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Formulas and Functions

Microsoft Excel provides an automated way of displaying any statistical dat. It can be used to automatically compute for
several factors that are not easy to notice especially when faced by a large data. MS Excel includes several arithmetic
and basic functions that help you compute faster.

 Texts are letters, symbols, numbers and spaces or any combination that you enter into a cell.
 Value is a number that you enter into a cell that you may use in a formula later. You may include in the value the
numeric symbols such as decimal point, comma or currency.
 Formula is used to calculate values. You may use an equal sign or the AutoSum function to build a formula.

Arithmetic Operation and Corresponding Keyboard Sign

Signs Operation Example Function
+ Addition =B5+C5 Adds the value of cell B5 and C5.
- Subtraction =B5-C5 Subtracts the value of cell C5 from B5.
* Multiplication =B5*C5 Multiplies the value of cells B by C5.
/ Division =B5/C-5 Divides the value of cell B5 by C5.
^ Exponentiation =B5^3 Increases the value of B5 to the third power.

Entering the Labels and Data

Text entries include any combination of letters, symbols, numbers and paces. To create the sample below, follow
the steps:
1. On cell A1, type Computer Accessories.
2. On cell A2, type Sales for the Quarter.
3. Type the headings of the table.

Values are numbers that represent a quantity, price amount, exam score and any value. To create the samples in the
next figure, follow the steps:
1. On cell B6, type 87648.
2. On cell B7, type 49776.
3. Type the rest of the data as shown below.



Entering Formulas
Formulas are arithmetic calculations that can be performed in Excel. An excel formula always begins with an
equal (=) sign. To create sample on the next figure follow the steps:
1. On cell E6, type =B6+C6+D6 then press the Enter key.
2. On cell E7, type =B7+C7+D7 then press the Enter key.
3. Type the rest of the formulas.
4. Another way you can do especially when adding on a long worksheet, on cell e6 type the = sign, click the
mouse on B6 and drag it up to D6 then press the Enter key.
5. To view the formula, select the cell and look at the Formula bar.
Formula bar

Cell with formula

Range of cells

Number Symbol [ ### ] Replacement

If the number is too long to fit within the cell boundaries, Excel displays a series of symbol ### in the cell. The number
and the formula are still stored in the cell but width of the cell is not enough to show the whole number. To display the
value you must increase the size of the column width.

Formula Error Messages

If a formula does not work, Excel will display the following messages wherein you should modify your data or formula.

Formula Error Messages

#DIV/O Attempts the undefined operation of dividing by zero.
#VALUE! Tries to calculate something that is not a value (such as text).
#REF# Addresses a cell that does not exist (such as deleted cell).
#NAME? Uses a cell name that you have not defined or was misspelled.
#NUM! Attempts an impossible mathematical operation.
#N/A Formula cannot return to a legitimate result.

What are Functions?

Functions are built-in formulas you can use to make your worksheet construction easier. Excel functions can be found in
Home Tab > Editing Group and in the Formulas Tab > Functions Library Group.

Excel Functions
Function Description
=MAX Gives the maximum value in a range of cells or values.
=MIN Gives the minimum value in a range of cells or values.
=SUM A function used to compute for summation of the number of a range.
=AVERAGE A function is used to compute for the average of the number of a range.
=AVERAGEIF A function used to compute for the average of a range if a certain condition is met.
=COUNT A function used to count the cells with content in a range.
=COUNTIF A function used to count the cells with a specified content within a range.
=IF Shows a series of calculations using the same formula but a different value for each calculation to
determine whether the formula is true or false.

Range – The range of cells where you want to look for the criteria.
Criteria – A value or label that determines if a cell is part of the range to be averaged.
Average Ranged – The actual range of cells that will be averaged, if omitted, the range will be used instead.

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