Oxford,
cubical concrete poles, and poles of the PLDT Co. which are made of and to the towers are attached insulators, arms, and other equipment
two steel bars joined together by an interlacing metal rod. They are capable of carrying wires for the transmission of electric power
called "poles" notwithstanding the fact that they are no made of wood. (Connecticut Light and Power Co. v. Oxford, 101 Conn. 383, 126 Atl.
It must be noted from paragraph 9, above quoted, that the concept p. 1).
of the "poles" for which exemption is granted, is not determined by
their place or location, nor by the character of the electric current it In a case, the defendant admitted that the structure on which a
carries, nor the material or form of which it is made, but the use to certain person met his death was built for the purpose of supporting
which they are dedicated. In accordance with the definitions, pole is a transmission wire used for carrying high-tension electric power, but
not restricted to a long cylindrical piece of wood or metal, but includes claimed that the steel towers on which it is carried were so large that
"upright standards to the top of which something is affixed or by their wire took their structure out of the definition of a pole line. It
which something is supported. As heretofore described, respondent's was held that in defining the word pole, one should not be governed
steel supports consists of a framework of four steel bars or strips by the wire or material of the support used, but was considering the
which are bound by steel cross-arms atop of which are cross-arms danger from any elevated wire carrying electric current, and that
supporting five high voltage transmission wires (See Annex A) and regardless of the size or material wire of its individual members, any
their sole function is to support or carry such wires. continuous series of structures intended and used solely or primarily
for the purpose of supporting wires carrying electric currents is a pole
The conclusion of the CTA that the steel supports in question are line (Inspiration Consolidation Cooper Co. v. Bryan 252 P. 1016).
embraced in the term "poles" is not a novelty. Several courts of last
resort in the United States have called these steel supports "steel It is evident, therefore, that the word "poles", as used in Act No. 484
towers", and they denominated these supports or towers, as electric and incorporated in the petitioner's franchise, should not be given a
poles. In their decisions the words "towers" and "poles" were used restrictive and narrow interpretation, as to defeat the very object for
interchangeably, and it is well understood in that jurisdiction that a which the franchise was granted. The poles as contemplated thereon,
transmission tower or pole means the same thing. should be understood and taken as a part of the electric power system
of the respondent Meralco, for the conveyance of electric current from
In a proceeding to condemn land for the use of electric power wires, the source thereof to its consumers. If the respondent would be
in which the law provided that wires shall be constructed upon required to employ "wooden poles", or "rounded poles" as it used to
suitable poles, this term was construed to mean either wood or metal do fifty years back, then one should admit that the Philippines is one
poles and in view of the land being subject to overflow, and the century behind the age of space. It should also be conceded by now
necessary carrying of numerous wires and the distance between that steel towers, like the ones in question, for obvious reasons, can
poles, the statute was interpreted to include towers or poles.
better effectuate the purpose for which the respondent's franchise not a party to the suit, notwithstanding its capacity to sue and be
was granted. sued, he should not be ordered to effect the refund. This question has
not been raised in the court below, and, therefore, it cannot be
Granting for the purpose of argument that the steel supports or properly raised for the first time on appeal. The herein petitioner is
towers in question are not embraced within the term poles, the logical indulging in legal technicalities and niceties which do not help him
question posited is whether they constitute real properties, so that any; for factually, it was he (City Treasurer) whom had insisted that
they can be subject to a real property tax. The tax law does not respondent herein pay the real estate taxes, which respondent paid
provide for a definition of real property; but Article 415 of the Civil under protest. Having acted in his official capacity as City Treasurer
Code does, by stating the following are immovable property: of Quezon City, he would surely know what to do, under the
(1) Land, buildings, roads, and constructions of all
kinds adhered to the soil; IN VIEW HEREOF, the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed, with
costs against the petitioners.
xxx xxx xxx

(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner,

in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without
breaking the material or deterioration of the object;

xxx xxx xxx

(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements

intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or
works which may be carried in a building or on a piece of
land, and which tends directly to meet the needs of the said
industry or works;

xxx xxx xxx

The steel towers or supports in question, do not come within the

objects mentioned in paragraph 1, because they do not constitute
buildings or constructions adhered to the soil. They are not
construction analogous to buildings nor adhering to the soil. As per
description, given by the lower court, they are removable and merely
attached to a square metal frame by means of bolts, which when
unscrewed could easily be dismantled and moved from place to place.
They can not be included under paragraph 3, as they are not attached
to an immovable in a fixed manner, and they can be separated without
breaking the material or causing deterioration upon the object to
which they are attached. Each of these steel towers or supports
consists of steel bars or metal strips, joined together by means of
bolts, which can be disassembled by unscrewing the bolts and
reassembled by screwing the same. These steel towers or supports
do not also fall under paragraph 5, for they are not machineries,
receptacles, instruments or implements, and even if they were, they
are not intended for industry or works on the land. Petitioner is not
engaged in an industry or works in the land in which the steel supports
or towers are constructed.

It is finally contended that the CTA erred in ordering the City Treasurer
of Quezon City to refund the sum of P11,651.86, despite the fact that
Quezon City is not a party to the case. It is argued that as the City
Treasurer is not the real party in interest, but Quezon City, which was
G.R. No. L-17870 September 29, 1962 (c) Lathe machine with motor, appearing in the
attached photograph, marked Annex "C";
vs. (d) Black and Decker Grinder, appearing in the
THE CITY ASSESSOR & TREASURER and the BOARD OF TAX attached photograph, marked Annex "D";
APPEALS of Cagayan de Oro City, respondents.
(e) PEMCO Hydraulic Press, appearing in the
Binamira, Barria and Irabagon for petitioner. attached photograph, marked Annex "E";
Vicente E. Sabellina for respondents.
(f) Battery charger (Tungar charge machine)
appearing in the attached photograph, marked
Annex "F"; and

LABRADOR, J.: (g) D-Engine Waukesha-M-Fuel, appearing in the

attached photograph, marked Annex "G".
This is a petition for the review of the decision of the Court of Tax
Appeals in C.T.A. Case No. 710 holding that the petitioner Mindanao 4. That these machineries are sitting on cement or wooden
Bus Company is liable to the payment of the realty tax on its platforms as may be seen in the attached photographs
maintenance and repair equipment hereunder referred to. which form part of this agreed stipulation of facts;

Respondent City Assessor of Cagayan de Oro City assessed at P4,400 5. That petitioner is the owner of the land where it
petitioner's above-mentioned equipment. Petitioner appealed the maintains and operates a garage for its TPU motor trucks;
assessment to the respondent Board of Tax Appeals on the ground a repair shop; blacksmith and carpentry shops, and with
that the same are not realty. The Board of Tax Appeals of the City these machineries which are placed therein, its TPU trucks
sustained the city assessor, so petitioner herein filed with the Court are made; body constructed; and same are repaired in a
of Tax Appeals a petition for the review of the assessment. condition to be serviceable in the TPU land transportation
business it operates;
In the Court of Tax Appeals the parties submitted the following
stipulation of facts: 6. That these machineries have never been or were never
used as industrial equipments to produce finished products
Petitioner and respondents, thru their respective counsels for sale, nor to repair machineries, parts and the like offered
agreed to the following stipulation of facts: to the general public indiscriminately for business or
commercial purposes for which petitioner has never
1. That petitioner is a public utility solely engaged in engaged in, to date.1awphîl.nèt
transporting passengers and cargoes by motor trucks, over
its authorized lines in the Island of Mindanao, collecting The Court of Tax Appeals having sustained the respondent city
rates approved by the Public Service Commission; assessor's ruling, and having denied a motion for reconsideration,
petitioner brought the case to this Court assigning the following
2. That petitioner has its main office and shop at Cagayan errors:
de Oro City. It maintains Branch Offices and/or stations at
Iligan City, Lanao; Pagadian, Zamboanga del Sur; Davao 1. The Honorable Court of Tax Appeals erred in upholding
City and Kibawe, Bukidnon Province; respondents' contention that the questioned assessments
are valid; and that said tools, equipments or machineries
3. That the machineries sought to be assessed by the are immovable taxable real properties.
respondent as real properties are the following:
2. The Tax Court erred in its interpretation of paragraph 5
(a) Hobart Electric Welder Machine, appearing in of Article 415 of the New Civil Code, and holding that
the attached photograph, marked Annex "A"; pursuant thereto the movable equipments are taxable
realties, by reason of their being intended or destined for
(b) Storm Boring Machine, appearing in the use in an industry.
attached photograph, marked Annex "B";
3. The Court of Tax Appeals erred in denying petitioner's
contention that the respondent City Assessor's power to
assess and levy real estate taxes on machineries is further established." We may here distinguish, therefore, those movable
restricted by section 31, paragraph (c) of Republic Act No. which become immobilized by destination because they are essential
521; and and principal elements in the industry for those which may not be so
considered immobilized because they are merely incidental, not
4. The Tax Court erred in denying petitioner's motion for essential and principal. Thus, cash registers, typewriters, etc., usually
reconsideration. found and used in hotels, restaurants, theaters, etc. are merely
incidentals and are not and should not be considered immobilized by
Respondents contend that said equipments, tho movable, are destination, for these businesses can continue or carry on their
immobilized by destination, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article functions without these equity comments. Airline companies use
415 of the New Civil Code which provides: forklifts, jeep-wagons, pressure pumps, IBM machines, etc. which are
incidentals, not essentials, and thus retain their movable nature. On
Art. 415. — The following are immovable properties: the other hand, machineries of breweries used in the manufacture of
liquor and soft drinks, though movable in nature, are immobilized
xxx xxx xxx because they are essential to said industries; but the delivery trucks
and adding machines which they usually own and use and are found
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements within their industrial compounds are merely incidental and retain
intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or their movable nature.
works which may be carried on in a building or on a piece
of land, and which tend directly to meet the needs of the Similarly, the tools and equipments in question in this instant case
said industry or works. (Emphasis ours.) are, by their nature, not essential and principle municipal elements of
petitioner's business of transporting passengers and cargoes by motor
Note that the stipulation expressly states that the equipment are trucks. They are merely incidentals — acquired as movables and used
placed on wooden or cement platforms. They can be moved around only for expediency to facilitate and/or improve its service. Even
and about in petitioner's repair shop. In the case of B. H. Berkenkotter without such tools and equipments, its business may be carried on,
vs. Cu Unjieng, 61 Phil. 663, the Supreme Court said: as petitioner has carried on, without such equipments, before the war.
The transportation business could be carried on without the repair or
Article 344 (Now Art. 415), paragraph (5) of the Civil Code, service shop if its rolling equipment is repaired or serviced in another
gives the character of real property to "machinery, liquid shop belonging to another.
containers, instruments or implements intended by the
owner of any building or land for use in connection with any The law that governs the determination of the question at issue is as
industry or trade being carried on therein and which follows:
are expressly adapted to meet the requirements of such
trade or industry." Art. 415. The following are immovable property:

If the installation of the machinery and equipment in xxx xxx xxx

question in the central of the Mabalacat Sugar Co., Inc., in
lieu of the other of less capacity existing therein, for its (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements
sugar and industry, converted them into real property by intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or
reason of their purpose, it cannot be said that their works which may be carried on in a building or on a piece
incorporation therewith was not permanent in character of land, and which tend directly to meet the needs of the
because, as essential and principle elements of a sugar said industry or works; (Civil Code of the Phil.)
central, without them the sugar central would be unable to
function or carry on the industrial purpose for which it was Aside from the element of essentiality the above-quoted provision also
established. Inasmuch as the central is permanent in requires that the industry or works be carried on in a building or on a
character, the necessary machinery and equipment piece of land. Thus in the case of Berkenkotter vs. Cu Unjieng, supra,
installed for carrying on the sugar industry for which it has the "machinery, liquid containers, and instruments or implements" are
been established must necessarily be permanent. found in a building constructed on the land. A sawmill would also be
(Emphasis ours.) installed in a building on land more or less permanently, and the
sawing is conducted in the land or building.
So that movable equipments to be immobilized in contemplation of
the law must first be "essential and principal elements" of an industry But in the case at bar the equipments in question are destined only
or works without which such industry or works would be "unable to to repair or service the transportation business, which is not carried
function or carry on the industrial purpose for which it was on in a building or permanently on a piece of land, as demanded by
the law. Said equipments may not, therefore, be deemed real

Resuming what we have set forth above, we hold that the equipments
in question are not absolutely essential to the petitioner's
transportation business, and petitioner's business is not carried on in
a building, tenement or on a specified land, so said equipment may
not be considered real estate within the meaning of Article 415 (c) of
the Civil Code.

WHEREFORE, the decision subject of the petition for review is hereby

set aside and the equipment in question declared not subject to
assessment as real estate for the purposes of the real estate tax.
Without costs.

So ordered.
G.R. No. L-47943 May 31, 1982 municipal treasurer of Bauan, Batangas, on the basis of an
assessment made by the provincial assessor, required Meralco to pay
MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY, petitioner, realty taxes on the two tanks. For the five-year period from 1970 to
vs. 1974, the tax and penalties amounted to P431,703.96 (p. 27, Rollo).
CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, BOARD OF The Board required Meralco to pay the tax and penalties as a condition
ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF BATANGAS and PROVINCIAL for entertaining its appeal from the adverse decision of the Batangas
ASSESSOR OF BATANGAS, respondents. board of assessment appeals.

The Central Board of Assessment Appeals (composed of Acting

Secretary of Finance Pedro M. Almanzor as chairman and Secretary of
AQUINO, J.: Justice Vicente Abad Santos and Secretary of Local Government and
Community Development Jose Roño as members) in its decision dated
This case is about the imposition of the realty tax on two oil storage November 5, 1976 ruled that the tanks together with the foundation,
tanks installed in 1969 by Manila Electric Company on a lot in San walls, dikes, steps, pipelines and other appurtenances constitute
Pascual, Batangas which it leased in 1968 from Caltex (Phil.), Inc. The taxable improvements.
tanks are within the Caltex refinery compound. They have a total
capacity of 566,000 barrels. They are used for storing fuel oil for Meralco received a copy of that decision on February 28, 1977. On
Meralco's power plants. the fifteenth day, it filed a motion for reconsideration which the Board
denied in its resolution of November 25, 1977, a copy of which was
According to Meralco, the storage tanks are made of steel plates received by Meralco on February 28, 1978.
welded and assembled on the spot. Their bottoms rest on a
foundation consisting of compacted earth as the outermost layer, a On March 15, 1978, Meralco filed this special civil action of certiorari
sand pad as the intermediate layer and a two-inch thick bituminous to annul the Board's decision and resolution. It contends that the
asphalt stratum as the top layer. The bottom of each tank is in contact Board acted without jurisdiction and committed a grave error of law
with the asphalt layer, in holding that its storage tanks are taxable real property.

The steel sides of the tank are directly supported underneath by a Meralco contends that the said oil storage tanks do not fall within any
circular wall made of concrete, eighteen inches thick, to prevent the of the kinds of real property enumerated in article 415 of the Civil
tank from sliding. Hence, according to Meralco, the tank is not Code and, therefore, they cannot be categorized as realty by nature,
attached to its foundation. It is not anchored or welded to the by incorporation, by destination nor by analogy. Stress is laid on the
concrete circular wall. Its bottom plate is not attached to any part of fact that the tanks are not attached to the land and that they were
the foundation by bolts, screws or similar devices. The tank merely placed on leased land, not on the land owned by Meralco.
sits on its foundation. Each empty tank can be floated by flooding its
dike-inclosed location with water four feet deep. (pp. 29-30, Rollo.) This is one of those highly controversial, borderline or penumbral
cases on the classification of property where strong divergent opinions
On the other hand, according to the hearing commissioners of the are inevitable. The issue raised by Meralco has to be resolved in the
Central Board of Assessment Appeals, the area where the two tanks light of the provisions of the Assessment Law, Commonwealth Act No.
are located is enclosed with earthen dikes with electric steel poles on 470, and the Real Property Tax Code, Presidential Decree No. 464
top thereof and is divided into two parts as the site of each tank. The which took effect on June 1, 1974.
foundation of the tanks is elevated from the remaining area. On both
sides of the earthen dikes are two separate concrete steps leading to Section 2 of the Assessment Law provides that the realty tax is due
the foundation of each tank. "on real property, including land, buildings, machinery, and
other improvements" not specifically exempted in section 3 thereof.
Tank No. 2 is supported by a concrete foundation with an asphalt This provision is reproduced with some modification in the Real
lining about an inch thick. Pipelines were installed on the sides of each Property Tax Code which provides:
tank and are connected to the pipelines of the Manila Enterprises
Industrial Corporation whose buildings and pumping station are near Sec. 38. Incidence of Real Property Tax. — They
Tank No. 2. shall be levied, assessed and collected in all
provinces, cities and municipalities an annual ad
The Board concludes that while the tanks rest or sit on their valorem tax on real property, such as land,
foundation, the foundation itself and the walls, dikes and steps, which buildings, machinery and
are integral parts of the tanks, are affixed to the land while the other improvements affixed or attached to real
pipelines are attached to the tanks. (pp. 60-61, Rollo.) In 1970, the property not hereinafter specifically exempted.
The Code contains the following definition in its section 3:

k) Improvements — is a valuable addition made

to property or an amelioration in its condition,
amounting to more than mere repairs or
replacement of waste, costing labor or capital
and intended to enhance its value, beauty or
utility or to adapt it for new or further purposes.

We hold that while the two storage tanks are not embedded in the
land, they may, nevertheless, be considered as improvements on the
land, enhancing its utility and rendering it useful to the oil industry. It
is undeniable that the two tanks have been installed with some degree
of permanence as receptacles for the considerable quantities of oil
needed by Meralco for its operations.

Oil storage tanks were held to be taxable realty in Standard Oil Co. of
New Jersey vs. Atlantic City, 15 Atl. 2nd 271.

For purposes of taxation, the term "real property" may include things
which should generally be regarded as personal property(84 C.J.S.
171, Note 8). It is a familiar phenomenon to see things classed as real
property for purposes of taxation which on general principle might be
considered personal property (Standard Oil Co. of New York vs.
Jaramillo, 44 Phil. 630, 633).

The case of Board of Assessment Appeals vs. Manila Electric

Company, 119 Phil. 328, wherein Meralco's steel towers were held not
to be subject to realty tax, is not in point because in that case the
steel towers were regarded as poles and under its franchise Meralco's
poles are exempt from taxation. Moreover, the steel towers were not
attached to any land or building. They were removable from their
metal frames.

Nor is there any parallelism between this case and Mindanao Bus Co.
vs. City Assessor, 116 Phil. 501, where the tools and equipment in the
repair, carpentry and blacksmith shops of a transportation company
were held not subject to realty tax because they were personal

WHEREFORE, the petition is dismissed. The Board's questioned

decision and resolution are affirmed. No costs.

G.R. No. L-50466 May 31, 1982 the gasoline service station business formed the
entire gasoline service-station.
vs. As to whether the subject properties are attached
CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS and CITY and affixed to the tenement, it is clear they are,
ASSESSOR OF PASAY, respondents. for the tenement we consider in this particular
case are (is) the pavement covering the entire lot
which was constructed by the owner of the
gasoline station and the improvement which
AQUINO, J.: holds all the properties under question, they are
attached and affixed to the pavement and to the
This case is about the realty tax on machinery and equipment installed improvement.
by Caltex (Philippines) Inc. in its gas stations located on leased land.
The pavement covering the entire lot of the
The machines and equipment consists of underground tanks, elevated gasoline service station, as well as all the
tank, elevated water tanks, water tanks, gasoline pumps, computing improvements, machines, equipments and
pumps, water pumps, car washer, car hoists, truck hoists, air apparatus are allowed by Caltex (Philippines) Inc.
compressors and tireflators. The city assessor described the said ...
equipment and machinery in this manner:
The underground gasoline tank is attached to the
A gasoline service station is a piece of lot where shed by the steel pipe to the pump, so with the
a building or shed is erected, a water tank if there water tank it is connected also by a steel pipe to
is any is placed in one corner of the lot, car hoists the pavement, then to the electric motor which
are placed in an adjacent shed, an air compressor electric motor is placed under the shed. So to say
is attached in the wall of the shed or at the that the gasoline pumps, water pumps and
concrete wall fence. underground tanks are outside of the service
station, and to consider only the building as the
The controversial underground tank, depository service station is grossly erroneous. (pp. 58-60,
of gasoline or crude oil, is dug deep about six feet Rollo).
more or less, a few meters away from the shed.
This is done to prevent conflagration because The said machines and equipment are loaned by Caltex to gas station
gasoline and other combustible oil are very operators under an appropriate lease agreement or receipt. It is
inflammable. stipulated in the lease contract that the operators, upon demand, shall
return to Caltex the machines and equipment in good condition as
This underground tank is connected with a steel when received, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
pipe to the gasoline pump and the gasoline pump
is commonly placed or constructed under the The lessor of the land, where the gas station is located, does not
shed. The footing of the pump is a cement pad become the owner of the machines and equipment installed therein.
and this cement pad is imbedded in the Caltex retains the ownership thereof during the term of the lease.
pavement under the shed, and evidence that the
gasoline underground tank is attached and The city assessor of Pasay City characterized the said items of gas
connected to the shed or building through the station equipment and machinery as taxable realty. The realty tax on
pipe to the pump and the pump is attached and said equipment amounts to P4,541.10 annually (p. 52, Rollo). The city
affixed to the cement pad and pavement covered board of tax appeals ruled that they are personalty. The assessor
by the roof of the building or shed. appealed to the Central Board of Assessment Appeals.

The building or shed, the elevated water tank, The Board, which was composed of Secretary of Finance Cesar Virata
the car hoist under a separate shed, the air as chairman, Acting Secretary of Justice Catalino Macaraig, Jr. and
compressor, the underground gasoline tank, Secretary of Local Government and Community Development Jose
neon lights signboard, concrete fence and Roño, held in its decision of June 3, 1977 that the said machines and
pavement and the lot where they are all placed equipment are real property within the meaning of sections 3(k) &
or erected, all of them used in the pursuance of (m) and 38 of the Real Property Tax Code, Presidential Decree No.
464, which took effect on June 1, 1974, and that the definitions of
real property and personal property in articles 415 and 416 of the Civil affixed or attached to real property not
Code are not applicable to this case. hereinafter specifically exempted.

The decision was reiterated by the Board (Minister Vicente Abad The Code contains the following definitions in its section 3:
Santos took Macaraig's place) in its resolution of January 12, 1978,
denying Caltex's motion for reconsideration, a copy of which was k) Improvements — is a valuable addition made
received by its lawyer on April 2, 1979. to property or an amelioration in its condition,
amounting to more than mere repairs or
On May 2, 1979 Caltex filed this certiorari petition wherein it prayed replacement of waste, costing labor or capital
for the setting aside of the Board's decision and for a declaration that and intended to enhance its value, beauty or
t he said machines and equipment are personal property not subject utility or to adapt it for new or further purposes.
to realty tax (p. 16, Rollo).
m) Machinery — shall embrace machines,
The Solicitor General's contention that the Court of Tax Appeals has mechanical contrivances, instruments,
exclusive appellate jurisdiction over this case is not correct. When appliances and apparatus attached to the real
Republic act No. 1125 created the Tax Court in 1954, there was as estate. It includes the physical facilities available
yet no Central Board of Assessment Appeals. Section 7(3) of that law for production, as well as the installations and
in providing that the Tax Court had jurisdiction to review by appeal appurtenant service facilities, together with all
decisions of provincial or city boards of assessment appeals had in other equipment designed for or essential to its
mind the local boards of assessment appeals but not manufacturing, industrial or agricultural purposes
the Central Board of Assessment Appeals which under the Real (See sec. 3[f], Assessment Law).
Property Tax Code has appellate jurisdiction over decisions of the said
local boards of assessment appeals and is, therefore, in the same We hold that the said equipment and machinery, as appurtenances to
category as the Tax Court. the gas station building or shed owned by Caltex (as to which it is
subject to realty tax) and which fixtures are necessary to the
Section 36 of the Real Property Tax Code provides that the decision operation of the gas station, for without them the gas station would
of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals shall become final and be useless, and which have been attached or affixed permanently to
executory after the lapse of fifteen days from the receipt of its decision the gas station site or embedded therein, are taxable improvements
by the appellant. Within that fifteen-day period, a petition for and machinery within the meaning of the Assessment Law and the
reconsideration may be filed. The Code does not provide for the Real Property Tax Code.
review of the Board's decision by this Court.
Caltex invokes the rule that machinery which is movable in its nature
Consequently, the only remedy available for seeking a review by this only becomes immobilized when placed in a plant by the owner of the
Court of the decision of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals is property or plant but not when so placed by a tenant, a usufructuary,
the special civil action of certiorari, the recourse resorted to herein by or any person having only a temporary right, unless such person acted
Caltex (Philippines), Inc. as the agent of the owner (Davao Saw Mill Co. vs. Castillo, 61 Phil
The issue is whether the pieces of gas station equipment and
machinery already enumerated are subject to realty tax. This issue That ruling is an interpretation of paragraph 5 of article 415 of the
has to be resolved primarily under the provisions of the Assessment Civil Code regarding machinery that becomes real property by
Law and the Real Property Tax Code. destination. In the Davao Saw Mills case the question was whether
the machinery mounted on foundations of cement and installed by
Section 2 of the Assessment Law provides that the realty tax is due the lessee on leased land should be regarded as real property
"on real property, including land, buildings, machinery, and other for purposes of execution of a judgment against the lessee. The
improvements" not specifically exempted in section 3 thereof. This sheriff treated the machinery as personal property. This Court
provision is reproduced with some modification in the Real Property sustained the sheriff's action. (Compare with Machinery & Engineering
Tax Code which provides: Supplies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 96 Phil. 70, where in a replevin
case machinery was treated as realty).
SEC. 38. Incidence of Real Property Tax.— There
shall be levied, assessed and collected in all Here, the question is whether the gas station equipment and
provinces, cities and municipalities an annual ad machinery permanently affixed by Caltex to its gas station and
valorem tax on real property, such as land, pavement (which are indubitably taxable realty) should be subject to
buildings, machinery and other improvements
the realty tax. This question is different from the issue raised in
the Davao Saw Mill case.

Improvements on land are commonly taxed as realty even though for

some purposes they might be considered personalty (84 C.J.S. 181-
2, Notes 40 and 41). "It is a familiar phenomenon to see things classed
as real property for purposes of taxation which on general principle
might be considered personal property" (Standard Oil Co. of New York
vs. Jaramillo, 44 Phil. 630, 633).

This case is also easily distinguishable from Board of Assessment

Appeals vs. Manila Electric Co., 119 Phil. 328, where Meralco's steel
towers were considered poles within the meaning of paragraph 9 of
its franchise which exempts its poles from taxation. The steel towers
were considered personalty because they were attached to square
metal frames by means of bolts and could be moved from place to
place when unscrewed and dismantled.

Nor are Caltex's gas station equipment and machinery the same as
tools and equipment in the repair shop of a bus company which were
held to be personal property not subject to realty tax (Mindanao Bus
Co. vs. City Assessor, 116 Phil. 501).

The Central Board of Assessment Appeals did not commit a grave

abuse of discretion in upholding the city assessor's is imposition of the
realty tax on Caltex's gas station and equipment.

WHEREFORE, the questioned decision and resolution of the Central

Board of Assessment Appeals are affirmed. The petition for certiorari
is dismissed for lack of merit. No costs.

G.R. No. 106041 January 29, 1993 We find the appraisal on the land submerged as
a result of the construction of the tailings dam,
BENGUET CORPORATION, petitioner, covered by Tax Declaration Nos.
vs. 002-0260 and 002-0266, to be in accordance
CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, BOARD OF with the Schedule of Market Values for Zambales
ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF ZAMBALES, PROVINCIAL which was reviewed and allowed for use by the
ASSESSOR OF ZAMBALES, PROVINCE OF ZAMBALES, and Ministry (Department) of Finance in the 1981-
MUNICIPALITY OF SAN MARCELINO, respondents. 1982 general revision. No serious attempt was
made by Petitioner-Appellant Benguet
Romulo, Mabanta, Buenaventura, Sayoc & De los Angeles for Corporation to impugn its reasonableness, i.e.,
petitioner. that the P50.00 per square meter applied by
Respondent-Appellee Provincial Assessor is
indeed excessive and unconscionable. Hence, we
find no cause to disturb the market value applied
CRUZ, J.: by Respondent Appellee Provincial Assessor of
Zambales on the properties of Petitioner-
The realty tax assessment involved in this case amounts to Appellant Benguet Corporation covered by Tax
P11,319,304.00. It has been imposed on the petitioner's tailings dam Declaration Nos. 002-0260 and 002-0266.
and the land thereunder over its protest.

This petition for certiorari now seeks to reverse the above ruling.
The controversy arose in 1985 when the Provincial Assessor of
Zambales assessed the said properties as taxable improvements. The The principal contention of the petitioner is that the tailings dam is
assessment was appealed to the Board of Assessment Appeals of the not subject to realty tax because it is not an "improvement" upon the
Province of Zambales. On August 24, 1988, the appeal was dismissed land within the meaning of the Real Property Tax Code. More
mainly on the ground of the petitioner's "failure to pay the realty taxes particularly, it is claimed —
that fell due during the pendency of the appeal."
(1) as regards the tailings dam as an
The petitioner seasonably elevated the matter to the Central Board of "improvement":
Assessment Appeals,1 one of the herein respondents. In its decision
dated March 22, 1990, the Board reversed the dismissal of the appeal (a) that the tailings dam has
but, on the merits, agreed that "the tailings dam and the lands no value separate from and
submerged thereunder (were) subject to realty tax." independent of the mine;
hence, by itself it cannot be
For purposes of taxation the dam is considered considered an improvement
as real property as it comes within the object separately assessable;
mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) of Article
415 of the New Civil Code. It is a construction (b) that it is an integral part
adhered to the soil which cannot be separated or of the mine;
detached without breaking the material or
causing destruction on the land upon which it is (c) that at the end of the
attached. The immovable nature of the dam as mining operation of the
an improvement determines its character as real petitioner corporation in the
property, hence taxable under Section 38 of the area, the tailings dam will
Real Property Tax Code. (P.D. 464). benefit the local community
by serving as an irrigation
Although the dam is partly used as an anti- facility;
pollution device, this Board cannot accede to the
request for tax exemption in the absence of a law (d) that the building of the
authorizing the same. dam has stripped the
property of any commercial
xxx xxx xxx value as the property is
submerged under water
wastes from the mine;
(e) that the tailings dam is the dam for realty tax
an environmental pollution purposes.
control device for which
petitioner must be The petitioner does not dispute that the tailings dam may be
commended rather than considered realty within the meaning of Article 415. It insists,
penalized with a realty tax however, that the dam cannot be subjected to realty tax as a separate
assessment; and independent property because it does not constitute an
"assessable improvement" on the mine although a considerable sum
(f) that the installation and may have been spent in constructing and maintaining it.
utilization of the tailings dam
as a pollution control device To support its theory, the petitioner cites the following cases:
is a requirement imposed by
law; 1. Municipality of Cotabato v. Santos (105 Phil. 963), where this Court
considered the dikes and gates constructed by the taxpayer in
(2) as regards the valuation of the tailings dam connection with a fishpond operation as integral parts of the fishpond.
and the submerged lands:
2. Bislig Bay Lumber Co. v. Provincial Government of Surigao (100
(a) that the subject Phil. 303), involving a road constructed by the timber concessionaire
properties have no market in the area, where this Court did not impose a realty tax on the road
value as they cannot be sold primarily for two reasons:
independently of the mine;
In the first place, it cannot be disputed that the
(b) that the valuation of the ownership of the road that was constructed by
tailings dam should be appellee belongs to the government by right of
based on its incidental use accession not only because it is inherently
by petitioner as a water incorporated or attached to the timber land . . .
reservoir and not on the but also because upon the expiration of the
alleged cost of construction concession said road would ultimately pass to the
of the dam and the annual national government. . . . In the second place,
build-up expense; while the road was constructed by appellee
primarily for its use and benefit, the privilege is
(c) that the "residual value not exclusive, for . . . appellee cannot prevent the
formula" used by the use of portions of the concession for
Provincial Assessor and homesteading purposes. It is also duty bound to
adopted by respondent allow the free use of forest products within the
CBAA is arbitrary and concession for the personal use of individuals
erroneous; and residing in or within the vicinity of the land. . . .
In other words, the government has practically
(3) as regards the petitioner's liability for reserved the rights to use the road to promote its
penalties for varied activities. Since, as above shown, the road
non-declaration of the tailings dam and the in question cannot be considered as an
submerged lands for realty tax purposes: improvement which belongs to appellee,
although in part is for its benefit, it is clear that
(a) that where a tax is not the same cannot be the subject of assessment
paid in an honest belief that within the meaning of Section 2 of C.A.
it is not due, no penalty shall No. 470.
be collected in addition to
the basic tax; Apparently, the realty tax was not imposed not because the road was
an integral part of the lumber concession but because the government
(b) that no other mining had the right to use the road to promote its varied activities.
companies in the Philippines
operating a tailings dam 3. Kendrick v. Twin Lakes Reservoir Co. (144 Pacific 884), an
have been made to declare American case, where it was declared that the reservoir dam went
with and formed part of the reservoir and that the dam would be therefrom without dismantling the steel pipes
"worthless and useless except in connection with the outlet canal, and which were welded to form the pipeline.
the water rights in the reservoir represent and include whatever utility (MERALCO Securities Industrial Corp. v. CBAA,
or value there is in the dam and headgates." 114 SCRA 261).

4. Ontario Silver Mining Co. v. Hixon (164 Pacific 498), also from the The tax upon the dam was properly assessed to
United States. This case involved drain tunnels constructed by plaintiff the plaintiff as a tax upon real estate. (Flax-Pond
when it expanded its mining operations downward, resulting in a Water Co. v. City of Lynn, 16 N.E. 742).
constantly increasing flow of water in the said mine. It was held that:
The oil tanks are structures within the statute,
Whatever value they have is connected with and that they are designed and used by the owner as
in fact is an integral part of the mine itself. Just permanent improvement of the free hold, and
as much so as any shaft which descends into the that for such reasons they were properly
earth or an underground incline, tunnel, or drift assessed by the respondent taxing district as
would be which was used in connection with the improvements. (Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey
mine. v. Atlantic City, 15 A 2d. 271)

On the other hand, the Solicitor General argues that the dam is an The Real Property Tax Code does not carry a definition of "real
assessable improvement because it enhances the value and utility of property" and simply says that the realty tax is imposed on "real
the mine. The primary function of the dam is to receive, retain and property, such as lands, buildings, machinery and other improvements
hold the water coming from the operations of the mine, and it also affixed or attached to real property." In the absence of such a
enables the petitioner to impound water, which is then recycled for definition, we apply Article 415 of the Civil Code, the pertinent
use in the plant. portions of which state:

There is also ample jurisprudence to support this view, thus: Art. 415. The following are immovable property.

. . . The said equipment and machinery, as (1) Lands, buildings and constructions of all kinds
appurtenances to the gas station building or shed adhered to the soil;
owned by Caltex (as to which it is subject to
realty tax) and which fixtures are necessary to xxx xxx xxx
the operation of the gas station, for without them
the gas station would be useless and which have (3) Everything attached to an immovable in a
been attached or affixed permanently to the gas fixed manner, in such a way that it cannot be
station site or embedded therein, are taxable separated therefrom without breaking the
improvements and machinery within the meaning material or deterioration of the object.
of the Assessment Law and the Real Property Tax
Code. (Caltex [Phil.] Inc. v. CBAA, 114 SCRA Section 2 of C.A. No. 470, otherwise known as the Assessment Law,
296). provides that the realty tax is due "on the real property, including
land, buildings, machinery and other improvements" not specifically
We hold that while the two storage tanks are not exempted in Section 3 thereof. A reading of that section shows that
embedded in the land, they may, nevertheless, the tailings dam of the petitioner does not fall under any of the classes
be considered as improvements on the land, of exempt real properties therein enumerated.
enhancing its utility and rendering it useful to the
oil industry. It is undeniable that the two tanks Is the tailings dam an improvement on the mine? Section 3(k) of the
have been installed with some degree of Real Property Tax Code defines improvement as follows:
permanence as receptacles for the considerable
quantities of oil needed by MERALCO for its (k) Improvements — is a valuable addition made

operations. (Manila Electric Co. v. CBAA, 114 to property or an amelioration in its condition,

SCRA 273). amounting to more than mere repairs or

replacement of waste, costing labor or capital
The pipeline system in question is indubitably a and intended to enhance its value, beauty or
construction adhering to the soil. It is attached to utility or to adopt it for new or further purposes.
the land in such a way that it cannot be separated
The term has also been interpreted as "artificial alterations of the The Court will also reject the contention that the appraisal at P50.00
physical condition of the ground that are reasonably permanent in per square meter made by the Provincial Assessor is excessive and
character." 2
that his use of the "residual value formula" is arbitrary and erroneous.

The Court notes that in the Ontario case the plaintiff admitted that Respondent Provincial Assessor explained the use of the "residual
the mine involved therein could not be operated without the aid of value formula" as follows:
the drain tunnels, which were indispensable to the successful
development and extraction of the minerals therein. This is not true A 50% residual value is applied in the
in the present case. computation because, while it is true that when
slime fills the dike, it will then be covered by
Even without the tailings dam, the petitioner's mining operation can another dike or stage, the stage covered is still
still be carried out because the primary function of the dam is merely there and still exists and since only one face of
to receive and retain the wastes and water coming from the mine. the dike is filled, 50% or the other face is
There is no allegation that the water coming from the dam is the sole unutilized.
source of water for the mining operation so as to make the dam an
integral part of the mine. In fact, as a result of the construction of the In sustaining this formula, the CBAA gave the following justification:
dam, the petitioner can now impound and recycle water without
having to spend for the building of a water reservoir. And as the We find the appraisal on the land submerged as
petitioner itself points out, even if the petitioner's mine is shut down a result of the construction of the tailings dam,
or ceases operation, the dam may still be used for irrigation of the covered by Tax Declaration Nos.
surrounding areas, again unlike in the Ontario case. 002-0260 and 002-0266, to be in accordance
with the Schedule of Market Values for San
As correctly observed by the CBAA, the Kendrick case is also not Marcelino, Zambales, which is fifty (50.00) pesos
applicable because it involved water reservoir dams used for different per square meter for third class industrial land
purposes and for the benefit of the surrounding areas. By contrast, (TSN, page 17, July 5, 1989) and Schedule of
the tailings dam in question is being used exclusively for the benefit Market Values for Zambales which was reviewed
of the petitioner. and allowed for use by the Ministry (Department)
of Finance in the 1981-1982 general revision. No
Curiously, the petitioner, while vigorously arguing that the tailings serious attempt was made by Petitioner-
dam has no separate existence, just as vigorously contends that at Appellant Benguet Corporation to impugn its
the end of the mining operation the tailings dam will serve the local reasonableness, i.e, that the P50.00 per square
community as an irrigation facility, thereby implying that it can exist meter applied by Respondent-Appellee Provincial
independently of the mine. Assessor is indeed excessive and unconscionable.
Hence, we find no cause to disturb the market
From the definitions and the cases cited above, it would appear that value applied by Respondent-Appellee Provincial
whether a structure constitutes an improvement so as to partake of Assessor of Zambales on the properties of
the status of realty would depend upon the degree of permanence Petitioner-Appellant Benguet Corporation
intended in its construction and use. The expression "permanent" as covered by Tax Declaration Nos. 002-0260 and
applied to an improvement does not imply that the improvement must 002-0266.
be used perpetually but only until the purpose to which the principal
realty is devoted has been accomplished. It is sufficient that the It has been the long-standing policy of this Court to respect the
improvement is intended to remain as long as the land to which it is conclusions of quasi-judicial agencies like the CBAA, which, because
annexed is still used for the said purpose. of the nature of its functions and its frequent exercise thereof, has
developed expertise in the resolution of assessment problems. The
The Court is convinced that the subject dam falls within the definition only exception to this rule is where it is clearly shown that the
of an "improvement" because it is permanent in character and it administrative body has committed grave abuse of discretion calling
enhances both the value and utility of petitioner's mine. Moreover, the for the intervention of this Court in the exercise of its own powers of
immovable nature of the dam defines its character as real property review. There is no such showing in the case at bar.
under Article 415 of the Civil Code and thus makes it taxable under
Section 38 of the Real Property Tax Code. We disagree, however, with the ruling of respondent CBAA that it
cannot take cognizance of the issue of the propriety of the penalties
imposed upon it, which was raised by the petitioner for the first time
only on appeal. The CBAA held that this "is an entirely new matter
that petitioner can take up with the Provincial Assessor (and) can be
the subject of another protest before the Local Board or a negotiation
with the local sanggunian . . ., and in case of an adverse decision by
either the Local Board or the local sanggunian, (it can) elevate the
same to this Board for appropriate action."

There is no need for this time-wasting procedure. The Court may

resolve the issue in this petition instead of referring it back to the local
authorities. We have studied the facts and circumstances of this case
as above discussed and find that the petitioner has acted in good faith
in questioning the assessment on the tailings dam and the land
submerged thereunder. It is clear that it has not done so for the
purpose of evading or delaying the payment of the questioned tax.
Hence, we hold that the petitioner is not subject to penalty for its
non-declaration of the tailings dam and the submerged lands for realty
tax purposes.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED for failure to show that the

questioned decision of respondent Central Board of Assessment
Appeals is tainted with grave abuse of discretion except as to the
imposition of penalties upon the petitioner which is hereby SET ASIDE.
Costs against the petitioner. It is so ordered.
G.R. No. L-26278 August 4, 1927 The defendant Emiliano J. Valdez, in his amended answer, denied
generally and specifically each and every allegation of the complaint
LEON SIBAL , plaintiff-appellant, and step up the following defenses:
EMILIANO J. VALDEZ ET AL., defendants. (a) That the sugar cane in question had the nature of
EMILIANO J. VALDEZ, appellee. personal property and was not, therefore, subject to
J. E. Blanco for appellant.
Felix B. Bautista and Santos and Benitez for appellee. (b) That he was the owner of parcels 1, 2 and 7 described
in the first cause of action of the complaint;
(c) That he was the owner of the palay in parcels 1, 2 and
The action was commenced in the Court of First Instance of the 7; and
Province of Tarlac on the 14th day of December 1924. The facts are
about as conflicting as it is possible for facts to be, in the trial causes. (d) That he never attempted to harvest the palay in parcels
4 and 5.
As a first cause of action the plaintiff alleged that the defendant
Vitaliano Mamawal, deputy sheriff of the Province of Tarlac, by virtue The defendant Emiliano J. Valdez by way of counterclaim, alleged that
of a writ of execution issued by the Court of First Instance of by reason of the preliminary injunction he was unable to gather the
Pampanga, attached and sold to the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez the sugar cane, sugar-cane shoots (puntas de cana dulce) palay in said
sugar cane planted by the plaintiff and his tenants on seven parcels parcels of land, representing a loss to him of P8,375.20 and that, in
of land described in the complaint in the third paragraph of the first addition thereto, he suffered damages amounting to P3,458.56. He
cause of action; that within one year from the date of the attachment prayed, for a judgment (1) absolving him from all liability under the
and sale the plaintiff offered to redeem said sugar cane and tendered complaint; (2) declaring him to be the absolute owner of the sugar
to the defendant Valdez the amount sufficient to cover the price paid cane in question and of the palay in parcels 1, 2 and 7; and (3)
by the latter, the interest thereon and any assessments or taxes which ordering the plaintiff to pay to him the sum of P11,833.76,
he may have paid thereon after the purchase, and the interest representing the value of the sugar cane and palay in question,
corresponding thereto and that Valdez refused to accept the money including damages.
and to return the sugar cane to the plaintiff.
Upon the issues thus presented by the pleadings the cause was
As a second cause of action, the plaintiff alleged that the defendant brought on for trial. After hearing the evidence, and on April 28, 1926,
Emiliano J. Valdez was attempting to harvest the palay planted in four the Honorable Cayetano Lukban, judge, rendered a judgment against
of the seven parcels mentioned in the first cause of action; that he the plaintiff and in favor of the defendants —
had harvested and taken possession of the palay in one of said seven
parcels and in another parcel described in the second cause of action, (1) Holding that the sugar cane in question was personal
amounting to 300 cavans; and that all of said palay belonged to the property and, as such, was not subject to redemption;
(2) Absolving the defendants from all liability under the
Plaintiff prayed that a writ of preliminary injunction be issued against complaint; and
the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez his attorneys and agents, restraining
them (1) from distributing him in the possession of the parcels of land (3) Condemning the plaintiff and his sureties Cenon de la
described in the complaint; (2) from taking possession of, or Cruz, Juan Sangalang and Marcos Sibal to jointly and
harvesting the sugar cane in question; and (3) from taking possession, severally pay to the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez the sum
or harvesting the palay in said parcels of land. Plaintiff also prayed of P9,439.08 as follows:
that a judgment be rendered in his favor and against the defendants
ordering them to consent to the redemption of the sugar cane in (a) P6,757.40, the value of the sugar cane;
question, and that the defendant Valdez be condemned to pay to the
plaintiff the sum of P1,056 the value of palay harvested by him in the (b) 1,435.68, the value of the sugar-cane shoots;

two parcels above-mentioned ,with interest and costs.

(c) 646.00, the value of palay harvested by

On December 27, 1924, the court, after hearing both parties and upon plaintiff;

approval of the bond for P6,000 filed by the plaintiff, issued the writ
of preliminary injunction prayed for in the complaint.
(d) 600.00, the value of 150 cavans of palay 3
which the defendant was not able to raise by ............................................... 120.93
reason of the injunction, at P4 cavan. 9,439.08 ......................
From that judgment the plaintiff appealed and in
his assignments of error contends that the lower 4

court erred: (1) In holding that the sugar cane in ............................................... 1,000.00

question was personal property and, therefore, ......................

not subject to redemption;

............................................... 1.00
(2) In holding that parcels 1 and 2 of the complaint
belonged to Valdez, as well as parcels 7 and 8, and that the
palay therein was planted by Valdez; 6
............................................... 1.00

(3) In holding that Valdez, by reason of the preliminary ......................

injunction failed to realized P6,757.40 from the sugar cane

7 with the house thereon
and P1,435.68 from sugar-cane shoots (puntas de cana 150.00

(4) In holding that, for failure of plaintiff to gather the sugar 1,000.00
cane on time, the defendant was unable to raise palay on ======
the land, which would have netted him the sum of P600; ====

(5) In condemning the plaintiff and his sureties to pay to

the defendant the sum of P9,439.08. (3) That within one year from the sale of said parcel of land,
and on the 24th day of September, 1923, the judgment

It appears from the record: debtor, Leon Sibal, paid P2,000 to Macondray & Co., Inc.,
for the account of the redemption price of said parcels of

(1) That on May 11, 1923, the deputy sheriff of the Province land, without specifying the particular parcels to which said

of Tarlac, by virtue of writ of execution in civil case No. amount was to applied. The redemption price said eight

20203 of the Court of First Instance of Manila (Macondray parcels was reduced, by virtue of said transaction, to

& Co., Inc. vs. Leon Sibal),levied an attachment on eight P2,579.97 including interest (Exhibit C and 2).

parcels of land belonging to said Leon Sibal, situated in the

Province of Tarlac, designated in the second of attachment The record further shows:

as parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (Exhibit B, Exhibit 2-A).

(1) That on April 29, 1924, the defendant Vitaliano

(2) That on July 30, 1923, Macondray & Co., Inc., bought Mamawal, deputy sheriff of the Province of Tarlac, by virtue

said eight parcels of land, at the auction held by the sheriff of a writ of execution in civil case No. 1301 of the Province

of the Province of Tarlac, for the sum to P4,273.93, having of Pampanga (Emiliano J. Valdez vs. Leon Sibal 1.º — the

paid for the said parcels separately as follows (Exhibit C, same parties in the present case), attached the personal

and 2-A): property of said Leon Sibal located in Tarlac, among which
was included the sugar cane now in question in the seven
parcels of land described in the complaint (Exhibit A).

(2) That on May 9 and 10, 1924, said deputy sheriff sold at
1 public auction said personal properties of Leon Sibal,
............................................... P1.00 including the sugar cane in question to Emilio J. Valdez, who
...................... paid therefor the sum of P1,550, of which P600 was for the
sugar cane (Exhibit A).
............................................... 2,000.00
(3) That on April 29,1924, said deputy sheriff, by virtue of
said writ of execution, also attached the real property of
said Leon Sibal in Tarlac, including all of his rights, interest
and participation therein, which real property consisted of The first question raised by the appeal is, whether the sugar cane in
eleven parcels of land and a house and camarin situated in question is personal or real property. It is contended that sugar cane
one of said parcels (Exhibit A). comes under the classification of real property as "ungathered
products" in paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil Code. Said
(4) That on June 25, 1924, eight of said eleven parcels, paragraph 2 of article 334 enumerates as real property the following:
including the house and the camarin, were bought by Emilio Trees, plants, and ungathered products, while they are annexed to
J. Valdez at the auction held by the sheriff for the sum of the land or form an integral part of any immovable property." That
P12,200. Said eight parcels were designated in the article, however, has received in recent years an interpretation by
certificate of sale as parcels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11. The the Tribunal Supremo de España, which holds that, under certain
house and camarin were situated on parcel 7 (Exhibit A). conditions, growing crops may be considered as personal property.
(Decision of March 18, 1904, vol. 97, Civil Jurisprudence of Spain.)
(5) That the remaining three parcels, indicated in the
certificate of the sheriff as parcels 2, 12, and 13, were Manresa, the eminent commentator of the Spanish Civil Code, in
released from the attachment by virtue of claims presented discussing section 334 of the Civil Code, in view of the recent decisions
by Agustin Cuyugan and Domiciano Tizon (Exhibit A). of the supreme Court of Spain, admits that growing crops are
sometimes considered and treated as personal property. He says:
(6) That on the same date, June 25, 1924, Macondray &
Co. sold and conveyed to Emilio J. Valdez for P2,579.97 all No creemos, sin embargo, que esto excluya la
of its rights and interest in the eight parcels of land acquired excepcionque muchos autores hacen tocante a la venta de
by it at public auction held by the deputy sheriff of Tarlac toda cosecha o de parte de ella cuando aun no esta cogida
in connection with civil case No. 20203 of the Court of First (cosa frecuente con la uvay y la naranja), y a la de lenas,
Instance of Manila, as stated above. Said amount considerando ambas como muebles. El Tribunal Supremo,
represented the unpaid balance of the redemption price of en sentencia de 18 de marzo de 1904, al entender sobre un
said eight parcels, after payment by Leon Sibal of P2,000 contrato de arrendamiento de un predio rustico, resuelve
on September 24, 1923, fro the account of the redemption que su terminacion por desahucio no extingue los derechos
price, as stated above. (Exhibit C and 2). del arrendario, para recolectar o percibir los frutos
correspondientes al año agricola, dentro del que nacieron
The foregoing statement of facts shows: aquellos derechos, cuando el arrendor ha percibido a su vez
el importe de la renta integra correspondiente, aun cuando
(1) The Emilio J. Valdez bought the sugar cane in question, lo haya sido por precepto legal durante el curso del juicio,
located in the seven parcels of land described in the first fundandose para ello, no solo en que de otra suerte se daria
cause of action of the complaint at public auction on May 9 al desahucio un alcance que no tiene, sino en que, y esto
and 10, 1924, for P600. es lo interesante a nuestro proposito, la consideracion de
inmuebles que el articulo 334 del Codigo Civil atribuge a los
(2) That on July 30, 1923, Macondray & Co. became the frutos pendientes, no les priva del caracter de productos
owner of eight parcels of land situated in the Province of pertenecientes, como tales, a quienes a ellos tenga
Tarlac belonging to Leon Sibal and that on September 24, derecho, Ilegado el momento de su recoleccion.
1923, Leon Sibal paid to Macondray & Co. P2,000 for the
account of the redemption price of said parcels. xxx xxx xxx

(3) That on June 25, 1924, Emilio J. Valdez acquired from Mas actualmente y por virtud de la nueva edicion de la Ley
Macondray & Co. all of its rights and interest in the said Hipotecaria, publicada en 16 de diciembre de 1909, con las
eight parcels of land. reformas introducidas por la de 21 de abril anterior, la
hipoteca, salvo pacto expreso que disponga lo contrario, y
(4) That on June 25, 1924, Emilio J. Valdez also acquired cualquiera que sea la naturaleza y forma de la obligacion
all of the rights and interest which Leon Sibal had or might que garantice, no comprende los frutos cualquiera que sea
have had on said eight parcels by virtue of the P2,000 paid la situacion en que se encuentre. (3 Manresa, 5. edicion,
by the latter to Macondray. pags. 22, 23.)

(5) That Emilio J. Valdez became the absolute owner of said From the foregoing it appears (1) that, under Spanish authorities,
eight parcels of land. pending fruits and ungathered products may be sold and transferred
as personal property; (2) that the Supreme Court of Spain, in a case
of ejectment of a lessee of an agricultural land, held that the lessee
was entitled to gather the products corresponding to the agricultural affected with the recorded privilege. The law cannot be
year, because said fruits did not go with the land but belonged construed so as to result in such absurd consequences.
separately to the lessee; and (3) that under the Spanish Mortgage
Law of 1909, as amended, the mortgage of a piece of land does not In the case of Citizen's Bank vs. Wiltz (31 La. Ann., 244)the court said:
include the fruits and products existing thereon, unless the contract
expressly provides otherwise. If the crop quoad the pledge thereof under the act of 1874
was an immovable, it would be destructive of the very
An examination of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana objects of the act, it would render the pledge of the crop
may give us some light on the question which we are discussing. objects of the act, it would render the pledge of the crop
Article 465 of the Civil Code of Louisiana, which corresponds to impossible, for if the crop was an inseparable part of the
paragraph 2 of article 334 of our Civil Code, provides: "Standing crops realty possession of the latter would be necessary to that
and the fruits of trees not gathered, and trees before they are cut of the former; but such is not the case. True, by article 465
down, are likewise immovable, and are considered as part of the land C. C. it is provided that "standing crops and the fruits of
to which they are attached." trees not gathered and trees before they are cut down are
likewise immovable and are considered as part of the land
The Supreme Court of Louisiana having occasion to interpret that to which they are attached;" but the immovability provided
provision, held that in some cases "standing crops" may be considered for is only one in abstracto and without reference to rights
and dealt with as personal property. In the case of Lumber Co. vs. on or to the crop acquired by other than the owners of the
Sheriff and Tax Collector (106 La., 418) the Supreme Court said: property to which the crop was attached. The immovability
"True, by article 465 of the Civil Code it is provided that 'standing of a growing crop is in the order of things temporary, for
crops and the fruits of trees not gathered and trees before they are the crop passes from the state of a growing to that of a
cut down . . . are considered as part of the land to which they are gathered one, from an immovable to a movable. The
attached, but the immovability provided for is only one in abstracto existence of a right on the growing crop is a mobilization by
and without reference to rights on or to the crop acquired by others anticipation, a gathering as it were in advance, rendering
than the owners of the property to which the crop is attached. . . . the crop movable quoad the right acquired thereon. The
The existence of a right on the growing crop is a mobilization by provision of our Code is identical with the Napoleon Code
anticipation, a gathering as it were in advance, rendering the crop 520, and we may therefore obtain light by an examination
movable quoad the right acquired therein. Our jurisprudence of the jurisprudence of France.
recognizes the possible mobilization of the growing crop." (Citizens'
Bank vs. Wiltz, 31 La. Ann., 244; Porche vs. Bodin, 28 La., Ann., 761; The rule above announced, not only by the Tribunal Supremo de
Sandel vs. Douglass, 27 La. Ann., 629; Lewis vs. Klotz, 39 La. Ann., España but by the Supreme Court of Louisiana, is followed in
267.) practically every state of the Union.

"It is true," as the Supreme Court of Louisiana said in the case From an examination of the reports and codes of the State of
of Porche vs. Bodin (28 La. An., 761) that "article 465 of the Revised California and other states we find that the settle doctrine followed in
Code says that standing crops are considered as immovable and as said states in connection with the attachment of property and
part of the land to which they are attached, and article 466 declares execution of judgment is, that growing crops raised by yearly labor
that the fruits of an immovable gathered or produced while it is under and cultivation are considered personal property. (6 Corpuz Juris, p.
seizure are considered as making part thereof, and incurred to the 197; 17 Corpus Juris, p. 379; 23 Corpus Juris, p. 329:
benefit of the person making the seizure. But the evident meaning of Raventas vs. Green, 57 Cal., 254; Norris vs. Watson, 55 Am. Dec.,
these articles, is where the crops belong to the owner of the plantation 161; Whipple vs. Foot, 3 Am. Dec., 442; 1 Benjamin on Sales, sec.
they form part of the immovable, and where it is seized, the fruits 126; McKenzie vs. Lampley, 31 Ala., 526; Crine vs. Tifts and Co., 65
gathered or produced inure to the benefit of the seizing creditor. Ga., 644; Gillitt vs. Truax, 27 Minn., 528; Preston vs. Ryan, 45 Mich.,
174; Freeman on Execution, vol. 1, p. 438; Drake on Attachment, sec.
A crop raised on leased premises in no sense forms part of 249; Mechem on Sales, sec. 200 and 763.)
the immovable. It belongs to the lessee, and may be sold
by him, whether it be gathered or not, and it may be sold Mr. Mechem says that a valid sale may be made of a thing, which
by his judgment creditors. If it necessarily forms part of the though not yet actually in existence, is reasonably certain to come
leased premises the result would be that it could not be sold into existence as the natural increment or usual incident of something
under execution separate and apart from the land. If a already in existence, and then belonging to the vendor, and then title
lessee obtain supplies to make his crop, the factor's lien will vest in the buyer the moment the thing comes into existence.
would not attach to the crop as a separate thing belonging (Emerson vs. European Railway Co., 67 Me., 387; Cutting vs. Packers
to his debtor, but the land belonging to the lessor would be Exchange, 21 Am. St. Rep., 63.) Things of this nature are said to have
a potential existence. A man may sell property of which he is It is equally well settled that they may be seized and sold
potentially and not actually possessed. He may make a valid sale of under execution. (Freeman on Executions, vol. p. 438.)
the wine that a vineyard is expected to produce; or the gain a field
may grow in a given time; or the milk a cow may yield during the We may, therefore, conclude that paragraph 2 of article 334 of the
coming year; or the wool that shall thereafter grow upon sheep; or Civil Code has been modified by section 450 of the Code of Civil
what may be taken at the next cast of a fisherman's net; or fruits to Procedure and by Act No. 1508, in the sense that, for the purpose of
grow; or young animals not yet in existence; or the good will of a attachment and execution, and for the purposes of the Chattel
trade and the like. The thing sold, however, must be specific and Mortgage Law, "ungathered products" have the nature of personal
identified. They must be also owned at the time by the vendor. property. The lower court, therefore, committed no error in holding
(Hull vs. Hull, 48 Conn., 250 [40 Am. Rep., 165].) that the sugar cane in question was personal property and, as such,
was not subject to redemption.
It is contended on the part of the appellee that paragraph 2 of article
334 of the Civil Code has been modified by section 450 of the Code All the other assignments of error made by the appellant, as above
of Civil Procedure as well as by Act No. 1508, the Chattel Mortgage stated, relate to questions of fact only. Before entering upon a
Law. Said section 450 enumerates the property of a judgment debtor discussion of said assignments of error, we deem it opportune to take
which may be subjected to execution. The pertinent portion of said special notice of the failure of the plaintiff to appear at the trial during
section reads as follows: "All goods, chattels, moneys, and other the presentation of evidence by the defendant. His absence from the
property, both real and personal, * * * shall be liable to execution. trial and his failure to cross-examine the defendant have lent
Said section 450 and most of the other sections of the Code of Civil considerable weight to the evidence then presented for the defense.
Procedure relating to the execution of judgment were taken from the
Code of Civil Procedure of California. The Supreme Court of California, Coming not to the ownership of parcels 1 and 2 described in the first
under section 688 of the Code of Civil Procedure of that state cause of action of the complaint, the plaintiff made a futile attempt to
(Pomeroy, p. 424) has held, without variation, that growing crops show that said two parcels belonged to Agustin Cuyugan and were
were personal property and subject to execution. the identical parcel 2 which was excluded from the attachment and
sale of real property of Sibal to Valdez on June 25, 1924, as stated
Act No. 1508, the Chattel Mortgage Law, fully recognized that growing above. A comparison of the description of parcel 2 in the certificate of
crops are personal property. Section 2 of said Act provides: "All sale by the sheriff (Exhibit A) and the description of parcels 1 and 2
personal property shall be subject to mortgage, agreeably to the of the complaint will readily show that they are not the same.
provisions of this Act, and a mortgage executed in pursuance thereof
shall be termed a chattel mortgage." Section 7 in part provides: "If The description of the parcels in the complaint is as follows:
growing crops be mortgaged the mortgage may contain an agreement
stipulating that the mortgagor binds himself properly to tend, care for 1. La caña dulce sembrada por los inquilinos del ejecutado
and protect the crop while growing. Leon Sibal 1.º en una parcela de terreno de la pertenencia
del citado ejecutado, situada en Libutad, Culubasa,
It is clear from the foregoing provisions that Act No. 1508 was enacted Bamban, Tarlac, de unas dos hectareas poco mas o menos
on the assumption that "growing crops" are personal property. This de superficie.
consideration tends to support the conclusion hereinbefore stated,
that paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil Code has been modified by 2. La caña dulce sembrada por el inquilino del ejecutado
section 450 of Act No. 190 and by Act No. 1508 in the sense that Leon Sibal 1.º, Ilamado Alejandro Policarpio, en una parcela
"ungathered products" as mentioned in said article of the Civil Code de terreno de la pertenencia del ejecutado, situada en
have the nature of personal property. In other words, the phrase Dalayap, Culubasa, Bamban, Tarlac de unas dos hectareas
"personal property" should be understood to include "ungathered de superficie poco mas o menos." The description of parcel
products." 2 given in the certificate of sale (Exhibit A) is as follows:

At common law, and generally in the United States, all 2a. Terreno palayero situado en Culubasa, Bamban, Tarlac,
annual crops which are raised by yearly manurance and de 177,090 metros cuadrados de superficie, linda al N. con
labor, and essentially owe their annual existence to Canuto Sibal, Esteban Lazatin and Alejandro Dayrit; al E.
cultivation by man, . may be levied on as personal con Francisco Dizon, Felipe Mañu and others; al S. con
property." (23 C. J., p. 329.) On this question Freeman, in Alejandro Dayrit, Isidro Santos and Melecio Mañu; y al O.
his treatise on the Law of Executions, says: "Crops, whether con Alejandro Dayrit and Paulino Vergara. Tax No. 2854,
growing or standing in the field ready to be harvested, are, vador amillarado P4,200 pesos.
when produced by annual cultivation, no part of the realty.
They are, therefore, liable to voluntary transfer as chattels.
On the other hand the evidence for the defendant purported to show Execution in favor of Macondray & Co., May 11, 1923. Eight parcels
that parcels 1 and 2 of the complaint were included among the parcels of land were attached under said execution. Said parcels of land were
bought by Valdez from Macondray on June 25, 1924, and sold to Macondray & Co. on the 30th day of July, 1923. Rice paid
corresponded to parcel 4 in the deed of sale (Exhibit B and 2), and P4,273.93. On September 24, 1923, Leon Sibal paid to Macondray &
were also included among the parcels bought by Valdez at the auction Co. P2,000 on the redemption of said parcels of land. (See Exhibits B
of the real property of Leon Sibal on June 25, 1924, and corresponded and C ).
to parcel 3 in the certificate of sale made by the sheriff (Exhibit A).
The description of parcel 4 (Exhibit 2) and parcel 3 (Exhibit A) is as Attachment, April 29, 1924, in favor of Valdez. Personal property of
follows: Sibal was attached, including the sugar cane in question. (Exhibit A)
The said personal property so attached, sold at public auction May 9
Parcels No. 4. — Terreno palayero, ubicado en el barrio de and 10, 1924. April 29, 1924, the real property was attached under
Culubasa,Bamban, Tarlac, I. F. de 145,000 metros the execution in favor of Valdez (Exhibit A). June 25, 1924, said real
cuadrados de superficie, lindante al Norte con Road of the property was sold and purchased by Valdez (Exhibit A).
barrio of Culubasa that goes to Concepcion; al Este con
Juan Dizon; al Sur con Lucio Maño y Canuto Sibal y al Oeste June 25, 1924, Macondray & Co. sold all of the land which they had
con Esteban Lazatin, su valor amillarado asciende a la suma purchased at public auction on the 30th day of July, 1923, to Valdez.
de P2,990. Tax No. 2856.
As to the loss of the defendant in sugar cane by reason of the
As will be noticed, there is hardly any relation between parcels 1 and injunction, the evidence shows that the sugar cane in question
2 of the complaint and parcel 4 (Exhibit 2 and B) and parcel 3 (Exhibit covered an area of 22 hectares and 60 ares (Exhibits 8, 8-b and 8-c);
A). But, inasmuch as the plaintiff did not care to appear at the trial that said area would have yielded an average crop of 1039 picos and
when the defendant offered his evidence, we are inclined to give more 60 cates; that one-half of the quantity, or 519 picos and 80 cates
weight to the evidence adduced by him that to the evidence adduced would have corresponded to the defendant, as owner; that during the
by the plaintiff, with respect to the ownership of parcels 1 and 2 of season the sugar was selling at P13 a pico (Exhibit 5 and 5-A).
the compliant. We, therefore, conclude that parcels 1 and 2 of the Therefore, the defendant, as owner, would have netted P 6,757.40
complaint belong to the defendant, having acquired the same from from the sugar cane in question. The evidence also shows that the
Macondray & Co. on June 25, 1924, and from the plaintiff Leon Sibal defendant could have taken from the sugar cane 1,017,000 sugar-
on the same date. cane shoots (puntas de cana) and not 1,170,000 as computed by the
lower court. During the season the shoots were selling at P1.20 a
It appears, however, that the plaintiff planted the palay in said parcels thousand (Exhibits 6 and 7). The defendant therefore would have
and harvested therefrom 190 cavans. There being no evidence of bad netted P1,220.40 from sugar-cane shoots and not P1,435.68 as
faith on his part, he is therefore entitled to one-half of the crop, or 95 allowed by the lower court.
cavans. He should therefore be condemned to pay to the defendant
for 95 cavans only, at P3.40 a cavan, or the sum of P323, and not for As to the palay harvested by the plaintiff in parcels 1 and 2 of the
the total of 190 cavans as held by the lower court. complaint, amounting to 190 cavans, one-half of said quantity should
belong to the plaintiff, as stated above, and the other half to the
As to the ownership of parcel 7 of the complaint, the evidence shows defendant. The court erred in awarding the whole crop to the
that said parcel corresponds to parcel 1 of the deed of sale of defendant. The plaintiff should therefore pay the defendant for 95
Macondray & Co, to Valdez (Exhibit B and 2), and to parcel 4 in the cavans only, at P3.40 a cavan, or P323 instead of P646 as allowed by
certificate of sale to Valdez of real property belonging to Sibal, the lower court.
executed by the sheriff as above stated (Exhibit A). Valdez is therefore
the absolute owner of said parcel, having acquired the interest of both The evidence also shows that the defendant was prevented by the
Macondray and Sibal in said parcel. acts of the plaintiff from cultivating about 10 hectares of the land
involved in the litigation. He expected to have raised about 600 cavans
With reference to the parcel of land in Pacalcal, Tarlac, described in of palay, 300 cavans of which would have corresponded to him as
paragraph 3 of the second cause of action, it appears from the owner. The lower court has wisely reduced his share to 150 cavans
testimony of the plaintiff himself that said parcel corresponds to parcel only. At P4 a cavan, the palay would have netted him P600.
8 of the deed of sale of Macondray to Valdez (Exhibit B and 2) and to
parcel 10 in the deed of sale executed by the sheriff in favor of Valdez In view of the foregoing, the judgment appealed from is hereby
(Exhibit A). Valdez is therefore the absolute owner of said parcel, modified. The plaintiff and his sureties Cenon de la Cruz, Juan
having acquired the interest of both Macondray and Sibal therein. Sangalang and Marcos Sibal are hereby ordered to pay to the
defendant jointly and severally the sum of P8,900.80, instead of
In this connection the following facts are worthy of mention: P9,439.08 allowed by the lower court, as follows:
P6,757.40 for the sugar cane;

1,220.40 for the sugar cane shoots;

for the palay harvested by plaintiff

in parcels 1 and 2;

for the palay which defendant

could have raised.


In all other respects, the judgment appealed from is hereby affirmed,

with costs. So ordered.
G.R. No. 18520 September 26, 1922 may be the subject of mortgage. All personal property may be
mortgaged. (Sec. 2, Act No. 1508.)
STROCHECKER, appellee, The description contained in the document is sufficient. The law (sec.
vs. 7, Act No. 1508) requires only a description of the following nature:
ILDEFONSO RAMIREZ, creditor and appellant.
WILLIAM EDMONDS, assignee. The description of the mortgaged property shall be such as
to enable the parties to the mortgage, or any other person,
Lim & Lim for appellant. after reasonable inquiry and investigation, to identify the
Ross & Lawrence and Antonio T. Carrascoso, jr., for the Fidelity & same.
Surety Co.
Turning to the second error assigned, numbers 1, 2, and 3 of article
ROMUALDEZ, J.: 1922 of the Civil Code invoked by the appellant are not applicable.
Neither he, as debtor, nor the debtor himself, is in possession of the
The question at issue in this appeal is, which of the two mortgages property mortgaged, which is, and since the registration of the
here in question must be given preference? Is it the one in favor of mortgage has been, legally in possession of the Fidelity & Surety Co.
the Fidelity & Surety Co., or that in favor of Ildefonso Ramirez. The (Sec. 4, Act No. 1508; Meyers vs. Thein, 15 Phil., 303.)
first was declared by the trial court to be entitled to preference.
In no way can the mortgage executed in favor of the appellant on
In the lower court there were three mortgagees each of whom September 22, 1919, be given effect as of February 15, 1919, the
claimed preference. They were the two above mentioned and date of the sale of the drug store in question. On the 15th of February
Concepcion Ayala. The latter's claim was rejected by the trial court, of that year, there was a stipulation about a persons security, but not
and from that ruling she did not appeal. a mortgage upon any property, and much less upon the property in
There is no question as to the priority in time of the mortgage in favor
of the Fidelity & Surety Co. which was executed on March 10, 1919, Moreover, the appellant cannot deny the preferential character of the
and registered in due time in the registry of property, that in favor of mortgage in favor of the Fidelity & Surety Co. because in the very
the appellant being dated September 22, 1919, and registered also in document executed in his favor it was stated that his mortgage was
the registry. a second mortgage, subordinate to the one made in favor of the
Fidelity & Surety Co.
The appellant claims preference on these grounds: (a) That the first
mortgage above-mentioned is not valid because the property which is The judgment appealed from is affirmed with costs against the
the subject-matter thereof is not capable of being mortgaged, and the appellant. So ordered.
description of said property is not sufficient; and (b) that the amount
due the appellant is a purchase price, citing article 1922 of the Civil
Code in support thereof, and that his mortgage is but a modification
of the security given by the debtor on February 15, 1919, that is, prior
to the mortgage executed in favor of the Fidelity & Surety Co.

As to the first ground, the thing that was mortgaged to this

corporation is described in the document as follows:

. . . his half interest in the drug business known as Antigua

Botica Ramirez (owned by Srta. Dolores del Rosario and the
mortgagor herein referred to as the partnership), located at
Calle Real Nos. 123 and 125, District of Intramuros, Manila,
Philippine Islands.

With regard to the nature of the property thus mortgaged, which is

one-half interest in the business above described, such interest is a
personal property capable of appropriation and not included in the
enumeration of real properties in article 335 of the Civil Code, and
G.R. No. L-42091 November 2, 1935 bidder for the sum of P14,390, the sheriff executed in his favor a
certificate of sale of said shares.
GONZALO CHUA GUAN, plaintiff-appellant,
vs. The plaintiff tendered the certificates of stock standing in the name
SAMAHANG MAGSASAKA, INC., and SIMPLICIO OCAMPO, of Gonzalo H. Co Toco to the proper officers of the corporation for
ADRIANO G. SOTTO, and EMILIO VERGARA, as president, cancellation and demanded that they issue new certificates in the
secretary and treasurer respectively of the same, defendants- name of the plaintiff. The said officers (the individual defendants)
appellees. refused and still refuse to issue said new shares in the name of the
Buenaventura C. Lopez for appellant.
Domingo L. Vergara for appellees. The prayer is that a writ of mandamus be issued requiring the
defendants to transfer the said 5,894 shares of stock to the plaintiff
by cancelling the old certificates and issuing new ones in their stead.

The special defenses set up in the answer are as follows: that the
BUTTE, J.: defendants refuse to cancel the said certificates standing in the name
of Gonzalo H. Co Toco on the books of the corporation and to issue
This is an appeal from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of new ones in the name of the plaintiff because prior to the date when
Nueva Ecija in an action for a writ of mandamus. The case is the plaintiff made his demand, to wit, February 4, 1933, nine
remarkable for the following reason: that the parties entered into a attachments had been issued and served and noted on the books of
stipulation in which the defendants admitted all of the allegations of the corporation against the shares of Gonzalo H. Co Toco and the
the complaint and the plaintiff admitted all of the special defenses in plaintiff objected to having these attachments noted on the new
the answer of the defendants, and on this stipulation they submitted certificates which he demanded. These attachments noted on the
the case for decision. books of the corporation against the shares of Gonzalo H. Co Toco
are as follows:
The complaint alleges that the defendant Samahang Magsasaka, Inc.,
is a corporation duly organized under the laws of the Philippine Islands MISSING PAGES: 475-477.
with principal office in Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, and that the
individual defendants are the president, secretary and treasurer It will be noted that the first eight of the said writs of attachment were
respectively of the same; that on June 18, 1931, Gonzalo H. Co Toco served on the corporation and noted on its records before the
was the owner of 5,894 shares of the capital stock of the said corporation received notice from the mortgagee Chua Chiu of the
corporation represented by nine certificates having a par value of P5 mortgage of said shares dated June 18, 1931. No question is raised
per share; that on said date Gonzalo H. Co Toco, a resident of Manila, as to the validity of said mortgage or of said writs of attachment and
mortgaged said 5,894 shares to Chua Chiu to guarantee the payment the sole question presented for decision is whether the said mortgage
of a debt of P20,000 due on or before June 19, 1932. The said takes priority over the said writs of attachment.
certificates of stock were delivered with the mortgage to the
mortgagee, Chua Chiu. The said mortgage was duly registered in the It is not alleged that the said attaching creditors had actual notice of
office of the register of deeds of Manila on June 23, 1931, and in the the said mortgage and the question therefore narrows itself down to
office of the said corporation on September 30, 1931. this: Did the registration of said chattel mortgage in the registry of
chattel mortgages in the office of the register of deeds of Manila,
On November 28, 1931, Chua Chiu assigned all his right and interest under date of July 23, 1931, give constructive notice to the said
in the said mortgage to the plaintiff and the assignment was attaching creditors?
registered in the office of the register of deeds in the City of Manila
on December 28, 1931, and in the office of the said corporation on In passing, let it be noted that the registration of the said chattel
January 4, 1932. mortgage in the office of the corporation was not necessary and had
no legal effect. (Monserrat vs. Ceron, 58 Phil., 469.) The long mooted
The debtor, Gonzalo H. Co Toco, having defaulted in the payment of question as to whether or not shares of a corporation could be
said debt at maturity, the plaintiff foreclosed said mortgage and hypothecated by placing a chattel mortgage on the certificate
delivered the certificates of stock and copies of the mortgage and representing such shares we now regard as settled by the case
assignment to the sheriff of the City of Manila in order to sell the said of Monserrat vs. Ceron, supra. But that case did not deal with any
shares at public auction. The sheriff auctioned said 5,894 shares of question relating to the registration of such a mortgage or the effect
stock on December 22, 1932, and the plaintiff having been the highest of such registration. Nothing appears in the record of that case even
tending to show that the chattel mortgage there involved was ever
registered anywhere except in the office of the corporation, and there What other inquiry is he to make, so as to make his
was no question involved there as to the right of priority among investment certain and secure? Where is he to look, in order
conflicting claims of creditors of the owner of the shares. to ascertain whether or not this stock has been mortgaged?
The chief office of the company may be at one place today
The Chattel Mortgage Law, Act No. 1508, as amended by Act No. and at another tomorrow. The owner may have no fixed or
2496, contains the following provision: permanent abode, and with his notes in one pocket and his
certificates of stock in the other — the one evidencing the
SEC. 4. A chattel mortgage shall not be valid against any extent of his interest in the stock of the corporation, the
person except the mortgagor, his executors or other his right to money owing him by his debtor, we are
administrators, unless the possession of the property is asked to say that the mortgage is effectual as to the one
delivered to and retained by the mortgagee or unless the and inoperative as to the other."
mortgage is recorded in the office of the register of deeds
of the province in which the mortgagor resides at the time But the case of Fua Cun vs. Summers and China Banking Corporation,
of making the same, or, if he resides the Philippine Islands, supra, did not decide the question here presented and gave no light
in the province in which the property is situated: Provided, as to the registration of a chattel mortgage of shares of stock of a
however, That if the property is situated in a different corporation under the provisions of section 4 of the Chattel Mortgage
province from that in which the mortgagor resides, the Law, supra.
mortgage shall be recorded in the office of the register of
deeds of both the province in which the mortgagor resides Section 4 of Act No. 1508 provides two ways for executing a valid
and that in which the property is situated, and for the chattel mortgage which shall be effective against third persons. First,
purposes of this Act the City of Manila Shall be deemed to the possession of the property mortgage must be delivered to and
be a province. retained by the mortgagee; and, second, without such delivery the
mortgage must be recorded in the proper office or offices of the
The practical application of the Chattel Mortgage Law to shares of register or registers of deeds. If a chattel mortgage of shares of stock
stock of a corporation presents considerable difficulty and we have of a corporation may validly be made without the delivery of
obtained little aid from the decisions of other jurisdictions because possession of the property to the mortgagee and the mere registration
that form of mortgage is ill suited to the hypothecation of shares of of the mortgage is sufficient to constructive notice to third parties, we
stock and has been rarely used elsewhere. In fact, it has been are confronted with the question as to the proper place of registration
doubted whether shares of stock in a corporation are chattels in the of such a mortgage. Section 4 provides that in such a case the
sense in which that word is used chattel mortgage statutes. This doubt mortgage resides at the time of making the same or, if he is a non-
is reflected in our own decision in the case of Fua Cun vs. Summers resident, in the province in which the property is situated; and it also
and China Banking Corporation (44 Phil., 705), in which we said: provides that if the property is situated in a different province from
that in which the mortgagor resides the mortgage shall be recorded
". . . an equity in shares of stock is of such an intangible character both in the province of the mortgagor's residence and in the province
that it is somewhat difficult to see how it can be treated as a chattel where the property is situated.
and mortgaged in such a manner that the recording of the mortgage
will furnish constructive notice to third parties. . . ."And we held that If with respect to a chattel mortgage of shares of stock of a
the chattel mortgage there involved: "at least operated as a corporation, registration in the province of the owner's domicile
conditional equitable assignment." In that case we quoted the should be sufficient, those who lend on such security would be
following from Spalding vs. Paine's Adm'r. (81 Ky., 416), with regard confronted with the practical difficulty of being compelled not only to
to a chattel mortgage of shares of stock: search the records of every province in which the mortgagor might
have been domiciled but also every province in which a chattel
"These certificates of stock are in the pockets of the owner, mortgage by any former owner of such shares might be registered.
and go with him where he may happen to locate, as choses We cannot think that it was the intention of the legislature to put this
in action, or evidence of his right, without any means on almost prohibitive impediment upon the hypothecation of shares of
the part of those with whom he proposes to deal on the stock in view of the great volume of business that is done on the faith
faith of such a security of ascertaining whether or not this of the pledge of shares of stock as collateral.
stock is in pledge or mortgaged to others. He finds the
name of the owner on the books of the company as a It is a common but not accurate generalization that the situs of shares
subscriber of paid-up stock, amounting to 180 shares, with of stock is at the domicile of the owner. The term situs is not one of
the certificates in his possession, pays for these certificates fixed of invariable meaning or usage. Nor should we lose sight of the
their full value, and has the transfer to him made on the difference between the situs of the shares and the situs of the
books of the company, thereby obtaining a perfect title. certificates of shares. The situs of shares of stock for some purposes
may be at the domicile of the owner and for others at the domicile of pledge the shares covered thereby should be sufficient to give legal
the corporation; and even elsewhere. (Cf. Vidal vs. South American effect to that intention and to consummate the juristic act without
Securities Co., 276 Fed., 855; Black Eagle Min. Co. vs. Conroy, 94 necessity for
Okla., 199; 221 Pac,, 425 Norrie vs. Kansas City Southern Ry. Co., 7
Fed. [2d]. 158.) It is a general rule that for purposes of execution, We are fully conscious of the fact that our decisions in the case
attachment and garnishment, it is not the domicile of the owner of a of Monserrat vs. Ceron, supra, and in the present case have done little
certificate but the domicile of the corporation which is decisive. perhaps to ameliorate the present uncertain and unsatisfactory state
(Fletcher, Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations, vol. 11, of our law applicable to pledges and chattel mortgages of shares of
paragraph 5106. Cf. sections 430 and 450, Code of Civil Procedure.) stock of Philippine corporations. The remedy lies with the legislature.

By analogy with the foregoing and considering the ownership of In view of the premises, the attaching creditors are entitled to priority
shares in a corporation as property distinct from the certificates which over the defectively registered mortgage of the appellant and the
are merely the evidence of such ownership, it seems to us a judgment appealed from must be affirmed without special
reasonable construction of section 4 of Act No. 1508 to hold that the pronouncement as to costs in this instance. 1
property in the shares may be deemed to be situated in the province
in which the corporation has its principal office or place of business.
If this province is also the province of the owner's domicile, a single
registration sufficient. If not, the chattel mortgage should be
registered both at the owner's domicile and in the province where the
corporation has its principal office or place of business. In this sense
the property mortgaged is not the certificate but the participation and
share of the owner in the assets of the corporation.

Apart from the cumbersome and unusual method of hypothecating

shares of stock by chattel mortgage, it appears that in the present
state of our law, the only safe way to accomplish the hypothecation
of share of stock of a Philippine corporation is for the creditor to insist
on the assignment and delivery of the certificate and to obtain the
transfer of the legal title to him on the books of the corporation by
the cancellation of the certificate and the issuance of a new one to
him. From the standpoint of the debtor this may be unsatisfactory
because it leaves the creditor as the ostensible owner of the shares
and the debtor is forced to rely upon the honesty and solvency of the
creditor. Of course, the mere possession and retention of the debtor's
certificate by the creditor gives some security to the creditor against
an attempted voluntary transfer by the debtor, provided the by-laws
of the corporation expressly enact that transfers may be made only
upon the surrender of the certificate. It is to be noted, however, that
section 35 of the Corporation Law (Act No. 1459) enacts that shares
of stock "may be transferred by delivery of the certificate endorsed by
the owner or his attorney in fact or other person legally authorized to
make the transfer." The use of the verb "may" does not exclude the
possibility that a transfer may be made in a different manner, thus
leaving the creditor in an insecure position even though he has the
certificate in his possession. Moreover, the shares still standing in the
name of the debtor on the books of the corporation will be liable to
seizure by attachment or levy on execution at the instance of other
creditors. (Cf. Uy Piaoco vs. McMicking, 10 Phil., 286, and
Uson vs. Diosomito, 61 Phil., 535.) This unsatisfactory state of our law
is well known to the bench and bar. (Cf. Fisher, The Philippine Law of
Stock Corporations, pages 163-168.) Loans upon stock securities
should be facilitated in order to foster economic development. The
transfer by endorsement and delivery of a certificate with intention to
G.R. No. L-42462 August 31, 1937 National Bank to guarantee the indebtedness of the Talisay-Silay
Milling Co., Inc., or which such defendant is entitled to receive from
THE BACHRACH MOTOR CO., INC., plaintiff-appellant, the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., on account of being a stockholder
vs. in the corporation or which he is entitled to receive from that
MARIANO LACSON LEDESMA, TALISAY-SILAY MILLING CO., corporation for any other cause or pretext whatsoever." That notice
INC., and THE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, defendant- of said attachment was served not only upon the defendant Mariano
appellees. Lacson Ledesma but also upon the herein defendant the Talisay-Silay
Milling Co., Inc., which received a copy of the notice of attachment,
William E. Greenbaum and Ohnick and Opisso for appellant. as evidenced by the Annex A attached to this stipulation of facts. That
Nolan and Hernaez for appellee Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc. on October 3, 1927, the herein plaintiff, the Bachrach Motor Co., Inc.,
Roman J. Lacson and Francisco Fuentes for appellee Philippine obtained judgment in case No. 31821 of the Court of First Instance of
National Bank. Manila against the defendant Mariano Lacson Ledesma, in the sum of
four thousand four hundred pesos and seventy-eight centavos with
IMPERIAL, J.: interest at 10 per cent per annum on the sum of P3,523.82 from April
30, 1927; in the sum of P14,171, 52 with interest at 10 per cent per
This is an action brought by the plaintiff to recover the amount of the annum on the sum of P13,290.89 from April 30, 1927; and in the sum
judgments obtained by it in civil cases Nos. 31597 and 31821 of the of P1,150.72 with the legal interest of 6 per cent per annum thereon
Court of First Instance of Manila, praying in its complaint: (a) That the from May 25, 1927, and the costs. A copy of said judgment is attached
transfer of certificate of stock dividends No. 772 of the Talisay-Silay to this stipulation of facts and marked Annex B. That a writ of
Milling of the Philippine National Bank, be declared null and void, as execution of said judgment was issue, thereby causing the
against the plaintiff: (b) that the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., ordered attachment, sale and adjudication to the plaintiff the Bachrach Motor
to cancel the entry of the transfer of the 6,300 stock dividends Co., Inc., for the sum of P100, Philippine currency, of the defendant
covered by certificate No. 772, made by it on its books in favor of the Mariano Lacson Ledesma's right of redemption over the following
Philippine National Bank; (c) that said stock dividends be sold to properties to wit: "Original certificate of title No. 1929 (Lot No. 1473
satisfy the judgment obtained by it in civil cases Nos. 31597 of the of the Cadastral Survey of Bacolod) containing an area of 2,647
Court of First Instance of Manila; (d) that the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., square meters, more or less.
Inc., be ordered to pay to it amount of P21,379.39, with interest on
the sums and from the dates set forth in paragraph XV of the Original certificate of title No. 2978 (Lot No. 1475 of the Cadastral
complain, or any part thereof necessary to complete payment of said Survey of Bacolod) containing an area of 8.501 square meters, more
sums and interest thereon , in case the 6,300 stock dividends can not or less.
be sold or the proceeds of the sale thereof should be insufficient to
cover the sums in question, and (e) that the defendants pay the costs Original certificate of title No. 2624 (Lot No. 1474 of the Cadastral
of the suit. The plaintiff appealed from the judgment declaring the Survey of Bacolod) containing an area of 8,714 square meter, more
right of the Philippine National Bank to the 6,300 stock dividends a or less.
preferred one, and absolving the defendants from the complaint, with
costs. Original certificate of title No. 9443 (Lot No. 426 of the
Cadastral Survey of Talisay) containing an area of 150,301
The parties submitted the case upon the following stipulation of facts, square meters more or less. Original certificate of title No.
to wit: 1928 (Lot No. 1472 of the Cadastral Survey of Bacolod)
containing an area of 36,818 square meters, more or less.
STIPULATION OF FACTS. — That the plaintiff, the Bachrach Motor Original certificate of title No. 2923 (Lot No. 1489 of the
Co., Inc., on June 30, 1927, obtained judgment in civil case No. 31597 Cadastral Survey of Bacolod) containing an area of 286,879
of the Court of First Instance of Manila against the defendant Mariano square meters, more or less. Original certificate of title No.
Lacson Ledesma, in the sum of P3,442.75, with interest thereon from 356 (Lot No. 4-A of the Cadastral Survey of Bacolod)
March 30, 1927, with costs. That a writ of execution of said judgment containing an area of 641,448 square meters, more or less.
was issued on August 20, 1927, and Jose Y. Orosa was appointed Original certificate of title No. 356 (Lot No. 4-B of the
Special sheriff to execute it. That on October 4, 1927, said Jose Y. Cadastral Survey of Bacolod) containing an area of 280,556
Orosa, as special sheriff, in compliance with the writ of execution in square meters, more or less. Original certificate of title No.
question, attached all right, title to and interest which the defendant 356 (Lot No. 4-C of the cadastral Survey of Bacolod)
Mariano Lacson Ledesma may have in "Any bonus, dividend, share of containing an area of 2,842,946 square meters, more or
stock, money, or other property which that defendant is entitle to less." The certificate of sale issued by the provincial sheriff
receive from the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., by virtue of the fact of Occidental Negros in favor of the Bachrach Motor Co.,
that such defendant has mortgage his land in favor of the Philippine Inc., on March 29, 1928, is attached to this stipulation of
facts, and marked Annex C. That on the date of the said amount, the sale at public auction of the real properties
issuance of the execution in case No. 31597 of the Court of mortgaged under the instrument of mortgage appearing on
First Instance of Manila as well as on that of the issuance pages 18 to 32 of Annex D. That the real estate and chattel
of the execution and sale of the properties described in mortgage deed in question (pages 18 to 32 of Annex D),
Exhibit C, in case No. 31821 of the same court, said real marked as Exhibit G, was among the exhibits presented in
properties were mortgaged to the Philippine National Bank said case No. 4706 of the Court of First Instance of
to secure the payment to said bank by Mariano Lacson Occidental Negros. That likewise, among the exhibit
Ledesma of the sum of P624,000, Philippine currency, by presented in said case No. 4706 of the Court of First
virtue of an instrument executed by the debtor Mariano Instance of Occidental Negros, was Exhibit H which was a
Lacson Ledesma in favor of said bank on August 9, 1923. deed of mortgage of certain carabaos belonging to the
said instrument of mortgage is copied on pages 18 to 32, debtor Mariano Lacson Ledesma, executed by the latter in
both inclusive, of the bill of exceptions in case No. 8136 of favor of the Philippine National Bank on January 21, 1925.
the Court of First Instance of Iloilo (G. R. No. 35223), which That in the decision rendered by the Court of First Instance
is attached to this stipulation of facts and marked Annex D. of Occidental Negros in case No. 4706 thereof, said court,
That in the same instrument of mortgage (pages 18 to 32 referring to stock certificates Nos. 145 and 147 of the
of Annex D) said debtor Mariano Lacson Ledesma Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., which were pledged or
mortgaged in favor the bank, as part of the securities to mortgaged by virtue of Exhibit G of said No. 4706, rendered
ensure compliance with his obligation, the following shares the following ruling: "(e) With respect to the chattel
owned by him in the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., to wit: mortgaged bank, which are described in Exhibit G and H,
1,540 share covered by Certificate No. 147; 520 shares the Philippine National Bank, as soon as this judgment
covered by Certificate No. 146; 40 share covered by becomes final, shall have authority to sell them in
Certificate in the preceeding two paragraph, there was accordance with the provisions of section 23 of Act No.
another mortgage constituted on the above-described real 2938, immediately informing this court of whatever action
properties in favor of the Philippine National Bank, to it may take in the premises." That during the pendency of
answer for the debts contracted by the Central Talisay-Silay case No. 4706 of the Court of First Instance of Bacolod
Milling Co., with said bank. That on December 22, 1923, the referred to in the foregoing paragraphs, the plaintiff
defendant, Central Talisay-Silay Milling Co. resolved to Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., on December 20, 1929, brought
grant a bonus or compensation to the owners of the real an action in the Court of First Instance of Iloilo against the
properties mortgaged to answer for the debts contracted Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., recover from it the sum of
by said central with the Philippine National Bank, for the P13,850 against the bonus or dividend which, by virtue of
risk incurred by said properties upon being subjected to said the resolution of December 22, 1923, said Central Talisay-
mortgage lien, and the resolution in question the defendant Silay Milling Co., Inc., had declared in favor of the
Mariano Lacson Ledesma was allotted the sum of defendant Mariano Lacson Ledesma as one of the owners
P19,911.11, Philippine currency, which sum, however, of the hacienda which had been mortgaged to the Philippine
would not be payable until the month of January, 1930. National Bank to secure the obligation of the Talisay-Silay
That on September 29, 1928, the Philippine National Bank Milling Co., Inc. in favor of said bank. Copy of said complaint
brought an action against the defendant Mariano Lacson appears on pages 2 to 5 of the bill of exceptions in case No.
Ledesma and his wife Concepcion Diaz for the recovery of 8136 of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo (G. R. No.
a mortgage credit which, together with interest thereon 35223), Annex D of this stipulation of facts. That on January
amounted to P853,729.49 on said date. Sometime later that 30, 1930, the Philippine National Bank sought permission to
is, on January 2, 1929, the Philippine National Bank intervene in said case No. 8136 of the Court of First
amended its complaint by including the Bachrach Motor Co., Instance of Iloilo and after the permission had been
Inc., as party defendant, among other, because they claim granted, said bank, on February 13, 1930, filed a complaint
to have some right to certain properties which are the in intervention alleging that it had a preferred right to said
subject matter of this complaint." Said case bears No. 4706 bonus granted by the central to the defendant Mariano
of the Court of First Instance of Occidental Negros. That on Lacson Ledesma as one of the owners of the haciendas
January 30, 1929, the defendant Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., which had been mortgaged to said bank to answer for the
file a general denial. That after due hearing the Court of obligations of the Central Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc.,
First Instance of Bacolod on September 3, 1930, rendered basing such allegation on the fact that, as said properties
judgment in case No. 4706 of said court in favor of the were mortgaged to it by the debtor Mariano Lacson
Philippine National Bank and against the defendant Mariano Ledesma, not Talisay Milling Co., Inc., but also by virtue of
Lacson Ledesma, sentencing the latter to pay the amount the deed of August 9, 1923 (pages 18 to 32 of Annex D)
claimed by said bank and ordering, upon failure to satisfy and said bonus being a civil fruit of the mortgaged lands,
said bank was entitled to it on the ground that the mortgage Milling Co., Inc., by virtue of the fact that such defendant
of August 9, 1923, had become due. That after the trial of has mortgage his lands in favor of the Philippine National
civil case No. 8136 of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo, Bank to guarantee the indebtedness of the Talisay-Silay
said court, on December 8, 1930, rendered judgment in Milling Co., Inc., or which such defendant is entitled to
favor of the plaintiff Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., Upon appeal, receive from the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., on account
the Supreme Court, on September 17, 1931, 1 affirmed the of being stockholder in that corporation, or which he is
judgment of the lower court, holding that the bonus had no entitle to receive from that corporation for any other cause
immediate relation to the lands in question but merely a or pretext whatsoever." In connection with the proceedings
remote and accidental one and, therefore, it was not a civil and attachment made notice of garnishment was served on
fruit of the real properties mortgaged to the Philippine the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., as evidence by Annexes I
National Bank to secure the obligation of the Talisay-Silay and J of this stipulation of facts. That on February 5, 1931,
Milling Co., Inc., being a mere personal right of Mariano the provincial the is positive part of the decision rendered
Lacson Ledesma. The decision of the Supreme Court in civil case NO. 4706 of the Court of First Instance of
published in Volume 30, No. 104, of the Official Gazette, on Occidental Negros, copy of which is attached to this
August 29, 1932, is attached to this stipulation of facts and stipulation of facts as Annex I, sold at public auction not
marked Annex E. That on January 24, 1930, that Talisay- only the 2,100 share specified in the deed of August 9,
Silay Milling Co., Inc., issued stock certificate No. 772 for 1923, but also the 6,300 shares covered by stock certificate
3,600 shares, as stock dividend to Mariano Lacson No. 772, the sale of said shares having been made by order
Ledesma, which certificate was ordered by Mariano Lacson and under the direction of the attachment creditor
Ledesma to be delivered to Roman Lacson, attorney for the Philippine National Bank. A copy of the certificate of sale
Philippine National Bank, by virtue of the letter of February marked Exhibit K is attached hereto. That on February 25,
27, 1930, Annex G of this stipulation of facts, and of the 1931, the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., upon petition of the
letter of the Philippine National Bank dated January 18, Philippine National Bank, as shown by the letter dated
1930, Annex G-1. Said 6,300 shares constituted the stock February 19,1931, marked and attached to this stipulation
dividend allotted to Mariano Lacson Ledesma for his 2,100 as Annex L, which letter was accompanied by the certificate
original shares in the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., which of sale Exhibit K, issued stock certificate No. 1155
were given as pledge to the Philippine National Bank under representing 8,968 shares, which include the 6,300 shares
the deed of mortgage appearing on pages 18 to 32 of Annex formerly represented by stock certificate No. 772 and the
D prior to the issuance of stock certificate No. 772, an were 2,100 shares formerly represented by stock certificates Nos.
covered by Stock Certificates Nos. 145, 146 and 147 of the 145, 146 and 147, the bank having acknowledged receipt
Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc. That stock certificate No. 772 of certificate No. 1155 in a letter of March 4, 1931, marked
was issued by virtue of resolution No. 4 of the general as Exhibit M. Attention is invited to the fact that of the 8,969
meeting of stockholders of the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., shares represented by stock certificate No. 1155, 568
Inc., which resolution is quote in paragraph 8 of the shares formerly belonged to Concepcion Diaz e Lacson wife
complaint in this case. That in a letter of March 25, 1930, of the defendant Mariano Lacson Ledesma, and of the 568
addressed by the Philippine National Bank to the Talisay- shares, 142 were mortgaged under the deed of August 9,
Silay Milling Co., said bank informed the letter that the 1923, and 426 were the stock dividend that had
6,300 shares represented by stock certificate No. 772 had corresponded to said 142 shares. That on the same date,
been given by Mariano Lacson Ledesma as pledge to the February 25,1931, Marino Lacson Ledesma endorsed the
Philippine National Bank. Said letter is attached to this back of stock certificate No. 772 in favor of the Philippine
stipulation of facts as Annex H. That said stock certificate National Bank. Said stock certificate with the endorsement
No. 772 has continuously been in the possession of the in question is attached to this stipulation of facts and
Philippine National Bank from February 27, 1930, to marked Annex N. That both on the date on which the
February 25, 1931, but like stock certificates Nos. 145, 146 garnishment was carried out by the Bachrach Motor Co.,
and 147, it was registered in the books of the Talisay-Silay that is, on August 11, 1930, and on the date on which the
Milling Co. in the name of Mariano Lacson Ledesma. That 6,300 shares, covered by stock certificate No. 772, were
on August 11, 1930, the plaintiff Bachrach Motor Co., by sold, case No. 8136 of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo
virtue of an alias execution issued in case No. 31821 of the (G. R. No. 35223) was still pending. That the amount of the
Court of First Instance of Manila, attached all right, title to actual indebtedness of the defendant Mariano Lacson
an interest which the defendant Mariano Lacson Ledesma Ledesma to the plaintiff the Bachrach Motor Co. is
might have in Any bonus, dividend, shares of stock, money P21,377.34 with the interest and other sums specified in
or other property specially on the sum of P19,911.11 which paragraph XV of the complaint. That the real properties
the defendant is entitled to receive from the Talisay-Silay mortgaged to the Philippine National Bank were sold for
P300,000 Philippine currency; the mortgaged carabaos for of the fact that the original shares covered by certificate Nos. 145,
P2,000 Philippine currency, and all the shares, that is, the 146 and 147 had been previously mortgaged to the same bank. On
8,968 share for the sum of P90,000 Philippine currency, the February 25, 1931, the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., in conformity
bank having been the highest bidder herein all these sales, with the letter of the Philippines National Bank of the 19th of said
there still remaining unpaid in civil case No. 4796 of the month, cancelled certificate No. 772 and in lieu thereof issued
Court of First Instance of Occidental Negros the sum of certificate No. 1155 in favor of said bank, which certificate includes
P695,421.74, as stated in Annex 9. That the notices of the 6,300 stock dividends, among other shares. On the other hand,
garnishment issue by virtue of the execution in cases Nos. the garnishment obtained by the plaintiff, upon which it bases all its
31597 and 31821 of the Court of First Instance of Manila alleged preferred right was notified to the parties and became
are the same notices of attachment and garnishment effective on August 11, 1930, more than five months after the delivery
mentioned in the complaint in the case No. 8136 of the of certificate No. 772. The plaintiff, in its second assignment of error,
Court of First Instance of Iloilo and presented as evidence maintains that the pledge is ineffective as against it because evidence
in said case, and are the same notices mentioned in this of its date was not made to appear in a public instrument and
case now submitted to the court for decision. That on March concludes that its right to the 6,300 stock dividends is superior and
20,1925, the Philippine National Bank served notice on the preferred. It is admitted that the delivery of the certificate in question
Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc, of the pledge made by and the pledge thereof were not made to appear in a public
Mariano Lacson Ledesma to said bank of the shares instrument.
represented by stock certificates Nos. 145, 146 and 147,
and on March 25th the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., It is true, according to article 1865 of the Civil Code, that in order that
acknowledged receipt thereof and considered itself notified a pledge may be effective as against third person, evidence of its date
of said pledge, as evidenced by Annexes P and Q of this must appear in a public instrument in addition to the delivery of the
stipulation of facts, That prior to the declaration of stock thing pledged to the creditor. This provision has been interpreted in
divided by virtue of resolution No. 4 of the regular meeting the sense that for the contract to affect third person, it must appear
of stockholders of the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., the in a public instrument in addition to delivery of the thing pledged
shares of this corporation were quote in private sales at P32 (Ocejo, Perez and Co., vs. International Banking Corporation, 37 Phil.,
a share; and immediately after the declaration of stock 631: Tec Bi & Co. vs. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China,
dividend, the quotation of said shares dropped by P7 or P8 41 Phil., 596; Te Pate vs. Ingersoll, 43 Phil., 394). It cannot be denied,
a share, the same having been P11.25 a share on the date however, that section 4 of Act No. 1508, otherwise known as the
of their sale at public auction. Upon this stipulation of facts, Chattel Mortgage Law, implicitly modified article 1865 of the Civil Code
the parties submit the case to the court for decision. in the sense that a contract of pledge and that of chattel mortgage,
to be effective as against third persons, need not appear in public
I. The plaintiff bases the preferred right invoked by it over the 6,300 instruments provided the thing pledged or mortgaged be delivered or
stock dividends, certificate No. 772, on the garnishment made thereon placed in the possession of the creditor. In the case of Mahoney vs.
by reason of the issuance of the alias execution in civil case No. 31821 Tuason (39 Phil., 952, 958), where this doctrine was laid down, it was
of the Court of First Instance of Manila, which garnishment was stated; "From the foregoing provisions of the abovecited Act, it is
carried out on August 11, 1930. The plaintiff contends in its first inferred that the same does not entirely repeal the provisions of the
assignment of error that these stock dividends were certificate No. Civil Code, but only modify them in part and amplify them in another,
772 thereof was delivered to the Philippine National Bank and when as may be seen from an examination of, and comparison between,
the Talisay-Silay Milling Co., Inc., entered them in its books in the the provisions of the Civil Code regarding pledge and the abovequoted
name of said bank and issued certificate No. 1166 in favor of the provisions of Act No. 1508. Article 1865 of the Civil Code provides that
latter. The contention is unfounded because it appears that the stock no pledge shall be effective against a third person unless evidence of
dividends in question were pledged to the bank prior to the its date appears in a public instrument. The provision of this article
garnishment and because certificate No. 772 was in the possession of has, undoubtedly, been modified by section 4 of the Chattel Mortgage
said bank from February 27, 1930. The reasons upon which this court Law, in so far as it provides that a chattel mortgage shall not be valid
base its opinion in declaring that the stock dividends were pledge against any person except the mortgagor, his executors or
beforehand to the Philippine National Bank will be stated in the administrators, unless the possession of the property is delivered to
discussion of the following assignment of error. and retained by the mortgagee or unless the mortgage is recorded in
the office of the register of deeds of the province in which the
II. In the stipulation of facts, it appears stipulated by the parties that, mortgagor resides. From the date the said Act No. 1508 was in force,
by virtue of the letters of the Philippine National Bank and having been a contract of pledge or chattel mortgage should be deemed legally
so asked by Mariano Lacson Ledesma, certificate No. 772 covering the entered into and should produce all its effects and consequences,
6,300 stock dividends was delivered as security to Attorney Roman provided it appears to have been in some manner perfected and that
Lacson as representative of the bank, on February 27, 1930, in view the things pledged have been delivered, and in a contrary case, and
even if the creditor has not received them or has not retained them dividends in execution of the judgment rendered in favor of the
in his custody, provided that the contract of pledge or chattel Philippine National Bank in civil case No. 4706 of the Court of First
mortgage appears in a notarial document and is inscribed in the Instance of Occidental Negros. Inasmuch as this court has declared
registry of deeds of the province." Therefore, this court holds that the that the stock dividends in question were pledged to the bank, it
pledge of the 6,300 stock dividends is valid against the plaintiff for follows that the sale thereof in execution of said judgment is legal and
the reason that the certificate was delivered to the creditor bank, valid.
notwithstanding the fact that the contract does not appear in a public
instrument. V. In the fifth assignment of error, the plaintiff argues that the court
erred in declaring the Philippine National Bank's right to the stock
The plaintiff further contends that the pledge could not legally exist dividends a preferred one. After it has been held that these stock
because the certificate was not the shares themselves, making it dividends had been pledged to the Philippine National Bank and that
understood that a certificate of stock or of stock dividends can not be this contract was prior to the garnishment of the plaintiff, it appear
the subject matter of the contract of pledge or of chattel mortgage. clear that the court violated no law in holding the right of the
Neither is this contention tenable. Certificates of stock or of stock Philippine National Bank, as pledgee, a superior one.
dividends, under the Corporation Law, are quasi negotiable
instruments in the sense that they may be given in pledge or VI. The plaintiff assigns as sixth and last error committed by the court
mortgage to secure an obligation. The question is settled in this wise the fact of its having absolved all the defendants. The case having
by the weight of American authorities and it is the modern doctrine of been decided in favor of the Philippine National Bank, on the grounds
general acceptance by the courts. stated in passing upon the second assignment of error, the absolution
of the defendants is unavoidable, thereby making this last assignment
In view, however, of the fact that certificates of stock, while of error likewise untenable.
not negotiable in the sense of the law merchant, like bills
and notes, are so framed and dealt with as to be For the foregoing consideration the appealed judgment is affirmed,
transferable, when property endorsed, by mere delivery, with the costs of this instance to the plaintiff-appellant. So ordered.
and as they frequently convey, by estoppel against the
corporation or against prior holders, as good a title to the
transferee as if they were negotiable, and inasmuch as a
large commercial use is made of such certificates as
collateral security, and it is to the public interest that such
use should be simplify and facilitated by placing them as
nearly as possible on the plane of commercial paper, they
are often spoken of and treated as quasi negotiable, that is
as having some of the attributes and partaking of the
character of negotiable instruments, in passing from hand
to hand, especially where they are accompanied by an
assignment and power of attorney, executed in blank, to
transfer them to anyone who may obtain possession as
holders, even though such assignment and power are under
seal. (14 C. J., 665, sec 1034; South Bend First Nat. Bank
vs. Lanier, 20 Law. ed., 172; Weniger vs. Success Min. Co.,
227 Fedd., 548; Scott vs. Pequonnock Nat. Bank, 15 Fed.,

III. In the third assignment of error, the plaintiff maintains that the
court erred in holding that the stock dividends are civil fruits or an
extension of the original shares. This court deems it unnecessary to
determine whether or not the stock devidends are civil fruits or an
extension of the original shares. This point becomes immaterial after
the case has been decided in the manner stated in the discussion of
the second assignment of error .

IV. In the forth assignment of error, the plaintiff contends that court
erred in not declaring null and void the sale of the 6,300 stock
G.R. No. L-16218 November 29, 1962 by final judgment could be enforceable by execution, but is only
incidental to the real cause of action to recover damages.
BICERRA, CAYETANO BICERRA, LINDA BICERRA, PIO The order appealed from is affirmed. The appeal having been
BICERRA and EUFRICINA BICERRA, plaintiffs-appellants, admitted in forma pauperis, no costs are adjudged.
TOMASA TENEZA and BENJAMIN BARBOSA, defendants- G.R. No. 6295 September 1, 1911
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee,
Agripino Brillantes and Alberto B. Bravo for plaintiffs-appellants. vs.
Ernesto Parol for defendants-appellees. IGNACIO CARLOS, defendant-appellant.

MAKALINTAL, J.: A. D. Gibbs for appellant.

Acting Attorney-General Harvey for appellee.
This case is before us on appeal from the order of the Court of First
Instance of Abra dismissing the complaint filed by appellants, upon PER CURIAM:
motion of defendants-appellate on the ground that the action was
within the exclude (original) jurisdiction of the Justice of the Peace The information filed in this case is as follows:
Court of Lagangilang, of the same province.
The undersigned accuses Ignacio Carlos of the crime of
The complaint alleges in substance that appellants were the owners theft, committed as follows:
of the house, worth P200.00, built on and owned by them and situated
in the said municipality Lagangilang; that sometime in January 1957 That on, during, and between the 13th day of February,
appealed forcibly demolished the house, claiming to be the owners 1909, and the 3d day of March, 1910, in the city of Manila,
thereof; that the materials of the house, after it was dismantled, were Philippine Islands, the said Ignacio Carlos, with intent of
placed in the custody of the barrio lieutenant of the place; and that gain and without violence or intimidation against the person
as a result of appellate's refusal to restore the house or to deliver the or force against the thing, did then and there, willfully,
material appellants the latter have suffered actual damages the unlawfully, and feloniously, take, steal , and carry away two
amount of P200.00, plus moral and consequential damages in the thousand two hundred and seventy-three (2,273) kilowatts
amount of P600.00. The relief prayed for is that "the plaintiffs be of electric current, of the value of nine hundred and nine
declared the owners of the house in question and/or the materials (909) pesos and twenty (20) cents Philippine currency, the
that resulted in (sic) its dismantling; (and) that the defendants be property of the Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company,
orders pay the sum of P200.00, plus P600.00 as damages, the costs." a corporation doing business in the Philippine Islands,
without the consent of the owner thereof; to the damage
The issue posed by the parties in this appeal is whether the action and prejudice of the said Manila Electric Railroad and Light
involves title to real property, as appellants contend, and therefore is Company in the said sum of nine hundred and nine (909)
cognizable by the Court of First Instance (Sec. 44, par. [b], R.A. 296, pesos and twenty (20) cents Philippine currency, equal to
as amended), whether it pertains to the jurisdiction of the Justice of and equivalent of 4,546 pesetas Philippine currency. All
the Peace Court, as stated in the order appealed from, since there is contrary to law.
no real property litigated, the house having ceased to exist, and the
amount of the demand does exceed P2,000.00 (Sec. 88, id.)1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March,
1910, in the city of Manila, Philippine Islands, by L. M.
The dismissal of the complaint was proper. A house is classified as Southworth, prosecuting attorney for the city of Manila..
immovable property by reason of its adherence to the soil on which it
is built (Art. 415, par. 1, Civil Code). This classification holds true A preliminary investigation has heretofore been conducted
regardless of the fact that the house may be situated on land in this case, under my direction, having examined the
belonging to a different owner. But once the house is demolished, as witness under oath, in accordance with the provisions of
in this case, it ceases to exist as such and hence its character as an section 39 of Act No. 183 of the Philippine Commission, as
immovable likewise ceases. It should be noted that the complaint here amended by section 2 of Act No. 612 of the Philippine
is for recovery of damages. This is the only positive relief prayed for Commission.
by appellants. To be sure, they also asked that they be declared
owners of the dismantled house and/or of the materials. However, .
such declaration in no wise constitutes the relief itself which if granted
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of March, The court erred in not declaring that the plaintiff consented
1910, in the city of Manila, Philippine Islands, by L. M. to the taking of the current.
Southworth, prosecuting attorney for the city of Manila.
A warrant for the arrest of the defendant was issued by the Honorable
J. C. Jenkins on the 4th of March and placed in the hands of the The court erred in finding the accused guilty of more than
sheriff. The sheriff's return shows that the defendant gave bond for one offense.
his appearance. On the 14th of the same month counsel for the
defendant demurrer to the complaint on the following grounds: VI.

1 That the court has no jurisdiction over the person of the The court erred in condemning the accused to pay P865.26
accused nor of the offense charged because the accused to the electric company as damages.
has not been accorded a preliminary investigation or
examination as required by law and no court, magistrate, Exactly the same question as that raised in the first assignment of
or other competent authority has determined from a sworn error, was after a through examination and due consideration,
complaint or evidence adduced that there is probable cause decided adversely to appellant's contention in the case of U.
to believe that a crime has been committed, or that this S. vs. Grant and Kennedy (18 Phil. Rep., 122). No sufficient reason is
defendant has committed any crime. presented why we should not follow the doctrine enunciated in that
2 That the facts charged do not constitute a public offense.
The question raised in the second assignment of error is purely one
The demurrer was overruled on the same day and the defendant fact. Upon this point the trial court said:
having refused to plead, a plea of not guilty was entered by direction
of the court for him and the trial proceeded. For considerably more than a year previous to the filing of
this complaint the accused had been a consumer of
After due consideration of all the proofs presented and the arguments electricity furnished by the Manila Electric Railroad and
of counsel the trial court found the defendant guilty of the crime Light Company for a building containing the residence of
charged and sentenced him to one year eight months and twenty-one the accused and three other residences, and which was
days' presidio correccional, to indemnify the offended party, The equipped, according to the defendant's testimony, with
Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company, in the sum of P865.26, thirty electric lights. On March 15, 1909, the representatives
to the corresponding subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency of the company, believing that more light was being used
and to the payment of the costs. From this judgment the defendant than their meter showed, installed an additional meter
appealed and makes the following assignments of error: (Exhibit A) on a pole outside of defendant's house, and both
it and the meter (Exhibit B) which had been previously
I. installed in the house were read on said date. Exhibit A read
218 kilowatt hours; Exhibit B, 745 kilowatt hours. On March
The court erred in overruling the objection of the accused 3, 1910 each was read again, Exhibit A showing 2,718
to the jurisdiction of the court, because he was not given a kilowatt hours and Exhibit B, 968. It is undisputed that the
preliminary investigation as required by law, and in current which supplied the house passed through both
overruling his demurrer for the same reason. meters and the city electrician testifies that each meter was
tested on the date of the last reading and was "in good
II. condition." The result of this registration therefore is that
while the outsider meter (Exhibit A) showed a consumption
The court erred in declaring the accused to be guilty, in in defendant's building of 2,500 kilowatt hours of electricity,
view of the evidence submitted. this inside meter (Exhibit B) showed but 223 kilowatt hours.
In other words the actual consumption, according to the
III. outside meter, was more than ten times as great as that
registered by the one inside. Obviously this difference could
The court erred in declaring that electrical energy may be not be due to normal causes, for while the electrician called
stolen. by the defense (Lanusa) testifies to the possibility of a
difference between two such meters, he places the extreme
IV. limit of such difference between them 5 per cent. Here, as
we have seen, the difference is more than 900 per cent.
Besides, according to the defendant's electrician, the the officer's attention was called to the defendant's
outside meter should normally run faster, while according appearance and the former noticed that the latter was
to the test made in this case the inside meter (Exhibit B) becoming nervous. Where the only two witnesses who are
ran the faster. The city electrician also testifies that the supposed to know anything of the matter thus contradict
electric current could have been deflected from the inside each other this item of testimony by the officer is of more
meter by placing thereon a device known as a "jumper" than ordinary significance; for if, as the accused claims, the
connecting the two outside wires, and there is other "jumper" was placed in the cabinet for the first time by
testimony that there were marks on the insulation of the Porter there would be no occasion for any change of
meter Exhibit B which showed the use of such a device. demeanor on the part of the accused. We do not think that
There is a further evidence that the consumption of 223 the officer's declination to wait until defendant should
kilowatt hours, registered by the inside meter would not be secure a notary public shows bias. The presence of such an
a reasonable amount for the number of lights installed in official was neither required nor authorized by law and the
defendant's building during the period in question, and the very efficacy of a search depends upon its swiftness.
accused fails to explain why he should have had thirty lights
installed if he needed but four or five. We must also agree with the prosecuting attorney that the
attending circumstances do not strengthen the story told by
On the strength of this showing a search warrant was the boy; that the latter would have been likely to call out at
issued for the examination of defendant's premises and was the time he saw the "jumper" being placed in the drawer,
duly served by a police officer (Hartpence). He was or at least directed his father's attention to it immediately
accompanied at the time by three employees of the Manila instead of waiting, as he says, until the latter was called by
Electric Railroad and Light Company, and he found there the officer. Finally, to accept the boy's story we must
the accused, his wife and son, and perhaps one or two believe that this company or its representatives deliberately
others. There is a sharp conflict between the several conspired not merely to lure the defendant into the
spectators on some points but on one there is no dispute. commission of a crime but to fasten upon him a crime which
All agree that the "jumper" (Exhibit C) was found in a he did not commit and thus convict an innocent man by
drawer of a small cabinet in the room of defendant's house perjured evidence. This is a much more serious charge than
where the meter was installed and not more than 20 feet that contained in the complaint and should be supported by
therefrom. In the absence of a satisfactory explanation this very strong corroborating circumstances which we do not
constituted possession on defendant's part, and such find here. We are, accordingly, unable to consider as
possession, under the Code of Civil Procedure, section 334 satisfactory defendant's explanation of the "jumper's"
(10), raises the presumption that the accused was the presence.
owner of a device whose only use was to deflect the current
from the meter. The only alternative is the conclusion that the "jumper" was
placed there by the accused or by some one acting for him
Is there any other "satisfactory explanation" of the and that it was the instrument by which the current was
"jumper's" presence? The only one sought to be offered is deflected from the matter Exhibit B and the Light Company
the statement by the son of the accused, a boy of twelve deprived of its lawful compensation.
years, that he saw the "jumper" placed there by the witness
Porter, an employee of the Light Company. The boy is the After a careful examination of the entire record we are satisfied
only witness who so testifies and Porter himself squarely beyond peradventure of a doubt that the proofs presented fully
denies it. We can not agree with counsel for the defense support the facts as set forth in the foregoing finding.
that the boy's interest in the outcome of this case is less
than that of the witness for the prosecution. It seems to us Counsel for the appellant insists that the only corporeal property can
that his natural desire to shield his father would far be the subject of the crime of larceny, and in the support of this
outweight any interest such an employee like Porter would proposition cites several authorities for the purpose of showing that
have and which, at most, would be merely pecuniary. the only subjects of larceny are tangible, movable, chattels,
something which could be taken in possession and carried away, and
There is, however, one witness whom so far as appears, which had some, although trifling, intrinsic value, and also to show
has no interest in the matter whatsoever. This is officer that electricity is an unknown force and can not be a subject of
Hartpence, who executed the search warrant. He testifies larceny.
that after inspecting other articles and places in the building
as he and the other spectators, including the accused, In the U. S. vs. Genato (15 Phi. Rep., 170) the defendant, the owner
approached the cabinet in which the "jumper" was found, of the store situated at No. 154 Escolta, Manila, was using a
contrivance known as a "jumper" on the electric meter installed by In the case of Commonwealth vs. Shaw, supra, the court, speaking
the Manila Electric Railroad and the Light Company. As a result of the through Chief Justice Bigelow, said:
use of this "jumper" the meter, instead of making one revolution in
every four seconds, registered one in seventy-seven seconds, thereby There is nothing in the nature of gas used for illuminating
reducing the current approximately 95 per cent. Genato was charged purposes which renders it incapable of being feloniously
in the municipal court with a violation of a certain ordinance of the taken and carried away. It is a valuable article of
city of Manila, and was sentenced to pay a fine of P200. He appealed merchandise, bought and sold like other personal property,
to the Court of First Instance, was again tried and sentenced to pay susceptible of being severed from a mass or larger quantity,
the same fine. An appeal was taken from the judgment of the Court and of being transported from place to place. In the present
of First Instance to the Supreme Court on the ground that the case it appears that it was the property of the Boston Gas
ordinance in question was null and void. It is true that the only Light Company; that it was in their possession by being
question directly presented was of the validity of the city ordinance. confined in conduits and tubes which belonged to them,
The court, after holding that said ordinance was valid, said: and that the defendant severed a portion of that which was
in the pipes of the company by taking it into her house and
Even without them (ordinances), the right of ownership of there consuming it. All this being proved to have been done
electric current is secured by articles 517 and 518 of the by her secretly and with intent to deprive the company of
Penal Code; the application of these articles in case of their property and to appropriate it to her own use, clearly
subtraction of gas, a fluid used for lighting, and in some constitutes the crime of larceny.
respects resembling electricity, is confirmed by the rule laid
down in the decisions of the supreme court of Spain Electricity, the same as gas, is a valuable article of merchandise,
January 20, 1887, and April 1, 1897, construing and bought and sold like other personal property and is capable of
enforcing the provisions of articles 530 and 531 of the penal appropriation by another. So no error was committed by the trial court
code of that country, articles identical with articles 517 and in holding that electricity is a subject of larceny.
518 of the code in force in these Islands.
It is urged in support of the fourth assignment of error that if it be
Article 517 of the Penal Code above referred to reads as follows: true that the appellant did appropriate to his own use the electricity
as charged he can not be held guilty of larceny for any part of the
The following are guilty of larceny: electricity thus appropriated, after the first month, for the reason that
the complaining party, the Manila Electric Road and Light Company,
(1) Those who with intent of gain and without violence or knew of this misappropriation and consented thereto.
intimidation against the person, or force against things,
shall take another's personal property without the owner's The outside meter was installed on March 15, 1909, and read 218
consent. kilowatt hours. On the same day the inside meter was read and
showed 745 kilowatt hours. Both meters were again read on March 3,
And article 518 fixes the penalty for larceny in proportion to the value 1910, and the outside one showed 2,718 kilowatt hours while the one
of the personal property stolen. on the inside only showed 968, the difference in consumption during
this time being 2,277 kilowatt hours. The taking of this current
It is true that electricity is no longer, as formerly, regarded by continued over a period of one year, less twelve days. Assuming that
electricians as a fluid, but its manifestation and effects, like those of the company read both meters at the end of each month; that it knew
gas, may be seen and felt. The true test of what is a proper subject the defendant was misappropriating the current to that extent; and
of larceny seems to be not whether the subject is corporeal, but that t continued to furnish the current, thereby giving the defendant
whether it is capable of appropriation by another than the owner. an opportunity to continue the misppropriation, still, we think, that
the defendant is criminally responsible for the taking of the whole
It is well-settled that illuminating gas may be the subject of larceny, amount, 2,277 kilowatt hours. The company had a contract with the
even in the absence of a statute so providing. (Decisions of supreme defendant to furnish him with current for lighting purposes. It could
court of Spain, January 20, 1887, and April 1, 1897, supra; also not stop the misappropriation without cutting off the current entirely.
(England) Queen vs. Firth, L. R. 1 C. C., 172, 11 Cox C. C., 234; It could not reduce the current so as to just furnish sufficient for the
Queen vs. White, 3 C. & K., 363, 6 Cox C. C., 213; Woods vs. People, lighting of two, three, or five lights, as claimed by the defendant that
222 III., 293, 7 L. R. A., 520; Commonwealth vs. Shaw, 4 Allen he used during the most of this time, but the current must always be
(Mass), 308; State vs. Wellman, 34 Minn., 221, N. W. Rep., 385, and sufficiently strong to furnish current for the thirty lights, at any time
25 Cyc., p. 12, note 10.) the defendant desired to use them.
There is no pretense that the accused was solicited by the company it is merely a defect of form easily remedied. . . . Inasmuch
or any one else to commit the acts charged. At most there was a mere as in the first instance the accused did not make the
passive submission on the part of the company that the current should corresponding dilatory plea to the irregularity of the
be taken and no indication that it wished it to be taken, and no complaint, it must be understood that has waived such
knowledge by the defendant that the company wished him to take the objection, and is not now entitled to raise for the first time
current, and no mutual understanding between the company and the any question in reference thereto when submitting to this
defendant, and no measures of inducement of any kind were court her assignment of errors. Apart from the fact that the
employed by the company for the purpose of leading the defendant defense does not pretend that any of the essential rights of
into temptation, and no preconcert whatever between him and the accused have been injured, the allegation of the defect
company. The original design to misappropriate this current was above alluded to, which in any case would only affect form
formed by the defendant absolutely independent of any acts on the of the complaint, can not justify a reversal of the judgment
part of the company or its agents. It is true, no doubt, as a general appealed from, according to the provisions of section 10 of
proposition, that larceny is not committed when the property is taken General Orders, No. 58.
with the consent of its owner. It may be difficult in some instances to
determine whether certain acts constitute, in law, such "consent." But In the case at bar it is not pointed out wherein any of the essential
under the facts in the case at bar it is not difficult to reach a conclusion rights of the defendant have been prejudiced by reason of the fact
that the acts performed by the plaintiff company did not constitute a that the complaint covered the entire period. If twelve distinct and
consent on its part the defendant take its property. We have been separate complaints had been filed against the defendant, one for
unable to find a well considered case holding contrary opinion under each month, the sum total of the penalties imposed might have been
similar facts, but, there are numerous cases holding that such acts do very much greater than that imposed by the court in this case. The
not constitute such consent as would relieve the taker of criminal covering of the entire period by one charge has been beneficial, if
responsibility. The fourth assignment of error is, therefore, not well anything, and not prejudicial to the rights of the defendant. The
founded. prosecuting attorney elected to cover the entire period with one
charge and the accused having been convicted for this offense, he
It is also contended that since the "jumper" was not used can not again be prosecuted for the stealing of the current at any time
continuously, the defendant committed not a single offense but a within that period. Then, again, we are of the opinion that the charge
series of offenses. It is, no doubt, true that the defendant did not was properly laid. The electricity was stolen from the same person, in
allow the "jumper" to remain in place continuously for any number of the same manner, and in the same place. It was substantially one
days as the company inspected monthly the inside meter. So the continuous act, although the "jumper" might have been removed and
"jumper" was put on and taken off at least monthly, if not daily, in replaced daily or monthly. The defendant was moved by one impulse
order to avoid detection, and while the "jumper" was off the to appropriate to his own use the current, and the means adopted by
defendant was not misappropriating the current. The complaint him for the taking of the current were in the execution of a general
alleged that the defendant did on, during, and between the 13th day fraudulent plan.
of February, 1909, and the 3d of March, 1910. willfully, unlawfully,
and feloniously take, steal, and carry away 2,277 kilowatts of electric A person stole gas for the use of a manufactory by means
current of the value of P909. No demurrer was presented against this of pipe, which drew off the gas from the main without
complaint on the ground that more than one crime was charged. The allowing it to pass through the meter. The gas from this
Government had no opportunity to amend or correct this error, if error pipe was burnt every day, and turned off at night. The pipe
at all. In the case of U. S. vs. Macaspac (12 Phil. Rep., 26), the was never closed at this junction with the main, and
defendant received from one Joquina Punu the sum of P31.50, with consequently always remained full of gas. It was held, that
the request to deliver it to Marcelina Dy-Oco. The defendant called if the pipe always remained full, there was, in fact, a
upon Marcelina, but instead of delivering the said amount she asked continuous taking of the gas and not a series of separate
Marcelina for P30 in the name of Joaquina who had in no way talkings. It was held also that even if the pipe had not been
authorized her to do so. Marcelina gave her P30, believing that kept full, the taking would have been continuous, as it was
Joaquina had sent for it. Counsel for the defendant insisted that the substantially all one transaction. (Regina vs. Firth, L. R., 1
complaint charged his client with two different crimes of estafa in C. C., 172; 11 Cox C. C., 234. Cited on p. 758 of Wharton's
violation of section 11 of General Orders, No. 58. In disposing of this Criminal Law, vol. 1, 10th ed.)
question this court said:
The value of the electricity taken by the defendant was found by the trial court to be P865.26.
This finding is fully in accordance with the evidence presented. So no error was committed
The said defect constitutes one of the dilatory pleas
in sentencing the defendant to indemnify the company in this amount, or to suffer the
indicated by section 21, and the accused ought to have corresponding subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency.

raised the point before the trial began. Had this been done,
the complaint might have been amended in time, because The judgment being strictly in accordance with the law and the merits of the case, same is
hereby affirmed, with costs against the appellant.
G.R. No. 137705 August 22, 2000 "On March 24, 1998, in implementation of said writ, the sheriff
proceeded to petitioner’s factory, seized one machinery with [the]
SERG'S PRODUCTS, INC., and SERGIO T. word that he [would] return for the other machineries.
GOQUIOLAY, petitioners,
vs. "On March 25, 1998, petitioners filed a motion for special protective
PCI LEASING AND FINANCE, INC., respondent. order (Annex ‘C’), invoking the power of the court to control the
conduct of its officers and amend and control its processes, praying
DECISION for a directive for the sheriff to defer enforcement of the writ of
"This motion was opposed by PCI Leasing (Annex ‘F’), on the ground
After agreeing to a contract stipulating that a real or immovable that the properties [were] still personal and therefore still subject to
property be considered as personal or movable, a party is estopped seizure and a writ of replevin.
from subsequently claiming otherwise. Hence, such property is a
proper subject of a writ of replevin obtained by the other contracting "In their Reply, petitioners asserted that the properties sought to be
party. seized [were] immovable as defined in Article 415 of the Civil Code,
the parties’ agreement to the contrary notwithstanding. They argued
The Case that to give effect to the agreement would be prejudicial to innocent
third parties. They further stated that PCI Leasing [was] estopped
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari assailing the January from treating these machineries as personal because the contracts in
6, 1999 Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA)2 in CA-GR SP No. 47332 which the alleged agreement [were] embodied [were] totally sham
and its February 26, 1999 Resolution3 denying reconsideration. The and farcical.
decretal portion of the CA Decision reads as follows:
"On April 6, 1998, the sheriff again sought to enforce the writ of
"WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed Order dated seizure and take possession of the remaining properties. He was able
February 18, 1998 and Resolution dated March 31, 1998 in Civil Case to take two more, but was prevented by the workers from taking the
No. Q-98-33500 are hereby AFFIRMED. The writ of preliminary rest.
injunction issued on June 15, 1998 is hereby LIFTED."4
"On April 7, 1998, they went to [the CA] via an original action for
In its February 18, 1998 Order, the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Quezon City (Branch 218)6 issued a Writ of Seizure.7 The March 18,
1998 Resolution8 denied petitioners’ Motion for Special Protective Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Order, praying that the deputy sheriff be enjoined "from seizing
immobilized or other real properties in (petitioners’) factory in Cainta, Citing the Agreement of the parties, the appellate court held that the
Rizal and to return to their original place whatever immobilized subject machines were personal property, and that they had only
machineries or equipments he may have removed."9 been leased, not owned, by petitioners. It also ruled that the "words
of the contract are clear and leave no doubt upon the true intention
The Facts of the contracting parties." Observing that Petitioner Goquiolay was
an experienced businessman who was "not unfamiliar with the ways
The undisputed facts are summarized by the Court of Appeals as of the trade," it ruled that he "should have realized the import of the
follows:10 document he signed." The CA further held:

"On February 13, 1998, respondent PCI Leasing and Finance, Inc. "Furthermore, to accord merit to this petition would be to preempt
("PCI Leasing" for short) filed with the RTC-QC a complaint for [a] the trial court in ruling upon the case below, since the merits of the
sum of money (Annex ‘E’), with an application for a writ of replevin whole matter are laid down before us via a petition whose sole
docketed as Civil Case No. Q-98-33500. purpose is to inquire upon the existence of a grave abuse of discretion
on the part of the [RTC] in issuing the assailed Order and Resolution.
"On March 6, 1998, upon an ex-parte application of PCI Leasing, The issues raised herein are proper subjects of a full-blown trial,
respondent judge issued a writ of replevin (Annex ‘B’) directing its necessitating presentation of evidence by both parties. The contract
sheriff to seize and deliver the machineries and equipment to PCI is being enforced by one, and [its] validity is attacked by the other –
Leasing after 5 days and upon the payment of the necessary a matter x x x which respondent court is in the best position to
expenses. determine."
Hence, this Petition.11 detained and requiring the sheriff forthwith to take such property into
his custody."
The Issues
On the other hand, Article 415 of the Civil Code enumerates
In their Memorandum, petitioners submit the following issues for our immovable or real property as follows:
"ART. 415. The following are immovable property:
"A. Whether or not the machineries purchased and imported by
SERG’S became real property by virtue of immobilization. xxx xxx xxx

B. Whether or not the contract between the parties is a loan or a (5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements intended by
the owner of the tenement for an industry or works which may be
carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and which tend directly
In the main, the Court will resolve whether the said machines are to meet the needs of the said industry or works;
personal, not immovable, property which may be a proper subject of
a writ of replevin. As a preliminary matter, the Court will also address xxx xxx x x x"
briefly the procedural points raised by respondent.
In the present case, the machines that were the subjects of the Writ
The Court’s Ruling of Seizure were placed by petitioners in the factory built on their own
land. Indisputably, they were essential and principal elements of their
The Petition is not meritorious. chocolate-making industry. Hence, although each of them was
movable or personal property on its own, all of them have become
Preliminary Matter:Procedural Questions "immobilized by destination because they are essential and principal
elements in the industry."16 In that sense, petitioners are correct in
Respondent contends that the Petition failed to indicate expressly arguing that the said machines are real, not personal, property
whether it was being filed under Rule 45 or Rule 65 of the Rules of pursuant to Article 415 (5) of the Civil Code.17
Court. It further alleges that the Petition erroneously impleaded Judge
Hilario Laqui as respondent. Be that as it may, we disagree with the submission of the petitioners
that the said machines are not proper subjects of the Writ of Seizure.
There is no question that the present recourse is under Rule 45. This
conclusion finds support in the very title of the Petition, which is The Court has held that contracting parties may validly stipulate that
"Petition for Review on Certiorari." 13
a real property be considered as personal.18 After agreeing to such
stipulation, they are consequently estopped from claiming otherwise.
While Judge Laqui should not have been impleaded as a Under the principle of estoppel, a party to a contract is ordinarily
respondent,14 substantial justice requires that such lapse by itself precluded from denying the truth of any material fact found therein.
should not warrant the dismissal of the present Petition. In this light,
the Court deems it proper to remove, motu proprio, the name of Hence, in Tumalad v. Vicencio,19 the Court upheld the intention of the
Judge Laqui from the caption of the present case. parties to treat a house as a personal property because it had been
made the subject of a chattel mortgage. The Court ruled:
Main Issue: Nature of the Subject Machinery
"x x x. Although there is no specific statement referring to the subject
Petitioners contend that the subject machines used in their factory house as personal property, yet by ceding, selling or transferring a
were not proper subjects of the Writ issued by the RTC, because they property by way of chattel mortgage defendants-appellants could only
were in fact real property. Serious policy considerations, they argue, have meant to convey the house as chattel, or at least, intended to
militate against a contrary characterization. treat the same as such, so that they should not now be allowed to make an
inconsistent stand by claiming otherwise."

Rule 60 of the Rules of Court provides that writs of replevin are issued
for the recovery of personal property only.15 Section 3 thereof reads: Applying Tumalad, the Court in Makati Leasing and Finance Corp. v. Wearever
Textile Mills20 also held that the machinery used in a factory and essential to the
industry, as in the present case, was a proper subject of a writ of replevin
"SEC. 3. Order. -- Upon the filing of such affidavit and approval of the
because it was treated as personal property in a contract. Pertinent portions
bond, the court shall issue an order and the corresponding writ of
of the Court’s ruling are reproduced hereunder:
replevin describing the personal property alleged to be wrongfully
"x x x. If a house of strong materials, like what was involved in the thereby put at issue the matter of the title or right of possession over
above Tumalad case, may be considered as personal property for purposes of the specific chattel being replevied, the policy apparently being that
executing a chattel mortgage thereon as long as the parties to the contract so said matter should be ventilated and determined only at the trial on
agree and no innocent third party will be prejudiced thereby, there is absolutely
the merits."28
no reason why a machinery, which is movable in its nature and becomes
immobilized only by destination or purpose, may not be likewise treated as such.
Besides, these questions require a determination of facts and a
This is really because one who has so agreed is estopped from denying the
existence of the chattel mortgage." presentation of evidence, both of which have no place in a petition for
certiorari in the CA under Rule 65 or in a petition for review in this
In the present case, the Lease Agreement clearly provides that the machines in Court under Rule 45.29
question are to be considered as personal property. Specifically, Section 12.1 of
the Agreement reads as follows:21 Reliance on the Lease Agreement

"12.1 The PROPERTY is, and shall at all times be and remain, personal property
It should be pointed out that the Court in this case may rely on the
notwithstanding that the PROPERTY or any part thereof may now be, or
Lease Agreement, for nothing on record shows that it has been
hereafter become, in any manner affixed or attached to or embedded in, or
nullified or annulled. In fact, petitioners assailed it first only in the RTC
permanently resting upon, real property or any building thereon, or attached in
any manner to what is permanent." proceedings, which had ironically been instituted by respondent.
Accordingly, it must be presumed valid and binding as the law

Clearly then, petitioners are estopped from denying the between the parties.

characterization of the subject machines as personal property. Under

the circumstances, they are proper subjects of the Writ of Seizure. Makati Leasing and Finance Corporation30 is also instructive on this
point. In that case, the Deed of Chattel Mortgage, which characterized
It should be stressed, however, that our holding -- that the machines should be the subject machinery as personal property, was also assailed
deemed personal property pursuant to the Lease Agreement – is good only because respondent had allegedly been required "to sign a printed
insofar as the contracting parties are concerned. 22 Hence, while the parties are
form of chattel mortgage which was in a blank form at the time of
bound by the Agreement, third persons acting in good faith are not affected by
signing." The Court rejected the argument and relied on the Deed,
its stipulation characterizing the subject machinery as personal. 23 In any event,
ruling as follows:
there is no showing that any specific third party would be adversely
"x x x. Moreover, even granting that the charge is true, such fact alone does
not render a contract void ab initio, but can only be a ground for rendering said
Validity of the Lease Agreement
contract voidable, or annullable pursuant to Article 1390 of the new Civil Code,
by a proper action in court. There is nothing on record to show that the
In their Memorandum, petitioners contend that the Agreement is a loan and not
mortgage has been annulled. Neither is it disclosed that steps were taken to
a lease.24 Submitting documents supposedly showing that they own the subject
nullify the same. x x x"
machines, petitioners also argue in their Petition that the Agreement suffers
from "intrinsic ambiguity which places in serious doubt the intention of the
Alleged Injustice Committed on the Part of Petitioners
parties and the validity of the lease agreement itself." 25 In their Reply to
respondent’s Comment, they further allege that the Agreement is invalid.26
Petitioners contend that "if the Court allows these machineries to be seized,
then its workers would be out of work and thrown into the streets."31 They also
These arguments are unconvincing. The validity and the nature of the contract
allege that the seizure would nullify all efforts to rehabilitate the corporation.
are the lis mota of the civil action pending before the RTC. A resolution of these
questions, therefore, is effectively a resolution of the merits of the case. Hence,
Petitioners’ arguments do not preclude the implementation of the
they should be threshed out in the trial, not in the proceedings involving the
Writ.1âwphi1 As earlier discussed, law and jurisprudence support its propriety.
issuance of the Writ of Seizure.
Verily, the above-mentioned consequences, if they come true, should not be
blamed on this Court, but on the petitioners for failing to avail themselves of
Indeed, in La Tondeña Distillers v. CA,27 the Court explained that the policy
the remedy under Section 5 of Rule 60, which allows the filing of a counter-
under Rule 60 was that questions involving title to the subject property –
bond. The provision states:
questions which petitioners are now raising -- should be determined in the trial.
In that case, the Court noted that the remedy of defendants under Rule 60
"SEC. 5. Return of property. -- If the adverse party objects to the sufficiency of
was either to post a counter-bond or to question the sufficiency of the the applicant’s bond, or of the surety or sureties thereon, he cannot immediately
plaintiff’s bond. They were not allowed, however, to invoke the title require the return of the property, but if he does not so object, he may, at any
to the subject property. The Court ruled: time before the delivery of the property to the applicant, require the return
thereof, by filing with the court where the action is pending a bond executed to

"In other words, the law does not allow the defendant to file a motion the applicant, in double the value of the property as stated in the applicant’s
affidavit for the delivery thereof to the applicant, if such delivery be adjudged, and for the payment of such sum to him as may be recovered
to dissolve or discharge the writ of seizure (or delivery) on ground of against the adverse party, and by serving a copy bond on the applicant."

insufficiency of the complaint or of the grounds relied upon therefor,

WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners.

as in proceedings on preliminary attachment or injunction, and

G.R. No. 168557 February 16, 2007 Subsequently, Polar Energy, Inc. assigned its rights under the
Agreement to FELS. The NPC initially opposed the assignment of
FELS ENERGY, INC., Petitioner, rights, citing paragraph 17.2 of Article 17 of the Agreement.
THE PROVINCE OF BATANGAS and On August 7, 1995, FELS received an assessment of real property
taxes on the power barges from Provincial Assessor Lauro C. Andaya
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL ASSESSOR OF of Batangas City. The assessed tax, which likewise covered those due
BATANGAS, Respondents. for 1994, amounted to ₱56,184,088.40 per annum. FELS referred the
matter to NPC, reminding it of its obligation under the Agreement to
x----------------------------------------------------x pay all real estate taxes. It then gave NPC the full power and authority
to represent it in any conference regarding the real property
G.R. No. 170628 February 16, 2007 assessment of the Provincial Assessor.

NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION, Petitioner, In a letter7 dated September 7, 1995, NPC sought reconsideration of
vs. the Provincial Assessor’s decision to assess real property taxes on the
LOCAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF BATANGAS, power barges. However, the motion was denied on September 22,
LAURO C. ANDAYA, in his capacity as the Assessor of the 1995, and the Provincial Assessor advised NPC to pay the
Province of Batangas, and the PROVINCE OF BATANGAS assessment.8 This prompted NPC to file a petition with the Local Board
represented by its Provincial Assessor, Respondents. of Assessment Appeals (LBAA) for the setting aside of the assessment
and the declaration of the barges as non-taxable items; it also prayed
DECISION that should LBAA find the barges to be taxable, the Provincial Assessor
be directed to make the necessary corrections.9

In its Answer to the petition, the Provincial Assessor averred that the
Before us are two consolidated cases docketed as G.R. No. 168557 barges were real property for purposes of taxation under Section
and G.R. No. 170628, which were filed by petitioners FELS Energy, 199(c) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7160.
Inc. (FELS) and National Power Corporation (NPC), respectively. The
first is a petition for review on certiorari assailing the August 25, 2004 Before the case was decided by the LBAA, NPC filed a Manifestation,
Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 67490 and informing the LBAA that the Department of Finance (DOF) had
its Resolution dated June 20, 2005; the second, also a petition for
rendered an opinion10 dated May 20, 1996, where it is clearly stated
review on certiorari, challenges the February 9, 2005 Decision and 3
that power barges are not real property subject to real property
November 23, 2005 Resolution4 of the CA in CA-G.R. SP No. 67491. assessment.
Both petitions were dismissed on the ground of prescription.
On August 26, 1996, the LBAA rendered a Resolution11 denying the
The pertinent facts are as follows: petition. The fallo reads:

On January 18, 1993, NPC entered into a lease contract with Polar WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. FELS is hereby ordered to pay
Energy, Inc. over 3x30 MW diesel engine power barges moored at the real estate tax in the amount of ₱56,184,088.40, for the year
Balayan Bay in Calaca, Batangas. The contract, denominated as an 1994.
Energy Conversion Agreement (Agreement), was for a period of five

years. Article 10 reads: SO ORDERED.12

10.1 RESPONSIBILITY. NAPOCOR shall be responsible for the The LBAA ruled that the power plant facilities, while they may be
payment of (a) all taxes, import duties, fees, charges and other levies classified as movable or personal property, are nevertheless
imposed by the National Government of the Republic of the Philippines considered real property for taxation purposes because they are
or any agency or instrumentality thereof to which POLAR may be or installed at a specific location with a character of permanency. The
become subject to or in relation to the performance of their LBAA also pointed out that the owner of the barges–FELS, a private
obligations under this agreement (other than (i) taxes imposed or corporation–is the one being taxed, not NPC. A mere agreement
calculated on the basis of the net income of POLAR and Personal making NPC responsible for the payment of all real estate taxes and
Income Taxes of its employees and (ii) construction permit fees, assessments will not justify the exemption of FELS; such a privilege
environmental permit fees and other similar fees and charges) and can only be granted to NPC and cannot be extended to FELS. Finally,
(b) all real estate taxes and assessments, rates and other charges in the LBAA also ruled that the petition was filed out of time.
respect of the Power Barges.6
Aggrieved, FELS appealed the LBAA’s ruling to the Central Board of (a) The decision of the Board dated 6 April 2000 is hereby
Assessment Appeals (CBAA). reversed.

On August 28, 1996, the Provincial Treasurer of Batangas City issued (b) The petition of FELS, as well as the intervention of NPC,
a Notice of Levy and Warrant by Distraint over the power barges, is dismissed.
seeking to collect real property taxes amounting to ₱232,602,125.91
as of July 31, 1996. The notice and warrant was officially served to (c) The resolution of the Local Board of Assessment Appeals
FELS on November 8, 1996. It then filed a Motion to Lift Levy dated of Batangas is hereby affirmed,
November 14, 1996, praying that the Provincial Assessor be further
restrained by the CBAA from enforcing the disputed assessment (d) The real property tax assessment on FELS by the
during the pendency of the appeal. Provincial Assessor of Batangas is likewise hereby affirmed.

On November 15, 1996, the CBAA issued an Order14 lifting the levy SO ORDERED.21
and distraint on the properties of FELS in order not to preempt and
render ineffectual, nugatory and illusory any resolution or judgment FELS and NPC filed separate motions for reconsideration, which were
which the Board would issue. timely opposed by the Provincial Assessor. The CBAA denied the said
motions in a Resolution22 dated October 19, 2001.
Meantime, the NPC filed a Motion for Intervention15 dated August 7,
1998 in the proceedings before the CBAA. This was approved by the Dissatisfied, FELS filed a petition for review before the CA docketed
CBAA in an Order 16
dated September 22, 1998. as CA-G.R. SP No. 67490. Meanwhile, NPC filed a separate petition,
docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 67491.
During the pendency of the case, both FELS and NPC filed several
motions to admit bond to guarantee the payment of real property On January 17, 2002, NPC filed a Manifestation/Motion for
taxes assessed by the Provincial Assessor (in the event that the Consolidation in CA-G.R. SP No. 67490 praying for the consolidation
judgment be unfavorable to them). The bonds were duly approved by of its petition with CA-G.R. SP No. 67491. In a Resolution23 dated
the CBAA. February 12, 2002, the appellate court directed NPC to re-file its
motion for consolidation with CA-G.R. SP No. 67491, since it is the
On April 6, 2000, the CBAA rendered a Decision 17
finding the power ponente of the latter petition who should resolve the request for
barges exempt from real property tax. The dispositive portion reads: reconsideration.

WHEREFORE, the Resolution of the Local Board of Assessment NPC failed to comply with the aforesaid resolution. On August 25,
Appeals of the Province of Batangas is hereby reversed. Respondent- 2004, the Twelfth Division of the appellate court rendered judgment
appellee Provincial Assessor of the Province of Batangas is hereby in CA-G.R. SP No. 67490 denying the petition on the ground of
ordered to drop subject property under ARP/Tax Declaration No. 018- prescription. The decretal portion of the decision reads:
00958 from the List of Taxable Properties in the Assessment Roll. The
Provincial Treasurer of Batangas is hereby directed to act accordingly. WHEREFORE, the petition for review is DENIED for lack of merit and
the assailed Resolutions dated July 31, 2001 and October 19, 2001 of
SO ORDERED. 18 the Central Board of Assessment Appeals are AFFIRMED.

Ruling in favor of FELS and NPC, the CBAA reasoned that the power SO ORDERED.24
barges belong to NPC; since they are actually, directly and exclusively
used by it, the power barges are covered by the exemptions under On September 20, 2004, FELS timely filed a motion for reconsideration
Section 234(c) of R.A. No. 7160. As to the other jurisdictional issue,
19 seeking the reversal of the appellate court’s decision in CA-G.R. SP
the CBAA ruled that prescription did not preclude the NPC from No. 67490.
pursuing its claim for tax exemption in accordance with Section 206
of R.A. No. 7160. The Provincial Assessor filed a motion for Thereafter, NPC filed a petition for review dated October 19, 2004

reconsideration, which was opposed by FELS and NPC. before this Court, docketed as G.R. No. 165113, assailing the
appellate court’s decision in CA-G.R. SP No. 67490. The petition was,
In a complete volte face, the CBAA issued a Resolution 20
on July 31, however, denied in this Court’s Resolution25 of November 8, 2004, for
2001 reversing its earlier decision. The fallo of the resolution reads: NPC’s failure to sufficiently show that the CA committed any reversible
error in the challenged decision. NPC filed a motion for
WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is the resolution of this Board reconsideration, which the Court denied with finality in a
that: Resolution26 dated January 19, 2005.
Meantime, the appellate court dismissed the petition in CA-G.R. SP I
No. 67491. It held that the right to question the assessment of the
Provincial Assessor had already prescribed upon the failure of FELS to THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE
appeal the disputed assessment to the LBAA within the period APPEAL TO THE LBAA WAS FILED OUT OF TIME.
prescribed by law. Since FELS had lost the right to question the
assessment, the right of the Provincial Government to collect the tax II
was already absolute.
NPC filed a motion for reconsideration dated March 8, 2005, seeking THE POWER BARGES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO REAL PROPERTY TAXES.
reconsideration of the February 5, 2005 ruling of the CA in CA-G.R.
SP No. 67491. The motion was denied in a Resolution27 dated III
November 23, 2005.
The motion for reconsideration filed by FELS in CA-G.R. SP No. 67490 THE ASSESSMENT ON THE POWER BARGES WAS NOT MADE IN
had been earlier denied for lack of merit in a Resolution 28
20, 2005.
Considering that the factual antecedents of both cases are similar, the
On August 3, 2005, FELS filed the petition docketed as G.R. No. Court ordered the consolidation of the two cases in a
168557 before this Court, raising the following issues: Resolution dated March 8,

A. In an earlier Resolution dated February 1, 2006, the Court had

required the parties to submit their respective Memoranda within 30
Whether power barges, which are floating and movable, are personal days from notice. Almost a year passed but the parties had not
properties and therefore, not subject to real property tax. submitted their respective memoranda. Considering that taxes—the
lifeblood of our economy—are involved in the present controversy,
B. the Court was prompted to dispense with the said pleadings, with the
end view of advancing the interests of justice and avoiding further
Assuming that the subject power barges are real properties, whether delay.
they are exempt from real estate tax under Section 234 of the Local
Government Code ("LGC"). In both petitions, FELS and NPC maintain that the appeal before the
LBAA was not time-barred. FELS argues that when NPC moved to have
C. the assessment reconsidered on September 7, 1995, the running of
the period to file an appeal with the LBAA was tolled. For its part, NPC
Assuming arguendo that the subject power barges are subject to real posits that the 60-day period for appealing to the LBAA should be
estate tax, whether or not it should be NPC which should be made to reckoned from its receipt of the denial of its motion for
pay the same under the law. reconsideration.

D. Petitioners’ contentions are bereft of merit.

Assuming arguendo that the subject power barges are real properties, Section 226 of R.A. No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
whether or not the same is subject to depreciation just like any other Government Code of 1991, provides:
personal properties.
SECTION 226. Local Board of Assessment Appeals. – Any owner or
E. person having legal interest in the property who is not satisfied with
the action of the provincial, city or municipal assessor in the
Whether the right of the petitioner to question the patently null and assessment of his property may, within sixty (60) days from the date
void real property tax assessment on the petitioner’s personal of receipt of the written notice of assessment, appeal to the Board of
properties is imprescriptible.29 Assessment Appeals of the province or city by filing a petition under
oath in the form prescribed for the purpose, together with copies of
On January 13, 2006, NPC filed its own petition for review before this the tax declarations and such affidavits or documents submitted in
Court (G.R. No. 170628), indicating the following errors committed by support of the appeal.
the CA:
We note that the notice of assessment which the Provincial Assessor the LBAA as provided by law. It follows ineluctably that the 60-day
sent to FELS on August 7, 1995, contained the following statement: period for making the appeal to the LBAA runs without interruption.
This is what We held in SP 67490 and reaffirm today in SP 67491.37
If you are not satisfied with this assessment, you may, within sixty
(60) days from the date of receipt hereof, appeal to the Board of To reiterate, if the taxpayer fails to appeal in due course, the right of
Assessment Appeals of the province by filing a petition under oath on the local government to collect the taxes due with respect to the
the form prescribed for the purpose, together with copies of ARP/Tax taxpayer’s property becomes absolute upon the expiration of the
Declaration and such affidavits or documents submitted in support of period to appeal.38 It also bears stressing that the taxpayer’s failure
the appeal.32 to question the assessment in the LBAA renders the assessment of
the local assessor final, executory and demandable, thus, precluding
Instead of appealing to the Board of Assessment Appeals (as stated the taxpayer from questioning the correctness of the assessment, or
in the notice), NPC opted to file a motion for reconsideration of the from invoking any defense that would reopen the question of its
Provincial Assessor’s decision, a remedy not sanctioned by law. liability on the merits.39

The remedy of appeal to the LBAA is available from an adverse ruling In fine, the LBAA acted correctly when it dismissed the petitioners’
or action of the provincial, city or municipal assessor in the appeal for having been filed out of time; the CBAA and the appellate
assessment of the property. It follows then that the determination court were likewise correct in affirming the dismissal. Elementary is
made by the respondent Provincial Assessor with regard to the the rule that the perfection of an appeal within the period therefor is
taxability of the subject real properties falls within its power to assess both mandatory and jurisdictional, and failure in this regard renders
properties for taxation purposes subject to appeal before the LBAA. 33
the decision final and executory.40

We fully agree with the rationalization of the CA in both CA-G.R. SP In the Comment filed by the Provincial Assessor, it is asserted that the
No. 67490 and CA-G.R. SP No. 67491. The two divisions of the instant petition is barred by res judicata; that the final and executory
appellate court cited the case of Callanta v. Office of the judgment in G.R. No. 165113 (where there was a final determination
Ombudsman, where we ruled that under Section 226 of R.A. No
on the issue of prescription), effectively precludes the claims herein;
7160, the last action of the local assessor on a particular assessment
and that the filing of the instant petition after an adverse judgment in
shall be the notice of assessment; it is this last action which gives the G.R. No. 165113 constitutes forum shopping.
owner of the property the right to appeal to the LBAA. The procedure
likewise does not permit the property owner the remedy of filing a FELS maintains that the argument of the Provincial Assessor is
motion for reconsideration before the local assessor. The pertinent completely misplaced since it was not a party to the erroneous petition
holding of the Court in Callanta is as follows: which the NPC filed in G.R. No. 165113. It avers that it did not
participate in the aforesaid proceeding, and the Supreme Court never
x x x [T]he same Code is equally clear that the aggrieved owners acquired jurisdiction over it. As to the issue of forum shopping,
should have brought their appeals before the LBAA. Unfortunately, petitioner claims that no forum shopping could have been committed
despite the advice to this effect contained in their respective notices since the elements of litis pendentia or res judicata are not present.
of assessment, the owners chose to bring their requests for a
review/readjustment before the city assessor, a remedy not We do not agree.
sanctioned by the law. To allow this procedure would indeed invite
corruption in the system of appraisal and assessment. It conveniently Res judicata pervades every organized system of jurisprudence and is
courts a graft-prone situation where values of real property may be founded upon two grounds embodied in various maxims of common
initially set unreasonably high, and then subsequently reduced upon law, namely: (1) public policy and necessity, which makes it to the
the request of a property owner. In the latter instance, allusions of a interest of the
possible covert, illicit trade-off cannot be avoided, and in fact can
conveniently take place. Such occasion for mischief must be State that there should be an end to litigation – republicae ut sit litium;
prevented and excised from our system. 36 and (2) the hardship on the individual of being vexed twice for the
same cause – nemo debet bis vexari et eadem causa. A conflicting
For its part, the appellate court declared in CA-G.R. SP No. 67491: doctrine would subject the public peace and quiet to the will and
dereliction of individuals and prefer the regalement of the litigious
x x x. The Court announces: Henceforth, whenever the local assessor disposition on the part of suitors to the preservation of the public
sends a notice to the owner or lawful possessor of real property of its tranquility and happiness.41 As we ruled in Heirs of Trinidad De Leon
revised assessed value, the former shall no longer have any Vda. de Roxas v. Court of Appeals:42
jurisdiction to entertain any request for a review or readjustment. The
appropriate forum where the aggrieved party may bring his appeal is
x x x An existing final judgment or decree – rendered upon the merits, Petitioners engaged in forum shopping when they filed G.R. Nos.
without fraud or collusion, by a court of competent jurisdiction acting 168557 and 170628 after the petition for review in G.R. No. 165116.
upon a matter within its authority – is conclusive on the rights of the Indeed, petitioners went from one court to another trying to get a
parties and their privies. This ruling holds in all other actions or suits, favorable decision from one of the tribunals which allowed them to
in the same or any other judicial tribunal of concurrent jurisdiction, pursue their cases.
touching on the points or matters in issue in the first suit.
It must be stressed that an important factor in determining the
xxx existence of forum shopping is the vexation caused to the courts and
the parties-litigants by the filing of similar cases to claim substantially
Courts will simply refuse to reopen what has been decided. They will the same reliefs.45 The rationale against forum shopping is that a
not allow the same parties or their privies to litigate anew a question party should not be allowed to pursue simultaneous remedies in two
once it has been considered and decided with finality. Litigations must different fora. Filing multiple petitions or complaints constitutes abuse
end and terminate sometime and somewhere. The effective and of court processes, which tends to degrade the administration of
efficient administration of justice requires that once a judgment has justice, wreaks havoc upon orderly judicial procedure, and adds to the
become final, the prevailing party should not be deprived of the fruits congestion of the heavily burdened dockets of the courts.46
of the verdict by subsequent suits on the same issues filed by the
same parties. Thus, there is forum shopping when there exist: (a) identity of parties,
or at least such parties as represent the same interests in both actions,
This is in accordance with the doctrine of res judicata which has the (b) identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for, the relief being
following elements: (1) the former judgment must be final; (2) the founded on the same facts, and (c) the identity of the two preceding
court which rendered it had jurisdiction over the subject matter and particulars is such that any judgment rendered in the pending case,
the parties; (3) the judgment must be on the merits; and (4) there regardless of which party is successful, would amount to res judicata
must be between the first and the second actions, identity of parties, in the other.47
subject matter and causes of action. The application of the doctrine
of res judicata does not require absolute identity of parties but merely Having found that the elements of res judicata and forum shopping
substantial identity of parties. There is substantial identity of parties are present in the consolidated cases, a discussion of the other issues
when there is community of interest or privity of interest between a is no longer necessary. Nevertheless, for the peace and contentment
party in the first and a party in the second case even if the first case of petitioners, we shall shed light on the merits of the case.
did not implead the latter. 43

As found by the appellate court, the CBAA and LBAA power barges
To recall, FELS gave NPC the full power and authority to represent it are real property and are thus subject to real property tax. This is also
in any proceeding regarding real property assessment. Therefore, the inevitable conclusion, considering that G.R. No. 165113 was
when petitioner NPC filed its petition for review docketed as G.R. No. dismissed for failure to sufficiently show any reversible error. Tax
165113, it did so not only on its behalf but also on behalf of FELS. assessments by tax examiners are presumed correct and made in
Moreover, the assailed decision in the earlier petition for review filed good faith, with the taxpayer having the burden of proving
in this Court was the decision of the appellate court in CA-G.R. SP No. otherwise.48 Besides, factual findings of administrative bodies, which
67490, in which FELS was the petitioner. Thus, the decision in G.R. have acquired expertise in their field, are generally binding and
No. 165116 is binding on petitioner FELS under the principle of privity conclusive upon the Court; we will not assume to interfere with the
of interest. In fine, FELS and NPC are substantially "identical parties" sensible exercise of the judgment of men especially trained in
as to warrant the application of res judicata. FELS’s argument that it appraising property. Where the judicial mind is left in doubt, it is a
is not bound by the erroneous petition filed by NPC is thus unavailing. sound policy to leave the assessment undisturbed.49 We find no
reason to depart from this rule in this case.
On the issue of forum shopping, we rule for the Provincial Assessor.
Forum shopping exists when, as a result of an adverse judgment in In Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., et al. v. The City
one forum, a party seeks another and possibly favorable judgment in of New York, et al.,50 a power company brought an action to review
another forum other than by appeal or special civil action or certiorari. property tax assessment. On the city’s motion to dismiss, the Supreme
There is also forum shopping when a party institutes two or more Court of New York held that the barges on which were mounted gas
actions or proceedings grounded on the same cause, on the gamble turbine power plants designated to generate electrical power, the fuel
that one or the other court would make a favorable disposition. 44
oil barges which supplied fuel oil to the power plant barges, and the
accessory equipment mounted on the barges were subject to real
Petitioner FELS alleges that there is no forum shopping since the property taxation.
elements of res judicata are not present in the cases at bar; however,
as already discussed, res judicata may be properly applied herein.
Moreover, Article 415 (9) of the New Civil Code provides that "[d]ocks It is a basic rule that obligations arising from a contract have the force
and structures which, though floating, are intended by their nature of law between the parties. Not being contrary to law, morals, good
and object to remain at a fixed place on a river, lake, or coast" are customs, public order or public policy, the parties to the contract are
considered immovable property. Thus, power barges are categorized bound by its terms and conditions.54
as immovable property by destination, being in the nature of
machinery and other implements intended by the owner for an Time and again, the Supreme Court has stated that taxation is the
industry or work which may be carried on in a building or on a piece rule and exemption is the exception.55 The law does not look with
of land and which tend directly to meet the needs of said industry or favor on tax exemptions and the entity that would seek to be thus
work.51 privileged must justify it by words too plain to be mistaken and too
categorical to be misinterpreted.56 Thus, applying the rule of strict
Petitioners maintain nevertheless that the power barges are exempt construction of laws granting tax exemptions, and the rule that doubts
from real estate tax under Section 234 (c) of R.A. No. 7160 because should be resolved in favor of provincial corporations, we hold that
they are actually, directly and exclusively used by petitioner NPC, a FELS is considered a taxable entity.
government- owned and controlled corporation engaged in the
supply, generation, and transmission of electric power. The mere undertaking of petitioner NPC under Section 10.1 of the
Agreement, that it shall be responsible for the payment of all real
We affirm the findings of the LBAA and CBAA that the owner of the estate taxes and assessments, does not justify the exemption. The
taxable properties is petitioner FELS, which in fine, is the entity being privilege granted to petitioner NPC cannot be extended to FELS. The
taxed by the local government. As stipulated under Section 2.11, covenant is between FELS and NPC and does not bind a third person
Article 2 of the Agreement: not privy thereto, in this case, the Province of Batangas.

OWNERSHIP OF POWER BARGES. POLAR shall own the Power Barges It must be pointed out that the protracted and circuitous litigation has
and all the fixtures, fittings, machinery and equipment on the Site seriously resulted in the local government’s deprivation of revenues.
used in connection with the Power Barges which have been supplied The power to tax is an incident of sovereignty and is unlimited in its
by it at its own cost. POLAR shall operate, manage and maintain the magnitude, acknowledging in its very nature no perimeter so that
Power Barges for the purpose of converting Fuel of NAPOCOR into security against its abuse is to be found only in the responsibility of
electricity.52 the legislature which imposes the tax on the constituency who are to
pay for it.57 The right of local government units to collect taxes due
It follows then that FELS cannot escape liability from the payment of must always be upheld to avoid severe tax erosion. This consideration
realty taxes by invoking its exemption in Section 234 (c) of R.A. No. is consistent with the State policy to guarantee the autonomy of local
7160, which reads: governments58 and the objective of the Local Government Code that
they enjoy genuine and meaningful local autonomy to empower them
SECTION 234. Exemptions from Real Property Tax. – The following to achieve their fullest development as self-reliant communities and
are exempted from payment of the real property tax: make them effective partners in the attainment of national goals.59

xxx In conclusion, we reiterate that the power to tax is the most potent
instrument to raise the needed revenues to finance and support
(c) All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and myriad activities of the local government units for the delivery of basic
exclusively used by local water districts and government-owned or services essential to the promotion of the general welfare and the
controlled corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of enhancement of peace, progress, and prosperity of the people.60
water and/or generation and transmission of electric power; x x x
WHEREFORE, the Petitions are DENIED and the assailed Decisions
Indeed, the law states that the machinery must be actually, directly and Resolutions AFFIRMED.
and exclusively used by the government owned or controlled
corporation; nevertheless, petitioner FELS still cannot find solace in SO ORDERED.
this provision because Section 5.5, Article 5 of the Agreement

OPERATION. POLAR undertakes that until the end of the Lease

Period, subject to the supply of the necessary Fuel pursuant to Article
6 and to the other provisions hereof, it will operate the Power Barges
to convert such Fuel into electricity in accordance with Part A of Article
G.R. No. 155076 February 27, 2006 per minute. After dialing the ISR access number indicated in the
phone card, the ISR operator requests the subscriber to give the PIN
LUIS MARCOS P. LAUREL, Petitioner, number also indicated in the phone card. Once the caller’s identity (as
vs. purchaser of the phone card) is confirmed, the ISR operator will then
HON. ZEUS C. ABROGAR, Presiding Judge of the Regional provide a Philippine local line to the requesting caller via the IPL.
Trial Court, Makati City, Branch 150, PEOPLE OF THE According to PLDT, calls made through the IPL never pass the toll
PHILIPPINES& PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE center of IGF operators in the Philippines. Using the local line, the
COMPANY, Respondents. Baynet card user is able to place a call to any point in the Philippines,
provided the local line is National Direct Dial (NDD) capable.5
PLDT asserts that Baynet conducts its ISR activities by utilizing an IPL
CALLEJO, SR., J.: to course its incoming international long distance calls from Japan.
The IPL is linked to switching equipment, which is then connected to
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari of the Decision1 of the PLDT telephone lines/numbers and equipment, with Baynet as
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. 68841 affirming the Order subscriber. Through the use of the telephone lines and other auxiliary
issued by Judge Zeus C. Abrogar, Regional Trial Court (RTC), Makati equipment, Baynet is able to connect an international long distance
City, Branch 150, which denied the "Motion to Quash (With Motion to call from Japan to any part of the Philippines, and make it appear as
Defer Arraignment)" in Criminal Case No. 99-2425 for theft. a call originating from Metro Manila. Consequently, the operator of an
ISR is able to evade payment of access, termination or bypass charges
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) is the holder of and accounting rates, as well as compliance with the regulatory
a legislative franchise to render local and international requirements of the NTC. Thus, the ISR operator offers international
telecommunication services under Republic Act No. 7082.2 Under said telecommunication services at a lower rate, to the damage and
law, PLDT is authorized to establish, operate, manage, lease, maintain prejudice of legitimate operators like PLDT.6
and purchase telecommunication systems, including transmitting,
receiving and switching stations, for both domestic and international PLDT pointed out that Baynet utilized the following equipment for its
calls. For this purpose, it has installed an estimated 1.7 million ISR activities: lines, cables, and antennas or equipment or device
telephone lines nationwide. PLDT also offers other services as capable of transmitting air waves or frequency, such as an IPL and
authorized by Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) telephone lines and equipment; computers or any equipment or
duly issued by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), device capable of accepting information applying the prescribed
and operates and maintains an International Gateway Facility (IGF). process of the information and supplying the result of this process;
The PLDT network is thus principally composed of the Public Switch modems or any equipment or device that enables a data terminal
Telephone Network (PSTN), telephone handsets and/or equipment such as computers to communicate with other data
telecommunications equipment used by its subscribers, the wires and terminal equipment via a telephone line; multiplexers or any
cables linking said telephone handsets and/or telecommunications equipment or device that enables two or more signals from different
equipment, antenna, the IGF, and other telecommunications sources to pass through a common cable or transmission line;
equipment which provide interconnections.
switching equipment, or equipment or device capable of connecting
telephone lines; and software, diskettes, tapes or equipment or device
PLDT alleges that one of the alternative calling patterns that constitute used for recording and storing information.7
network fraud and violate its network integrity is that which is known
as International Simple Resale (ISR). ISR is a method of routing and PLDT also discovered that Baynet subscribed to a total of 123 PLDT
completing international long distance calls using International Private telephone lines/numbers.8 Based on the Traffic Study conducted on
Leased Lines (IPL), cables, antenna or air wave or frequency, which the volume of calls passing through Baynet’s ISR network which
connect directly to the local or domestic exchange facilities of the bypass the IGF toll center, PLDT incurred an estimated monthly loss
terminating country (the country where the call is destined). The IPL of P10,185,325.96.9 Records at the Securities and Exchange
is linked to switching equipment which is connected to a PLDT Commission (SEC) also revealed that Baynet was not authorized to
telephone line/number. In the process, the calls bypass the IGF found provide international or domestic long distance telephone service in
at the terminating country, or in some instances, even those from the the country. The following are its officers: Yuji Hijioka, a Japanese
originating country.4 national (chairman of the board of directors); Gina C. Mukaida, a
Filipina (board member and president); Luis Marcos P. Laurel, a
One such alternative calling service is that offered by Baynet Co., Ltd. Filipino (board member and corporate secretary); Ricky Chan Pe, a
(Baynet) which sells "Bay Super Orient Card" phone cards to people Filipino (board member and treasurer); and Yasushi Ueshima, also a
who call their friends and relatives in the Philippines. With said card, Japanese national (board member).
one is entitled to a 27-minute call to the Philippines for about ¥37.03
Upon complaint of PLDT against Baynet for network fraud, and on the prohibit ISR operations. He claimed that telephone calls with the use
strength of two search warrants issued by the RTC of Makati, Branch
of PLDT telephone lines, whether domestic or international, belong to
147, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) agents searched its office the persons making the call, not to PLDT. He argued that the caller
at the 7th Floor, SJG Building, Kalayaan Avenue, Makati City on merely uses the facilities of PLDT, and what the latter owns are the
November 8, 1999. Atsushi Matsuura, Nobuyoshi Miyake, Edourd D. telecommunication infrastructures or facilities through which the call
Lacson and Rolando J. Villegas were arrested by NBI agents while in is made. He also asserted that PLDT is compensated for the caller’s
the act of manning the operations of Baynet. Seized in the premises use of its facilities by way of rental; for an outgoing overseas call,
during the search were numerous equipment and devices used in its PLDT charges the caller per minute, based on the duration of the call.
ISR activities, such as multiplexers, modems, computer monitors, Thus, no personal property was stolen from PLDT. According to
CPUs, antenna, assorted computer peripheral cords and Laurel, the P20,370,651.92 stated in the Information, if anything,
microprocessors, cables/wires, assorted PLDT statement of accounts, represents the rental for the use of PLDT facilities, and not the value
parabolic antennae and voltage regulators. of anything owned by it. Finally, he averred that the allegations in the
Amended Information are already subsumed under the Information
State Prosecutor Ofelia L. Calo conducted an inquest investigation and for violation of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 401 filed and pending
issued a Resolution11 on January 28, 2000, finding probable cause for in the Metropolitan Trial Court of Makati City, docketed as Criminal
theft under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code and Presidential Case No. 276766.
Decree No. 40112 against the respondents therein, including Laurel.
The prosecution, through private complainant PLDT, opposed the
On February 8, 2000, State Prosecutor Calo filed an Information with motion,14 contending that the movant unlawfully took personal
the RTC of Makati City charging Matsuura, Miyake, Lacson and property belonging to it, as follows: 1) intangible telephone services
Villegas with theft under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code. After that are being offered by PLDT and other telecommunication
conducting the requisite preliminary investigation, the State companies, i.e., the connection and interconnection to their telephone
Prosecutor filed an Amended Information impleading Laurel (a partner lines/facilities; 2) the use of those facilities over a period of time; and
in the law firm of Ingles, Laurel, Salinas, and, until November 19, 3) the revenues derived in connection with the rendition of such
1999, a member of the board of directors and corporate secretary of services and the use of such facilities.15
Baynet), and the other members of the board of directors of said
corporation, namely, Yuji Hijioka, Yasushi Ueshima, Mukaida, Lacson The prosecution asserted that the use of PLDT’s intangible telephone
and Villegas, as accused for theft under Article 308 of the Revised services/facilities allows electronic voice signals to pass through the
Penal Code. The inculpatory portion of the Amended Information same, and ultimately to the called party’s number. It averred that such
reads: service/facility is akin to electricity which, although an intangible
property, may, nevertheless, be appropriated and be the subject of
On or about September 10-19, 1999, or prior thereto, in Makati City, theft. Such service over a period of time for a consideration is the
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused, business that PLDT provides to its customers, which enables the latter
conspiring and confederating together and all of them mutually to send various messages to installed recipients. The service rendered
helping and aiding one another, with intent to gain and without the by PLDT is akin to merchandise which has specific value, and
knowledge and consent of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone therefore, capable of appropriation by another, as in this case,
(PLDT), did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, through the ISR operations conducted by the movant and his co-
steal and use the international long distance calls belonging to PLDT accused.
by conducting International Simple Resale (ISR), which is a method
of routing and completing international long distance calls using lines, The prosecution further alleged that "international business calls and
cables, antennae, and/or air wave frequency which connect directly revenues constitute personal property envisaged in Article 308 of the
to the local or domestic exchange facilities of the country where the Revised Penal Code." Moreover, the intangible telephone
call is destined, effectively stealing this business from PLDT while services/facilities belong to PLDT and not to the movant and the other
using its facilities in the estimated amount of P20,370,651.92 to the accused, because they have no telephone services and facilities of
damage and prejudice of PLDT, in the said amount. their own duly authorized by the NTC; thus, the taking by the movant
and his co-accused of PLDT services was with intent to gain and
without the latter’s consent.

Accused Laurel filed a "Motion to Quash (with Motion to Defer The prosecution pointed out that the accused, as well as the movant,
Arraignment)" on the ground that the factual allegations in the were paid in exchange for their illegal appropriation and use of PLDT’s
Amended Information do not constitute the felony of theft under telephone services and facilities; on the other hand, the accused did
Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code. He averred that the Revised not pay a single centavo for their illegal ISR operations. Thus, the acts
Penal Code, or any other special penal law for that matter, does not of the accused were akin to the use of a "jumper" by a consumer to
deflect the current from the house electric meter, thereby enabling considered as personal property under Article 308 of the Revised
one to steal electricity. The prosecution emphasized that its position Penal Code, since a "business" is "(1) a commercial or mercantile
is fortified by the Resolutions of the Department of Justice in PLDT v. activity customarily engaged in as a means of livelihood and typically
Tiongson, et al. (I.S. No. 97-0925) and in PAOCTF-PLDT v. Elton John involving some independence of judgment and power of decision; (2)
Tuason, et al. (I.S. No. 2000-370) which were issued on August 14, a commercial or industrial enterprise; and (3) refers to transactions,
2000 finding probable cause for theft against the respondents therein. dealings or intercourse of any nature." On the other hand, the term
"revenue" is defined as "the income that comes back from an
On September 14, 2001, the RTC issued an Order 16
denying the investment (as in real or personal property); the annual or periodical
Motion to Quash the Amended Information. The court declared that, rents, profits, interests, or issues of any species of real or personal
although there is no law that expressly prohibits the use of ISR, the property."22
facts alleged in the Amended Information "will show how the alleged
crime was committed by conducting ISR," to the damage and Laurel further posited that an electric company’s business is the
prejudice of PLDT. production and distribution of electricity; a gas company’s business is
the production and/or distribution of gas (as fuel); while a water
Laurel filed a Motion for Reconsideration 17
of the Order, alleging that company’s business is the production and distribution of potable
international long distance calls are not personal property, and are water. He argued that the "business" in all these cases is the
not capable of appropriation. He maintained that business or revenue commercial activity, while the goods and merchandise are the
is not considered personal property, and that the prosecution failed products of such activity. Thus, in prosecutions for theft of certain
to adduce proof of its existence and the subsequent loss of personal forms of energy, it is the electricity or gas which is alleged to be stolen
property belonging to another. Citing the ruling of the Court in United and not the "business" of providing electricity or gas. However, since
States v. De Guzman, 18
Laurel averred that the case is not one with a telephone company does not produce any energy, goods or
telephone calls which originate with a particular caller and terminates merchandise and merely renders a service or, in the words of PLDT,
with the called party. He insisted that telephone calls are considered "the connection and interconnection to their telephone lines/facilities,"
privileged communications under the Constitution and cannot be such service cannot be the subject of theft as defined in Article 308
considered as "the property of PLDT." He further argued that there is of the Revised Penal Code.23
no kinship between telephone calls and electricity or gas, as the latter
are forms of energy which are generated and consumable, and may He further declared that to categorize "business" as personal property
be considered as personal property because of such characteristic. On under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code would lead to absurd
the other hand, the movant argued, the telephone business is not a consequences; in prosecutions for theft of gas, electricity or water, it
form of energy but is an activity. would then be permissible to allege in the Information that it is the
gas business, the electric business or the water business which has
In its Order19 dated December 11, 2001, the RTC denied the movant’s been stolen, and no longer the merchandise produced by such
Motion for Reconsideration. This time, it ruled that what was stolen enterprise.24
from PLDT was its "business" because, as alleged in the Amended
Information, the international long distance calls made through the Laurel further cited the Resolution of the Secretary of Justice in Piltel
facilities of PLDT formed part of its business. The RTC noted that the v. Mendoza,25 where it was ruled that the Revised Penal Code,
movant was charged with stealing the business of PLDT. To support legislated as it was before present technological advances were even
its ruling, it cited Strochecker v. Ramirez, 20
where the Court ruled that conceived, is not adequate to address the novel means of "stealing"
interest in business is personal property capable of appropriation. It airwaves or airtime. In said resolution, it was noted that the
further declared that, through their ISR operations, the movant and inadequacy prompted the filing of Senate Bill 2379 (sic) entitled "The
his co-accused deprived PLDT of fees for international long distance Anti-Telecommunications Fraud of 1997" to deter cloning of cellular
calls, and that the ISR used by the movant and his co-accused was phones and other forms of communications fraud. The said bill "aims
no different from the "jumper" used for stealing electricity. to protect in number (ESN) (sic) or Capcode, mobile identification
number (MIN), electronic-international mobile equipment identity
Laurel then filed a Petition for Certiorari with the CA, assailing the (EMEI/IMEI), or subscriber identity module" and "any attempt to
Order of the RTC. He alleged that the respondent judge gravely duplicate the data on another cellular phone without the consent of a
abused his discretion in denying his Motion to Quash the Amended public telecommunications entity would be punishable by
Information.21 As gleaned from the material averments of the law."26 Thus, Laurel concluded, "there is no crime if there is no law
amended information, he was charged with stealing the international punishing the crime."
long distance calls belonging to PLDT, not its business. Moreover, the
RTC failed to distinguish between the business of PLDT (providing On August 30, 2002, the CA rendered judgment dismissing the
services for international long distance calls) and the revenues derived petition.27 The appellate court ruled that a petition for certiorari under
therefrom. He opined that a "business" or its revenues cannot be Rule 65 of the Rules of Court was not the proper remedy of the
petitioner. On the merits of the petition, it held that while business is should be construed to mean "business" of PLDT, which, while
generally an activity abstract and intangible in form, is personal property susceptible of
appropriation.31 The OSG avers that what was stolen by petitioner and
which is abstract and intangible in form, it is nevertheless considered his co-accused is the business of PLDT providing international long
"property" under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code. The CA opined distance calls which, though intangible, is personal property of the
that PLDT’s business of providing international calls is personal PLDT.32
property which may be the object of theft, and cited United States v.
Carlos28 to support such conclusion. The tribunal also cited For its part, respondent PLDT asserts that personal property under
Strochecker v. Ramirez,29 where this Court ruled that one-half interest Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code comprehends intangible
in a day’s business is personal property under Section 2 of Act No. property such as electricity and gas which are valuable articles for
3952, otherwise known as the Bulk Sales Law. The appellate court merchandise, brought and sold like other personal property, and are
held that the operations of the ISR are not subsumed in the charge capable of appropriation. It insists that the business of international
for violation of P.D. No. 401. calls and revenues constitute personal property because the same are
valuable articles of merchandise. The respondent reiterates that
Laurel, now the petitioner, assails the decision of the CA, contending international calls involve (a) the intangible telephone services that
that - are being offered by it, that is, the connection and interconnection to
the telephone network, lines or facilities; (b) the use of its telephone
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT THE network, lines or facilities over a period of time; and (c) the income
PERSONAL PROPERTY ALLEGEDLY STOLEN PER THE derived in connection therewith.33
DISTANCE CALLS" BUT THE "BUSINESS OF PLDT." PLDT further posits that business revenues or the income derived in
connection with the rendition of such services and the use of its
THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN RULING THAT THE telephone network, lines or facilities are personal properties under
TERM "BUSINESS" IS PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code; so is the use of said telephone
MEANING OF ART. 308 OF THE REVISED PENAL CODE.30 services/telephone network, lines or facilities which allow electronic
voice signals to pass through the same and ultimately to the called
Petitioner avers that the petition for a writ of certiorari may be filed party’s number. It is akin to electricity which, though intangible
to nullify an interlocutory order of the trial court which was issued property, may nevertheless be appropriated and can be the object of
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess or lack of theft. The use of respondent PLDT’s telephone network, lines, or
jurisdiction. In support of his petition before the Court, he reiterates facilities over a period of time for consideration is the business that it
the arguments in his pleadings filed before the CA. He further claims provides to its customers, which enables the latter to send various
that while the right to carry on a business or an interest or messages to intended recipients. Such use over a period of time is
participation in business is considered property under the New Civil akin to merchandise which has value and, therefore, can be
Code, the term "business," however, is not. He asserts that the appropriated by another. According to respondent PLDT, this is what
Philippine Legislature, which approved the Revised Penal Code way actually happened when petitioner Laurel and the other accused
back in January 1, 1932, could not have contemplated to include below conducted illegal ISR operations.34
international long distance calls and "business" as personal property
under Article 308 thereof. The petition is meritorious.

In its comment on the petition, the Office of the Solicitor General The issues for resolution are as follows: (a) whether or not the petition
(OSG) maintains that the amended information clearly states all the for certiorari is the proper remedy of the petitioner in the Court of
essential elements of the crime of theft. Petitioner’s interpretation as Appeals; (b) whether or not international telephone calls using Bay
to whether an "international long distance call" is personal property Super Orient Cards through the telecommunication services provided
under the law is inconsequential, as a reading of the amended by PLDT for such calls, or, in short, PLDT’s business of providing said
information readily reveals that specific acts and circumstances were telecommunication services, are proper subjects of theft under Article
alleged charging Baynet, through its officers, including petitioner, of 308 of the Revised Penal Code; and (c) whether or not the trial court
feloniously taking, stealing and illegally using international long committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess or lack of
distance calls belonging to respondent PLDT by conducting ISR jurisdiction in denying the motion of the petitioner to quash the
operations, thus, "routing and completing international long distance amended information.
calls using lines, cables, antenna and/or airwave frequency which
connect directly to the local or domestic exchange facilities of the On the issue of whether or not the petition for certiorari instituted by
country where the call is destined." The OSG maintains that the the petitioner in the CA is proper, the general rule is that a petition
international long distance calls alleged in the amended information for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, as amended, to
nullify an order denying a motion to quash the Information is proven unless it is alleged or necessarily included in the Information
inappropriate because the aggrieved party has a remedy of appeal in filed against him.
the ordinary course of law. Appeal and certiorari are mutually
exclusive of each other. The remedy of the aggrieved party is to As a general prerequisite, a motion to quash on the ground that the
continue with the case in due course and, when an unfavorable Information does not constitute the offense charged, or any offense
judgment is rendered, assail the order and the decision on appeal. for that matter, should be resolved on the basis of said allegations
However, if the trial court issues the order denying the motion to whose truth and veracity are hypothetically committed;41 and on
quash the Amended Information with grave abuse of discretion additional facts admitted or not denied by the prosecution.42 If the
amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction, or if such order is patently facts alleged in the Information do not constitute an offense, the
erroneous, or null and void for being contrary to the Constitution, and complaint or information should be quashed by the court.43
the remedy of appeal would not afford adequate and expeditious
relief, the accused may resort to the extraordinary remedy of We have reviewed the Amended Information and find that, as
certiorari. A special civil action for certiorari is also available where
35 mentioned by the petitioner, it does not contain material allegations
there are special circumstances clearly demonstrating the inadequacy charging the petitioner of theft of personal property under Article 308
of an appeal. As this Court held in Bristol Myers Squibb (Phils.), Inc. of the Revised Penal Code. It, thus, behooved the trial court to quash
v. Viloria: 36 the Amended Information. The Order of the trial court denying the
motion of the petitioner to quash the Amended Information is a patent
Nonetheless, the settled rule is that a writ of certiorari may be granted nullity.
in cases where, despite availability of appeal after trial, there is at
least a prima facie showing on the face of the petition and its annexes On the second issue, we find and so hold that the international
that: (a) the trial court issued the order with grave abuse of discretion telephone calls placed by Bay Super Orient Card holders, the
amounting to lack of or in excess of jurisdiction; (b) appeal would not telecommunication services provided by PLDT and its business of
prove to be a speedy and adequate remedy; (c) where the order is a providing said services are not personal properties under Article 308
patent nullity; (d) the decision in the present case will arrest future of the Revised Penal Code. The construction by the respondents of
litigations; and (e) for certain considerations such as public welfare Article 308 of the said Code to include, within its coverage, the
and public policy. 37 aforesaid international telephone calls, telecommunication services
and business is contrary to the letter and intent of the law.
In his petition for certiorari in the CA, petitioner averred that the trial
court committed grave abuse of its discretion amounting to excess or The rule is that, penal laws are to be construed strictly. Such rule is
lack of jurisdiction when it denied his motion to quash the Amended founded on the tenderness of the law for the rights of individuals and
Information despite his claim that the material allegations in the on the plain principle that the power of punishment is vested in
Amended Information do not charge theft under Article 308 of the Congress, not in the judicial department. It is Congress, not the Court,
Revised Penal Code, or any offense for that matter. By so doing, the which is to define a crime, and ordain its punishment.44 Due respect
trial court deprived him of his constitutional right to be informed of for the prerogative of Congress in defining crimes/felonies constrains
the nature of the charge against him. He further averred that the the Court to refrain from a broad interpretation of penal laws where
order of the trial court is contrary to the constitution and is, thus, null a "narrow interpretation" is appropriate. The Court must take heed to
and void. He insists that he should not be compelled to undergo the language, legislative history and purpose, in order to strictly
rigors and tribulations of a protracted trial and incur expenses to determine the wrath and breath of the conduct the law
defend himself against a non-existent charge. forbids.45 However, when the congressional purpose is unclear, the
court must apply the rule of lenity, that is, ambiguity concerning the
Petitioner is correct. ambit of criminal statutes should be resolved in favor of lenity.46

An information or complaint must state explicitly and directly every Penal statutes may not be enlarged by implication or intent beyond
act or omission constituting an offense 38
and must allege facts the fair meaning of the language used; and may not be held to include
establishing conduct that a penal statute makes criminal;39 and offenses other than those which are clearly described,
describes the property which is the subject of theft to advise the notwithstanding that the Court may think that Congress should have
accused with reasonable certainty of the accusation he is called upon made them more comprehensive.47 Words and phrases in a statute
to meet at the trial and to enable him to rely on the judgment are to be construed according to their common meaning and accepted
thereunder of a subsequent prosecution for the same offense. 40
It usage.
must show, on its face, that if the alleged facts are true, an offense
has been committed. The rule is rooted on the constitutional right of As Chief Justice John Marshall declared, "it would be dangerous,
the accused to be informed of the nature of the crime or cause of the indeed, to carry the principle that a case which is within the reason or
accusation against him. He cannot be convicted of an offense even if
mischief of a statute is within its provision, so far as to punish a crime Solamente las cosas muebles y corporales pueden ser objeto de hurto.
not enumerated in the statute because it is of equal atrocity, or of La sustracción de cosas inmuebles y la cosas incorporales (v. gr., los
kindred character with those which are enumerated. 48
When derechos, las ideas) no puede integrar este delito, pues no es posible
interpreting a criminal statute that does not explicitly reach the asirlas, tomarlas, para conseguir su apropiación. El Codigo emplea la
conduct in question, the Court should not base an expansive reading expresión "cosas mueble" en el sentido de cosa que es susceptible de
on inferences from subjective and variable understanding. 49
ser llevada del lugar donde se encuentra, como dinero, joyas, ropas,
etcétera, asi que su concepto no coincide por completo con el
Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code defines theft as follows: formulado por el Codigo civil (arts. 335 y 336).54

Art. 308. Who are liable for theft.– Theft is committed by any person Thus, movable properties under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code
who, with intent to gain but without violence, against or intimidation should be distinguished from the rights or interests to which they
of persons nor force upon things, shall take personal property of relate. A naked right existing merely in contemplation of law, although
another without the latter’s consent. it may be very valuable to the person who is entitled to exercise it, is
not the subject of theft or larceny.55 Such rights or interests are
The provision was taken from Article 530 of the Spanish Penal Code intangible and cannot be "taken" by another. Thus, right to produce
which reads: oil, good will or an interest in business, or the right to engage in
business, credit or franchise are properties. So is the credit line
1. Los que con ánimo de lucrarse, y sin violencia o intimidación en las represented by a credit card. However, they are not proper subjects
personas ni fuerza en las cosas, toman las cosas muebles ajenas sin of theft or larceny because they are without form or substance, the
la voluntad de su dueño.50 mere "breath" of the Congress. On the other hand, goods, wares and
merchandise of businessmen and credit cards issued to them are
For one to be guilty of theft, the accused must have an intent to steal movable properties with physical and material existence and may be
(animus furandi) personal property, meaning the intent to deprive taken by another; hence, proper subjects of theft.
another of his ownership/lawful possession of personal property which
intent is apart from and concurrently with the general criminal intent There is "taking" of personal property, and theft is consummated
which is an essential element of a felony of dolo (dolus malus). when the offender unlawfully acquires possession of personal
property even if for a short time; or if such property is under the
An information or complaint for simple theft must allege the following dominion and control of the thief. The taker, at some particular
elements: (a) the taking of personal property; (b) the said property amount, must have obtained complete and absolute possession and
belongs to another; (c) the taking be done with intent to gain; and control of the property adverse to the rights of the owner or the lawful
(d) the taking be accomplished without the use of violence or possessor thereof.56 It is not necessary that the property be actually
intimidation of person/s or force upon things. 51
carried away out of the physical possession of the lawful possessor or
that he should have made his escape with it.57 Neither asportation nor
One is apt to conclude that "personal property" standing alone, covers actual manual possession of property is required. Constructive
both tangible and intangible properties and are subject of theft under possession of the thief of the property is enough.58
the Revised Penal Code. But the words "Personal property" under the
Revised Penal Code must be considered in tandem with the word The essence of the element is the taking of a thing out of the
"take" in the law. The statutory definition of "taking" and movable possession of the owner without his privity and consent and without
property indicates that, clearly, not all personal properties may be the animus revertendi.59
proper subjects of theft. The general rule is that, only movable
properties which have physical or material existence and susceptible Taking may be by the offender’s own hands, by his use of innocent
of occupation by another are proper objects of theft.52 As explained persons without any felonious intent, as well as any mechanical
by Cuelo Callon: "Cosa juridicamente es toda sustancia corporal, device, such as an access device or card, or any agency, animate or
material, susceptible de ser aprehendida que tenga un valor inanimate, with intent to gain. Intent to gain includes the unlawful
cualquiera."53 taking of personal property for the purpose of deriving utility,
satisfaction, enjoyment and pleasure.60
According to Cuello Callon, in the context of the Penal Code, only
those movable properties which can be taken and carried from the We agree with the contention of the respondents that intangible
place they are found are proper subjects of theft. Intangible properties such as electrical energy and gas are proper subjects of
properties such as rights and ideas are not subject of theft because theft. The reason for this is that, as explained by this Court in United
the same cannot be "taken" from the place it is found and is occupied States v. Carlos61 and United States v. Tambunting,62 based on
or appropriated. decisions of the Supreme Court of Spain and of the courts in England
and the United States of America, gas or electricity are capable of
appropriation by another other than the owner. Gas and electrical We agree with the contention of the petitioner that, as gleaned from
energy may be taken, carried away and appropriated. In People v. the material averments of the Amended Information, he is charged of
Menagas, the Illinois State Supreme Court declared that electricity, "stealing the international long distance calls belonging to PLDT" and
like gas, may be seen and felt. Electricity, the same as gas, is a the use thereof, through the ISR. Contrary to the claims of the OSG
valuable article of merchandise, bought and sold like other personal and respondent PLDT, the petitioner is not charged of stealing
property and is capable of appropriation by another. It is a valuable P20,370,651.95 from said respondent. Said amount of
article of merchandise, bought and sold like other personal property, P20,370,651.95 alleged in the Amended Information is the aggregate
susceptible of being severed from a mass or larger quantity and of amount of access, transmission or termination charges which the
being transported from place to place. Electrical energy may, likewise, PLDT expected from the international long distance calls of the callers
be taken and carried away. It is a valuable commodity, bought and with the use of Baynet Super Orient Cards sold by Baynet Co. Ltd.
sold like other personal property. It may be transported from place to
place. There is nothing in the nature of gas used for illuminating In defining theft, under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code, as the
purposes which renders it incapable of being feloniously taken and taking of personal property without the consent of the owner thereof,
carried away. the Philippine legislature could not have contemplated the human
voice which is converted into electronic impulses or electrical current
In People ex rel Brush Electric Illuminating Co. v. Wemple, 64
the Court which are transmitted to the party called through the PSTN of
of Appeals of New York held that electric energy is manufactured and respondent PLDT and the ISR of Baynet Card Ltd. within its coverage.
sold in determinate quantities at a fixed price, precisely as are coal, When the Revised Penal Code was approved, on December 8, 1930,
kerosene oil, and gas. It may be conveyed to the premises of the international telephone calls and the transmission and routing of
consumer, stored in cells of different capacity known as an electronic voice signals or impulses emanating from said calls, through
accumulator; or it may be sent through a wire, just as gas or oil may the PSTN, IPL and ISR, were still non-existent. Case law is that, where
be transported either in a close tank or forced through a pipe. Having a legislative history fails to evidence congressional awareness of the
reached the premises of the consumer, it may be used in any way he scope of the statute claimed by the respondents, a narrow
may desire, being, like illuminating gas, capable of being transformed interpretation of the law is more consistent with the usual approach
either into heat, light, or power, at the option of the purchaser. In to the construction of the statute. Penal responsibility cannot be
Woods v. People, 65
the Supreme Court of Illinois declared that there extended beyond the fair scope of the statutory mandate.70
is nothing in the nature of gas used for illuminating purposes which
renders it incapable of being feloniously taken and carried away. It is Respondent PLDT does not acquire possession, much less, ownership
a valuable article of merchandise, bought and sold like other personal of the voices of the telephone callers or of the electronic voice signals
property, susceptible of being severed from a mass or larger quantity or current emanating from said calls. The human voice and the
and of being transported from place to place. electronic voice signals or current caused thereby are intangible and
not susceptible of possession, occupation or appropriation by the
Gas and electrical energy should not be equated with business or respondent PLDT or even the petitioner, for that matter. PLDT merely
services provided by business entrepreneurs to the public. Business transmits the electronic voice signals through its facilities and
does not have an exact definition. Business is referred as that which equipment. Baynet Card Ltd., through its operator, merely intercepts,
occupies the time, attention and labor of men for the purpose of reroutes the calls and passes them to its toll center. Indeed, the
livelihood or profit. It embraces everything that which a person can parties called receive the telephone calls from Japan.
be employed.66 Business may also mean employment, occupation or
profession. Business is also defined as a commercial activity for gain In this modern age of technology, telecommunications systems have
benefit or advantage.67 Business, like services in business, although become so tightly merged with computer systems that it is difficult to
are properties, are not proper subjects of theft under the Revised know where one starts and the other finishes. The telephone set is
Penal Code because the same cannot be "taken" or "occupied." If it highly computerized and allows computers to communicate across
were otherwise, as claimed by the respondents, there would be no long distances.71 The instrumentality at issue in this case is not merely
juridical difference between the taking of the business of a person or a telephone but a telephone inexplicably linked to a computerized
the services provided by him for gain, vis-à-vis, the taking of goods, communications system with the use of Baynet Cards sold by the
wares or merchandise, or equipment comprising his business. 68
If it Baynet Card Ltd. The corporation uses computers, modems and
was its intention to include "business" as personal property under software, among others, for its ISR.72
Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code, the Philippine Legislature
should have spoken in language that is clear and definite: that The conduct complained of by respondent PLDT is reminiscent of
business is personal property under Article 308 of the Revised Penal "phreaking" (a slang term for the action of making a telephone system
Code.69 to do something that it normally should not allow by "making the
phone company bend over and grab its ankles"). A "phreaker" is one
who engages in the act of manipulating phones and illegally markets
telephone services.73 Unless the phone company replaces all its line, by attaching or maintaining the attachment of any unauthorized
hardware, phreaking would be impossible to stop. The phone device to any cable, wire or other component of an electric, telephone
companies in North America were impelled to replace all their or cable television system or to a television receiving set connected to
hardware and adopted full digital switching system known as the a cable television system, by making or maintaining any unauthorized
Common Channel Inter Office Signaling. Phreaking occurred only modification or alteration to any device installed by a cable television
during the 1960’s and 1970’s, decades after the Revised Penal Code system, or by false token or other trick or artifice to avoid payment
took effect. for the service.

The petitioner is not charged, under the Amended Information, for In the State of Illinois in the United States of America, theft of labor
theft of telecommunication or telephone services offered by PLDT. or services or use of property is penalized:
Even if he is, the term "personal property" under Article 308 of the
Revised Penal Code cannot be interpreted beyond its seams so as to (a) A person commits theft when he obtains the temporary use of
include "telecommunication or telephone services" or computer property, labor or services of another which are available only for hire,
services for that matter. The word "service" has a variety of meanings by means of threat or deception or knowing that such use is without
dependent upon the context, or the sense in which it is used; and, in the consent of the person providing the property, labor or services.
some instances, it may include a sale. For instance, the sale of food
by restaurants is usually referred to as "service," although an actual In 1980, the drafters of the Model Penal Code in the United States of
sale is involved. 74
It may also mean the duty or labor to be rendered America arrived at the conclusion that labor and services, including
by one person to another; performance of labor for the benefit of professional services, have not been included within the traditional
another. In the case of PLDT, it is to render local and international
75 scope of the term "property" in ordinary theft statutes. Hence, they
telecommunications services and such other services as authorized by decided to incorporate in the Code Section 223.7, which defines and
the CPCA issued by the NTC. Even at common law, neither time nor penalizes theft of services, thus:
services may be taken and occupied or appropriated. 76
A service is
generally not considered property and a theft of service would not, (1) A person is guilty of theft if he purposely obtains services which
therefore, constitute theft since there can be no caption or he knows are available only for compensation, by deception or threat,
asportation. Neither is the unauthorized use of the equipment and
77 or by false token or other means to avoid payment for the service.
facilities of PLDT by the petitioner theft under the aforequoted "Services" include labor, professional service, transportation,
provision of the Revised Penal Code. 78 telephone or other public service, accommodation in hotels,
restaurants or elsewhere, admission to exhibitions, use of vehicles or
If it was the intent of the Philippine Legislature, in 1930, to include other movable property. Where compensation for service is ordinarily
services to be the subject of theft, it should have incorporated the paid immediately upon the rendering of such service, as in the case
same in Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code. The Legislature did of hotels and restaurants, refusal to pay or absconding without
not. In fact, the Revised Penal Code does not even contain a definition payment or offer to pay gives rise to a presumption that the service
of services. was obtained by deception as to intention to pay; (2) A person
commits theft if, having control over the disposition of services of
If taking of telecommunication services or the business of a person, others, to which he is not entitled, he knowingly diverts such services
is to be proscribed, it must be by special statute79 or an amendment to his own benefit or to the benefit of another not entitled thereto.
of the Revised Penal Code. Several states in the United States, such
as New York, New Jersey, California and Virginia, realized that their Interestingly, after the State Supreme Court of Virginia promulgated
criminal statutes did not contain any provisions penalizing the theft of its decision in Lund v. Commonwealth,80 declaring that neither time
services and passed laws defining and penalizing theft of telephone nor services may be taken and carried away and are not proper
and computer services. The Pennsylvania Criminal Statute now subjects of larceny, the General Assembly of Virginia enacted Code
penalizes theft of services, thus: No. 18-2-98 which reads:

(a) Acquisition of services. -- Computer time or services or data processing services or information
or data stored in connection therewith is hereby defined to be
(1) A person is guilty of theft if he intentionally obtains services for property which may be the subject of larceny under § § 18.2-95 or
himself or for another which he knows are available only for 18.2-96, or embezzlement under § 18.2-111, or false pretenses under
compensation, by deception or threat, by altering or tampering with § 18.2-178.
the public utility meter or measuring device by which such services
are delivered or by causing or permitting such altering or tampering, In the State of Alabama, Section 13A-8-10(a)(1) of the Penal Code of
by making or maintaining any unauthorized connection, whether Alabama of 1975 penalizes theft of services:
physically, electrically or inductively, to a distribution or transmission
"A person commits the crime of theft of services if: (a) He intentionally IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the petition is GRANTED. The
obtains services known by him to be available only for compensation assailed Orders of the Regional Trial Court and the Decision of the
by deception, threat, false token or other means to avoid payment for Court of Appeals are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Regional Trial
the services …" Court is directed to issue an order granting the motion of the
petitioner to quash the Amended Information.
In the Philippines, Congress has not amended the Revised Penal Code
to include theft of services or theft of business as felonies. Instead, it SO ORDERED.
approved a law, Republic Act No. 8484, otherwise known as the
Access Devices Regulation Act of 1998, on February 11, 1998. Under
the law, an access device means any card, plate, code, account
number, electronic serial number, personal identification number and
other telecommunication services, equipment or instrumentalities-
identifier or other means of account access that can be used to obtain
money, goods, services or any other thing of value or to initiate a
transfer of funds other than a transfer originated solely by paper
instrument. Among the prohibited acts enumerated in Section 9 of the
law are the acts of obtaining money or anything of value through the
use of an access device, with intent to defraud or intent to gain and
fleeing thereafter; and of effecting transactions with one or more
access devices issued to another person or persons to receive
payment or any other thing of value. Under Section 11 of the law,
conspiracy to commit access devices fraud is a crime. However, the
petitioner is not charged of violation of R.A. 8484.

Significantly, a prosecution under the law shall be without prejudice

to any liability for violation of any provisions of the Revised Penal Code
inclusive of theft under Rule 308 of the Revised Penal Code and estafa
under Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code. Thus, if an individual
steals a credit card and uses the same to obtain services, he is liable
of the following: theft of the credit card under Article 308 of the
Revised Penal Code; violation of Republic Act No. 8484; and estafa
under Article 315(2)(a) of the Revised Penal Code with the service
provider as the private complainant. The petitioner is not charged of
estafa before the RTC in the Amended Information.

Section 33 of Republic Act No. 8792, Electronic Commerce Act of 2000


Sec. 33. Penalties.— The following Acts shall be penalized by fine

and/or imprisonment, as follows:

a) Hacking or cracking which refers to unauthorized access into or

interference in a computer system/server or information and
communication system; or any access in order to corrupt, alter, steal,
or destroy using a computer or other similar information and
communication devices, without the knowledge and consent of the
owner of the computer or information and communications system,
including the introduction of computer viruses and the like, resulting
on the corruption, destruction, alteration, theft or loss of electronic
data messages or electronic documents shall be punished by a
minimum fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) and a
maximum commensurate to the damage incurred and a mandatory
imprisonment of six (6) months to three (3) years.

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