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Quote to Order

Transaction layout – gather additional quote details: attributes

- Arrange information for display: layout

Commerce Rules – enforce valid quote information

Commerce Actions – performs appropriate actions

- Save
- Add Line Items
- Version Transaction
- Cancel Transaction
- Modify
- Back
- Add from Catalog
- Print
- Email
- Display History
- Copy to favorites
- Export Attachment
- Copy Line Items
- Submit

Approval Process – manager approvals (approval request email, commerce approvals tab, create approval
conditions, track progress, allow approvers to approve or reject a quote)

Participant Profiles – control access to a quote via the Transaction Manager

- Allow control of read/write status of individual fields

Quote-level Information – pertains to customer-specific information on a per-transaction basis, such as

shipping and billing addresses, contract terms and conditions, tracking approval information

Line-level information – unique to each line item, which is related to individual models and parts

Commerce Attribute Data Types: Text, Text Area, Menu, Currency, Date, Integer, Float, Boolean, Rich Text,
Read-only text or HTML, File Attachment, Summation, History, Bill to/Ship to Address Set, Additional
Address Set, eSignature Set

User-Side Commerce Refresh: Tabs, Sticky Action Bar, Panels, Line Item Grid, Standard Actions, Pricing

Commerce Layout – arranged using panels, tabs and column layouts


Panels – can hold any number of tab elements

- Have the option of being collapsible or not

- Can include a label (plain display panels have no labels and cannot be collapsed)

Tabs – can hold only column layouts

-can be hidden for parts/ models or product segments

-can have duplicate labels

Column Layouts – can have up to 20 columns, with the ability to define:

Column width in pixels or %

Label alignment, width and padding

Css class label

Spacers and Action Strips – spacers have the ability to define height

- Action strips can hold any number of actions

- Action strips can have a label, set width, set action alignment, and set horizontal and
vertical layout
- Sticky Action Strip is persistent at the top of the transaction layout as you scroll down
the page (you cannot change alignment, width, layout or label)

Formula Management – custom formulas to be used when values need to be calculated

Simple Approval Sequence (example)

If discount above threshold then approver must approve

Approval sequences – made up of reasons and approvers. Multiple reasons can be defined, and multiple
approvers can be required per reason should be in sequence or else it will fail.

Email notifications can be a part of the approval sequence:


Template – an email based on the selected template will be sent to the approver

Advanced – construct an email by using the CPQ cloud markup language (BML)

Parallel Approver – either of the two will approve

Serial Approver – both should approve

Types of Commerce Rules

Constraint – behavior is similar to configuration

- Prevents any action until constraint is lifted

- AJAX enabled: instant error

Hiding – behavior is similar to configuration

- Hides an entire attribute based on condition

- AJAX enabled: instant hide or show

Validation – behavior is similar to a constraint rule

- Prevents specific actions from being performed until the validation condition no
longer …

Steps and transition rules

6 standard steps: start-pending-submitted for approval-approved-order submitted-trashed

Participant Profiles – different transaction views

Views are controlled by user type or group (sales rep view, manager view, etc)

Use participant profiles to restrict access and actions from certain users

Contains three sections:

Document Views – tabs can be shown or hidden

- Actions can be

User Access Rights – control who can see or open transactions in Oracle Quote to Order
Manager that are in the current step

Transition Rules

Timer – schedules the system to automatically perform a document action after a defined amount of time

-Each step can have one timer associated with it

Document Designer

-the quote process

*Administration of the Document Designer includes creating and maintaining the Document output
templates (proposals, quotes, SOW, order forms, etc)

*Administrators can access all the quote information to dynamically auto-fill attribute placeholders

*Conditional logic can be used to control what is displayed in the output


Doc Designer ->XSL Converted -> Print action

-> Email action


Components: Layouts – structure of the document

- Placed in the template flow

Designers – content of the document

- Placed written

Types of layouts: Section – hold the main content of the document

- Organize the template into distinct sections; each section can have its own properties
- Can be only one page, but will span multiple pages as needed
- Can easily be re-arranged in the Template Flow
- Supports addition of all element types
- Continuous sections – allow multiple sections to be on the same page, the act as child
sections, child sections inherit section properties from the Parent. Enabled via a check
box in the section properties panel
- Section properties panel can define the number of columns to be used for a given

*Backround images can be used at the Document and Section levels. Both a Primary
Image and an Alternative Image can be defined. Conditions can be used to determine if
images are displayed and which image is displayed

Table of Contents – toc layout is dynamically filled with the order and location of Heading Elements in the

- In PDF or DOCX outputs, clicking a line in the TOC will take the reader to where the
heading is in the document

Header & Footer – defines the Header and Footer of all Section and Table of Contents Layout below it in
the Template Flow, until another Header and Footer Layout is defined
Elements: Text – can hold both static text and dynamic attribute values. Can be added to Sections, Table
cells and Headers and Footers

- Text Columns – you can define a section to have multiple columns by using the Section
Properties panel in Layouts. The columns will affect any Text Element in that Section
- Column Break – column break elements can be added to a Section to specify when
Elements should be split between different columns in the output. Can be added only
to sections
- Attribute Values – can be added to Text and Heading Elements. Eliminate copying and
pasting data into a template and costly human errors

Image – can reference images stored in the File Manager, images stored in Commerce File Attachment
attributes or external images. Images can be added to Sections, Table cells, and Headers and Footers

- Backup Images – an image element linked to a file attachment attribute can also have
a File Manager image or an external image associated

Table – can be used to organize content and present it in a logical way to the end-reader of the document.
Can be placed in Sections and Headers and Footers

Heading – can be used to introduce new sections of content while creating an entry for the content area
in the Table of Contents. Can only be added to Sections

Page Break – can be added to a Section to specify when Elements should be split between different pages
in the output. Can be added only to Sections

Spacer – create a blank space between Elements.

- Using ‘bind elements’, spacers can also be used to keep elements together on the
same page in the output.
- Can be added to Sections, Header & Footers and Table cells

XSL Snippet – can be used to affect the output of a document by referencing XSL variables. Can be added
to a Section, Table cell or Header and Footer

Embed Document – used to embed a PDF document from the File Manager, a File Attachment attribute,
or a URL in the PDF output of a template

- Add the contents of a Rich Text attribute to the template

Conditions and Loops – Document Designer has the ability to add dynamic components

Conditions – used to show or hide a Section, an Element or a Table component based on a logic statement

Loops -used to reiterate over a set of line forms and print the results. Commonly used with Table rows to
re-create the Commerce Line Item Grid or something similar
Integration – process that tries to link or share data from different software applications

Integration offers many benefits, including:

- Streamlining the marketing and sales processes

- Organizing and updating customer information
- Removing redundant, unnecessary or tedious everyday steps
- Preventing manual data entry

2 Integration Technologies:

- Data Import/Export
- Integration Mechanism with Oracle/Third Party applications

Data Cube Expert – gives you a way to transmit CPQ Cloud data, as a text file, to another location


1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page

2. Click Process Definition in the Commerce and Documents section
3. If Data Cube Export is enabled, a Reporting button appears on the Processes Page.
4. Click Reporting. The Reporting Setup page appears
5. Enter the time in the Generate Reports At Field and a number in the “Number of days of data to
export” field.
6. Use an existing mapping file or create a new mapping file and upload it by using the Browse button
in the Mapping File Section.

Bulk Data Upload is used for several reasons:

- To import large sets of data into CPQ Cloid

- To add, update, or delete different types of data
- To move XML/CSV files containing upload data from your local system to an internal

File Transfer Protocol Automation – allows upload to an FTP server. Schedule uploads can be automatically
imported into a CPQ Cloud site. Automated uploads can include:

- Parts
- Part Extended Descriptions
- Data Tables
- File Manager Files

FTP Automation is useful for CPQ Cloud sites that require stored data to be refreshed regularly.

Third Party Applications

Several ways to integrate:

- Integration Cloud Service (ICS)

- Interface Catalog
- SOAP and Web Applications Integration

By integrating with Oracle ICS, CPQ Cloud can provide an all-encompassing, standard Oracle solution to
all integration needs. By using ICS middleware:

- System integrators can manage all CPQ Cloud integrations from a single location with
a consistent toolset
- CPQ Cloud can connect to back-office systems, on-premise environments, and other
Oracle products in a consistent, enhanced manner

*ICS interface contains both predefined and customized data mappings between applications

*It discovers all the SOAP and REST services that are available from CPQ Cloud

Interface Catalog is a “catalog of catalogs” that provides the framework to expose and describe the
available interfaces for all services supported by CPQ Cloud

- This is designed to discover existing SOAP and REST web services, along with their
definitions, shapes and endpoints
- The Interface Catalog provides a list of all available interface types;specific catalogs.
For now, this is the SOAP catalog and the REST catalog

Accessing the Interface Catalog

1. Click Admin to go to the Admin Home Page

2. Click Interface Catalogs under Integration platform. The Interface Catalog page appears
3. Select an Interface, or all, from the Interface Type drop-down list and click Search. Each result
represents a service
4. Click an interface Name to open its content.

Web applications integration is achieved by using Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages. SOAP
messages are exchanged between CPQ partners such as Salesforce and Siebel for integration.

- CPQ Cloud sends data to the partner system in a specific XML format and uses SOAP
to transmit the data
▪ The XML data that is generated is in a format that needs to be understood by
each partner. To keep it generic, XML requests are converted to the partner
format by using the SOAP generator XSL. The new XML format is then wrapped in
a SOAP envelope to transmit to the partner

CPQ Cloud now exposes transactional objects and Transaction data through REST APIs and RESTful

- Adding to the existing web services functionality that allows for Transactions to be
created and updated via SOAP APIs, these REST APIs provide a new, modern way to
access Transaction and line item information
- Exposing transactional objects through REST APIs promotes simpler API calls and
more robust integrations by using HTTP standards
▪ With appropriate HTTP Basic authentication, any other third-party system can
query CPQ Cloud’s REST APIs, get a response, and use the return data as needed
▪ Additional resources allow credentialed third-party systems to create
Transactions and update it by invoking the modify, version, submit and approval
actions in a Commerce Process through REST APIs

Available REST APIs


▪ The custom(DataTable) REST API allows an external system to access deployed
data in CPQ Cloud Data Tables
- Document Generator REST API
Standard CPQ – CRM integration is available for the following CRM systems:

CPQ Cloud can be integrated with the following Oracle E-Business Suite applications:

• EBS Customer
• EBS Order Management
• EBS Inventory

CPQ Cloud works with several other applications to leverage the

• OAuth: Using OAuth, admins can grant access to their application from third-party applications
without sharing user passwords
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): This user authentication protocol is used to look up
encryption certificates and provide “single
• Software Partners
• Single Sign-On: Using SSO allows customers to leverage their corporate infrastructure for
authentication and automatically log in to CPQ Cloud without the need for additional login and
• CPQ Cloud Single Sign-On (SSO) is configurable at the User and Partner Org levels. There are three
o Federated Authentication via SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language)
o Remote WebService
o Federated and Remote
User Management

2 kinds of user: Active


User Types:

• Superuser – can perform all administrative functions including uploading products and
administering Configuration rule, Configuration Flows, and Commerce processes, also has the
ability to create and modify users
• FullAccess – can perform all administrative functions including uploading products and
administering Configuration rule, Configuration Flows and Commerce processes
• SalesAgent or BuyAccess – can administer the accounts database and their own user information.
• ChannelAgent – can administer their own user information and can view but not edit the accounts
• RestrictedAccess – can administer only their own user information

Users can be assigned to groups for various use cases:

• Approvals
• Restricting access
• Hiding quote details

Users do not have to be assigned to a group. Users can be assigned to multiple groups.

In addition to their own sales staff, some companies that use CPQ Cloud have partner organizations that
buy and sell their products. Partner organizations are given BuyAccess users to configure their products.

There are a number of useful user management tools under General Site Options:

• Usage Reports
• Login Reports
• Login History
• Password Options
Part - a unique identifier. Can be services, individual components

Part Data

Unique identifiers

• Part numbers
• Serial numbers
• Descriptive Information
o Cost
o Lead Time
o Technical Specifications

You can create part data in two ways:

• Bulk Upload
• Manual Entry

*Only FullAccess administrators can administer parts and serial numbers

Adding Parts to a Quote

Parts Search

• No logic

Via a model Configuration

• Benefit of a Configurator
o Business logic can be implemented

*Data Tables can be queried to return part numbers

Steps in Adding a Part:

1. Click Parts Link on the Admin Home Page

2. Click the Add New Part button

Bulk Data Upload/Download – used to enter large sets of data into the CPQ Cloud system

- Format of upload and download is a compressed (zipped) folder containing XML/CSV

- Components that can be uploaded and downloaded in bulk include:
o Users
o Configurable Attributes
o Configuration Rules
o Parts
o Many other options

Bulk Download Status – shows status of all downloads that have been scheduled. Delete the download
when it is no longer needed on the server
Best practices:

If you are not sure about the format for the upload, download that component’s data from the site.

Be sure to add a value to the <action> tag or Action (Update) column …

*Open the upload log to see if there were any errors. If the system comes across any bad XML code or
CSV fields …

Data Tables – used to store all kinds of product and Commerce data for ease of maintenance (approval
matrix, company hierarchy, volume pricing)

Data tab holds table data. The user can easily add and delete rows and modify table content

Schema tab holds table structure. The user can easily add or delete columns

Index allows for faster processing of queries. Up to five columns can be indexed

Natural key can be a single column or a combination of several columns that produce a unique identifier
(for each row)

- The maximum setting is 10 Natural Keys in a single Data Table

- Create a unique set of data (contained within rows) by selecting specific values
(contained within columns) to identify that data
o Results in the ability to do delta Data Table uploads
o Allows only altered Data Table rows to be updated (rather than requiring a user to delete
and reupload an entire table to make a small …

Live Data Tables immediately reflect saved changes to table queries without a deploy. The saved changes
are immediately available for queries from SOAP APIs, REST APIs, BML functions, Export, Bulk Download
and Migration

Data Tables provide the ability to upload table structure and data using a .csv import. New Data Tables
can be created easily by uploading a .csv file

*You must make sure that the table structure is within the “_start meta data” and “_end meta data” tags

Best Practices:

File name (.csv) will be imported as the Data Table name. Maintain Data Tables in external spreadsheet.

Add the metadata tags to a .csv file to avoid import errors.

There is a maximum of 100 table columns:

• Max of 50 string columns

• Max of 25 float columns
• Max of 25 integer columns

There is no maximum …
As you create your various sites, Text Administration allows you to manage the default system text used
on your site. Text Administration allows you to alter the default system text for:

• Headings
• Navigation Links
• Error messages
• Other System-generated Text

Things that can be migrated:

• Util Libraries
• Commerce
• Product Definition
• Configuration—

Migration Modes

The Migration Center can be used in four different modes. The mode selected determines what the admin
can do and see in the migration center. The mode can be changed via the Select A Mode drop-down list
in the top-right corner of the Migration Center


• Offline
• Import from Source
• Import Package
• Connect to Destination

CPQ Cloud Migration Packages

Packages used to distribute components needed for new features/upgrades. Administrators can
create customized packages for repeated migrations. Package contents are imported via the Migration
Center in CPQ Cloud. Importing a Package will modify objects on the target site according to the state of
the objects in the Package. Administrators can associate a site namespace to prevent a naming conflict
when migrating util library functions from a source site to a target site.

Util library functions can be locked and unlocked for migration purposes. Lock and Unlock buttons appear
at bottom of Util BML Library Function List page. A status field has also been added to the same page to
show whether a Util Library function is locked or not.

Override Functions allow you to create an editable copy of an original Util Library Function. Function must
be a namespaced, unlocked function in order to create an Override Function. Allows you to customize a
function while maintaining the integrity of the original function. Create link means you can create an
override function of that particular function. Edit, Remove links …

Package Considerations
Administrators can lock util library functions but not Commerce library functions. Administrators
can migrate override functions along with their original namespaced util library functions. The migration
flow …

Cross Process Migration (CPM) – allows the migration of packages between different Commerce
processes. Makes use of natural keys for Configuration Commerce, Library Functions and Document

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